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Observation Summary

Emma Elkins


Assignment #7
During this year I learned so much. But I learned the most valuable information watching

my observation teacher. While watching her, I got to see every aspect of teaching. I even

observed extra hours during different parts of the day so I could see the daily routine. Not only

did I get to see how efficient a day to day basis is, but I also got to see how the teacher deals with

behavior management. I took many good notes on how she handles all sorts of different behavior

issues. My observation answered many of my questions in our interview and even went into

details about the profession that I was unaware of. I learned about how much time it takes to

grade assignments, how parent support is very vital, and how distance learning is affecting

everyone. My teacher also went into depth about how difficult distance learning is and how as a

teacher I should be prepared for anything to happen. I’m glad I got assigned to the teacher that I

did because It made me realize that I would like to teach first grade and not kindergarten. While I

would’ve hoped to experience this in person, I am just as grateful to have been able to observe

distance learning.

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