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50 Item interpersonal

skills Questionnaire Results
Low   Fairly-low    Average    Fairly-high  High  Score
llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 26
lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 30
 Empathy lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 30
 Integrity lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 38
llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 26
Individuals with high interpersonal skills are likely to score highly in many, or even all of these measures,
whereas individuals showing low interpersonal skills may express lower scores on many of these measures.  

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Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the ability to assess, identify and control emotions, both in oneself and in other
people. A score of 26 indicates an average level of emotional intelligence. You are able to recognize,
evaluate or utilize the emotions of others and of yourself as well as most people. At times you may find it
difficult to identify why individuals have become emotional, and other times it may be clear to you. When
making decisions, you are likely to balance emotional and sentimental factors with logical, unsentimental
factors equally.

Team working
Team working is the ability to cooperate with co-workers in order to achieve goals or objectives. A score of
30 indicates a fairly high preference for team work. You are more likely to perform well in a team compared
to working individually. In the majority of cases, your performance is enhanced when working as part of a
team. When Individuals within your team begin to slack, or are overly dominant within the group, you are
more likely to address the issue head on.  

Empathy is the capacity to recognize emotions that are being experienced by yourself and by other people.
A score of 30 indicates a fairly high level of empathy. You find it easier than most people to notice emotions
in other people. You are also somewhat more aware of your own emotional state than many people. People
are likely to recognize you as an empathetic person that is relatively in tune with their own emotions and
those of other people.

Integrity is the concept of consistency of action, values and principles, along with one’s honesty and
truthfulness. A score of 38 indicates a fairly high level of integrity. Your actions are more based on ethics
and principles than most people. You are less likely to bend your principles or values than many people,
usually opting to avoid morally questionable acts. More often than not, you express honesty and
truthfulness, finding it difficult to bend the truth.

Social Boldness
Social boldness is the exhibition of courage, bravery and assertiveness in social situations. A score of 26
indicates an average level of social boldness. You are as likely to show courage and bravery in social
situation as most people. In certain situations, you may either express assertiveness and dominance, but in
others you may express shyness. People are likely to consider you to be not particularly shy or bold.

What are Interpersonal Skills?

Interpersonal skills describe how we interact with others, whether in a social or occupational setting,
although generally in the business world it is considered to refer to an individual’s ability to maintain
an amiable environment with co-workers while efficiently completing that which is required in their
occupational role. The interpersonal skills questionnaire isolates and evaluates five of the key
personality traits associated with having effective interpersonal attributes, allowing the candidate to
gain knowledge of their strengths and an awareness of possible areas of improvement regarding
social interactions within the work place. Interpersonal skills are considered important in reference to
vast number of occupations including managerial or leadership roles, client based businesses, team-
based work forces and many more, due to the nature in which such business progress, as well as
the significance of work place morale.

The characteristics assessed by the interpersonal skills test are as follows:

1. Emotional Intelligence, which refers to one’s ability to assess, identify and manage the
emotions of themselves and others around them. Emotional Intelligence is indicative of an
individual’s likelihood to consider the emotional needs of others in regard to areas such as
decision making or team-based exercises.
2. Team Working, which suggests the extent to which an individual may be comfortable
working with others and the efficiency of the work completed during such tasks. Those with
good teamwork skills are likely to contribute within a group as well as supporting others
ideas, while helping to maintain productivity and a high level of performance overall.
3. Empathy, which is indicative of how able the candidate is in regard to recognition of others
current emotional state as well as their own. Those with increased empathy are generally
considered able to appreciate and understand how others may be affected by emotions or
behaviors, through specific cues that may not be detected by those who are not so empathic.
4. Integrity, which relates to the consistency of ones values, actions and truthfulness and is
often influential in how respected that individual may be, as well as the value placed in their
opinion. Someone with high integrity may avoid that which could contradict their principles
even in the case of personal gain and could be considered to be trustworthy and fair-minded.
5. Social Boldness, which incorporates confidence, assertiveness and courage and applies it
to a social context, for example, those who convey social boldness are not likely to shy away
from conflict and will assert themselves when they feel it necessary, such as standing up for
their own beliefs or those of others and are generally considered able to express themselves

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