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MS-SSIS Lab Material

Step 1: Create New Package

In the Solution Explorer right click the “SSIS Packages” folder\node and
choose “New SSIS Package” .Right-Click the new package and re-name it

Step 2: Add a Data Flow Task to the package

From the Toolbox, Double-click or drag the ‘Data Flow Task’ to the
Control Flow canvas.Double-Click the Data Flow Task OR click the Data
Flow tab to open the task.

Step 3: Create OLEDB Connections for Two Databases

1) connAdventureWorks
2) connAdventureWorksDW

Step 4: Add OLEDB Source and Configure as below

Connection Manager Tab

OLEDB connection manager – connAdventureWorks
Data access mode – SQL command
SQL command text –
Select CurrencyCode, [Name] From Sales.Currency

Press OK to close the editor.

Step 5: Add Data Conversion Transform and Configure as below

From the Toolbox, Double-click or drag ‘Data Conversion’ Transform to

the Data Flow Canvas.

Click on the OLEDB Source, click the Green Output arrow and connect it
to the Data Conversion Transform. Double-click to open the Transform and
do following changes.

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MS-SSIS Lab Material

Step 5: Add Slowly Changinig Dimension Transformation and Configure as


From the Toolbox, Double-click or drag ‘Slowly Changing Dimension’

Transform to the Data Flow Canvas.

Click on the Data Conversion Transform, click the Green Output arrow
and connect it to the Slowly Changing Dimension Transform. Double-
click to open the Transform and it will open SCD Wizard. Follow
below steps:

Click Next

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MS-SSIS Lab Material

Click Next

Click Next

Click Next

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MS-SSIS Lab Material

Click Finish. Once Finish Button Clicked, You will get following
structure in the Data Flow Canvas. If it’s not looking like this,
arrange it as below.

Double Click on OLE DB Command and Change the SqlCommand Property in the
Component Properties Tab as below

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In the Derived Column 1 Transformation, Add New Derived Column as


Double Click on “Insert Destination” (OLE DB Destination) and do

following changes in the Mappings Tab.

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MS-SSIS Lab Material

Step 6: Execute the Package

Save the package using the icon or from the “File” menu choose
“save selected items”.
Click the button on the toolbar or select “DebugStart
Debugging” menu option.

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