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School of Business Management

BM0280 Integrated Marketing Communication


Submitted by:

Au Yuting (053633A)
Lim Jue Hui Joyce (054967A)
Toh LiQi Alison (053695X)
Wang Jia Mei Amy (051516G)
Zin Wai Aung @ Chen Zhen Zhen Flora (054224X)


Submission Date: 12th February 2008


Firstly, our agency Brainstein will provide a brief introduction and background of this report as well as

the situation analysis which will include the research findings and other environmental studies. Next,

we will identify the IMC objectives for this campaign. Thereafter, we will develop the big idea and

creative strategy, and which appeal and execution style we will employ. Following this, we will develop

strong IMC strategies using advertising, public relations, sales promotions, personal selling and direct

marketing. In addition, we will state the media strategy which is divided into four major categories:

media scheduling techniques, creative media buy, media mix and choice of media agencies. Lastly,

we will come up with an overall budget for the entire campaign including the advertising expenses.

The budget will be reasonable and feasible and finally we will draw a logical conclusion. Along the

way, we will enforce the tools that we are recommending is effective for F1.


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.......................................................................................................................2
INTRODUCTION/ BACKGROUND.......................................................................................................4
Background of Brainstein......................................................................................................................4
Introduction of F1 in Singapore.............................................................................................................4
SITUATION ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................................4
Primary Research Findings....................................................................................................................4
Potential ................................................................................................................................................5
Problems/ Risks faced in marketplace...................................................................................................6
Unique Selling Advantages....................................................................................................................7
IMC OBJECTIVES...................................................................................................................................7
1.Inform our target audience about the nearing event...........................................................................7
2.Influence purchase decision................................................................................................................8
3.Achieve 100% Sales...........................................................................................................................8
4.Convert one time/ first time users into repeat customers....................................................................8
IMC STRATEGIES...................................................................................................................................8
Overall Theme ......................................................................................................................................8
Public Relations...................................................................................................................................12
Sales Promotions..................................................................................................................................15
Personal Selling...................................................................................................................................17
Direct Marketing..................................................................................................................................18
MEDIA STRATEGY AND MEDIA MIX..............................................................................................20
Appendix 1 – Income level......................................................................................................................24
Appendix 2 – Website description...........................................................................................................24
Appendix 3 – Media channels..................................................................................................................25


Background of Brainstein

Brainstein is a well-recognised and established advertising and marketing firm in Singapore that was

founded in 1988 with over 20 years of experience. In addition, we are ISO 9000 standards certified

and have won the highest accolade for Singapore Creative Gold awards for three consecutive years

from 2000 to 2002. Several recent major events that Brainstein have organised include the recent IMF

World Bank Meeting in Singapore 2006, World Gourmet Summit 2007 as well as the annual Standard

Chartered Marathon. In addition, we have worked very closely with the Singapore Armed Forces,

Starhub, New Moon, Vivo City, and Sentosa to create a series of broadcast advertisement. Last but

not least, for interactive, we have partnered with Zouk Club to host outdoor parties. The above are just

some of our success stories with the high expertise gained in the industry.

Introduction of F1 in Singapore

The world’s first ever Formula 1 night race is now in Singapore. Already billed as one of the most

dramatic and atmospheric races on the calendar, the 2008 Formula 1 SingTel Singapore Grand Prix

will debut on an exhilarating street circuit in the very heart of downtown Singapore. The Formula 1

SingTel Singapore Grand Prix has already confirmed its place in the history books as the first Formula

1 race to be held at night and the first street race in Asia. The 5.067km long street circuit offers

multiple overtaking opportunities as well as fast and challenging turns. Spectators will enjoy the

ultimate experience at the most anticipated event of the year, where they will take pleasure from the

electric atmosphere as the state-of-the-art lighting system provides a unique ambience against the

backdrop of downtown Singapore.


Primary Research Findings

A primary research conducted through an online survey on a sample size of 50 that was randomly

selected sought to find out the general public’s perception of F1 event, awareness level and the

various media influencing their purchase decisions. Ultimately, these results will help us determine the
most effective channels to reach out to the target market and to increase sales. Most respondents are

professionals, managers and executives followed by 22% of proprietor, business owner, company

owner and remaining 36% are dispersed minority who are students, retirees, white collar, skilled

workers, or homemakers. (Please refer to Appendix 1 for income level)

According to the survey results, majority were aware of the upcoming F1 Singtel Singapore Grand Prix

with only 18% of them unaware about it which could be due to lack of interest in the event and, thus,

not within our target market. However, although majority of the public are aware of the event, 72% of

the respondents replied that they are not interested in purchasing tickets to watch the F1 event live.

Based on the results, we also garnered that the public associated F1 with fast, furious, energy,

glamourous, prestige, nightlife, drive, and aggressive. Deciding factors on whether to purchase the

ticket mainly lies on interest and pricing, and 66% of respondents came to know about the local F1

event through print and broadcast media which are newspaper and news reported on television and

radio respectively. Furthermore, most of these respondents caught F1 on television most likely due to

its international presence that this channel is widely used to publicise the event. The remaining 34%

encountered news coverage on the event through interactive; Internet and outdoor; events.

Within the last 12 months, 74% visited a dedicated F1 website and/ or read about F1 news in

newspapers. Thus, we drew the conclusion that most of the public tend to follow sports news via

websites and newspapers. Furthermore, 4% of the respondents purchased the various teams’

merchandise through the online channel.

In conclusion, the theme of our campaign, “Night Escape Velocity” reflects the public’s perception of

the event. Additionally, to create more awareness amongst the public, F1 should consider advertising

through broadcast, print and interactive media which almost all of the respondents are commonly

exposed to. However, outdoor advertising such as events and roadshows should be used to attract

the higher tiers of consumers.


The Singapore Night race will definitely open up to new opportunities such as more Grand Prix that

could be run on concept-themed circuits and street circuits. This would give the host country an

opportunity to showcase their famous landmarks and determine ways to overcome different weather

conditions. In addition, the Singapore F1 night race will move F1 into new markets to improve the

sport’s worldwide appeal. This means instead of simply focusing on their traditional and leading

European market, they can have future races held in Asia as well as the Middle East. Thus Brainstein

is looking to form a long term partnership with you for future spectacular Formula One races here in


Also, the Formula One night race being held at night complements terrifically with the time difference

in European countries as well as more media coverage across a broader TV network and this will

certainly increase viewership tremendously, which could possibly lead to a significant increase in

merchandise sales.

With more awareness in the sports, there will be more emergence of racing stars, keeping Formula

One as exciting as ever as everyone will be anticipating the winner of the Driver Championship.

Lastly, the rate of R&D progress in F1 is an order of magnitude quicker than in the ordinary world

because they are so used to pressure. We will certainly see many more super fast racing cars to

come in future which might change the dimensions of racing. Also with their R&D expertise, F1 racing

will potentially be greener, more efficient, competitive by using biofuel instead of the conventional fuel.

Problems/ Risks faced in marketplace

F1 faces several problems in the marketplace including unforeseeable circumstances such as wet

weather conditions which will lead to an electricity supply cut-off. In such situations, F1’s international

reputation can be potentially destroyed for being unable to handle technical aspects of the event.

Furthermore, negative economic conditions such as U.S economic downturn have a significant impact

on purchasing power of local consumers as well as tourists who intend to specially visit the island to

catch the night racing event. Also, considering the amount of noise pollution that will be generated,

community support from the locals is emphasised and furthermore, littering cases are most likely to

occur for such a rowdy event. Hence, the government support is necessary to ensure the place will be

left as it originally was, by deploying manpower to clear up the site after the 3 days event.

In addition, F1 is highly dependent on the local manpower in developing the street circuit in terms of

placing barriers, constructing the grandstands, pit stops, shelters, food & beverage stores, etc.

Although foreign expertise is provided, but preparation & management teams for the event site are

mostly handled by Singapore companies. Additionally, as the race is held in the night, visibility is

reduced and hence safety of drivers is questionable. Moreover, it is the first time the international

event is held in Singapore which means the drivers are racing in an unfamiliar location and F1 cars

have no lights. Thus, the power of the lights that has to be installed to artificially light the place for

visibility for drivers, flag marshalling and other tasks would be enormous to ensure that the street

circuit is brightly lit as an assurance for the safety of the drivers as well as spectators.

Unique Selling Advantages

The F1 Singtel Singapore Grand Prix will be the first F1 night racing ever in its F1history. The fully-lit

street race has established itself as one of the most dramatic and atmospherics race in F1 calendar.

Being the first time in more than 3 decades that F1 is being held in Singapore, it has drawn a lot of

attention from the public especially among car-racing enthusiasts. Not forgetting that the unique night

race will allow the local event to reach out to more audiences in Asia, Europe and United States since

it is a high profile world-class event held on a large scale. Thereby, serving as a form of publicity for

Singapore as it potentially reaches out to more tourists and business investments. Located in the

heart of Singapore’s business district, it is convenient to the event’s target market for attracting

corporate sales and for purchasers of higher tiers of seats- generally from corporate executives- and

additionally, it complements the event in terms of image and suitability for constructing the circuit. The

unique selling advantages are used to develop the theme and tag line for our IMC campaign.


Our team has come out with four main objectives for the 2008 Formula One Singtel Singapore Grand

Prix including:

1. Inform our target audience about the nearing event

The purpose is to ensure that our target audiences are aware of the drawing event achieved through

IMC, using media channels that they are most exposed to.

2. Influence purchase decision

After the initial informing stage, we hope to generate hype and excitements in audiences via our

various marketing tools, to trigger their enthusiasm for the upcoming event and create eagerness to

buy tickets to watch the event live.

3. Achieve 100% Sales

Through informing, reminding and persuading, we hope to achieve 100 percent sales for this historical

night race.

4. Convert one time/ first time users into repeat customers

After the event, we hope to develop a long term relationship in these potential customers through

direct marketing. This meaning, we will be sending updates about F1 after the race so as to keep our

customers engaged in the further races.


Overall Theme

The overall proposed IMC campaign’s theme of Formula 1, “Night Escape Velocity” depicts the night

scene, speed and adrenaline rush of the highly anticipated race event which are some descriptive

words perceived by the public towards the event. The tagline “Race by night, Feel the vibe” represents

an invitation to all interested parties to exhibit their passion, interests and enthusiasm that allows them

an opportunity to be part of history as they witness the first-hand Formula 1 cars racing at night for the

first time, providing them with the ultimate experience.

In line with the prominent unique selling proposition of the event as the first Formula 1 race to be held

at night and the first street race in Asia, all advertisements, if not most, will illustrate the electric

atmosphere - providing a unique ambience against the backdrop of downtown Singapore.


During the first five months of the IMC campaign, we will be emphasising more on reach rather than

frequency as the target market of F1 can be broadly classified under the mass and therefore, the

focus here is on informing the public about the event. Subsequently in the next three months, the

focus will shift to frequency as the target group is niche i.e. only wants to generate more media

attention for the event (assuming that during these months, most high-priced tickets such as

Grandstand and Paddock Club have been purchased, and therefore, it aims to remind and persuade

customers) for instance, television advertisements will be aired on the selected media vehicle as well

as increasing the frequency of our print advertisement, showcase our distinctive advertisements, and

increase events held through Public Relations. Formula 1 will launch an aggressive international

advertising campaign to inform, persuade and remind potential customers in order to meet their

marketing campaign objectives. The event will employ advertising channels such as Broadcast, Prints,

Outdoor and Interactive, across several effective media platforms. It will tap on the persuasive

presence and use of technological communication channels to reach to a wide spectrum of different

demographics. (Refer to Appendix 3)


For Broadcasting of TV advertisements, Tunnel TV and Suntec City electronic billboard, vanity and

egotism advertising appeals will be adopted to cater to the targeted audience of ultimate, surreal

experience that F1 night race can offer to their spectators as well as bring out the exclusivity of the

participation in the highly anticipated event. Moreover, the F1 cars we had on all our advertisements

will highlight are expensive automobiles that adds and emphasize on the prestige and extravaganza of

the event and experience.

Mood and image executional techniques will be employed for the Formula 1 television advertisements.

Amplified expressiveness through the mood and image executional style will sensationalize the 2008

Formula 1 SingTel Singapore event through artful use of print, sound and color. The atmospheric

mood of adrenaline rush and euphoria will be accentuated with the loud rumble and prowness sound

from the pulsating engines of the racing cars. Also we will adopt image executional style by capturing

the beautiful night landscape of Singapore skyline that includes our famous landmarks and historical

monuments and buildings. Not to mention, light streams will be featured in our TV advertisement to

capture the “beauty of speed” against Singapore night skyline.

The same version of advertisement will be used for the following broadcasting media platforms in

explicitly, the tunnel TV and Suntec City electronic billboard for the first phrase of our marketing


Tunnel TV marks the advert of the latest generation of digital image advertising. The LED screens

mounted on walls in the North-East Line (NEL) tunnels is a revolutionary, creative and exciting

advertising platform that uses digital image advertising along a train. A series of illuminated screens

(72m by 73m) each projecting an image from a sequence will be synchronized to train speeds at

45kmh stimulating moving images to transform cabin windows into movie screens. Similar to the

Formula 1 racing cars, this advertising platform goes hand in hand with the proposed advertising

theme as the moving train encompasses speed and power. Also, the Tunnel TV is an attention

grabber and has high impact visibility as the bright LED screens will transform to motion picture in

illuminated dark tunnels, coinciding with the Singapore Night Race. This exciting new media form will

add an interesting dimension for Formula 1 to reach out to its highly targeted audience of commuters

on a train ride, along the southbound route between Newton and Orchard MRT Stations.

The Suntec City electronic billboard is the largest electronic board in Singapore. With 4.33 trillion

colours and a high resolution of 282,112 pixels, it makes other ad appear microscopic. The board is

extremely cost-effective as it is exposed to 120,000 pedestrians and motorists daily, accounting for

3.77 million traffic count. It is able to get the desired message across and offers extreme branding



For prints, we will advertise our advertorials on Top Gear, a popular car racing magazine. There will

be an article that talks about the historical Grand Prix as well as how to book corporate hospitality

package for business corporate as well as how to purchase tickets for the grandstand seats for the

masses. This form of advertising allows high levels of attention from this medium. As advertorials on

magazines can be read at the reader’s own time and pace, it will receive more attention. Thus, the

reach and readership is very essential for us. We will be advertising on newspapers including The

Straits Times, The Business Times and TODAY.

The advertisement on the newspaper will start of with a flag advertisement. This advertisement will be

revolving around our theme “Night Escape Velocity” whereby we will have race cars competing

against one another with a checkered flag as the backdrop to show competitive spirits of drivers racing

on a night course no racers ever contested in before. Also, the front advertisement will be informing

our audience about the time, date and venue.

Apart from the standard print advertisement, three days before the event, there will be an additional

three different sets of unique advertising showcased separately for all the newspaper with one each

displayed only for one day.

TODAY readers will be surprised as they flip deeper into the newspaper, to find an F1 car racing from

the bottom of the page, upwards, and whereby the lights from the car will “shine through” the article

depicted with a yellow background behind the article.

A last advertisement will appear in The Straits Times Sports section of the newspaper with a racing

car dashing across. Going on top speed has caused the words in the article to jumble up. For this

purpose, we will buy a page of the various newspapers to create the desired effect. Overall, our print

advertisements strongly echoes our theme “Night Escapes Velocity” by showcasing speed in the night

as well as add a competitive yet exhilarating atmosphere which goes hand in hand with our appeal

and execution style.


For a start, a billboard will be designed and positioned in three locations, namely within the CBD,

Suntec City and Orchard Road area. The billboard will feature a Formula 1 racing car in the need for

speed against the backdrop of downtown Singapore. However, to capture the maximum attention of

the general public and to create hype, the backdrop will be supported with a crooked traffic light (see

Appendix 4), illustrating the escape velocity that the racing car possesses to even bend or blow away

the traffic-light on the street. To further spark the interest of the public, the billboard will not contain

any clues of Formula 1, thus motivating them to keep a lookout for similar advertisement. After much

anticipation, banners of the 2008 Formula 1 SingTel Singapore Grand Prix official print advertisement

will be hung on each and every lamp-post following the route of the F1 circuit.

Also, to build the excitement of the public on the approaching event, the SMRT along North and South

Line will be transformed into concept trains to give commuters a “Formula 1-esque” vibes as they step

in. The train wraps will evolve around the official colour theme that F1 applies; Red and black, and

encompass the elements of F1, where related visuals such as the F1 racing cars, checkered flag,

well-known F1 drivers to be featured in the trains. The interior flooring of the train could be covered

with the track wallpaper to give commuters the illusion that they are on driving at top gear in a racing

car as the speed of SMRT train is relatively fast. Furthermore, to highlight the extravagant and surreal

mood, the lightings will be adjusted to be dimmer and fast tempo music and short coverage or clips of

an F1 race will be played in the train. Commuters will enjoy the ultimate experience of taking

transportation and this will definitely be etched on their minds for a good few years to come. Similarly,

the bus stop shelters and light boxes will be designed and embellished with 3D Formula 1 racing car.

The airport conveyer belt will act as a race track, featuring all the F1 race cars on it. In addition, the

official print ad can be printed and pasted on all of the trolleys in the airport. This will increase the

awareness of Formula 1 presence in Singapore, and create hype among the tourists – especially for

those who are visiting Singapore in participation for the Formula 1 event.

Public Relations

This September’s inaugural Singapore Grand Prix will represent a major milestone in the history of

Formula One racing being the sport’s first-ever night-time event. Thus, our Public Relations will have

to be in full swing and create a lot of talk.

During April, there can be a try on session outside The Hereen and Takashimaya whereby passer-bys

get to try on the actual F1 helmet as well as fire proof suit that racers dawn on and even take the hot

seat in the replica of the F1 car. Similarly, there can be a pit-stop contest held at both venues, where

two teams will compete to see which team is able to refuel and change a car’s tyres the fastest.

Contestants apply in groups of four and will be involved in changing a wheel, one removing and

refitting the nut with a high-speed air gun, another removing the old wheel and one fitting the new one.

At the same time the others operate the heavy fuelling rig, which must be precisely slotted into the car

before fuelling can start. This will receive a lot of hype and attention as well.

Around May, booths will be set up for a public display that will boast local racing drivers demonstrating

what a typical fitness session will constitute and the nutritions a racing driver in F1 have to absorb to

stay in tip-top condition. Passer-bys can sign up and join in the fitness activity that will include running

on track mills, aerobics, weights training, virtual race stimulator, as well as a specially prepared

carbohydrate-rich food with courtesy from Fullerton Hotel. People of all ages can participate. During

the same day, we can host a marathon that starts in at 6pm in the evening and follows the route of the

night racing street circuit. Thus it is going to be a night marathon. There will be two options for

marathon. The full marathon will comprise of nine laps which summing up to 45.603km for the

competitive runners. The person that comes in first will win the prestigious Paddock Club ticket and

get a chance to get up close and personal with Lewis Hamilton from the Mc Claren Team. For leisure

runners, their marathon will be shortened to 2 laps which is approximately 10.134km. Additionally, all

who participated in the race will get a F1 goodie bag before the race that will include F1 merchandise

such as a stopwatch, cap and reflective light T-shirt that glows during the night. Also, a small booklet

will be placed in each goody bag that contains what to do before and after the race, the route of the

marathon and etc. In addition, the goody bags will include energy drink Red Bull (one of the sponsors)

and deep heat for runners after the race.

Next, during National Day on August (a month before the actual event), we will have an auto show of

the F1 racing cars to show Singaporeans the capabilities of the F1 cars. The racing cars can display

its top speed and audiences can hear and soak into the atmosphere of what it is going to be like on

that day (F1 event). The venue will have a huge digital countdown stopwatch ticking by the minute.

This is to build the hype and anticipation for possibly the most atmospheric event of the century. After

which, digital countdown stopwatches will be placed in trains' interior, projected at night on

Singapore’s landmarks such as the Singapore Flyer, Esplanade, skyscrapers at Raffles Place and so

forth that will certainly grab attention as well as to increase anticipation.

The night before the testing session for the racers, a gala dinner will be held and every media

coverage will be on full swing. The event will host a number of government officials, delegates,

corporate leaders, world leaders, global companies, sponsors, celebrities, socialites as well as the F1

committee and racers for a big opening bash for embarking on this historical night race. During the

gala dinner, clips will be shown of how the whole idea became reality and what mega structures were

constructed to make the event possible as well as footage on the large-scaled logistics effort to

transport the teams and equipments. Additionally, as Formula One race is a glamourous and

spectacular sports, models and show girls will certainly be part of the event to do a fashion show. For

the gala dinner, we intend to synergise Formula One racing with fashion in the name of charity which

will be named ‘Night Race, Fashion, Glamour, Good Cause’, to raise money for Unicef Foundation for

children in need. We hope to use this opportunity to remember the less fortunate, during what is

Singapore’s most opulent week in history. Ultimately, we hope to generate positive publicity that would

put Singtel Singapore Grand Prix in good light. During the charity, we will be auctioning a ride in a two-

seater Formula One car, precious jewellery by Cartier, specially design TAG Heuer F1 limited edition

night race time piece, and a VVIP Singtel Singapore Grand Prix package with post-race gala dinner at

the Fullerton Hotel. Ferrari will be sponsoring Martini for the glamourous charity event which will

certainly capture a lot of interest from the media. The following day, a press release will be made on

the race details, speeches, as well as headlines made during the gala dinner through the different

media channels such as newspapers (Straits Times; Newpaper; Business Times; My Paper; etc), TV

(Channel News Asia, Fox News, Channel 5 News), radio (98.7FM, Gold 95FM)

Just before the qualifying race, a spectacular street parade featuring floats, fire dancers, jugglers and

Singapore’s different social and cultural groups as well as Formula One-inspired costumes will

celebrate Singapore and Formula One harmoniously. The parade will make its way through central

our city center towards Marina Bay (near Singapore Flyer) where the night race will start and end. The

evening’s entertainment will include world-renowned and favourite local and overseas musicians in

concert, culminating in a sensational fireworks display to herald the coming race.

We will have pre-race festivities held one month before the race, with an opening gala dinner for the

Motorsport Art Exhibition in Suntec Convention hall named F1 Museum. This will showcase the

engines, aerodynamics, brakes, cockpit, driver fitness, driver clothing, gearbox, logistics as well as

parts of the racing car (steering wheels, suspensions, tyres. The event will be filled with glitz in

Hollywood-style enchilada. The exhibition will be a sophisticated lighting concept, incorporating

thousands of lights alongside aluminium and glass to exhibit displays to a maximum effect. The core

of the whole exhibition of F1 Museum will be revolving around motor sport history.

Next up will be the Marina Carnival, featuring a parade of the racing cars and a performance of

breathtaking aerobatics by the Red Bull Stunt Planes. For those attending the carnival, there will be an

after-dark extravagant musical fireworks display, music, dance, and booze for the crowd.

Lastly, during the 3 day mega event, the media and fans will be able to gain insider track knowledge

and get a closer look at the team garages during the free pit walkabout. Up to 3,000 race goers (three-

day pass holders) will get the opportunity to wander round the pits, have a peek at the pit wall stands,

where the likes of Ferrari CEO, Jean Todt and Renault CEO, Flavio Briatore set the strategies for their

star drivers, and maybe even bump into some famous faces.

Sales Promotions

The sales promotions objectives are derived from several aspects including for 1) consumers;

encourage purchase of larger-sized units, and building trial among non-users i.e. first time purchasers

of F1 tickets; and 2) F1 sales force team; to encourage support of the new product introduced. More

specifically, tie-in promotions will be used whereby F1 will team up with local attractions, Singapore

Flyer and Night Safari, to offer an attractive bundle package to overseas purchasers such as tourists.

The bundle package (better known as price-off deals) works with overseas consumers paying a

specific price for a package consisting of an F1 Grandstand ticket, and “free” entrance tickets to both

Singapore Flyer and Night Safari. The local attraction tickets are not exactly free-of-charge as its cost

has been factored into the bundle package price. In fact, both attractions' tickets are charged only at a

30% discount rate. In addition, the promotion will only be made available within two months from the

start date of official ticket sales. Reasons behind choosing the team up with local attractions are that

the target customers of the package (tourists) will be most interested in visiting Singapore's places of

interest rather than cash incentives for products purchased locally and also to fully maximise their stay

in the country. Hence, this will ultimately increase customer pulling power for F1 and help benefit

these group of consumers. As for the local attractions, which will bear full costs of the price reduction,

they will benefit from this tie-up promotion by leveraging on F1's overwhelming ability to attract large

number of tourists, increasing their sales and visitorship.

Besides this promotion, other variety of bundle packages will allow consumers to have a wider variety

of choices such as 1) F1 tickets with hotel accommodation; and 2) F1 tickets with local attractions and

hotel accommodation. Not forgetting that consumers can also choose to solely purchase F1 tickets

(but will not be on promotion).

As for local purchasers, they will stand to enjoy a 10% cash rebate when F1 or sponsors' merchandise

are purchased. However, this incentive is only applicable for Visa credit cardholders as Visa is the

largest electronic payments network and most widely used payment card around the world. Therefore,

it offers convenience and reliability with its wide acceptance.

In addition, we further recommend F1 to issue a Formula One Kit to its ticket holders on the day of the

event. The kit will contain 2008 Singtel Singapore Grand Prix labeled earplugs, F1 season passes

with limited edition 2008 Formula 1 lanyard, decals, and full programme booklets for the day.

Additionally, offering light sticks, an electronic fan, F1 keychain, and cap in the kit will serve as a form

of specialty advertising.

For corporate hospitality package consumers, their suite will include 2008 Singtel Singapore Grand

Prix labeled earplugs, a three-day season pass accompanied by a limited edition 2008 Formula 1

lanyard, indoor glass-front dining suite with private bar, access to share sky terrace with additional bar

and viewing options, Paddock Club based menu (Arrived Tea, Dinner and Light Supper), free flow

premium wine selection, complimentary open bar, access to corporate suites from 3pm to 11pm over

3 days, access to watch the full programme of support races, live screening of the races on LCD

screens throughout the suite, complimentary standard corporate signage at the entrance of suite,

option to use dedicated display panels for corporate logo, choice of business associates company's

name printed on F1 tickets, as well as flower arrangements within the suite. Moreover, for high

corporate executives invited to the event, the kit will be an appropriate business gift as it is relevant

and covers detailed information about the event. However, it should be noted that the fact that

production of the Formula 1 Kit will not be included within our budget allocated since it is an additional

recommendation made for the organisation's consideration purposes only.

Personal Selling

Here, the Personal Selling function plays an equally important role as the rest of the marketing tools,

due to the fact of the high prices of tickets. Moreover, F1 has Grandstand seats as well as the

Paddock Club tickets, being the highest-priced at $7,500 per audience. The objective of having

personal selling is to achieve 100% sales units for the high-priced seats to help attain our IMC

objectives of achieving full sales for the historical event.

As this event is catered to the masses, with tickets ranging from general to corporate, the purpose of

personal selling is to better serve and cater to the corporate clients, who

will be expected to be the most potential customers purchasing the bulk of the higher-end F1 tickets.

In this case, professional agents will be engaged in sales calls and meeting up sessions to interact

with our prospective customers as well as providing newsletters, catalogues, booklets regarding terms

and conditions, the night race, packages availability, and offering them with the latest updates.

Through our agents, we will be able understand and recommend the suitable grandstand suites (eg

Paddock Club Suites, Standford Grandstand Suites) that fully serve their needs. Thus, it is important

to ensure that agents are capable of handling all customer queries, which can be done so with F1's

unique knowledge and long years of experience gained from holding the event. Essentially, these can

be imparted to our agents through a series of training sessions conducted by F1, who will send senior

sales representatives to conduct an in-depth session to help our agents identify potentially larger

clients who will purchase more and create repeat purchases from them for future F1 races held locally

and internationally. The representatives will not only answer any queries from our agents, but also

carry out various undesirable situation enactments to assist in achieving the best reactions and

response time from our agents.

Hence, with our agents well-equipped with information related to F1, we will be able to successfully

answer all customers' queries. Moreover, it is important to identify the needs of these customers who

have the highest purchasing power so as to recommend the best solution(s). In addition, our agents

will stress on extraordinary hospitality experience as well as networking opportunities. Thus we want

to emphasize that our advertising company is looking forward to building a long term relationship with

each other for future races. Overall, this will act as win-win situation for both parties, as we will

achieve sales targets and build a long term relationship for future events being held in Singapore.

Direct Marketing


Beginning February 2008, a dedicated website will be set up specially for the historical event which

will be accessible to the public for more information and general updates. It is advantageous to set up

a website as it is one of the channels which will enable us to feed the most amount of information to

the public. Essentially, the website is aimed at providing convenience (considering the easy access to

Internet nowadays) and to satisfy needs for desired information. Moreover, it will help determine the

profiles of website visitors through information collected in subscriptions to F1 newsletters which will

be further used to help F1 target interested potential customers. Furthermore, through the website set

up, F1 may be able to generate a talking point amongst the public, showing how major an event it is.

In addition to the current website designed, flash multimedia player will be used to enhance digital

effects aspects of the website such as when the cursor rolls over each “heading”, at the website’s

home page. The total of 8 main headings in the website includes “Introduction”, “What’s New”,

“Media”, “Event”, “Tickets”, “Fans”, “Newsletters”, “Travel around Singapore”, and “Others”. (Please

refer to Appendix 2)


In conjunction with marketing of the F1 Singtel Singapore Grand Prix, a catalogue will be specially

designed to be distributed to corporate sales purchasers as well as supporting the Personal Selling

function. By having catalogues, it will help enhance the Personal Selling process in terms of upholding

and portraying the image, reputation and credibility of our client, F1, which is important as it is an

internationally recognised event of world class standards.

Adding onto the current catalogue designed, eventually its contents will consist of event details

including venue, seat arrangements, admission criteria, ticket prices, speech from event organiser,

introduction to F1 and various teams, timing of competing teams, races and intervals, racetracks, and

various categories of tickets boxes at the grandstand, order forms, and contact details for any

enquiries or to purchase tickets. A total of 12,300 copies will be printed with 9,300 copies reserved for

corporate hospitality suites ticket purchasers and remaining 3,000 for paddock club ticket purchasers.

Distribution of catalogues will begin as of 1st May 2008. The distribution channels are via corporate

sales associates from F1’s official ticketing vendor, OmniTicket, to corporate sales purchasers and

large international corporations based in Singapore such as Hilton Hotel, Hongkong & Shanghai

Banking Corporation, and Qantas who had or are currently sponsors of F1 event globally to extend the

invitation to them (not necessarily for corporate sales, but directed more towards the top executives of

the company). Therefore, it supports the international relationship building for F1 with its current and

possibly future sponsors. Furthermore, a personalised letter of confirmation addressing the opposite

party will be sent with the catalogue for those who have purchased more than 20 tickets and an

invoice confirming their payment will be issued to them with the F1 tickets. This will, thus, increase the

efficiency of the sales associates i.e. do not have to personally send the tickets down to the buyer,

and at the same time, F1 will be able express their utmost gratitude for the tickets purchased in bulks.


Despite the details listed in the catalogue, it is unable to provide a constant updated version of work in

progress for the event. Furthermore, a website is unable to customise and personalize the messages

to individuals such as the name to address the reader and the types of details that weigh more

importance than others. Hence, e-mail will be able to stand in good replacement in these aspects

which both tools lack.

Essentially, the various types of desired information to be sent via e-mail will be sieved out for

individuals based on their request made in the purchase forms. This would thus enable us to target

promotions more effectively. Furthermore, these e-mails will be sent fortnightly to customers and

additionally, to update them on the current situation of the race tracks progress and snapshots of the

site will be included.


Despite the details listed in the catalogue, it is unable to provide a constant updated version of work in

progress for the event. Furthermore, a website is unable to customise and personalize the messages

to individuals such as the name to address the reader and the types of details that weigh more

importance than others. Hence, e-mail will be able to stand in good replacement in these aspects

which both tools lack.

Essentially, the various types of desired information to be sent via e-mail will be sieved out for

individuals based on their request made in the purchase forms. Furthermore, these e-mails will be

sent fortnightly to customers and additionally, to update them on the current situation of the race

tracks progress and snapshots of the site will be included. Additionally, we will send out invitation

cards through slow mails to prospective customers for exclusive exhibitions, premiers, and Gala

dinner which will serve as a personal communication channel to market to our potential customers.


The media strategy is divided into four major categories: media scheduling techniques, creative media

buy, media mix and choice of media agencies.

Firstly, the type of media scheduling technique we are using is continuous as we are advertising

heavily for this much anticipated event. Besides, the F1 night race is only a one time event in

Singapore. As we are trying to inform our target audience about the nearing event, influence purchase

decision, our IMC campaign will start from April to September to increase sales of night race tickets

and create hype.


Month Events
Feb • Ad in The Strait’s Times
• Ad in The Business Times
• Ad in Today
• Website
Mar • Magazine – Top Gear
Apr • Big Ad
• PR – try on session outside The Hereen and Takashimaya
May • PR – marathon that follows the route of the night racing street circuit
Jun • TV Ad
• Posters on lamp-posts along F1 route (mid June)
July • TV Ad
• MRT Wrap (interior & exterior) (mid July)
• Bus stop light boxes and shelters (mid July)
• Suntec City electronic billboard (mid July)
Aug • TV Ad
• Pillar Wrap in Suntec City convention hall
• PR – F1 Museum
• PR – auto show of the F1 racing cars on National Day
Sep • TV Ad
• Tunnel TV
• Conveyer belts and trolleys at the airport
• PR – gala dinner
• PR – opening ceremony before the qualifying race
• PR – free pit walkabout during the 3-day event
• PR – Marina Carnival after final race

TV Ad will be aired on channel 5 during prime time slot (7-10pm). We choose to show between 7-

8pm, and 9-10pm. During each hour, there will be 3 commercial breaks, and advertise once in each

commercial break. During July and August, we will advertise only on weekends. For a day,

advertisement will be shown 6 times and 18 days (the number of days for weekend during June and

August). In total we will advertise 108 times. For September, we will be advertising everyday during

the prime time slot started above, between 7-8pm, and 9-10pm.

Next, for creative media buy, we will ensure that our strip ads, false cover page and advertorials stand

out from the clutter. Creative strategy and tactics are used in our advertising campaign to attract more

attention. Tactics include 1) Luggage conveyer belt at Changi Airport to depict a race track with fast

zooming F1 cars on it, 2) Tunnel TV for F1 advertisement, 3) SMRT concept trains, 4) Strip

advertisement, 5) Billboards at Suntec City airing advertisement, 6) Pillar wraps within Suntec City

Convention Hall, 7) SBS bus wraps with skyliners, 8) Bus shelters with 3D forms, and 9) Banners

along lamp posts in Orchard Road and Central Business District area.

In addition, the choice of media will be television, magazines, newspapers and direct mail. The table

below will further illustrate the media mix.

Choice of Media Vehicle Circulation CPM

Television Channel 5 – Prime time 52,000 166.15
Magazine Top gear 19,540 0.32
Newspaper 1. Straits Times 388,500 1.86
2. Business times 30,400 12.90
3. Today 30,000 1.27
Direct mail Catalog 12,300 0.72

Lastly, we will be working with the following media agencies: JC Decaux, Mediacorp, Singapore Press

Holdings, SMART Media, 1 Impress and Moove Media to carry out the advertisements.


Details Amount
Television Commercial $864,000
Newspaper (The Straits Times, The Business Times & Today) $1,510,979
Lightboxes and Bus shelter $262,000
Billboard at Suntec Convention Hall $43,000
Top Gear Magazine $6,336
Tunnel TV $50,000
Pillar Wraps in Suntec Convention Hall $40,000
Full SMRT Train Wrap (Interior & Exterior) $64,000
Sales Promotion
Decals $15,000
Public Relations
Manpower resources $2,000,000
Functions and Events $35,000,000
Direct Marketing
Catalogs $8828
Website $800
Personal Selling
Manpower recruitment $1,600,000
Buffer amount $3,535,057
Total Amount $45,000,000
*Budget allocated for IMC campaign in Singapore only

The substantial budget is mainly accounted for by the extensive yet exclusive advertising and public

relations plans made which aims to help F1 break away from the clutter with out-of-the-box ideas.


In conclusion, the overall marketing plan Brainstein proposes for the launch of Singtel Singapore

Grand Prix 2008 adopts various media platforms that target customers are most exposed to as

highlighted from our primary research findings.

Furthermore, based on the situation analysis, we have also carefully drafted out an almost full-proof

media strategy and made careful evaluations of the media mix. Thus, we are confident in assisting F1

in successfully launching this historical event in Singapore with our big idea. Through projecting a

consistent and coherent message throughout our proposed IMC campaign, we are very positively

sure to create a lasting impression in the minds of our consumers’. Ultimately, we hope to meet our

IMC targets as well as to build a win-win partnership with you in the long run for future F1 races.


Appendix 1 – Income level

S$6,000 –
S$9,999 14% S10,000 &
S$4,000 – above 20%
S$5,999 24%

No income
S$2,500 – Less than
S$1,500 –
S$3,999 16% S$1,500 10%
S$2,499 4%

No income Less than S$1,500

S$1,500 – S$2,499 S$2,500 – S$3,999
S$4,000 – S$5,999 S$6,000 – S$9,999
S10,000 & above

Appendix 2 – Website description

Under the “Introduction” heading, information are provided on the F1 Singtel Singapore Grand Prix

racing teams, drivers’ profiles, F1 World (countries where F1 races are held), and calendar of F1

events held all year round. “What’s New” features news stories related to the local F1 Grand Prix,

updates on progress of any critical facilities that have been installed, and special events such as

celebrity challenges, rallies, and exhibition of F1 cars.

Within “Media” holds Press Releases dated since talks about F1 to be held in Singapore were

undergoing, as well as Media Accreditation. Press releases such as race date announced, works

began for the pit building, in-principle approval for 2008 Singtel Singapore Grand Prix Circuit, and etc.

Media accreditation allows accredited media members to apply and subscribe to receive latest news

and images from Singapore Grand Prix. This would, thus, help F1 constantly inform and update the

public through the wide circulation rate of the media channels such as print (newspapers and


The “Event” heading consists of essential details about the event including the racing categories;

circuit information i.e. circuit map, gate information/ entrances and exits, and transport guides; on

circuit attractions; daily event programme; food and drink stands, its locations and the F&B retailers

involved; and merchandise stores. A map will be included which will indicate the F&B stands, pit

stops, merchandise sections, restrooms, (a clear location of all landmarks whereby the cars will pass,

etc), and carparks.

“Tickets” shows the general, corporate and grandstand tickets prices, seating arrangement/ plan,

specific locations and contact details for purchasing tickets, travel & accommodation package

(including recommended hotels situated around the event area). These information are accompanied

by various visuals for the seating arrangement/ plan and suites as well as, links to the official website

of recommended hotels. Within “Fans” heading lies subheadings of “Competitions”, “Galleries”,

“Results”, “News” for worldwide F1 news excluding those of Singtel Singapore Grand Prix which, as

previously mentioned, will be available in “What’s New”.

Last but not least, we have the “Newsletters” for interested members of the public to subscribe to, to

receive updates and information on F1 newsletters about its events held all year round. In

consideration of our overseas consumers (tourists), we have decided to allocate a special section in

the website to cater to this group of consumers’ needs which is known as “Travel around Singapore”.

In this section, we will highlight information on places of interest, getting around via public transports,

shopping, nightlife, and famous local delicacies.

Additionally, there are brief information on the event sponsors and Podcast made available at


Appendix 3 – Media channels

Broadcast Tunnel TV
Suntec City electronic billboard
The Strait’s Times
The Business Times
Magazine – Top Gear
Outdoor Posters on lamp-posts along F1 route

Big Ad
Pillar Wrap in Suntec City convention hall
MRT Wrap (interior & exterior)
Bus stop light boxes and shelters
Conveyer belts and trolleys at the airport
3D Floor painting
Interactive Internet


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