Types of Speeches According To Purpose-Delivery

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Types of Speeches

According to Purpose &

What is Public

The speaker,
usually standing
in front or
onstage, speaks
to many people.
Identifying your purpose and
being conscious of it allows
you to better choose your
words, your supporting
material, the organization of
your message, and the manner in
which you will deliver it.
Speeches according to
Different speech situations call for different types of

Consider the following situations:

You are the best man You are the coach of a

basketball team in your
for your best friend’s barangay. You would like your
wedding and you have to team to be extra motivated for
deliver a toast. a crucial game.
Tribute speech Motivational Speech

You are the head of a You are concerned about

technical team that has
developed and is now the worsening garbage
presenting the design of problem in your
a new home appliance to community.
attract investors.
Informative and Informative and
Persuasive speech Persuasive speech
What is the common point of
all these speeches?
According to Purpose
Types of Speeches


Speech For
Special Occasions
Informative Speech
• The goal of informative speech is to
impart knowledge to the audience
based on the expertise of the
Demonstrative Speech
• What makes a demonstrative speech
unique is that step-by-step process
of doing something is show and
explained to the audience.
Persuasive Speech
• A persuasive speech is meant to
affect the beliefs of the audience.
• Delivered for the speaker to
reinforce beliefs, change the
audience’s beliefs, or move them
into taking an action.
Speeches for Special Occasions
• Prepared for a specific
purpose dictated by a
given occasion.
• Special occasion
speeches are delivered
to welcome the audience
to an event, to
introduce a speaker, to
give tribute through
roast or toast speeches
and to commemorate
special events or
Speech to Entertain

Their main purpose is to entertain – but they can

also be informative and persuasive in order to
serve its purpose.
Speeches according to
Speech Delivery
• Refers to the expressions in
words of your message, ideas,
thoughts and feelings.
Types of Speech According to Delivery
• Read • Memorized
This type of speech is read Like the read type of
by the speaker from a speech, a memorized speech
manuscript prepared by him is also written in advance
or by somebody else by the speaker himself or
commissioned to write it. herself or by the person
commissioned to write it.
I Have A Dream by Martin Luther King
Types of Speech According to Delivery
• Extemporaneous • Impromptu
• This type of speech is • This type of speech is
delivered by speakers who delivered with little to no
have expert knowledge on preparation at events such
the topic and are therefore as a wedding or victory
able to deliver an entire party.
speech using an outline of
ideas on cue cards.
Amalini Fernando - Impromptu Speech -
Best Speaker 2015
Jamboard Activity

• Write as many examples of

speeches as you can according to
your assigned Jamboard slide
Fresnillo, Philippe John and Anne Richie Garcia Balgos. Oral
Communication in Context for Senior High School. Quezon City: C &
E Publishing, Inc, 2016.
Sayuno, Cheeno Marlo. Oral Communication in Context . Makati :

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