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Name: Irene Rose Tucay

Section: BEEd 3 B

Discuss and explain the following.

1. "Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great." John D. Rockefeller

2. What is a school culture?’

School Culture
3. What is the importance of school culture?
4. What are the components of positive culture?
5. What are the eleven proven ways to build a positive school culture?
6. What are things for us to know and do to avoid negative culture?
7. What are the different suggestions you should know in dealing with negative
school culture?
Name: Irene Rose Tucay
Section: BEEd 3 B

Answer the ff.

1. What are the 7qualities of a good leader?
2. . Explain the relationship of morale with productivity.
3. In your own ideas answer why leaders are important?
4. What is the meaning of the proactive quality of a leader?
5. How does a leader gain respect?
6. Define the ff.
A. understanding
B. initiative
c. dependability
d. judgment
e. objectivity
f. communication
g. intelligence
h. accountable
i. decisive
j. approachable.
Name: Irene Rose Tucay
Section: BEEd 3 B

1. What are the significant differences between a boss and a leader? Identify every
point mentioned in the video clip.
2. What are the important qualities of a good leader are as stated in the video clip?
3. If you are going to choose would you like to be a leader or a boss in the future?
Explain your answer.
4. Do you agree that a teacher should always be a leader at all times? Explain your
answer. Kindly answer all these questions in your own understanding thank you.
Enjoy watching the video with learning!!!! God bless

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