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Learning Module 4

in Two Dimension
What is this module about?
Through this module, we will continue learning about kinematics of motion.

Motion in real life is not limited to one dimension. Motion can also be described and analyzed in two
or more dimensions. To do this, we need to resolve motion into components and look at the straight line
motion in each dimension separately.

The motion of falling objects is the simplest and most common example of motion with changing
velocity. Free fall is the motion of a body (object) where its weight is the only force acting on an object. An
object moving upwards would not normally be considered to be falling, but if it is subject to the force of
gravity only, it is said to be in free fall. Projectile motion is the motion of an object thrown or projected into
the air, subject to only the acceleration of gravity. The object is called a projectile, and its path is called its
trajectory. Circular motion is the motion of a body following a circular path. Uniform circular motion is a
specific type of circular motion in which the motion of a body following a circular path is at a constant speed.
The body has a fixed central point and remains equidistant from it at any given position.

Remember, in all these type of motion the only force acting on them is their WEIGHT (w), and their
contant acceleration downward is due to GRAVITY (g).

And yes, forget not to visit the enrichment section of this module for more information. Together, we
will move on - we are free to circumnavigate the world!

Lesson 13 Free Fall Motion

Lesson 14 Projectile Motion
Lesson 15 Circular Motion

What do you need to learn?

1. Solve problems involving one-dimensional motion with constant acceleration in contexts such as,
but not limited to, the “tail-gating phenomenon,” pursuit, rocket launch, and free- fall problems
2. Deduce the consequences of the independence of vertical and horizontal components of projectile
motion STEM_GP12KIN-Ic-22
3. Calculate range, time of flight, and maximum heights of projectiles STEM_GP12KIN-Ic-23
4. Infer quantities associated with circular motion such as tangential velocity, centripetal acceleration,
tangential acceleration, radius of curvature STEM_GP12KIN-Ic-25
5. Solve problems involving two - dimensional motion in contexts such as, but not limited to ledge
jumping, movie stunts, basketball, safe locations during firework displays, and Ferris wheels
This test aims to measure your prior knowledge about free- fall, projectile, and circular motions.
Directions: Read carefully all the questions below. Write only the letter of which you think is the correct

1) What is a plane (named after French mathematician Rene Descartes, who formalized its use in
mathematics) defined by two perpendicular number lines: the x-axis, which is horizontal, and the y-
axis, which is vertical? Using these axes, we can describe any point in the plane using an ordered pair
of numbers.
a) Cartesian plane
b) Air Plane
c) Dimensional Plane
d) Accelerating Plane
2) Which of the following is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction? It is typically represented
by an arrow whose direction is the same as that of the quantity and whose length is proportional to the
quantity's magnitude.
a) Scalar
b) Vector
c) Victor
d) Motion
3) Which of the following physical quantity is fully described by a magnitude alone?
a) Scalar
b) Vector
c) Gravity
d) Motion
4) Which physical quantity makes a push or pull upon an object resulting from the object's interaction
with another object?
a) Gravity
b) Friction
c) Acceleration
d) Force
5) What do you call a path that an object with mass in motion follows through space as a function of
a) Position
b) Distance
c) Displacement
d) Trajectory
6) While playing on the International Space Station (ISS), neglecting the effects of gravity, you attached
a rock to a rope, and were swinging it around in a circle very quickly, when the rope suddenly broke.
What did the path of the rock look like before it hit the ISS window a few feet away?
a) An arc
b) A parabola
c) A hyperbola
d) A line (straight path)
7) ANASCAR races around a circular track at 160 mph. Knowing about uniform circular motion, and
physics, you know what keeps it from flying off the sides of the track. Which force is it?
a) Gravitational Force
b) Centripetal Force
c) Frictional Force
d) Electromagnetic Force
8) A car travels in a circle with constant speed. What is the net force on the car?
a) It is zero because the car is not accelerating.
b) It is directed forward, in the direction of travel.
c) It is directed toward the center of the curve.
d) None of the above
9) What is the direction of the force that acts on clothes in the spin cycle of a washing machine?
a) Inward
b) Down
c) Outward
d) Up
10) The Philippines communication satellite Diwata I is in a circular orbit around Earth. If the speed
of the satellite is constant, what is the force acting on the satellite?
a) It is zero.
b) It is decreasing.
c) It points toward the center of the Earth at all times.
d) It points in the direction that the satellite is moving.

How’s your pre-test? Refer to the Answer Key on the last page of this module to check your answers !

Lesson 13: Free Fall Motion

What will you do?
(Copy the LAS on a separate paper)

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y S H E E T No. 4.1
Activity Title : I AM FREE
Learning Target/Competency : The learners will be able to solve problems involving one-dimensional
motion with constant acceleration in contexts such as, but not limited to, the
“tail-gating phenomenon”, pursuit, rocket launch, and free- fall problems
Values/Graduate Attributes : The learners will become critical thinkers and problem solvers.
Reference(s) & Author(s) : Silverio, A. (2017). ELTS : Gen. Physics 1 Page(s) No 65
Free Fall It is the idealized motion of a falling object, which is acted upon only by the force of
To put it simply , it means that an object is falling freely without force acting upon it
except gravity, a defined constant g = - 9.8m/s2. As previously stated , in the absence
of air resistance a falling body has a constant acceleration of gravity equals to 9.8
m/s2 on the Earth’s surface. Since objects falls because of pull of g, this a is downward
and directed toward Earth’s center.

Thus the pull of g (gravity) on an object is equal to the w ( weight ) of the object

Equations The d the object falls, or height h, h = ½ g t2, ( m )

v = g t ( m/s )

Kinematic Equations

d = v0 * t + ½ * a * t2 vf2 = v02 + 2 * a * d
vf = v0 + a * t d = ((v0 + vf ) / 2) * t

1. Markus drops a stone from the top of a roof located
8.52m above the ground. Determine the t required
for the stone to reach the ground.
Given : v0 = 0.0m/s
d = - 8.52m
a = - 9.8 m/s2
Find : t = ?

*** how many variables are involved?

*** check all kinematic equations

Sol d= v0 * t + ½ * a * t2 or d = ½ gt2
-8.52m = (0m/s) * (t) + ½ * (-9.8m/s2) * (t)2 d = gt2
2 2
-8.52m = (0m/s) * (t) + (-4.9 m/s ) * (t) 2
2 2 2
-8.52m = (-4.9 m/s ) * (t) gt = 2d ( divide both sides by g)
t2 = (-8.52m) / (-4.9 m/s2) t2 = 2d
2 2
t = (-8.52m) / (-4.9 m/s ) g
2 2
t = 1.739s t = √ 2d / g
t = √1.739
t = 1.32s
2. A rock is thrown straight up and reaches a height of 10m., a) How long was the rock in the air? b)
What is the v of the rock?
a) h = ½ g t2 b) v = gt
2 2
10m = ½ (9.8m/s ) t = (9.8m/s2)(1.42s)
2 2
10m = (4.9m/s ) t = 13.91m/s

t2 = (10m) / (4.9m/s2)
t = 2.04s2
t = √2.04 = 1.42s
III. EXERCISES:Directions: Solve the following problems
1) At the start of a basketball game in your school, Referee Morales tosses a coin upward with an v0 =
+5.00 m/s. The v of the coin is momentarily zero when the coin reaches its ymax. Find the ymax (vertical
displacement) of the coin above its release point?
Given : y = ?
a = - 9.8m/s2
vf = 0m/s
v0 = + 5.00m/s
Equation: y = (v2 – v02) / 2a
2.) The boy drops the ball from a roof of the house which takes 3s to hit the ground. Calculate the v
before the ball crashes to the ground. Given g = 10m/s²

Lesson 14: Projectile Motion
What will you do?
(Copy the LAS on a separate paper)

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y S H E E T No. 4.2
Activity Title : AIM AND SHOOT
Learning Target/Competency : The learners will be able to deduce the consequences of the
independence of vertical and horizontal components of projectile motion
calculate range, time of flight, and max heights of projectiles
Values/Graduate Attributes : The learners will be critical thinkers and problem solvers.
Reference(s) & Author(s) : Silverio, A. (2017). ELTS : Gen Physics 1 Page(s) No. 71
Projectile Motion It is the motion of an object thrown or projected into the air, subject to only the
a of g. It is a combination of uniform horizontal motion and free-fall

These two components of projectile motion are independent to each other.

Projectile The object that moves in an arc, horizontally with constant v and vertically with
a due to g

Trajectory Path It takes the shape of a parabola or curved path.

Range It forms the point of release of the projectile to the end reached by the projectile

Height It is from the lowest point to the highest point reached by the projectile

Equations v = u– g t
d = v0 t – ½ g t2
vf2 = v02 – 2 g d

where v0 = initial velocity

g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8m/s2
t = time
d = displacement
vf = final velocity
Key components
Initial launch angle = θ Time of flight = T
Horizontal velocity = vx Vertical velocity = vy
Maximum height = H Range = R

1. From a top of JK building, Julian throws the ball to the +x direction with an v0 10m/s. t elapsed during
the motion is 5s,
a) Find h in vertical direction
b) vy vertical velocity (Note: in vertical direction (y-axis) = free fall)

a) Find h = ½ g t2 b) v from y-axis vy = -gt
= (4.9 m/s2) (5s)2 = (-9.8m/s2) (5s)
= (4.9 m/s2) (25s2) = -49 m/s
= 122.5 m

2). Study the motion path of the cannonball as illustrated below, with the following information
Angle at horizontal (x) = cos53º = .8
Angle at vertical (y) = sin53º = .6
g = 10 m/s2 (round off for computation)
h = 60m

Find H = ?
horizontal distance = along x-axis?
total time = ?
Find Components of v
vx = v * cos53 vy = v * sin53
= (25m/s)(.6) = (25m/s)(.8)
= 15m/s = 20m/s
Find Motion in Vertical (vy)
vf = v0 – g t
0 = 20m/s – 10m/s2 * t
t = (20m/s) / (10m/s2)
= 2s t required for cannon ball to reach H
h = v0 t – ½ g t2
= (20m/s) (2s) – (5)(2s)2
= 40m/s2 – (5)(4s2)
= 40m/s2 – 20s2
= 20m h of the cannon ball when it was fired from its mouth
H = 20m + 60m = 80m

Find free fall time from the H Motion in horizontal (x-axis)

h = ½ g t2 x = v * total t
80m = (5m/s2) t2 = 15m/s * 6s
t2 = 80m / 5m/s2 = 90m
t = √16
t = 4s
total t = 4s + 2s = 6s

III. EXERCISES: Problem Solving

1. At t = 0s a ball rolls off the edge of a vertical cliff. At t = 2.0s the ball is 6.0m from the cliff as shown.
a) How far is the ball from the cliff at t = 4.0s? (v = d / t)

2) An aircraft is moving horizontally with a speed of 45.5 m/s. At the h of 2 km, an object is dropped
from the aircraft. (a = g = 10 m/s2)
a) what is the t interval before the object hits the ground?

h = ½ g t2

Lesson 15: Circular Motion

What will you do?
(Copy the LAS on a separate paper)

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y S H E E T No. 4.3
Learning Target/Competency : The learners will be able to infer quantities associated with circular
motion such as tangential velocity, centripetal acceleration, tangential
acceleration, radius of curvature .
Values/Graduate Attributes : The learners will be critical thinkers and problem solvers.
Reference(s) & Author(s) : Silverio, A. (2017).ELTS:Gen Physics 1 Page(s) No 73
Circular Motion It is a 2-D movement of an object along the circumference of a circle or rotation
along a circular path.

vT It is the speed v of a body moving in a circular path with a radius of curvature r

at any instant is directed tangentially.

aT It is parallel or anti-parallel to the tangential velocity (vT) and, is responsible for

the changes in the linear speed of a given body

ac or Radial It is directed toward the center of the circle and it is perpendicular to the circular
path, and responsible for changes in the direction of the v.

Equations Ave Speed (v) a either of the two

v = distance / time 1) a = v2 / R
= (2*π*R) / T 2) a = (4 * π2 * R) / T2
Fnet = ma
where v = speed T = period
R = radius π = 3.14 (constant Pi)

1) A 800kg tractor moving at 20m/s takes a turn around a circle with a R of 25.0m.
Find a) the a
b) the Fnet acting upon the car.
Given: m = 800kg Find a = ?
v = 20m/s Fnet = ?
R = 25.0m

Solution a = v2 / R Fnet = ma
= (20m/s) / (25m) = (800kg)(16m/s2)
2 2
= (400m /s ) / (25m) = 12800kg.m/s2 or 12800 N
= 16 m/s2
2) A 95-kg chariot makes a turn on a deserted field. It sweeps out a path that is a portion of a circle with
a R of 12m. It makes a quarter (¼) of a turn around the circle in 2.1s.

Given: m = 95kg Find: v =?

R = 12m a =?
d = ¼ or 0.25 Fnet = ?
Find v = d/T
= (2πR) / T
= (0.25) (2 * 3.14) (12m) / (2.1s)
= 8.97 m/s
Find a = v2 / R
= (8.97m/s)2 / (12m)
= (80.5m2/s2) / (12m)
= 6.71m/s2
Find Fnet = ma
= (95kg)(6.71m/s2)
= 637kg.m/s2
= 637N
Directions: Solve the following problems.
1) A Ferris wheel is standing 50 stories high and can hold 800 passengers. It has a diameter of 200m
and takes approximately 30mins to make a full circle.
a) Determine the vT or simply v of riders in m/s.
v = 2πr / T
2) A bicycle wheel of R 1.3m undergoes 25 rotations in 60s. Determine the ac of a point on the wheel?
a) Find total distance travelled
b) Find vT
c) Find ac

Reflective Journal
Directions: Write a reflection (minimum of one paragraph and maximum of three
paragraphs) by answering the question on this topic. What would happen if the earth stopped
rotating in our solar system.? Please observe your manner of expression and legibility of writing.

Mini Task
Directions: Write an essay about circular motion, how does motion effect your body when you
are continuosly circling and circling? Observe the following criteria in writing.

Content Limited or minimal content Sufficiently developed Substantial, specific,
with inadequate content with adequate demonstrates
elaboration or explanation elaboration development and
sophisticated ideas
Organization Confused or inconsistent Functional arrangement Excellent arrangement of
arrangement of content of content that sustains content with evident
without attempts of logical order subtle transitions
Grammar and Many spelling, Few spelling and Virtually no spelling,
spelling punctuation, grammatical punctuation errors, punctuation or
errors that interfere with minor grammatical grammatical errors
the meaning errors

Post- Test
This test aims to measure what you have acquired from this module.
Directions: Read carefully all the questions, try to solve what is needed. Write only the letter of the
correct answer.

1) Which of the following is constant for all projectiles?

a) Vertical velocity
b) Vertical displacement
c) Horizontal displacement
d) Horizontal velocity

2) What is the acceleration on the projectile shown ?

a) Zero.
b) In the direction of R.
c) In the direction of Q.
d) In the direction of P.

3) Which of the following graphs represents the horizontal velocity component (vx) versus t for a
projectile thrown horizontally off a cliff? (Ignore air resistance.)

4) What is the range of the projectile launched

horizontally at 25 m/s from the 18 m-high cliff edge
as shown in the diagram?
a) 18 m
b) 30 m
c) 46 m
d) 48 m

5) An astronaut on the moon throws a 5.0 kg wrench vertically upwards with an initial speed of 15 m/s.
The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the moon is one-sixth that on the surface of the earth.
What is the maximum height reached by the wrench?
a) 25 m
b) 46 m
c) 69 m
d) 75 m
6) A ball rolls off a horizontal roof at 15 m/s. How far will the
ball have fallen vertically when it reaches a speed of 24 m/s?
a) 4.1 m
b) 18 m
c) 29 m
d) 37 m
For 7-8: An airplane flying clockwise in a circular path of radius 20.0 m at a constant speed of 30.0m/s

7) What is the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the plane?

a) 0 m/s2
b) 1.5 m/s2
c) 13 m/s2
d) 45 m/s2

8) What is the magnitude of the tangential acceleration of the plane?

a) 0 m/s2
b) 1.5 m/s2
c) 13 m/s2
d) 45 m/s2

9) A record takes 1.3s to make one complete rotation. An object on this record is 0.12 m from the center.
What is its velocity?
a) 0.58m/s
b) 0.156m/s
c) 0m/s
d) 0.58m/s2

10). You are the pilot of a 60500 kg jet plane, flying in circles whose radius is 5.00 x 104 m. It takes 1.8
x 103s to make one rotation. What is the velocity of your plane?
a) 17.5m/s
b) 17.5m/s2
c) 175m/s2
d) 175m/

Answer Key
Pre test answer
1. a
2. b
3. a
4. a
5. d
6. d
7. c
8. c
9. a
10. c

Congratulations for finishing this module!

Together, we will heal as one
We will learn as one !!!
Always take care and God bless us All.

No part of this publication maybe reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or

by any means, without the prior written permission of the author.


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