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M.Sc-Cooperative Accounting and Auditing
Course: Social Accounting and Audit for Cooperatives (2 Credit Hours)
Course code: Cact 6115 Academic year: 2019-2020, I –Year, Semester-II
Instructor: Dr. A. Mahendran (Associate Professor)
Course Description
Cooperative as social enterprises concern for community: Social responsibility of cooperatives,
increased supply of high public interest goods and services by cooperatives, cooperatives as
producers of social and community services – Cooperative Social Responsibility (CSR):
Specificity of CSR, development of cooperative social auditing and accounting (theories &
practices), CSR practices in cooperatives, institutionalization and dissemination of CSR - Social
Auditing and Reporting in cooperatives.
Course Objectives
The objectives of this course are:
 To make students understand the concept CSR;
 To enable them to apply CSR accounting in cooperatives; and
 To inculcate the knowledge on the applications of social audit tools in cooperatives;
Course Outline
CHAPTER 1: Cooperatives and Social Enterprises
1.1 Emergence of Social Enterprises
1.2 Cooperatives and Social Enterprises
1.3 Concern for Community
CHAPTER 2: CSR and Cooperatives
2.1. CSR – Conceptual Framework
2.2. Cooperative Social Responsibility
2.3. Public Interest and Service of Cooperatives
2.4. Social Projects and Cooperatives
CHAPTER 3: CSR Accounting: Theory and Practical Applications
3.1. Defining Social Accounting
3.2. Development of social Accounting – Theories & Practices
3.3. A Systematic Analysis
3.4. Estimating a Market Value for Volunteer Service
3.5. Estimating a Market Value for Other Non-monetized Outputs
3.6. The Need for Social Indicators
3.7. An Integrated Approach to Social Accounting
3.8. A Socio-Economic Operating Statement (SEOS)
3.9. Social Impact Statements and Assessments
3.10. An Elaborated Social Impact Statement
3.11. Cooperative Social Balance
3.12. An Integrated Social and Financial Balance Sheet and Income Statement
3.13. Social statements, social balance sheet, EVAS, SROI…
3.14. Institutionalization & Dissemination of CSR Accounting
CHAPTER 4: Social Audit of Cooperatives
4.1. Social Audit – Conceptual Framework
4.2. Social audit principles, social audit process/cycle, social audit report
4.3.Social Auditing Versus Social Accounting
4.4.Social Audit and Cooperatives
4.5. Social Audit Practices in Cooperatives
4.6. Social Audit Models for Ethiopian Cooperatives
Assessment Techniques
1 Seminar / Assignment 15%
2 CSR / Social Audit Model Design & Development 15%
3 Case / Report Analysis 10%
4 Final Exam 60%
Total 100%
Textbooks and References
1. Mook, Quarter and Richmond. (2007). What Counts: Social Accounting for Nonprofits and
Cooperatives. 2nd edition
2. Atrill, Mclaney, Harvey. (2015). Accounting: an introduction. 6th edition- chapter-7 corporate
social responsibility and sustainability accounting
3. Idowu and Louche . (2011). Theory and Practice of Corporate Social Responsibility
4. Idowu and Filho. (2009). Professionals’ Perspectives of Corporate Social Responsibility
5. Visser, Matten, Pohl and Tolhurst. (2007). The A To Z ofCorporate SocialResponsibility: A
Complete Reference Guide ToConcepts, Codes And Organizations. John Wiley & Sons Ltd
6. Social Audit Manual, NATCCO, Network-Visaya (VICTO). or

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