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Republic of the Philippines

Region XI
Division of Davao City


Brgy. Laho, Marilog District, Davao City
I.D. 206002


Pursuant to the Deped Memorandum No. 80, s. 2015, entitled “ Guidelines on the
implementation of the National School Deworming Day” ( NSDD ), with the theme “ Oplan
Goodbye Bulate, Laho Elementary School successfully implemented and participated in the
Nationwide program .
Prior to the NSDD actual implementation, the Division Doctors and Nurses called for an
orientation meeting last July 19, 2019 at 8:00 o’clock A.M at Marilog Central Elementary School
Gym. The guidelines and protocol of the said program was headed and facilitated by Doctors
and Nurses from Division Office and District.
After the meeting, Laho Elementary School received the deworming supply, 100 pieces of
Albendazole tablets 400mg.
On July 22, 2019, the school clinician informed the school principal, Mark Anthony H. Tonion
about what went on during the District Orientation meeting and was permitted to conduct a
short meeting to all Grade teachers from Kinder to Grade VI in order to disseminate the
information to their pupils. Clear and concise instructions were noted properly by all
concerned. Deworming permits were distributed based on the number enrolment per grade
level while deworming tablets were given based on the number of signed permission slip to all
classroom advisers.
On July 26, 2019, right after the School feeding of each grade level, advisers made sure that
their pupils who will take deworming drug are on full stomach, has no fever, not seriously ill,
not experiencing abdominal pain, and no diarrhea . With those premises, the deworming
activity was carried out simultaneously room to room by their School Clinician and Classroom
The school deworming activity continued up to July 26, 2019 and July 29, 2019 in order to cater
pupils who are absent during the first day of deworming. There were no reported cases of
dizziness, headache and allergic reactions.
Furthermore, a smooth conduct of the NSDD has been observed by all classroom advisers’
together with School Clinician. The School Clinician consolidated the master list of pupils
dewormed. The overall results was reviewed and monitored by our School Head.
It was also revealed that most pupils who did not undergo deworming are not permitted by
their parents/ guardians because of hesitant on the safeness and uncertain adverse effect of
the deworming tablet to their child.

Prepared by:

Aristotel B. Casanova
School Clinician

Noted By:

Mark Anthony H. Tonion

Head Teacher I/ School Head

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