Material - Using Equipment For Patients' Examination-Dikonversi

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Complete the summary with the words in the box.

high low monitor observation chart record sign take vital signs

Nurses usually (1)……………… the patient's (2)……………… several times a day. We (3)..................the
information on the (4)……………… and (5)……………… it. Medical staff then use this information to (6)
……………… the patient. If there are any changes, a (7) ..................temperature (fever), for example, or
a (8)..................blood pressure count, we have to inform the Senior Staff Nurse immediately.


Complete the descriptions of the vital signs with the words in the box.
at one over per (x2) point

1. BP is thirty eighty-five.
2. Resps are twenty breaths minute.
3. Temperature is thirty-six eight.
4. Pulse is seventy-nine beats minute.


Match the instructions 1-6 to the images a-f. Write the correct piece of equipment and the vital sign(s)
next to each instruction. Number (1) has been done for you.
Instructions Images Equipment used Vital sign
1. Can you just roll up your sleeve for me? d Sphygmomanometer Blood
and stethoscope pressure
2. Could you just open your mouth for me, please?

3. Can you put your head on one side?

4. Can you give me your right hand, please?

5. Could you relax and breathe normally for me?

6. Could you hold your arm out straight?

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Complete what the nurse says to Ana as she takes her blood pressure. Use will and the correct form of
the verbs in the box.
be feel roll wrap take hold eat put see

I (1) just your sleeve up a little. That's good. We (2) a pillow on your lap. Can
you (3)
your arm out straight for me? You can rest it on the pillow. I (4) the
cuff round your arm. Just relax, that's right. You (5)
any pain; it (6) just
a bit tight around your arm. OK? That's 130/ 85. I (8) just the cuff off
now and then you can (9)
your breakfast in peace! I'll (10) you later.

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