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Unit/Lesson Title 2.

Viking Way of Life – Lesson duration 57 mins Stage 4 Year 8 Class 8P

Occupations and Farming
Rationale Syllabus Outcomes
Syllabus Content
This lesson will develop students’ A student:
understanding of Viking society › describes and assesses the motives and Depth Study 4: The Western and Islamic Worlds
including their social structure and the actions of past individuals and groups in the 4a: The Vikings
role of each group within the context of past societies HT4-3
structure. through the use of primary › locates, selects and organises information The way of life in Viking society (social, cultural,
and secondary sources. from sources to develop an historical inquiry economic and political features) and the roles and
HT4-8 relationships of different groups in society (ACDSEH007)

uses a range of historical terms and concepts Students:
when communicating an understanding of the • using a range of sources, eg the Viking sagas, outline
past HT4-9 key social, cultural, economic and political features of
› selects and uses appropriate oral, written, Viking society
visual and digital forms to communicate about
the past HT4-10
Learning Time Content/Learning Experience Teaching Class Assessment
Outcomes Guide Strategies Organisation Techniques

At the end of this Intro: Teacher

lesson students will 5 min Recap Viking Society Teacher led Whole class observations,
be able to: Kings, Jarls, Karls & Thralls - Pyramid discussion student answers

 Identify and
describe Viking
5min Discuss the different occupations and description on Teacher led Whole classPairs Student
15min templateIn Pairs students use investigate two different discussion participation,
s Viking occupations from the below list, using ICT. Investigating with Teacher
Documenting a brief description for each occupation in a ICT Observations
shared Google Document. of Responses
 Farmer – grain (Barley, Rye) animals
 Merchant – salesperson
 Hunters – deer, bears, small animals
 Ship Builders – small boats and long ships
 Weavers – sails, clothing & tapestries
 Blacksmiths – tools, farming, household items &
15min Whole class, Observation of
35 Activity 1 Individual student work
mins Students create a Viking occupation flip book with Demonstration,
descriptions of each occupation (Template)In their same Graphic Organiser
pairs’ students write 2 interview scripts, asking 5
questions, to describe their two chosen Viking
occupations in detail. Each script is to be 2 minutes
long. Students take it in turns to be both the interviewer Role Plays
and interviewee. Students record their interviews using Pairs
ICT and upload them to the class Google Classroom
where they will be compiled into a class video. Formative
10min 1. Cut out template ion solid lines assessment,
2. Fold along dotted lines Writing, read watch
3. Stick large area into book EvaluationCreating Individual and provide
4. Write heading on top – Viking Occupations with ICT verbal
5. Write occupations on flaps that match feedback
Example interview questions
 Where would you perform your occupation?
 Describe what you produce?
 What method do you use produce it?
 Is there any special equipment involved?
Observation of
Writing, Evaluation student work
Activity 2 Extension Activity
Writing activity (Paragraph) - If you were a Karl what
occupation would you like to have? Justify your answer. Individual
Scaffolding: Sentence starters
 If I was a Viking Karl the occupation that I would
like to perform is……..
 Their main role was to …….
 The reasons that I would like to be a ……… is

Conclusion (Presentation/Reflection) 2 min

Stick all sheets in booksUpload interviews to Google Classroom.
Ask each student to share one fact that they found interesting about the occupations that they investigated.

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