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HRM 2102
Fundamentals Of Human Resource mangenment


STUDENT ID NO: I18015213
LECTURER: Yip Foon yee
Table content

Introduction 1
Question 1 1
Question 2 2-3
Question 3 4
Conclusion 5
References 5
Form the essay that I have know is General Electric(EC) due to the millennial talent they will move
their HQ away from suburban Connecticut and move to Mohammed.

After that the new generation call millennial which has a new working style and not same with
their parent .
Beside that the millennial like more effectiveness ways to do thing and not like the traditional
ways So the GE is using the ways that millennial like to recruit new worker
Millennial is care about the Working place but the most thing they care about is the flexible work so
the company must change the working style due to the millennial is the most import point for the
company in the future.

1)The implementation that GE do is they change their ways to cater millennial . They move their
Headquarter form suburban Connecticut to Mohammed because the millennial will become the
most effective point for the future.In my opinion millennial will become the most important point for
the future so that company should start to change the working style to the ways that millennial like
this will help the company to increase their productivity because when the millennial working in the
place or style that they like it will let them do the work with full effect
2) The recruitment methods that can attract millennial is web advertising ,this method is
a marketing process to attract candidates' interest in your company and develop talent
channels. In today's competitive talent market, recruitment advertisement has become a
popular and necessary strategy for employers to obtain the required candidates. Recruitment
advertisements help enterprises to reach out to candidates through the Internet, improve their
employment brand, and create a consistent talent pipeline, which can eventually be
employed. Now, recruiters and talent recruitment professionals take recruitment
advertisements as a medium, which can not only contact active job seekers, but also attract,
attract and cultivate negative job seekers through their journey. While job ads are only part of
the talent mix, they are important to all types of employers, large and small, in any industry.
Besides that, the other method use to recruitment is social media recruiting this
method is a recruitment strategy, which combines the elements of employer brand and
recruitment marketing to connect and attract active and passive candidates on the digital
platform they often use. 69% of job seekers said the company's reputation was a key factor in
considering a new job. In fact, 84% of employees said they would consider leaving if another
company with a better reputation came to them. Social media is a great resource to promote
your employer brand to potential employees who may not read your job description. This will
attract many millennial because now a days millennial mostly using social media if they find
that the company that they like is recruiting people they will go for the job.
After that, using recruitment agencies is also a method to recruit millennial . In today's
competitive job market driven by job seekers, it is very difficult to find and employ the ideal
job seekers. That is the reason numerous organizations go to enlistment offices to assist them
with enrolling the perfect individuals for empty positions. There are two principle approaches
to spare organization time by utilizing enlistment offices. First, the recruitment process is
time-consuming. Utilizing enlistment offices can assist you with sparing time for your
workers. Second, enlistment offices are experts forever. That's why they may already have
candidates in their pool of candidates who are perfect for your vacancy. This is a huge
advantage and can greatly shorten the entire recruitment cycle. In other words, you can hire
the best candidates faster. The subsequent primary explanation numerous organizations go to
enlistment offices is to improve the nature of recruitment. The fundamental preferred position
of utilizing enlistment offices is that a large portion of them represent considerable authority
in specific ventures or capacities, which implies they as of now have a pool of profoundly
gifted possibility to look over. In addition, recruitment agencies recruit for life, which means
they not only have the ability to find good candidates, but also ensure that they are really well
suited for a position. A few organizations, for example, new companies and little
organizations, don't have committed inside recruitment specialists. These organizations do
not have the aptitude and assets to discover and employ the best applicants. So as to
guarantee that the enlistment procedure is proficient and viable, they decide to utilize the
administrations of recruitment organizations. On the off chance that you don't have the
foggiest idea how to select in a profoundly proficient manner, it's ideal to let specialists from
the enlistment office do it. For some organizations, the most significant bit of leeway of
utilizing recruitment offices as opposed to inward spotters is that enlistment offices give extra
security while holding new representatives. All the best enlistment organizations offer an
assurance period. This implies they ensure that your new worker will be working in your
organization for a while (typically 3-6 months). On the off chance that your new worker is
ended or leaves before the lapse of the assurance time frame, the recruitment office will give
you a full discount, or, most ordinarily, you can locate another trade for nothing. In this day
and age millennial will go to find agent to help them find the job because this method is fast
and easy so this method will attract millennial to use.
Other than that Mobile recruiting is also a method that use to recruit millennial .
Mobile recruitment is a recruitment strategy to attract, attract and transform candidates by
using mobile technology. Common mobile recruitment strategies include mobile professional
websites, mobile SMS recruitment, mobile recruitment applications and social recruitment.
Most millennial was using mobile now a days so millennial will also more prefer this method.
This job advertisement will attract millennial is because millennial usually not like to read
long word so my job recruit poster just list out the main point so will not let millennial easy
to read.
For conclusion the lessons that I have learned from completing this assignment is in this days
and age most amount of working become millennial and the last generation worker is going
to retire so the millennial will replace their position so most of the company will start to
change their style of doing business because the millennial most prefer shortcut or settle so
work by using more easy ways .So it will have a big change for the most company .Other
than that ,now a days millennial will not using the old style example like just sell at the stall
and wait people come to buy now a days millennial like to use online shopping so this will
also affect the company.

1180 words

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