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Chronology May 16, 1968-August 15, 1968

Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 22, No. 4 (Autumn, 1968), pp. 475-494
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 17/03/2014 09:17

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May16, 1968-August 15, 1968

Israeli military authoritiesimposed a curfew in

ArabIsraeliConflict Gaza where the terroristsresponsiblefor the May
21 bombing were believed to be hidden.
United Nations Relief Works Agency
1968 (UNRWA) announced a Kuwayti contribution
of $220,000.
May 17: West Germanyoffered?5m to be paid over May 23: Women in the Gaza Strip demonstrated,
5 yearsto Arab victims of the June war. protestingthe Israeli treatmentof Arabs held for
May 18: In a letter to UN SecretaryGeneralThant, questioningabout the May 21 bombing.
the UAR asked the UN for a prompt and on-the- The Popular Liberation Forces issued a com-
spot investigationof Israelitreatmentof the Arabs muniquesaying its commandoshad killed 3 Israeli
in the occupied Gaza Strip. soldiers and wounded a number of others in an
May 19: The Jordanian Red Crescent Association attack on Israeli military posts north of the
announced that the Red Cross had obtained the Damiyah Bridge.
releaseof 81 Jordanianfarmerstaken prisonerby May 25: An Israeli military spokesmansaid that 3
Israelduring a raid on the east bank on March21. Arab guerrillasand one Israeli soldier were killed
May 20: Israeli Minister Without Portfolio Galili in a gunfightwhen an Israeli patrol intercepteda
said that "the bordersof June 4 no longer exist" band of Arab infiltrators.
and that "theywill have to be replacedby agreed UAR Foreign Minister Riyad said that Israel
and secure frontiers." had "ended"Jarring'smission on May 2 by an-
May 21: The UN SecurityCouncil called on Israel nouncing that direct negotiationshad to precede
to rescind measures "which tend to change the the implementation of the November Security
legal status of Jerusalem"and "desist forthwith" Council resolution.
from taking furtheraction of that kind. Fighting broke out in Dayr al-Balah in the
Israel reportedthat 4 Arabsand an Israeliwere Gaza Strip during Israelicelebrationsmarkingthe
killed in an engagementnear Jericho. anniversaryof the conquest of Jerusalemwhen,
An Israeli civilian jeep in Gaza exploded after Israel reported, Arab students at a UN high
hitting a mine, killing 2 Israelisand wounding 5. school barricadedthe main highway and began
May 22: UAR spokesmanZayyit told a weekly press stoning cars.
conferencethat UN SpecialEnvoy Jarringhad in- May 27: Both Israeli and Jordanianauthoritiesre-
formed the governmenton May 9 that Israel had ported clashes in the Baysan Valley area. Jordan
acceptedthe November SecurityCouncilresolution reported that Israel had sufferedmany casualties
and now, according to reports from Jerusalem, and had lost 4 military vehicles. Israel reported
Israelwas denying such a step saying that Jarring's no casualties.
letter to Thant mentioning Israel's acceptance of May 28: The Israeli military governmentsealed off
the resolutionwas not binding. the Gaza Strip to Arab traffic as Arab demon-
The Israeli Cabinet issued a communiquestres- strations continued. Over 200 women and girls
sing that the governmentwould not be bound by formed a barricadeacross a highway in Muzirat
those parts of the Jarring draft proposal disclosed and were broken up only when Israeli troops
by an Egyptian spokesman. arrived.
The quarterlychronologyof the Journalis compiled from a large number of sources;somewhatmore than
half of the items are drawn from the New York Times; other sources include Mideast Mirror of Beirut,
Middle East Economic Digest of London, Daily Report of Foreign Broadcast Information Service of
Washington, Arab News and Views of New York, bulletins of the United Nations Office of Public Infor-
mation, United Nations, New York, United Nations Newsletter, Middle East EconomicSurvey of Beirut,
EconomicIntelligence of the Chamberof Commerce of Washington, InternationalFinancial News Survey
of the IMF in Washington, Middle East Economistand Financial Service, and Middle East Newsletter of
New York, regularand occasionalbulletins from the offices of press attachesof Middle EasternEmbassies
in Washington,PakistanAffairsof Washington,PakistanNews Digest of Karachiand The MaghrebDigest
of the School of InternationalRelations,Universityof SouthernCaliforniain Los Angeles.

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May 29: An Israeli military court in Rimallih sen- group had laid wreaths on the graves of Arabs
tenced Qub'ah, chairmanof the Palestinian Stu- killed in the June war.
dents Federation, to 3 years imprisonment on June 7: The 26th Arab Boycottof Israel Conference
chargesof belonging to a commandoorganization. ended a 14 day meeting in Lebanonin which reso-
May 30: Israel announced its security forces had lutions were adoptedincluding one permittingthe
arrested22 Arabs suspectedof belonging to com- entry of agriculturalproducefrom the West Bank
mando organizationsand had seized quantitiesof to the east bank of Jordan. Industrialproducts
mines, grenadesand automaticweapons. from the West Bank would be denied entry.
A spokesman for the Palestine National As- UNRWA announced a Pakistani contribution
sembly said that agreementhad been reachedon of ?8,730, it was reported.
the allocationof seats in the Assembly,it was re- June 9: An Israeli Army report said that 3 Arab
ported. Of the 100 seats, 50 would go to the saboteurswere killed during an encounter with
PLO, the Palestine LiberationArmy (PLA), the an Israeli patrol north of the Damiyah Bridge.
PalestineNational Fund and the PalestineStudent The Arabs reportedlycarried a Soviet automatic
and Worker Organizations,38 would go to the rifle and sabotageequipment.
Palestine National Liberation Movement (al- A fire and a series of explosions broke out in
Fath), 10 to the PopularFront for the Liberation an Israeli munitions dump near Ashdod. Israel
of Palestineand 2 for independents. said the fire and the explosions were accidental
May 31: The UN High Commissionerfor Refugees and gave no casualtyfigures.
announcedreceiptof $6,240 and $2,075 from Abu June 10: Al-Fath announcedit was responsiblefor
Dhabi and Dubai respectively,it was reported. the blowing up of the ammunition dump near
June 1: The Higher Committeefor National Guid- Ashdod on June 9.
ance in the West Bank called for all West Bank June 15: Israeli and Egyptianforces clashed at the
citizens to go on a general strike June 5 as a Suez Canal between al-Qantarahand Great Bitter
"peacefuldemonstrationof their determinationto Lake. In reports,both sides blamed the other for
fight occupationand eradicateits traces." the clash.
June 2: The Israeli military governmentorderedall A Lebanesespokesmansaid that 4 people were
schools in the Gaza area closed through June 5. wounded during an Israeli mortar attack on Mis
UNRWA announced that the French govern- al-Jabalvillage.
ment would increaseits contributionfrom Fr.1m June 16: Head of the Israelimilitarygovernmentde-
to Fr.5m. partmentat General HeadquartersGazit said that
June 3: Israeli Defense Minister Dayan said that severalthousandpermitshad been issued to Arabs
Jewish settlerswould remainpermanentlyin occu- with relatives in occupied Jordan allowing them
pied Jordanand would be protectedby the Israeli to spend their summerholiday in Jordan.Permits
army. would not be issued to Arabs from the UAR,
June 4: Israeli and Jordanianforces clashed in the Syria, Iraq and Algeria because of the positions
Manshiyyaharea. Jordan reported that 4 of the taken by those countriesagainstIsrael.
attackingaircraftwere shot down. JordanianUN Jordan reportedthat about 400,000 Arab ref-
representativeFarraaccusedIsrael of "anotheract ugees from occupied areas had moved to Jordan
of aggression"and said that 30 Jordanianshad since the June war.
been killed and 60 wounded. Israeli UN repre- June 17: Fighting broke out in the northernpart of
sentative Tekoah accused Jordan of starting the the Baysan Valley between Jordanianand Israeli
clash, denied the loss of any Israeli planes and forces. Both accusedthe other side of startingthe
said that 3 Israelishad been killed and 5 wounded. incident.
June 5: A clash broke out between Israelipolice and June 18: Israeli Defense Minister Dayan told a
Arabs in a procession commemoratingthe June closed caucusof LaborParty membersthat Israel
war when the police interceptedthe processionat must remainpermanentlyat Sharmal-Shaykhand
the edge of the Old City. certain areas of the Sinai Peninsula. Further,he
Arabs in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip was convinced that Jordan would not negotiate
closed all shops and went on strike commemorat- with Israel separatelyfrom the UAR and he de-
ing the firstanniversaryof the June war. nouncedthe NovemberSecurityCouncilresolution
In a speech marking the anniversaryof the as a basis for negotiationswith the Arabs.
June war, UAR President Nisir said "the resis- The Israeli Army reported killing a 5 man
tance on the West Bank of the Jordanand in the Egyptianpatrol in an encounternear Ruimini in
Gaza Strip is the glory of the Palestiniansand a the Sinai Peninsula.
challenge to the enemy." June 20: Algerian President Boumedienne said it
'Amman Radio reportedthat Jordaniancivilian was the duty of Palestiniansto fight and resist,not
casualtiesrose to 34 killed and 134 woundedfrom flee and emigrate every time there was fighting
the June 4 clash. with Israel.
June 6: Israeli police broke up a demonstrationin Al-Fath complained to the Organization of
Jerusalemof Arab studentsand women after the African Unity (OAU) alleging that Malawi had

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sent severalhundredAfricanmercenariesto Israel. and pledged that the Arabs"will liberatethe occu-
June 21: Jordanianrepresentativeto the UN Farra pied Arab territories."
chargedthat Israeli forces had committed39 vio- UNRWA announced the receipt of Saudi
lations of the cease fire within the past 2 months Arabia'sannual contributionof $297,778.
as part of a new pattern "aimedat the destruction July 6: The Arab Higher Committee for Palestine
of civilian life in the JordanValley." denounced UAR Foreign Minister Riyad's state-
June 22: Israeli Prime Minister Eshkol said that ment as a "stab in the back"and said it was in-
Israel would insist on the Jordan River as her consistentwith the Khartumresolutionsof August
"securityborder"with Jordan but said that the 1967.
government made a distinction between a "se- UAR spokesmanZayyit said that "if the imple-
curity border"and a "political border." mentation of the Security Council's November
Israeli authoritiesreportedthat 11 membersof resolution necessitatedthe presence of the UN
al-Fathwere killed near Jericho. peacekeeping forces, we should have no ob-
June 23: The Israeli Army reportedclashes along a jection."
20 mile front on the Suez Canal north of Great UAR PresidentNasir, in Moscow,said that "we
Bitter Lake. are convincedagain that the Soviet Union supports
Al-Fath reportedshooting down an Israeli heli- the Arabs and the rights of the Arab nations."
copter and killing or wounding 35 Israeli troops July 7: Jordan deprived 8 Arab judicial officials
in a clash on June 22 north of Jericho. working in the West Bank of their pensions and
A UAR spokesmansaid that Israeli forces had other benefits for having cooperatedwith Israeli
opened fire with machineguns on the Suez Canal officials.
Authority hospital in Ismrn'liyyahand that Egyp- UAR spokesmanZayyatsaid that Egypt would
tian troops returned the fire when Israeli forces not give diplomaticrecognitionto or sign a peace
intensified the battle. Reportedly 6 Israeli tanks, treatywith Israel.
3 machine guns and an ammunition depot were July 8: Egyptianand Israeli forces clashed over the
destroyedby Egyptianfire. Suez Canal. An Egyptianmilitary spokesmansaid
June 25: An Israeli military spokesmanannounced the clashes began with Israeli artillery fire and
that an Arab and an Israeli had been killed in a that Israel had lost 5 tanks, with 2 artilleryand
clash north of the Damiyah Bridge. 2 anti-tank posts destroyed and an ammunition
UN SpecialEnvoy Jarringmet with UAR For- dump set on fire. An Israeli military spokesman
eign Minister Riyad in Stockholm. said the clashes began with Egyptianartilleryfire
June 26: Jarring met with Israeli Foreign Minister from the town of Suez, "thus forcing the Israeli
Eban at the Hague. counter-firebatteries to direct their fire on the
June 27: Israeli Defense Minister Dayan said that town to silence the Egyptianfire."
"we cannot escape from preparationsfor a re- July 9: Egyptian officialsreportedthat 39 civilians
newal of war against us." had been killed in 3 exchangesof fire on July 8
Israeli Prime Minister Eshkol said that Israel over the canal.
must not advance any peace proposals because Governorof Suez city Hamid Mahmudsaid he
"each offer we make at this point would become would evacuate all but 60,000 essential oil re-
their minimum position in subsequent negoti- finery and other workers and traders needed to
ations" and that "while Israel'sprime desire re- keep the city alive.
mains peace," the "key is with Egypt which pre- An Israeli spokesmansaid that an army patrol
vents peace with Jordan." killed 4 Arab saboteursin a clash 10 miles south
June 29: Al-Fath issued a communiquesaying that west of the DamiyahBridge.
its commandos,on June 27, had laid explosivesat July 10: The new Palestine National Council, com-
the Israeli military headquartersin Jerichowhich posed of various commando groups, began a
exploded, killing and wounding a number of meeting in Cairo to discusscoordinationof guer-
soldiers, including the military governor of the rilla activity. 'Abd al-Muhsin Qattan was elected
area. Presidentof the session.ZuhayrMuhsinand Wadi'
July 3: On a visit to Denmark,UAR Foreign Mini- Haddadwere elected as Vice Presidentsand Salim
ster Riyad said that the Arab world made a big al-Za'niinas SecretaryGeneral.
mistake when it demanded the annihilation of Jarring reported to Thant on his talks with
Israel, and said, "we accept the realities and one Israeli and Jordanianofficials.
of these is Israel." A report by UN truce observersat the canal
July 5: A Jordanianmilitary spokesman said that made public indicatedthat Egypt was responsible
Israeli forces had fired on troops and farmers for startingthe July 8 incidents.Israeli retaliation,
north of the Damiyah Bridge and Jordanian however,was reportedlyout of proportion.
troops had returned the fire. No Jordanian casual- July 14: Israel reportedthat 2 Arab infiltratorswere
ties were reported. killed in a clash with an Israelipatrol in the West
UAR President Nasir denounced Israel as an Bank.
"imperialistbridgeheadthat separatesArab unity" July 15: The PalestineNational Assemblyagreed to

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set up a coordinatingcouncil with militaryexperts tant and advisablefor him to pursuehis effortsto
from each commando organization, it was re- promote agreementamong the parties."
ported. Chief of Staff of the PalestineLiberationArmy
July 17: Israeli authorities reported that 13 Arab (PLA) Subhi al-Jibiri and a number of officers
guerrillas on a sabotagemission were killed and were suspended by a decision of the Executive
one Israeliwounded in an engagementnorth west Committeeof the PLO. The new Chief of Staff
of the Dead Sea. appointedwas 'Abd al-Razzaqal-Yahya.
Israel lifted a 13 month curfew on the West Malawi PresidentBandadenied that his govern-
Bank, enabling free movement throughout most ment had sent mercenariesto Israel and said the
of the area. Use of a strip along the river would Arabs of Northern Sudan are "literally butcher-
remain restrictedbetween 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. for ing" Africans in the south.
securityreasons. July 30: A US organization,Near East Emergency
July 18: Israeli security forces announced that 12 Donations, Inc., donated $210,000 to UNRWA
Arabs accused of subversive activities had been for vocational training of refugees in the Gaza
arrestedin Nabulus. Strip.
July 23: An Israeli jet en route from Rome to Lydda Aug. 2: In a report, U Thant said that Israel was
was hijackedby 3 gunmen who reportedlyidenti- thwartinghis effortsto look into the humanitarian
fied themselves as Arab commandos.The plane, problemsresultingfrom the June war by attempt-
carrying10 crew membersand 38 passengers,was ing to broaden the scope of the UN inquiry to
divertedto Algeria. An El Al spokesmansaid that include an examinationof conditions among the
26 passengerswere released,with Algeria detain- Jewish communitiesin Iraq and Lebanon.
ing the 10 crew members and 12 Israeli passen- Aug. 3: Israeli militaryauthoritiesimposeda curfew
gers. The Algerian news agency reported there on Gaza after an outbreakof violence in which 4
were 37 passengers,with 21 Israelis being de- people were injured.
tained. Aug. 4: Israeli jets struckwhat Israeli General Bar-
July 24: UNRWA announcedthat Denmark would Lev described as a "substantialand unexpected
make a regular contribution of approximately blow to the terroristorganizations"in a "reprisal
$80,000. raid" on Salt, reportedly an Arab guerrilla en-
UAR spokesmanZayyit said that "we acceptthe clave. 'Amman Radio reported that 23 civilians
Jarring mission" and that "we want the Jarring and 5 soldierswere killed in the Israeliattackand
mission to succeed." 76 civilians and 6 soldiers were wounded.Jordan
July 25: Jordanianand Israeli forces exchangedfire also announced that her forces had downed an
at Umm al-Shurat.No casualtieswere reported. Israeli bomber.
July 26: UNRWA announceda Swedishdonationof Aug. 5: In the UN SecurityCouncil,Jordanianrepre-
approximately$2m as a special contributionfor sentative Farra accused Israel of a "flagrantand
educationand training. premediated"attack on Salt and asked whether
July 27: Al-Fath announced its commandos had the Council might consider sanctions against
killed or wounded a numberof Israeli soldiers in Israelto halt her allegedviolationsof the ceasefire.
4 operationsin Israeli territoryfrom July 23 to Addressing the Council, Israeli representative
25. Tekoah said that the action on Salt was necessary
Algeria released 10 Israeliwomen and children for the protectionof Israel from Jordanianterror-
detainedfrom the hijackedEl Al plane. ists.
July 28: IsraeliForeignMinisterEbantold a Cabinet Aug. 6: An Israeli spokesmansaid that helicopter
meeting that he had askedThant to help negotiate borne Israeli troops, in "hot pursuit"of an escap-
the releaseof the hijackedplane. ing band of Arab saboteurs,followed the band "a
Israel reportedthat a patrol had killed 2 Arab few kilometers" into Jordanian territory. Five
guerrillasin a clash along the JordanRiver. Arabs were reportedkilled and 2 wounded with
July 29: A spokesmanfor the PLO said that the 12 no Israeli casualtiesreported.
Israelis held prisoner in Algeria were exchange- Aug. 7: The Central Arab Boycott of Israel Office
able for Palestine Arabs held in Israel but that announcedthat any boycottof Algerian ships and
the plane was not exchangeablebecauseit was an aircraftwould be met by a counterboycottby Arab
instrumentof war. countries.
Jordanianauthoritiesturnedback Arab refugees Aug. 9: The executivecommitteeof the PLO issued
from the Gaza Strip who were trying to emigrate a statementsaying that Chief of Staff of the PLA
to the east bank of the Jordan River, charging Yahya was arrestedon August 1 by a number of
that Israeli forces had been trying to force the officersof the PLA who had been suspendedJuly
refugees into Jordan. 29 and was placedunder house arrestin Damascus
Thant, in reporting on Jarring'srecent activi- until August 8. The statementcalled on the public
ties, commentedon Jarring's"patience,persistence to disregardall claims by the mutineersand their
and statesmanship"and said "it will be impor- leaders.

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Aug. 10: A JordanianRed Crossofficialchargedthat his talks there "extremelyuseful."
Israel had used poison gas and napalm in the Au- July 24: The results of the June OPECmeeting in-
gust 4 Salt raid. cluded principlesto serve as a basis for petroleum
Aug. 12: Two commandogroupsof the PLO rejected policy in membercountries.Includedwere recom-
changes by the executive committee saying the mendationsthat the members"as far as feasible"
committee was not entitled to interfere in the explore and develop their hydrocarbonresources
organizations'activities and the prerogativesof directly and that the governments acquire a
their commanders. "reasonableparticipation"in concessionsnot call-
Aug. 13: The InternationalFederation of Airline ing for governmentparticipation,"on the grounds
Pilots Associationsaid that word had gone out to of the principle of changingcircumstances."
Air France,Alitalia and Swissairto ceaseall flights July 30: The ForeignMinistersof the EECagreedto
to Algeria as soon as possible. give the Community'sExecutive Commission a
UNRWA announced a $40,000 contribution mandate to conclude separate preferential trade
from Japan. agreementswith Moroccoand Tunisia.
Aug. 14: The French National Union of Airline Aug. 1: The Deputy Ministers of Communications
Pilots declareda boycott of Algeria. of Jordan,Syriaand Saudi Arabiabegan a week's
meeting in Damascusfor talks on establishinga
telecommunicationsline along the Hejaz Railway.
General Aug. 12: Bankersfrom 19 African countriesinclud-
ing Ethiopia, UAR, Libya, Morocco and Sudan
1968 agreed to set up an associationfor the promotion
of mutual interests in monetary, banking and
May 18: The Arab LeagueEconomicCouncil ended financialaffairs.
a 6 day meeting after approving a Kuwayti pro-
ject to establish a KDs 100m Arab Development
Fund to help promote economic and social devel- Afghanistan
opment in the Arab world. Kuwayt pledged KDs
30m towardsthe Fund. Tunisia, Saudi Arabiaand 1968
Moroccowere not present.
May 30: The 4th meeting of the CoordinationCom- June 9: Indian Minister for Irrigation and Power
mittee of OPEC, held in Vienna, ended. Ashraf K.L. Rao began a 12 day visit to assessthe techni-
Lutfi of Kuwayt was elected chairman of the cal assistance India could offer to develop the
meeting. country'sirrigation and power potential.
June 7: SyrianPresidentAt&sicalled for an immedi- June 13: King MohammadZahir Shah ended a 10
ate union between the UAR, Syria, Iraq and Al- day visit to the USSR with a joint communique
geria "to confront the Zionist imperialist chal- reaffirmingtheir mutual allegiance to the princi-
lenge." ples of peaceful coexistence and saying that the
June 9: Kuwayti Finance Minister 'Atlqi said that withdrawalof Israeli troops from occupied terri-
Kuwayt would abide by its obligations on pay- tories is an absolutely essential condition for
ment to the states affectedby the June war until peace in the Middle East.
the "liquidationof the consequencesof that ag- July 12: The InternationalMonetaryFund approved
gression." a stand-byarrangementauthorizing drawings up
June 11: Arab League Assistant SecretaryGeneral to $7m over the next 12 months by Afghanistan,
'Arif Zihir announceda pledge by Abu Dhabi of it was reported.
KDs 3m to the Arab DevelopmentFund. July 27: India signed an agreementto expand and
June 24: Qatarannounceda pledge of KDs 500,000 diversify trade. India would allow cumin seeds
to the Arab DevelopmentFund. and medical herbs from Afghanistanwith no ceil-
June 25: The OPECended its 16th Conferenceof 2 ing and would diversifyits importsfrom Afghani-
days in Vienna. The resolutionsadopted were to stan.
be published July 25.
July 1: USSR Prime Minister Kosygin made public
a Soviet programfor further arms control includ-
ing support "for the reduction of armamentsin Algeria
variousregions of the world, includingthe Middle (See also Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Israel,
East." Morocco,South Yemen, Syria,Tunisia)
July 21: The 4th anniversaryof the founding of the
Regional Cooperation for Development (RDC) 1968
was celebratedin Iran, Pakistanand Turkey.
July 23: US Ambassadorto the UN George Ball May 16: Talks between SONATRACHand the Ital-
ended a 10 day visit to the Middle East, calling ian oil concernENI resumed,it was reported.

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May 19: SyrianDeputy Prime Ministerand Foreign providing for increasedSoviet technical and eco-
Minister Mikhts ended a 3 day visit for discus- nomic aid and a Soviet agreement to buy 5m
sions on the Middle East situation. hectolitresof Algerianwine in 1969 and 1970.
May 21: The government announced that it had July 27: Foreign Minister Bouteflikaended a 4 day
nationalized 27 private companies making me- visit to France.
chanical and electrical equipment, fertilizers and July 29: In an interview with Le Monde, Foreign
constructionmaterials. Minister Bouteflika,commenting on his visit to
May 23: The nationalizationof 4 minor fertilizer France,said that in the "exploratory"talks on the
concernswas announced. applicationof the 1965 agreementof oil resources,
June 4: A Nigerian federal delegation headed by he had met with "a great deal of understanding
Ibrahim Moussa Gashas ended a 4 day visit for from the Frenchside" but added "thoughthe will
talks on improving the countries'friendship. to cooperateis unquestionablypresent on the po-
June 8: Libyan Prime Minister Bakkush,accompa- litical level, it is not to be found in execution."
nied by a ministerial delegation, ended a day's Aug. 8: Iran signed a cultural agreementwith the
visit for talks on increasingbilateralties, Maghrib country.
cooperationand discussing the Middle East situ- Aug. 9: Ahmed Medeghri resigned as Minister of
ation. Interior,it was reported.
June 13: Franceannounceda reductionin the quota
of AlgeriansenteringFranceto 1,000 a month and
announced that imports of fruits and vegetables
would be banned to protectthe Frenchmarket.
June 14: The governmentnationalized18 companies Cyprus
in the food, chemical and mechanicalindustries. (See also Syria,Turkey)
June 18: Minister of CommerceNoureddineDellici
announceda series of agreementssigned with the
UAR including Algeria's agreementto repay an 1968
Egyptian loan to build a textile factory and an
agreementcovering the costs of the countries're-
spective diplomaticmissions in Algiers and Cairo. June 2: Glavkos Clerides, President of the Cyprus
June 19: In a speech marking the third anniversary House of Representatives,and Rauf Denktash,
of the overthrow of the Ben Bella government, President of the Turkish Cypriot Communal
President Boumediennesaid that cooperationbe- Chamber,flew to Lebanonfor private talks.
tween Franceand Algeria will be jeopordizedun- June 5: Clerides and Denktash ended preliminary
less French attitudesare changed,noting that the talks in Beirut with a joint communiquesaying
major French interest in Algeria was oil and the that they had had a useful exchangeof views and
major Algerian interestsin Francewere labor and that the talkswould resumein Nicosia on June 24.
technical aid. June 18: The UN SecurityCouncilvoted to continue
June 26: The trial of 17 people, including 4 alleged the UN Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) at least
to have attemptedto assassinateAhmed Kaid on until December15.
January24, was postponeduntil July 12. June 24: The UN-sponsoredtalks betweenDenktash
June 30: Yemeni Prime Minister 'Amri ended a 2 and Cleridesresumedin Nicosia with UN official
day visit during which the 2 countriesagreed to Osorio-Tafallpresent.
develop economic, technical and cultural cooper- July 1: The US pledged a $4m contributionto the
ation. UNFICYP.
July 3: Algeria signed a $4m long term loan for July 5: Thant appealed to all governments"to re-
aiding Yemen in exploiting oil and minerals. spond promptly and generously with voluntary
July 5: The country celebratedits 6th anniversary contributions"for the UNFICYP if the force "is
of independence. to carry out the task assigned to it," it was re-
July 10: Syrian Minister of Economy and Trade ported.
Zuhayr al-Khini ended a 6 day visit. July 25: Talks between Cleridesand Denktashwere
July 12: The trial of people allegedlyinvolved in the suspended until the end of August. In a joint
attempton Kaid'slife was postponed. communique,they said "therehas been an identity
July 13: South Yemen PresidentSha'bi,accompanied of views on a number of points" but added that
by a delegation,ended a 6 day visit. certain issues remain "which require patient ne-
July 15: Soviet Defense Minister Grechko began a gotiations if we are to narrowthe existing gaps."
visit as the guest of PresidentBoumedienne. July 26: Switzerland will contribute $200,000
July 20: SouthYemen signed a technicaland cultural towardsthe maintenanceof the UNFICYP, it was
cooperationagreementwith the country. reported.
July 22: Minister of Energy and Industry Salam, Aug. 7: President Makarioswill pay an unofficial
heading a 37 man delegation, ended a 3 week visit to the Scandanaviancountries from August
visit to the USSR in which protocolswere signed 19 to September2, it was announced.

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exchangecosts of projectsbeing undertakenby the

Ethiopia private industrialsector.
(See also General) June 4: A 20 man Soviet delegationarrivedfor talks
on developingeconomicand technicalcooperation.
1968 June 5: Two Soviet ships began a 5 day good will
May 21: EmperorHaila Silisse ended a 4 day state June 6: Ruler of Qatar ShaykhAhmad Ibn 'Ali Al
visit to South Korea with a joint communique Thini ended a week's privatevisit.
saying that the talks between the 2 heads of state June 8: The AgriculturalDevelopmentFund of Iran
were markedby a cordial atmosphereand a pro- was set up to promote large scale agriculturalin-
found mutual understanding. dustrialcorporationsand providelong term credits
May 25: The celebrations marking the 5th anni- for agriculturalschemes.
versaryof the founding of the OAU were held at June 12: The Shah ended 2 days of conferencesat
the organization'sheadquartersin Addis Ababa. the White House with US PresidentJohnson,get-
The Emperorended a 4 day state visit to Kuala ting his assuranceof supportin building an "ade-
Lampurand returnedto Ethiopia after a month's quate modern defense force."
tour of south east Asia. June 16: An 11 man Frenchmission, headedby Di-
June 7: The Shah of Iran and EmpressFarahended rector of External Economic Relations Marcel
a 4 day state visit after signing a treatyof friend- Chapelle, arrived for talks on French economic
ship. and industrialcredit worth about $60m.
June 18: Minister of State Gabjeegsy arrived in The Shah ended a week's private visit to the
Yugoslaviafor a 2 day visit. US and began a visit to Italy with EmpressFarah.
June 20: The police commandantfor EasternSudan June 17: The Soviet firmNaftkhimpronexport agreed
announced that the frontier with Ethiopia was to supply 34 turbo-compressorsfor installation
being closed. along the proposedtrans-Iraniangas pipeline. The
June 30: Sweden agreed to contribute$14.09m to- cost, $47.8m, will be paid for out of future ex-
wards a 5 year school program. ports of Iraniannaturalgas to the USSR.
July 16: Chief Administratorof the Ministry of June 23: Japan signed a trade agreementto import
Roads Abashawiarrivedin Kenya for discussions $12.5m of Iraniangoods in the first year and, in
on the construction of a 1,000 mile Kenya- the third year, 240,000 tons of LPG a year.
Ethiopiahighway. June 24: Iraqi Prime MinisterYahya, with a minis-
July 25: Foreign Minister Ketama Yifru arrived in terial delegation, arrived for talks with Iranian
India for talks on a proposednon-alignedconfer- ministers.
ence. July 10: The JapaneseExport-ImportBank agreedto
Aug. 13: An 8 man Sudanesegoodwill mission ended loan $17m to help finance a microwave tele-
a 2 day visit. communicationssystem to be built by Nippon
July 17: The country will take part in a $275m
petrochemicalproject in India, it was announced.
Iran July 20: PakistaniPresidentAyub arrivedfor a 2 day
(See also Algeria, Ethiopia, Morocco, Tunisia signed a trade agreement, exporting
Saudi Arabia,UAR) iron ore, lead and phosphatesin returnfor Iranian
crude, aluminumand chemicalproducts.
1968 Indian Deputy Prime Minister Morarji Desai
ended a 6 day visit for talks on economic and
May 19: The Ministry of Economy announcedtax technical cooperation.
concessionson income from agriculturalprojects, Aug. 10: A Saudi Arabianoil delegationarrivedfor
income from dairy products, exports of selected talks on oil cooperationand demarcationof the
goods, incomes of educationalistsand investment Gulf continentalshelf.
on long term approvedhousing projects.
The Shah inauguratedNIOC's new 85,000 b/d
refineryin Tehran.
May 27: Czechoslovakiasigned 2 agreementsto sell Iraq
$5m worth of machineryand parts theto Tabriz (See also Arab Israeli Conflict,General, Iran, Leba-
machineand tools factoryand will supply$300,000 non, Saudi Arabia,South Yemen, Syria,UAR)
worthof equipmentfor the trainingcenterattached
to the factory. 1968
May 29: The World Bankannouncedit had approved
a $25m loan to the Industrialand Mining De- May 17: The Lebanesenewspaperal-Anwairreported
velopment Bank of Iran to help meet the foreign that 2 Kurdish ministers, Ihsan Shirzad (Works

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and Municipalities) and 'Abd al-Fattih al-Shali the import of British goods, forbidden after the
(Development in the North), offered their resig- June war, was permitted.
nations, reportedlyprotestingthe governmentsus- July 7: The Middle East News Agency reportedthat
pension of the Kurdish newspaperal-Ta'ikhi in Minister of AgrarianReform Farhanresigned.
May. July 9: South Yemeni President Sha'bi ended a
Details of the 1968/69 budget of Ds week'svisit with a communiqueannouncingIraq's
218,775,048 were published.Defense was allotted readinessto give economic support and technical
34.4% of the budget and education25.01%. In- assistanceto the country.
come tax would be increasedand duties on im- July 17: Baghdad Radio reportedthat a coup had
ported cars would go from 125% to 150%. overthrownPresident'Arif "to preservethe July 14
May 18: INOC ChairmanAd*b al-Jadir said that revolution and the revolution of March 8." 'Arif
negotiationswith a number of foreign firms were was, reportedly,sent abroad. The announcement
in progress for the supply of oilfield equipment said that all Iraqi airportsand governmentoffices
and installationsto developthe northernRumaylah were closed and a 24 hour curfew had been im-
field. posed.
May 20: President'Arif said that work on the pro- A new Cabinetwas formed as follows:
jected EuphratesDam would begin by next year 'Abd al-Razzaqal-Nayif Prime Minister
"at the latest"and would be financedby a Ds 50m Nasir al-Hani: ForeignAffairs
loan from the USSR. Ibrahim 'Abd al-Rahman al-Dawuid:Defense
May 26: Soviet ships ended a 16 day goodwill visit. Salih Kubbah:Finance
May 27: Labor and Social Affairs Minister 'Abd Salih Mahdi 'Ammash:Interior
al-Hamid Hini announced that the number of Muslih al-Naqshabandi:Justice
trade union organizationswould be cut from 21 Ah~mad'Abd al-Sattaral-Jawird:Education
to 15 by a processof mergers. Anwar 'Abd al-Qadir al-Hadithi: Labor and
June 4: Baghdad Radio announceda draft law on Social Affairs
the establishment of a Legislative Assembly to 'IzzatMustafa:Health
assume legislativepowers during the currenttran- Taha al-Hajj Ilyas: Cultureand Information
sition period. The Assembly, to be formed of MahmudShit Khattab:Communications
members appointed by Republican decree with Muhsin al-Qazwini:Agriculture
Cabinetapproval,would be in charge of working 'Abd al-Majidal-Jumayli:AgrarianReform
on a permanentconstitution. Ihsin Shirzad:Public Worksand Housing
June 9: IPC and MPC agreed to pay a lump sum of MuhammadYa'quibal-Sa'idi: Planning
?10m for the period of June 1967 to May 1968 'Abdallahal-Naqshabandi:Economy
and an extra 7 cents a barrelof future exports as Khalid Makkial-Hishimi: Industry
long as the present "extraordinarycircumstances" Mahdi Salih Hantush: Oil and Minerals
of the companies'enhanced competitive position Ghayib MawliudMukhlis: Municipaland Rural
due to the Suez Canal closurecontinues. Affairs
June 11: The period for objecting to sentencescon- Diyab al-'Alqiwi: Youth Welfare
nected with the 1966 Kurdish rebellion was ex- Muhsin Dlz'i: Development of the North
tended for 2 months. 'Abd al-Karim Zaydan: Minister of State for
June 16: The Amir of Kuwayt Shaykh al-Sabih Waqf Affairs
al-Salim Al Sabah ended a day's visit with a Jasim Kazim al-'Azziwi: Union Affairs
communique in which both countries expressed Rashid al-Rift'l: Minister of State f or Presi-
"their completewillingness to back the Federation dential Affairs
[of Gulf Amirates] in all political, economic, Naji 'Isa al-Khalaf:Ministerof State
cultural and technicalfields." Kazim al-Mu'alla:Minister of State
June 18: Yemeni Prime Minister 'Amri arrivedfor July 18: MajorGeneralHasan al-Bakrwas appointed
a short officialvisit. President.
An Algerian oil delegationended a 6 day visit Prime Minister Nayif issued a communique
to discuss cooperation between the 2 countries' which laid emphasis on the corruptionof 'Arif's
national oil companies. governmentand stressedthe necessityof bringing
June 22: President'Arif acceptedthe resignationof to account those responsible for the June war
the 2 Kurdish ministers and appointed Minister defeat.
of Agrarian Reform 'Abd al-Karim Farhan as July 21: ForeignMinisterHani said the government
acting Minister of Works and Municipalitiesand was not consideringthe resumptionof diplomatic
Minister of State Hammidi Mahdi as acting relations with the US, which "supportsIsrael at
Minister for Development in the North. the expense of the Arabs."
June 26: The Board of Directors of the state run Prime Minister Nayif, accompanied by the
General Press Organizationsuspended the news- editor of a Kurdish newspaper,Salah Yuisuf1,re-
paper al-Thawrahfor a week. portedly flew to Irbil province to meet with
June 29: The Ministry of Economyannouncedthat KurdishleaderBarazani.

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July 22: ForeignMinisterHani said that Iraq would 1968
honor all her foreign agreements.
July 25: Minister of Informationand Culture Ilyas May 18: Foreign Minister Eban ended a European
announced the government'slifting of all press tour.
censorshipand warned against the abuse of press May 20: The Cabinet meeting endorsed the policy
freedom. that only peace treaties reached through direct
July 30: The RevolutionaryCommand Council is- negotiations between Israel and the Arab states
sued a communiqueousting Prime MinisterNayif could lead Israel to withdraw from any of the
and some of the Cabinetmembers.PresidentBakr occupiedareas.
was appointedPrime Minister and Commanderin May 24: Ghana signed a trade agreementproviding
Chief of the ArmedForces. for mutual most-favored-nation treatmentand pro-
July 31: The RevolutionaryCommand Council is- viding for measures facilitating the widest pos-
sued a communique explaining the change of sible exchange of goods between the 2 countries.
government, saying that the ousted officials had May 26: Malawi President Kamuzu Banda arrived
tried to divert the revolution into a "right wing for a 5 day state visit for talks on strengthening
reactionarytrend" and had tried to abolish the cooperationand friendship between the 2 coun-
INOC. The new Cabinetmemberswere named as tries.
follows: May 28: The governmentpaid the US $3,323,500
Hardin al-Takrlti:Defense in compensationto the families of 24 Americans
'Abd al-Karim al-Shaykhli:Foreign Affairs killed in the Israeli attackon the US communica-
Amin 'Abd al-Karim:Finance tions ship last June.
'Abdallahal-Salluim:Culture May 29: Two Germanfirms,Mannesmannand Thys-
'Abd al-Husaynal-'Atiyyah:Agriculture sen, who had agreed to supply steel for the pro-
Jisim Kazim al-'Azzawl: Agrarian Reform posed pipeline from the Gulf of 'Aqabahto the
Mahdi al-Ddla'i: Justice Mediterranean,denied reportsthat they were boy-
JawadHishim: Planning cotting Israel as a trading partner.
Fakhrnal-Yisin al-Qudirl: Economy June 4: President Shazaropened the Tel Aviv in-
Rashid al-Rifi'i: Oil ternationaltrade fair.
Shafiq al-Kamali: Youth June 11: Prime Minister Eshkol announcedbefore
'Abdallahal-Khudayr:Unity a caucus of parliamentarymembers of the Labor
'AdnanAyyub Sabri: Ministerof State Party his intention to name LaborMinister Yigal
Hamid al-Jabbuiri:Minister of State Allon as Deputy Prime Minister.
Taha Muhyi al-Din: Ministerof State June 22: Eshkol said that statementsby other minis-
Muhammadal-Karbuli:Minister of State ters "obligate only those ministers who make
Aug. 3: The Revolution CommandCouncil issued a them" and expressed his disapproval of "state-
statement pledging to bring about "a peaceful ments of other ministerson foreign affairs."
settlement safeguardingthe interests,securityand June 23: The Cabinet authorizedForeign Minister
stability of the country and the rights of our Eban to reaffirmpreviousofficialIsraelistatements
Kurdishpeople in the north." on the November SecurityCouncil resolution.
The Baghdad daily al-Jumhuriyyahreported a Excavationbegan on the proposed 160 mile
statement by Minister of Oil Rifa'i to the IPC pipeline.
that the government is determined "to obtain June 26: The French government announced its
Iraq's acquiredrights from the companieswithin authorizationof the delivery to Israel of 25 dis-
a short period of time." assembledmilitary Fouga-Magistertwin jets, de-
Aug. 4: The RevolutionaryCommand Council an- signed for advancedmilitary training.
nouncedit would establishan academyof Kurdish July 1: The Cabinet approved the appointmentof
culture and grant scholarshipsto Iraqi Kurds to Allon as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of
study at foreign universities. Absorption.
Aug. 10: Ibrfhim Faysal al-Ansarl was appointed July 6: The US Defense Departmentannouncedit
chief of staff of the army. had reachedan agreementwith Israel on May 30
Aug. 12: Under a Revolution Command Council to sell additional batteries of Hawk anti-aircraft
decree the former ministers Nayif, Dawud, missiles under a credit arrangement.
'Alqawi and Hani were appointedto the Foreign July 8: Golda Meir resignedas General Secretaryof
Ministry with the rank of Ambassador. the United LaborParty.
July 9: Director of the Foreign Ministry Gideon
Rafael ended a visit to London.
July 16: US Ambassadorto the UN George Ball
Israel ended a 3 day visit.
July 17: Ebanannouncedplans to meet with African
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict, Jordan, Kuwayt, countries in the Ivory Coast "next month" to
Lebanon) discuss the UN General Assembly agenda.

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July 18: West Germanysigned a $33.6m agreement June 12: US Deputy AssistantSecretaryof State for
to finance road building in the Negev and the Near East and South Asia Rodger Davies arrived
developmentof a port 20 miles from Tel Aviv. for a 4 day visit.
The US House of Representativesvoted to June 18: Israel Radio reported an attemptedcoup
direct President Johnson to sell Israel 50 F-4 in Jordanby the armedforces.
Phantomjet fighters. June 20: Prime Minister Talhani called the Israeli
July 21: Minister of Finance Sapir said that the Radio report of an attemptedcoup "void of any
June war had cost Israel ?416m. element of truth and reality."
July 26: Sapir was named to succeedGolda Meir as June 26: Jayyuisireportedlyannouncedthat 3 agree-
SecretaryGeneralof the United LaborParty. ments for oil exploration,technicaland economic
Aug. 6: The US Civil AeronauticsBoard said it cooperationand trade exchange had been signed
had approvedthe leasing of a Boeing airlinerand with a visiting Rumanian economic delegation.
crew to El Al until Algeria releasedthe hijacked June 27: A West German DevelopmentBank dele-
El Al plane. gation ended a 5 day visit after agreeing to a
Aug. 12: Two Syrian pilots landed their MIG-17 DM 74m loan towards financing the proposed
jets in northernIsraeland were taken into custody. DM 95m railway line connecting 'Aqabah and
A Syrian military spokesmansaid that the planes the Hijaz Railway.
took off in poor visibility and were forced to UNESCO agreed to provide about $1m for
land "at an enemy airport after their fuel had scholarshipsand scientificequipment at the Uni-
run out." Israel reported that the pilots were versity of Jordan.
being interrogatedand said that the planes landed June 30: Turkey signed a protocol for the mutual
with their fuel tanks nearly empty. reductionof transportcosts between the 2 coun-
Aug. 14: A Syrian Air Force spokesmansaid Syria tries.
would ask through the InternationalRed Cross July 9: Member of the Policy Planning Council of
for the return of the 2 Syrianpilots. the US State DepartmentJohn Campbellarrived
for a 3 day fact finding visit.
A delegation from the Soviet Trade Union
Federationended a week's visit.
Jordan July 11: In a Royal decree, 108 people of Palestine
(See also Arab IsraeliConflict,General,Syria,UAR) origin living in the Gulf States were given
1968 July 14: Foreign Minister Rifa'i ended a week's
visit to London for talks with governmentofficials
May 19: The governmentannouncedreceiptof $14m and UN Special Envoy Jarring.
from Abu Dhabi to offset the economicdifficulties July 17: US Ambassadorto the UN George Ball
resulting from the June war. ended a 2 day visit for talks with government
May 20: Minister of Finance Jayyiisi announcedhe leaders on the Middle East.
had signed an agreementwith the UAR on com- July 24: The government acknowledgedreceipt of
pensation for Jordanianproperty affected by na- Saudi Arabia's4th aid installmentof ?4,320,987.
tionalizationin Egypt. Jayyisi said that the US will pay the balance
May 23: A Greek company, Doxiadis, signed an of its aid to Jordanfor the past year, about $6m,
agreement to develop the Gulf of 'Aqabah's in Americangoods.
southern tourist area. Aug. 6: King HIusaynsaid that the Jordanianarmy
King IHusaynended a 24 day European tour had reorganized itself in an extremely short
during which he held talks on the Middle East period of time, during which it had also obtained
with British and French officials. modern weaponsand a high standardof training.
May 29: A government communique reportedthat The UAR signed a trade protocol to buy
bands of armed men attackedthe central police E?500,000 worth of Jordanianfarm produce in
station in 'Amman in an attempt to free a man exchange for Jordan importing E?1.5m worth of
held there. Egyptian industrial and agriculturalgoods.
May 30: Jayyiisiannouncedthe governmenthad re-
ceived an offer of $500,000 in US aid with which
Jordan would import Americangoods.
June 9: Saudi Arabia granted the country ?15m Kashmir
in additional aid for the purchase of military (See also Pakistan,Turkey)
equipment and the strengthening of Jordanian
armed forces. 1968
June 10: The US told the UN it would provide
$816,000 worth of flour and vegetable oils for May 20: KashmirGovernorMohamedMusadeclared
distribution to 200,00 displaced persons in that unless the Kashmirissue is settled through a
Jordan. fair and impartial plebiscite there would be no

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hope for improvementof relationsbetween India market for its bonds by selling its first issue" of
and Pakistan. KDs 15m of 6?2% 20 year Kuwaytibonds in the
Ju-ne30: ShaykhAbdallah,in a public meeting, said Kuwaytimarket.
that there could be no talks or a dialogue with
the Indian governmentuntil it concedesthe right
of self determinationto the Kashmiris.
Aug. 1: General Secretaryof the CommunalParty Lebanon
of India Sundarayyasaid that a large number of
the people of Jammu and Kashmir were for (See also Arab Israeli Conflict, Cyprus, General,
joining Pakistan and said that the people of Iraq, Syria)
Kashmir should be assured of their "right to
full internal autonomy,"it was reported. 1968
Aug. 9: Studentsin Kashmir,marking the anniver-
sary of the arrest of Shaykh Abdallah, went on May 16: Prime Minister Yafi said that the interim
strike protesting India's alleged undemocratic governmentwill be dissolvedno laterthanMay 25.
policies in the country. May 27: Five units of the French fleet ended a 6
Aug. 15: Ten Kashmiriswere arrestedin connection day goodwill visit.
with an appeal from ShaykhAbdallah for a boy- May 29: Yafi said that Lebanonwas strengthening
cott of 2 local elections in Kashmir. its defenses and had taken measures to defend
its borders facing Israel, and that the Defense
Ministry was "working out a social service and
military service law under which citizens will
Kuwayt actively participate in strengthening our armed
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Iraq, forces.
Lebanon,Turkey,Yemen) May 30: The Prime Minister won a vote of confi-
dence on his May 29 statement,with 62 voting
1968 for, 26 againstand 6 abstentions.
ForeignMinisterButrusbegan a tour of the US
May 19: The daily newspaperal-Siyasahwas sus- and the USSR.
pended for a week. May 31: Former President Sham'un was wounded
May 26: The 1968/69 budget was published.Total in an assassinationattempt. The government an-
revenue was put at KDs 258,676,141 with nounced the assailanthad been arrestedand im-
75.95% of the budget for ordinaryexpenditure, posed a curfew.
22.26% for developmentprojectsand acquisition June 1: SupremeArmy CommanderBustini issued
of propertyand 1.79% for the generalreserve. a communique banning gatherings, shouting of
May 27: British VickersEngineeringGroups,Arma- slogans, car processionsand the hanging of por-
ments Division, announced that Kuwayt had traits in public places.
ordered ?6m to ?7m worth of Vickers 38 ton June 2: The daily newspaperal-Hayih was suspended
battle tanks with high velocity guns and able to for 3 days after being accusedof publishing in-
carryanti-tankmissiles. correct reports about the attempted assassination
May 28: Six men accusedof spying for Israel were of Sham'uin.
reportedlyarrested. June 6: Foreign Minister Butrus met with USSR
May 30: UPI reportedthat the Saudi Arabian and ForeignMinisterGromykoin Moscowfor talks on
Kuwayti governments agreed on fixing their the Middle East.
neutral zone border based on a proposal by a June 7: Iraqi Acting Foreign Minister Ism'll
Japanesesurveyingcompany. Khayrallaharrivedin Beirut for a day'svisit.
June 24: Yemeni Prime Minister 'Amri arrivedfor The government took over control of the In-
a 2 day official visit. ternational Arab Bank, reportedly because the
June 26: The UN agreed to help set up a $2m bank was sufferinga deficit.
water resourcesdevelopment center and to con- June 10: Director General of the Presidential
tribute $568,000 towardsit. SecretariatIlyas Sarkis was appointed Permanent
June 27: Foreign Minister Shaykh Governorof the Banquedu Liban.CharlesKhfiri
Al Sabah.ended a 5 day tour of several Gulf will replacehim as DirectorGeneral.
amirates. June 16: Minister of Economy, Labor and Social
Aug. 1: The AmIr will pay a 6 day state visit to AffairsEdouardHunaynresignedfrom the interim
the US in December, it was announced. government.
Aug. 10: A Malaysianeconomic delegation arrived June 18: The EEC announced that the trade and
for talks on economic and cultural cooperation. technical cooperation agreement signed in 1965
Aug. 14: Presidentof the World Bank McNamara had been ratifiedand would come into force on
announced that the Bank "has taken a further July 1 for 3 years, or longer by mutual consent.
step to expand and diversify the international June 19: The Beirut journal Commercedu Levant

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reportedthat SaudiArabiahad agreedin principle the country needed all its money for its own
to a ?5m developmentloan. development.
June 24: Yemeni Prime Minister 'Amrl ended a 2 June 13: A contractfor the constructionof a sulfur
day visit. recovery plant at Port Burayqah terminal was
July 3: A Cabinet reshufflewas announced giving awardedto Ralph M. ParsonsCo. Ltd. (UK), it
Prime Minister Yafi the portfolios of Interior was announced.
and Labor& SocialAffairs,and giving PierreIddah June 29: Bakkush ended a 3 day official visit to
the Finance portfolio. Minister of Justice and Spain with a joint communique saying that "it
Tourism Rashid BaydIinbecame Minister of De- was agreed to open negotiationsas soon as pos-
fense and Tourism, with Minister of Interiorand sible to conclude an agreement to expand eco-
EconomySulaymanFranjiyyahbecomingthe Min- nomic and technicalcooperation."
ister of Justice. July 3: Yemeni Prime Minister 'Amri ended a day's
July 11: Ruler of Dubai Shaykh Rashid Ibn Sa'd visit.
al-Maktfimarrivedfor a private visit. July 9: Minister of Petroleum Affairs Khalifah
July 19: US Ambassadorto the UN George Ball Miusa received US Director of North African
ended a 3 day visit for talks with government Affairs of the State DepartmentJohn Root.
leaders on the Middle East. July 20: Businessmenfrom the Benghaziand Tripoli
July 27: The Labor and Social Affairs Ministry an- Chambersof Commerceended a 5 day visit to
nounced that all foreign employersmust employ Britain.
at least 3 nationals. July 28: The financialand operatingagreementsbe-
Aug. 4: ForeignMinisterButrusprotestedthe Syrian tween the Libyan General PetroleumCorporation
duties of July 30 calling them "contraryto the and the French group, ERAP-SNPAwere signed.
principlesof good neighborlinessand of the Arab July 30: AP reported that Occidental Petroleum
League Charter. made a strike which tested at between 10,000 and
Aug. 6: The Cabinet rejecteda proposalby Finance 15,000 b/d.
Minister Iddah which would have given the Cab- July 31: A law to encourage foreign investment
inet extraordinarypowers to introduce economic was promulgated which included benefits and
and fiscal reformsby decree. exemptions from certain duties and taxes for
Aug. 7: The government imposed a U100 tax on foreign investment projects.
every Syrian lorry entering the country.
The KFAED agreed to a KDs lm loan to help
finance the constructionof silos at Beirut Port.
Aug. 10: Sudanese Prime Minister Mah.jubended Morocco
almost a month's private visit during which he (See also General)
met PresidentHilfu and PremierYafi.
June 7: Libyan Prime Minister Bakkiish, accom-
Libya panied by a ministerialdelegation,ended a 4 day
(See also Algeria, General, Morocco, Tunisia, state visit for talks cn increasing bilateral ties,
Turkey) including an offer of indirectaid to the Moroccan
5 year plan, and developingMaghribcooperation.
1968 June 13: France announced a ban on the import
of Moroccanfruits and vegetables to protect its
May 24: Four companies,MercuryPetroleum,Lion own market.
Petroleum, Libya Desert and Libya Texas, lost June 17: A Cabinet reshuffle was announced in
their concessionsbecause of their failure to live which Haddou Chiguer was given a new port-
up to the minimum work obligationsas set forth folio of Primary Education, being replaced as
in their concessioncontracts,it was reported. Defense Ministerby MohammedMezziane.Qasim
May 29: The White House announced that Prime Z'hiri was given the new ministry of Secondary
Minister Bakkuishhad accepted an invitation to and Technical Educationand Abdul Latif Filali
visit Washington on September25 and 26. the new ministry of Higher Education.
June 4: The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs June 22: West Germanyagreed to give the country
announcedthat businessesoperatingin Libyamust up to 10m of credits for use in the 5 year plan.
obtain work permits for their foreign employees June 25: The Shi.h of Iran ended a 4 day private
and must state in the application the employees' visit.
professionsand placesof work. Jane 28: Rumania signed an economic cooperation
June 11: Bakkiish said that while the government agreement.
would stand by its commitments to the Arab June 29: A US loan of $13m for the purchaseof
world, Libya could not be regarded an as un- agriculturalequipment and projects and for pub-
limited source of aid by Arab countriesand that lic works was signed.

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July 6: Soviet Minister of Foreign Trade Patolichev firm under which EastPakistanwould get material
ended a week's visit after signing a long term worth over Rs 35m for the laying of 256 miles of
trade agreement providing for an exchange of transmission lines.
goods worth $40m a year. June 6: Husain told the National Assemblythat the
July 10: MohammedEl Fassi was named Minister country was no longer taking any part in the
of Culture. military activitiesof CENTO but that the country
July 30: The National Union of MoroccanStudents, still found the economicand culturalactivitiesof
at its 12th congress, called for an end to the 3 some benefit.
year state of emergencyand for the election of a June 8: Finance Minister Uqaili announced the
constituent assembly to write a new constitution 1968/69 budget with receipts estimated at Rs
"basedon the people's sovereignty." 5,396.7m and expendituresat Rs 5,456.5m. The
Aug. 1: A 3 man delegation, led by Secretary deficit would be covered by adjustmentsin exist-
General of the Finance Ministry Karim Lazrak ing taxation.
arrivedin Paris for talks on Frenchaid. June 9: Uqaili said that 55% of the development
The UN Development Programmeagreed to programwould be financedthrough the country's
contribute $729,000 for the development of intemal resources.
agriculturaland water resources. June 24: Defense MinisterRahmanKhan announced
Aug. 6: Morocco and France issued a joint com- an ordinancefactory is being built in East Paki-
munique saying that France would finance con- stan with Communist Chinese help.
structionof a sugar refineryat Sidi Bennour. June 28: Husain, in reviewing Pakistan's foreign
Aug. 13: King Hasan announced a Cabinet re- policy, said that the countrywill never accept the
shuffle in which Farouk Ben Brahim replaced ceasefire line in Kashmir as an international
Moulay Ahmed Alaoui as Minister of Commerce, boundary.
Industry and Mines. Alaoui replaced Thami July 9: It was reportedin India that the USSR had
Ouzzani as Minister of Tourism and Handicrafts agreed to sell arms to the country.
and Ouzzani becameMinister for the Royal Cab- July 11: The World Bank and the International
inet. Finance Corporationsigned agreementsproviding
Aug. 15: Algeria signed an agreement to triple up to $36m to help financea urea fertilizerplant.
mutual trade up to about ?12.5m for both coun- July 13: IDA and Sweden agreed to provide $lOm
tries annually. and $5m respectivelyin credits to help finance
the AgriculturalDevelopmentBank'slending pro-
Pakistan July 18: AgricultureMinister ShamsudDoha began
an 8 day official visit to the USSR.
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Iran, Iraq, July 21: Yugoslaviaagreedto provide a $50m credit
Jordan,Kuwayt,Lebanon) to finance plants, equipment and commoditiesas
may be agreed upon.
1968 July 22: President Ayub arrived in London for a
May 16: The US signed a new Food for Freedom July 23: The USSR agreed to grant a $66m credit
Agreementcalling for the delivery over the next for the purchaseof capitalgoods.
year of 400,000 tons of wheat and wheat flour July 27: CommunistChina agreedto financea $29m
worth $21.6m. foundry at Tazila and to provide technical as-
May 19: The USSR agreedto preparewithin a year sistance for the project, it was reported.
a project report of the $28m electrical complex July 30: Minister of Agriculture Doha arrived in
to be set up near Rawalpindi with Soviet as- Belgrad on a 6 day visit.
sistance. Aug. 7: SharifuddinPirzadawas appointedAttorney
May 20: Foreign Minister Husain announced that General.
notice had been given the US on April 6 to close Aug. 11: Foreign Minister Husain announced the
down the communicationsstation near Peshawar government's acceptance of Communist China's
when the 10 year agreement for it expires in offer to assist in controlling wide spread annual
1969. floods in East Pakistan.
May 23: The Aid-to-PakistanConsortiumaccepted Aug. 14: The countrycelebratedits 21st anniversary
the World Bank's assessmentthat Pakistancould of independence.
effectively use assistanceof $550m for the next
year on improved terms.
May 25: A Soviet naval detachmentbegan a 7 day
goodwill visit. PersianGulf
May 26: Two week talks with India over sharing
Ganges River water ended with no agreement. (See also Arab Israeli Conflict,General, Iran, Iraq,
June 4: An agreementwas signed with a Yugoslav Jordan,South Yemen, UAR, Yemen)

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1968 in the concessionof Aramco for the national oil

agency Petromin.
May 26: The rulers of Bahrayn, Qatar and the The Shah of Iran met with King Faysalduring
Trucial states ended a 3 day meeting in Abu a stopoverat Jiddah on the Shih's way to Addis
Dhabi with a communique saying the rulers Ababa.
would meet again on July 1. Minister of Defense and Aviation Sultan Ibn
June 28: Japan'sArabian Oil Company announced 'Abd al-'Azlz arrivedin Spain on an official visit
it would develop a deposit of fine quality oil in heading a 5 man military mission.
an offshorearea of the neutral zone. June 9: The Ministry of Finance and National
The meeting of the Gulf rulers, to be held Economyconsiderablyreducedcustomschargeson
July 1, was postponeduntil July 6, it was reported. a variety of goods to conform with the govern-
June 30: Le Monde reported that the Compagnie ment's policy of promoting a rise in the standard
Franfaisedes Petroles bought a 12?2% share in of living.
Muscat and Oman's offshore exploration conces- June 11: An unnamedSpanishcompanywas awarded
sion. an Rs llm constructioncontractfor government
July 7: The Gulf rulers ended a 2 day meeting in buildings and pilgrim accommodationsat Yanbu'
Abu Dhabi. The organization of amirates will Port.
include the Higher Council of the Gulf amirates, June 20: MuhammadIbrahimMahfzfiwas appointed
with Deputy Ruler of QatarKhalifah Ibn Hamad Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Al Thin! elected as its first chairman.The council June 22: The US Export Import Bank announcedit
will have a rotating chairmanand rotating meet- had granted a $12m loan to help costs of the
ing places and will have a federal council of fertilizerplant under constructionat Dammam.
notables. The budget adopted was for $140,000. June 28: A 3 man delegation headed by Deputy
July 8: Chairman of the Federation Hamad Al Governorof Petromin 'All Ridlaarrivedin India
Thani began an official5 day visit to London. for an 8 day visit.
July 15: Ruler of Sharjah Shaykh Khalid Ibn July 2: Crown Prince Khalid Ibn 'Abd al-'Azlizmet
Muhammadal-Qasimi arrived in London for an with US PresidentJohnson.
"extended visit" as the guest of the British July 5: Interior Minister Prince Fahd Ibn 'Abd al-
government. 'Azlz ended a week's visit to Somalia.
Chairman Hamad Al Thin! said his govern- July 29: Chairman of the Board of Directors of
ment would welcome foreign investment and NIOC ManuchehrEqbal, accompaniedby other
technical skills and announced incentives includ- Iranianoil officials,began an officialvisit.
ing a 2?2% limit on import duties, minimal tax The country agreed to establish diplomatic re-
on income and profits and absenceof restrictions lations with Kenya on the ambassadoriallevel.
on the removal of capital and profits. Aug. 4: PakistaniDefense Minister A. R. Khan be-
July 19: Shell acquireda 20% share in Muscatand gan an 8 day officialvisit.
Oman's offshore exploration concession, it was Aug. 5: The Central Planning Authority concluded
reported. a $1.025 contractwith StanfordResearchCenter
Aug. 2: Bahraynintroducedan indirect tax on gas in which the Center will assist the Authority in
to help financethe country's5 year road improve- economic and social developmentplanning.
ment and constructionprogram. Aug. 7: An Egyptian trade delegation arrived for
Aug. 5: The British firm Costain Civil Engineering talks on wider trade and economic cooperation.
won a ?500,000 contractto build a water pipe-
line and distributionsystem in Muscatand Oman.
Aug. 14: Ruler of SharjahShaykh Muhammadal-
Qasimi began a 4 day private visit to Holland. SouthYemen
(See also Algeria, Iraq, Sudan,UAR, Yemen)
SaudiArabia 1968
(See also Arab IsraeliConflict,General,Iran,Jordan,
South Yemen, UAR, Yemen) May 16: President Sha'bi announced that govern-
ment securityforces had crusheda May 13 rebel-
1968 lion in Ji'ar, Abyan and Shuqrah.Tribesmenwho
had been "temporarilyduped"were reportedlyre-
May 16: Jiddah Radio reportedthat 'Umaral-Saqqaf turning to their homes.
had been appointedMinister of State for Foreign May 26: A UN Development Programmemission
Affairson April 1. headed by MohammedSarfrazarrivedto examine
May 26: Iraqi Minister of Labor and Social Affairs the Republic's economy and make short term
'Abd al-Karim Hini ended a 6 day visit. emergency plans.
June 3: Speakingat AUB, Oil MinisterAhmadZaki June 7: The British Foreign Office announcedthat
said that SaudiArabiawas activelyseeking a share compensation for the Btits dismissed from

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South Yemen's armed forces would be deducted Aug. 1: A money transfertax of 1% on any personal
from its ?12m post-independenceaid to the transfersfrom the country was imposed.
Republic. The country'sAmbassadorto Egypt Muhammad
June 11: Finance Minister 'Ashish said that the Hadi 'Iwad said that all rebels in the Sayyidarea
governmentwould not agree to the Britishgovern- were under seige by government forces and he
ment paying compensation to the dismissed accusedFLOSY,the South ArabianLeague (SAL)
British personnel from the ?12m promisedunder and the US intelligence services of being behind
the November agreement. the mutiny.
Reportsreceivedin Beirut said that the govern- Aug. 2: Commander of the Republic's Security
ment had put down a "leftist insurrection"in the Forces 'Abdallah Salih Sab'ah, accompanied by
5th governorate and former Defense Minister 200 men, reportedlyfled to Yemen saying he re-
'Ali Salim al-Bayd was reportedlyarrested. fused to fight against the rebels trying to over-
June 12: President Sha'bi announced a new "in- throw PresidentSha'bL.
terim" tax between 5 and 47 2% on wages and Aug. 3: Foreign Minister Sayf Ahmad al-Dali'l an-
salariesfrom Ds 25 upwards.Foreignersworking nounced the expulsion of former ruler of FadIl
in the private sector were exempt. 'Abdallahal-Fadliand brotherof the Minister of
June 25: Three Soviet warshipsarrivedfor a 3 day Internal SecurityIHusaynal-'Awadhil.
officialvisit. SecretaryGeneral of FLOSY, Maq!wi denied
June 27: An Egyptian economic adviser, 'Abd al- there was a split within the Front and said it had
Razzaq Hlasan,arrivedto help plan the country's completecontrolover Shi'b,Hawshabiand Wah.idi.
economic development. Aug. 4: The governmentclaimed a victory and the
New governorswere appointedfor 4 governor- routing of rebel tribesmenin the 4th governorate,
ates as follows: with 81 rebels killed, 40 wounded and 45 taken
Nuir al-Din Qisim Salah: 1st governorate prisoner.
MuhammadSa'id Yifi'i: 2nd governorate Aug. 6: A delegation led by AgricultureMinister
Ahmad MuhammadIbn 'Arab: 3rd governorate Sha'ir ended visits to West Germany, Bulgaria,
Mansur Sayf: 4th governorate Rumania and North Korea. Sha'ir announced
June 28: The government reported that dissident North Korea would build 4 factories and 12
tribesmensupportedby Saudi Arabiahad revolted mobile work shops and would develop 2500 acres
in the 2nd and 4th governorateson June 23, of arable land. Rumania agreed to help explore
took Sayyid and cut the road linking Aden with the country for minerals.
Dili'. The government was reportedly clearing A trade delegation led by 'Abd al-Malik
out the rebels. Ismi`ll ended a visit to the UAR, Algeria, Yugo-
July 3: The Jordaniangovernment announcedthat slavia and Spain.
9 scholarshipshad been alloted to the Republic. Aug. 9: The Ministry of Culture, Guidance and
July 14: An economicdelegation,led by Ministerof Yemen Unity Affairs announcedthat government
AgricultureAbmad Salih al-Sha'ir,ended a visit forceshad takenthe city of Sayyid,with 109 rebels
to West Germany where a DM 10m loan was killed and 68 captured.
agreedon for technicaltrainingfor SouthYemenis Aug. 1.0: South Yemen Radio announcedthat their
in West Germany. government troops had cleared out all Yemeni
PresidentSha'bi ended 2 weeks of officialvisits Royalist forces from the town and fort of Harib
to the UAR, Iraq and Algeria and said he was very in Yemen.
happy with the aid promised the country and Aug. 14: SAL denied governmentreportsthat Sayyid
announced a ?4m development loan and a had been capturedand said that fighting was con-
?250,000 loan for the provision of foodstuffs tinuing "on roads and paths leading to the town
from Yugoslavia. and not near it."
July 15: An economicdelegationled by Minister of
Agriculture Shi'ir arrived in Poland to discuss
possible aid.
July 30: Secretaryof the National LiberationFront Sudan
Faysal 'Abd al-Latif al-Sha'bi, addressinga mass (See also Arab Israeli Conflict, Ethiopia, General,
rally, said the government declared a general Lebanon,UAR)
mobilization of the armed forces, in the face of
determinedthreatsby the "enemiesof the regime" 1968
supportedby Saudi Arabia and "imperialism."
July 31: FLOSY said that the government forces May 18: Minister of FinanceSharif al-Hindi signed
had lost 100 men and that 3 government army an agreement making Sudan a member of the
units had joined FLOSY fighters in the Sayyid Arab common market.
area. Further,the statementsaid that the SubaybT, May 20: South Yemen Minister of Economy 'Abd
Yifi'i and Fadli areas had expressedsupport for al-Malik Isma'il arrived for a 5 day official visit
resistancein Radfan and 'Awlaqi. for talks on developing mutual trade.

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May 23: Uganda Defense Minister Onama charged June 28: Niger PresidentDiori ended a week's visit
that Sudanesetroops on May 14 had crossed the for talks with PresidentAzhari.
borderinto the village of Dufile and burnedhouses June 29: The governmentprotestedto Uganda over
and killed a womanand, on May 18, exchangedfire alleged over-flights"severaltimes" the past week.
with the Uganda army and police 5 miles inside June 30: President Azhari began a 5 day visit to
the Uganda border. Somaliato celebrateSomalia'snationalday and to
May 26: Prime Minister Mahjub tenderedthe resig- have talkswith governmentleaders.
nation of his government to enable the new July 8: The Soviet Ambassadorconfirmedthe de-
constituentassemblyto elect a new Prime Minister. partureof the first military group for training in
May 27: The constituentassemblyre-electedMahjub the USSR and said he hoped to see Soviet arms
as PrimeMinisterand al-Azharias President. in the militaryparademarkingthe Octoberrevolu-
May 29: It was announced that Niger President tion. He also announced that a Soviet military-
Diori will visit for 6 days, beginning June 20. technical delegation was expected within the
June 2: Mahjiubformed a Cabinetas follows: month.
MuhammadAhmad Mahjub: Premierand De- July 11: India signed a trade and paymentsagree-
fense ment, increasingmutual tradeup to ?37m for the
'Ali 'Abd al-Rahman: Deputy Premier and year.
Foreign Affairs July 18: Tanzanian President Nyerere reportedly
Hasan 'Iwadallah:Interior ordered the expulsion of 4 Sudanese separatist
Yahya al-Fadll: Education leadersfor allegedly using Tanzaniaas a base for
Sid Ahmad 'Abd al-Hadi: Commerce political agitation.
'Abd al-Hamid Salih: Health July 23: The SANU issued a statementaccusingthe
Kamal 'Abdallah al-Mahdi: Animal Resources governmentof mass killings of Africans in south
MirghaniZaki al-Din: Agriculture Sudan.
MuhammadDawud al-Khallfah:Local Govern- Aug. 5: Finance Minister Hindi announceda ?5m
ment British loan for improving the country'srailway
Clement Moore: Industry service.
Hilary Paulo Logali: Labor and Cooperation Aug. 10: The government information service re-
'Abd al-MajidAbu Hasabui:Information ported that a number of Swiss companies had
IbrThimal-Mufti: irrigation offereda loan of possiblyup to ?55m for the con-
Rashid al-Tahir: Works structionof an airportin Khartum.
Sharif Husayn al-Hindi: Finance and Eco-
Ah.madal-SayyidHamad: Communicationsand
June 10: In a policy statementDeputy Prime Minis- SyrianArab Republic
ter Rahman said the most importanttask of the (See also Arab Israeli Conflict, Algeria, General,
assemblywas to approvea permanentconstitution. Israel, Lebanon)
Further,the governmentwould seek to extend the
working of democracythrough administrativere-
forms and try to maintain the country'sunity. 1968
June 12: The World Bank approvedan IDA credit
of $8.5m to finance over half the cost of educa- May 16: Foreign Minister Makhus ended a day's
tional projects. visit to Algeria.
June 16: A delegation headed by Yemeni Prime May 22: Three opposition parties, the Arab Na-
Minister 'Amri arrived on a 3 day visit. tionalist Movement, the Syrian Arab Socialist
June 21: The assembly approved the government's Union and the Arab Socialist Party, banned to-
program on foreign policy. gether and issued a statementaccusingthe regime
The Netherlands signed a technical and eco- of having providedIsraelwith the excuse to wage
nomic agreementexpected to promote the invest- an attackon the Arab states in June 1967 and of
ment of Dutch capital as well as the exchangeof having surrenderedthe Jawlin Heights to Israel.
experts and technicians,it was reported. May 23: The countryagreed to the passageof Iraqi
Communist China signed a trade agreement petroleum products by Turkish railways, it was
to increase the volume of trade, with China ex- reported.
porting mainly textiles, steel products,medicines, Foreign Minister Makhuisended a week's visit
tea and stationery in return for cotton and oil to Italy for talks with Foreign Minister Fanfani.
bearing products,it was reported. May 27: The UAR Suez Canal Authority signed a
June 22: PresidentAzhari received a message from $1.163m contractto deepen Tartus Port to 37.3
Uganda PresidentObote expressingthe hope that feet.
the bordersituation could be solved through dip- June 6: Iraqi Acting ForeignMinister Isma'll Khay-
lomatic channels. rallah arrivedin Damascusfor a day's visit.

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June 11: Rumania signed a $25m economic and talks with officials on extending trade and pay-
technical agreement under which Rumania will ments agreements.
give aid for the purchaseof equipment and will
finance some Syrian developmentplans.
June 13: Syria's General Petroleum Organization Tunis'ia
(GPO) and the Algerian concern SONATRACH
issued a joint statementsaying that SONATRACH (See also General, Turkey, UAR)
would carry out geophysicalsurveys in Syria and 1968
help market Syrian oil abroadon behalf of GPO.
June 15: A delegation of the ProgressiveParty of May 16: PresidentBourguibaended 2 day talks in
the Working People of Cyprusended a 5 day visit. Washington with US PresidentJohnson after is-
June 16: An Algerian FLN youth delegation ended suing a joint communique in which Bourguiba
a visit. reaffirmedhis support of the Americanpolicy in
June 21: Yemeni Prime Minister 'Amri ended a 2 Vietnam.
day visit. May 21: Bourguibaended a week's visit to the US.
July 13: Yemen contributedYRs 100,000 to the May 30: West Germany announced it would give
Syrian war effort, it was announced. the countrya new long term loan of ?4m to be
July 14: Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade used in Tunisia's developmentplan.
Zuhayral-Khanisaid agreementhad been reached June 4: Government officials announced that Col.
in principle to export lm tons of crude to the Zbiri, alleged leader of the abortive December
Italian oil firms AGIP and ELF who will pay rebellion in Algeria, had been granted asylum in
half the price in cash and half in Italian goods. the country.
July 27: Prime Minister Zu'ayyin charged that June 11: Libyan Prime Minister Bakkuish,accom-
Lebanonwas harboringSyrianswho were plotting panied by Foreign Minister Qadhdhafi,Minister
against the Ba'th party regime. of Economy Najm and Minister of Planning
July 28: The Ministryof Communicationsannounced 'Atiqah ended a 4 day visit for talks on increas-
it would buy about 10,000 tons of asphalt from ing bilateralties, developingMaghribcooperation
IPC'srefineryin Tripoli and 3,000 tons from Iraq and discussionof the Middle East.
for road constructionin Syria. June 12: The official news agency TAP reported
Jaly 29: A decreewas issuedproclaimingthe forma- that Zbiri had left the country.
tion of a Higher State Security Court "to try June 18: The US signed a SlOm loan to help finance
conspirators against the state and saboteurs imports of industrial machinery and agricultural
against the revolution . . . be they in custodyor equipmentfrom the US.
at large." June 24: Foreign Minister Bourguiba Jr. ended a
July 30: New duties were imposed on Lebanese 3 week tour of South Americancountries.
goods and trucks traveling through or to Syria. July 1: Minister of Planning and EconomyAhmed
Duties on trucksentering the countrywere about Ben Saleh took over the portfolio of Education
$25. A 2% duty on the value of goods going to and combinedit with his portfolio.
or from Jordan, Iraq, Kuwayt and the Gulf was July 2: The National Assembly unanimouslypassed
imposed as was a 5 % duty for goods going to a bill setting up a state security court to judge
other countries.Industrialgoods of Lebaneseorigin offenses against state security.
also would pay a 5% duty. July 3: PresidentBourguibaarrivedin Bulgaria for
Aug. 4: The Civil Defense Directorate General a 6 day state visit.
ordereda partialblackoutin Damascusevery night July 4: India signed a tradeagreementgiving Tunisia
and a complete blackout during mock and real $lm of credit.
air raids. July 10: Bourguibaarrivedin Rumaniafor a 6 day
Aug. 8: Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade state visit.
Khini announcedoil barterdeals with the Italian July 24: The Istanbul daily Yeni Gazette quoted
firm Fiat for 527 heavy lorries valued at $5.5m Bourguibaas saying that "the Arabs alreadyhad
for $lOm of crude and with Austria for refined ten differentunions but since Abdel Nasser con-
products in return for crude worth double the siders himself president of the Arab world and
goods imported. not just the United Arab Republic, Arab aspira-
Aug. 11: A Jordanianeconomic delegation led by tions towards unity are not advancing-on the
Minister of Economy Zu'bi ended talks with a contrarythey are receding."
joint communique saying that Syria would pro- Aug. 2: The African Development Bank granted a
vide help to Jordanianimportsand exports travel- $2.75m loan to financeirrigationof 5,781 hectares
ing through Syria, that Syria would help Jordan in the lower MijardahValley.
in the marketingof Jordanianphosphatesand that Aug. 15: Libya signed an agreementto coordinate
all aid going to refugees in Jordan would be ex- the countries' petrochemical plans, including
empt from Syrianduties and taxes. specializationin the manufactureof petrochemicals
Aug. 13: A Soviet trade delegation arrived for between the 2 countries.

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discussindustrialcooperationand advancementof
Turkey trade.
(See also Cyprus,General, Iran, Jordan) Aug. 12: Britainagreedto loan $1rmfor the purchase
of British goods and servicesneeded for the coun-
1968 try's economic developmentprogram.
Aug. 14: The UN FAO signed 2 agreementsto give
May 24: The US AID lent Turkey $14.2m for the over $1.5m in food aid to the country.
extension of the Eregli iron and steel mill, it was Kuwayti Trade and Industry Minister Shaykh
reported. 'Abdallahal-Jabirarrived for talks on increasing
June 2: Seven people were reportedlykilled and 20 mutual trade.
injured during local elections. Aug. 15: LibyanKing Idris arrivedfor a 10 day un-
Official election results were announced. The officialvisit.
Justice Party won 38 of the 53 Senate seats in
the third series of elections.The Republicanswon
13, the National Party 1 and the Trust Party, 1.
June 6: Presidentof the TurkishCypriotCommunal United ArabRepublic
Chamber Rauf Denktas arrived in Ankara for (See also Arab Israeli Conflict, Algeria, General,
talks with governmentleaders. Jordan,SaudiArabia,South Yemen, Syria,Tunisia)
June 10: Studentsat the Universityof Ankaraseized
the School of Languages,History and Geography, 1968
asking for the resignationof the dean and reforms
in the educationalsystem. May 19: Al-Ahr'm reported that UAR authorities
June 11: Law students at the University of Ankara were consideringthe possibility of manufacturing
joined students demonstratingand demandedre- locally pipe required for the projected Suez-
forms in examination regulations and asked for Mediterraneanpipeline.
the freezingof certainfees. May21: The Middle EastNews Agencyreportedthat
June 14: The US turned over to the government the US companyPanamericanOil had struckoil in
site 23, a $15m communicationscenter south of the Fayyuimdesert.
Ankara. The 50 man committeeformed to overhaulthe
June 18: Governmentofficialsannouncedthey would ASU (Arab SocialistUnion), in its first meeting,
receive the design for the $30m bridge acrossthe decidedto permit all membersof the partyto vote
Bosphorus by late September.One third of the in elections for the party'sreorganization.
cost is to be raisedin Turkey. May 23: The governmentannouncedit would hold
June 22: Minister of Power and Natural Resources electionson June 25 to reorganizethe ASU.
Refet Sexgin said the government'soil policy was May 25: Al-Ahr'm reportedthat diplomaticrelations
to make the country largely self sufficientin oil, with Tunisiawould remainat the charge'd'afaires
to refine the oil produced in Turkey at Turkish level.
refineriesand, if possible, to raise oil production June 2: It was reportedin Lebanon that President
to export levels. Nisir and the ExecutiveCommitteeof the ASU
July 7: Pakistan Foreign Minister Husain ended a purged the party of 26 members,including 7 who
6 day official visit with a joint communique in were reportedlyinvolved in the abortive plot led
which Turkey reiteratedits hope that the Jammu by the late Field Marshal'Amir, becausethey had
and Kashmir dispute would soon be solved in "departedfrom the principlesof the Arab Socialist
accordancewith UN resolutions. Union, deviatedfrom the principlesof the National
July 9: President of the World Bank McNamara Charter"and "failed to carryout party decisions."
ended a visit saying that the Bank would increase Included in the purge was former directorof the
Turkey'scredit. Voice of Arab radio Ahmad Sa'id.
July 13: Foreign Minister Caglayangil ended a 5 June 6: The Ivory Coast signed a commercialagree-
day visit to the USSR for talks on possible aid for ment providing for $8m of mutual trade begin-
Turkishindustrialprojects. ning in 1969. Under the agreement,the country's
July 15: Tunisian PresidentBourguibaarrivedfor a marketwould be open to Egyptianmanufactured
10 day unofficialvisit. and handicraftgoods and the Ivory Coast would
July 16: The Ministry of Finance announced that export coffee,cocao, bananasand other produceto
Turkey had arrangedfor $156m credits for her the UAR.
1968 importprogramfrom the OECD. June 8: Iraqi Foreign Minister Isma'll Khayrallih
July 20: Students began demonstrationsagainst a arrivedin Cairo for a day'svisit.
visit by the US 6th fleet. June 9: The government signed a feasibility study
July 24: The Ministry of Energy and Natural Re- contractwith a British firm InternationalManage-
sources said that oil had been struck at Siverek ment and Engineering Group for the projected
which tested at 112 barrelsa minute. pipeline from the Gulf of Suez to the Mediter-
Aug. 2: A trade delegation arrived in Belgrade to ranean.

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June 10: The retrial in the SupremeMilitary Tri- Bank Mahmiud Sidq1 Murad said that Saudi
bunal of the 4 commandersof the Air Force for Arabiahad agreed to set up a joint bank with the
dereliction of duty in the June war began. UAR to financemutualtrade.
Yemeni Prime Minister 'Amri, accompaniedby July 9: World Bank PresidentMcNamarabegan a 5
a ministerialdelegationincludingForeignMinister day officialvisit for discussionson helping Egypt
Makki,arrivedfor a 3 day visit. finance agriculturaland developmentprojects.
June 11: Chairmanof Egypt's National Bank Mu- July 10: Nasir ended a week's visit to the USSR
hammadAbu Shadi said that British, French and with a joint communiquein which the 2 countries
Swiss banks had agreed to extend credit facilities agreedon "furtherjoint steps"in the conflictwith
to Egypt to boost trade exchangesand strengthen Israel and endorsedthe November SecurityCoun-
banking relations. cil resolution.
June 13: Al-Ahrnimreportedthat Iran and the UAR July 12: Nisir ended a 2 day official visit to
would restorediplomaticrelations. Yugoslavia.
June 15: Congo (Kinshasa) signed an agreement Editor of al-AhramHaykal said that the USSR
to increasemutual trade. did not want to rush a "hot confrontationwith the
June 21: Al-Ahrnimreportedthat the chargesmade United States"and said "the final judgment re-
during the June war of US "collusion" with mains the question of Arab ability and will to
Israel were merely attemptsby the Egyptianmili- struggle."Further,Nasir had told Russianleaders
tary commanders"to find excuses for themselves" there could be "no negotiations,no peace treaty,
and there was "no sign" that the US had aided no recognition of Israel and no ceding of Arab
Israel. territoriesto Israel"and that the Sovietssupported
June 22: Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade this position.
Hasan 'AbbasZakliannouncedthat Egypt had re- July 14: Voting took place to elect 1,648 people to
paid about E?E210min foreign debts in the last form nationalcongressesof the ASU.
year. July 16: A Sudanesemilitary delegation arrivedfor
June 24: The World Food Programmesigned an a "short"visit.
agreement providing for the supply of $7.33m July 18: FormerUS delegateto the UN CharlesYost
worth of foodstuffsfor 30,000 workerson a new ended a 4 day visit for talks with officialson the
irrigationprojectin upper Egypt. Middle East.
June 25: Electionswere held to choose 75,840 local July 23: Nasir was unanimouslyelected presidentof
committeemenfor the new structureof the ASU. the ASU.
June 26: Yemeni Prime Minister 'Amri arrivedfor Nasir, addressingthe 1st congressof the ASU
a 2 day visit. urged the Arab world not to "be provoked"pre-
India signed a 1968/69 trade agreementpro- maturelyinto another war with Israel saying "we
viding for mutualtradeexchangesup to Rs 640m. must have patiencein orderto score victoryin the
July 2: South Yemeni President Sha'bi ended a 5 end."
day visit for talks with government officials on July 24: Jordanian Foreign Minister Rifa'l ended
possible economic aid. a 5 day visit for talks on the Middle East situation.
Reports published in London said that a con- TanzanianMinisterof Statefor ExternalAffairs
spiracyto assassinatePresidentNisir was thwarted Chedici Mgonja arrivedfor a day's visit for talks
in June. Reportedly 35 people, including army with ForeignMinisterRiyadon the recentmeeting
and police officers,were arrested. of the Organizationof AfricanUnity.
July 4: About 200 officersin the military,including July 26: Nasir arrived in the USSR for medical
35 majorgeneralsand 33 colonels were pensioned treatment.
off, it was reported. Aug. 2: Al-Ahiramreportedthat Nasir was respond-
Details of the 1968/69 budgetwere announced. ing well to Sovietmedicaltreatment.
The budget imposedan unspecifiedincreasein the Aug. 3: Minister of Health Muhammadal-Nabawi
national security tax on wages and provided for al-Muhandisdied at the age of 53.
an increasein the price for certaingoods to make Aug. 14: Mali PresidentMedibo Keita arrivedfor a
up for a E?150m deficit. Of the budget of brief visit.
E?2,000m, E?312m was allocated for investment Aug. 15: Minister of Tourism MuhammadHifiz
and E?127.5m for an emergencyfund for defense. Ghanim was given the Health portfolio.
The figure for armed forces allocationwas not re-
leased but reportedly is the largest in Egypt's
CommunistChina signed a ?30m trade agree- Yemen
ment underwhich the UAR will supplyrawcotton,
rice, textile and chemical productsand diesel oil (See also Algeria, Iraq, Kuwayt, Lebanon, Libya,
in returnfor tea, coffee,cannedmeat,timber,metal, South Yemen, Sudan, Syria,UAR)
machineryand spare parts.
July 5: Deputy Governor of the Egyptian Central 1968

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May 21: Reports reaching Beirut said that the 2 July 5: San'i' Radio reportedthat Iryani had agreed,
factionsof the Royalistgroup had been reconciled. on July 4, to retain the presidencyuntil a new
Reportedly, Prince Muhammad Ibn Husayn de- presidentcould be appointed.
cided to form a new 6 man ImamateCouncilwith July 14: San't' Radio reportedthat Muhammad'Abd
himself as it head, replacingMuhammadal-Badr. al-Wasi' Hamshid al-Asbahliwas named Yemen
May 23: Ambassadorto Iraq 'Abd al-Rahipin al- Unity Ministerreplacing'Abduh'Uthmanwho was
Baydani said he had received reports that Prince appointedMinister to Ethiopia.
Muhammad Ibn Husayn was ambushed in an July 24: Santi'Radio reportedthat a 3 day conference
attack on May 21 by Yemeni forces in south east of tribal leadersat Abs ended on June 23 with a
Yemen which killed "a large number of foreign decision to raise a 10,000 man army from tribes-
mercenariesand bandits."The fate of the prince men to ward off threats from followers of Mu-
was unknown. hammadal-Badr.
June 1: The Chairmanof the ImamateCouncilissued July 31: The TreasuryMinistryannouncedthat coins
a decree forming a new Cabinet.Prime Minister issuedunder the pre-revolutiongovernmentwould
of the Cabinet Yahyi was reportedlyrelieved of cease to be legal tenderAugust 1 and could be ex-
the premiership"for health reasons." changedthroughthe Yemen BankbetweenAugust
June 6: The KFAEDannouncedits agreementto loan 1 and September16.
KDs 190,000 to finance the Wadi Zabid project. Aug. 3: A SouthYemen ministerialdelegationended
June 18: Presidentof the RepublicanCouncil Iryani a week's visit with a communiquesaying that the
announced he would not accept renominationto 2 countries had agreed to coordinate industrial
the presidency. policy and would set up a coordinationbureau
June 22: PrimeMinister'Amritold a pressconference affiliatedwith their ministries of Yemen Unity.
in Beirut that Yemen was ready to meet with Further, the countries would not allow their
Saudi Arabia to settle their differencesand called territoryto become a springboardfor opposition
on Arab leaders to make efforts to improve rela- againstthe other country.
lions between the 2 countries.


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