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NAME: ________________________________________
Follow the instructions.
1. Senja has founded these capacities to the nearest 10 liters.
Tick (√) which of these statements are correct and give explanation for the wrong
1 056 liters rounds to 1 100 liters

1 056 liters rounds to 1 060 liters

1 252 liters rounds to 1 250 liters

2 345 liters rounds to 2 340 liters

3 452 liters rounds to 3 450 liters

2. Complete for each rounding.

a. 1 387 is ………… when rounded off to the nearest hundred

b. 5 227 is ………… when rounded off to the nearest hundred

c. 152 is ………… when rounded off to the nearest ten

d. 4 156 is ………… when rounded off to the nearest ten

3. Complete the partition wall in your own way.

a. 17 809 = 10 000 + 7 000 + ……………….. + 9

b. 20.218 = 20 + ……………….. + ……………….. + 0.008

c. 134.789 = 130 + ……………….. + 0.7 + ………………..

4. Fill in the missing digits to make these calculation correct.

1 … 7
1 … +¿

2 0 3

5. Complete these sentences.

a. 5.3 cm larger than 12 cm is ......... cm

b. The difference between the capacities 4.3 l and 10 l is ......... l

c. 0.5 kg + 4.25 kg + ......... kg = 12.3 kg


6. look at the diagram.

Find the area and perimeter of these polygon.

7. A regular pentagon have sides of 5 cm in length and 8 cm in width. What is the

perimeter of the regular pentagon?

8. Look at diagram.
Find the length of pencil in millimeter and centimeter.

[Turn Over]

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