(123doc) - De-Thi-B2-Va-C1-Chuan-Chau-Au-Phan-Nghe-So-23 PDF

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1. (A) He’ll eat his sandwich after class.

(B) He can only stay a short while.
(C) He isn’t hungry right now.
(D) He need to shop before eating.
2. (A) Leave her garbage cans at his house. (B) Find out when the truck comes by. (C) Prepare
for a Tuesday pickup. (D) Put the garbage out the night before pickup. 3. (A) She must take one
more math class in order to graduate. (B) She took a lot of math classes in high school. (C) She
didn’t have to take the introductory math class at the material. (D) She did well in the math class
because she was familiar with the material. 4. (A) Help him complete a for. (B) Advise him about
his classes. (C) lend him some money. (D) Visit the man’s apartment. 5. (A) The man should
hurry to the library before it closes. (B) The man should use the phone in the student center. (C)
The student center will close in an hour. (D) There’s no pay phone in the library. 6. (A) He isn’t
sure how many people will be at the picnic. (B) He’s worried that here won’t be enough food at
the picnic. (C) The woman doesn’t need to bring food to the picnic. (D) The woman should count
the guests carefully. 7. (A) She agrees with the man’s choice. (B) She doesn’t recommend the
red tie. (C) She doesn’t think the man needs to wear a tie (D) She has no opinion about men’s
8. (A) He’ll be able to feed the cat next week. (B) His sister might agree to take care of the cat.
(C) The woman should take the cat out of town with her. (D) His sister will be out of town next
week. 9. (A) It has been in the cafeteria for several weeks. (B) Its colors aren’t very bright. (C)
Both speakers thing it looks bad in the cafeteria. (D) The speakers selected it for the cafeteria.
10. (A) He needs the woman’s help. (B)He’ll complete the report when the computer’s fixed. (C)
The report was much longer than he thought it would be. (D) The report was finished a couple of
day ago. 11. (A) Class has already started. (B) They should stop the car right now. (C) She
doesn’t have enough money to buy gas. (D) This isn’t a good time to go to a gas station. 12. (A)
Start her papers before she talks to her professors. (B) Try to finish one of the papers this week
(C) Talk to her professors soon to ask for more time. (D) Ask her professors to help her choose
topics for her papers. 13. (A) She need to go shopping for a new pair of jeans. (B) She and her
sister look different because of their clothing. (C) She and her sister aren’t twins. (D) She and
her sister don’t wear the same size dress. 14. (A) He expects to sell all of the calculators soon.
(B) the woman should look in a different section of the store. (C) The store doesn’t have any
calculators to sell now. (D) Calculators are on sale this week. 15. (A) The task will take more
time than the man thinks. (B) She doesn’t want to talk with the man while he’s angry.
(C) She can’t help the man until later. (D) she want to know why the man didn’t come earlier. 16.
(A) He’s teaching a computer class. (B) He never earned a college degree. (C) He has decided
to change his field of study. (D) He’s taking a class to update his skill. 17. (A) He has agreed to
take care of her plants. (B) He’s bringing some plants back from his trip (C) He’s not very
responsible. (D) He’ll be away for a while. 18. (A) She’s sorry she can’t help the man. (B) She
didn’t earn a good grade in the biology course. (C) The man will begin to appreciate the biology
course (D) The man should find a tutor. 19. (A) She needs to improve her study skills. (B) She’ll
feel better if she get some rest. (C) She should make a doctor’s appointment. (D) Her
medication isn’t working well. 20. (A) She forgot to bring her skates. (B) She’s staying home
from work today. (C) She made other plans. (D) She has to work late tonight. 21. (A) Throw the
clothes away. (B) Make a donation of his old clothes. (C) Try to sell his old clothes. (D) Save the
clothes to give to his friend. 22. (A) He’ll look for the woman’s wallet. (B) He’ll help the woman
with her physics project. (C) He doesn’t have much money. (D) He’d like to pay for the woman’s
lunch. 23. (A) She wants to work at the same laboratory next semester.
(B) She’s tired of working as a laboratory assistant. (C) She’s tired of working as a laboratory
next semester. (D) She needs to find a new job quickly. 24. (A) His father doesn’t have time to
listen to a book on tape. (B) His father might find a book on tape convenient. (C) Books on tape
aren’t as popular as paperback books. (D) His father likes mysteries better than historical
novels. 25. (A) She is neater than the woman’s previous roommate. (B) She doesn’t like the
woman’s last roommate. (C) She doesn’t like to clean. (D) She’ll probably move soon. 26. (A)
She’ll accompany the man tomorrow. (B) She’s going to see the exhibit later. (C) She isn’t
interested in the exhibit. (D) Susan’s work will be exhibited tomorrow. 27. (A) He remembers
seeing the notes. (B) He needs the notes for his biology class. (C) The woman can borrow his
notes. (D) The notes may be in the woman’s bookbag 28. (A) The woman has never been
skiing. (B) The woman hasn’t been able to ski much this winter (C) The warm weather will
probably not last much longer (D) The woman doesn’t believe the man. 29. (A) She forgot to
give the man directions. (B) She’ll give the man new directions. (C) She doesn’t know where the
man is. (D) She’ll repeat what she told the man earlier. 30. (A) He hasn’t received the memo. (B)
He doesn’t understand the memo. (C) He doesn’t approve of the dean’s plan. (D) He doesn’t
need to read the memo.
2002 – 08 1. We've got an hour before our next class, would you like to get somet hing to eat
here? I can join you for a quick sandwich, but I need to r un some errands afterward. 2. When is
the garbage picked up here? On Wednesdays, but I always put the cans out on Tuesday night,
so I don't miss the trucks in the morning. 3. Hey, how come you never took that introductory
math class? You kno w, the one everyone else had to take, I thought it was a university wide
requirement for graduation. Oh, I took a similar class in high school. They said that's all I
needed. 4. Why are you going home to see your parents this weekend?
I need my dad's help to fill up this loan application. 5. Excuse me, could you tell me where the
nearest pay phone is?
Well, the nearest one is in the library. But that closed an hour ago. I think the next closest one
is probably in the student center. 6. I heard you needed people to bring stuff for a picnic, I was
thinking o f making a salad or something. But I’m not sure how much we'll need any idea how
many people are coming? Don't worry about it. Everything’s already been taken care of. 7. I'm
not sure which tie to wear in my interview, what do you think of t his red one? Maybe you should
consider wearing a different one. 8. I'm going to be out of town all next week, and I’m looking for
someo ne to feed my cat while I'm gone, you don't suppose I could talk to y ou into it, do you
You know, I’d be glad to, but I’ll be away next week too, but you kno w what, let me give my
sister a call, she loves animals, and she lives only a couple of blocks from your apartment. 9.
Did you see that new artwork? You know that poster they just put up
in the cafeteria; I wonder whose bright idea that was?
You know there's nothing wrong with the poster itself, it just doesn 't go with the colors in the
cafeteria. 10.You know that report was due in my office a couple of days ago, Where is it?
I'm sorry, it’s coming along, but as long as the computer's down, I can't finish it. 11、A. Look
we’re almost out of gas, we’d better stop at the next gas station; we have enough to make to the
B. If we stop now, we’ll be late for class Q. What do the woman imply? 12 I don't know what to
do, I have two papers due next week, and t here’s no way I’m going to get both done have you
ask your professo rs to extend the deadlines? They are usually pretty good about that s ort of
thing, but if you're going to ask them, don’t wait till the last mi nute. 13 You know, Mary, I met
your twin sister the other day, and you tw o look so much alike, and I don't how people ever tell
you apart. Actually it's not that difficult, because she always wears dresses, and I'm usually in a
T-shirt and a pair of old jeans. What does Mary mean? 14,Excuse me, do you sell calculators. I
looked over in the office supply section, but I couldn't find any That is where you'd find them, but
we're all sold out, we probably won't have any in for a few more weeks. What does the man
mean? 15 Do you have a few minutes to look over this outline for next week's debate with me, I
need to know if I have enough support for my arguments. I'm tied up in the moment, why don't
come back during my office hours. What does the woman mean? 16 You're taking another
computer class? I thought you've already ha d a degree in computer science.
I do, but the technology keeps changing all the time, this is the bes t way to keep up with it.
17.Would you like me to water your plants while you are away? Thanks for the offer, but Mark
already said he'd keep an eye on them .
18 I never should have taken that biology course, I mean I barely fini sh with reading for one
experiment and professor Jordan slaps on an other reading assignment I just can't keep up you
know Yeah, I know, that’s what everybody said at first, but bear with her, t he reading load's
getting lighter, you see, and you won't be sorry. What does the woman mean? 19.I feel awful,
I’m thinking maybe if I'm going to the clinic they who give me something to make me feel better,
I’m no expert, but I know your how hectic schedule are these days b etween your studying for
finals and your part time job, you never bac k to the dorm before midnight, Maybe you should try
slowing down a little, 20.Are we still going ice-skating after work today? Ice-skates, oh, shoot; I
knew I left something at home when I got here this morning. 21. I'm waiting else some of my old
clothes for my closet. Why don't you put them in the bed for charity? 22 Do you think you could
lend me a few dollars until tomorrow, I lef t my wallet at home and I don't have enough money
for lunch? Why don't just let me treat you, I just got paid, besides I owe you for helping me with
that physics project last month 23 Are you going to keep your part-time job next semester at the
biology laboratory or you are going try for a different laboratory this time Actually neither one
semester as a lab assistant is enough, washing test tubes can get old pretty fast. 24 How about
getting you father a book on tape for a present, this bookstore has ones covering everything
from mystery to historical
novels, and they’re really popular. Well, he does spend a lot time driving; he could listen to them
on the way to work. 25 Hey, So how are things going with you and your new roommate, i s she
still really neat and organized about everything, Yeah, she is, I mean she's nothing like my last
roommate, I guess it’s just going to get a little while for me to get used to it. 26 I was just about
to go to the art exhibit, would you like to go over there with me? I made plans with Susan to go
tomorrow afternoon 27 You haven't seen my biology notes, have you, I’m almost positive I left
them on my desk,now I can't find them. Mum, I don't think I have, did you try checking your book
bag? 28、This weather is unbelievable. I can't remember the last time we had such a warm
winter, isn’t it great? Not if you like to ski, it isn't. 29、Joan, I’ m glad I reach you, I'm at a pay
phone somewhere betw een Madison and Libratory Street, and can you give me those directio
ns again? Now Madison, just forget the way I told you before, do you have a p encil and paper?
30 What do you make with the memo the dean sent out about later regi strations. You know I
couldn't make heads or tails of it myself.

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