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Part – I SharePoint Basics

1. Introduction to SharePoint 2010

a. Windows SharePoint Services versus SharePoint Portal Server 2010

b. How do I access a SharePoint Site

c. Basic features of a SharePoint site

d. How organizations use SharePoint.

e. Summary

2. Accessing SharePoint Sites

a. Internet Explorer Fundamentals

b. Understanding the Internet options.

c. Using my network places

d. Summary

3. SharePoint Site Collections Demystified

a. Site Collections, Top-level Sites and Sub sites Defined

b. Site Groups

c. Sub sites Defined

d. Creating a sub sites

e. Workspace Defined

f. Meeting Workspaces

g. Summary

4. Introduction to Web Parts

a. What is a web part

b. Basic web part components

c. Using the Quick launch bar to see the contents of a web part

d. Two Different views of a Home Page

Part II-Using Shared Libraries and Lists
5. Document Library Basics

a. Overview of the Document Library

b. How to upload a Document

c. Working with documents in the library

d. Summary

6. Picture Library Basics

a. Basic features of the picture library

b. Creating a picture library

c. Using the picture library

d. Tools available in the picture library

e. Accessing additional tools within the library

f. Picture properties

g. Different views available

h. Actions menu

i. Summary

7. Using the Links, Contacts, and Events Lists

a. The link list

b. The contacts list

c. The events list

d. The Calendar view of the events list

e. Selecting the Calendar view from the home page

f. Summary

8. Using the Tasks and Issues List

a. The Tasks list

b. Sorting and viewing tasks

c. Viewing attachments

d. Viewing tasks elsewhere

e. Issues Lists

f. Difference between tasks list and issues list

g. Project management application of tasks and issues lists

h. Summary

Customizing Standard Libraries and Lists

9. Introduction to Metadata

a. Defining Metadata

b. Metadata in SharePoint

c. Different Metadata Possibilities

d. Textual Metadata

e. Numerical Metadata

f. Other types of Metadata

g. Importance of Metadata Standard

h. Summary

10.The Datasheet and Explorer View

a. The Datasheet View

b. Adding New lines in the Datasheet View

c. Enhanced Filtering

d. The Task Pane in Datasheet view

e. Using the explorer view

f. Copying files by using the explorer view

g. Summary

11.Modifying and creating views in libraries and lists

a. Why are views important

b. The modify settings and column tools

c. Creating a new view in the contacts list

d. Summary

12.Alerts and Document Versioning

a. The Important of being alerted

b. Creating a Alert

c. Document Versioning

d. Accessing the versions of a Document

e. Summary

Part IV – Using the Office 2010 Products with

13.Using word with SharePoint

a. Word 2010 and Office 2010 Product integration with SharePoint 2010

b. Using Word 2010 to save documents to SharePoint

c. Opening and Checking Out documents from a Document Library

d. The Shared Workspace Task pane

e. The features of the Task Tab

f. Document Information Tab

g. Summary

14.Using Excel with SharePoint

a. Standard uses for Excel 2010

b. Using Excel for Printing purpose

c. Using Excel for Charting

d. Exporting to Excel 2010 for Ease of Management

e. Saving your Excel Work

f. Summary

Part V- SharePoint Site Administration Basics

15.Summary of the Role of the Site Administrator

a. Defining the Site Administrator

b. Using Site Administration Tools

c. Administering SharePoint Roles and Rights

d. Managing Content Sites

e. Displaying and Organizing Site Content

f. Supporting and Training SharePoint End Users

g. Summary

16.Managing Site, Library and List Security

a. Understanding Site Groups

b. Creating a Custom Site Group

c. Setting Site Permission Inheritance

d. Configuring List and Library Level Security

e. Managing Anonymous Access to Site

f. Summary

17.Home Page Configuration Basics

a. Exploring a SharePoint Site Home Page

b. Configuring Components on a SharePoint Page

c. Changing Views on a SharePoint Page

d. Configuring Quick Launch Settings

e. Summary

18.Adding and Linking Web Parts

a. Understanding Web Parts

b. Adding Web Parts to SharePoint Sites

c. Importing Web Parts into a SharePoint Gallery

d. Modifying web Part Views

e. Creating Customizing XML web parts

f. Summary

Part VI Site Administrator Lessons on Creating

New Lists, Libraries, Pages and Sites.
19.Creating Libraries and Lists

a. Creating Document Libraries

b. Modifying Document Library Metadata

c. Creating Standard Lists

d. Summary

20.Creating Custom Lists and Importing Spreadsheets

a. Creating Custom Lists

b. Creating and Modifying columns in a custom list

c. Creating Custom lists using database view

d. Importing spreadsheets into a list

e. Summary

21.Creating Basic and Web Parts Pages

a. Creating Basic Pages in a SharePoint Site

b. Creating Web Part Pages in a SharePoint Site

c. Working with Web Part Pages Zones

d. Summary

22.Forms in SharePoint

a. Understanding SharePoint Forms

b. Creating HTML Form web parts for SharePoint

c. Creating XML Forms in InfoPath

d. Filling out Forms in a SharePoint XML Forms Library

e. Summary

23.Creating Sites

a. Understanding the Site-Creation Process

b. Understanding Sites and Workspace

c. Creating Sites and Workspace

d. Understanding Default Site Templates

e. Creating and Using Customized Site Templates

f. Summary

Part VII-Additional Site Administration Tasks

24.Backup Strategies

a. Understanding the Backup Process in SharePoint

b. Backing up SharePoint Sites using FrontPage 2010

c. Deleting and Re-creating Sites in Anticipation of a Full Restore

d. Restoring Sites from FrontPage Backups

e. Backing up SharePoint Sites with Templates

f. Summary

25.Migrating and Moving Data

a. Using STSADM to Move and Back up Site Collections

b. Deleting the Site Collections in Advance of a STSADM Restore

c. Restoring a SharePoint Site Collection Using the STSADM Utility

d. Migrating SharePoint Site Data Using SMIGRATE Utility

e. Summary

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