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as at 01 SEP 2018

1.0 Business Development Matters

1.0 Business Plan & Budgetting

2.0 Key Milestones to Sort

2.01 Development Strategy

2.02 Appointment of Operator – Hotel/Resort/Theme Park etc.

2.03 Appointment of Stage 1 Key Consultants


2.04 Firm up Development Concept & Business Plan

2.05 Appointment of Soil Investigation Contractor

2.06 Appointment of Environment Consultant

2.07 Appointment of Stage 2 Consultants

Interior Design/ Acoustics/ Security/ Lighting/

3.0 Implementation Matters

3.01 Master Implementation Programme.

3.02 Phase 1 Implementation Programme.

3.03 Services & Infrastructure Coordination.

Consultants? Design? Authority approvals? Cost?

3.04 Soil Investigation Programme

3.05 Environment Plan Programme

4.0 Planning Matters

4.01 Planning Submission

a) Concept Layout
b) Land Implications
c) Slope Profile Issues
d) JAS Issues
e) JPS Issues
f) Operator’s Issues
g) Submission Proposal & Laporan Cadangan Pembangunan(LCP)

4.02 State Planning Coordination

a) Key Figures

4.03 Majlis Daerah Langkawi (MDL) & One-Stop-Centre(OSC)

a) Key Figures

4.04 Jabatan Alam Sekitar(JAS)

4.05 Tenaga Nasional Berhad(electricity).

4.06 Jabatan Bekalan Air(JBA) (water).

4.07 IWK/JPP

4.08 JPS

5.0 Consultants Matters

5.01 Consultants Status:

- Phase 1 and Masterplan

A. Project Manager

a. Letter of Appointment
b. Terms of Reference, Scope of Services & Methodology
c. Key Representatives

B. Concept Architect

a. Letter of Appointment
b. Terms of Reference, Scope of Services & Methodology
c. Key Representatives

C. Submitting Architect

a. Letter of Appointment
b. Terms of Reference, Scope of Services & Methodology
c. Key Representatives

D. Civil Engineer

a. Letter of Appointment
b. Terms of Reference, Scope of Services & Methodology
c. Key Representatives

E. Structural Engineer

a. Letter of Appointment
b. Terms of Reference, Scope of Services & Methodology
c. Key Representatives

F. Geotechnical Engineer

a. Letter of Appointment
b. Terms of Reference, Scope of Services & Methodology
c. Key Representatives

G. Mechanical & Electrical Engineer

a. Letter of Appointment
b. Terms of Reference, Scope of Services & Methodology
c. Key Representatives

H. Land Surveyor

a. Letter of Appointment
b. Terms of Reference, Scope of Services & Methodology
c. Key Representatives

I. Planner

a. Letter of Appointment
b. Terms of Reference, Scope of Services & Methodology
c. Key Representatives

J. Environment Consultant

a. Letter of Appointment
b. Terms of Reference, Scope of Services & Methodology
c. Key Representatives
d. Letter of Appointment
e. Terms of Reference, Scope of Services & Methodology
f. Key Representatives

L.Interior Design Consultant

a. Letter of Appointment
b. Terms of Reference, Scope of Services & Methodology
c. Key Representatives

M. Acoustics Consultant

a. Letter of Appointment
b. Terms of Reference, Scope of Services & Methodology
c. Key Representatives

N. Lighting Consultant

a. Letter of Appointment
b. Terms of Reference, Scope of Services & Methodology
c. Key Representatives

O. Kitchen Equipment Consultant

a. Letter of Appointment
b. Terms of Reference, Scope of Services & Methodology
c. Key Representatives

P. Security Consultant

a. Letter of Appointment
b. Terms of Reference, Scope of Services & Methodology
c. Key Representatives

Q. Traffic Impact Assessment Consultant

a. Letter of Appointment
b. Terms of Reference, Scope of Services & Methodology
c. Key Representatives

R. Road Safety Audit Consultant

a. Letter of Appointment
b. Terms of Reference, Scope of Services & Methodology
c. Key Representatives

S. Insurance Broker ( ADVISORY ONLY)

a. Selection
b. RFP

6.0 Land Matters

6.01 Quit Rent.

6.02 Conversion Premium.

6.03 Land Titles Registry.

6.04 Site Control Issues.


7.0 Local Authority Matters

7.01 MDP

Planning Approval Application

a. Forms
b. Fees
c. Drawings
d. other documents
e. Environment Management Plan

Building Plan Approval Application

a. Forms
b. Fees
c. Drawings
d. other documents
e. Environment Monitoring Plan
f. Hydrography & Hydrology Reports

APPROVAL to sought from MPLBP:

a) Earthworks Plan Phase 1 (FOR EARLY START)


b) Roads & Drainage Plans

c) Streetlighting Plan
d) Landscaping Plan
e) Rubbish Disposal Plan

7.02 Jabatan Kerja Raya(JKR)

7.03 Jabatan Alam Sekitar(JAS)

7.04 Jabatan Perparitan & Sungai(JPS)

7.05 Jabatan BOMBA

7.06 Tenaga Nasional Berhad(TNB)

7.07 Telekom Malaysia


8.0 Design Development Matters

8.01 Concept Design

a) Layout
b) Site Data Availability (land survey/ S.I. data/ slopes stability/ title)
c) Costings
d) Feasilbilty
e) Evaluation & Approval

8.02 Schematic Design

a) Layout
b) Statutory Compliance & Adjustments
c) Design Review
d) Hotel Operator’s Review
e) Costings Update
f) Feasibility Review
g) Review Design & Hotel Operator’s Needs(IF ANY)
h) Approval

8.03 Detailed design

a) Layout
b) Statutory Compliance & Adjustments
c) Design Review
d) Hotel Operator’s Review
e) Costings Update
f) Feasibility Review
g) Review Design & Hotel Operator’s Needs(IF ANY)
h) Approval

8.04 Detailed Design Evaluation

A. Layout/ Size/ Circulation/ Fit-Out Plan/


B. Hotel Operator/ Owner/ Architect/ I.D./

C. Core Areas:

9.0 Tendering Matters

9.01 Tender for Soil Investigation

9.02 Tender for Phase 1 Earthworks

9.03 Tender for Piling

9.04 Tender for Slope Protection

9.05 Tender for Phase 1 Buildings & External Works

9.06 Tender for Phase 1 Specialists Packages

10.0 Construction Management Matters

10.01 Soil Investigation.





11.0 Property Management Matters

11.01 Operating Structure. Organization and gradual intake plan.

11.02 Security

11.03 Security Bluprint

11.04 Maintenance



12.0 Investor Care Service


12.01 One Stop Centre SOP and Flowchart


13.0 Marketing & Sales Matter

13.01 Marketing Plan & Budget.

a) Master Marketing Plan & Budget.

b) Phase 1 Marketing Plan.
c) Marketing Paper for Phase 1.

13.02 Marketing paraphernalia.

a) Brochures
b) CD Video
c) Website. To create web as top on list
d) Leaflets.
e) Buntings
f) Promotion Materials (Newspaper/ Magazines/ Posters/Signboards)
* to identify more magazines and websites to advertise in.
g) Models
h) Artwork on Streetscape
i) Info sheets

13.03 Promotional Signboard


14.0 Sales Admin. Matters & Sales Management

14.01 Sort Sales Admin. Flowchart & SOP.

14.02 Sales Admin. Tools. Undertaking letter/ other docs.

15.0 Accounts & Finance Matters

15.01 Project Feasibility.

15.02 Statement of Expenditure

15.03 Development & Expenditure status.

16.0 Construction Contract Management

(VO,EOT, Disputes & Snaffles)

16.01 Contract Management Report.

16.02 Soil Investigation (Phase1).


16.03 Site Clearing and Earthworks (Phase1).

16.04 Infrastructure(C&S) to Phase 1

16.05 Infrastructure (C&S)

17.0 Financing Matters

17.01 Prepare Business Plan

17.02 Identify Banks/ Financiers

17.03 Loan Application Documentation

17.04 Loan Agreement

18.0 Organization Matters

18.01 Personnel.

18.02 Filing System

18.03 Operations.

18.04 Organization Chart.

18.05 Individual Job Description.

18.06 KPI

18.07 Standard Procedures


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