Actividad Integradora Me Voy de Viaje y Necesito... : Student's Name: Trejo Jiménez Jonnhy

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Modulo 6 recursamiento

Semana 1
Unidad I. My name is…/ Unidad II. Where is my book.

Actividad integradora
Me voy de viaje y necesito...

Student's name: Trejo Jiménez Jonnhy

Name of the facilitator: ELIZABETH ANDREA


Modulo 6 recursamiento
Semana 1
Unidad I. My name is…/ Unidad II. Where is my book.

I am traveling and I need my…

1.- I am traveling and I need my gray suitcase that's inside the closet.

2.- I am traveling and I need the small iron that is behind the door of the bedroom.

3.- I am traveling and I need the sunglasses that are on the bedside table.

4.- I am traveling and I need my red swimsuit that's inside the dresser drawer.

5.- I am traveling and I need my passport that is on the side of the office lamp.

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