Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Services

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Power Plant Operation

and Maintenance Services

O&M Portfolio to choose from Other individual services you can benefit from
Siemens is not only a major is continuously performed to make a limited number of specialists. Siemens O&M also offers a O&M Training their performance, to analyze and keep availability of the power plants performance. Open communication and turbines, generators and other impor-
component or solution provider sure that your team can manage the With this concept most of the O&M range of individual services, Siemens’ Operation & Maintenance evaluate the performance of manage- on a high level, foster regular infor­ close cooperation between owner and tant plant equipment. Siemens O&M
power plant after our specialists have risks lie with Siemens and you can Training is a people-driven business. ment and processes in a power plant. mation exchange between sites and Siemens O&M is the basis for success. has developed inspection programs
in the power plant business, but which our customers can order
left the site. con­centrate on your core business. Experienced power plant personnel keep power plants informed of fleet to monitor the condition of the HRSGs
also a major service provider This contract type typically includes
independently of our main must be available in all technical Seven main elements of your business problems. With the aid of remote moni- Computerized Maintenance during minor and major scheduled
offering O&M services for your Full Scope Maintenance (FSM) the highest performance warranties. products. Typical individual areas of the power plant. Competency are analyzed by means of a standard- toring tools the experts can rapidly Management System (CMMS) outages of the power plant. Through
complete power plant. The comprehensive maintenance pack- services are: management and training are key ized system in order to identify poten- understand and analyze the technical Implementation these inspections technical issues of
age which includes all maintenance Depending on your needs, the above factors in fulfilling this requirement. tial for improvement. The in-depth problems the power plant is encoun- Siemens utilizes an in-house web- the HRSGs are detected at an early
O&M Advisory activities performed by Siemens for services can be offered for the gas assessment based on an integrated tering. The experts have access to based Computerized Maintenance stage and mitigation strategies are
A team of well-trained specialists the power plant with a mix of local turbine, the power train or the com- A wide range of simulators are avail- management system focused on Siemens Engineering and key subcon- Management System (WebBFS) in available to avoid further deterioration
will advise your team in ramping personnel and a limited number of plete power plant. All services are fully able that are remotely connected to power plant operation and mainte- tractors who can be contacted when all power plants operated by us. This of the equipment, keeping availability
up the O&M mobilization and in the specialists. The operation-related tasks in line with global power plant best your installation for effectively train- nance enables a thorough evaluation required to solve a specific or fleet- software tool contains various mod- high and the maintenance costs on a
performance of duties during the remain with the owner. This package practices and adhere to the highest ing the operating personnel under of your business. Compliance with related problem. ules for managing the power plant, low level.
commercial operation phase over offers predictable maintenance costs quality, environmental, health and almost “live” conditions. Training can ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 such as maintenance planning and
a period of at least three years. and very limited risks regarding the safety standards, such as ISO 9001, be provided on almost every technical is also monitored through this audit. O&M Asset Management tracking, shift management, permit- Document Management System
When our specialists leave the site, maintenance of the plant. The equip- ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, topic in the field of gas-fired power, With the Full Scope Maintenance or to-work system, parts and consum- Siemens has developed a document
all necessary processes will be in ment covered can be the gas turbine since Siemens O&M services are for operations or maintenance per­ Siemens O&M also offers external the Full Scope O&M, Siemens O&M ables inventory management, pur- management system for power plant
place, implemented and optimized, only, the power train or the complete IMS certified. sonnel. The level of knowledge of the O&M Assessments whose scope is implements an Asset Management chasing and cost controlling. It is a documentation named Tecdocpower.
and your team should be able to power plant. operation personnel can be tested with tailored to the customer’s require- in line with ISO 55.000 to enable the beneficial tool to aid the power plant It is a web-based tool to facilitate the
successfully operate and maintain The above pillars form the basis for the established Operator Certi­fication ments. The aim of the assessments is customer to create the highest possi- team in performing their job in an management of power plant docu-
the power plant on their own in the An FSM contract can be combined with the services provided by Siemens Program. to support the customer in identifying ble value from his power plant. There- ordered, efficient and safe manner. mentation with access from different
future. a complete power plant O&M Advisory and offer a great level of flexibility weaknesses and strengths of their fore, continuous improvement and It also serves to store the historical locations. The documentation within
in order to support plant operation. in order to meet your requirements. A dedicated O&M Safety Certificate organization to allow the customer adaption of the maintenance strategy, maintenance data of the power plant. the system is structured using an intu­
O&M Management (O&M tailored EHS trainings) can also to further improve his performance. operation and the installation itself Siemens specialists will set up the sys- itive interface and reflecting the out-
Siemens specialists occupy the key Full Scope O&M The larger the scope you entrust be provided. The aim is to have the best in line with, for example, a changing tem for you and aid you in feeding the line of the power plant and its equip-
management positions of the O&M The comprehensive package which Siemens with, the more Siemens people in place to serve the customer’s O&M Global Expert Center market environment or advanced required information into the system. ment. It is linked to the CMMS and
site organization and manage your includes the complete O&M of the will be able to manage your assets demand the best extent possible. A group of experts is located in our technical possibilities are key factors an important tool for power plants to
power plant team over a period of power plant performed by Siemens in an optimal way. O&M offices in Germany with remote in ensuring the success of the project. Heat Recovery Steam Generator assure orderly storage of documenta-
at least four years. On-the-job training with a mix of local personnel and O&M Audits and Assessments access to all critical information in our By aligning both the owner’s and (HRSG) Inspections tion and rapid access to information
Siemens O&M offers an audit service, O&M power plants. The main task of Siemens’ O&M targets, it is ensured Experience has shown that it is of when and where required.
initially developed to continuously the Global Expert Center is to solve that they are always moving forward utmost importance to regularly assess
review Siemens own O&M teams and technical issues as soon as possible to together to ensure the best possible – beside the gas turbines – the steam

Transactional Expanded Scope/Risk Mitigation Performance driven

Engineering Factory Occupational

Spare Parts Project & Outage Shift
6WDIIDQG & Operational
Management Management Strategy

Program Business Management


FSM Subject Matter Experts Plant Data Maintenance Maintenance Document
6WDQGDUGV 6\VWHPV Management Management Strategy Management
O&M Management
O&M Advisory 5HVRXUFHV
Basic System
Self O&M Plants

O&M Portfolio O&M Global Expert Center Elements of O&M Audit Modular Maintenance Management System
With more than a century of service to the
power generation industry, Siemens brings
its tradition of experience, quality and expertise
to every project. As one of the world’s largest
combined cycle power plant operators,
our operation and maintenance (O&M) fleet
experience totals more than 26 gigawatts
worldwide with customers on five continents.

Whether you are an independent power producer, a public utility

or a manufacturer producing your own power, Siemens O&M
can help you boost your operating efficiency, reduce downtimes,
mitigate your risks, widen your competitive edge, maximize your
performance and increase the profitability of your assets.

Our O&M portfolio ranges from individual services to an all-inclusive

long-term operation and maintenance program. We can tailor the
contract scope to your individual requirements.

Benefits of Operation & Maintenance Contracts

Risks Increased


Published by
Siemens AG 2017
Power Generation Services Division
Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany
For more information, please contact
our Customer Support Center.
Phone: +49 180/524 70 00
(Charges depending on provider)
E-mail: support.energy@siemens.com
Article No. PSPG-B10010-01-7600
Printed in Germany
Dispo 34805
TH 288-170624 BR 1217

Subject to changes and errors.

The information given in this document only contains
general descriptions and/or performance features which
may not always specifically reflect those described, or
which may undergo modification in the course of further
development of the products. The requested performance
features are binding only when they are expressly agreed
upon in the concluded contract.

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