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SEC. 7.

1 Matrices, Vectors: Addition and Scalar Multiplication 261

Hence matrix addition is commutative and associative [by (3a) and (3b)].
Similarly, for scalar multiplication we obtain the rules

(a) c(A B) cA cB

(b) (c k)A cA kA
(c) c(kA) (ck)A (written ckA)

(d) 1A A.


1. Equality. Give reasons why the five matrices in
Example 3 are all different. E 3 4
2. Double subscript notation. If you write the matrix in 3 1
Example 2 in the form A 3ajk4, what is a31? a13?
1.5 1 5
a26? a33?
3. Sizes. What sizes do the matrices in Examples 1, 2, 3, u 0 , v 3 , w 30 .
and 5 have?
3.0 2 10
4. Main diagonal. What is the main diagonal of A in
Example 1? Of A and B in Example 3? Find the following expressions, indicating which of the
5. Scalar multiplication. If A in Example 2 shows the rules in (3) or (4) they illustrate, or give reasons why they
number of items sold, what is the matrix B of units sold are not defined.
if a unit consists of (a) 5 items and (b) 10 items? 8. 2A 4B, 4B 2A, 0A B, 0.4B 4.2A
6. If a 12 12 matrix A shows the distances between 9. 3A, 0.5B, 3A 0.5B, 3A 0.5B C
12 cities in kilometers, how can you obtain from A the
10. (4 # 3)A, 4(3A), 14B 3B, 11B
matrix B showing these distances in miles?
7. Addition of vectors. Can you add: A row and 11. 8C 10D, 2(5D 4C), 0.6C 0.6D,
a column vector with different numbers of compo- 0.6(C D)
nents? With the same number of components? Two 12. (C D) E, (D E) C, 0(C E) 4D,
row vectors with the same number of components A 0C
but different numbers of zeros? A vector and a
13. (2 # 7)C, 2(7C), D 0E, E D C u
scalar? A vector with four components and a 2 2
matrix? 14. (5u 5v) 20(u 2 w, v) 2w,
E (u v), 10(u v) w
15. (u v) w, u (v w), C 0w,
16. 15v 3w 0u, 3w 15v, D u 3C,
8.5w 11.1u 0.4v
0 2 4 0 5 2 17. Resultant of forces. If the above vectors u, v, w
A 6 5 5 , B 5 3 4 represent forces in space, their sum is called their
resultant. Calculate it.
1 0 3 2 4 2
18. Equilibrium. By definition, forces are in equilibrium
5 2 4 1 if their resultant is the zero vector. Find a force p such
that the above u, v, w, and p are in equilibrium.
C 2 4 , D 5 0 ,
19. General rules. Prove (3) and (4) for general 2 3
1 0 2 1 matrices and scalars c and k.

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