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A Comparative Study on the Coping Styles and Quality of Life of Selected

Dentistry Students enrolled in an Online Learning Modality in

A Selected University

A Thesis

Presented to the

College of Dentistry

Adventist University of The Philippines

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements for the Degree of

Doctor of Dental Medicine

Astillar, Katherine

Dionisio, Joseph Matthew

Maligayo, John Allan Paul

Tapia, Nathaniel

December 7, 2020

CHAPTER 1...................................................................................................................................4
The Problem and its Background.................................................................................................4

Statement of The Problem............................................................................................................7


Significance of the Study.............................................................................................................9

Scope and Limitations of the Study...........................................................................................10

CHAPTER 2.................................................................................................................................11
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE................................................................................11
Coping Styles.............................................................................................................................11

Quality of Life............................................................................................................................13

Online Learning Modality..........................................................................................................14

Theoretical framework...............................................................................................................16

Conceptual framework...............................................................................................................17

Research Paradigm.....................................................................................................................18

Definition of terms.....................................................................................................................19

CHAPTER 3.................................................................................................................................20
Research Design.........................................................................................................................20

Population and Sampling techniques.........................................................................................21


Analysis of Data.........................................................................................................................25

APPENDIX A...............................................................................................................................27
QUESTIONAIRE MATERIALS..............................................................................................27

APPENDIX B...............................................................................................................................33

APPENDIX C...............................................................................................................................34
GANTT CHART........................................................................................................................34



The Problem and its Background

Many students or most of the students are enrolled through online to continue

their studies nowadays because of the pandemic that is happening into the world

but there are also students who chose to study through answering modules.

However, in some countries, online courses or education are widely used even

before the pandemic happened. But there are lot of factors you need to consider

for you to learn and for you to have quality learning through online learning

modality. You need to have a technology or mobile device that can access to your

mode of learning through online and you also need to have a stable internet

connection for you to have quality education from the lectures that were given


A growing number of students are now opting for online classes. They find the

traditional classroom modality restrictive, inflexible, and impractical. In this age

of technological advancement, schools can now provide effective classroom

teaching via the Web. This shift in pedagogical medium is forcing academic

institutions to rethink how they want to deliver their course content. (Jasmine Paul

& Felicia Jefferson, 2019). Online learning is done by giving lectures or

discussions to the students through online and giving homeworks or assignments

to evaluate if the students are getting quality education. These may be done

through synchronous and asynchronous classes.

With technological advancement, learners now want quality programs they

can access from anywhere and at any time. Because of these demands, online

education has become a viable, alluring option to business professionals, stay-at

home-parents, and other similar populations. In addition to flexibility and access,

multiple other face value benefits, including program choice and time efficiency,

have increased the attractiveness of distance learning. (Wladis et al., 2015).

Online College Students (2019) conducted a survey to 1500 students that are

in fully online academic programs, A majority (58 percent) said they had decided

what to study (in terms of discipline) before they decided to study online, rather

than the reverse. And more than three in five of the students (63 percent) said they

had decided to study online because that fit best with their "current work/life

responsibilities," not because online was their "preferred way to learn"

(34 percent). Also, 84 percent of the students said that their online education was

worth the cost and that means that they are having quality education. But there are

also studies that showed that the online learning modality is not as effective as the

traditional way or the face-to-face classes for most students. (Lederman 2019)

Randomly assigned students who failed their Algebra I on the second semester

to take either face to face classes or online learning modality and it showed that

the student’s credit recovery success rates and algebra test scores were lower in an

online setting and students assigned to the online learning modality also rated that

their class as more difficult than did their peers assigned to the face to face classes
(Heppen 2016). “Students who struggle will likely struggle more online”. If

students fail algebra, they may be able to catch up during evenings or summer

using online classes, and not disrupt their math trajectory at school. So, almost

certainly, online classes sometimes benefit students. (Heppen, et. al 2016)

Here in the Philippines, online learning modality became widely used only

because of the pandemic that is happening but before, the face-to-face classes is

mostly used to deliver quality courses and to give quality education. But

unfortunately, face to face classes are not allowed at present due to the virus that

is spreading rapidly. In these times, the students may not cope well with their

learning or education because of the Quality of Life that they have nowadays.

Some students are not fortunate enough to have a good internet connection or a

mobile device or technology that will access them to their online education that

will hinder them to have a quality education.

Like dentistry students, most of their courses need face to face interaction

because their classes are mostly laboratory classes. But now they are enrolled

through online learning modality because of the pandemic that is happening. The

students are likely to take only lecture subjects because face to face interaction is

not allowed and by the time that they will take their laboratory classes that they

missed, their learning or the concepts in a particular subject or course might be

forgotten already. This study aims to discuss about the Coping Styles and the

Quality of Life of selected dentistry students enrolled in an online learning

modality in a selected private university.

Statement of The Problem

Studies about Coping Styles and Quality of Life among dental students and

how it correlates to various issues have been done in different Universities in the

Philippines. Furthermore, several of those studies are accomplished in other fields.

Due to the current situation we are in, students are taking up classes online. Hence

this research addresses the gap about the Coping Styles and Quality of Life among

dental students who are enrolled in an online learning modality. The objective of

this study is to assess and compare the Coping Styles and Quality of Life of

selected dentistry students enrolled in an online learning modality in selected

private university in the Philippines.

This study aims to specifically answer the following questions:

1. What are the different Coping Styles of the respondents?

2. What is the Quality of Life of the respondents?

3. Is there a significant correlation between students being in enrolled in an online

leaning modality and their developed Coping Styles and Quality of Life?

4. Is there a significant difference in the coping style of the respondent when

grouped according to?

a) Learning Environment (e.g., school vs home)

b) School year level

c) Gender
5. Is there a significant difference in the Quality of Life of the respondents when

grouped according to?

a) Learning Environment (e.g., school vs home)

b) School year level

c) Gender


The study aims to compare the Coping Styles and Quality of Life of selected

dentistry students enrolled in an online learning modality in a selected private

university in the Philippines. The researchers thus the researchers have

formulated the following hypotheses.

1. There is no significant difference in the Coping Styles between the selected

dentistry students.

2. There is no significant difference in the Quality of Life between the selected

dentistry students

3. There is no significant correlation between students enrolled in an online learning

modality and their developed Coping Styles

4. There is no significant correlation between students enrolled in an online learning

modality and their Quality of Life.

Significance of the Study

The results of this study will provide some insights and are beneficial to the


Dentistry students. This study will be beneficial to dentistry students enrolled

this school year because it will give an outlook on the coping and Quality of Life

of students enrolled this school year through online classes. As a result, these

students will gain feedback on how to handle the different mode of learning and

not hinder them from their lifestyle especially in dentistry where patient

interaction and practical application necessary.

Dentistry professors. This study will be beneficial to dentistry professors

because it will give them insights on proper strategies in handling online classes to

students wherein different persons have different ways to cope to online learning.

It will also help them be aware to situations where some students may be left

behind and have proper countermeasures to ensure that the new learning style is

applicable to all and have a quality education.

Private University. This study will be beneficial to different private

universities to know what to implement to have a quality education when it’s

online learning. Universities can put limitations and enforce guidelines to impose

for students and professors to have a balanced learning and improvement of

quality education.
Future researchers. This study will be a guide and reference for other

researchers that would like to conduct a similar study or further expound on the

subject matter which will benefit other college courses as well not just dentistry.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The principal concern of this study is to determine the Coping Styles and

Quality of Life of selected dentistry students enrolled in online learning in

selected universities. The respondents of this study are selected dentistry students

enrolled in online learning this school year 2020-2021. This study does not

include pre-dentistry students and clinicians. This study will use online survey

questionnaires to gather information. The limitations of this study include

selected universities which also uses online learning modality. Possibilities of

gathering insufficient data from surveys as well as inaccurate information from

students not having confidence in sharing answers online. Lastly the availability

of each student being online may factor in communication with the researchers for

answering online questionnaires and time in collecting results.



A collection of related literature is carefully and thoroughly reviewed by the

researchers. This is to observe links to the author’s particular research which will

serve as a reference for their study.

Coping Styles

The American Psychological Association defined Coping Styles (also known

as Coping Strategies) as an action or a series of action or thought processes that is

used in an event or when dealing in a stressful situation that will allow an

individual to adapt in such situations. (APA 2020).

According to Skinner, et. al, coping is one of the most integral processes that

allows individuals to adapt and survive but it also acts as a buffer for the effects of

stress on mental and physical health and functioning, as well as directly shape the

development of psychopathology and resilience (Skinner,, 2016).

It is suggested by the research of Smith, et. al, that some coping strategies

alleviate stress and promote positive psychological outcomes, whereas others

exacerbate stress and promote negative psychological outcomes but the efficacy of

such strategies are heavily reliant on the individuals personal resiliency because it

is linked with greater use of task-oriented coping strategies, which in turn were

associated with more adaptive outcomes, and less reliance on non-constructive

emotion-oriented strategies and it acts as a moderator, enhancing the

effectiveness of task-oriented coping and buffering against any negative effects

may be associated with these ways of coping (Smith, et. al 2016)

Freire, et. al emphasizes on the importance of promoting an effective Coping

Styles on a university population due to psychological concerns for students,

because of their research showing that teachers who encourage the development

of self-regulation skills in university students increases the tendency for students

to autonomously use approach coping strategies, such as establishing a plan of

action, assessing the positive aspects of the situation, or seeking advice and

emotional support from other people (Freire, et. al 2020)

A study conducted by Bello, et. al used a purposive sampling technique with

120 dental students as respondents to determine the correlation between stress and

the coping strategies applied to the academic performance of dentistry students.

Result show that stress does not affect dentistry student’s academic performance,

however, results also demonstrate that among the avoidance strategies dentistry

student uses, avoidance coping does affect to the academic performance. This

implies that the more the student avoids handling the problem, the lower the

academic performance becomes. (Bello, et. al 2016)

A survey study conducted by Kwaah and Essilfie revealed that majority of the

distance education students in their selected university resort to as praying, taking

action to negate stressors, seeing something good in what was happening and

learning from experience and getting emotional support from friends and family

which is a positive coping mechanism however minority of these students do

resort to tobacco, alcohol and drugs to cope with their stress which may have

resulted to lack students support services that could design a program that

promotes different Coping Styles that would reduce the stress among these

students (Kwaah and Essilfie 2017).

Quality of Life

According to the World Health Organization, Quality of Life refers to the state

of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not just the absence of

disease (WHO 2020). When applied specifically for students, Quality of Life is

the main component and indicator of the emotional state resulting from a person’s

enactment of the role of being a student that affect one’s subjective evaluation of

the degree to which his or her most important needs, goals, and wishes have been

fulfilled. (Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research). This would

suggest that a student’s Quality of Life affects the student’s motivation to learn

and influences their effort to fulfill their responsibilities.

Results from the study of Nur, et. al showed that the Health-Related Quality of

Life (HRQOL) of Undergraduate University Students is affected by

socioeconomic, demographic, and behavioral factors due to the results showing

that HRQOL is significantly higher on students living in urban areas, non-

smokers, those with have adequate amount of pocket money, and those with

higher BMI index (Nur, et. al 2017).

Barayan, et. al conducted a survey with 2516 female university students to

assess their HRQOL using self-administered questionnaires with sections relating

to sociodemographic and Internet addiction. Results presents sociodemographic

factors such as parental educational level, and family income and problematic

Internet use affects 2/3 of the respondents HRQOL, however the results may have

a positivity bias problem due to the results limited to self-assessment. (Barayan,

et. al, 2018).

In relation to the Brayan et. al study, Another research by Ceratti et. al

wherein 203 medical students answered questionaries related to self-awareness

and coping strategies. Results show that majority of the medical students’ self-

perceived Quality of Life scores are overestimated, given the fact that most of

them reported that the way they think is consistent with the way they act and that

they know their own needs, which shows positivity bias and also may prevent

them from seeking help or making changes when necessary (Ceratti, et, al 2020).

Online Learning Modality

The Kansas State University defined Online Learning Modality as a type of

Learning modality in which 100 percent of the lectures, activities and the learning

delivery takes place in the online environment through asynchronous activities,

synchronous meetings, or a combination of both asynchronous and synchronous

methods (Kansas State University 2020).

A survey-based study, conducted by Fidalgo, et. al tackles student’s

perception of distant education. Results show that the major concerns of students

participating in a distant learning program includes time management, motivation,

and English language skills however such concerns did not dimmish the student’s

in taking such courses (Fidalgo, et. al 2020).

Paul and Jefferson have conducted a comparative analysis of students’

performance in an online environment and a face-to-face environment. The study

resulted in having no significant difference in performance between online and

traditional classroom students with respect to modality, gender, or class rank in a

science concepts course for non-STEM majors which indicates that online

students and face to face are able to perform at the same level teaching modality

may not matter as much (Jefferson, Paul 2019).

On the study of the status of the implementation of E learning in selected

higher education institutions in the Philippines (Region IV- A) by Chua, et. al, it

has been concluded that while professors and the students could easily adapt to

these new changes to align oneself in the 21st century skills of learning, the

system is lacking in several areas that should be addressed to implement it

properly such as the lack of training of the faculty members and students in using

the eLearning classroom and the lack of resources that will lead to unsuccessful e-

learning classes (Chua, et, al 2020).

In the field of dental education, Azeem, et. al conducted a research based on

the perceptions of orthodontic residents on online learning with 50 orthodontic

resident participants which shows a 100% positive response regarding online

learning (Azeem, et. al 2020).

Theoretical framework

This study used the Symbolic Interaction Theory by Cooley. As cited by

Mazo, this theory claims that individuals can create solutions to their own

problems. It adheres that the “self” is influenced and shaped by social processes,

in this instance “stress,” and the capacity to symbolize. Human action is caused by

complex interaction between and within individuals. Dynamic social activities

take place among persons and they act according to how they define this situation.

In this study, it basically means that everyone has the ability to find effective ways

on how to handle stressful situations; hence, the students can cope up with

challenges that they may encounter.

This study is used the Transactional Model of Stress and Coping by Lazarus

and Folkman (1984) as a basis for evaluating the processes of coping with

stressful events. Mazo noted that in this theory, stressful experiences are

interpreted as person-environment transactions. These transactions depend on the

impact of the external stressors. The dual approach in appreciating the stressor

involves firstly, through the person’s appraisal of the stressor, and secondly, on

the social and cultural resources at his/her disposal.

Furthermore, in their early research, Lazarus, and Folkman (1987) found that

the two most relevant and practical ways of coping that people used in almost all
stressful encounters were directed at both altering the person-environment

(problem-focus) and managing the emotional distress (emotion-focus). Emotion-

focused coping attempts to either change the way the stressful environment is

viewed, or to change the personal meaning of the situation resulting in distancing

from the event, escape-avoidance or seeking social approval (Lazarus, 1993).

Problem-focused coping seeks to change the relationship by acting on either the

environment or the person (Lazarus, 1993) and is achieved by evaluating the stake

in the encounter and using confrontive coping strategies, self-control, accepting

responsibility, planful problem solving, and positive reappraisal (Lazarus &

Folkman, 1987).

Some coping strategies, such as planful problem solving and positive

reappraisal can result in positive emotional changes and provide satisfactory

outcomes (Lazarus, 1993) whilst confrontive coping or distancing causes negative

emotions, more distress and are associated with unsatisfactory outcomes.

In this study, when faced with a stressor, a student evaluates the potential

threat (primary appraisal). Primary appraisal is a student’s perception about the

impact of an event as stressful, positive, controllable, challenging or irrelevant.

Facing a stressor, the second appraisal follows, which is an assessment of

student’s coping resources and options. Secondary appraisals address what one

can do about the situation. Actual coping efforts aimed at regulation of the

problem give rise to outcomes of the coping process.

Conceptual framework

The conceptual framework can be, the comparison of the Coping Styles

between the selected students, the comparison of the Quality of Life between the

selected students, the correlation of developed Coping Styles and Quality of Life

of dental student upon enrolling in an online learning modality.

Research Paradigm



Moderating Factors




The research paradigm intends to

illustrate correlations between the developed coping style and the dental student’s

Quality of Life, to their enrolled online learning modality program. The research

paradigm also presents the difference of Coping Styles and Quality of Life based

on the students learning environment, gender, and year Level. This will represent

how the online learning modality program affects selected dentistry students
Definition of terms

The researchers have defined the following terms as aids to further

understand the research:

Coping Style - A way on how to face and deal with responsibilities, problems, or

difficulties, especially successfully or in an adequate manner during online classes.

Quality of Life - The general well-being of individuals and societies, including not only

wealth and employment, but also the built environment, mental health, education,

recreation and leisure time, and social belonging.

Online Learning Modality - A type of learning modality that provides education

through telecommunications and modern technology

Learning Environment – The physical and virtual location where students gain

knowledge, exchange ideas and share opinions.



This includes the methods that will be used by the researchers to attain the

objectives of the study. This chapter comprises of the research design, population

and sampling technique, instrumentation, data gathering and procedure with

ethical considerations and the analysis of the data.

Research Design

In this study the researchers will use Quantitative Research. Descriptive and

Correlational Design is will be used to assess and compare the Coping Styles and

Quality of Life of selected dentistry students enrolled in online learning at a

university. Descriptive design examines the characteristics of one population to

generate hypothesis and develop theory (Jenkins 2016). Correlational Design

examines the relationship between different variables (Jha 2015). The

researchers will collect online information from the respondents using survey

questionnaires and will analyze the results using statistics with Descriptive

Correlational Pattern. This will determine and help in comparing the relationship

between Coping Styles and Quality of Life as it correlates to online learning of

dentistry students. This will also establish the significance of gender, year level

and learning environment of dentistry students as modifying factors to the

dependent and independent variable.

Population and Sampling techniques

The respondents of this study will be the dental students in The Adventist

University of the Philippines. 1st and 2nd year dental students (DMD 1 and DMD

2) that are exclusively enrolled in online classes will participate in this study.

Dental students that are not from the Adventist university of the Philippines

and/or dental students that are taking face to face classes will not participate in

this study.

Convenience sampling will be utilized to select the dental students within the

selected university. Convenience sampling is a non-probability sampling

technique where members of the target population meet a certain criterion such as

accessibility, geographical proximity, availability at a given time or the

willingness to participate are included for the study (Etikan, Alkassim, & Musa,

2016). This technique will be used to select 60 respondents from DMD 1 and

DMD 2 according to their accessibility and willingness to participate.


The instrument that the researchers will use are in an online survey form. The

questionnaires that the researchers will utilize are the Brief-Cope questionnaire for

measuring effective or ineffective ways of coping and the World Health

Organization Quality of Life – Bref or WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire for

measuring the Quality of Life of the respondents. These instruments will be used

in the collection of data.

The Brief-Cope is a 28 item self-report questionnaire derived from the original

60 item Cope scale by Carver (1989). The scale can determine someone’s primary

Coping Styles as either Approach Coping or Avoidant Coping. Coping styles like

Active coping, Emotional support, use of informational support, Positive

reframing, Planning and Acceptance are involved within Approach Coping. Other

Coping Styles like Self-distraction, Denial, Behavioral disengagement, Venting

and Self-blame are included in Avoidant Coping. This questionnaire used closed-

ended questions which measures the frequency of the coping style which the

respondent uses. This can be answered by only choosing from: I’ve been doing

this a lot, a medium amount, A little bit and I haven’t been doing this at all.

However, the researchers decided to change these options to: Always (Everyday),

Sometimes (Every other day), occasionally (Once a week) & Never as to have a

clear understanding of the choices provided. Also, items 4 and 11 will be

eliminated due to cultural considerations. This questionnaire used an Even Likert

scale or a 4-point Likert scale to force respondents to answer with no neutral

choice. This enables the researchers to get specific response.

The World Health Organization Quality of Life – BREF or WHOQOL-BREF

is an abbreviated version of the WHOQOL-100 Quality of Life assessment. It

produces scores for four domains related to Quality of Life: Physical health,

psychological health, social relationships, and environment, which was found to

be an appropriate instrument to use for Quality of Life assessment. It is composed

of 26 close-ended questions that can be answered by choosing from a 5-point

Likert scale. Question #1 and #15’s options will be about the quality of life thus
the choices will be Very poor, Poor, Neither poor nor good, Good, and Very good.

This will measure the respondent’s perception of their quality of life. Following

that, Question #2, #16-#24’s option will be about the respondent’s satisfaction

with their health status. The participants will be choosing from Very dissatisfied,

Dissatisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Satisfied, and Very Satisfied.

For the next part, questions #3 until #14 and #25 will ask about frequency of

certain situation. Choices will be Always, Very often, Quite often, Seldom and

Never. However, the researchers decided to eliminate a question (Q. 21) regarding

the respondent’s sexual life due to its cultural considerations. The respondents are

going to be instructed to answer the questions according to what they felt for the

last 6 weeks after the start of the Second Semester.

The instruments are convenient for both the researchers and respondents as it

will not take much of their time to answer and will not be given face-to-face due

to current world situation. The research instruments are also suitable that enables

the researchers to gain details about the respondent’s situation.

For the first part, the researchers will give instructions to the participants to

honestly answer the questionnaires and will assure them that all their answers will

be used for the purpose of this study only and will be confidential. The first part

will involve their demographic profile: Names, Gender, Year level and their

current address. For the second part, this will be the Brief-cope questionnaire

which has 28 items, but the researchers will give instructions to not answer items

4 and 11. The participants can choose from Always (Everyday), Sometimes

(Every other day), occasionally (Once a week) & Never. After answering the
Brief-Cope questionnaire, the WHOQOL-BREF assessment will follow which

comprises of 25 questions. The researchers will also give instructions to the

participants to answer the questionnaire according to what they felt for the last 6

weeks after the start of the second semester and to not answer question 21.

Data Gathering and Procedure

Upon approval of the proposed study, the researchers sent a letter to World

Health Organization asking for permission if their questionnaire can be used in

our study and a letter was also sent to the College Dean and Department Chair of

a certain university of Silang, Cavite. The survey questionnaires have been handed

to the respondents online. After giving the questionnaires to the respondents

online, the researchers have also explained the objectives and purpose of the

survey and also encouraged them to approach the researchers once they have a

question. The confidentiality of the identity of the respondents was ensured by the

researchers by deleting permanently the survey questionnaires returned after

collecting the data.

Ethical Considerations

The privacy and confidentiality of the information gathered from the

respondents through the survey questionnaires is kept confidential and private.

The respondents were informed about the study’s objective and purpose. The

information gathered from the respondents through survey questionnaires will be

used to compare the quality of life and different coping styles of dentistry students

in a selected private university.

Analysis of Data

The researchers will utilize Descriptive Statistics as method for evaluation of

data gathered from online information. It will assist in measuring the degree and

relationship between variables which is Coping Styles and Quality of Life of

dentistry students and its correlation with gender, year level and learning

environment in response to online learning. This method will aid in summarizing

the data, interpreting results and drawing conclusions obtained from the

population. Descriptive Statistics will be utilized by the researchers to simplify the

results of the data. The purpose for this is to be able to present the data in a

manageable way that will make it easier to understand.

In addition to that, Mean and Standard Deviation will be utilized to know the

Coping Style and Quality of Life of the respondents. This will also be used to test

for the first and second hypothesis. In this way, the researcher will be able to have

a clear understanding of the Coping Styles that are used by the respondents and

the status of their Quality of Life.

For the third problem, the researchers will use Pearson Correlation

Coefficient. According to Statistics Solutions (2020), it is known as the best

method of measuring the association between variables of interest because it is

based on the method of covariance. In this manner, the researchers will be able to
perceive the relationship of the developed Coping Styles and the status of Quality

of Life of the selected dentistry students that are enrolled in an Online Learning


To answer the fourth and fifth problem, the researchers will employ the use of

ANOVA (Analysis of Variance). This will show how the moderating variables

such as Learning environment, gender and year level affects the other variables of

the study. This may also present the possible changes to the association between

the Coping styles and Quality of Life.



Brief-COPE (Brief-COPE)

The following questions ask how you have sought to cope with a hardship in your life. Read the
statements and indicate how much you have been using each coping style.

Never Occasionally (Every other Always
(Once a week) day) (Everyday)

I've been turning to work

or other activities to take
my mind off things.
I've been concentrating
my efforts on doing
something about the
situation I'm in.
I've been saying to myself
"this isn't real".
I've been getting
emotional support from
I've been giving up trying
to deal with it.
I've been taking action to
try to make the situation
I've been refusing to
believe that it has
I've been saying things to
let my unpleasant feelings
I’ve been getting help and
advice from other people.
I've been trying to see it in
a different light, to make it
seem more positive.
Never Occasionally (Every other Always
(Once a week) day) (Everyday)

I’ve been criticizing

I've been trying to come
up with a strategy about
what to do.
I've been getting comfort
and understanding from
I've been giving up the
attempt to cope.
I've been looking for
something good in what is
I've been making jokes
about it.
I've been doing something
to think about it less, such
as going to movies,
watching TV, reading,
daydreaming, sleeping, or
I've been accepting the
reality of the fact that it
has happened.
I've been expressing my
negative feelings.
I've been trying to find
comfort in my religion or
spiritual beliefs.
I’ve been trying to get
advice or help from other
people about what
I've been learning to live
with it.
I've been thinking hard
about what steps to take.
Never Occasionally (Every other Always
(Once a week) day) (Everyday)

I’ve been blaming myself

for things that happened

I've been praying or

I've been making fun of
the situation.

The following questions ask how you feel about your quality of life, health, or other areas of
your life. I will read out each question to you, along with the response options. Please choose
the answer that appears most appropriate. If you are unsure about which response to give to a
question, the first response you think of is often the best one.

Please keep in mind your standards, hopes, pleasures and concerns. We ask that you think about
your life in the last six weeks (after the start of Second Semester).

Very poor Poor poor nor Good
1. How would you rate your
quality of life?

Very Very
Dissatisfied nor Satisfied
dissatisfied satisfied
2. How satisfied are you
with your health?

The following questions ask about how much you have experienced certain things in the last
four weeks.
Quite Very Always
Never Seldom
Often often
3. To what extent do you feel
physical pain prevents
you from doing what you
need to do?
4. How much do you need any
medical treatment to
function in your daily life?
5. How much do you enjoy life?
6. To what extent do you feel
your life to be meaningful?

Quite Very Always

Never Seldom
Often often
7. How well are you able to
8. How safe do you feel in
your daily life?
9. How healthy is your
physical environment?

The following questions ask about how completely you experience or were able to do certain
things in the last four weeks.
Quite Very Always
Never Seldom
Often often
10. Do you have enough energy
for everyday life?
11. Are you able to accept your
bodily appearance?
12. Have you enough money to
meet your needs?
13. How available to you is the
information that you need in
your day-to-day life?
14. To what extent do you have
opportunity for leisure

Very poor Poor poor nor Good
15. How well are you able to get

Very Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied Very

nor satisfied
16. How satisfied are you
with your sleep?
17. How satisfied are you
your ability to perform
your daily living
18. How satisfied are you
with your capacity for
19. How satisfied are you
with yourself?

20. How satisfied are you with

your personal relationships?
21. How satisfied are you with
support you get from your
22. How satisfied are you with
the conditions of your living
23. How satisfied are you with
your access to health
24. How satisfied are you with
your transport?

The following question refers to how often you have felt or experienced certain things in the last
four weeks.
Quite Very
Never Seldom Always
often often
25. How often do you have
negative feelings such as
blue mood, despair, anxiety,


Item/Service Unit price (In pesos) Quantity Total cost (In pesos)

Printing and Copies of 70 5 350
the Manuscript

Printing and 2 60 120

Photocopies of
Questionnaires (2
pages each)

Facilities and

Research fee 5500 1 5500

Binding of final 500 5 2500

dissertation book

Plagiarism checking 1000 1 1000

Personnel Services
Load credits for 20 60 1200
compensation for



Activity October November December January Februar March April May

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Chapter 2
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of Research
Analysis of
Chapters 4
of Final

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