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Baltonado, Rey Solomon D. Assignment No.

1. Enumerate at least 5 common industrial boiler problems.
 Slow Pressure Build or Loss of Pressure
 Water Leaks
 Blockages or Scale Buildup
 Insulation Missing
 Water and Safety Probes Break

2. Identify the causes for each problem.

 Slow Pressure Build or Loss of Pressure - Problems with a lack of pressure typically
indicate a leak somewhere in the system. If a steam pipe leaks, the system will not build
up the necessary force inside.
 Water Leaks - Water leaks can occur anywhere in the steam system. Look for dripping
around the tank or its pipes, but leaks may also occur away from the tank. Water can
also leave the system through the air vents. These hidden leaks make identifying a
problem much more difficult.
 Blockages or Scale Buildup - Poor water quality can severely damage your boiler
system. Minerals, like calcium and others, in the water can accumulate in the boiler and
pipes as scale deposits. These deposits can slow the passage of steam through the
system or block it entirely.
 Insulation Missing - Missing insulation reduces the system’s efficiency. Insulation helps
hold heat in the system, and when the heat can dissipate, more fuel is needed to
maintain proper temperature and pressure.
 Water and Safety Probes Break - Probes submerged in the water can also become
encrusted with scale, just like the pipes. This coating on probes is another reason to
have your tank water treated. If the probes cannot correctly measure the water
temperature or pressure, the boiler may automatically shut off

3. Identify the solutions or work arounds for each problem.

 Slow Pressure Build or Loss of Pressure - You will need to inspect the boiler for leaks.
Start your examination with a thorough check of all valves because these spots are most
likely to experience small, unseen holes that can affect pressure.
Baltonado, Rey Solomon D. Assignment No. 3

 Water Leaks - Due to the labor required to remove leaking parts of your boiler system,
replacing multiple elements at once may be more cost effective than having the leaks
fixed piecemeal.
 Blockages or Scale Buildup - If you don’t already have a water treatment system for
your boiler, you need one immediately. To prevent buildup and other problems from
minerals in the water, you must use treated water.
 Insulation Missing - Since missing insulation may not be visible, the best way to detect it
is with a thermal imager. If you don’t have a thermal imager as a part of your building’s
operations, a plumber or other professional likely will carry one.
 Water and Safety Probes Break - Low water cutoff valves shut off the boiler if the water
level drops too low. Checking the operation of these should be a part of the job of
someone in the building. Drain the tank for a few seconds to test the float chamber
whenever it’s not in a firing sequence. The low water control system should kick in

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