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From Software Operations to Transfer

My Story
November 13, 2020 8;27 PM

Tonight I decided the Software approach to my location and my last content in regards to 200
US presidential election provides as one document for reader, given below is a copy of
documents which uploaded after opened my account suddenly last night. Gambler and two
letters to Mr. Trump, America first

Gambler and Gambling

If you see this article, it means I find a way to upload in my account in Research Gate or
Academia, about 10 days ago started to close my all account, Gmail and so on.1

November 11, 2020

Trump story is strong one such Gambler lost everything

The story of Trump is a credible story; an old proverb says that a pot that does not boil for me is
better to never boil on boil hard. We have a story, is about relatives, now that he is leaving, he

Academia removed Vivo Y21 Operation. Why? After 10 days closed my account and then removed my comment. Its
not your business Admin. On the tenth day after closing all the user accounts, Google tried to use software and
deception, which means that your password has been changed and you need to use the photo instead of the words,
the phone that was bought abroad 10 years ago. I was asked for its number. At the same time, the help page and
location on the laptop appeared step by step to reach the registration number of an old Chinese mobile phone, which
had the specifications page of all Chinese-made phones. Probably to communicate with users whose phone has a
problem. Finally, I was asked to cut the mobile internet line, move the wallpaper page and put a black page with
their guidance. At the same time, the navigation was moving north from receiving Arabic. I safely wanted to get
closer to Tehran in order to get results sooner, but I was skeptical for a moment, waiting to see what it would do. In
the last stages, the message appeared on the phone 5-6 digit number. And on the PIN code, I was asked to resend
this number according to when the password is forgotten. At the last moment, I decided to send the wrong number
and did so and all electronic communications. I hung up the phone and did not reach you the next day while they
were trying to find my location, which is mentioned in later articles.. Just as I was writing this article, before that, I
went to the note on the Academia website that I had published this article. Last night, I left a comment on that note
that I had written a summary of this software operation situation. This section has been deleted. My reply to the site
admin is here that Mr. Stupid admin, you do not have the right in your business to delete anything you want. I think
this site was a spy academy because the worst site is all For 10 days I could not log in. All other information was
required. Personal information, passport number and account are not available and messages based on incorrect
password. This site must be delivered to justice. This content is uploaded on this site. Finally, I wrote on the
academy website that the failure of this software operation is possible with the dismissal of the head of FBI. It
should be noted that the operation was not successful and it is not known how many people lost their jobs. This was
what I left there and the site deleted it last night.
wants to do something that he cannot do in the afternoon, or things get difficult in some way, he
is not able to work, but what do they do in the remaining 70 days? With the power he has lost, he
does not believe that chance did not turn to him in the end of last interview reaction to a question
about Power Transfer said; NO CHANCE. Fox news announced; Transfer will be with

So, Trump left the game to the competition, so what should he do? The best way to disrupt the
victory is as if his game will not work for himself. There are different ways to disrupt the game.
It has already been said that he has a leading dilemma. First, he should say that he has been
rigged. The second set should be leaned towards him, that is, he should take action, others who
did not vote for him, and show luck. Iran, closest option, maybe this will happen again when the
elections are repeated. He came to power with what is called democracy. Shortly after declaring
victory four years ago, the incumbent president took over the key to power, but he does not want
to look. We live in an age of global claims. This is an international system. Russia, Turkey and
China have experienced this system of leadership of their countries. It has already been. He looks
at these methods and just being president for 4 years will not convince him what he wants to do
outside the borders. What he do in domestic and foreign. Claim Fraud in election 2020 and
divided the United States as a bipolar society. Supreme Court orders to states to examine the
fraud claims. We are in the age of Global Claims!

European Leaders and most others sent coagulates message for Elected President. China, Russia,
Iran and some others are waiting the formal announcement in the US. With 70 days’ rests, he
will be able to do somethings that he could not easily do in the past, remove those who were
opposed, and accompany him to the ministry. Announced; defense minister and FBI chief
changed, du to follow him in domestic and foreign operations, as new one. Unrest in United
States and military operation in the Persian Gulf region it’s possibly option for President.

Why seeking for me in the online network? These articles around the times and US Presidential
Election Project (4-5 months ago) uploaded in Research Gate and, and other
articles in this regard, as profile, it’s my job, and I follow political events in the world closely,
think deeply about them, analyze and write carefully so that my audiences around the world
know how political events unfold and their consequences on their lives.

Trump announced; at the end He will win! His mean of WIN is the domestic and foreign policy
works, both; he has enough time to do!? The US presidential authorities allow him?!

4 months ago
The United States in the age of Global Claims in 2021
Is Trump really interested in taking the presidency for the second time?
This Article published 28 August 2020
Currently, the US government is trying to somehow separate the issues of China in Asia-Pacific
regions and Iran in the Middle East, while the two countries, along with Russia, can help each
other in the form of this power bloc. China and Russia set an example of such cooperation in the
proposed US resolution against Iran.2 There is still a long way to go before they decide to
confront the United States, and changes in the power structure in the United States, especially in
November, may diminish this cooperation due to a possible reduction in US pressure, but the
structure is not structurally changeable. The countries within the bloc have political and
economic influence in the age of global claims individually in Africa, South America, the Middle
East, North Africa and Europe.
This comment tries to answer the question; Is Trump really interested in entering the White
House in January 2021 and taking over the presidency of the United States for the second time?
The complex events of the world of politics and its coincidence with the spread of the
coronavirus have caused us to devote all our attention and focus to the fight against the
coronavirus and to neglect the analysis and understanding of the events that form the context of
future events in the world system.
The US government's recent stance and negotiations with Asia and Europe on military spending
have led Europe to vote out of its current US policy in a recent Security Council resolution. 3 US
allies in East Asia Japan and South Korea have shown less interest in the United States regional
policy in East Asia, more than in the past, and Japan has recently begun large-scale economic
ties with China.4 However, in the Middle East du to Israeli interests a peace treaty has been
signed between Israel and the UAE. Meanwhile, with the increase of missile tests and the
increase of actions in the Persian Gulf region by Iran and a joint naval maneuver with China and
Russia, showing their greater dissatisfaction with the US regional policies against their country.5
The US Strategic Establishment, also upload file to web space by James Mattis (2018), does not
mention any of these, and only China, North Korea and Iran are cited as security threats to US
interests in general.6 Thus ended the Liberal world order, which was the legacy of the Cold War
season and in which the United States aspired to a greater Middle East with democratic
movements. In the current world system, there are several blocks of powers. It has traditionally
included the United States and its allies in Europe just UK and East Asia and the Middle East.
And the recent emerging powers, which include China, Russia, Iran, Turkey, and North Korea,
are in a global blocks of claims. It seems that the US presidential election can lead the powers
into multipolar blocks of power in the international system, and its emergence. Obviously, this
system of governing the world will be different from the liberal world order in general.

China, Russia both reject US proposed letter to UN Security Council ban on arms sales to Iran
Britain, France and Germany abstained in the Security Council on a proposed US resolution against Iran
Due to their historical background and growing economic ties, China and Japan could forge a new alliance between the two
Asian economic giants through warmer political ties in the region.
Joint message of Iran, Russia and China to the world, Tehran Times January 5, 2020
Mattis, J. (2018). Summary of the 2018 national defense strategy of the United States of America : sharpening the American
military's competitive edge. Department of Defense. Washington D. C Department of Defense, National Defense Strategy
Surprisingly my puzzle would be completed so quickly. The United States also joined the
aspiring countries in this age of MY Global Claims.7
The main objectives of the US National Security Strategy in regional commitments was to be
sure8 the balance of power and advance world order to prevent Chinese aggression in the Asia-
Pacific, Russia in Europe, and Iran in the Middle East, and defend US global interests from
challenges in armed conflict and prevent the emergence of new power (Mattis, 2018). A brief
look at the US policies9 demonstrates that during World War I, the U.S. policies supported
Britain and France in the war. Through World War II, the United States, by supporting its allies
in Europe, became the Arsenal of Democracy and defeated Nazism. During the Cold War, the
United States did not attempt to defeat Russia militarily but defeated Russia in an arms race,
collapsed. Then, the United States, with the most favourable prospects for using US power in the
international arena towards a "New World Order" that was for the first time, faced a common
theme in conspiracy theories through an authoritarian world government. While Trump came to
power ‘America is First’ slogan became as the U.S. foreign policy doctrine toward global rules
and cooperation. The growing power of populist movements indicate that many other countries’
leaders repeat Trump's slogan with other words but the same meaning due to different kind of
political goals.10 At the same time, Putin claims to a global position are based solely on his
military prowess and apparent willingness to serve Syria, Georgia and Ukraine are living proof
of this assumption. It is also an implicitly security threat to Europe as a Nuclear power and his
dream to create a new empire or the only superior power in Europe.
Now that the US government has turned a blind eye to China and Iran, these countries can help
each other in the form of this power block, which China and Russia in the recent resolution
against Iran are examples of such cooperation.11 There is still a long way to go before they
decide to confront the United States, and changes in the power structure in the United States,
especially in November, may diminish this cooperation due to a possible reduction in US
pressure, but the structure is not structurally changeable. The countries within the bloc have
political and economic influence in the age of global claims individually in Africa, South
America, the Middle East, North Africa and Europe.
The US government's recent stance and negotiations with Asia and Europe on military spending
have led Europe to vote out of its current US policy in a recent Security Council resolution. 12 US
allies in East Asia Japan and South Korea have shown less interest in the United States than in

Foreign Affairs replied me and send me, Why America Must Lead Again Rescuing U.S. Foreign Policy After Trump By Joseph
R. Biden, Jr. March/April 2020
This American confidence was so great that they published this global US strategy on the Internet and made it available to
The story began with the United States because the United States is the world's largest economic, political, economic, and
military superpower, and decisions made in the United States will affect the global system.
China, Russia, Iran, Turkey, Even India, Brasilia, Indonesia, Even ISIS had a global claim.
China, Russia both reject US proposed letter to UN Security Council ban on arms sales to Iran
Britain, France and Germany abstained in the Security Council on a proposed US resolution against Iran
the past, and Japan has recently begun large-scale economic ties with China.13 However, in the
Middle East du to Israeli interests a peace treaty has been signed between Israel and the UAE.
Meanwhile, with the increase of missile tests and the increase of actions in the Persian Gulf
region by Iran and a joint naval maneuver with China and Russia, showing their greater
dissatisfaction with the US regional policies against their country.14 The US Strategic
Establishment, also published on the Web in 2018 by James Mattis, does not mention any of
these, and only China, North Korea and Iran are cited as security threats to US interests in
general.15 Thus ended the Liberal world order, which was the legacy of the Cold War season and
in which the United States aspired to a greater Middle East with democratic movements. In the
current world system, there are three blocks of political power. It has traditionally included the
United States and its allies in Europe and East Asia and the Middle East. And the recent
emerging powers, which include China, Russia, Iran, Turkey, and North Korea, are in a global
bloc of claims. It seems that the US presidential election can lead the international system to
three blocs or divide the previous system into two blocs of power. It is a system similar to the
Cold War era with new decorations has global goals. The strategic goals of this political
approach are either to return to the great empire of the past, such as the dream of Putin and
Erdogan, or to create a new Chinese-style empire by relying on the productive power of the
world or by relying on a particular religion such as Iran. Apparently so, but do not rush, there are
many conversations ahead.
The Liberal World Order is over and we are moving from the age of liberal order to the age of
Global Claims in the international system. This study examines the impact of political beliefs on
global claims in international relations between states and their alliances in the world system as
well as its role in foreign policy formulation. In the Post-Cold War era, political culture is the
main source of the foreign policy of the countries involved in conflict in the contemporary world.
I argue that the situation in our contemporary world is different from the post-Cold War and the
theories of international relations are not sufficient and appropriate to respond to the current
states relations and its contradictions. So, the post-Cold War era is over and we have entered a
new era of relations between states in the international system. Surprisingly, the pace of change
in the world of politics has been so rapid that all of these changes have taken place from mid-
2018, sharpening the American military's competitive edge, when the new US strategy was
formulated16, to mid-2020, in the last two years.

The global claims has been created and developed in some way in protest of the liberal order.
Thus, the bipolarity and isolation of American society at home, as well as rising tensions in US
foreign policy in the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region, are the result of the liberal order's

Due to their historical background and growing economic ties, China and Japan could forge a new alliance between the two
Asian economic giants through warmer political ties in the region.
Joint message of Iran, Russia and China to the world, Tehran Times January 5, 2020
Mattis, J. (2018). Summary of the 2018 national defense strategy of the United States of America : sharpening the American
military's competitive edge. Department of Defense. Washington D. C Department of Defense, National Defense Strategy
America is First’ became as the U.S. foreign policy doctrine toward global rules and cooperation.
confrontation with the emergence of a new bloc of power, the global claim in the international
So the new multipolar world is made up of several blocks of power:

1. The United States with its only remaining ally in Europe, Britain, and its Asian allies,
Japan and South Korea, and its strategic ally, Israel in the Middle East, and its other
less powerful allies, the Arab sheikhs in the region.
2. European Union, including France and Germany, and the rest of the EU
3. China in Asia Pacific with its close ally North Korea and its new Middle East ally Iran
4. Russia in Europe and Central Asia with its former allies in the region and its new ally,
These new blocks of power operate within their own set and make decisions in world politics
based on their own bloc, meaning that Europe will no longer be with the United States on all
fronts as it was in the past. The abstention to a recent Security Council resolution proposed by
the United States to extend the arms embargo on Iran is an example of Europe's lack of
cooperation with the United States. Or, a little earlier, the US do not cooperating with Europe in
the land use program and the use of non-fossil fuels, which the US, the current Trump
administration, withdrew from this program. Interestingly, the simultaneous veto of China and
Russia in this recent resolution is usually unprecedented for both countries. Meanwhile, Iran has
closer relations with Russia and China due to its conflict with the United States, and has
diplomatic relations with Europe. Thus, the recent blocs of China and Russia have shown that
they will stand together in the face of important global events. European bloc seeks friendly
political relations with other blocs involved and influential in world events. Thus, the global
claim bloc was formed and united to oppose the liberal order. This bloc includes China, Russia,
North Korea, Iran and Turkey.

At the same time, US forces in Europe, Afghanistan and Iraq are declining, so the United States
seems reluctant to stay in the area, although no reports of troop reductions have been reported in
the Pacific region opposite China. The United States has made no decision to increase its military
power in these areas, and has accepted the realities of world politics and international relations in
the new age of global claims.
The United States has acknowledged that it is no longer the only undisputed superpower in the
world of politics and must work with other blocs of powers in Europe and the Middle East and
the Asia-Pacific region to maintain its strategic interests. However, the national interests of the
power blocs are not in line with US foreign policy and their political behavior is not acceptable
to the United States. The Trump administration appears to have abandoned its past foreign policy
of continuing to threaten China in the Asia-Pacific region and Iran in the Middle East after
failing to pass a resolution banning arms sales to Iran and now merely approving past US
sanctions on Iran. It is enough.
Now the answer to the first question of the article has become clear why Trump does not want to
continue to the White House because all these events will begin and continue during the next
president, in 2021. But Trump's and his alias’s view of China is absolutely right. The United
States should put China in a tough trade fist. Until this country cannot spread its evil desires
around the world and impose its domination in the world.
Iraj Roudgar, Tehran
Wednesday, November 11, 2020 9;6 AM
Phone: +989108660248
Iraj Roudgar

To Lame Duck President, New Version

12-13 November 2020

Mr. Trump's betrayal of democracy, especially the Americans democracy, will be unforgettable
and will remain in the US history. The United States has also never seen a president who has
turned his back on democratic rules in the presidential election. I think, President Elected should
not only no respond to the rejection of the current Lame president but also a possibility
congratulatory message in future. This is the best response even against the possibility of a
congratulatory phone call from the Lame President. Trump's slogans were exactly become
opposite. America first became America alone and American democracies become the
dictatorship of the president.

Since May 2020, I have written nearly 50 articles and notes on the United States in the age of
Global Claims, most of which relate to the US election. All articles on the US presidential
election process, issues and political events. It has been proven. Even in this last stage, when Mr.
Trump, as Lame President, refuses to accept the election results and refuses to congratulate the
Elected President, it has been predicted in my articles in the last two or three months. But in this
article we are talking about Lame Duck President. I am a political analyst, not a political activist
in the United States. I am an Iranian and I have been following your political activity since the
first day of the United States, and in this regard, I have written, tell your advisers, to read my
articles that they have should read. Your professors are in trouble in the United States and
Europe. All the papers were sent to Oxford and Cambridge and to the American Political
Journals, but all the professors and chairmen there were delusional. These issues were written
five months ago.

I do not understand why you order seeking for me online; you must have replaced the same head
of FBI due to failure. I am my articles with a simple click on the site of your country, although my account closed for me!? Why? I have all my articles here. You
would not have been president for more than four years. It was just to test more racism and ban
seven Muslim countries from coming to the United States. You are the enemy of people of color.
In your opinion, a true American is someone who supports you, not all Americans. As a
professor of political science, I urge you, Mr. Trump, to step down politely and respectfully. My
advice to you is that although you are ashamed to officially congratulate your opponent, in the
remaining 70 days do not do anything contrary to what is provided in the Constitution for the
President of the United States. The more you do in this short period of time, the more you will be
disgusted with the situation you are in in American history. If you think your fans will support
you for another 4 years, you are wrong. As a political analyst, I have been watching you since
day one, even WWe.

Let it be clear that from January 20, the New Year will not recognize the White House staff to
the presidency and may not even execute breakfast

We are living in the age of Global Claims, so global technology makes Global Claims heard by
everyone. Political Culture will no longer allow us to have a World Order.

Second Letter to Lame Duck President

Accept the peaceful transfer of power and respectfully say goodbye. The outside world is less
troublesome. The world inside is the White House. I think this is it.
Friday, November 13, 2020
Believe me, there is no way to get rid of this situation that you have created. Slowly, the
supporters of the accusation are also moving away from you. The commander of the US military
has said, "We are following the constitution. In response to your replacement of Secretary of
Defense by Mr. Trump Against you in the United States and around the world, no matter how
much you backtrack on the democracy you praised, you have to accept that we hand over power
to the winner of the election. The few days left of your presidency will have a greater impact on
your boss. There will be no future Republic because the House of Representatives and the Senate
are all aware of your actions. These people who are now quickly turning your messages into
action will leave their jobs when you leave the White House for a while. You are the lame
president of American political literature. So your actions will not have a legal aspect. They have
given you the reason why the honorable president should not take any action during this period.
Not that you seem to have just woken up and started implementing new actions and planning for
future issues. It is as if you have won this election, not Mr. Biden is President-elect. Yesterday,
in a previous report, I wrote to you that your actions will complicate the work of the future
president in foreign policy. Today I say; you see the new messages for Mr. Biden President-elect.
These actions of yours will not only have no effect but will make you more h… than before not
only in the US, but also in the politics world.
Yesterday, I suggested to President-elect that he would not even respond to your possible
congratulations message. Today, I can ask the President-elect to at least respond respectfully to
your congratulatory message. The next few days are not your days. The situation is worse for
you than the previous day. You have no day in the future. Pay the President's lame anticipation,
and at the end respectfully prepare the White House for the President-elect. An important
message directs for you, you have heard the message of the Commander-in-Chief that
announced; we do not follow an individual, we follow the constitution,

Best Regards

Iraj Roodgar, who has been following the US election situation in the United States from Iran, I
suggest that you read my research project on the 2020 US presidential election during your
retirement. It is not more than 37 pages. Thank you for reducing my effort so that I can do my
current work in this cold winter.

Accept the peaceful transfer of power and respectfully say goodbye. The outside world is less
troublesome. The world inside is the White House. I think this is it.

Great honor and Sweet days in Retirement

Friday, November 13, 2020. Tehran, Iran

Second Letter to Lame Duck President

Accept the peaceful transfer of power and respectfully say goodbye. The outside world is less
troublesome. The world inside is the White House. I think this is it.
Friday, November 13, 2020
Believe me, there is no way to get rid of this situation that you have created. Slowly, the
supporters of the accusation are also moving away from you. The commander of the US military
has said, "We are following the constitution. In response to your replacement of Secretary of
Defense by Mr. Trump Against you in the United States and around the world, no matter how
much you backtrack on the democracy you praised, you have to accept that we hand over power
to the winner of the election. The few days left of your presidency will have a greater impact on
your boss. There will be no future Republic because the House of Representatives and the Senate
are all aware of your actions. These people who are now quickly turning your messages into
action will leave their jobs when you leave the White House for a while. You are the lame
president of American political literature. So your actions will not have a legal aspect. They have
given you the reason why the honorable president should not take any action during this period.
Not that you seem to have just woken up and started implementing new actions and planning for
future issues. It is as if you have won this election, not Mr. Biden is President-elect. Yesterday,
in a previous report, I wrote to you that your actions will complicate the work of the future
president in foreign policy. Today I say; you see the new messages for Mr. Biden President-elect.
These actions of yours will not only have no effect but will make you more h… than before not
only in the US, but also in the politics world.

Yesterday, I suggested to President-elect that he would not even respond to your possible
congratulations message. Today, I can ask the President-elect to at least respond respectfully to
your congratulatory message. The next few days are not your days. The situation is worse for
you than the previous day. You have no day in the future. Pay the President's lame anticipation,
and at the end respectfully prepare the White House for the President-elect. An important
message directs for you, you have heard the message of the Commander-in-Chief that
announced; we do not follow an individual, we follow the constitution,

Best Regards

Iraj Roodgar, who has been following the US election situation in the United States from Iran, I
suggest that you read my research project on the 2020 US presidential election during your
retirement. It is not more than 37 pages. Thank you for reducing my effort so that I can do my
current work in this cold winter.

Accept the peaceful transfer of power and respectfully say goodbye. The outside world is less
troublesome. The world inside is the White House. I think this is it.

Great honor and Sweet days in Retirement

Friday, November 13, 2020. Tehran, Iran

America First to Fraud Claim

"The Fundamental Source of Future Conflicts will be neither border disputes nor economic
competitions nor ideological differences nor will change of Leadership in the World;
nevertheless, Political Culture is Predominant Source of the Conflicts in the World".
The development of Political Culture leads us to the theory of Global Claims, in which all
Theories of international Relations failed in the World Political System. New Development
Structure, we will not have World Order, and the set of countries will form the Blocs of Power,
but Political Culture is the Origin of Conflict in International Relations.
All tested/examined and approve particular in the US Presidential Election 2020 and
Unchangeable Leadership. Eastern Political Culture Literature on the West Political Structure!?

The development of political culture leads us to the theory of global claims, in which all theories
of international relations have changed in the political structure of the world. In a way, a small
political event in a relatively remote place will affect political issues in other parts across the
world. In this new development structure, we will not have world order, and the set of countries
will form the blocs of power, but Political Culture will continue to be the Origin of Conflict in all
friendships and enmities in International Relations in the World System.
If you ask me that you have written a project about the US Presidential Election 2020 and several
articles, especially about Mr. Trump, from the First America to the end of the election and a
letter to Lime President. This is how I describe Mr. Trump in the videos in which he shaved the
head of the American Wrestling Company Boss while he was competing and betting in the
wrestling, and I immediately realized his personal desire for power. Mr. Trump then ran in the
US election with the slogan of America First.

It is customary to win the US election with electoral votes. After the victory, Democratic
presidents denounced and cursed the past, especially in relation to Obama and the health care
plans known as Obama Care. During all this time, Mr. Trump may have only paid attention to
the economic situation of the weaker people of American society. He increased the rights and
fairness of workers' wages. Coronavirus was the main issue in the US election. Mr. Trump
downplayed the coronavirus as a Chinese phenomenon, and the main reason for not fighting the
virus was the lack of masks and other coronavirus-related issues in American society. . Today,
according to CNN, Mr. Trump has done nothing to combat the Corona virus in the United States.
But another reason for Trump's election defeat was that Mr. Trump thought that the culture of the
American people was like the culture of the people of the East. As Mr. Putin, Erdogan, and the
leader of North Korea and other parts of the East like many Arab states, whose leadership in the
cultural and political literature has special terms and conditions and is usually irreplaceable. Two
political cultures are in complete Conflict with each other. In connection with my studies, I will
suffice to say that political culture is the Origin of all Conflicts in the domestic political structure
and international relations in the world system.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

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