Atmavalokana: About Yourself

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Note: You may choose to write the answers either in English or Kannada. Please provide
the answers with utmost sincerity and based on your personal feelings and experiences. Do
not worry about what others may think by looking at your answers. Be bold, clear and
crisp. The questions may seem repetitive but please answer all of them. Restrict your
answers to a couple of sentences.

About yourself
1. What do you want to do in life?
2. Can you please write about your strengths, skills and interests?
3. What are the three disturbing things that you see around? Explain Why? (It may be
in your school, in your family, in your studies, in yourself, in the society or
4. There are many people around us. They may be in our families, in our school, or
anywhere. Among them, who do you like the most? Why?
5. What was the happiest moment in your life? Why?
6. What is that one issue you want to solve in your life time?
7. What would you do if you are born again? What is required to do it in this life?
8. What are the 3 things that you like to do to change/better yourself? Why and How?
9. What do you understand by Indian culture? How has it influenced your personal life
and career?
10. Are you associated with any social work, professionally or as a volunteer? Please
specify details like basic motive, target group etc?
11. Which three things come to your mind when you think that you are an Indian?
12. What ought to be the role of technology (like vehicles, mobile phones, computers,
TV, washing machine, electric heater etc.) in our lives? Please explain.

Purpose of education
1. What is your view on the role of parent in the development of their children?
2. How do you measure the success of an educational institution?
3. What is your view on the role of a Guru?
4. How do you wish to see child's future?
5. What kind of educational environment you would dream if you can experience your
childhood again?
6. Please list out the differences between an ancient Gurukul and modern school.
Which one of the two you like and why?
7. What are the key differences between syllabus/text-book based approach(Top-
Down) and Learning Outcome based approach (Bottom-Up)?
8. What's your view on subject specific teacher v/s all-in-one teacher?
9. What is view on child-centric learning compared to class-room based learning?
10. Have you read divasvapna, toto-chan, nai talim or such books? Please share your
11. Most of the parents take medium of instruction as a serious marker of quality of
primary education. What is your opinion on medium of instruction in schooling?
Should it be English or Mother-tongue? Please elaborate.
12. Most of us think that tough competitions, competitive examinations, punishment
and rigorous homework make a student successful in school. Do you agree? Explain.

In Purnapramati
1. Why you want to join Purnapramati?
2. If you were completely independent to do whatever you like at Purnapramati,
what will you do? Why?
3. What kind of social impact should Purnapramati bring in? Why?
4. What do you think Purnapramati should be known for? Why?
5. What Purnapramati should not do? Why?
6. Can you list the type of tasks you do at Purnapramati, on a daily basis, weekly
basis and yearly basis?
7. Specify three goals you want to focus for next 3 years at Purnaprmati in the
order of priority.
8. What is the most important thing you want to achieve at Purnapramati next
9. Can you briefly write down the steps you will pursue to achieve your goals for
next year?
10. Do you feel that you are growing with Purnapramti? How do you foresee your
growth with Purnapramati? Explain.
11. Please suggest few themes that Purnapramati should pursue in coming years?
12. How do you see yourself at Purnapramati after 3 years, 10 years, 20 years.....?
13. What do you see as Purnapramati’s role in the development of each child ?

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