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Very good evening Dear Toastmasters and guests

It’s my privilege to be the toastmaster of the day, My deepest gratitude to TM Priscilla for Providing the

I will be looking forward to meet you in our whatsapp group for the next three weeks on this topic, Daily
through a Thought

I Feel challenges are an integral part of life

Ex: Maths in Kg Math in Engg is not the same, the level of difficulty is different, and a Teacher provides a
little challenging problem for her students to Grow

When the challenge level goes on increasing, the higher the challenge and the better we are able to
Crack it, the deeper we go in understanding the subject

Higher the challenges in gym the more muscle groth or more shredding of the exta fat

Even in relationsip life poses too many challenges as time passes by, the more we are willing to face the
challenge & deal with it, the emotional bonding in relationship grows deeper

There is no meaning in Life without challenge, accepting the challenge in sportive spirit is the key

For the next 3 weeks we want to take up this challenge, the 21 day habit challenge, time is flying away ,
most of us make resolutions every year , for many its Resolutions-Dissolutions-No solutions 2021 is
coming so close . We have to now deeply Introspect, did we actually work on what we decided 2020 and
where we stand on that. Are you on of the victim of Resolutions-Dissolutions-No solutions

Habits are of 3 kinds Good, Neutral & Bad… Before we go deeper

We will see 3 kinds of segments we have in our meeting today, the only difference is here all three are

The first segment is Prepared Speeches- where the speaker has the choice of choosing the subject as per
their pathway and project, present the second is Table Topic, and the 3 rd will be the Evaluation of the
speeches – The feedback session- This Session will be handled by General Evaluator and His team. To
enlighten us How the session will be conducted and to introduce his team let us welcome GE of the day

Thank You SJ

Being courteous, hospitable, kind is a good habit.. And very often this is Just a Habit Though, we often
say Thank you , sorry, Good morning without really meaning that .. It’s just said in an AutoPilot mode,,
You just say Thank U , u don’t mean it, U say sorry, u don’t mean it, we say good speech and we may
not mean it,,, and therefore , when it comes to good habits lets consciously Enhance them… Not just
sustain & enhance, but consciously enhance the quality of the good habits

The neutral habits are like our muscle memory habits. Like the pin numbers, passwords etc…If they are
useful ones we have to utilize them..

But there is one thing we all struggle with .. the bad habits which are destructive for our Physical health,
which ruin our emotional health, these negatives, the dark spots which take the peace of our mind
away, they take the Deep Growth we can have in our life away from us

As we are going to enter in this 21 day challenge , that’s is till our next meeting , we will Try to throw
away the bad habit .

If you ask me define this 21 day challenge in 1 line, I would say To form a habit in a way that we can Deal
with A HABIT when this 21 days are complete.

Lets take some moment to indulge ourselves in the wonderful prepared speeches by 2 excellent
speakers , who will give us some Tough Challenging goals to be a better speaker

The 1st speaker is DTM Anil..

He will be evaluated by the President of the club, TM Willie Hill,

Please welcome DTM Anil to present his Speech Title: Match Point..

A minute to give our comments

The second speaker of the day is DTM Petra, from Thailand.. She will bring us a different perspective

He will be evaluated by the DTM Ram

A minute to give our comments

Now for Our 21 Day Challenge…. Lets identify 1 Bad habit, what ever it ay be Physical, emotional
spiritual what ever that Bad habit may be, Identify that 1 bad habit that we need to deal with Urgently,
there might be so much clutter, but lets choose 1 ,

The second thing what I want you and me to do is to make a firm resolve , we will try to deal with this 1
Bad habit the next 21 days

Lets live our life beautiful by chucking that 1 bad habit away
We will go the next segment the revitalizing , the surprising element, Table Topics, this will be
conducted by Our Newest member TM dayanand,

I will leave you with 3 things to ponder INTROSPECT, choose 1 Bad Habit to deal with, RESOLVE

Please welcome TM Dayanad to handle this energizing TT

To live a quality life is a choice.

By default we are react, response is a choice

By default we are gonna hate, to love I a choice

By default we are gonna hold a grudge, to forgive is a choice


Cultivating of our Good Habits , and giving up the bad habits, weeding them is a choice we all have to

When it comes to strating something, creating something its so simple,

When it comes to stoping something or destroying, it also comes easiers .. But to sustain something in a
long term basis is the greatest challenge than the table topics..

For ex To join toastmasters club is easier, for some after a few hiccups here and there , to quit it much
easier… you can quit on flimsy grounds, on drop of a hat , over trivia . But to maintain being a member is
a challenging one

To start a exercise Regimen , quick.. to stop a excersice regime quick..

To maintain , to sustan the enthusiasm to hit the gym, to do yoga, to jog,

Cultivating of our Good Habits can be done pretty quick , and quitting is much easirer.. To sustain is the

To attain sustainability there are are 4 Key s

Before knowing the 4 keys , lets know how our speakers performed, hows our meeting going today.
What are the challenges, how to weed our bad areas, how to sustain our good areas.. through our
Evaluation segemt

Lets welcome TM Santosh to handle the segment

Are u still awaiting for the keys to attain sustainability

1. Adopt Trackability. Jotting down daily helps to control the mind, Or else Mind will take you
for a toss, So be disciplined keep a track
2. Avoid Vulnerability: The 3 words I feel are the greatest enemies for our progress in terms of our
bad habits is one last time. The mind wil say oh you want to quit eating this sweet because of
High Sugar or High Colestrol, Just eat this one last time because its a festive season, it’s a good
3. Increase Accountability :

There are people around us like our Mentors, DTM’s , who aren’t judgmental , and want to help us ,
who sees potential in us an d help, sharing the difficulties on one on one makes our heart 80%

For example: ask someone to point out your filler words

4. Have Like Minded People to support you Habit: story of chuch

The company of like minded people and striving for the same goal is like the wood in the fireplace’
when we r in the company our enthusiasm , our commitment, our desire, are burning… as soon as we r
out of the fire place the enthusiasm dies down

Therfore keep yourself in that company, if you are away from the fire called Toastmasters, for a couple
of weeks, you will loose the spark

I will be posting a thought on the theme for the next 3 weeks as said earlier,,,With this I will hand over
to the president

Thank u

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