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“I don’t care about your excuses! What I need are results!! Now!!!

Have you ever heard someone talk that way to you? A boss? A team leader? A college professor,
maybe? Now, you may say those words are a bit harsh. Well, they may be more common than
you think.

Good morning fellow Toastmasters and guests,

All along, I thought I was a “ coaching Leader” … but, when I took the “Understand your leadership style”
questionnaire for this project, I realized… each one of us have multiple types of leadership styles burnt into our
nerves, buried under our nerves and soaked in our blood.

At times, you are bureaucratic, at times you are democratic

At times, you are altruistic, at times you are authoritative
At times, you are affiliative, at times you are innovative
At times, you are a pace setter, at times you are a coach

We are all like the 8 legged spiders that walk on the 8 different leadership styles. However, unlike the spider,
each one of us has a dominant leadership style… and to me, it is “Democratic”.

After being disoriented for a while "Is this really my main leadership style?" I went farther in
understanding: the real good leader combines the leader styles and uses the one depending on
the Situation! 

A toastmaster wears multiple hats,

Once we understood that, we also understand that we are more complex than theories and that a
good leader indeed has to be flexible, asking us, or using unconsciously the style needed in the next

Autocratic, Task oriented or Relationship Oriented, Democratic or Charismatic is the best. It all

None of the Leadership styles, these or others, are ideal in every situation. 

But understanding them enables us to take flexible, adaptable and diverse actions,
Jonathan Sandling in a book leading with Style writes. In fact, they can be combined in many ways. 
 A leader (has followers) * turns vision into reality and 
 Maximizes the effort of others. * Inspiring and supporting.

Our preferred style depends on our personality and our past experiences. 

I then remembered a story that happened to me seven years ago when I was asking myself "Am I
good enough to become my operations manager?" I got two very different answers when I asked
those around me, then a third answer that inspired me to dare, from my then Managing Director.
"We learn as we do and get to understand on the way!”

I can learn as I go! And I did. 

Toastmasters is indeed a great platform to learn also about leadership. Till I wrote my speech that I
am delivering, I did not realize how good my leadership is. Thanks to this Pathways task, I
understand that I can understand me even better.

Now on, to the next project. My "communication style"? What is that? 

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