Antrenman Notlarım

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1-Bench Press 72,5x3x12
2-Inc db press 30/30x3x11
3-Crossover 25/25x3x16
4-Latpulldown 80x3x13
5-Pull up 8,6,6
6-Shrug 102,5x3x12
7-Rear delt fly 5/5x5x15
8-Seated lateral raise 7,5/7,5x5x12
9-Inc db curl 7,5/7,5x3x15
10-Rope ex. 40x3x12

1-Squat 95x3x12
2-Lunge 17,5x3x16
3-SLDL 100x3x12
4-Calf Raise 35x4x10

1-OHP 50x3x12
2-Db bench 30x3x16
3-CGBP 50x3x12
4-Bb row 77,5x3x15
5-Cable row 90x3x12
6-Seated db shrug 30x3x15,13,12
7-Facepull 25x4x12 + standing lateral raise 12,5x4x9
8-Cable curl 60x4x10+pushwon 60x3x10

1-Front squat 72,5x3x12
2-Deadlift 112,5x3x12
3-Bulgarian split squat 15x3x15
4-Calf raise 35x4x12

1-Bench press 75x4x12
2-Incline db press 30x4x11
3-Crossovers 25x4x16
4-Latpulldown 80x4x12
5-Pull up 4x9,9,9,9
6-Shrug 105x4x12
7-Rear delt fly 5x5x16 ss seated lateral raise 7.5x5x13
8-Rope pushdown 40x5x12 ss cable curl 60x5x11

1-Squat 100x4x12
2-Lunge 17,5x4x17
3-SLDL 105x4x12
4-Calf raise 37,5x5x12

1-OHP 52,5x12,12,11,11
2-Db bench 30x4x16
3-CGBP 50x4x12
4-BB row 80x4x15
5-Cable row 90x4x15
6-Shrug 30x4x16
7-Lateral raise 12,5x5x10 ss facepull 25x5x12
8-Incline db curl 7,5x5x16 ss pushdown 65x5x8


1-Front squat 75x4x12

2-Dl 115x4x12
3-Bulgarian split squat 17,5x4x12
4-Calf raise 37,5x5x8


1-Bench Press 77,5x10 + 75x12,12,8,6

2-Inc db 20x6x15
3-Crossover 20x6x16
4-Latpulldown 85x5x12
5-Pull up 8,5,5,5,5
6-Shrug 107,5x5x12
7-Rear delt fly 5x5x16 ss seated lateral raise 7,5x5x16
8-Incline curl 7,5x18,18,14,12,12 ss rope pushdown 40x5x15


1-Squat 102,5x5x12
2-Lunge 17,5x5x18
3-SLDL 105x5x12
4-Calf raise 37,5x5x12

1-OHP 40x5x12
2-Db bench 20x5x17
3-CGBP 40x5x12
4-BB row 80x5x15
5-Cable row 90x5x15
6-Bent over shrug 30x5x11

1-Front squat 75x5x12
2-Deadlift 117,5x5x12
3-Split squat 17,5x5x12
4-Calf raise 37,5x5x9

1-Cable rear delt fly 5x5x20-30
2-Db facepull 2,5x5x15
3-Db side lateral raise 12,5x5x12
4-Cable side lateral raise 5x5x8-12
5-Pushdown 65x5x9 ss cable curl 60x5x12

1-Bench 77,5x6 + 62,5x3x12
2-Inc 17,5x3x12
3-Crossover 15x3x12
4-Latpulldown 70x3x12
5-Pull up 3x5
6-Shrug 110x3x12
7-Seated lateral raise 3x17 ss rear delt fly 3x18
8-Rope pushdown 45x3x12 ss cable curl 60x3x13

1-Squat 102,5x2x6
2-Lunge 17,5x2x10
3-Deadlift 117,5x2x6
4-Calf raise 37,5x3x6

1- Bench 67,5x10 70x10 72,5x10 + 2 repeat
2-Inc db 17,5x10 20x10 25x10 + 2 repeat
3-Fly 10x10 15x10 20x10 + 2 repeat
4-BB row 82,5x10 85x10 90x10 + 2 repeat
5-Lateral raise 12,5x8-12
6-Facepull 3x20 (20kg)
7-Skullcrusher 7.5 ss hammer 10

1-High bar 70x10 72,5x10 75x10 + 2 repeat
2-Bulgarian 17,5x4x12
3-Lunge 12,5x3x12
4-Sing Leg Press 10x3x15
5-Calf raise 40x5x10

1- Weighted pull up 12,5x5 + 10x3x7
2-Latpulldown 65x4x12
3-Cable row 90x4x12
4-Db bench 30x4x12
7-Bent over shrug 30x4x11
8-Rear delt fly 5 ss seated lateral 2sct pause 7,5 4x12
9-Preacher curl 10x2x10

1-Conventional 110x10 115x10 120x10 + 2 repeat
2-Glute bridge 50x4x12
3-RDL 100x4x10
4-321 tempo squat 70x3x6
5-Calf raise 37,5x4x15


1-OHP 45x10 47,5x10 50x10 + 2 repeat

2-Inc smith 70x10 72,5x10 75x10 + 2 repeat
3-Barbell curl 40x4x10
4-JM press 30x4x10
5-V pulldown 65x4x12
6-Barbell Shrug (wide grip)(2ct pause) 4x60x10

1- Bench Touch and go 70x10 + 75x10 + 75x10 + 2 repeat
2-Inc db 20x10 + 25x10 + 25x10 + 2 repeat
3-Fly 10x10 + 15x10 + 20x10
4-Barbell row 82,5x10 + 85x10 + 90x10 + 2 repeat
5-Shrug 110x5x12
6-Skullcrusher ss hammer curl 7,5-10 (4x15)
7-Lateral raise ss facepull 12,5-25 (4x12 ve 4x20)


1-High bar 75x10 + 80x10 + 85x10 + 2 repeat

2-Split Squat 17,5x4x13
3-Lunge 12,5x4x13
4-Single leg press 15x4x15
5-Calf raise 42,5x5x12

1-Inc curl 7,5x3x15
2-Kickback 10x3x15
3-One arm cable curl 10x3x15
4-Rope pushdown 50x3x10
5-Reverse curl 5/5x3x12
6-Cable laterals 10kg ss rear delt fly 5 kg 3x10

1-Weighted pull up 15x5 + 12,5x3x7
2-Latpulldown 70x4x12
3-Cable row 95x4x12
4-Db bench 30x4x15
5-Bent-over db shrug 30x4x12
6-Seated '2ct' lateral (7,5) ss rear delt fly (5) 4x13
7-Alternate curl 12,5x3x12

1-Conventional 115x10 120x10 125x10 + 2 repeat
2-Hip thrust 60x4x12
3-RDL 105x4x10
4-Tempo squat 75x3x6
5-Calf raises 40x5x10

1-OHP 45x10 + 50x10 + 52,5x10 + 2 repeat
2-Incline smith 70x10 + 75x10 + 75x10 + 2 repeat
3-Barbell curl 42,5x4x10
4-JM Press 32,5x4x10
5-V pulldown 70x4x12
6-W grip shrug(2ct paused) 62,5x4x12

1-Bench press 70x10 + 75x10 + 77,5x10 + 2 repeat
2-Inc db press 20x10 + 25x10 + 30x10 + 2 repeat
3-Fly 10x10 + 15x10 + 20x10 + 2 repeat
4-Barbell row 85x10 + 87,5x10 + 92,5x10 + 2 repeat
5-Shrug 112,5x5x12
6-Lateral raise 12,5x4x12-15 + facepull 30x4x20
7-Skullcrusher 10x4x12-15 ss hammer curl 12,5x4x12-154

1-Lying leg curl 70x4x10
2-High bar 80x10 + 85x10 + 90x10 + 2 repeat
3-Split s. 20x4x12
4-Lunge 15x4x10
5-SL press 20x4x15
5-Calf raise 42,5x5x12

1-Pull up 17,5x5 + 15x3x7
2-Latpulldown 75x4x12
3-Cable row 95x4x12
4-Bent-over shrug 30x4x13
5-Pullover 20x3x20
6-Db chest press 30x4x16
7-Lateral raise + rear delt fly 5x4x12-15

1-Conventional 120x10 + 125x10 + 130x10 + 2 repeat
2-Hip thrust 70x4x12
3-RDL 110x4x10
4-Tenpo squat 80x3x6
5-Calf raise 40x5x12

1-OHP 45x10 + 50x10 + 55x10 + 2 repeat
2-Incline smith 70x10 + 75x10 + 80x10 + 2 repeat
3-Barbell curl 40x4x12
4-JM press 35x4x12
5-V pulldown 50x4x12
6-Barbell shrug 65x4x12

1-Bench 70x10 + 75x10 + 77,5x12 + 77,5x11 + son set fail
2-Inc db 20x12 + 25x12 + 30x8 + 30x2x8(son 2 set yardımlı)
3-Fly 15xamrap + 20xamrap (4 set)
4-Barbell row 80x10 + 85x10 + 90x10 + 2 repeat
5-Shrug 115x5x12
6-Lateral raise 5x4x12 ss facepull 35x4x20
7-Hammer curl 12,5x4x12 + skullcrusher 10x4x12

1-Lying leg curl 75x4x10
2-High bar 80x10 + 85x10 + 90x10 + 2 repeat
3-Split s. 25x2x12 + 20x2x13
4-Lunge 15x4x12
5-SL press 25x4x15
6-Calf raises 42,5x5x12

1-Pull up 17,5x5 + 15x3x7
2-Latpulldown 70x4x12 son set +1 tekrar
3-Cable row 65x4x12
4-Rope pullover 25x3x21
5-Bent-over shrug 30x4x15
6-Db bench press 30x4x17
7-Lateral raise ss rear delt fly 5x4x12-15
8-Cable curl 45x3x15 + drop

1-Conventional 125x10 + 130x10 + 135x10 + 1 repeat
2-Hip thrust 80x4x12
3-RDL 100x4x10
4-3-2-1 tempo high bar 85x3x6
5-Calf raises 42,5x5x12

1-OHP 50x10 + 55x10 + 57,5x10 + 2 repeat
2-Incline smith 70x10 + 75x10 + 82,5x10 + 1 repeat
3-Barbell curl 11,5x4x12
4-JM press 40x4x12
5-Latpulldown 55x4x12
6-Shrug 70x4x12

1-Bench 70x10 + 75x10 + 77,5x10 + 2 repeat
2-Inc db 20x12 + 25x12 + 30x10,9,7
3-Crossover 15xamrap 20xamrap 25x3xamrap + last set drop
4-BB row 80x15 + 85x15 + 90x12
5-Shrug 117,5x5x12
6-Lateral raise 5x5x15 ss facepull 35x5x21
7-Hammer curl 12,5x5x15 ss skullcrusher 10x5x13

1-Squat 90x10 + 95x10 + 100x10 + 2 repeat
2-Leg curl 80x4x10
3-Split squat 20x4x15
4-Lunge 15x4x15
5-SL press 27,5x4x15
6-Calf raise 42,5x5x12

1-Pull up 20x5 , 15x3x7
2-Latpulldown 75x4x12
3-Cable row 70x4x12
4-Rope pullover 30x4x20
5-Bent-over shrug 30x4x15
6-Db bench press 30/30x4x20
7-Cable lateral + cable rear delt fly 5x5xamrap

1-Con. deadlift 130x10 135x10 140x10 + 1 repeat
2-Hip thrust 100x4x12
3-RDL 100x4x12
4-Tempo squat 90x3x6
5-Calf raise 42,5x5x12

1-Ohp 50x10 + 55x10 + 60x10 + 57,5x10 + 57,5x10
2-Incline 70x10 + 75x10 + 85x10 + 2 repeat
3-BB curl 4x12 (12,5/12,5)
4-JM press 4x12(40)
5-Shrug 4x12 (75)
6-Latpulldown 4x12 (60)

1-Bench 70x10 75x10 80x10,10,8
2-Inc db 20x10 25x10 30x10,10,10
3-Fly 15xamrap 20xamrap 25xamrap,amrap,amrap
4-Bb row 80x12 85x12 90x12,12,12
5-Shrug 120x5x12
6-Facepull 40x4x20 ss seated lateral raise 5x4x15
7-Hammer curl 12,5x4x15 + skullcrusher 10x4x15

1-Squat 95x10 100x10 105x10,10,10
2-Lying leg curl 80x4x13
3-Split s. 20x4x16
4-Lunge 17,5x4x12
5-SL leg press 30/30x4x15
6-Calf raises 42,5x5x12

1-Pull up 20x7 + 15x4x7
2-Latpulldown 80x4x12
3-Cable row 75x4x15
4-Bent-over shrug 30x4x20
5-Pullover 35x4x20
6-Db bench 30x4x22
7-Lateral raise 5xamrap + rear delt fly 5xamrap

1-Conventional 135x10 140x10 145x10,10,10
2-Hip thrust 110x4x12
3-RDL 112,5x4x10
4-Tempo squat 95x3x6
5-Calf raise 42,5x5x12

1-OHP 50x5x10
2-Incline smith 70x10 80x10 82,5x10+1 repeat
3-Barbell curl 13,75x4x12
4-JM press 42,5x4x12
5-Latpulldown 65x4x12
6-BB shrug 2ct paused 80x4x12

1-Bench 70x10 + 75x10 + 82,5x10,8,7
2-Inc db 20x12 + 25x12 + 30x4x10
3-Crossover 15xamrap 20xamrap 25x3xamrap
4-BB row 82,5x12 85x12 92,5x3x12
5-Shrug 125x5x12
6-Lateral raise 7,5x4xamrap ss facepull 40x4x20
7-Hammer curl 12,5x4x12 ss skullcrusher 10x4x12

1-Squat 100x10 105x10 110x8,7,6
2-Split squat 20x4x20,17,17,17
3-Lying leg curl 80x4x12
4-Walking lunge 17,5x4x15
5-SL press 32,5x4x15


1-Pull up 25x5 + 17,5x3x7

2-Latpulldown 85x4x12
3-Cable row 80x4x15
4-Db row 30x4x12
5-Bent over shrug 30x4x20
6-Rope pullover 35x4x20
7-Db bench 30x4x23,22,16,15
8-Lateral raise 7,5x4x15-20

1-Deadlift 140x10 + 145x10 + 150x8,,8,8
2-Hip thrust 115x4x12
3-RDL 112,5x4x10
4-Tempo squat 95x3x6
5-Calf raise 42,5x5x13

1-OHP 50x10 55x10 60x7,6,6
2-Smith incline 70x10 75x10 82,5x10,10
3-BB curl 13,25x4x12
4-JM press 42,5x4x12
5-Latpulldown 70x4x12
6-Shrug 80x4x12

31-12-20(Deload sonrası ilk antrenman)

1-Bench 72,5x8 77,5x8 82,5x8,8,8

2-Inc bb 50x10 55x10 57,10,10,10
3-Fly 45x5x15
4-BB row 82,5x8 87,5x8 92,5x8,8,8
5-Lateral raise 8x4x20
6-Facepull 17,5x4x20
7-Hammer curl 12x4x15 ss skullcrusher 10x4x12


1-Squat 100x8 + 102,5x4x8

2-Split s. 22x4x12
3-Lunge 16x3x12
4-Leg press 3plakx3x15
5-Lying leg curl 1plakx4x6
6-Calf raise 35x5x12

The difference between what you are and what you want to be is what you do.

1-Pulldown 65x5x10
2-Pullover 22,5x5x15
3-Close grip pulldown 50x5x10
4-Low row 40x5x15
5-High row 40/40x5x15
6-Feet up bench 60x4x12
7-Lateral raise 10x4-5x10-12
8-Rear delt fly 35x4-5x10-12
9-Cable curl 22,5x4-5x10-12

There is no secret. Just train your ass off.

1-Deadlift 130x7,135x7,140x7 +2 repeat
2-Hip thrust 80x4x12
3-RDL 110x4x11
4-Tempo squat 72,5x4x5
5-Seated ham curl 40x4x15
6-Calf raise 40x5x12
1-Bench 75x7 80x7 85x7,6,5
2-Inc bench 55x10 60x10 62,5x8,8,8
3-Crossover 5x15 7,5x15 10x15,15,15
4-Decline press 40x5x15
5-Fly 35x15 45x15 55x15,15,15
6-BB row 85x8 90x8 95x8,8,8
7-Machine row top set 50x10
8-Facepull 20x5x12
9-Lateral raise 10x5x12
10-Hammer curl 12x5xamrap
11-Skullcrusher 10x5xamrap

1-High bar 100x8 105x8 107,5x7,6,5
2-Split squat 24x4x10
3-Lunge 20x4x10
4-Leg press 3,5plakx4x15
5-Seated leg curl 40x4x20
6-Calf raises 40x5x12

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