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Cat® Product Information

Phase-In / Phase-Out letter

Aug, 2015

Announcing the Cat® 313D GC Series 2 Tier 3 Hydraulic Excavators

Caterpillar is pleased to announce the availability of the 313D GC Series 2 configured with C4.4
mechanical engine with Tier 3 emission package for sale into your territory through the lane
strategy process. This new model replaces the current 312D2 GC Tier 2 machine. This machine
will be manufactured in CXL, China.

312D2 GC Tier 2 Phase-Out Schedule (CXL)

Model Source Final Orders Final Ship Dates
Close Until Inventory Close Until Inventory
312D2 GC CXL
Depleted Depleted

313D2 GC Tier 3 Phase-In Schedule (CXL)

Model Source Order Board Opens First Ship Dates

313D2 GC CXL October 2015* November 2015*

*The above dates are subject to change based on inventory depletion status. Please check with
your local GCI Sales Execution Representative for any change to the introduction schedules.

Series Number Prefix: GAP

The price release and the trade discount will be communicated separately.

Order Terms and Conditions:

Please share this information immediately with your respective operational groups and contact
your industry representatives for any further questions, so that appropriate action can be taken
on ordering and managing dealer inventory levels. We wish you every success in introducing
the 313D2 GC Tier 3 machine to your customers.

Sophia Ren
Regional Product Manager (Greater China)
Excavation Division

The information contained herein is intended for circulation only to Caterpillar and dealer employees whose duties require knowledge of such
reports and is intended exclusively for their information and training. CAT, CATERPILLAR, their respective logos, "Caterpillar Yellow," the
"Power Edge" trade dress as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without
permission. © All rights reserved 2014

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