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Revision for Science Chapter 8 7/12/2020

Obejctive Questions
1. The diagram below shows the symbol of atom x.

What is represented by number 14 ?

A Proton number
B Electron number
C Neutron number
D Nucleon number
2. The table below shows the number of subatomic particles for atoms M and N
Atom Number of neutrons Nucleon number
M 6 14
N 8 17
What are the proton numbers of M and N ?
A 14 31
B 8 9
C 2 3
D 8 10

3. Which of the following is true about atoms ?

A Atoms consist of two subatomic particles.
B Electrons are found in the nucleus.
C Proton number is equal to the number of electrons.
D The number of neutrons is equal to the number of electrons.

4. The diagram below shows the structure of an atom.

Which of the labelled parts A, B, C and D, is an

electron ?
Revision for Science Chapter 8 7/12/2020

5. The diagram below shows the structure of atom X.

What is the electron arrangement of atom X ?

A 2.1
B 2.8.1
C 2.8
D 2.8.7

6. The table below shows the relationship between the number of subatomic particles and
nucleon number of four elements.
Element Number of protons Number of neutrons
W 8 8
X 6 8
Y 7 7
Z 6 6
Which pair are isotopes ?
A W and X
B X and Y
C X and Z
D Y and Z

7. The formation below shows the use of a radioisotope.

This radioisotope beta radiation is used to control

the thickness of paper sheets in the industry.

What is the name of this radioisotope substance ?

A Cobalt-60
B Phosphorus-32
C Uranium-235
D Americium-241
Revision for Science Chapter 8 7/12/2020
Revision for Science Chapter 8 7/12/2020

Structure Question
1. Complete the table below, by specifying a group of atoms having a proton number
between 1-20.
Atomic Proton Electron Electron Number of
name number number arrangement valence electron
Magnesium 12
Sulphur 16
Carbon 6
Sodium 11
Chlorine 17

2. To achieve a stable octet electron arrangement, the atom will accept or donate its electrons.

Determine whether the following atoms accepting or donating electrons to achieve stable
octet electron arrangement.
Atomic Proton Electron Donating/accepting Octet electron Ion
name number arrangement electron arrangement produced
Lithium 3

Sodium 11
Aluminium 13

Sulphur 16

Nitrogen 7

Oxygen 8
Revision for Science Chapter 8 7/12/2020

Section B
1. The diagram below shows three types of substances.

a) Based on the diagram above, state the ionic substance. (1 mark)

b) Draw the arrangement of particle for P. (1 mark)

c) State the type of particle Q and R. (2 marks)


d) State one characteristic of gas Q. (1 mark)

e) Give one example of the type of particle as Q. (1 mark)

Revision for Science Chapter 8 7/12/2020

2. Diagram below shows the two isotopes of carbon atoms.

a) State the meaning of isotope.

b) Based on the above diagram, determine the number of electrons and neutrons in the
table below.

Particles Carbon-12 Carbon-14

Number of electron
Number of neutron

c) Draw the electron arrangement of carbon-12.

Revision for Science Chapter 8 7/12/2020

3. The diagram below shows two types of isotopes X and Y used in the food industry and
agricultural industry respectively.

a) Based on the diagram above, name isotopes X and Y. (2 marks)


b) State the function of isotope Y. (1 mark)

c) State the type of radiation released from isotope X. (1 mark)

d) Name device K used in the diagram above. (1 mark)

e) Give one other example of an isotope which is used in the medicine industry. (1 mark)

Section C
Revision for Science Chapter 8 7/12/2020

1. a) Explain with drawings the formation of magnesium ion from magnesium atom.(6 mark)

b) The diagram below shows the position of underground water pipes in an area. The soil
has been soft and watery for the past month. You as the person responsible for the
pipeline inspection just received reports of the problem.

Explain how you solve the problem.

Your explanation should include the following aspects:

i) Identify the problem (1 mark)

Revision for Science Chapter 8 7/12/2020

ii) Clatification of the problem (1 mark)

iii) Ways to solve the problem (4 marks)

Revision for Science Chapter 8 7/12/2020

2. a) All physical things around us in our daily lives have matter. Matter consists of tiny and
discrete particles.
i) State two types of particles (2 marks)

ii) Give examples of materials for every particle that you stated in 11(a)(i). (2 marks)

b) Figure 8 shows a carbon element that has two isotopes.

i) State two similarities between these two carbon isotopes. (2 marks)

ii) Prove that C-12 and C-14 are isotopes. (2 marks)

Revision for Science Chapter 8 7/12/2020

iii) Isotopes are used in different fields such as archaeology, medical, agriculture and
industrial. Give one example of isotopes and its usage in the medical field or
agriculture. (2 marks)

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