Developing Rapport Article

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j,i their classes, while the struggling remain distant and aloof, or seek to I Increasing numbers of students arc
teachers do not. establish a bond with their class group. drawn in by the positive energy

o In this article I want to explore the

notion of rapport in a little more depth.
After defining rapport, I'll outline the
A convenient way to think ol
rapport in the classroom is in t'erms of
an invisible web: unseen but mutually
exuded by the class group.

Fewer potontially disruptive students

make their presence felt.
benefits of establishing it, particularly recognisable connecLions binding
in communicativs classrooms. I'll then teachsrs and their students together. We A major benefit of establishing rapport
present ten points teachers should keep can envisage the perimeter thread that is that students - keen to please the
in mind if they wish to establish rapport encompasses the whole class and the teacher because they scnse that the
with their classes. I'll conclude by teacher and, within that, the internal teacher likes and respects them - tend

r por

answering some frequently asked threads binding individual students to to work harder and in a more focused
questions surrounding the notion of the teacher ard which in tum bind way. Wherc there is a feeling of trust
rapport, those individual students to the class as and mutual respect between teachers
a whole, and their classes, students are more
Definitions of rappor-t likely to complete comunicative tasks
inore ellrctively and appropriately.
The word rapport - ore of many French
words to have entered the English
language in recent times and to have
Ten recommendations for
retained its French pronunciation - establishing rapport
means a harmonious, sympathetic
In this section I suggest t n general
relationship or connection between
behavioural recomendations for
people. When we talk about
teachers wishing to establish rapport
'establishing rapport' or'developing with their classes.
Hose Senlor IF re@ntly attended a language around the world. These speakers all rapport' with an individual or a group
of peoplg we imply that something Il Reconceptualise your position in
I teaching conference where a very identified the fact thatjust as important
positive is happening: a beneficial the classroom. See yourself as being
investigates the invisible I "uriourit
ing huppened. At the as the teaching itself is the relationship Kev
'with' your students, rather than
.l. plenary session at the end of the that we deYelop with our classeš. As the process of some kind is occurring. T = teaoher
. student 'against'them.
ingredient of successful
conference, a number of teacher influential psychologist Earl Stevick
educators were gathered on the stage to wote about language teaching more Th invisible web of lh language classroom 'El Remember the names of individuals,
language teaching. discuss the conference theme. The than 25 years ago, 'Success depends less ' taking advantage of opportunities
discussion was lacklustre until someone on materials, techniques and linguisric
The benefits of to reaffirm contact with them.
mentioned the word ruppo . Al that analyses, and more on whal goes on ircide
point the session came alive, with each and between people in the cl6sroom'. establishing rapport E negara students favourably. Give
individuals the benefit of the
speaker enthusiastically allirming that Writing in 1998, Madeline Ehrman and Here are some of the advantages of
doubt. Avoid repressive behaviour.
in their view rapport was an essential zoltän Dtimyei draw a distinction establishing rapport within classes of
ingredient in sucwssful classroom between thb visible and invisible language learners: E Reach out to everyore in the room.
teaching. For one speaker, sueessful classroom, stating that 'no matter how Be inclusive. Acknowledge the
r The oyerall class atmosphere becomes
teaching was 'getling to relate to otlvr astute the teacher, a key to making presence and contributions of a
more vibrant, with students
people', for another it was'establishing learning work k, to q great extent, the range of students.
collectively more alert and responsive,
positive relqtionsl ps and meeting tl?e rela!ion between knower and learner',
studenls as equals',wlile for a third it The cudous thing is that, when they r
E Register your connection with the
Individuals interact with the teacher class by regularly suryeying the
was 'establishing learning communities in undergo their initial training, teachers more readily.
room and showing that you notice
whiclt there is mutual respect' .'Ihe final are seldom informed about the kinds of
speaker evoked spontaneous applause relations they should be developing with r The learning needs and interests of everything that goes on.

when she said: 'Once you've captured the their classes - or told why these the ciass become more evident. E Relax and go with the flow.
soul of lhe class everythtug else will relations are so vital to their ongoing Rapport has to do with empathy: r Student behaviour that, in other E Reveal mpects of yoursell Be genuine
follow'. su@ess as teache$. It is rare for undeistanding where other people are circumstanfts, might impede learning, in your responses and reactions.
these speakers said clearly teachers to be giYen practiÖal guidance coming from, appreciating their point of serves to 'lift' the.atmosphere of the
resonated with the audiencg which was on how to nurture and maintain the view and s@king to develop and maintain class, E React positively to student
composed of teachers and teacher kinds of relations with their classes that a connmtion with them. Rapport is about initiatives, giving individuals
educators from a range of countries will maximise learning outcomes - and reaching out - rathpr than k*ping people r Students more leadily put themselves opportunities to shine.
make teaching a more satisfying and at am's length and f@ling nenous about foryard and are helpful to the
rewarding endeavour. Because they getting closer to them, teacher. E Beward students by being
generous-minded in your words or
aren't given these insights, many Rapport need not refer to a r Confident that their efforts will be gestures of apprcval.
teachers struggle for their entire relationship between equals. Frequently, appreciated; teachers fi nd themselves
teaching lives, wondering why some it is used to refer to the relationship teaching in more dynamic and
lE Make your teaching points
colleagues seem to havs classes that are between people with unequal levels of resonate with the class, by selecting
creative ways.
more responsive, more likeable and poweg with the person in power topics, themes, vocabulary items or
easier to manage than their owtr. The oflering something of themselves to r Individuals are more willing to ask examples of language i use that
difference is often because the successful others, This reflects the classroom questions and indicate when they do reflect the students' own experiences
teachers routinely develop rapport with situation, where teachers can choose to - not understand. and have relevance for their lives.

4 . l$uo s January 2oo8 . ENGLISH TEAoHINc professional ' ww' ' . . ENGLISH tucnr'lc prOfessiott0/. l$ue 54 Jsnusry 2008 . 5

a Qz If I develop rapport with my clus, Q: Some teachers get good.results b))
hgn't nry relalionship with my instilling fear into their students and
students be too close? Will they threatening dire consequences if they
continue to respect me? don't study hard. Isn't this nore
effective tlnn estqblislting rapport? Creating a posifive leaming atmosphere
A: Students respect teachers ficr their
pedagogic skills: their ability to A: Educational research consistently Figure 1.1 lists some features that may be important in creating a positive
make lessons interesting, relevant shows that fear is a negative emotion relationship and a positive learning atmosphere. Decide which items are inborn
i: :-, i, FAQs and engaging. Teachers who develop which impedes learning. Teachers
rapport with theh classes do so by who rule their classes with a rod of and which could be worked on and improved.
There are certain questions that teaching effectively and by being iron do lheir students a disservie in
teachers repeatedly ask about rapport. approachable. The two are
ln a positive learning atmosphere the teacher . .
the long run. .

If you're still concer ed about adoptiug complementary, not mutually

a different persona in your classroom, exclusive. Q: I've been teachingfor nuny years,
these answers may help put your mind and have never tried to develop
rapport with my clNses. Is it too late
at rest.
Even if we dan't showeres?ect isfair
Q: Do I need to ltave q particular kind of
for me to change? reallylistensio
personaliqt b establish rapport witll succeed in establishing A: Itt never too late tb change! That's his / her studenis
gives clear and
language classes? a high degree of the joy of teaching: there are always
. new challenges ahead.
A: No. All teachers establish rapport in rapport with so,me has a goodsense
ways that reflect their own
c/asses, we shaald >t' '* ;,e of humour
personalities. You don't have to be
wildly charismatic or extroverted to
establish rapport with your classes.
sf{/ seek to develry I hope this article has helped you is,by andlarge,
a pasitive working understand a little bit more about inspires confidence a uth e nl;i c ally h er / hi m s elf
Q: Doesn't rhe abiliry of kachers ro rapport: what it is, why it's important to
establish rqpport with their classes relationship with them develop rapport with language classes,
clepend on theit age? Surely it's much and which points you should keep in non-judgemental
eqsier for yonlger teaclrcrs to
Q: I'm a new teqcher and I'm fi.ightened
mind if you wish to establish rapport. I em?alhiseewith
establish rapport? hope the Iist of frequently askbd
of losing connol of n1y classes. INx't questions at the end of ihe article will students'problems trusts?eo?le
A: The ability to develop rapport has the best way of keeping con 'ol t0 help to address any additional conerns doesnof,complicaf,e
nothing to do with age. Mature maintain distance from tlu students - you may have.
teachers often know exactly how to ratlrcr lhan to get too close lo then? And now it's over to you! Wherever
relate to younger people. iswellorganised
A: This is acommon concern for all
you teach, whateyer the size and
composilion of your class, whatever
Q: Is it possible to establish rapport with new teachers. Your basic control
ovet your class comes ftom
your course, whatever the Ianguage level isapproachable
large classes?
establishing and maintaining codes
of your students, and whatever your is enthusiastic and
A: Although it teaching conditions, you will find ways
isn't possible for of behaviour in appropriate and
of establishing rapport if youte
inspires enthusiasm canbe aulhorftaf,ive
teachers of large classes to interact consistent ways that reveal your
personally with all the students in sensitivity to your students as people
determined to do it. Good luckl @ withoutbeing distanL
their classes, itš still possible to - rather than by behaving in rigid,
develop rapport. Teachers of large authoritarian ways. If you follow the Ehman,MEandD rnyei,Z
classes develop rapport with their
classes through a public display of
latter coursg you risk alienating
your class and having ongoing
lnterpereonal Dynmics in Second
Language Education: The Visible and
Figure 1.1 Features which create a posirive relarionship and atmosphere
enthusiasm, warmth and lnvisible Classroom Sage Publications
problems with classroom control,
1 998
determination to help the whole
class learn as effectively as possible. Q: Cqn I establish the same level of stevlck, E leachngLanguages: Äway
ropport witll sll clesses? and Ways Newbury Hous6 1980
Q: Worr't I lose yaluable teaching tinte if
I spend tine establislting rapport with A: No. It's much easier to establish Rose Senior is a
nty class? rapport with some classes. To some researcher and teacher
educator who ruh;
degree it's a matter of chemistry: wc customised workshop6
A: The few minutes you 'lose'by 'click' more easily with some classes on a tangs of aspects
establishing and maintaining rapport than others. However, even if we of successful language From: Scrivener, J. (20j.1). Learning Teaching.3rd edition.
t aching. She is author
with your class will be balanced by
the fact that you will need to spend
don't succeed in establishing a high
degree of rapport with some classes,
ol The Experienco of
Language Teaching, Oxford: Macmillan Education.
publlshod by Cambridge
less time chiwying individuals. If we should still seek to develop a Unlv rsity Pres6
your students like md respect you, positive working relationship with (revlew d on page 44).
they will work well for you and, if them - a relationship characterised
necessary, make up for lost time. by trust and mutual respect. ros6,senlor@uwa.6du,au

fB . lssue 54 lenuary sffi. ENGLISH TEACH|Ne professional, w* .


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