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CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 45–48

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CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology

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Comparative impact assessment for flax fibre versus conventional glass

fibre reinforced composites: Are bio-based reinforcement materials the
way to go?
Joost R. Duflou (1)a,*, Deng Yelin a, Karel Van Acker b, Wim Dewulf (2)a
Department of Mechanical Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium
Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium


Keywords: In many applications the use of composite materials can offer significant weight reduction opportunities,
which can have a positive influence on the life cycle impact of a component or system primarily through
energy saving effects in the use phase. The impact associated with the production and end-of-life (EOL)
phases, however, forms a possible counter indication for systematic replacement of conventional
structures by composite solutions.
Bio-composites are considered a promising strategy to limit production and EOL impact. In this paper
a comparative LCA study is presented for flax fibre reinforced composites based on PP on the one hand,
and functionally equivalent glass fibre reinforced PP composites on the other. The analysis results and
conclusions derived from a comparative attributional LCA study are summarised in this paper.
ß 2014 CIRP.

1. Introduction The results of a wide literature study with respect to the

mechanical properties achievable with different flax FRPs are
As part of the general trend towards increased energy efficiency summarised in Fig. 1. In this figure different categories are
of transportation systems, mass reduction is an important design distinguished according to the nature of the polymer matrix, the
objective. Offering good strength and stiffness properties for a structure of the flax fibre reinforcement and the applied
relatively low component weight, composite materials offer clear manufacturing method.
advantages in this context. However, the high production impact of While currently over 95% of PFRPs produced in the EU are used
the composing materials and the poor recyclability pose major for non-structural automotive components [2], the properties
problems in terms of environmental impact when the state-of-the-
art for conventional composites, such as carbon or glass fibre
reinforced epoxy, is considered [1].
As part of the efforts to overcome these deficiencies, the use of
renewable materials in composites is intensively investigated.
Plant fibre reinforced polymer composites (PFRPs) have recently
received substantial attention due to their potential for replacing
conventional fibre reinforced polymer composites, specifically
glass fibre reinforced polymer composites (GFRPs). It is forecasted
that by 2020 fibres derived from bio-based sources will represent
up to 28% of the total market of reinforcement materials [2]. Flax
fibre is the most widely used plant fibre for polymer reinforcement
due to its exceptional mechanical properties [3]. The wide
availability, low cost, low density, high specific properties and
the eco-friendly image of flax fibres have portrayed them as
prospective substitutes for the traditional composite reinforce-
ments, specifically E-glass [2]. Moreover, flax fibre is a combustible
resource leaving no slag after incineration.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +32 16 322845. Fig. 1. Mechanical properties for different categories of flax FRPs compared to
E-mail address: (J.R. Duflou). GFRPs.
0007-8506/ß 2014 CIRP.
46 J.R. Duflou et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 45–48

summarised in Fig. 1 support the envisaged structural applications Table 1

Material mass indices (MImass) proportional to design weight.
of flax FRPs that are more recently being developed. In this context
the question can be raised whether the substitution of GFRPs by Shape Load Variable Mass index Mass index
PFRPs in general, and by flax FRPs in specific, would be an equal stiffness equal strength
environmentally benign decision. In order to answer this question Strut Tension Section area r r/ s
a systematic comparative LCA study has been conducted as Beam Bending Beam height p r =Effi
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r/sp2/3
summarised in this article. Panel Bending Panel thickness r=E r= s

The recently developed modified generalised rule-of-mixture

2. LCA modelling approach
(ROM) model [2] provides formulas to calculate the tensile
modulus and strength of PFRPs in function of the mechanical
2.1. Goal and scope definition
properties of the fibre and matrix materials, the respective volume
fractions and a series of coefficients taking into account the nature
The goal of this LCA study is to compare flax FRPs to
and orientation of the fibre reinforcement. Since no pragmatic
conventional GFRPs in a cradle to grave approach. Within the
theoretical model for the bending modulus/strength could be
scope of this paper this research question is limited to injection and
identified, the tensile modulus and strength were used as proxies
compression moulding as the predominantly used production
for the bending properties in this analysis. Rodrı́guez et al. [6]
techniques for PFRP composite materials in Europe [4]. This limits
measured the bending and tensile moduli for various natural fibre
the considered polymer categories to thermoplastics. Being the
reinforced polymer composites. Their results show that the
dominant thermoplastic matrix material, covering approximately
deviations between the respective bending moduli and tensile
70% of the current European PFRP market [4], polypropylene (PP)
moduli are within 10%. For the bending strength a correction factor
was chosen to represent this category.
of 1.5 was applied to the tensile strength in accordance with the
Bio-based matrix materials are not considered here mainly due
findings in [6].
to their high production cost and current negligible industrial
penetration, as well as the uncertainties concerning their technical
2.3. Use phase modelling
performance, e.g. due to their high water absorptivity and low
melting point or decomposition temperature [2].
The fuel-mass correlation in transportation systems can be
The geographical boundary for this study was set to be within
presented by the following equation [7]:
Europe since the European automotive industry is currently the
strongest promoter for the application of plant FRPs. With France FC ¼ FRC  M þ B (1)
being the dominant producer of flax fibres in Europe, flax
where FC is the fuel consumption (l/km); FRC stands for the fuel
cultivation and fibre processing in France are modelled to
consumption reduction coefficient (FRC) (expressed in l/(km kg))
represent the general situation in Europe.
determined by the rolling, gradient, and acceleration resistance; M
Two categories of applications were distinguished for the use
is the vehicle mass (kg); and B is a constant representing the
phase: dynamic ‘transport system’ applications, in which a change
parasitic loss (l/km), which is strongly related to the aerodynamic
in mass typically induces a change in energy consumption rate of
the system; and static applications characterised by insignificant
Since the parasitic losses cannot be influenced by the
energy consumption in the use phase. In this analysis, the use
component mass Mc, the fuel consumption attributed to the
application in a transport system will be the main focus since static
component FCc should be solely mass-induced and can be
systems can be regarded as a special case thereof with a negligible
formulated as
environmental impact in the use phase.
Incineration with energy recovery is a logical scenario for FC c ¼ FRC  Mc (2)
composite disposal. Coproduction of heat and power (CHP) was
selected as the mainstream technology in this context.
The ReCiPe midpoint (H) method was used to quantify the 2.4. LCA model at component level
impacts, using Ecoinvent 2.2 as primary data source.
As will be explained in the next paragraphs, the systematic use The impact that can be attributed to the composite component
of material specific mass indicators for functionally equivalent in the different life cycle phases can be expressed as
structures and the derived Life cycle Environmental Indicator (LEI), P P F
j¼matrix; fibre M j  ðeEIi; j þ eEIi
allow comparing the performance of different materials without EIiProd ¼ (3)
h proc
need for detailed dimensional specifications for the considered
structures. In order to assure an exact functional unit, the type of
EIiUse ¼ FRC  M FRP  D  eEIWtW;i (4)
transport system in which the component is to be used and the
functional lifetime of the system expressed as a total travel " #
distance however have to be specified. For this study the chosen EIiEoL ¼ hnet  0:97   LHV j  eEIiprim þ
transport system is a gasoline car with an expected total travel j h proc h proc
distance over the entire lifetime of 200,000 km.
 eEIicomb (5)
Prod, Use, or EoL
2.2. Functional equivalence modelling where EIi equals the environmental impact in impact
category i during the respective life cycle stages; Mj is the mass of
To maintain functional equivalence in this comparative study, the matrix or fibres in the product; hproc is the process efficiency;
the Ashby method [5] was followed, assuring equal structural eEIijP is the environmental impact in category i for the primary
properties for the design alternatives. Two widely used criteria for production per kg material j; eEIiF is the environmental impact in
equivalent performance in structural components are equal category i in composite fabrication per kg material input; MFRP
stiffness and strength. The material mass indices outlined by stands for the mass of the FRP component; D (km) represents the
Ashby are summarised in Table 1. These mass indices, consisting of expected travel distance over the entire lifetime of the specific
only material intrinsic properties (density r and E or s (for tension: transport system; eEIWtW,i is the unit impact for category i per litre
tensile modulus and strength; for bending: bending modulus and of fuel from well-to-wheel; eEIiPrim is the unit impact in category i
strength)) can be used to quantify the relative weight of a design for the substituted energy source per MJ; and eEIiComb stands for the
for a material under specified load conditions. unit process impact for category i for incineration.
J.R. Duflou et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 45–48 47

Eq. (4) omits the environmental impact of maintenance in the Table 2

Production and end-of-life LCI data (mode values).
use phase because no current quantitative study allows for the
characterisation of the environmental impact associated with Process/input Unit Value Source
maintenance. However, several qualitative judgements show that Fibre cutting Wh kg1 output 86 [11]
little resources are needed for the maintenance of FRP-based Mat manufacturing [11]
structures due to their chemically stable polymeric matrix [9]. This Electricity kW h kg1 output 1.1
holds true for PFRPs as well. Therefore, for non-transport systems, Heat MJ kg1 output 8
Compounding [12]
EIiUse can be considered negligible.
Grinding Wh kg1 output 1.58
In Eq. (5), the applied LCA methodology assigns environmental Extrusion kW h kg1 output 0.35
credits for incineration with energy recovery by substituting Drying kW h kg1 output 0.04
primary energy production (electricity and heat). LHVj is the lower Granulating kW h kg1 output 0.07
Conveying Wh kg1 output 8.55
heating value of the matrix or fibre (MJ/kg). hnet denotes the net
Composite fabrication [13]
energy recovery efficiency in incineration, which is defined as the Injection moulding MJ/kg 11.2
ratio between the net generated energy (equal to the produced Compression moulding MJ/kg 11.4
energy from the waste minus the internally consumed energy) Combustion (LHV) [8]
over 0.97  LHV embodied in the waste input. The factor 0.97 Flax fibre MJ kg1 20
Glass fibre MJ kg1 1.7
adjusts for the usable energy from the incinerator.
PP MJ kg1 48.7
Combined heat power [14]
2.5. Environmental impact indicator for generic comparison energy recovery: net efficiency
Electricity % 11.3
Heat % 31.3
Defining eEIiProd, eEIiUse, and eEIiEOL as the environmental
impacts for category i per unit mass during the corresponding
life cycle stage, and calling upon the material mass index (MImass: Table 3
Specifications for the analysed flax FRP component types.
see Table 1), a life cycle environmental impact indicator (LEI) for
material comparison can be derived per impact category i, as Reinforcement Manufacturing Structure Volume
shown in Eq. (6): fraction (%)

Flax mat Compression moulding Panel 25–50

LEIi ¼ ½l  ðeEIiProd þ eEIiEoL Þ þ eEIiUse   MImass (6) Short flax fibre Injection moulding Strut 15–30

where l denotes the replacement ratio between flax FRP and GFRP 4. LEI based impact comparison
over the required functional lifetime (typically expressed as the
total travel distance of the transport system). Determining the The life cycle environmental indicator defined in Section 2 has
value of l is not evident due to a lack of experimental data. The been used for comparison of GFRP and flax FRP design alternatives
major factor limiting the durability of flax FRPs is their high under equal stiffness and equal strength conditions, respectively.
moisture absorption caused by the hydrophilic nature of bio-based The design specifications are available in Table 3.
materials. This leads to fibre swelling and subsequently causes As input for the ROM model the following mechanical property
dimensional instability and deterioration of the mechanical values were used for flax fibres (f) and the PP matrix (m):
properties of the composite [10]. Therefore, compared to GFRPs, Ef = 56 GPa and Em = 1.6 GPa [15]; sf = 500 MPa for flax mat and
flax FRPs might exhibit a shorter service life, i.e. l > 1 is expected. 850 MPa for short fibre [16].
It should be noted that flax FRP components’ early failure could Due to technological upper limits the dominant range of glass
also lead to premature end-of-life of the entire system, thus fibre content is 15–20 vol% in GFRPs used for transport system
causing additional impact not accounted for here. applications [17]. Two levels of volume fractions, 10 and 20 vol%,
The value of LEI is proportional to the life cycle environmental have been selected for glass mat–PP and short glass fibre–PP
impact a composite component design is causing and allows composites as references for the comparative analysis. The results
comparison between material alternatives without the need for of this comparative study are summarised in Figs. 2 and 3 for the
detailed design specifications. global warming impact category.
From these results it can be concluded that, for compression
moulded parts under bending loads and with equal stiffness as
3. Life cycle inventory

For the production processes covered in this inventory section,

only the manufacture of the flax fibre formats as required for the
composite production processes selected in the scope definition,
namely mat production and compounding, are covered. The LCI of
the precursor of these formats, flax hackled long fibres, is
comprehensively documented in Le Duigou et al. [11] and
therefore omitted from the inventory summarised in Table 2.
The LCI data of PP granules and PP film, which are used in the
injection moulding and compression moulding processes, respec-
tively, were found to be well documented in the Ecoinvent
database. Ecoinvent 2.2 was also used as the principal source for
the production of glass fibres and derived reinforcement formats
and for the underlying unit process datasets.
As density values for the flax fibre and PP, 1.5 g/cm3 and 0.95 g/
cm were used, respectively [3].
As input for the use phase assessment of dynamic systems the
FRC values for different transport systems can be found in [8]. In
Fig. 2. Comparison between flax mat–PP and glass mat–PP based on the LEI for the
support of the comparative analysis reported below, FRC values global warming impact category (CO2e kg1 g cm3 GPa1/3) for panels under
between 0.33  E4 and 0.65  E4 l/(kg km) were considered, bending load with equal stiffness as design criterion in function of the flax fibre
corresponding to the current range of gasoline driven cars. volume fraction, the FRC and the replacement factor l.
48 J.R. Duflou et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 45–48

For the equal strength design criterion similar analyses were

conducted. Here the relatively low tensile and bending strength
properties of flax fibres result in systematically higher relative
impact scores for the flax fibre–PP composites in comparison to the
glass fibre–PP equivalent designs for the full considered design
window. Even at a replacement factor l = 1 and for the relatively
low glass fibre volume fraction of 10%, the LEI for global warming is
consistently higher than the reference designs.
For other impact categories similar analyses were conducted.
An overview of the obtained results is summarised in Figs. 4 and 5.
For this comparison a FRC value of 0.33  E4 l/(km kg) was used,
taking into account the dominant trend towards higher fuel
efficiency. Further l = 1, and fibre fractions of 15 vol% and 20 vol%
were used for short fibre and mat based production, respectively.

Fig. 3. Comparison between short flax fibre–PP and short glass fibre–PP based on 5. Conclusions
the LEI for the global warming impact category (CO2e kg1 g cm3 GPa1/3) for
struts under tension load with equal stiffness as design criterion in function of the The obtained results clearly indicate that compared to glass fibres
flax fibre volume fraction, the FRC and the replacement factor l.
the low mechanical strength of flax fibres obstructs a replacement
strategy for structural components. Targeting equal strength
design criterion, a global warming impact reduction can be expected equivalence in such cases typically results in increased environmen-
when replacing the glass fibre reinforcement by flax fibres, even for tal impact. Where stiffness is the main design criterion, flax FRPs can
higher replacement factors l and a high glass fibre content. offer a valid substitute on condition that sufficiently high volume
However, for injection moulded parts under tension loading a fractions of flax fibres are used and that the component lifetime is not
sufficiently high fibre content is required to achieve breakeven with significantly shorter than for the GFRP equivalent. For compression
the low glass fibre content reference (10 vol% glass) and the moulded parts under bending load a robust margin could be observed
replacement factor needs to be sufficiently low. For the high glass making flax FRPs a clearly preferable choice from environmental
fibre content reference (20 vol%) no breakeven level was found. perspective. It should, however, be noted that for impact categories
linked to agricultural activities, such as land use and freshwater
ecotoxicity, the impact of flax FRPs is typically higher in all cases.


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