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Table of Content

1.0 Executive Summary

2.0 Chapter 01 - Introduction

3.0 Chapter 02 – Profile

4.0 Chapter 03 - Literature Review

5.0Chapter 04 – Data Analysis & Findings

6.0Chapter 05 - Recommendations & Conclusion - Recommendations and action plan for Customer
Service Standardisation

1. Developing the role of Customer Service through proper establishment of a Marketing

Department with in the group

2. Carrying out a thorough research internally and externally on Customer Service

3. Building objectives and strategies for future Customer Service implementation process

4. Developing segmented customer profiles and evaluating the attractiveness of each segment

5. Selecting the profitable segments for targeting

6. Identifying different customer service levels for each targeted segments, developing and
communicating the chosen concepts to respective customer segmentation handling staff

7. Implementation of a Continuous monitoring and evaluation system on the Customer Service


8. Regular staff meetings and briefings regarding Customer Service process and to gather
feedback on customers and market.

9. Installing a proper CRM Software in order to provide guidance for marketing and customer
service functions of the company

10. Adding a Web Blog and upgrade the current website to gather customer feedback and
improve customer services

Organisation’s Resource Capability and Capacity needed to deliver proposed recommendations and
action plan


7.0 Chapter 06 - References

1.0 Executive Summary

The Acuity Logistics (Pvt) Ltd. belongs to the Acuity Logistics Group of companies, which operates in
the Shipping and Freight Forwarding industry which is highly competitive and dynamic. The key
competitors in the market are Expolanka, Freight Links, DHL, Aitken Spence, John Keels and Hellman
Logistics. Acuity Logistics holds 7% of market share and generates 450,000 – 500,000 US $ worth of
monthly sales on average and also has gained the status as the emerging market leader.

This report acts as an organizational benchmark and a template for current and future Customer Service
Standardisation Process. It includes a comprehensive analysis and plan on how to carry out a
comprehensive customer service standardisation and implementation process internally and externally.
The existing process is evaluated against recognized customer service practices in order to identify the
gaps and inconsistencies that exist in the current process and practices.

This project report includes a critical analysis on the research findings of Acuity Logisticsand the
recommendations for the Customer Service standardisation process and to develop the role of marketing
of the company. The Current Organisational Structure and the Role of Marketing and customer service
within the organisation, the improvements that can be delivered to develop the process, the Management
and Leadership of Synergy, Organisation’s Resource Capability and Capacity needed to deliver proposed
recommendations, Key deliverables, Budget, schedules are more elaborated through out the project

The implementation of a CRM System, Proper Evaluation and Monitoring System, a Customer Service
Division with in the group and the Web Blog and up gradation will boost the interest of customers and
employees towards business and will help to rejuvenate the role of customer service within the
organisation, while standardising the process to meet the business and customer needs.

The report suggests a proper evaluation and monitoring process for Customer Service within Synergy and
a comprehensive action plan to carry out the tasks step by step toward the completion. The project will
rejuvenate and strengthen the sales and operation of Acuity providing the support to lead a step ahead in
its second half of first decade.

2.0 Chapter 01 – Introduction

The Customer Service standardization assignment will be done on Acuity Logistics (Pvt) Ltd., which is
well known as a market leader and the group’s core business evolves around freight forwarding.

The Acuity Logistics (Pvt) Ltd. is a public quoted, group of companies; with four fully own subsidiaries
and two joint venture companies. It was found on the 5th October 2004 as a fully fledged freight
forwarding outfit. Acuity Logistics in its short history in the industry of logistics in Sri Lanka has
managed to create a remarkable impact with its unique innovative strategies and has been a one of the
most sought after logistics provider. (Half a Decade, 2009)

Acuity Logistics has shown qualities of a "true leader of the new generation" who goes beyond the
boundaries of conventional freight forwarding. When competitors are restricted their standard defined
systems Acuity Logistics always tries to adopt a customized handling procedure as per the individual
needs of different customers. (Annual Report 2009 - 2010)

The Company's objective is to provide reliable and quality service, which is strongly supported by
professionalism. The staff is trained and equipped with the knowledge and industry experience. The
prime focus is to provide a quality service with enhanced benefits through innovative value additions
embedded with reliability.

Acuity Logistics believes "business as usual no longer good enough". It has understood that in the
present context it is expected to unburden the customers with ground breaking logistics solutions and
Acuity Logistics always looks towards the ability to move rapidly into innovative solutions.

Acuity Logistics won the silver award for “Service providers to Exporters – Large Category” awarded by
the National Chamber of Exporters for the valued contribution made during the year 2008. (Chamber of
commerce, 2010)

3.0 Chapter 02 - Profile

The Acuity Logistics (Pvt) Ltd. mostly cater to the customers fall under Business to Business (B2B)
category. Business to Consumer (B2C) customers also are been served with some specialised services.

The customer base of Acuity Logistics is over 5000 and the customers who do shipments with the
company continuously in every month exceed 500, which is a comparatively higher amount in relation
with competitors of the industry.

The customers of the company has been segmented into major three categories as, Tea, Rubber and
Coconut taking into consideration the traditional highest export sectors of the country.

Some of the Key Clients of the company are, Bridport Aviation Lanka (Pvt) Ltd, Latex Green (Pvt) Ltd,
Comfortwear (Pvt) Ltd, Singer (Sri Lanka) Limited, Royal Ceramics Lanka Ltd, Ceylon Biscuits
Limited, Maliban Biscuits Manufactures Ltd, Line Aqua (Pvt) Ltd, Cecil Food (Pvt) Ltd, Lalanka Solid
Waste Management, Minra Garments (Pvt) Ltd, St. Regis Packaging (Pvt) Ltd, Uniwell Microsystems
(Pvt) Ltd, Marie de Classique Attire (Pvt) Ltd, Renuka Agro (Pvt) Ltd., Diamond Lanka International
(Pvt) Ltd. Global Allianz (Pvt) Ltd, Amarlee Trading (Pvt) Ltd., Ally Weerasinghe (Pvt) Ltd. Fontera
(Pvt) Ltd., and Wayamba Lanka (Pvt) Ltd.

Current Service Range

Using Synergy’s talents, expertise, infrastructure, personalized service together with the overseas network
partners it is assured that the speedy, convenient delivery at a competitive cost level.

• Sea Freight Forwarding for both Exports and Imports

• Air Freight Forwarding for both Exports and Imports
• Land Transportation
• Sea Air Services
• Multi Country Consolidation
• Customs House Brokerage
• Transshipment Operations
• Door to Door Service
• Air Cargo Consolidation
• Exhibition Cargo Handling

4.0 Chapter 03 - Literature Review

5.0 Chapter 04 – Data Analysis & Findings

Acuity Logistics is more sales oriented and profits concerned than service standards or wholesome
marketing. But they understand that the relationships with stakeholders are important. The goals,
objectives and primary purpose of Acuity Logistics towards business and customers are available in the
company website and in the company profile for the employees to read and understand. The goals set
have not been changed over the past six years but a failure to adhere to the primary objectives is visible
from the management and operational staff.

The Organisational Structure itself shows the importance of relationship management. Therefore the
company has the Customer Service Division under a separate General Manager. The Sales Division is
also under a General Manager and the Managing Director also directly looks into its operation, since its
success is important. But the Operations Division is placed under Assistant General Managers giving
them a minor importance.

The Finance Division is also overlooked directly by the Finance Director since the management believes
in the financial stability of the company for the business success. The monthly profitability analysis and
debtor follow-ups and payment collections are done well through several meetings per week.
Finance Director

Managing Director

General Manager - General Manager – 2 Marketing

Customer Service Sales & Marketing Consultants

Asst. General Asst. General

Asst. General
Manager – Manager –
Manager -
Import Specialised
Consolidation Exports
Senior Manager -
Senior Manager – Finance

2 Managers– Manager– Manager–

Manager - Sales Import & Export Offshore
House Brokerage
Export Consolidation Businesses

The communication of the organization is down ward. The internal communication of Acuity Logistics
is high with the company employees, management including the whole structure. The special messages
are being circulated via medias as phone calls, e- mails, intranet and the notices. Therefore the
functional efficiency of the company is high. The management makes most of the decisions and no

importance is given to the operational employees’ feedback or experience to improve the accuracy of the
decisions. But the feedback of sales people are very much appreciated and taken into consideration.

The procedures of day to day work or guide lines are not stated anywhere in the website or in any other
material for the employees’ to read the information. No training philosophy or methods are practiced
within the organization. Employees learn new things and on the job training is gained completely
through experience. Self directed learning methods or resources are not available. Not even department
wise discussions held to update knowledge and solve problems within the department.

Most of the supportive staff towards the organization is from sales that are generally believed as people
who earns more and appreciated by the management. The operations, customer service and accounts
staff is having comparatively low salary scales and also they are only interested finish off the work
leisurely and leave office by 5.00pm without having more commitments and responsibilities daily. The
motivation levels are very low for the employees of the company other than well doing sales staff.

Acuity Logistics has a self supported finance. The invoices for the shipments are billed to the customers
as soon as the shipment is over. The profit margin levels differ based on the customers knowledge,
industry and shipment conditions. The profit gained out of a shipment is more than 40% most of the
time. The management encourages employees to finish the invoicing and calculate the Profit and Loss
immediately once a shipment is done and pass the closed job file to the accounts department. The finance
division and management make sure to collect the payments as soon as possible or within the given
credit period. The payment follow ups are done continuously with the direct involvement of the
Finance Director.

No proper evaluation or quality of service rendered is measured. No service standards or deadlines for
completion of servicing tasks for customers are implemented to make sure the service is provided and
done well. No importance is given to current customer complaints, feedbacks or to solve out service

The organisational culture is friendly in surface but inter-departmental and intra-departmental issues
are existing. But the objective of the Synergy management is, not to have any misunderstandings and
conflicts within the divisions. The sales and marketing division has minor disputes with Operations
Division and with the Custom House Brokerage time to time when servicing customers, but those are
being solved with the involvement of the department heads. As per senior staff member of the
organisation, the organisational culture does not provide a healthy environment for the employees to
work happily and for the business to grow further. The employees’ dissatisfaction has badly resulted in
customer dissatisfaction as well.


Acuity Logistics being a very profit concerned and sales oriented organisation, Marketing has not been a
good idea for them since inception. The lack of knowledge on long term benefits of adopting marketing
has made the standards of the company very low in terms of servicing customers. A process called
“Segmentation – Targeting – Positioning” is almost in the level of non existence! A mere and very
basic segmentation of customers can be identified but no specific targeting or clear positioning has been
done ever since the company started six years back. Non existence of a Marketing Division can be
identified as the reason for absence of segmentation, targeting and positioning.


The customers of Acuity Logistics are broadly segmented in to two categories as Business to Business
(B2B) and Business to Consumer (B2C).

The B2B segment has been re-segmented based on the type of industry they operate in as

1. Tea 4. Dry food

2. Rubber 5. Fresh, frozen food and perishables
3. Coconut related products and food 6. Garments

7. International Aviation products


The Acuity Logistics identifies its target customers under two, very broad categories as Exporters and
Importers. The management or the staffs have no idea on further targeting of customers.

The Acuity Logistics basically tries to target all the exporters and importers of the country without
identifying specific profitable segments out of them. Though this poor strategy has been profitable for the
company so far, it will not support the company to remain in the competition and make long term

The aggressive selling and the thorough follow-ups of the sales people have made the company very
profitable even without proper targeting. But the efforts of the sales people will be much effective and
productive which will bring in more benefits to the company in terms of profits and reputation if the
organisation is going to practice a proper method of Targeting.


Acuity Logistics has two positioning statements, which they call it as ‘company motto’, leading to

“Beyond Boundaries....” is mentioned in the website and in the company profile given to new customers.
“The Global Logistic Provider...” is mentioned in the e-mail signatures and in the name board of the
company. The lack of marketing knowledge has lead to the unclear positioning and the staff has no idea
why and for what it is been written. Even the management has different ideas and no body knows what
the correct positioning statement of the company is or whether both have been suggested deliberately with
a good reason.

The proper resource requirements as Skills, Market Knowledge, Supply Requirements, Finance, Time
and Industry and Competitor Information are essential to do meaningful, effective Segmentation,
Targeting and Positioning.

SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
1. Competitive Ocean Freight rates. 1. Lack of a customer relationship management system.
2. Quality services and good service environment. 2. Lake of training programmes for employees.
3. Strong office and Agency Network around the world. 3. High employee defection.
4. Track and Tracing Facility for shipments. 4. Lack of usage in latest technologies as wireless networks
5. Proper profiling of the customer before breaking into accounts. and systems.
6. The healthy, strong relationships built with shipping lines and 5. Lack of education of customer service employees to
other stakeholders (helps to get cheaper rates than other freight understand the management concept and to service the
forwarders in the country.) customers.
7. Experienced management and employees. 6. Lack of brand building and focus on marketing.
8. Experienced sales team with rich contacts with customers.
Opportunities Threats
1. To adopt latest technology and implement an internal 1. New freight forwarders entering to the industry.
working system to minimize the time occupied for manual work 2. Faster and quality services provided by other freight
and to service customers faster. forwarders through latest technology and standardized working
2. Developing a CRM system to manage customer relations environment.
more efficiently. 3. New and existing freight forwarders establishing stronger
3. Planning more training programmes for customer service relationships with shipping lines and government.
staff and employees to improve their knowledge on work. 4. Other freight forwarders matching the ocean freight rates
4. Doing surveyors on employee satisfaction levels to prevent provided by Acuity.
high employee defection.
5. Competitors approach towards the best performing
5. To be marketing focused and building the brand employees of Acuity.
‘Acuity’ in peoples mind through proper strategic marketing 6. Proper Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning done
campaign. by competitors attracting customers more to competitor

Audit Findings

1. The company is sales and finance oriented; no marketing concepts are being practiced. (Refer
Marketing Organisation Audit - Marketing staff reporting to the Managing Director and Finance
Director in Organisation Structure)

2. Tries to give more priority for customer relationship management but sales has become the major
perseverance. (Refer Customer Service Division under organisational structure)

3. Operation and Customer service is given low priorities while Sales and Finance attracts the top
management concentration. (Finance Division is directly overlooked by the Finance Director and
Operations Division is placed under an Assistant General Manager, Refer Organisational

4. The company practices are not as per the vision set.

5. Acuity Logistics is an active member of industry related organisations.

6. Marketing information, planning and control system is maintained up to a standard with industry
and competitor information.

7. Profitability analysis and payment follow ups are done well, making the financial flow of the
company healthy.

8. Functional Efficiency is high within the organisation.

9. Sales staff is given more appreciation and motivation than operations, customer service or
accounts staff.

10. Management is highly interested in increasing sales force than operation or customer service
work force.

11. No training programmes are done for employees or any encouragement given for individual

12. Employees need to be given more industry related trainings and marketing knowledge to enhance
standards and result customer satisfaction.

13. No proper service or quality standards set as per international level.

14. No priority is given for customer feedbacks, complaints or suggestions to improve services.

15. Organisational Culture is friendly in surface only. Disputes exist within departments due to
various reasons.

16. Employee dissatisfaction has badly resulted to increase customer dissatisfaction.

17. More customer segments need to be identified through a thorough industry research and studying
the customer base of the company.

18. More specific and proper methods must be used to do target profitable customer segments out of
the huge list of customer segments.

19. Clear positioning statement must be chosen and well defined to avoid confusion and not to
damage brand image of the company.

20. A Marketing Division needs to be established to concentrate on marketing and do proper

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning.

21. Experienced sales team can be motivated to improve and make problematic service areas
profitable. (Refer Strengths under SWOT)

22. The bargaining power of Shipping lines, air lines and customers are high since the Colombo
Freight Forwarding market has become very competitive.

23. The profit contribution of Air Freight Consolidation division is the lowest in Synergy, making the
company lowest contributor and lowest market share owner of the total Air Freight Export
Consolidation industry of the country.

24. The Air Freight Export Consolidation is a high growing; profitable industry in the Sri Lankan
Freight Forwarding industry, but Acuity Logistics is not yet even entered the competition.

25. The growth of Air Freight Consolidation Division is very low over the past 10 years and further
growth has not happened during last two years from 2008 – 2010.

26. The performance including work process, customer base, sales & marketing activities of the
division must be closely investigated and monitored to improve the Air Freight Export
Consolidation service within Acuity

6.0 Chapter 05 – Recommendations & Conclusion

The Action Plan for the customer service standardisation is given below with the time lines and cost
involved per each major project.

Month 2 Month 3
Project Month 1 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Total cost
Developing the
role of Customer
Service through
establishment of a
Department within
the group
Carrying out a
thorough research
internally and
externally on
Customer Service
objectives and
strategies for
future Customer
$ 500.00
customer profiles
and evaluating the
attractiveness of
each segment
$ 500.00
Selecting the
segments for
$ 500.00
different customer
service levels for
each targeted
developing and
the chosen
concepts to
handling staff
$ 1,000.00
Implementation of
a Continuous
monitoring and
evaluation system
on the Customer
Service Process
Acuity Logistics being a well recognized freight forwarder in the Sri Lankan Shipping and Freight
Forwarding industry, more contribution towards customer satisfaction must happen and making it
possible has to be re-thought and improved in terms of gaining a competitive edge towards the
organization through proper Customer Service and its standardisation. The below stated Marketing
Project and action plan will be helpful to boost and regain market share and customers’ loyalty towards
the company and to lead a step ahead towards business expansion in the next half of the successful

The major changes and improvements that need to be done with in Acuity to bring upon changes are,

1. The company must adopt marketing concepts and be more relationship marketing oriented
and customer driven to grow as an organization in the industry, than being more sales and
profits oriented.

2. Employees must be trained well on technical knowledge and marketing practices, while
motivating all the staff of the organization to result employee and customer satisfaction in
return and to eliminate departmental disputes.

3. The problematic service areas of the company must be improved as well as proper service
and quality standards must be implemented with the help of experienced sales staff.

4. The Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning process must be investigated and planned well
in order to make the efforts of sales staff effective and to maximize long term profits.

5. The customer services provided by the company need to be re-looked at and a strategic plan
needs to be made to overcome its unsuccessful existing conditions.

1. Developing the role of Customer Service through proper establishment of a Marketing

Department within the group

When looking at Acuity’s existing internal environment it is a very clear fact that the company work force
is 75% involved in hard core sales while the remaining 25% is involved with customer service,
operational work and finance. This is very much proven through the organizational structure itself. The
customer service division also having a separate sales team with a Senior Sales Manager is a good proof.
The Finance division also being directly monitored by the Finance Director, while the Managing Director
overlooks the total rest of the company, shows how high the management interest on financial operation
and stability of the company.

Finance Director

Managing Director

General Manager - General Manager – 2 Marketing

Customer Service Sales & Marketing Consultants

Involved in hardcore sales

Asst. General Asst. General
Asst. General
Manager – Manager –
Manager -
Import Specialised
Consolidation Exports

Senior Manager -
Senior Manager – Finance

2 Managers– Manager– Manager–

Sales Manager–Custom
Manager - Sales Import & Export Offshore
House Brokerage
Export Consolidation Businesses

Diagram 1.4 – The Clear Domination of Sales over the Organisatinal Structure

The less customer driven and pure sales and finance oriented nature of Acuity Logistic swill result in
utter customer dissatisfaction. The absence of marketing oriented culture and organizational structure in
Acuity Logistic swill not help to retain customers’ long term and create value for them. It will not only
badly result in customer satisfaction, but also on employee satisfaction and relationships with
stakeholders as well.

The absence of a Human Resource Division in a company which has a total number of employees more
than 200, clearly shows the top management interest towards limiting expenses and cost cutting within
the group. Sales under customer
As per the internal records and facts brought by some employees of the company, the very slow growth of
Air Freight Export Consolidation service of Acuity Logistics has been stopped at 5% in 2008, due to
some service failures occurred and badly done customer service. A significant drop in the total
customer base of Acuity Logistics is highly visible as per the Annual Report, 2009 – 2010. The sales and
operation staff also have mentioned about customer dissatisfaction and decreasing customer loyalty
levels of customers in their monthly feedbacks. Therefore a proper Marketing Division must be
implemented and marketing orientation and concepts must be adopted to retain profitable customers
and build a sustainable competitive advantage through services provided by Acuity.

2. Carrying out a thorough research internally and externally on Customer Service

A comprehensive research needs to be carried out to identify segmentation variables and segmenting the
customer base accordingly. Acuity Logistics needs to analyze data through a clear outline of their
development potential and possible benefits for the organization, relative to consumer mindset and
competition. A primary research on the customer satisfaction will be carried out with the involvement of
staff, customers and other stake holders. A secondary research also will be carried out to gather
information about market, customer preferences and competitor information and finally on the customer
service of the company.

3. Building objectives and strategies for future Customer Service implementation process

The objectives and strategies need to be defined in line with the company’s core objectives and policies
and it will be a guide for future Customer Service Standardisation process going to be done.

The key objectives are,

1) Identify any Key issues and inconsistencies in Customer Service process carried out by the

2) Providing current and future recommendations to enhance and re-structure the Customer Service
process of the organization.

3) Implementation process from project initiation to termination for the suggested recommendations
for Customer Service Standardisation process.

4. Developing segmented customer profiles and evaluating the attractiveness of each segment

Once this step is done, the company will have a clear set of customer groups who uses company’s
services throughout the year. The attractiveness of the customer segments will be evaluated during the

5. Selecting the profitable segments for targeting

The most attractive customer segments for targeting will be selected by looking at the Project 04
deliverables. The company will have a list of targeted customer segments at the end of the sub project.

6. Identifying different customer service levels for each targeted segments, developing and
communicating the chosen concepts to respective customer segmentation handling staff

The suitable positioning concepts and positioning statements will be decided at the completion of the
project. The development and communication of the chosen positioning concepts will also be done as the
second step of the project and they will be communicated to the staff and continuous trainings will take

7. Implementation of a Continuous monitoring and evaluation system on the Customer Service

This will allow the organization to identify the effectiveness, problems and inconsistencies that may exist
in the of the Customer Service process. Once issues are identified the immediate corrective measures can
be implemented.

8. Regular staff meetings and briefings regarding Customer Service process and to gather feedback
on customers and market.

This will be helpful for the staff to be much more informed about the new customer service process
carrying out within the organization and its purpose, which will support them to service customers with a
good understanding on what they do and why they do it. This need to be carried out with the direct
involvement of the Marketing department and this is important immensely since most of the employees
are doing direct sales. Further brainstorming sessions will be helpful to build more effective campaigns
for customer service with the different collaborative perspectives of the employees.

9. Installing a proper CRM Software in order to provide guidance for marketing and customer
service functions of the company

The management must take the initiative to obtain and record customer information in a very organized
methodical manner than it happens currently. Therefore accordingly customized CRM software needs to
be installed within the company, which will maintain individual customer profiles and customer data of
different defined segments of the organization. Further it must be fed with information as company
anniversaries, birthdays and other special occasions of customers. It will be helpful to build a healthy
relationship with customers and to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

10. Adding a Web Blog and upgrade the current website to gather customer feedback and improve
customer services

This needs to be done immediately to gather more customer and market information to get more input for
customer service process. The blog will be helpful in terms of getting customer feedback on services,
service providers’ feedback and other stake holder comments and views on how the business functions.
The customer and stakeholder satisfaction levels also can be measured through short questionnaires and
pop out comment boxes.

Organisation’s Resource Capability and Capacity needed to deliver proposed recommendations
and action plan

1.1 Resource Reviews

A separate budget for the project will be allocated and an additional amount of $ 1000 is allocated
as reserves and will be used if necessary, if price variations occur.

The Marketing Manager will be responsible for managing and monitoring the expenditure as the
project start moving forward.

1.2 Personnel Requirements

The Marketing Manager will be appointed from the existing employees and executives for the
marketing team will be hired from existing staff as well as from outside.

1.3 Project Termination

The project will be terminated once all the sub projects are successfully completed within the time
frame mentioned and once the recommendations are implemented within the company for the
evaluation and monitoring of the customer service process.

1.4Project Evaluation

The evaluation of the project while the project is in progress is done by the Evaluation System
established. Once the project is terminated the evaluation will be done by the management in
collaboration with the Marketing Manager on its achievement of the objectives set. Further the
project will be evaluated in terms of cost, time and quality.


The above mentioned process and the action plan will be helpful for the Acuity Logistics to lead a step
ahead within the competition and be a leader in the industry with regained customer satisfaction and

7.0Chapter 06 – References


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