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Importance of multimedia compression

What is compression? Compression is the process of encoding, restructuring or otherwise

modifying data in order to reduce its size. It is the re-encoding of information using fewer
bits than the original file.
The biggest advantages of data compression is the reduction of size, which means
reductions in storage hardware, data transmission time, and communication bandwidth.
Reduce of costs. Compressed file will take up less storage which means the expenses used
on storage will lessen as it reduces the need for new hardware to keep storage.
Take up less time to transfer while consuming less network bandwidth.
This increases productivity. [Show example of file being transferred faster.]
File compression increases data transfer speed. Not all people have access to high speed
internet connections so it will take more time for them to receive a file. The longer it takes
for a file to transfer, the higher the chances the transfer will be interrupted and the file will
become corrupted.
//Improve database performance. Data queries and database performance can be greatly
accelerated by using available memory in the most efficient way possible. Compression
frees up drive space and closes up memory gaps, reducing the time needed to locate data
on a drive. [show scene of people trying to find a file easier.]
Increases security. Not all computers can read the informations stored in compressed files.
This can be useful for files not intended for the general public. Encrypting a file so that
unauthorized users cannot read it increases the required storage space for the file, so
compressing encrypted files is also helpful. Organizations such as banks uses this method to
keep financial transactions safe. [include bank scene]

Importance of multimedia security

Why do we need multimedia security?

Safer transfer across the internet. Files in the internet can be so easily altered which means
false information can be spread. This could cause false accusations or false news which is
dangerous to someone’s integrity and reputation. [put example of a fake picture]
To protect confidentiality. The people on the internet has ways of getting their hands on
unauthorized files and therefore to reduce the possibility of this happening, data encryption
to increase security is much needed. [for example bank informations]
Copyright protection of content. Protecting your content means making sure no one can
use it without your permission and compensating you for it.

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