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Nativization of English in Malaysia and the Philippines as Seen in English Dailies

Maya Khemlani David

Faculty of Languages and Linguistics
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Francisco Perlas Dumanig

English Department
UCSI University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

There is a strong trend of nativization of English in Malaysia and the

Philippines. This research examines data from English newspapers in two Asian
countries in order to determine the extent of nativization of local varieties of English.
The papers examined were The Star (Malaysia), Philippine Daily Inquirer, and
Manila Bulletin (Philippines). The borrowing and assimilation of a large number of
lexical items in the English dailies in these two countries were analyzed and
categorized. These lexical items were found in various categories, such as people,
events, cultural activities, places, political movements, religion, arts/films, food,
clothes, and quotations. The borrowing and switching to local lexis in English dailies
demonstrate the nativization of English in these dailies.

Key words: nativization, Malaysian English, Philippine English, code-switching

1. Introduction nativization is a process of transferring a

English has become the language of local language to a new cultural
the global village, and it serves as a environment. Such transference takes into
neutral language to people who come account the social penetration and the
from different linguistic backgrounds. In a extended range of functions of English in
rapidly globalizing, the dominance of diverse sociolinguistic contexts where a
English causes not only linguistic and number of localized registers and genres
communicative inequality but also the for articulating local social, cultural and
feeling of anxiety and insecurity on the religious identities, exist (Kachru, 1997).
part of those who cannot speak the Honna (2003) (cited in Patel, 2006)
language (Tsuda, 2005). Today, English argues that when English migrates to
has gained dominance over other foreign countries, it diffuses and
languages, and plays a crucial role in internationalizes, acculturates and
promoting globalization. indigenizes, and adapts and diversifies,
With the massive expansion and resulting in localized or nativized lexical
popularity of English and the emergence items. These local lexical items may not
of different varieties of Englishes around have any English equivalents. Such
the world, each English variety has started nativization of English results in a
to adopt the local lexis to suit the needs of specific variety of English with a
the people in a society. Sik and Anping linguistic identity and culture of its own.
(2004) explain that English, due to Local nativized varieties of English
imperialism and globalization has develop differently, depending on local
penetrated numerous non-English- needs. Many of the lexical items which
speaking communities, resulting in code- first started as code-switches and were
switches (p. 28). This has resulted in the flagged by italics, quotes and even
nativization of English in various parts of translations, have over time become
the world. Saghal (1991) explains that established features in English dailies (see
David & McLellan, 2007). Some of these imagery and figures of speech that
lexical items even appear as headlines belong to this country. These would
(see David, et al., 2006). Such code- not have come into my language or
switches have become a common feature my perception had it not been for my
in English dailies in many countries (see trilingual background. It has given
Powell, David & Dumanig, 2008). Over me simultaneity, a way of invoking
time they have become part of the local images and process of recall where I
variety of English, signifying objects, can snatch, select or use words which
ceremonies, titles, etc., which cannot be are culturally associated. (p. 2)
represented by English terminology.
This paper will demonstrate that there Kachru (1986, p. 11) quotes the
is a strong trend of „nativization‟ of Nigerian novelist Chinhua Achebe who
English in Malaysia, and the Philippines. claims: ”If you ask ‟can he ever learn to
The Malaysianization and
use it (English) like a native speaker?‟ I
Philippinization of English have
should say I hope not: it is neither
undergone an almost similar process. necessary nor desirable for him to do so. I
Speakers of English in these countries feel that the English language will be able
have borrowed words from the local to carry the weight of my African
languages and have coined new words. experience. But it will have to be a new
The coining of new words has given a English still in communion with ancestral
new color to English which is used in the home but altered to suit the new African
variety of English not only in Malaysia surroundings.”
and the Philippines, but also in Thailand Historically, Malaysian English is
(see Powell, David & Dumanig, 2008), British in origin, while Philippine English
Brunei (David & McLellan, 2007), is American in origin, but over time both
Singapore and Pakistan (David, Kuang & countries have developed their own
Qaisera, 2008). The coining of new words variety. The Philippines has developed its
seen in English dailies in various own “Philippinized English” and has its
countries appears to have enriched the own syntactic, lexical, and phonological
English language with a new brand of features. In fact, Philippine English has
lexical items which have helped in the been widely studied and is considered as
institutionalization of the new varieties of
the most comprehensively researched of
English. all Southeast Asian varieties of Englishes
That languages change according to (Tay, 1991, as cited in Jenkins, 2003). In
the needs of those who speak it is Malaysia, Bahasa Malaysia is the national
inevitable. The interaction of languages language which is widely used in
like English-Malay, English-Chinese, education, government and other domains
English-Tamil in multilingual Malaysia of communication (see David &
and English-Tagalog or English-Cebuano Govindasamy, 2005). However, English
and other languages in the Philippines, serves as the language of communication
facilitates bilingual speakers in selecting
in many other domains. English, apart
words which are culturally associated from Bahasa Malaysia, has become a
with the local language and culture. A lingua franca among ethnic groups like
Pakistani writer Hashmi (1990) (cited in the Malays, Chinese, Indians, and other
David, Kuang, & Qaisera, 2008) who uses ethnic minorities (see David & Lim 2006).
English says: Pillai (2006) argues that Malaysian
English is a distinct variety of English for
I am not writing a characterless it has its own pronunciation, vocabulary,
International English but an English grammatical, and pragmatic features.
that has a recognizable idiom,
The development of new distinct Code switches perform a number of
varieties of Englishes in many Asian functions in multilingual societies (see
countries results in English being David, 2003; Kow, 2003; and Jariah,
considered an Asian language (see 2003).
Bautista, 1997 and David & Yong, 2003). Code-switches occur not only in
Local varieties of English provide better spoken discourse but are also emerging in
understanding of the people in these written discourse. Over time, this has
countries. After all, a language must meet resulted in a nativized variety of English
the communication needs of those who with many lexical items from local
use it (see Strevens, 1977). languages appearing in English texts.
In a globalized society, one of the Such wide lexical insertion of words from
major tools of communication worldwide local languages in English newspapers
is the print media. The present study has created a local variety of English
reveals a large number of local lexical which Malaysians and Filipinos can argue
entries in the newspapers selected for the is a variety in its own right and which
research. Such local usage is seen as an caters to local needs. At present, the mass
indicator of the development of localized media in the globalized world is
varieties of English. Kachru (1986) experiencing code-switches. For instance,
claimed that such varieties of English Hernandez (2004) said that „Spanglish‟
were spoken in South and Southeast Asia, (Spanish and English) is becoming more
East and West Africa, the Caribbean, and and more prominent among the US-born
the Philippines. These varieties of English Hispanic communities in America and
are disseminated through the media, have that the mass media cater to the codes of
become an integral part of local Englishes, their readers.
and have become institutionalized. Code-switching and lexical
Kachru (1982) emphasizes the borrowing have contributed much to
deterministic influences of cultural forces nativize local languages. Nativization
on language and explains that English, as passes through a long process because
a link language in these countries, also speakers need to adapt and introduce
serves an intranational function. innovations in order to de-Anglicize or
Direct lexical borrowing is a natural de-Americanize the English language in a
linguistic process in language contact specific speech community (Jenkins,
situations. Hybridized mother tongue 2003). As a result, a new variety of
lexical items are very prevalent in the English emerges. Nativization may
English dailies in these countries and have include linguistic and non-linguistic
become an integral part of the English features, but the focus of this study is the
lexicon. Such direct lexical borrowings use of lexical items. Specifically, the
initially appear as code-switches. Haugen objective of this research is to examine
(1956, p. 26) describes code-switching as the nativization of English in Malaysia
the “alternative use of two languages,” and the Philippines, specifically in news
and others like Marasigan (1983), refer to articles in English dailies. This study
it as the use of two languages in the same would like to determine the use of local
sentence lexical items, particularly in news stories
or discourse. David (2001) and Kow in selected newspapers in these two
(2003) explain that code-switching has countries.
multiple functions including the
following: to build solidarity, to exclude 2. Methodology
others, to practise power, and to maintain Data for this research were gathered
the authenticity of the original source from English newspapers in Malaysia and
(especially when quoting someone else). the Philippines. The selected Malaysian
daily was The Star and that of the other hand, in the Philippines, titles like
Philippines was Philippine Daily Inquirer. Barangay Captain, Barangay Tanod,
The Star was examined over a two-week Datu, and Rajah, are some titles given to
period stretching from October 2008 to government leaders. Other titles like ate,
November 2008, while Philippine Daily kuya, tita, etc. are also used to indicate
Inquirer was examined from September respect, especially to elders. Below are
2007 to April 2008. Random selection of some extracts from the data.
these newspapers from various dates
helped demonstrate that code-switches People (titles and honoraries) in
and mixings are natural phenomena which Malaysian dailies
occur in these widely read English dailies  Selangor police chief Deputy
at any given time. Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar believes
that more than two persons were
3. Findings and discussion involved in the latest incident.
The findings reveal that nativization (“Blast heist,” The Star, 25
of English in these dailies occurs through October 2008, N3)
code- switching from English to local  Star Publications (M) Bhd group
languages. In Malaysia and the managing director and chief
Philippines, there are certain executive officer Datin Linda
commonalities in the occurrence of Ngiam and cast members of
lexical items. It shows that most local Frontpage attended the event.
lexical items fall under the following (“Ways to ensure safety of kids,”
categories: people (titles and The Star, 25 October 2008, N16)
honoraries),events, cultural activities and
physical items, places, political People (titles and honoraries) in
movements/government, religion, Philippine dailies
arts/films, food, clothes and quotations.  Cayang Barangay Captain
Bienvenido Cañete was shot at
3.1. People (Titles and honoraries) close range by two motorcycle-
All human experiences are, to some riding men shortly after 4 p.m.,
extent, mediated by culture and language. said Inspector Arturo. (“Cebu
Objects and forces in the physical barangay captain shot dead,”
environment become labelled in a Philippine Daily Inquirer, Sep 5,
language only if they have cultural 2007, A13)
significance. These labels can be in the  Talamban Barangay Captain
form of titles and honoraries or in any Alvin Arcilla, who was initially
other form, and are commonly used to reported as having the support of
show respect and to name people, things, the city mayor, said he would
and objects. accept the majority decision.
In Malaysian society, titles conferred (“Rerouting, odd-even scheme
by state governments and by the king are tried next week,” Philippine Daily
used before the name of a person. Titles Inquirer, March 20,2008, A11)
like Datuk, Tan Seri, Puan Seri, etc., are From the above examples, it is clear
often seen in English dailies. The that in hierarchical societies like Malaysia
influence of Islam in Malaysia contributes and the Philippines, the use of nativized
to the emergence of certain religious titles of respect for heads of organizations,
terminology. For instance, anyone who tribal chiefs, and religious scholars, is
has performed the holy Pilgrimage or Haj rampant. These are terms like Datuk,
is called a Haji/Hajjah, and is allowed to Datuk Seri, which originate from the
use this term before his/her name. On the Malay language, and in the Philippines,
words like kuya, ate, manang, manong, clean the entrance of the home
kagawad, alkalde, and barangay captain, before one sets foots into the
indicate respect for people who are older house. (“Deepavali delights come
and of higher status. These terms have pouring out of kitchens,” The Star,
become entrenched and are no longer 25 October 2008, M2)
flagged by italics or explanations. This  The public is invited to join this
implies that such lexical items have kenduri (feast) which is expected
become part of the local variety of to be attended by Tengku Mahkota
English. Not only are they unflagged, but Tengku Abdullah Sultan Ahmad
grammatical extensions have been Shah and Deputy Prime Minister
institutionalized as we find the use of Datuk Seri Najid Tun Razak.
inflections like -s to pluralize these words (“Hari Raya open houses on
(bumiputeras, barangays). Sometimes the Saturday,” The Star, 23 October
meaning is extended with the prefix non- 2008, N3)
to indicate that a person is not a member
of a particular group, as in the case of the Events in Philippine dailies
lexical item “non-bumiputra” in the  Employees of Smart
Malaysian data. Communications Inc. in Cebu and
volunteers of the Philippine
3.2. Events National Red Cross (PNRC) -
The relationship between vocabulary Cebu Chapter jointly manned
and cultural value is very significant. several first aid stations to attend
Speakers give names to important entities to injured devotees who joined the
and events in their physical and social solemn procession in honor of Sr.
worlds, and once named these events and Sto. Niño during the Sinulog
entities become culturally and festival. (“Telecom firm initiates
individually noticed and experienced. post-Sinulog cleanup drive,”
Through this process, unique cultural Philippine Daily Inquirer,
models are created and reinforced. Words February 08, 2008, A15)
associated with ceremonies and rituals  During the annual festivals in the
related to birth, marriage and death, are Western Visayas region, like
generally used in their native forms. In Bacolod City‟s Masskara, Kalibo
Malaysia, a word like nikah refers to an City‟s Ati-atihan and Iloilo City‟s
Islamic wedding. However, events in the Dinagyang, ordinary folks become
Philippines are closely associated with unusual as they take on
Catholic religious practices, such as the entrepreneurship and cash in on
sinulog, mascara festival, and Araw ng these festivities. (“Festivals make
Kagitingan. entrepreneurs of ordinary folks,”
Philippine Daily Inquirer, March
Events in Malaysian dailies 07, 2008, A13)
 Rangoli Kolam (colourful Kolam)  Also known as The Fall of Bataan,
which is popular in Malaysia Araw ng Kagitingan (Day of
during festivities is a daily ritual Valor) commemorates the
for Indian nationals. For them, surrender of some 75,000 Filipino
each tradition had a reason. and American troops to the
(“Keeping the festive traditions of invading Japanese forces on April
home alive,” The Star, 25 October 9, 1942. (“Holiday moved to April
2008, M2) 7; three-day weekend up,”
 Sai added that the Kolam-making Philippine Daily Inquirer, April 3,
process was actually a ritual to 2008, A12)
In Malaysian English dailies, local lunch. Lately, because of deaths in
events catering to the majority population, the family, we‟ve not been holding
e.g., Hari Raya, are no longer highlighted open houses although there is still
or written in italics. This shows that these a constant stream of well-wishers.
events are already used as part of the (“Deepavali diversity,” The Star,
Malaysian English variety. In the 25 October 2008, WE2)
Philippines, some local events which are
named in Filipino are flagged, and the Cultural activities in Philippine dailies
events are enclosed in quotation marks.  Bayanihan spirit gives Eastern
The fact that such lexis appear frequently Visayas schools facelift
in English dailies suggests that with time (“Bayanihan spirit gives Eastern
these words will be adopted as part of the Visayas schools facelift,”
Philippine English variety. Philippine Daily Inquirer, May 31,
2007, A12)
3.3. Cultural activities and physical
items The native lexical items used in the
The Oxford dictionary of sociology English dailies of Malaysia suggest that
(1998) defines culture as “a general term words used in such code-switches come
for the symbolic and learned aspects of not only from the national language
human society [encompassing] a learned (Bahasa Malaysia) but also from local
complex of knowledge, belief, art, morals, languages like Tamil and Hindi. In the
law and customs” (p. 137). Cultures are Philippines, too, cultural activities like
context specific and maintained through bayanihan, are noted in the data. The
the sociocultural practices of society (also occurrence of cultural activities in English
see Fairclough, 1995). Below are some of dailies in both Asian countries is
the examples of cultural activities which sometimes flagged. These words appear
are found in English dailies in Malaysia in italics or within quotation marks. With
and the Philippines. time, such flagging might be removed,
and these words will become
Cultural activities in Malaysian dailies institutionalized.
 „Bhaubhij is a day when brothers
visit their sisters‟ homes to get or 3.4. Places
receive blessings from each other, Names of places are referred to by
it signifies the love they have for the use of their native terminology as
their siblings,‟ Shailaja said. indicated in the following examples:
(“Deepavali delights come
pouring out of kitchens,” The Star, Places in Malaysian dailies
25 October 2008, M2)  The name Jalan Alor means
 Meanwhile, we also light the existence for 35 years. (“It‟s
kuthu vilaku (oil lamp) outside the decided – Jalan Alor will keep its
house and someone ensures that name,” The Star, 25 October 2008,
the flame never goes out till the N1)
day is done – unless there are  Ab Hakim had said that the
strong winds, of course. Family decision to rename the road was
members and relatives, dressed in planned three years ago with other
their traditional best, start roads in the Bukit Bintang area to
dropping in, offering angpows to be renamed after planets to create
the young ones. The house is filled a new image. (“Signature
with noise and laughter, and campaign against name change,”
everyone enjoys a sumptuous The Star, 25 October 2008, N6)
 In Kedah, rising flood waters 3.5. Political movements
forced the evacuation of 1642 Most political movements are
people to relief centres in six indigenous in origin. They depend for
districts. (“Rough days ahead as their success and popularity on their
floods and landslides hit northern appeal to the masses, and therefore carry
states,” The Star, 23 October 2008, names of their political organisations in
N1) their respective local languages. Such
names are not provided with an English
Places in Philippine dailies translation. Examples follow.
 Unofficial figures show that there
are approximately 650,000 sari- Political movements in Malaysian
sari stores in the country. (“1st dailies
„sari-sari‟ store chain targets  The Islamic Development
„bottom of the pyramid‟,” Department had said on
Philippine Daily Inquirer, Wednesday that the National
September 14, 2007, A7) Fatwa Council is expected to
 After undergoing his second make a ruling to ban Muslims
angioplasty in three months, from practicing yoga. (“Mixed
hostage-taker Armando “Jun” feelings on yoga,” The Star, 31
Ducat said on Monday he would October 2008, N37)
ask the court to let him stay at the  „I welcome the challenge to make
Ospital ng Maynila during his the Government and Barisan
recovery from the procedure. Nasional appeal to all sections of
(“Manila Hostage Drama,” the community,‟ he said. (“Najib
Philippine Daily Inquirer, May 22, working towards easing of NEP,”
2007,A5). The Star, 25 October 2008, N4)
 This morning, he‟s scheduled to  DAP has taken its Pakatan Rakyat
visit Pinamungajan public market coalition partner PAS to task,
as part of his regular palengke saying its outburst against the
visits. (“Mr. Palengke in Cebu,” abolition of the 30% bumiputra
Philippine Daily Inquirer, March requirement for public listed
14, 2008, A9). companies is misguided. (“DAP
slams PAS outburst over bumi
In the Malaysian context, lexical equity issue,” The Star, 31
items like Jalan Alor, Bukit Bintang, kolej October 2008, N12)
matrikulasi, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka
(all Malay lexical items) commonly Political movements in Philippine
appear in English dailies. In most English dailies
newspapers names of local places are  Labor leaders estimated that about
lexically entrenched. In the Philippines, 200 members from the Kilusang
the use of local names of places is Mayo Uno (KMU), Nestle
sometimes placed within quotation marks. Philippines, and Yarn Venture
For instance, sari-sari store (convenience Resources, Inc. from Cabuyao
store with a wide range of goods) is town in Laguna participated in the
placed within quotation marks. However, protest action that they said would
the term often occurs, which suggests that go all the way to Mendiola in
it has been adopted as part of Philippine Manila. (“Labor groups stage anti-
English. Arroyo march in Makati,”
Philippine Daily Inquirer, March
5, 2008, A4)
 Speaking at a meeting Monday of activities are retained in the local
the ruling Lakas-Christian-Muslim languages in the English dailies. Words
Democrats national directorate at like masjid (place of worship for
the Manila Hotel, Ms Arroyo Muslims) and fatwa are part of written
endorsed plans to unify Lakas- English discourse and are common in
CMD and her own party, Malaysia. In the Philippines, the use of
Kabalikat ng Malayang Pilipino local terminology for religious places,
(Kampi). (“Lakas-Kampi merger events and other celebrations are
seen as colossus of Philippine associated with Christian beliefs and
politics,” Philippine Daily practices. Some examples are Semana
Inquirer, March 10, 2008, A6). Santa, Salubong, Pasko, Araw ng mga
 With his action, Brion has shown Patay. Examples from the data follow.
that the Department of Labor and
Employment is „one of the Religion in Malaysian dailies
notorious government institutions  „With a wide understanding of
oppressing the Filipino workers,‟ Islam and free from narrow and
according to the Pagkakaisa ng obsolete thinking, interaction
Manggagawa sa Timog between Muslims and non-
Katagalugan (Pamantik or Muslims could be an avenue for
Cooperation of Workers in promoting the beauty of Islam,‟
Southern Tagalog). (“Militant the 37-year-old mufti told
labor groups slam Brion for appeal reporters at his office. (“Teach
to ILO,” Philippine Daily interfaith ties in schools, urges
Inquirer, March 16, 2007, A8) Perlis mufti,” The Star, 25
 The Commission on Elections has October 2008, N3)
disqualified Joselito Pepito  On the night of Deepavali (as
Cayetano of the Kilusang Bagong celebrated by South Indians),
Lipunan (KBL) as a senatorial people will perform the Sharada
candidate, an official said. Pujan (special prayers).
(“Cayetano a nuisance – (“Deepavali diversity,” The Star,
Comelec,” Philippine Daily 25 October 2008, WE2)
Inquirer, March 27, 2007, A4)  On the other hand, it frequently
falls on the values of Islam to
In Malaysia, some political defend rights, namely over the
movements like National Fatwa Council, rights of Hindu Rights Action
Barisan Nasional, Pakatan Rakyat are Front supporters to demonstrate
used frequently in English newspapers. even at the Prime Minister‟s Hari
Similarly, most political movements in Raya gathering but at the same
the Philippines are also lexically time the party rejects the
entrenched in the English dailies. Political appointment of a Chinese as
movements like Kilusang Mayo Uno, PKNS general manager.
Kabalikat ng Malayang Pilipino, (“Pakatan‟s unresolved
Pagkakaisa ng Manggagawa sa Timog dilemmas,” The Star, 31 October
Katagalugan, Kilusang Bagong Lipunan, 2008, N36)
were found in the data.
Religion in Philippine dailies
3.6 Religion  Black Saturday, March 22 – Mary
A vast majority of words were found and St. John‟s search for Christ‟s
in the category of religion. Names of tomb, featuring local talents,
religious places, religious events and starting at 6 p.m.; Holy Mass at 10
p.m.; and Salubong (at Angel‟s back at the future,” The Star, 6
Hill) at 12 midnight. (“Black November 2008, N 46)
Saturday,” Philippine Star, March
20, 2008, D3.) Arts and films in Philippine dailies
 On Dec. 18, Simbang Gabi (dawn  At the same time, “Sopas, Sining
mass) kicks off the special at Sorbetes” (Food to Taste, Art to
celebration at the CCP front lawn Appreciate) will be held at the
at 5 a.m. At 2 p.m., Bauan CCP ramp for 1,200
Christmas lanterns will be lit at the underprivileged children.
Little Theater lobby. (“Paskong (“Paskong Pinoy,” Philippine
Pinoy,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, Daily Inquirer, November 28,
November 28, 2007, D5) 2007, F2).
 Today, Maundy Thursday, March Most arts and films that are named in
20 – Senakulo, 9 a.m. to 12 noon, local languages are flagged in both
and Washing of the Feet at 5 p.m. Malaysian and Philippine English news
Exposition of the Holy Eucharist articles. In Malaysia, most lexis related to
at Angel‟s Hill, with background arts and films is common and is written in
music and floral arrangement. italics, while in the Philippines most of
(“Cuaresma in Quezon,” them are placed in quotation marks.
Philippine Star, March 20, 2008,
D1) 3.8 Food
Similar to art, food reflects ethnic
In both countries, after some of tastes. Local terms are used to refer to
lexical items referring to religious events, names of local dishes, foods, fruits and
an English translation placed in vegetables. Examples follow.
parenthesis follows. Examples are
Sharada Pujan (special prayers) in Food in Malaysian dailies
Malaysia and Simbang Gabi (dawn mass)  Malaysians are made up of
in the Philippines. The use of translation Chinese men and women who,
is perhaps needed to avoid confusion and when they visit China or Taiwan,
misunderstanding of some religious miss their sambal belacan. (“We
practices and gatherings. are Malaysians,” The Star, 26
October 2008, F43)
3.7 Arts and films  This week I offer you a thick
More often than not, arts defines the mutton curry that goes well with
properties of cultures, and this value is the Indian staples of rice, puttu
presented in the local language in order to mayam, thosai, idli and appam.
„contextualize‟ the value. This aspect of (“Stretchin the Ringgit,” The Star,
culture can be reflected in both Malaysian 26 October 2008, M5)
and Philippine English dailies.  „So the price of nasi lemak should
go down too,‟ he said, adding that
Arts and films in Malaysian dailies Carrefour and Mydin would be
 Wayang kulit was our form of next to reduce their prices. (“Next:
entertainment hundreds of years Getting food outlets to reduce
ago, and now it‟s Astro. prices,” The Star, 31 October 2008,
(“Looking back at the future,” The N19)
Star, 6 November 2008, N 46)
 I spent some time reading old Food in Philippine dailies
pantun compiled by the venerable  The town where instant ‘sinigan’
Azah Aziz to my niece. (“Looking mix begins. (“The town where
instant „sinigang‟ mix begins,” Clothes in Philippine dailies
Philippine Daily Inquirer, July 11,  Philippine Olympic Committee
2007, E3). first vice president and Olympic
 The instant sinigang base that Task Force chair Rep. Monico
Teresita “Mama Sita” Reyes, Puentevella is calling on the
eldest daughter of the Aristocrat country's top designers to come up
founder, asked a scientist son-in- with the cut and pattern for the
law to develop for her so she delegates' barong tagalong.
could cook the Filipino sour soup (“Philippine Olympic Committee
wherever she was, was joined by seeking fashion designer,”
mixes for such Filipino favorites Philippine Daily Inquirer, March
as kare-kare, kaldereta and 08, 2008, D1)
menudo, among others (“The town  Much like patadyong weaving, the
where instant „sinigang‟ mix setting up includes unwinding silk
begins,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, threads. (“Western Visayas textile
July 11, 2007, E3). industry, in for a second coming,”
 That was something to add to my Philippine Daily Inquirer,
lists of “same-name-different- December 1, 2007, D3)
dish” and “same-dish-different- The choice of localized lexical terms
name.” I had been doing that ever for Malaysian and Philippine clothes is
since I was told that the Tagalog common. There are no translations used
inihaw was sinugba in the Visayas in referring to these lexical items.
and, to my amazement then, the
Visayan ihaw meant to slaughter. 3.10 Quotations
(“What‟s in a name?” Philippine Quotations are frequently used to
Daily Inquirer, March 28, 2007, maintain the original words used by
E5). speakers. Here are some examples.

3.9 Clothes Quotations in Malaysian dailies

Items of dress which are native in  Other members and supporters
origin are referred to by their local names. who were waiting across the road
Examples follow. began clapping and shouted
“Hidup Melayu” (Long Live the
Clothes in Malaysian dailies Malays) and “Allahu Akhbar”
 We may not be as romantic as (God is great) as soon as they saw
other couples by sending flowers Rizman. (“Suit against road
and having candle light dinners, signs,” The Star, 5 November
but then again, he makes for me 2008, N30)
baju kurung or baju kebaya.
(“Disabled couples discover home Quotations in Philippine dailies
is where the heart is,” The Star, 1  „Ang hindi marunong lumingon sa
November 2008, N36) pinanggalingan ay hindi
 The exhibition includes a makakarating sa paroroonan.‟
showcase of dolls dressed in Conceivably, modern-day hero
Makyong costumes, like this one Manny Pacquiao learned so much
entitled „Pakyong Mida.‟ from this age-old Filipino maxim
(“Elaborate costume,” The Star, 1 by our national hero Jose P. Rizal.
November 2008, M16) (“Grateful Pacquiao,” Manila
Bulletin, June 25, 2005, D5)
 “Ang hindi magmahal sa sariling intrusions and assimilation into regional
wika ay higit sa hayop at varieties of English makes English truly
malansang isda” (He who does an Asian language. Thus, it is clear that
not love his own language is the colonization process has come full
worse than a beast and a rotten circle. Yoneoka (2002) (cited in Patel,
fish) – thus our National Hero Dr. 2006), shares a similar view, to wit: “the
Jose P. Rizal emphasized the colonized have subjugated the English
importance of a national language language, beaten it on its head and made
to the life of a nation. (“The it theirs, and in adapting it to their use, in
importance of a national hammering it sometimes on its head and
language,” Manila Bulletin, sometimes twisting its tail, they have
August 13, 2006, D5) given it a new shape, substance and
dimension” (p. 98). Undoubtedly, English
When the reporter needs to refer to a is a global language but more importantly
previously said statement he/she may use from the perspective of learners of
quotations so that original meanings are English in these countries it has also
retained. Such use of quotations is become their language as many local
common in English dailies in Malaysia lexical items have been assimilated and
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