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‫م‬ ‫ا هو الجديد‬

Let us now read and understand the story of a family with a great faith to Allah
that’s why Allah sends them “ A Blessing in Disguise”…after some broken and
hard times.

A Blessing in Disguise

Ayah is “a blessing in disguise” as what her father and mother always

said to everyone they talked with…

Why? This is the story behind this….

Year 2016, December 18…Aamil and Chanda went to a well- known

mosque at Cavite to tie a knot because they loved each other very much that’s why it

leads them to exchange a holy vow in front of the almighty Allah. Aamil is a

compassionate one, that’s why Chanda is very grateful to Allah in giving Him as her

husband. Chanda is a kind- hearted wife and she always see to it that they both live

their lives based on the commandments in Qur-An. They live happily as a couple

under the blessings of Allah. Only one thing that will make them more complete and

happier----and that is a child. They always go to the holy mosque to performed their

Salah for five times in a day. They are the Salat al-fajr: dawn, before sunrise, Salat al-

zuhr: midday, after the sun passes its highest, Salat al-'asr: the late part of the

afternoon, Salat al-maghrib: just after sunset and Salat al-'isha: between sunset and
midnight. They always prayed for a child…but still they do not have one. They also do

their best just to practice the 5 Pilars of Islam namely: Profession of Faith (shahada),

Prayer (salat), Alms (zakat), Fasting (sawm), and Pilgrimage (hajj)…but still Allah did

not give them a child. Even though they do not have a child on their own…they still

have strong belief in the Almighty Allah (SWT).

Until one day a global health pandemic called Corona Virus came

across. A normal living of countrymen become unusual…due to this strange virus

people do not go out in their houses, people cannot go to their works and children did

not come to school to study. In just one click, everything’s change. People both rich

and poor was only inside their big and small houses due to Enhanced community

quarantine. The good government mandated the people to do this, so that the spread

of virus will be slower and decreased. Health protocols like social distancing, frequent

handwashing, using sanitizer and 70% alcohol clean dump hands was promoted to

avoid scattering of harmful corona virus. World economy also declined…many people

lost their jobs…almost of them are the what they called “ No work, No pay” workers.

People really struggles during this time, many of them also lost their jobs due to

bankruptcy of small and medium businesses and enterprises. Sad moments when

person become ill, cannot survive and unluckily died.

We must look also the brighter side of the situation, due to this virus

many things were also realized, almost members of the family were in the house and

that makes enough time for them to bond, gas becomes cheaper, instead of fast food

homecooked meals were served, hectic schedules were replaced by rest and

relaxation, the air seems purified. People become health conscious again and finally
had discipline to listen to authorities and go home when they say so. Finally, we now

have time to become more closer to Allah and praising him every day of our lives, just

like that we depend in Him everything. It seems like this covid-19 is a retune key for


Like other old, new and sweet couples, Aamil and Chanda stayed at home

patiently…Aamil were the only one to go outside to buy delicious foods and other basic

necessities for them. Until one day the good government decided to shift the

Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) into General Community Quarantine (GCQ)

which is less

controlled. The Government cannot sustain and extend their helps to people and

economy must be recovered…that’s why almost 75-100 percent of businesses and

enterprises were open again. Workers go to work again to provide money to support

their family. The spreading of pandemic virus was set on high again. Aamil as the

provider of the family need to go back to work again, specially now that they will soon

become three…the good news is that Chanda was already pregnant for almost 8

months. Aamil was very inspired to work…He even get the overtime work just to have

enough money for the need and preparation of their incoming first child.

Suddenly, one night due to hard work and lack of rest, bad situation happen,

Aamil got sick…He has a high fever, cough, got loss smell, taste and appetite, runny

nose, felt muscles and body aches and most of all he had difficulty in breathing. He

quickly isolated himself from his pregnant wife. He does not want her wife and baby to

get infected if He was infected by the dangerous corona virus. He goes to the hospital

early in the morning to consult a doctor about his condition…only to find out that He is
now suspected as a positive corona virus patient. What a sad news! Aamil had to

sacrifice and do all his best effort to be healed and be alive so he will come home alive

to his family…specially now, His wife and their baby needs Him. He needs to be

quarantine and have medication for 14 days or more. Hard days and missed nights

passed away…he feels so depressed and unlucky during those time….he said

“Allah…why me…my family needs me, why do I have to go through this…All I wanted

is to provide for my family…” but in a seconds He also realizes that he is still alive and

can prayed to Allah to make him overcome the virus and come to his family healthy

and alive. Again he said to Allah, his voice is full of hope and plead “I surrendered my

battles with you my Almighty Allah…I know you are the great healer and you do

wonderful miracles…Please help me to overcome this so that I can go back home

soon to my family…all of this I give to you the greatest and almighty Allah (SWT).

What a wonderful miraculous day…after 21 days of quarantine, medication and

isolation from His family, the long awaited day comes…..this is the day, this is the day

that Allah has made we will rejoice and be glad on it, as the song goes….the day that

Aamil go outside the quarantine facility was also the time that Chanda give birth to

their daughter and named it “Ayah” as her parents believed that she is a miracle baby.

Ayah brings so much joy, hope and inspiration to her parents- and whenever they

talked to others they always said to them that Ayah is “A blessing in Disguise” from


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