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4CV010: Resit Portfolio



∗ This logbook is due in on Wednesday 29 July 2020.
∗ The logbook will be based on the figure below and will cover all of the
topics studied this year with questions becoming more challenging as you go
deeper into the paper.
∗ Please underline all your final answers.

Best of luck.

The House

Blueprint for house

Welcome Manager
A construction company has been tasked with building this house for a cus-
tomer, there are many people involved with the building process from civil
engineers to garbage collectors, you have been tasked with managing this
process and solving any issues that occur along the way. Different members
of the team working on this building have come to you during a busy day
asking for help, you are considered the mathematical expert and have there-
fore been entrusted to assist in that area. You always need to show them
how you solved their issues by clear explanation so that they don’t need to
keep coming back for the same problems. Best of luck manager.

09:02 AM - (9 marks)
It’s first thing in the morning and the weather is really nice, but not for long.
It is predicted to rain in approximately two hours and the roofer has to get
started before the rain starts. He comes to your office straight away and asks
for guidance on the angles and lengths which he should build the roof at, he
hands you a 2D plan of the front of the house and wants you to find all the
missing angles and lengths from his diagram, don’t forget to show him how
you did it (bear in mind the roof is symmetrical):

Roofer’s plan [NOT TO SCALE]

Fill in the roofers sheet for him, showing all working in the space below:

ii =
iii =
iv =

09:53 AM - (6 marks)
The roofer now returns just before the rain starts with a few more calcula-
tions, help him out with each one and show him how you got the final results:
He says: ”The total height of the house needs to be 5m, what is the height
below the roof?”
You say: ”The height below the roof is ”

He then says: ”Also, what is the perimiter of the front of the house?”
You say: ”The perimiter of the front is ”

He says: ”Sorry, but there two final things: firstly, what is the area of the
house below the roof?”
You say: ”The area below the roof is ”

He finally says: ”If I had to paint that area in three different colours then
how much of each color do I need?”
You say: ”You will need m2 of paint for each”


10:12 AM - (10 marks)
The mathematician on-site has figured out the amount of carbon dioxide
pollution over a one hour period at the four different sides of the house. This
is to decide where the windows should be. He shows you this graph:

The model

The red line represents y = cos(x) which is facing north

The black line represents y = 3x3 which is facing east
The green line represents y = sin(x) − x11 + 1 which is facing south
The purple line represents y = −x4 + 1 which is facing west

The x-axis represents the time which is from zero to one hour and the y-
axis represents the amount of carbon dioxide per m3 . He asks you to use
integration to figure out the total amount of carbon dioxide produced for
each side of the house and to help him decide where most of the windows
should be.


The windows should face the: direction because:

10:45AM - (20 marks)
The mathematician now returns and this time he has some information on
the noise pollution at different times in the day to further help solve the
problem regarding the windows:

Direction 07:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 16:00 18:00 20:00

North 24dB 31dB 42dB 51dB 43dB 31dB 41dB
East 35dB 41dB 46dB 53dB 47dB 35dB 14dB
South 19dB 31dB 62dB 71dB 53dB 21dB 11dB
West 12dB 14dB 18dB 14dB 12dB 20dB 31dB
The mathematician needs to know four things about the noise pollution in
each direction:
The mean, median, mode and range, he then needs to know which side has
the lowest noise pollution in each of the four statistical categories:

North: Mean: Meadian: Mode: Range:

East: Mean: Meadian: Mode: Range:

South: Mean: Meadian: Mode: Range:

West: Mean: Meadian: Mode: Range:

The side with the least noise pollution is: .

You notice that there is a problem with the mathematicians work, he per-
formed both pollution tests during the building phase, state three reasons
why there may be inconsistencies in the results:




11:09 AM - (15 marks)
The window-maker is having issues caluclating the sizes for the windows in
the house, there are a total of five windows, each with different specifications.
She wants to know the exact size of each length from these given specifica-

Window 1

The total area for window 1 is 15m2 , find out for the window-maker how
long each side should be.

Window 2

The total area for window 2 is 10m2 , find out for the window-maker how
long each side should be.

Window 3

The total area for window 3 is 13m2 , find out for the window-maker how
long each side should be.

Window 4

The total area for window 4 is 20m2 . The outer area is 1.2 times bigger than
the inner area. Find out for the window-maker how long each side should be
for both the inner and outer areas.

Window 5

Window 5 is comprised of three identical squares that are all the same. Only
the equation for the total area is known which is 9x2 + 18x + 27. The window
maker knows the total area for the three windows should be 6.75m2 . What
lengths would you advise him to make each square? (Hint: You should use
the quadratic formula here.)

11:50 AM - (10 marks)
It’s nearly lunch time. The gardener is doing some work on the front of
the house and is planting orange trees, he comes and finds you during your
routine checks and requires some help with the growth rate of the different
types of orange trees:

He tells you that there are four types of oranges he wants to grow and shows
you this table:

Type of orange Growth rate per year Number of years to grow

Blood 2 times bigger 8
Jaffa 3 times bigger 6
Valencia 4 times bigger 4
Citrus 2 times bigger 9

The growth rate is how much bigger the tree gets from the previous year, for
example the blood orange tree becomes twice as big each year, from the year
The trees all have an initial height of one centimetre when purchased from
the shops, the gardener wants you to use your knowledge of exponentials
to show what the final height of the trees will be:

Blood orange:
Jaffa orange:
Valencia orange:
Citrus orange:

There is a fifth type of orange tree that the gardener is considering, the
navel orange. The gardener only knows that it grows to a maximum height
of 625cm and that it takes four years to get that high. He wants to know
how much bigger it gets year on year, he needs you to show him your answer
using logarithms.

The growth rate per year is:

01:10 PM - (7 marks)
The bin collectors are running on tight deadlines, their manager needs his
schedule sorted so he’s come to you for help. There are eight locations around
the building site that have rubbish which needs collecting, each of these lo-
cations have five different bins:
1. Skip
2. Glass
3. Paper and cardboard
4. Dangerous goods
5. General waste

Q1. The manager tell you that each bin takes roughly 20 minutes to fully
collect, he wants you to help him figure out how many workers are required
to clean the site in two hours.

Q2. The manager returns, he has a new problem: two of his workers have
gone home sick. He wants to know how much quicker now must each bin be
collected in order to meet the two hour deadline?

Q3. The bin manager has another issue, he tells you that in order to pay
his workers he uses this equation to figure out their total pay for the month:
”I first add the number of hours worked with four times the number of bins
collected. Then I multiply this with the number of hours worked again but I
add to it two times the number of days worked”

In other words, he works out their pay using this formula: (x+4y)×(x+2z).
You tell him that there is an easier way to read this by multiplying it out,
what would you get if you multiplied out these brackets?

Q4. One of the workers has worked 30 hours, collected 20 bins and worked
for 8 days, how much would his total pay be for the month?

The manager realises that using this formula the workers are making too
much money, you suggest that instead his formula should be (x + 21 y) × (x +
Q5. The manager would like to know what this formula is when multiplied
Q6. Also, how much does that same worker now make using this new for-

01:59 PM - (10 marks)
You find a simple mathematics work sheet from when you were at university
in one of your desks, you have a spare half an hour and decide to complete
it for fun:

Multiply the following where necessary then rearrange to make a the subject:

b2 c 4 a b2
1. =
cd d
2. a 3 × 3 = c2
3. 5cde × 2abc = 6def

4. cos a = b2
sin a
5. = b2 d
cos a

02:40 PM - (10 marks)
It’s ten minutes before your second break and the architect comes over to
your office, he needs you to help him figure out if the roof on the back of
the house has been built correctly. He wants you to show him on the graph
below what the specification should look like. The specification states:
”The roof on the back should be formed by matching the lines ’f (x) = 3x’
and ’g(x) = −3x + 15’ ”

Show the archetect on the graph below what the roof should look like:

Architect’s graph

The architect returns and needs to know what the composition functions
f (g(x)) and g(f (x)) are:

The composition function f (g(x)) is and g(f (x)) is

He then wants you to figure out what is the point on the graph that they
both meet and to confirm whether or not the roof is symmetrical by giving
him an explanation with your reason:
The meeting point is ( , ) and the roof is , this is because:

03:13 PM - (5 marks)
Three builders walk over to you and they’re all arguing over the size of the
living room.

Living room plan

The guideline claims that:

d + a + c = 10
d + 2b = 13

Builders 1 and 3 claim that a = 3 b = 4 c = 2 d = 4, whereas builder 2

claims that a = 2 b = 4 c = 2 d = 4.

They want you to use simultaneous equations to show them the right

What is the correct answer and which of the builders are correct, if any?

03:45 PM - (5 marks)
One of the engineers is having a problem. Her crane operator needs to know
the resultant force of the two forces acting on her crane since there is a legal
limit she must comply with of 500N.

Crane diagram

What is the resultant force of the following forces and does is comply with
the legal limit?

Also, she needs to know the angle θ, what is it?

Finally, she needs to know the dot product of resultant force, R and the
force F2 , what is it?

04:44 PM - (10 marks)

Curvy road in Italy

A lorry driver is delivering goods and has to take many curvy roads like the
one above during his trip. The most dangerous roads can be modelled math-
ematically in order to find which one is best to avoid. Assuming that x is
the speed of the lorry. The driver requires you to find the maximum speeds
at the different derivatives of the following models for the lorry. The max-
imum speed is x=65mph. (Hint: First find the derivative, then input the
maximum speed into the derivative)

1. Wulfruna Street = 2x

2. Road a la Francais = cos x − 3x3 + x5

3. Holland d’Holland St = 3 sin x cos x − 4x9 + 3

4. Roada la Italia = − x3 + 2x − 4

5. Hence, which road has the highest derivative and is therefore best to

You have worked really hard today. It’s now time to relax, well


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