HRD 01 003

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lk$hNtS liJ-l
"ir:l Export Import Banh
il'''^:,N )X&{d\ N$ m$'r.dSS'$$
HS'$ftN N$Tvf:$
Of Banglaclesh Limited
Shariah Based lslarni Bank
rixtM/HO/l IRD/2020
0U October 202t)

N'{r, N'loznflirr Alunr Chorvtlh

Asst'rciatc [)ro l'cssclr' & C I)r'ograrn
CoI lcge ol' I)usirrg"s.lfln in istration (C UA)
ItJ13,{i--lnlgnrflional Uttivcrsit,r ol'lJLrsiness AgricultLrre ancl 1-cchnologr,
.l [:rnberKnrent Drivc Road.Sector' 10. Uttara Moclcl'l'orvn


A ssalarnr: A lail<urrr.

\\'ith re fetcnce to )lour lcttcr datccl 06 ()ctobcr 2020 r'^rrrr'/l;11rr ,..

tlr.' .lr.r.r.' \\'c at'c plcased lo accepl
Mr. Asralirl Alanr Nainr, stLrdcnt ol'your institutc fbr cloing 3 ('l'hrcc) IVIonths itttcrrtship at oLlr

Satrnas.j id l{oad [Jrarrch, DIraka.

'lhe internship prograntnrc rlill bc cl'f'cctivc fl'orn the date o{-.ioining of' thc interuec at llrc
barrk/branclr. llc rl,ill l)ilvc t() givc rcrrlr lar alte rrclatrcc ai tlrc placc rr'ltcre lrc u'ill be clcprrtccl ttr
n,oll< on his plo.jcct. I'lc riill also rcquirc to subrnit I tOnc) coprr: 111'his irttcrrrship rcport rvith
accufatc infbrnratiorr rtn thc projcct hc u'ill be wolltirrg orr at the [Jrartch/l)ivision cotrccrrtcci lbr'
tltcil' record artcl neccssary' actit'rn. Plcase bc irrtilrrncd that rvc do rrot ol'{br any pay rncl allcrvancc
in this regard.

Wc assttt'e ),ou of our bcst co-ollcratirrn to vouf stuclenl during his stal'u,itlr rrs


Yout's laitlrlirlll.

linnu L:rl I{r\nlake r
Scrricll Vicc Plesiclcnt & I'lca(l
I lttttttut I?.esourc,,'s I)ir isitrrr

ffi, ( ltr, \lnrrirur:r'.

(-rr1ry to: Satnrls.iiti l{r,atl IJriurclr. l;XIN4 I}arrl<. l)hlkl
2. ir'lr'. A:;r'iriirl r\iairn Naint" Itrtclrrr:e
.r. ()l'llcc(.,,1.).

iIeatl OIlicc. S_1 nrirhrrnr', I)iot I Slr ([)',r. iload ll 1.12. (iul:;lran \vcnue. (iulslrarr. l)haka- l 2 i 2. illirglatlcsli
Ici. I':^'[]X: 98ll9.l(.1 Irrt.-13{). 139. Irar.8ll0-:-q8(jli,(r(). Wcb. rvrr* Iis:rttlrlttlb,l.t,,rrr.,:tttirrI lrrtl,,r eirrrrtrirrrl,[rtl t,rrir

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