Orange TRM Acceptance Check List

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Link Status : RFA

Network: Orange Date :

Link Name & Code (A<>B) :0037RE MR442 7124RE LA-SIESTA-BRIDGE TX REP

Site Engineer : moustafa samir & yasser ASP :

RSC member :

Site A Site B
Not Not
A Antenna and Outdoor Accessories OK N/A Comments OK N/A Comments
1 Antenna(s) located in accordance to LOS survey sheet and LER OK OK
2 Antenna(s) diameter and azimuth in accordance to LER OK OK
3 All screws of the antenna support(s) properly tightened as per its manual sheet OK OK
4 Antenna side strut properly installed for 1.2m antennas and larger with angle 90⁰ N/A N/A
5 Power splitter properly fitted on a pole or directly to the antenna OK OK
6 Flexible waveguide properly installed to the radio unit, power splitter and to the antenna OK OK
7 Flexible waveguide support arm properly installed OK OK
8 Side Arm properly installed , balanced and fixed with double nuts for all screws OK OK
9 Weather protection plate properly installed on free port on integration kit in case of installed DP antenna instead of SP antenna N/A N/A
Site A Site B
Not Not
B Radio Unit OK N/A Comments OK N/A Comments
1 Adaptor plate properly installed between RAU and the antenna, power spiltter or to the kit for separate installation OK OK
2 Radio unit(s) properly tightened to the antenna, power spiltter or to the kit for separate installation OK OK
3 Grounding (Earthing) cable properly connected to the radio unit and the other end of the grounding cable to earth bar OK OK
4 Earth cable labelled ( 1 printed below Radio ) OK OK
5 Radio unit labelled ( 1 Metal on its hand / 1 printed on its body ) OK OK
6 Earth bar properly installed and fixed well with two clamps OK OK
7 Grounding (Earthing) cable of earth bar properly connected to the earth bar and the other end of the grounding cable to tower's main earthing system OK OK
8 All earth cables and screws Properly fastened and covered with grease OK OK
9 Alignment port closed well with its cover OK OK
Site A Site B
Not Not
C Radio Cable ( Split Mount scenario ) OK N/A Comments OK N/A Comments
1 Radio O/D connectors correctly assembled as per its manual sheet OK OK
2 Radio cable correctly tightened to the radio unit OK OK
3 Radio cable correctly sealed with buty , tape and two tie straps as weatherproof OK OK
4 Radio cable fastened with the recommended distance between tie straps OK OK
5 Radio cable grounding (earth kit ) correctly installed , tightened and sealed OK OK
6 Radio cable earth kit grounded to earth bar before entering the building / Roxtec OK OK
7 Radio cable correctly inserted through ROXTEC and used compatible RM module OK ROXTIC FULL OK ROXTIC FULL
8 Radio cable labelled ( 2 Metal below O/D connector and before ROXTEC / 2 printed below O/D connector and at I/D connector ) OK OK
9 Cable tray is closed with its covers to be in same previous status before installation OK OK
Site A Site B
Not Not
D Power/Fiber/Hybrid/O&M cables ( Full outdoor scenario ) OK N/A Comments OK N/A Comments
1 Power / Fiber / Hybrid cables correctly tightened to the radio unit and closed well with weatherproof inner housing and outer shell OK OK
2 O&M cable correctly sealed with buty , tape and two tie straps as weatherproof if there is no Weatherproof Bayonet Cover and cable cap OK OK
3 All free or unused ports properly covered with their cable cap OK OK
4 All cables properly installed inside Flexible or PVC tube from ODU to ROXTEC OK OK
5 Flexible / PVC tube fastened with the recommended distance between tie straps OK OK
6 Power / Hybrid cables grounding (earth kit ) correctly installed , tightened and sealed OK OK
7 Power / Hybrid cables earth kit grounded to earth bar before entering the building / Roxtec OK OK
8 All cables correctly inserted through ROXTEC and used compatible RM module OK OK
9 Y / T shape PVC tube properly installed in splitting point between cables whether inside or outside shelter OK OK
10 Power / Hybrid cable labelled ( 2 Metal below O/D connector and before ROXTEC / 2 printed below O/D connector and at termination point ) OK OK
11 Fiber cable labelled ( 2 printed below O/D connector and at termination point ) OK OK
12 O&M cable labelled ( 2 printed below O/D connector and at termination point ) OK OK
13 Cable tray is closed with its covers to be in same previous status before installation ok tray not covered ok tray not covered
Site A Site B
Not Not
E General OK N/A Comments OK N/A Comments
1 Site is clean from any Ericsson extra materials or rubbish OK PROCESS PROBLEM OK PROCESS PROBLEM

All installation activities have been completed Yes No (if no, specify below)


Problems/Comments (Refer to applicable activity numbers)


Link Status :

Network: Orange Date :

Link Name & Code (A<>B) :

Site Engineer : ASP :

RSC member :

Site A Site B
Not Not
A Ericsson Rack Installation OK N/A Comments OK N/A Comments
1 Installed in accordance with the Site Installation Documentation (SID)
2 Properly fastened to floor, wall or ladder with four wall supports and four screws for each support
3 Rack ground connected to site earthing system
Site A Site B
Not Not
B Traffic Node TN Power setup OK N/A Comments OK N/A Comments
1 MW DC BOX properly installed and fixed well with four screws with wall or cabinet
2 MW DC BOX is labelled ( Site Name label / DC BOX label )
3 Cable duct properly installed
4 MW DC BOX has power backup and tested
5 Power cables and Circuit breakers properly installed with configuration ( 2*32A + 2*16A + 4*6A + 2*16A + 2*32A )
6 Power cables color matching with agreed color code ( Red for 0V-Bar and Black or Blue for -48V/CB )
7 Power cables ( 2 * 0V + 2 * -48V ) distributed on two different rectifiers for power source backup if site has two rectifiers
8 Power cables and Circuit breakers are labelled
9 Power cables fastened with the recommended distance between tie straps
10 MW DC BOX cables connected to C.B. 63A in rectifier in BLVD string only
11 E/// Power cables are Terminated with the fit terminals
12 Hardware test for DC power protection and arrangement of DC BOX cables [ Left side is Main / Right side is Standby ] ( In case of new DC BOX only )
13 Node / fan unit main power cables connected to C.B in left side of DC BOX and standby power cable connected to C.B in right side of DC BOX Or BLVD string inside Rectifier
Node / fan unit power cables connected to proper C.B. rating
( 6A for CN210 - 10 / 16A for TN2P - 16 / 20A for TN6P - 32A for TN20P - 6A for FAU of TN20P )
Site A Site B
Not Not
C Packet Terminal PT node Power setup OK N/A Comments OK N/A Comments
1 Eband DC BOX properly installed and fixed well with four screws with wall or cabinet
2 Eband DC BOX is labelled ( Site Name label / DC BOX label )
3 Cable duct properly installed
4 Eband DC BOX has power backup and tested
5 Power cables and Circuit breakers properly installed with configuration ( 12 * 10A )
6 Power cables color matching with agreed color code ( Two Red cables for 0V-Bar and Two Black or Blue cables for -48V/CB )
7 Power cables ( 2 * 0V + 2 * -48V ) distributed on two different rectifiers for power source backup if site has two rectifiers
8 Power cables and Circuit breakers are labelled
9 Power cables fastened with the recommended distance between tie straps
10 Eband DC BOX cables connected to C.B. 63A in rectifier in BLVD string only
11 PT node power cables are Terminated with the fit terminals
12 Hardware test for DC power protection and arrangement of DC BOX cables [ Left side is Main / Right side is Standby ] ( In case of new DC BOX only )
13 PT nodes power cables distributed inside DC BOX ( V-Node on left side of DC BOX and H-Node on right side of DC BOX ) Or BLVD string inside Rectifier
14 Node / fan unit power cables connected to proper C.B. rating
Site A Site B
Not Not
D LDN Site Power setup OK N/A Comments OK N/A Comments
1 Power 6393 properly installed and fixed well with four screws with wall or with two clamps on pole
2 Grounding (Earthing) cable properly connected to the Power 6393 and the other end of the grounding cable to site earthing system
3 PDU 40 03 properly installed in right side of Power 6393 and switched ON
4 AC input power cable properly installed and terminated with connector screws inside Power 6393
5 PT power cable properly installed and terminated with connector screws on PDU output port
6 Power 6393 cover closed and fastened with four screws
Site A Site B
Not Not
E AMM / DDF and Other Units OK N/A Comments OK N/A Comments
1 AMM, DDF frame , fan unit and all other units fitted in the rack in accordance with the SID
2 Plug-in units in correct positions and properly connected to the back of the AMM and all screws fastened
3 Dummy full / half unit installed in free slots
4 AMM and fan unit correctly grounded and connected to site earthing system
5 Node , DDF and Earth cables are labelled
6 MMU(s) slot / type are matching with planned sheets
7 MMU cards are labelled in accordance to link topolgy and direction
8 Hardware traffic test [ PDH and Ethernet ] ( In case of new TN only )
9 Hardware radio switching test for ( 1+1 / 1+1 SD / 2+2 / 2+2 SD 1+1 RLP ) link topology
10 Hardware test for DC power protection and arrangement of TN cables on PFUs ( In case of new TN only )
Site A Site B
Not Not
F Connectors and Cables OK N/A Comments OK N/A Comments
1 TN DC power connectors correctly assembled and tightened to the PFU cards
2 Traffic and DCN cables properly installed
3 DC power , traffic and DCN cables are labelled
4 E1s wires properly installed with standard color code
5 E1s wires installed in bottom side of crones inside DDF
6 Hardware wiring loops properly installed for all free E1s in above side of crones inside DDF
7 Radio cables correctly assembled and tightened to the MMU cards
8 Radio cable correctly sealed by tape in case of 10 / 16 mm cable
9 Radio cable fastened with the recommended distance between tie straps
10 Radio cables are labelled at I/D connector and IF jumber terminals in case of 10 / 16 mm cable
11 XPIC cable properly installed and tightened to the MMU cards ( No Need in case of MMU4A )
Site A Site B
Not Not
G Power/Fiber/Hybrid/O&M cables ( Full outdoor scenario only ) OK N/A Comments OK N/A Comments
1 Y / T shape PVC tube properly installed in splitting point between cables whether inside or outside shelter
2 Fiber cables properly installed inside Flexible tube from ROXTEC to termination point
3 Ethernet RJ45 connector or Fiber connector and optical SFP correctly assembled and tightened to ETU / NPU cards
4 LAN (s) port / slot used on TN for fiber / Ethernet connection are matching with planned sheets
5 All cables are labelled at termination point
6 HW test performed for Ethernet cable of Hybrid cable and LAN port up and clear
7 HW test performed for Fiber cable and Tx/Rx power values are accepted
8 Flexible tube fastened with the recommended distance between tie straps
Site A Site B
Not Not
H General OK N/A Comments OK N/A Comments
1 Site is clean from any Ericsson extra materials or rubbish

All installation activities have been completed Yes No (if no, specify below)

Link Status :

Network: Orange Date :

Link Name & Code (A<>B) :

Site Engineer : ASP :

RSC member :

Site A Site B
Not Not
A AMM Traffic Node OK N/A Comments OK N/A Comments
1 Notification list has no alarms raised ( TN and all modules are clear from alarms )
2 Software release of Baseline and plug-in units is upgraded to latest release and achieving compatibility
3 Radio release is upgraded to latest release as it is part of Baseline
4 License keys for all used features are installed and node in locked mode
5 Power redundancy option is activated and working
6 DC power protection test Performed on both PFUs ( In case of new TN only )
7 Basic NE data configurations are matching with accepted format as per Orange requirements
8 IP address / subnet / default gatway are matching with DCN plan sheet and WO mail
9 OSPF area / PPP created and matching with DCN plan sheet and WO mail
10 Node is supervised and reachable to NMS system and ping test performed
11 Ethernet Switching Enabled on customer mode
12 Traffic test Performed [ PDH and Ethernet ] ( In case of new TN only )
13 TN login test using mini-usb port performed
Site A Site B
Not Not
B Split-Mount MW Radio link ( MMU card ) OK N/A Comments OK N/A Comments
1 MMU(s) and RAU(s) slot / type are matching with planned sheets
2 Radio link configuration parameters are matching with planned sheets
3 RSL is matching with LER
4 Link accumulated performance is clear ( link monitored for three days )
5 Interference test Performed and clear
6 Switching test peformed for ( 1+1 / 1+1 SD / 2+2 / 2+2 SD 1+1 RLP ) link topology
7 XPD test performed for XPIC link and matching with accepted range ( XPD ≥ 30 )
8 XPD test repeated on all cases of 1+1 protected links ( M<>M / M<>STBY / STBY<>M / STBY<>STBY )
9 WAN created and opertional stauts is UP and clear
10 L3 VLAN interface created and configured in case of MMU4A
11 Management and TN DCN VLANs created in case of MMU4A
DCN configurations parameters on TN are matching with planned sheets in case of FAR END site is full outdoor PT2020
( PT2020 VLAN / VLAN switch port members / VLAN untagged switch port members )
Site A Site B
Not Not
C Full Outdoor MW Radio link ( PT node with ETU/NPU LAN ports ) OK N/A Comments OK N/A Comments
1 LAN (s) port / slot used on TN for fiber / Ethernet connection are matching with planned sheets
2 SFP (s) / LAN (s) port on TN configured and opertional status is UP and clear with no alarms
3 Alias name of LAN (s) port on TN configured with polarization and direction of each PT node
4 Switch ports assigned to LAN (s) port for fiber / Ethernet connection have port role "I-NNI"
DCN configurations parameters on TN are matching with planned sheets
( Eband VLAN / VLAN switch port members / VLAN untagged switch port members )
6 PT node upgraded to latest software release and committed
7 PT node name / location / contact configurations are matching with planned sheets
8 Time setting on PT node configured and synchronized with NTP server status is "True"
9 Radio link configuration parameters are matching with planned sheets
10 RSL is matching with LER
11 License keys for all used features are installed and PT node in locked mode
12 Link accumulated performance is clear ( link monitored for three days )
13 Interference test Performed and clear
14 LAN/WAN ports capability is "Layer1" in case of 2+0 topology and "Layer2" in case of 1+0 topology ( In case of PT6352 only )
15 Far End access enabled through O&M port
16 Opertional stauts of both WAN and LAN ports are UP and clear with no alarms
17 Switch port type correctly detected ( LAN for TN2 and RLWANX for WAN5 )
18 HW test performed for Ethernet cable of Hybrid cable and LAN port up and clear
19 Software test performed for Fiber cable and Tx/Rx power values are accepted
DCN configurations parameters on PT node are matching with planned sheets
( VLAN / IP address / Subnet mask / GW IP address / VLAN switch port members )
21 PT node is supervised and reachable to NMS system and ping test performed
22 O&M port local access test performed with default IP

All installation activities have been completed Yes No (if no, specify below)
Site A Site B RSL V Site A RSL H Site A RSL V Site B RSL H Site B
V on / H off V on / H off
H on / V off H on / V off
V off / H off V off /H off
V on / H on V on / H on

XPD for 1 Site A XPD for 2 Site A XPD for 1 Site B XPD for 2 Site B
XPD 0 0 0 0

XPI for 1 Site A XPI for 2 Site A XPI for 1 Site B XPI for 2 Site B
XPI 0 0 0 0

Site A Site B
←← 1st Step XPI MSE XPI MSE
←← 2nd Step V1
←← 3rd Step V2
←← 4th Step H1

#show rl xpicParams 18

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