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Effect of Media on our psychology

The Covid-19 pandemic which spread from the Chinese city of Wuhan
has immensely affected the entire world in a whole different bunch of
ways, amongst which the psychological effects are horrifyingly
significant. The mentality of the majority of the people worldwide has
been reshaped. This has led them to bring in many innovations to
cope up with the status quo.

The first and foremost psychological effect of the pandemic is the

rapid idea of fear that has been continuously developing in the minds
of millions particularly the children.
The fear of death and death of relatives is an enormous dread that
has taken over the minds of the little ones and has caused anxiety in
them. The frustration kept increasing with the daily surge in the new
cases and deaths which has been highlighted in the media throughout
the pandemic. The subconscious of the people has been fed
repeatedly with news full of shock value.

As the governments worldwide started lockdowns in their respective

countries, the people were bound to live in their houses. As the
tensions increased it created an aggravated aura which led to
domestic violence. People living in joint families faced this problem a
lot as the frustration led to miss-understandings and household
skirmishes. Even kids being a subject to boredom get into a fight with
each other when they have nothing else to do.
Furthermore, being subject to a prolonged duration of inactivity the
mindset of people has leaned towards being lazier than ever before.
Students often complain about bad habits they picked during the
quarantine and that how it has led them being subject to
procrastination. A chapter in normal days which could be completed
in a few days before the pandemic is now said to be consuming twice
the time.

As repetition becomes your lifestyle, over time people have adopted

bad habits during the chronic situation that prevailed. For instance
the youth indulged in video games in abundance and now their minds
do not allow them to return to the normal routine. It is obviously very
hard to quit a fun routine and turn over to a tough one.

One of the positive effects is that when people lost their jobs during
the lockdown, many of them struggled on their own and the mindset
is now different in a way that people have understood they shouldn't
depend on anybody else and should be on their own. Many have
succeeded to have their own businesses and online earning platforms

In addition, the views of a great majority about the medical staff

seems to be changed and now people tend to be more reverent
towards the health care teams who played a vital role during the
horrific plight. People have realized a lot how important doctors and
healthcare workers are and how this world depends upon them which
is no doubt a good thing.
The world has accepted the "new normal" and now it no longer seems
strange to follow the rules which were hard for us to follow before
Covid . People are continuously developing ways to get rid of the
problems that have arisen in the lockdown period and it seems like
training our minds to cope up with the new challenges is a
cumbersome activity

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