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Plan & Forecast: SAP Ariba Supply Chain

Collaboration, Ariba Network and S/4HANA (On Premise)
Goods Returns Process


SDE (GCP) Scenario

LAST UPDATE: July 24, 2020

SCENARIO OWNER: I326244, I504614, I835383
Table of Contents
1. DEMO SCRIPT OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1. HIGHLIGHTS ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2. WHY NOW? ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.3. WHY SAP? ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.4. PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................................................... 3
2. TECHINCAL REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 SYSTEM AND USER INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 MASTER DATA AND SUPPLIERS ................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 PERQUISITE: SETTING PRINT PARAMETERS FOR DELIVERY ........................................................................................ 4
2.4 FIORI USER SET UP..................................................................................................................................................... 5
3. DEMO SCRIPT: STEP-BY STEP GUIDE ..................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 HOW TO LOG INTO MG4/HE4 FIORI LAUNCHPAD IN SDE (GCP) ................................................................................ 6
4 DEMO SCRIPT: STEP-BY STEP GUIDE ..................................................................................................................... 8
DEMONSTRATION RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 CREATING A PO IN S4/HANA WITH RETURN LINE ITEMS............................................................................................. 8
3.2 FINDING THE S/4HANA PO IN ARIBA NETWORK. ...................................................................................................... 10
3.3 CREATE RETURN DELIVERY FOR ITEMS ..................................................................................................................... 12
3.4 CREATE OUTBOUND DELIVERY FOR PURCHASE ORDER ............................................................................................ 14
3.5 REVIEWING PURCHASE ORDER IN ARIBA NETWORK .................................................................................................. 15
3.6 PROCESSING A CREDIT NOTE IN ARIBA NETWORK..................................................................................................... 17
3.7 PLANT BUYER DOES A FINAL REVIEW OF THE S/4HANA PURCHASE ORDER ............................................................ 20


1.1. Highlights
The Returns Process deals in a business scenario, the company will have to send the goods back to the vendor if the
stock is of poor quality or if there is excess stock. The return to stock is done with the help of a document called
“Returns Purchase Order” and then receiving credit for the returned items. CSC will integrate these solutions with its
SAP system, to increase its efficiencies and savings and maximize its investments. Integration is fast and easy for
SAP customers like CSC thanks to the open nature of the Ariba Network and rapid deployment solutions

The script highlights following scenarios:

• Creating a PO in S4/Hana With Return Line Items.

• Finding The S/4HANA PO in Ariba Network.
• Create Return Delivery for Items in S/4HANA
• Create Outbound Delivery for S/4HANA PO
• Reviewing Purchase Order in Ariba Network
• Processing a Credit Note in Ariba Network
• Plant Buyer Does A Final Review of S/4HANA PO

1.2. Why Now?

The demo scenario helps real time electronic collaboration with your entire supply base on a global level dramatically
reducing the execution time.

1.3. Why SAP?

Key Messages for the demo scenario are as below:

✓ Easy integration with SAP S/4HANA and Ariba Supplier Network.

✓ Simple Web interface for Suppliers
✓ Suppliers have the ability to process items efficiently
✓ SAP Ariba solutions simplify procurement and supply chain processes,

1.4. Process Flow Diagram


2.1 System and User Information

S/4HANA (On-Prem) HE4, Client 400

GLA-20Q2 Landscape

Demo Users

Personal User: Your I/D/C Number

Password: Your SDC Master Password

Std User: IS_PUR

Password: Welcome1

Please only use the Standard user as a last resort. It is meant to be used only as a reference user and not a demo
user. You need set up your own user Personal user and tabs for this scenario. SolEx will give you the tiles to use
(see in Section 2.3)

If you have any questions on how to set up your user in SDE, please review this PPT:

2.2 Master Data and Suppliers

At this time all S4-Ariba scenarios will only be set up with the US Best Run Master Data sets

Company Code: 1710 (Best Run US)

Purchasing Org: 1710 (US Best Run Purchasing Org)
Purchasing Group: ZA4
Plant: 1710 (US Plant 1)
Storage Location: 171A (Std. Storage 1)

S/4 Vendors

Windy Corp. (USSU-CIG05)

Ariba Network Supplier Users

Ariba Network URL:

Windy Corp:
Password: Please go to the Password Jam Page for the updated password

Materials used

You can use almost any material which starts with MZ-SG-CIG*. Please note that some of these materials may
not have their accompanied Info Records, update and will need to check the fields noted in the script for the Info
Record to be updated.

In this scenario we have used the material MZ-SG-CIG24

(Please use materials which is not under quality inspection)

2.3 Perquisite: Setting Print Parameters for Delivery

Please follow the steps in the attached Jam link to ensure that the Return Delivery is sent to the Ariba Network at
the time of creation (Step 3.4.3):

2.4 Fiori User Set Up
In order to set up and manage your tabs, and where you place the tiles, in the Fiori Launchpad for S/4HANA, you
must review the following document before your set up of the Fiori Launch Pad (FLP):

Setting up Fiori Launchpad for S/4HANA (refresh for newer version in Jam):

Please note you need to create your own tab layout in FLP. (Your tab set up will probably not match what is seen in
this script.)

The following roles/tiles are utilized for this scenario. It is up to you to create the tabs in which the tiles will reside.
You are best person to determine which tab/tile layout is best suited for your prospect.

Use the App Finder to apply them to your Fiori Launchpad.

• You will need to setup a tile and/or Tab for the Ariba Networks' Supplier Login.

Role: ARIBA-Network

Tiles: Ariba Network - Supplier

• You will need to setup tiles for Creating and Managing a PO

Role: Purchasing – Purchase Order


Tiles: Create Purchase Order –


Manage Purchase Order

• You will need to setup tiles for Creating Delivery Items.

Role: Purchasing_SupplyChain

Tiles: My Purchase Orders Due for


• You will need to setup tiles for Post Goods Issue.

Role: Purchasing_SupplyChain

Tiles: Pick Outbound Delivery


3.1 How to Log into MG4/HE4 Fiori Launchpad in SDE (GCP)

You can launch the Fiori Launchpad for S/4HANA (MG4/HE4) when you log into SAP Demo and Education Cloud
(SDE) on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Use the following link:

• SDE Showrooms:

Please Note: There are no Direct Links for the SDE showrooms at this time. You must go through the
Showroom to get to the Fiori Launch Pad (FLP)

What to do and say What you should see

1. When the SDE Portal opens, go

to the My Landscape tile and
select it.

Please note: Please note you

would have activated the
GSA/GLA landscape already.

2. When the Landscape screen


• Select your Landscape option

from the left-hand column, so it
is highlighted
• Make sure the right-hand
column reads the SDE
Landscape you have selected
• And then select the Secure
Demo Access link to proceed.

3. When the S/4HANA Digital Core

(Gxx) screen appears, go to the
left-hand column of the new page,
and select the S/4HANA Digital
Core MG4/001, HE4/400 option.

You can use the filter in the top to

enter HE4 and select the
button to find the option.
What to do and say What you should see

4. The right-hand side of the page

will be filled with the details of the
S/4HANA Digital Core system

Check that section shows the

correct system.

5. You will need to find your ID

User. Enter the number in the
search and then select the

6. When the User appears in the

results display, select the user
and then select the Access button
to proceed.

To create a shortcut for this process, view the following video .

7. You will be brought to the FLP for

the user you selected.


Demonstration Recommendations

• Who should show this demo:

o An SE with experience in Supply Chain and S/4HANA Material Management knowledge could show
this demo, with minor amount of demo prep and value understanding.

• Who to Show this Demo to:

o To Super Users
o Daily Users
o Operational Purchasers
o Warehouse Personnel
o Not for Executives

• When to Show this Demo

o Net New SAP platform deals
o Current SAP Customer
o Current SAP customer interested in the Network and not Guided Buying
o In Non-Competitive Situations against Stand Alone Procurement competitors

• What to show
o Create PO prior demo.
▪ Talk to details of S/4 PO to save time
o Highlight the integration between Ariba Guided Buying, Ariba Network and S/4HANA
o Highlight the ease of use of the Network

4.1 Creating a Purchase Order in S4/HANA with Return Line Items

In this section, the Plant Buyer will create a Purchase Order with return item marked in S/4HANA. This PO will be
sent to the Supplier via the Ariba Network.

What to do and say What you should see

1. Select the Create Purchase

Order Advanced tile from the
Fiori Launchpad to create a PO in

Please note: The use of Personas is due to certain limitations of some Fiori transactions.

In this scenario, we are using a Persona transaction due to the inability of Manage PO Fiori transaction to support
the ‘Return PO’ option.

What to do and say What you should see

2. When the PO appears, enter in

USSU-CIG05 (Windy Corp) as the

3. Then expand the Header section

of the PO.

4. From the Header, review/enter

the Organizational Data of the

• Purch Org: 1710

• Purch Grp: ZA4 Please note: You can set up the Org Data values to default by going
• Company Code: 1710 into Personal Settings (not shown)

5. Scroll down the page and enter in

the following data in the Line

• Material: MZ-SG-CIG24
(It is better to use this material, or you
will need to use a material which is
not used for Quality Notification)
• PO Quantity: Your choice
• Delivery Date: +1 Day
• Net Price: Your choice
• Plant: 1710
• SLoc: 171A.

6. Scroll with in the section to the

right side of the screen.

7. Scroll further to the right side and

check mark to signify this PO
is for a Return Item.

8. Then select your Enter key to

update the screen.

Please Note: Confirmation Key is not enabled for Returns Purchase Orders. If you fail to mark the Return selection shown in
Step 4.1.7, you will not see the Return Purchase Order in AN.

7. Next, go to the Line Item Details

and select the Invoice tab, enter
in a Tax Code of I0 for Exempt.

Please Note: If you chose another Tax Code, note down the rate and amount, as you will need to make sure that the rate
exactly matches the Tax Rate in AN. If you fail to put any Tax code in, the Invoice sent from the Ariba Network will
fail to be received in S/4HANA.

What to do and say What you should see

8. Once you have completed your

PO update, select the Save
button found in the bottom right
hand corner.

9. Then note down your PO

Number for further use.

10. Select the Back button (<) to

return to the Home Page of the
Fiori Launchpad

Please note: If you want to show the change functionality updating in AN, which is not shown in this demo script, you will need
to leave your PO back in the Display status. If you leave the PO in change mode, the PO will lock the tables,

The PO which S/4HANA created will be sent from S/4HANA via CIG (Cloud Integration Gateway) to the Ariba
Network for the Supplier to review and confirm. For the next step, we will go to AN as the Supplier to see the Return
Purchase Order

3.2 Supplier Finds the S/4HANA Return Purchaser Order in Ariba Network.
In this section, the Supplier will sign in and look for any new Return Orders which has been sent from their customer’s
S/4HANA system.

The Supplier will then review the new PO under Extended Collaboration.

What to do and say What you should see

1. Select the Ariba-Network tile

from the Fiori Launchpad.

What to do and say What you should see

2. Enter in the Supplier ID and

Password which was used in the
PO creation step at the beginning
of the script.

3. Then select the Login button

Please note: Make sure the

Ariba Network appears at the top
of the screen, since the new UI
has an option to go to other

Please note: Currently, SSO (Single Sign On) is not working for Ariba Network.

On the day of your demo, sign in beforehand, which will cache the log in, and leave the Fiori session open. (You
can close the tab) This will allow you to avoid signing in during the demo.

4. When the Supplier Page appears,

the Supplier needs to look into
the Workbench by selecting the
New Orders options.

Please note: This script shows the Supplier Portal in the Ariba Network in Classic Mode. You can select the “Go back to
Classic Mode” option to follow this script.

5. The Supplier reviews and finds

the Order Number for the Return

The Order is a New order with a

negative value.

6. The Supplier select the PO

Number link to open the order.

Please note: Unlike our past ERP integrations the Suppliers are global and not regional. The ‘Customer’ for GLA-20Q2 is
Stratus Galaxy. This may help you avoid dupilcations from other integrations.

What to do and say What you should see

7. The Supplier reviews the

information of the Return
Purchase Orders and scrolls down
to find Line Items which is marked
as Return.

8. The Supplier has no action to be

done here. They review the
Return Items in the Purchase
Order and Click on Done

Please note: If you don’t mark the PO as Return PO then it will not show up in AN. In case you do not find the PO which you
created in S/4HANA, then review the Purchase Order you have created.

3.3 Create Return Delivery for Items

In this section, the Plant Buyer in S/4HANA creates a Return Delivery for the Return Purchase Order.

What to do and say What you should see

1. Select the My Purchase Order

Due for Delivery tile from the
Fiori Launchpad to start the

Please note: You must have performed the Prequisite of establishing a Print Parameter for your user before perfoming this
task. (Chapter 2.3)

If you have have not, the Delivery will not reach the Ariba Network.

2. The Outbound Delivery screen

will appear. Select the
Purchase Orders tab.

3. The Plant Buyer enters the

Return Purchase Order which
was created in S/4HANA

4. Once the Plant Buyer has

entered the Purchase Order
select the Execute button found
in the bottom right hand corner.

What to do and say What you should see

5. The system will present the PO

item as an option for shipment
(Outbound Delivery)

6. Select the Line Item checkbox

7. Then click on Background

button which is found in bottom
right hand corner to start

8. The Plant Buyer will see the

green light where a Delivery
has been created

9. Next, the Plant Buyer selects the

Log for Delivery Creation to
find the Delivery Number.

10. When the Log appears, select

the Line and then the
Documents button.

11. Note down the Document


12. Then select the SAP icon to

return to the FLP Home Page.

Note down the Document Number as this will be needed to create Outbound Delivery for pick up for Return Items
in the next step

3.4 Create Outbound Delivery for Purchase Order
The Delivery Document number is created in the previous section and here the Shipping Supervisor will create an
Outbound Delivery to send the return item back to the Supplier.

What to do and say What you should see

1. Select the Pick Outbound

Delivery tile from the Fiori
Launchpad to start.

2. The Receiving Supervisor enters

the Document Number created
by Outbound Delivery and then
selects Enter.

3. The Receiving Supervisor scrolls

down to Delivery items table

4. Then enters the Picked

Quantity to match the Delivered

5. When the quantities are updated,

the Supervisor, selects the Item
Checkbox. This step will
highlight the Save button.

6. Finally, select the Save button

to process the Delivery.

What to do and say What you should see

7. After the Outbound Delivery is

saved, the status is changed to
GI Ready.

8. Click Post GI to complete the


9. The Post Goods Issue

notification will be displayed,
and status is changed.

10. Material Document number will

be shown. Note it down for

11. Then select the SAP icon to

return to the FLP Home Page.

In this step, the Shipping Supervior has taken the Outbound Delivery and processed it in S/4HANA. As part of the process, the
Delivery has been shipped out to the Supplier for return.

In the next step, we will see the Supplier process the Return.

3.5 Supplier Reviews Updated Return Purchase Order in Ariba Network

The Supplier will sign in and look for Material Document which has been sent from their customer’s S/4HANA system.
The status of Purchase Order is changed to Returned

What to do and say What you should see

1. Select the Ariba-Network tile

from the Fiori Launchpad.

What to do and say What you should see

2. Enter in the Supplier ID and

Password which was used in the
PO creation step at the
beginning of the script.

3. Then select the Login button

Please note: Make sure the

Ariba Network appears at the top
of the screen, since the new UI
has an option to go to other

4. When the Supplier Page

appears, the Supplier will look
at the Overview of New Order
found in the Home page.

5. In the Orders section, the

Supplier selects the link to
S/4HANA’s PO Number to
open the Order.

6. From the Workbench Orders,

select the Purchase Order
Number from the list.

The PO will have a Status of


Please note: Unlike our past ERP integrations the Suppliers are global and not regional. The ‘Customer’ for GLA-
20Q2 is Stratus Galaxy. This may help you avoid dupilcations from other integrations.

What to do and say What you should see

7. The supplier can see that status

of Purchase Orders is changed
to Returned

8. Related Material Document is

updated and displays the
Outbound Delivery of the
retuned items

9. Stay in the Order for the next


3.6 Supplier Processes a Credit Note in Ariba Network

The Supplier creates a Credit Note for the Return Items in the Ariba Network and this document is sent to SAP

What to do and say What you should see

1. From the Order, the Supplier

select the Create Invoice >
Credit Memo for Returned
Items to start the process.

What to do and say What you should see

2. The Supplier enters in a unique

number of your choice in Credit
Memo Field, here we have
entered CMR-4892

3. Mark the Tax as Line Item Tax.

4. The Supplier scrolls down to see

the Line Items field where the
Material details will be available.

5. To add tax data to the Credit

Memo, the Supplier selects the
Tax Category checkbox, the
Item checkbox and then selects
the Add to Include Lines

6. Then Click on Next

7. The section expands and reveal

the Tax fields.

8. If the Supplier needs to update

the Tax Category, it is done

9. When the Supplier is finished

maintaining the Credit Memo,
the Next button is selected.

What to do and say What you should see

10. The Supplier is given another

opportunity to review the
contents of the Credit Memo. If
satisfy with the review, the
Supplier clicks on Submit to
save the Credit Memo

The Credit Memo is sent to

S/4HANA system.

11. The Supplier will then be asked

to Exit the Invoicing area.

12. The Order is updated with the

Credit Memo Invoice Number.

13. Select the Done button to close

the Order and finish the

14. Logout of the Ariba Network

(Not shown)

15. (Optional Step)

From the Workbench, select the

Invoice option.

16. The Line-Item Credit Memo

will be listed and will display
some of the important details.

The Credit Memo is sent to S/4HANA system.

3.7 Plant Buyer Does a Final Review of the S/4HANA Return Purchase Order
The Plant Buyer goes to S/4HANA to takes a final look at the Return Purchase Order. The Plant Buyer sees that
Return PO has the item delivery note created and invoiced.

What to do and say What you should see

1. S/4HANA selects the Manage

Purchase Orders tile from the
Fiori Launchpad

2. When the app opens, the Buyer

enters the PO Number.

3. Then select the Go button

4. When the list appears find the

PO and select the line to see
the PO.

Please note: While the Manage PO tile is a Fiori transaction, the displaying of the PO, in this case, will be using a Persona
transaction (webgui).

The use of Personas is due to the creation of the PO using a Persona app.

5. When the PO appears, the Plant

Buyer goes to the Purchase
Order History tab in the Line
Item Details.

6. The Plant Buyer sees the see

the Delivery Note in the
Purchase Order and the Credit
Memo which is sent from AN to
S/4HANA backend

What to do and say What you should see

7. The Credit Memo which

appears as Invoice receipt, you
will see the unique Invoice
Reference which the Supplier
entered in the Ariba Network.

8. Select the SAP icon to return to

the FLP Home Page.

This concludes the demo. You can select the Home button to return to the Fiori Launchpad.

This scenario should have provided you an opportunity to demonstrate an end-to-end touchless real time electronic
collaboration integration experience between the Ariba Network and S/4HANA


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