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GE Healthcare

Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Service Manual


Revision 1
Copyright© 2009 by General Electric Company Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

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GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Language Warning

Language Warning

ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ • Това упътване за работа е налично само на английски език.

(BG) • Ако доставчикът на услугата на клиента изиска друг език,
задължение на клиента е да осигури превод.
• Не използвайте оборудването, преди да сте се консултирали и
разбрали упътването за работа.
• Неспазването на това предупреждение може да доведе до
нараняване на доставчика на услугата, оператора или пациент в
резултат на токов удар или механична или друга опасност.
VÝSTRAHA • Tento provozní návod existuje pouze v anglickém jazyce.
(CS) • V případě, že externí služba zákazníkům potřebuje návod v jiném
jazyce, je zajištění překladu do odpovídajícího jazyka úkolem
• Nesnažte se o údržbu tohoto zařízení, aniž byste si přečetli tento
provozní návod a pochopili jeho obsah.
• V případě nedodržování této výstrahy může dojít k poranění
pracovníka prodejního servisu, obslužného personálu nebo pacientů
vlivem elektrického proudu, respektive vlivem mechanických či jiných
ADVARSEL • Denne servicemanual findes kun på engelsk.
(DA) • Hvis en kundes tekniker har brug for et andet sprog end engelsk, er
det kundens ansvar at sørge for oversættelse.
• Forsøg ikke at servicere udstyret medmindre denne servicemanual har
været konsulteret og er forstået.
• Manglende overholdelse af denne advarsel kan medføre skade på
grund af elektrisk, mekanisk eller anden fare for teknikeren,
operatøren eller patienten.
WARNUNG • Diese Serviceanleitung existiert nur in Englischer Sprache.
(DE) • Falls ein fremder Kundendienst eine andere Sprache benötigt, ist es
aufgabe des Kunden für eine Entsprechende Übersetzung zu sorgen.
• Versuchen Sie nicht diese Anlage zu warten,
ohne diese Serviceanleitung gelesen und verstanden zu haben.
• Wird diese Warnung nicht beachtet, so kann es zu Verletzungen des
Kundendiensttechnikers, des Bedieners oder des Patienten durch
stromschläge, Mechanische oder Sonstige gefahren kommen.

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GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Language Warning

ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ • Το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σέρβις διατίθεται στα αγγλικά μόνο.

(EL) • Εάν το άτομο παροχής σέρβις ενός πελάτη απαιτεί το παρόν εγχειρίδιο
σε γλώσσα εκτός των αγγλικών, αποτελεί ευθύνη του πελάτη να
παρέχει υπηρεσίες μετάφρασης.
• Μην επιχειρήσετε την εκτέλεση εργασιών σέρβις στον εξοπλισμό εκτός
εαν έχετε συμβουλευτεί και έχετε κατανοήσει το παρόν εγχειρίδιο
• Εαν δε λάβετε υπόψη την προειδοποίηση αυτή, ενδέχεται να
προκληθεί τραυματισμός στο άτομο παροχής σέρβις, στο χειριστή ή
στον ασθενή από ηλεκτροπληξία, μηχανικούς ή άλλους κινδύνους.
WARNING • This Service Manual is available in English only.
(EN) • If a customer's service provider requires a language other than
English, it is the customer's responsibility to provide translation
• Do not attempt to service the equipment unless this service manual
has been consulted and is understood.
• Failure to heed this warning may result in injury to the service provider,
operator, or patient, from electric shock or from mechanical or other
ATENCION • Este manual de servicio sólo existe en inglés.
(ES) • Si el encargado de mantenimiento de un cliente necesita un idioma
que no sea el inglés, el cliente deberá encargarse de la traducción del
• No se deberá dar servicio técnico al equipo, sin haber consultado y
comprendido este manual de servicio.
• La no observancia del presente aviso puede dar lugar a que el
proveedor de servicios, el operador o el paciente sufran lesiones
provocadas por causas eléctricas, mecánicas o de otra naturaleza.
HOIATUS • Käesolev teenindusjuhend on saadaval ainult inglise keeles.
(ET) • Kui klienditeeninduse osutaja nõuab juhendit inglise keelest erinevas
keeles, vastutab klient tõlketeenuse osutamise eest.
• Ärge üritage seadmeid teenindada enne eelnevalt
käesoleva teenindusjuhendiga tutvumist ja sellest aru saamist.
• Käesoleva hoiatuse eiramine võib põhjustada teenuseosutaja,
operaatori või patsiendi vigastamist elektrilöögi, mehaanilise või muu
ohu tagajärjel.

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GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Language Warning

VAROITUS • Tämä huolto-ohje on saatavilla vain englanniksi.

(FI) • Jos asiakkaan huoltohenkilöstö vaatii muuta kuin englanninkielistä
materiaalia, tarvittavan käännöksen hankkiminen on asiakkaan
• Älä yritä korjata laitteistoa ennen kuin olet varmasti lukenut ja
ymmärtänyt tämän huolto-ohjeen.
• Mikäli tätä varoitusta ei noudateta, seurauksena voi olla
huoltohenkilöstön, laitteiston käyttäjän tai potilaan vahingoittuminen
sähköiskun, mekaanisen vian tai muun vaaratilanteen vuoksi.
ATTENTION • Ce manuel de service n'est disponible qu'en anglais.
(FR) • Si le technicien du client a besoin de ce manuel dans une autre langue
que l'anglais, c'est au client qu'il incombe de le faire traduire.
• Ne pas tenter d'intervenir sur les équipements tant que le manuel
service n'a pas été consulté et compris
• Le non-respect de cet avertissement peut entraîner chez le technicien,
l'opérateur ou le patient des blessures dues à des dangers électriques,
mécaniques ou autres.
FIGYELMEZTETÉS • Ezen karbantartási kézikönyv kizárólag angol nyelven érhető el.
(HU) • Ha a vevő szolgáltatója angoltól eltérő nyelvre tart igényt, akkor a vevő
felelőssége a fordítás elkészíttetése.
• Ne próbálja elkezdeni használni a berendezést, amíg a karbantartási
kézikönyvben leírtakat nem értelmezték.
• Ezen figyelmeztetés figyelmen kívül hagyása a szolgáltató, működtető
vagy a beteg áramütés, mechanikai vagy egyéb veszélyhelyzet miatti
sérülését eredményezheti.
AÐVÖRUN • Þessi þjónustuhandbók er eingöngu fáanleg á ensku.
(IS) • Ef að þjónustuveitandi viðskiptamanns þarfnast annas tungumáls en
ensku, er það skylda viðskiptamanns að skaffa tungumálaþjónustu.
• Reynið ekki að afgreiða tækið nema að þessi þjónustuhandbók
hefur verið skoðuð og skilin.
• Brot á sinna þessari aðvörun getur leitt til meiðsla á þjónustuveitanda,
stjórnanda eða sjúklings frá raflosti, vélrænu eða öðrum áhættum.
AVVERTENZA • Il presente manuale di manutenzione è disponibile soltanto in inglese.
(IT) • Se un addetto alla manutenzione richiede il manuale in una lingua
diversa, il cliente è tenuto a provvedere direttamente alla traduzione.
• Si proceda alla manutenzione dell'apparecchiatura solo dopo aver
consultato il presente manuale ed averne compreso il contenuto
• Il non rispetto della presente avvertenza potrebbe far compiere
operazioni da cui derivino lesioni all'addetto, alla manutenzione,
all'utilizzatore ed al paziente per folgorazione elettrica, per urti
meccanici od altri rischi.

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GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Language Warning

警告 • このサービスマニュアルには英語版しかありません。
(JA) • サービスを担当される業者が英語以外の言語を要求される場合、翻訳
• このサービスマニュアルを熟読し理解せずに、装置のサービスを行わ
• この警告に従わない場合、サービスを担当される方、操作員あるいは
경고 • 본 서비스 지침서는 영어로만 이용하실 수 있습니다 .
(KO) • 고객의 서비스 제공자가 영어 이외의 언어를 요구할 경우 , 번역
서비스를 제공하는 것은 고객의 책임입니다 .
• 본 서비스 지침서를 참고했고 이해하지 않는 한은 해당 장비를
수리하려고 시도하지 마십시오 .
• 이 경고에 유의하지 않으면 전기 쇼크 , 기계상의 혹은 다른
위험으로부터 서비스 제공자 , 운영자 혹은 환자에게 위해를 가할 수
있습니다 .
BRDINJUMS • Šī apkalpes rokasgrāmata ir pieejama tikai angļu valodā.
(LV) • Ja klienta apkalpes sniedzējam nepieciešama informācija citā valodā,
nevis angļu, klienta pienākums ir nodrošināt tulkošanu.
• Neveiciet aprīkojuma apkalpi bez apkalpes rokasgrāmatas izlasīšanas
un saprašanas.
• Šī brīdinājuma neievērošana var radīt elektriskās strāvas trieciena,
mehānisku vai citu risku izraisītu traumu apkalpes sniedzējam,
operatoram vai pacientam.
ĮSPĖJIMAS • Šis eksploatavimo vadovas yra prieinamas tik anglų kalba.
(LT) • Jei kliento paslaugų tiekėjas reikalauja vadovo kita kalba – ne anglų,
numatyti vertimo paslaugas yra kliento atsakomybė.
• Nemėginkite atlikti įrangos techninės priežiūros, nebent atsižvelgėte į
šį eksploatavimo vadovą ir jį supratote.
• Jei neatkreipsite dėmesio į šį perspėjimą, galimi sužalojimai dėl
elektros šoko, mechaninių ar kitų pavojų paslaugų tiekėjui, operatoriui
ar pacientui.
WAARSCHUWING • Deze onderhoudshandleiding is enkel in het Engels verkrijgbaar.
(NL) • Als het onderhoudspersoneel een andere taal vereist, dan is de klant
verantwoordelijk voor de vertaling ervan.
• Probeer de apparatuur niet te onderhouden voordat deze
onderhoudshandleiding werd geraadpleegd en begrepen is.
• Indien deze waarschuwing niet wordt opgevolgd, zou het
onderhoudspersoneel, de operator of een patiënt gewond kunnen
raken als gevolg van een elektrische schok, mechanische of andere

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GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Language Warning

ADVARSEL • Denne servicehåndboken finnes bare på engelsk.

(NO) • Hvis kundens serviceleverandør trenger et annet språk, er det
kundens ansvar å sørge for oversettelse.
• Ikke forsøk å reparere utstyret uten at denne servicehåndboken er lest
og forstått.
• Manglende hensyn til denne advarselen kan føre til at
serviceleverandøren, operatøren eller pasienten skades på grunn av
elektrisk støt, mekaniske eller andre farer.
OSTRZEŻENIE • Niniejszy podręcznik serwisowy dostępny jest jedynie w języku
(PL) angielskim.
• Jeśli dostawca usług klienta wymaga języka innego niż angielski,
zapewnienie usługi tłumaczenia jest obowiązkiem klienta.
• Nie próbować serwisować wyposażenia bez zapoznania się i
zrozumienia niniejszego podręcznika serwisowego.
• Niezastosowanie się do tego ostrzeżenia może spowodować urazy
dostawcy usług, operatora lub pacjenta w wyniku porażenia
elektrycznego, zagrożenia mechanicznego bądź innego.
ATENÇÃO • Este manual de assistência técnica só se encontra disponível em
(PT-PT) inglês.
• Se qualquer outro serviço de assistência técnica, que não a gems,
solicitar estes manuais noutro idioma, é da responsabilidade do cliente
fornecer os serviços de tradução.
• Não tente reparar o equipamento sem ter consultado ecompreendido
este manual de assistência técnica.
• O não cumprimento deste aviso pode colocar em perigo a segurança
do técnico, do operador ou do paciente devido a choques eléctricos,
mecânicos ou outros.
ATENŢIE • Acest manual de service este disponibil numai în limba engleză.
(RO) • Dacă un furnizor de servicii pentru clienţi necesită o altă limbă decât
cea engleză, este de datoria clientului să furnizeze o traducere.
• Nu încercaţi să reparaţi echipamentul decât ulterior consultării şi
înţelegerii acestui manual de service.
• Ignorarea acestui avertisment ar putea duce la rănirea depanatorului,
operatorului sau pacientului în urma pericolelor de electrocutare,
mecanice sau de altă natură.

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GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Language Warning

ОСТОРОЖНО! • Данное руководство по обслуживанию предлагается только на

(RU) английском языке.
• Если сервисному персоналу клиента необходимо руководство не
на английском, а на каком-то другом языке, клиенту следует
самостоятельно обеспечить перевод.
• Перед обслуживанием оборудования обязательно обратитесь к
данному руководству и поймите изложенные в нем сведения.
• Несоблюдение требований данного предупреждения может
привести к тому, что специалист по обслуживанию, оператор или
пациент получат удар электрическим током, механическую травму
или другое повреждение.
UPOZORNENIE • Tento návod na obsluhu je k dispozícii len v angličtine.
(SK) • Ak zákazníkov poskytovateľ služieb vyžaduje iný jazyk ako angličtinu,
poskytnutie prekladateľských služieb je zodpovednosťou zákazníka.
• Nepokúšajte sa o obsluhu zariadenia skôr, ako si neprečítate návod
na obluhu a neporozumiete mu.
• Zanedbanie tohto upozornenia môže vyústiť do zranenia
poskytovateľa služieb, obsluhujúcej osoby alebo pacienta elektrickým
prúdom, do mechanického alebo iného nebezpečenstva.
UPOZORENJE • Ovo servisno uputstvo je dostupno samo na engleskom jeziku.
(SR) • Ako klijentov serviser zahteva neki drugi jezik, klijent je duћan da
obezbedi prevodilacke usluge.
• Ne pokuљavajte da opravite uredaj ako niste procitali i razumeli ovo
servisno uputstvo.
• Zanemarivanje ovog upozorenja moћe dovesti do povredivanja
servisera, rukovaoca ili pacijenta usled strujnog udara ili mehanickih i
drugih opasnosti.
VARNING • Den här servicehandboken finns bara tillgänglig på engelska.
(SV) • Om en kunds servicetekniker har behov av ett annat språk än
engelska ansvarar kunden för att tillhandahålla översättningstjänster.
• Försök inte utföra service på utrustningen om du inte har läst och
förstår den här servicehandboken.
• Om du inte tar hänsyn till den här varningen kan det resultera i skador
på serviceteknikern, operatören eller patienten till följd av elektriska
stötar, mekaniska faror eller andra faror.
DIKKAT • Bu servis kilavuzunun sadece ingilizcesi mevcuttur.
(TR) • Eğer müşteri teknisyeni bu kilavuzu ingilizce dişinda bir başka lisandan
talep ederse, bunu tercüme ettirmek müşteriye düşer.
• Servis kilavuzunu okuyup anlamadan ekipmanlara müdahale
• Bu uyariya uyulmamasi, elektrik, mekanik veya diğer tehlikelerden
dolayi teknisyen, operatör veya hastanin yaralanmasina yol açabilir.

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GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Language Warning

警告 • 本维修手册仅提供英文版本。
(CN) • 如果维修服务提供商需要非英文版本,客户需自行提供翻译服务。
• 未详细阅读和完全理解本维修手册之前,不得进行维修。
• 忽略本警告可能对维修人员,操作员或患者造成触电、机械伤害或其

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GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Language Warning

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GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Definition of Warnings and Notes

Definition of Warnings and Notes


Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.


Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in minor or
moderate injury.
! Notice:
Used for instructions to the user to prevent damage to property.
Used to draw attention to information that is important for the user to know. Page no. 11

GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Definition of Warnings and Notes

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GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Language Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Definition of Warnings and Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Publication Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1. Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2. Conventions for this Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3. Useful Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
How To Use this Manual: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Acronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Product Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
1. New Features in AW 4.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2. Product Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3. Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Chapter 1: Installation
1. Advantage workstation configuration form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2. Installation guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2-1 Required Hardware Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2-2 Required Software Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2-3 Further Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2-4 Installation / re–installation flowcharts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Job Card IST000 - Installation/re-installation Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
1. New System Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
1-1 New system installation flowchart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2. Add a SCSI hardware option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3. Add an Application (software option) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4. Second Monitor upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5. Demo Exams installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
6. Re-installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
6-1 AW software re-installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
6-2 Load From Cold: O.S. and AW software re-installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
7. Installation Job Cards List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Job Card IST001A - Workstation physical installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
1. Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
2. Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3. Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4. Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5. Tools and Parts Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Page no. 13

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6. Unpacking Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
6-1 Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
6-2 Unpack Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
7. Physical Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
7-1 HP Workstation unpacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
7-2 Memory Extension Option Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
7-3 Line Voltage Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
7-4 Power Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
7-5 Video Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
7-6 Mouse connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
7-7 Keyboard connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
7-8 Network Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
8. External SCSI Connection (MOD drive) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Job Card IST001B - Software installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
1. Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2. Pre-requisite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3. Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4. Installation procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5. Site Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Job Card IST002 - Site configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
1. Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2. Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3. Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4. Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
5. Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
5-1 Configuration through the CSD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
5-2 Additional Site parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
5-3 NEC LCD Monitors Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Job Card IST003 - Postscript and DICOM Printer declaration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
1. Tools required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
2. Safety precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
3. Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
4. Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4-1 Test the network connection to the printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4-2 Postscript Printer Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4-3 Printing in A3 format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
5. Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5-1 Declare the DICOM printer(s) to the AW Workstation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Job Card IST004 - Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
1. Tools required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
2. Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

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3. Launch the Configuration Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

3-1 Start the Common Service Desktop (CSD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
3-2 Start the Utilities Tool menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4. Check PNF Firewall Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
5. RIS synchronization - CCOW and Softswitch options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
5-1 Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
5-2 CCOW Option Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
5-3 SoftSwitch Option Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5-4 CCOW / RIS-IC / SoftSwitch Installation on HIS/RIS PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
6. Software Download (SWD) Client configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
6-1 Pre-requisite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
6-2 SWD Configuration steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
6-3 GE Remote Update (SWD) process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
6-4 Manual execution of GE Remote Update (SWD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
6-5 GE Remote Update Troubleshoot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
6-6 GE Remote Update Preventive Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
7. Applications Compatibility Checker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
8. Preferences Sharing Manager configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
8-1 Pre-requisite for PSM server setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
8-2 PSM Server Configuration steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
8-3 PSM Server Administration steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
8-4 Using the Preferences Sharing Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Job Card IST005 - Applications installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
1. Prerequisite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
2. Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
2-1 Application(s) License key(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
2-2 Application(s) installation / configuration foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
3. Tools required: Elicense Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
3-1 Checking or generating licenses with eLicense tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
3-2 Writing licenses on the USB key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
4. Safety precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
5. Installation/configuration procedure using Easy Install . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
5-1 Installing Applications from the Hard disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
5-2 Installing applications from CDrom (or DVDrom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
5-3 Installing Applications from the DVD collector using EASY-INSTALL. . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
5-4 AW Apps installation and error messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
6. Appendix: Manual procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
6-1 Installation/uninstallation examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
6-2 Dentascan installation example: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Job Card IST006 - Advanced Applications Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
1. Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
2. Tools required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
3. Prerequisite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
4. Safety precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Page no. 15

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5. Volume viewer applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

5-1 Pre-requisite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
5-2 Volume Viewer Applications Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
5-3 Volume Viewer Apps Licensing summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
5-4 Installation/uninstallation procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
5-5 Volume Viewer Applications Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
5-6 Applications shortcuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
6. Reporting Tool application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
6-1 Pre-requisite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
6-2 Application Workflow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
6-3 Installation/uninstallation procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
7. GSI viewer application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
8. Motion vue application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
9. Innova 3DXR application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Job Card IST007 - Advantage Workstation declaration on Image source . . . . . . . . . 149
1. Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
2. Tools required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
3. Safety precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
4. Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
5. Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
5-1 AW4.5 declaration on Genesis based sources
(SIGNA 5.X, MR Horizon, CT HLA/HSA...). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
5-2 AW4.5 declaration on non Genesis based sources (SIGNA 4.X). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
5-3 AW4.5 declaration on CT9800 IMAGE SOURCES - VIA CT9800–IDLINK2. . . . . . . . 149
5-4 AW4.5 declaration on GE DICOM Systems (DLX, CT/i, CT Synergy,
MR Horizon LX, MR Contour...) and Foreign devices using DICOM protocol. . . . . . 149
5-5 AW4.5 declaration on YMS based sources (CT Sytec family, CT ProSpeed family,
MR Vectra).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
5-6 AW4.5 declaration on AW1.2 and AW2.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
5-7 AW4.5 declaration on AW3.1 and AW4.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
5-8 AW4.5 declaration on AW4.1 / 4.1P, AW4.2 / 4.2P and AW4.3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
5-9 AW4.5 declaration on AW4.4 and AW4.5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
5-10 AW4.5 declaration on AWServer product. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Job Card IST008 - InSite configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
1. Insite overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
2. Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
3. Tools required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
4. Safety precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
5. Hardware installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
6. Software installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
6-1 Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
6-2 Install.insite script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
6-3 Set the ip_forwarding parameter to "on" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
6-4 insite.config script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

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7. ILINQ & RCOC/TVA start up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

8. Insite configuration backup and restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
8-1 Save InSite configuration on the AW Configuration Cdrom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
8-2 InSite Configuration Restore from the AW Configuration Cdrom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
9. Insite uninstallation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Job Card IST009 - Final settings, checks and Turnover to the Customer . . . . . . . . . 165
1. Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
2. Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
3. Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
4. Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
5. Basic checks and settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
5-1 Viewer basic checks using the Demo Exams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
5-2 Advanced Applications basic checks using the Demo Exams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
5-3 Communication Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
5-4 Direct Connect communication tests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
5-5 Postscript printers tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
5-6 Dicom printers tests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
5-7 LCD color landscape monitor(s) adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
5-8 LCD color landscape monitor(s) calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
5-9 Check InSite/iLinq/RCOC configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
6. Declare a DNS and/or NTP server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
6-1 Declare a DNS server installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
6-2 Declare a NTP server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
7. Define user(s) login account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
7-1 Define local user accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
7-2 Define User accounts through EA3 Authentication Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
8. Final settings and checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
8-1 Mouse acceleration and threshold settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
8-2 Change the passwords for your site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
9. Save Site’s Parameters on the Configuration CD-ROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
9-1 Display the current AW Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
9-2 Save all site’s parameters on the AW Config CDROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
10. Configuration Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
11. Fill up the ICD cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
12. Store Software and Manuals in a safe location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
13. Turnover to Customer steps checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Job Card IST010 - AW application software reload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
1. Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
2. Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
3. Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
4. load from warm: installation guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
5. Pre-requisite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Page no. 17

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6. load from warm procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

6-1 PART 1: AW software reload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
6-2 PART 2: Start the CSD tool and reinstall parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Job Card IST011 - Software Reload from Cold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
1. Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
2. Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
3. Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
4. Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
5. Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
5-1 Software Reload procedure using the AW4.5 Fast Load DVD-ROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
5-2 Software Reload for using GEHC OS DVD-ROM and AW4.5 CD-ROM . . . . . . . . . . 198
5-3 Recreate Configuration Cd-ROM and restore the configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
5-4 Utilities and Optional Applications re-installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
5-5 Final configuration steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
5-6 Turnover to Customer Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Job Card IST012 - Demo Exams Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
1. Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
2. Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
3. Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
4. Pre-requisite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
5. Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206

Chapter 2: Upgrade
1. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
2. Tools required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
3. Safety precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
4. Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
5. Patient image restore procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
5-1 Network images transfer time calculation for a Peer To Peer Connection . . . . . . . . . 208
5-2 Images transfer procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
6. Upgrade guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
6-1 AW1.2 upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
6-2 AW2.0 upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
6-3 AW3.1 upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
6-4 AW4.0 upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
6-5 AW4.1 / AW4.1 P/ AW4.2 upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
6-6 AW4.2P /AW4.3 upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
6-7 AW4.4 upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
7. Old system, image files deletion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
8. Old hardware return process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
8-1 Return Procedure for Americas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
8-2 Return Procedure for ASIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
8-3 Return Procedure for Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214

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9. Restore capability for AW3.1/AW4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215

10. Restore capability for AW4.1’S/AW4.2’S/AW4.3/AW4.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215

Chapter 3: Common procedures

1. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
2. Common procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
2-1 Basic Linux Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
2-2 Restart Advantage Workstation Application from the Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
2-3 Shutdown Advantage Workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
2-4 Advantage Workstation and Site Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
2-5 Adobe Acrobat Reader Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
2-6 Advantage Workstation Database Recovery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
2-7 Using the SMPTE Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
3. On–Line documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
3-1 Access to the Operator’s documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
3-2 Access to Service documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230

Chapter 4: Troubleshooting
1. Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
2. Troubleshooting guide HP XW8600 and XW8400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
3. Troubleshooting job cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Job Card TSG001 - Initialization phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
1. Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
2. problems occuring at power up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
3. Problems encountered before login as SDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
3-1 Run the HP Diagnostics Utility for Reliability Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
3-2 For Disk Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
3-3 For Problems Encountered Before Booting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
4. Steps and problems encountered after login as SDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Job Card TSG002 - Application is running . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
1. Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
2. Problems description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
3. PNF firewall settings remote checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Job Card TSG003 - Filesystems checks and repair - Daily backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
1. Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
2. Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
3. Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
4. Filesystems checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
4-1 Running the FSCK utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
4-2 Checking for the Filesystem full error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
4-3 Other useful commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
5. Daily Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 Page no. 19

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5-1 Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245

5-2 Restore the AW Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
5-3 Daily_backup time change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
6. Filesystem repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
6-1 Foreword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
6-2 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
7. Log files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
7-1 To read the Log files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
7-2 To read compressed Log files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
7-3 To write the logfiles on a diskette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
7-4 To write the logfiles on a USB key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
8. Internal System and images disks organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Job Card TSG004 - Reformatting and/or repartitioning disks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
1. Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
2. Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
3. Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
4. Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Job Card TSG005 - Using HP InSight Diagnostics Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
1. Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
2. Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
3. Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
4. Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Job Card TSG006 - Troubleshooting Network problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
1. Safety Precautions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
2. Monitoring commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
3. Using HP diagnostics tool Cdrom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Job Card TSG007 - Using a USB key for Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
1. Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
2. Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
3. Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
4. Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Job Card TSG008 - NEC LCD 1980SXi/1990SXI software known issues . . . . . . . . . . 267
1. Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
2. Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
3. Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
4. Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
4-1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
4-2 First Installation Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
4-3 Automatic Auto–Adjust Parameter Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
4-4 Blank Screen Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269

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Job Card TSG009 - Logfiles information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271

1. Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
2. logfiles information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
2-1 Installation logfiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
2-2 Logfiles List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
2-3 Reading Logfiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
3. Using the SDC_CRASH utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Job Card TSG010 - Information about Running Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
1. Processes and brief explanation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
2. Restartable processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
2-1 Restarting the BROWSER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
2-2 Application Hung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
3. Root menu scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
Job Card TSG011 - Service Tools - Common Service Desktop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
1. Accessing the common service desktop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
1-1 Locally on the workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
1-2 Remote access from another AW (or another host) on the network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
1-3 Remote access from InSite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
2. Using the Service Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
2-1 Error log Viewer menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
2-2 Diagnostics menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
2-3 Configuration menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
2-4 Utilities menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
2-5 Image Quality/Calibration/Replacement/PM menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
2-6 Anonymous maker tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
Job Card TSG012 - Create a BIOS Cdrom and flash the Firmware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
1. Check the BIOS and firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
2. Create a XW8400 flash CDROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
2-1 From an XW8400 workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
2-2 From a PC Personal Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
3. Flash the XW8400 BIOS and Firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
4. Create a XW8600 flash CDROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
5. Flash the XW8600 BIOS and Firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290

Chapter 5: Disassembly / reassembly procedures

1. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
2. Tools required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
3. Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
4. Safety precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
5. Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
5-1 HP workstation disassembly/reassembly procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
5-2 Parts replacement instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 Page no. 21

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5-3 Computer box replacement procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293

5-4 CPU box swap. Do not leave on site the following items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
5-5 CPU box swap. Fill up the new CE rating plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
5-6 Fill up the new ICD card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
5-7 Send back the defective unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297

Chapter 6: Renewal parts

Chapter 7: DICOM Filming
1. Interconnection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
2. Trouble shooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
2-1 Laser Imager Error Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
2-2 Error and Status Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
3. Checks and utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
3-1 Communication Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
3-2 Utility Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
3-3 Accessing and using the log file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
3-4 Changing the Print AET of your AW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
3-5 Older DICOM Printers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307

Chapter 8: Options
1. Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
1-1 SCSI Hardware options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
1-2 Non SCSI Hardware options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
1-3 Applications (Software options) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
1-4 Other options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
2. DICOM optical disk drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
3. Add second monitor option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
3-1 Add 2nd Flat Panel LCD Color Landscape (1L1 >>> 2L1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
4. Memory add–on option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
4-1 XW8400 Workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
4-2 XW8600 Workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
5. Applications (software options) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
5-1 Volume viewer applications package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
5-2 Reporting tool package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
5-3 CT and Fusion applications collector package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
5-4 MR applications collector package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
5-5 X–ray applications collector package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
5-6 PET and Networking applications collector package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
5-7 Other software Application(s) package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
6. Other options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
6-1 Insite option. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315

Chapter 9: Networking
1. Network configuration samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
1-1 Basic Hospital (Dicom) Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
1-2 Basic Hospital (Dicom) Network with "AW Server" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318

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1-3 Older Network configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318

2. AW host declaration on the image sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
2-1 AW4.5 Declaration on Unix / Linux Based Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
2-2 AW4.5 Declaration on GENESIS Based Source. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
2-3 AW4.5 Declaration on non Genesis Based Source. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
2-4 AW4.5 Host Declaration on CT9800 Image Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
2-5 AW4.5 Host Declaration on "Third Party" Dicom Devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
2-6 AW4.4 Declaration on DRS / DLX Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
2-7 AW4.4 Declaration on YMS Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
3. Networking overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
3-1 General Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
3-2 Routing Table Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
3-3 Emergency procedure: Forcing the network speed and mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
3-4 More information on subnetworks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
3-5 Netmask Declaration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336

Chapter 10: Planned Maintenance

Scenario PM000 - Planned Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
1. Job Cards list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
2. Preventive actions checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
Job Card PM001 - Cleaning/checking Monitors, Keyboard, mouse and cables. . . . 343
1. Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
2. Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
3. Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
4. Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
5. Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
6. Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
6-1 Monitors Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
6-2 Keyboard and mouse cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
6-3 Workstation cleaning procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
6-4 Cables visual checks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Job Card PM002 - Site Parameters Back-Up and GIB ckecks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
1. Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
2. Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
3. Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
4. Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
5. procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
5-1 Site Parameters Back-up on a CD-ROM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
5-2 Site Parameters Restore from a CD-ROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
5-3 GIB declaration checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Job Card PM003 - DICOM Printer Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
1. Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 Page no. 23

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2. Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
3. Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
4. Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
5. procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
5-1 DICOM Printer adjustments and checks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Job Card PM004 - Filesystems checks - Applications compatibility checks -
Software Download checks.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
1. Filesystems checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
1-1 Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
1-2 Tools required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
1-3 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
2. Applications compatibility checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
2-1 Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
2-2 Tools required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
2-3 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
3. Software Download checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
Job Card PM005 - System battery replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
1. Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
2. Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
2-1 Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
2-2 Tools required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
2-3 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
Job Card PM006 - Color Landscape Monitor(s) Adjustment Check. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
1. Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
2. Viewing Conditions Check and Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
2-1 Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
2-2 Tools required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
2-3 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357

Appendix 1: Glossary & Linux commands

1. Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
2. Linux commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373

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GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Publication Presentation

Publication Presentation

1 Scope
This Volume Share 4/ AW4.5 Service manual is to be used for the AW4.5 release running on the
HP XW8400 and XW8600 Workstation.
It is not supported on the XW8200 workstation.



VolumeShare 4 is the name of the product delivered to the customer.
It can be found under 2 main configurations and is running on the new AW4.5 hardware platform:
VolumeShare 4 with Volume Viewer 4 applications
VolumeShare 4 without Volume Viewer 4 applications.
It is also the new platform for Seno Advantage 2.2 product.
Chapter 1: Installation
Refer first to the Flowcharts to find out which Job Card(s) you need to follow, depending on the
task you want to perform. Then follow step by step the instructions given in the mentionned Job
Card(s), in order to either install a new system and its optional devices or advanced applications,
or to re–install it after a system crash or software upgrade. Each time additional information is
necessary in order to set–up an optional device, you will be warned to get it from Chapter 8 at the
corresponding Section or paragraph.
Chapter 2: Upgrades
This chapter gives information about the various proposed upgrades.
Chapter 3: Common Procedures
This chapter gives information about the various LINUX commands necessary for System
Chapter 4: Troubleshooting
This chapter gives troubleshooting information and tips to ease diagnostics of hardware and
Chapter 5: Disassembly/reassembly
This chapter is a link to the hardware manufacturer(s) Service manuals. It summarizes the
disassembly/reassembly procedures and gives references to the appropriate manual.
Chapter 6: Renewal Parts
Find there the necessary part number for the Field Replaceable Unit, you need to order.
Chapter 7: Filming
This chapter gives information about connection to the various validated Laser Cameras.
Chapter 8: Options
This chapter gives additional information about the optional devices and softwares. You will refer
to it, in order to check if needing first to setup a device (i.e: dip switch) before attempting to
connect and declare it to the workstation.
Chapter 9: Networking
This chapter gives additional information about networking, such as subnetworks and routers. Page no. 25

GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Publication Presentation

Chapter 10: Preventive Maintenance

This chapter gives the preventive maintenance procedures, as well as the check lists.
Appendix : Glossary and LINUX commands
Glossary of terms used in this manual, and summary of the most usual LINUX commands.

2 Conventions for this Manual

Text and Messages in a Command Window are shown using the Courier font:
e.g : Do you want to continue [y,n,?,??,q]
Responses or commands to be typed in by the FE appear in bold characters:
e.g : ./
The Return or Enter hardkey is shown in bold characters and between brackets:
e.g : [Enter] or <Enter>
Keyboard hardkeys are shown in bold characters and between brackets:
e.g : <Alt> <F3>
Pull down menu selections, to be selected by the FE appear in bold characters e.g:

3 Useful Links
If you run into problems during installation or maintenance of your AW, or want to check if some
additional information exists on known issues, please consult the following Web sites:
• AW-IB web site:
Click on Service Manuals to get AW SM(s)
• HP Service information:

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GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

How To Use this Manual:

How To Use this Manual:

In electronic version of this manual, cross-references appear in blue italics and are aimed to be
advantageously used as hypertext links to facilitate the navigation inside the manual.


Go To Follow this scenario to

Chapter 1 Job Card IST000 - install a new product
Installation/re-installation on site.

Illustration 2 ADD NEW SCSI OPTION

The Dicom MOD drive SCSI option is no longer supported on VolumeShare 4.
Therefore, there are no more external SCSI options available with AW workstations.


Applications shall preferably be installed/configured through the AW User Interface Admin/Install
packages (Easy- Install) tool menu. See Chapter 1, IST005.
However, they can also be installed one by one using the following scheme.
This can be interresting to install "pre-loaded" applications remotely for example: Page no. 27

GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

How To Use this Manual:



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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

How To Use this Manual:


Illustration 7 SECOND MONITOR UPGRADE Page no. 29

GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100



AW / AW4.5 Advantage Workstation / Advantage Workstation 4.5 release

CD / DVD CDrom / DVDrom
CSD Common Service Desktop
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
DC Direct Connect option
DPMS Display Power Management System
DNS Dynamic Network server
FL / FLS Floating License / Floating License Server
LCD Liquid Cristal Display
MOD Magneto Optical Disk
NIC (card) Network Interface Controller (card)
NTP Network Time Protocol (server)
PSM Preferences Sharing Manager
SM Service Manual
SWD Software Download
USB Universal Serial Bus

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GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Product Presentation

Product Presentation

1 New Features in AW 4.5

Table 1 New Features in AW

New Features Description Service


Language Policy From 1st January 2008, and to be effective prior to end of Q1/ 2008, for the
below listed European countries, it is mandatory to provide and install a
local language keyboard corresponding to the language of the User

For the following European countries

- *Belgium, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Italy,
Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, *Switzerland:
• Installing the local language keyboard is mandatory.
• Configuring the local language is mandatory.
• Because of different key mapping of keyboards, to facilitate installation,
LFC procedure shall be performed using the default US standard
keyboard also delivered. The local keyboard will be installed later during
configuration steps.

*For countries like Belgium and Switzerland, where different languages are
used depending on the geographical location, it is at the convenience of the
user to select the language and the appropriate keyboard, in compliance
with the local regulations.
The US standard keyboard is still delivered by default.

For other countries

• A US standard keyboard is delivered by default and the user’s interface
is configured in english as well.
• For some of these countries where the local language corresponds to a
european language (see list above), it is at the convenience of the user
to order a local keyboard and to ask to configure the user’s interface with
this language.

New / updated New Updated Volume Viewer 9.X applications support

Applications New GSI Viewer and Motion VUE applications support
AW Innova support

Preferences Preferences sharing manager to allow sharing between AW4.5 stations User
Sharing preferences, protocols and other settings.

Postfetch To allow retrieving older exams archived on a Dicom host such as PACS.

RIS synchro RIS synchro enhancement (RIS-IC) to support non-CCOW RIS

DPMS support Allows to limit the monitors power on time Page no. 31

GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Product Presentation

2 Product Composition
The Volume Share 4 (AW4.5) includes the following:

• The Volume Share 4/AW4.5 Multi-modality hardware Platform:

• 1 HP XW8600 workstation
• 1 US English USB Keyboard
• 1 USB Mouse and its pad
• 1 Multi-countries power cords set
• 1 Ethernet RJ45 cable
• 1 dual DVI-I connectors Y video cable

• 1 Volume Share 4/AW4.5 Service docs set

• 1 or 2 Color LCD Monitor(s):

• 1 Landscape NEC1990SXI LCD color monitor including:
• 1 DVI-D/DVI-D video cable
• 1 DVI/VGA video cable (DO NOT use)

• Software set:
• 1 USB key containing AW License keys
• 2 AW4.5 Fast Load DVD-ROMs (1 for xw8600, 1 for xw8400)
• 4 DVDs with major Applications
• 1 set of Demo Exams CD/DVDs
• AW4.5 Service Docs CD-ROM
• HP Hardware Diagnostics CD-ROM
• BIOS CD for XW8600

Additionnaly, VolumeShare 4 / AW4.5 can run on the HP XW8400 workstation of the Installed Base.


The HP XW8200 workstation and previous hardware platforms are not supported.

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GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Product Presentation

3 Applicability
Table 2 AW Product Hardware History

Program AW4.4 Upgrade M3 Product M4 product

CPU Box Identification Manufacturing 5183547-32 5314326-2

Label (Model number)

Hardware HP xw8400 HP xw8600

System Board BIOS Version V2.24b or higher V1.33 or higher

Table 3 AW Software History

Configuration M3 release M4 release x x

Operating System GEHC OS for

Release AW4.5_02 DVD-
ROM P/N: 5340585
or higher.

AW4.5 Platform AW4.5__02 S/W +

ROM P/N: 5340586
or higher.

Fast Load DVD- AW 4.5_02 Fast

ROM XW8600 Load From Cold
5340584 or higher.

Fast Load DVD- AW 4.5_02 Fast

ROM XW8400 Load From Cold
5340583 or higher. Page no. 33

GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Product Presentation

Table 4 How to Determine the Configuration of a AW Product

Method From Do this Analyze results

Manufacturing CPU box top - Read the Manufacturing

Identification side Identification Label

Check BIOS PhoenixBios Bios version can be checked from HP See table 3 above.
version Setup Utility Invent screen at boot. It is displayed on
screen the screen bottom left corner.

It can also be checked as follows:

- Switch on the workstation or reset the
workstation by pressing on the Reset
button of the workstation.
- Enter the BIOS setup menu by
pressing on the <F10> key, when
- Select System Information in File
menu then check System Bios version
is V1.21 or higher.
- Exit from the PhoenixBios Setup
Utility screen by pressing the <Esc>
key then select Exit Discarding
Changes and press <Enter>.

Check Operating Command - Open a command window GEHC/CTT Linux version

System version line - Enter: more /etc/redhat-release i.e: GEHC/CTT 5.3.10

Check AW4.5 Patient List - Click Display Configuration button AW4.5_xx_EXT (where xx is
Platform release from the Admin menu the release number)
- Read the AW Version line i.e: AW4.5_02.100

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GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100


Chapter 1 Installation

This chapter contains all information necessary for installation of a new XW8600 Volume Share 4
(AW4.5).product, as well as upgrading an existing XW8400 workstation of the Installed Base:

1 Advantage workstation configuration form

Complete this form at the end of installation.
Leave it attached to the site’s Service Manual. Upgrade it for each new option or software release.
SERIAL NUMBER: ..............................................................................
HOSTNAME: ..............................................................................
IP ADDRESS: ..............................................................................
NETMASK: ..............................................................................
DEFAULT ROUTER IP ADDRESS: ..............................................................................
DIRECT-CONNECT IP ADDRESS: ..............................................................................
DIRECT-CONNECT NETMASK ..............................................................................
ROOT PASSWORD: ..............................................................................
SDC PASSWORD: ..............................................................................
SDC_ADMIN PASSWORD: ..............................................................................
LICENSE ID (licenseId command): ..............................................................................
HOSPITAL NAME & ADDRESS: ..............................................................................
CUSTOMER NAME & EMAIL: ..............................................................................
SYSTEM ORDER (GON ; SO nr): ..............................................................................
SYSTEM ID (SysID): ..............................................................................
APPLICATIONS SUPPORT PHONE Nr: ..............................................................................
SALES SUPPORT PHONE Nr: ..............................................................................
USER INTERFACE LANGUAGE: ..............................................................................
KEYBOARD LANGUAGE: ..............................................................................
AW SOFTWARE INITIAL RELEASE: AW4.5 ...................................................................
AW SOFTWARE UPGRADE RELEASE: ..............................................................................
AW SOFTWARE LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
SA SOFTWARE INITIAL RELEASE: SA22 .....................................................................
SA SOFTWARE UPGRADE RELEASE: ..............................................................................
SA SOFTWARE LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
PREMIUM VIEW LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
FLOATING LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
VOLUME VIEWER LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
VOLUME VIEWER PET LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
AUTOLAUNCH LICENSE KEY: .............................................................................. Page no. 35 Chapter 1

GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100


AVA XPRESS LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................

VESSEL IQ XPRESS LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
ADVANTAGE CTC PLUS LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
ADVANTAGE CTC PRO LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
ADVANTAGE CTC PRO 3D LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
COLON VCAR LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
ADVANTAGE ALA LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
LUNG VCAR LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
CARDIQ XPRESS 2.0 PLUS LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
CARDIQ XPRESS 2.0 PRO LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
CARDIQ XPRESS 2.0 ELITE LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
CARDIQ FUSION PET LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
CARDIQ FUSION SPECT LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
CARDEP LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
AUTOBONE LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
AUTOBONE XPRESS LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
In ROOM 3D LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
PET VCAR LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
CARDIQ FUNCTION XPRESS LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
THORACIC VCAR LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
VOLUME VIEWER MR LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
VOLUME VIEWER BASE LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
INTEGRATED REGISTRATION LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
DYNAMIC SHUTTLE LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
DENTASCAN LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
DENTASCAN PLUS LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
CT PERFUSION LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
ADVANTAGE 4D LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
ADVANTAGE SIM MD LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
SMARTSCORE LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
CT MR FUSION LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
CT PET FUSION LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
FUNCTOOL PERFORMANCE LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
FUNCTOOL SPECTROSCOPY LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
FUNCTOOL DIFFUSION TENSOR LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
FUNCTOOL DIFFUSION TENSOR ..............................................................................
FUNCTOOL BRAINSTAT LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
BRAINWAVE LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
CADSTREAM LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
MR PASTING LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................

Chapter 1 Page no. 36

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100


ADVANTAGE PASTE LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................

STENOSIS ANALYSIS LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
LEFT VENTRUCULE ANALYSIS LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................
REMOTE ACCESS LICENSE KEY: ..............................................................................

NETWORK HOST #1: Type:............................................

Hostname:.....................................IP Address:...................................Netmask:..............................
Protocol:........................................Port Number:................................AE Title:................................
Direct Connect IP Address.....................................Direct Connect Netmask:..................................
Query/Retrieve supported: ........Y.......N
Storage Commitment :
SC IP address:............................SC Port Number:...........................SC AE Title:.............................

NETWORK HOST #2: Type:............................................

Hostname:.....................................IP Address:...................................Netmask:..............................
Protocol:........................................Port Number:................................AE Title:................................
Direct Connect IP Address.....................................Direct Connect Netmask:..................................
Query/Retrieve supported: ........Y.......N
Storage Commitment :
SC IP address:............................SC Port Number:...........................SC AE Title:.............................

NETWORK HOST #3: Type:............................................

Hostname:.....................................IP Address:...................................Netmask:..............................
Protocol:........................................Port Number:................................AE Title:................................
Direct Connect IP Address.....................................Direct Connect Netmask:..................................
Query/Retrieve supported: ........Y.......N
Storage Commitment :
SC IP address:............................SC Port Number:...........................SC AE Title:............................. Page no. 37 Chapter 1

GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100


NETWORK HOST #4: Type:............................................

Hostname:.....................................IP Address:...................................Netmask:..............................
Protocol:........................................Port Number:................................AE Title:................................
Direct Connect IP Address.....................................Direct Connect Netmask:..................................
Query/Retrieve supported: ........Y.......N
Storage Commitment :
SC IP address:............................SC Port Number:...........................SC AE Title:.............................

NETWORK HOST #5: Type:............................................

Hostname:.....................................IP Address:...................................Netmask:..............................
Protocol:........................................Port Number:................................AE Title:................................
Direct Connect IP Address.....................................Direct Connect Netmask:..................................
Query/Retrieve supported: ........Y.......N
Storage Commitment :
SC IP address:............................SC Port Number:...........................SC AE Title:.............................

NETWORK HOST #6: Type:............................................

Hostname:.....................................IP Address:...................................Netmask:..............................
Protocol:........................................Port Number:................................AE Title:................................
Direct Connect IP Address.....................................Direct Connect Netmask:..................................
Query/Retrieve supported: ........Y.......N
Storage Commitment :
SC IP address:............................SC Port Number:...........................SC AE Title:.............................

NETWORK HOST #7: Type:............................................

Hostname:.....................................IP Address:...................................Netmask:..............................
Protocol:........................................Port Number:................................AE Title:................................
Direct Connect IP Address.....................................Direct Connect Netmask:..................................
Query/Retrieve supported: ........Y.......N
Storage Commitment :
SC IP address:............................SC Port Number:...........................SC AE Title:.............................

NETWORK HOST #8: Type:............................................

Hostname:.....................................IP Address:...................................Netmask:..............................
Protocol:........................................Port Number:................................AE Title:................................
Direct Connect IP Address.....................................Direct Connect Netmask:..................................
Query/Retrieve supported: ........Y.......N
Storage Commitment :
SC IP address:............................SC Port Number:...........................SC AE Title:.............................

Chapter 1 Page no. 38

GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

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NETWORK PRINTER #1: Type:.........................................

Hostname: ................................ IP Address:. .............................. Netmask: ..................................
Protocol: ................................... Port Number: ............................ AE Title: ....................................
12 bits support: ......................... Life Size support:...................... Color support: ...........................

NETWORK PRINTER #2: Type:.........................................

Hostname: ................................ IP Address:. .............................. Netmask: ..................................
Protocol: ................................... Port Number: ............................ AE Title: ....................................
12 bits support: ......................... Life Size support:...................... Color support: ...........................

NETWORK PRINTER #3: Type:.........................................

Hostname: ................................ IP Address:. .............................. Netmask: ..................................
Protocol: ................................... Port Number: ............................ AE Title: ....................................
12 bits support: ......................... Life Size support:...................... Color support: ...........................

NETWORK PRINTER #4: Type:.........................................

Hostname: ................................ IP Address:. .............................. Netmask: ..................................
Protocol: ................................... Port Number: ............................ AE Title: ....................................
12 bits support: ......................... Life Size support:...................... Color support: ...........................

NETWORK PRINTER #5: Type:.........................................

Hostname: ................................ IP Address:. .............................. Netmask: ..................................
Protocol: ................................... Port Number: ............................ AE Title: ....................................
12 bits support: ......................... Life Size support:...................... Color support: ...........................

NETWORK PRINTER #6: Type:.........................................

Hostname: ................................ IP Address:. .............................. Netmask: ..................................
Protocol: ................................... Port Number: ............................ AE Title: ....................................
12 bits support: ......................... Life Size support:...................... Color support: ........................... Page no. 39 Chapter 1

GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100


2 Installation guide

AW4.5 is not supported on the HP XW8200 workstation of the Installed Base.






Illustration 1 Advantage Workstation HP XW8600 / XW8400 Basic Overview

2-1 Required Hardware Environment

2-1-1 HP XW8600 Workstation hardware comprising:
• 1 x 3.4 GHz quad core CPU module on Mother board.
• RAM 4096 MB ( 2 x 2048 MB modules).
• One internal 146 GByte SAS 15000 rpm disk for System files.
• Two internal 146 GByte SAS 15000 rpm disks for Images files.
• One 3 1/2” floppy disk drive.
• One Internal DVD/CD–R writer drive.
• Power cables, connectors, internal speaker, keyboard, mouse and pad.
• One additional Single Port Gigabit PCI Ethernet board .
• One NVIDIA 290NVS 128 MB Graphic board.
• One DVI-D double output Y Adapter cable (connect Master monitor to connector labeled 1).

Chapter 1 Page no. 40

GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100


2-1-2 HP XW8400 Workstation hardware comprising:

• 2 x 3 GHz dual core CPU modules on Mother board.
• RAM 4096 MB (4 x 1024 MB modules or 2 x 2048 MB).
• One internal 73 GByte SAS 15000 rpm disk for System files.
• Two internal 146 GByte SAS 15000 rpm disks for Images files.
• One 3 1/2” floppy disk drive.
• One Internal DVD/CD–R writer drive.
• Power cables, connectors, internal speaker, keyboard, mouse and pad.
• One additional Single Port Gigabit PCI Ethernet board .
• One NVIDIA 285NVS 128 MB Graphic board.
• One DVI–D double output Y Adapter cable (connect Master monitor to connector labeled 1).



2-1-3 Common items to the workstations

RJ45 Ethernet connection.


• Color Printer connected to network (DIA, see Chapter 8).
• Greyscale Printer connected to network (DIA, see Chapter 8).
• InSite option (see Chapter 8).
• External Dicom MOD drive 5.2GB option (Not supported with VS4) Page no. 41 Chapter 1

GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100


2-1-5 Monitor configurations are:


CRT monitors are not supported with AW4.5 workstations.

• One or two NEC Flat Panel Color LCD Landscape monitor(s).

(To be used in a magnetic field up to 10 Gauss maximum.)
• Cables delivered with the NEC LCD monitors are:
• 1 x DVI-D to DVI-D digital video cable
• 1 x DVI to VGA analog video cable
• 1 x power cable
Refer to the documentation, delivered with the monitors, for more information about monitor
settings and adjustments.

Illustration 2 NEC 1980 / 1990SXi 1K Landscape LCD Monitor

Make sure that the video cable is connected to input INPUT 1/DVI at the rear of the monitor. Refer
to Job Card IST002 Section 5, to set the monitor auto–adjust to OFF.

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100


Illustration 3 HPXW8400 / XW8600 with 1K NEC 1990SXi LCD Landscape Monitor(s) Configuration

2-1-6 Keyboard connection

For sites impacted by the new Language Policy requirements, the default US keyboard as well as one
local language keyboard are delivered.
Proceed with the software Load From Cold steps as usual with the US default keyboard, and then
install the local language keyboard when instructed to do so.
For more information concerning the new language policy, refer to Service Note SNAW2008–01, on the
AW–IB web site @ http://aw– See Technical Documentation/Service Notes.

2-1-7 Ethernet connection





Connection to the hospital network shall be done through the additional NIC Ethernet PCI
card, which defaults to eth0 at boot.
The Ethernet port on the Mother board (use port marked "ASF" for XW8600), defaults to
eth1 and is reserved for the "Direct Connect" option. Page no. 43 Chapter 1

GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100


Illustration 4 HP XW8400 and HP XW8600 connection to the network


For "Direct Connect" option with the AW Server product, only the additional Ethernet
board (eth0) shall be used because AW Server does not currently have a network port
dedicated for this usage. As this provides an encrypted (secure) communication between
the stations, it is called "Secure Direct Connect" in some case.
2-1-8 Optional ”Direct Connect” Ethernet connection




Direct connection is aimed to connect AW to the Modality system (image source), or to other
workstations which support the same direct connect feature, at 1Gbps speed.
If your site wants to use this feature, you will be asked to select it from the Configuration menu.

Direct connect can be acheived either:

• through the second Ethernet port (eth1), using a separate network,
• or directly through the Hospital Network port (eth0), if the hospital network is at 1Gbps.
You will have to make this choice during the configuration steps of the Load From Cold sequence.

Direct Connect IS NOT SUPPORTED FOR 10 OR 100Mbps NETWORKS. If the hospital network is
not at 1Gbps, you will need to use the second ethernet port with a 1Gbps hub for Direct connect.

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Illustration 5 HP X8400 and HP XW8600 "direct connect" option


The XW8600 workstation has 2 built-in Ethernet ports on the Mother board.
Connect the "Direct Connect" cable on the port marked "ASF", which defaults to eth1.


For Direct connect with the AW Server product, the Ethernet port of the Mother board
(eth1) shall not be used. Set Direct Connect to the hospital network (eth0 port on the
additional ethernet board).

If you elect to use the separate network with Direct Connect:

• DO NOT choose address for "eth1" inside the same subnetwork :
i.e: If your AW IP address (in class C) is on the hospital network.
DO NOT choose a similar address for direct connect like, which is part of the same
sub–network. Choose any other address in another sub-network such as for example.
• You must also choose a valid Netmask for Direct Connect through "eth1".
i.e: If your AW IP address (in class C) is on the hospital network, you can use the
default Class C netmask =, unless otherwise specified by the Network administrator.
Any non–valid entry of a netmask will not be saved and will return to the default class C value. Refer
to Chapter 9, section 3–4 for information on netmasks. Page no. 45 Chapter 1

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Illustration 6 Direct connection example (2 hosts) using 2nd Ethernet port

Direct connect between 2 hosts can be done using an RJ45 cross–over (red) cable category 5E or 6.

Illustration 7 Direct Connect example (multiple hosts) using 2nd Ethernet port
Direct connect between several hosts can be done using an RJ45 cables category 5E or 6 and a 1Gbps
switch or hub to connect the hosts (not applicable for the AW Server product).

Illustration 8 Direct Connect example using Hospital Network 1Gbps



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Illustration 9 Direct Connect example with the AW Server product

2-2 Required Software Environment

Operating system: GEHC LINUX 5.x for AW4.5
Release AW4.5 of Advantage Workstation software.

2-3 Further Assumptions

In this document, we also assume that an Internet Address, a hostname and a root password are given
by a central or local authority for each ADVANTAGE WORKSTATION. Page no. 47 Chapter 1

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2-4 Installation / re–installation flowcharts

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Job Card IST000 - Installation/re-installation Scenarios

Job Card IST000 - Installation/re-installation Scenarios Chapter 1

In order to ease the installation steps, you should make sure that the Installation Checklist (see Pre–
installation Manual P/N: 5308738-100) is as complete as possible.
The following "installation scenario" intends to guide you through the various installation steps, and ,
proposes to ’parallelize’ the tasks , in order to avoid as much as possible any waiting time.

It is NO LONGER possible to restore setups from older type Seno Advantage systems. The
parameters are now too different to be usable. However, it is possible to restore setups from Seno
Advantage 2.1.The procedure is described in this manual in Job Card IST009, and at Chapter 2,
Section 8. Before de–installing/removing the old SA workstation, proceed with ”Save Configuration
on Cdrom )” procedure as described in your old Service Manual, Chapter 1, IST009.

1 New System Installation



SOFTWARE LOADED (OS+ AW+ Applications).

How to make sure your workstation is factory loaded with AW software ?

• If your workstation is delivered with the AW software loaded, when turning it on, it shall boot up the
Linux Operating System until it display messages requesting you to enter the Hostname for your
• If your workstation is not delivered with the AW software loaded, a basic HP Linux software is
however loaded, in order to allow you to check that the workstation hardware is operational.
When turning on your workstation, it will boot up to the ”Welcome to AW” message screen, to inform
you that the Advantage Workstation software must be loaded from the AW Fast load DVD, delivered
with your worstation.
In this case, make sure you have the following items available before you start, and follow the steps
described in Job card IST011: Software (re)load from cold (LFC) :
1. Applications CDs (including documentation) purchased by the site if applicable.
2. Fast load DVD : Including:
- GEHC Linux OS
- AW software and documentation, and Service Tools class A (CSD menu).
- Basic Applications and documentation (Volume Viewer, Fusion, Functional apps, etc...
OR The DVD/CD set can be used instead of the Fast Load DVD
(see Job Card IST011, section 5–1–2).
1. DVD : GEHC Linux OS
2. CD : AW software (including documentation) Page no. 49 Chapter 1

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST000 - Installation/re-installation Scenarios

1-1 New system installation flowchart

Illustration 1 New Product Installation Part 1/4

The Dicom MOD option is no longer supported, so the

additional SCSI board shall not be installed.

The Load From Cold steps are no longer

necessary. Your AW4.5 workstation is
Factory loaded with AW software and


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Job Card IST000 - Installation/re-installation Scenarios

Illustration 2 New Product Installation Part 2/4

Dicom MOD installation is no

longer supported with VS4 Page no. 51 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST000 - Installation/re-installation Scenarios

Illustration 3 New Product Installation Part 3/4

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Job Card IST000 - Installation/re-installation Scenarios

Illustration 4 New Product Installation Part 4/4 Page no. 53 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST000 - Installation/re-installation Scenarios

2 Add a SCSI hardware option


The SCSI Dicom MOD drive is no longer supported with VolumeShare 4.

No more SCSI options are available with VolumeShare 4.

3 Add an Application (software option)

Applications shall preferably be installed/enabled through the Easy Install configuration tool, available
from Admin/Install Packages entry on the AW user Interface.
However, pre-loaded Applications can be installed remotely using the "install.<Appli_option_name> as
shown below.
i.e : remote install of CardEP can be done using the "install.cardep" script.
Refer to Chapter 1, IST005 for details.

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Job Card IST000 - Installation/re-installation Scenarios

4 Second Monitor upgrade

5 Demo Exams installation Page no. 55 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST000 - Installation/re-installation Scenarios

6 Re-installation
6-1 AW software re-installation

6-2 Load From Cold: O.S. and AW software re-installation

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Job Card IST000 - Installation/re-installation Scenarios

7 Installation Job Cards List






SYSTEM From Cold FromWarm











IST006 APPLICATIONS (SOFTWARE OPTIONS) informational informational informational




IST008 INSITE INSTALLATION yes restore restore



IST010 AW SOFTWARE RELOAD (L.F.W.) no yes no

IST011 OS + AW SOFTWARE RELOAD (L.F.C.) no no yes

IST012 DEMO EXAMS INSTALLATION optional optional optional Page no. 57 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST000 - Installation/re-installation Scenarios

This page is blank.

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Job Card IST001A - Workstation physical installation

Job Card IST001A - Workstation physical installation Chapter 1

1 Purpose
• The purpose of this job card is to install a new Volume Share 4 (AW4.5) Workstation. The CPU Box
doesn’t need to be opened during installation.

2 Supplies
• All components detailed in section Product Presentation must be available. That is to say:
• HP XW8600 workstation
• One or two Landscape 19” LCD color monitor(s).
Note: CRT monitors are no longer supported.
• Cable(s) and adapters for monitor(s).
• US Keyboard , Mouse and pad. Additionally, the local language keyboard option if applicable.
• Cable set including 1 x ETHERNET RJ45 cable.

3 Safety Precautions
• None (Line voltage selection is automatic for the Workstation and its peripherals).

4 Prerequisites
The site must have been prepared for installation as recommended in the Pre-Installation Manual (PIM)
P/N: 5308738-100 (or up). The following must have been checked:
• Site preparation prior to delivery the system, environmental and electrical requirements, networking
capabilities and peripherals.
• Desk and chair.
• Line voltage power supply outlets.
• ETHERNET connection.
• The following information must also be available before starting. It can be obtained from the network
administrator of the hospital.
• Hostname of workstation.
The “A.E. Title” (Application Entity Title) = Hostname of the AW workstation.
• Internet Protocol (IP) Address of workstation.
• Netmask Value (if applicable).
This procedure does not describe the ETHERNET hospital network installation, which is assumed to be
already done.

5 Tools and Parts Required

• 2212538 : RJ45 network cross–over cable (red cable) : Length = 4.5 meters. If your customer
requests that you transfer patient data from old to the new workstation, you may need this tool, or an
equivalent tool:
• Additional memory option. If you site has purchased an additional memory option, make sure you
have this kit available for installation. Page no. 59 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST001A - Workstation physical installation

6 Unpacking Procedure
6-1 Reception
The Volume Share 4 (AW4.5) system is delivered as follows:


COMPONENT shipment

Workstation parts 35Kg Carton on pallet

1. Examine the system on reception. Check any shock indicators present. If possible, make a visual
check of all items on pallets (CPU Box and accessories, LCD color monitors) and in cartons.
2. If any problems are found (items missing, signs of shipping damage, excessive shock, etc.), note
them on the delivery note before signing for reception.
3. Move the pallet into or close to the review room, ready for unpacking.
No special tools are needed.

6-2 Unpack Components

Action Caution Notes

• Unpack Workstation with care. Workstation is heavy. Ask for help to handle.
• Unpack keyboard and mouse.

• Unpack LCD landscape color monitor (s). Handle with care.

7 Physical Installation



7-1 HP Workstation unpacking

• No special tools are needed.
• Monitors and workstation are heavy. Ask for help to handle. Handle with care.

7-2 Memory Extension Option Installation

• Insert your memory extension option module(s), if applicable, into the computer box. Refer to
Chapter 8, Options, for installation details.

7-3 Line Voltage Selection


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Job Card IST001A - Workstation physical installation

7-4 Power Connections

• One power outlet is required for the computer.
• One power outlet is required for each of the monitors.
Power cables must be fitted with proper plugs for the country where the workstation is installed.
Illustration 1 Volume Share 4/AW4.5 Components Connection

Power connector
Serial port

USB connectors
- keyboard
- mouse Not used

DVI-D Y video
adapter cable

RJ45 Ethernet
connector (eth0)
Connect to Hospital
Port marked ASF
RJ45 Ethernet Connect System monitor
connector (eth1) to connector labelled 1
Reserved for Connect additional monitor
Direct Connect option to connector labelled 2

7-5 Video Connection

• Connect the dual DVI-D Y video adapter cable to the output connector of the graphics card.
• Connect the left monitor (Master) to the output of the Y adapter cable marked "1"
• Connect the right monitor (if applicable) to the output of the Y adapter cable marked "2"
7-6 Mouse connection
• Connect the mouse to one of the computer’s USB ports. Page no. 61 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST001A - Workstation physical installation

7-7 Keyboard connection

• Connect the US default keyboard to one of the computer’s USB ports.
For sites impacted by the new Language Policy requirements, both the default US keyboard and one
local language keyboard are delivered.
Proceed with the software Load From Cold steps as usual with the US default keyboard, and then
install the local language keyboard when instructed to do so.
For more information concerning the new language policy, refer to Service Note SNAW2008–01, on the
AW–IB web site @ http://aw– . See Technical Documentation/Service Notes.


DO NOT connect yet the optional 105 keys local language keyboard (if applicable). You will
be instructed to do so during the configuration steps.
The keyboard is delivered with a set of safety labels in different languages.


DO NOT remove the existing English safety sticker. Use the sticker in the appropriate
language, and just stick it upon the English sticker. This step is mandatory for the Chinese
market to be CCC compliant.

7-8 Network Connection

• Between computer and Image Source through Ethernet network.
! Notice:
The XW8600 (and XW8400) workstation MUST BE connected through the additional
Ethernet Interface card. DO NOT connect to the Ethernet connector of the Mother board, which
is reserved for the "Direct Connect" option.
Refer to Illustration 4:
Also refer to Chapter 9 for more information concerning Networking.


In order not to interfere with other hosts already connected to the network, we recommend
that you do not connect yet the network cable, as long as your workstation is not properly
configured, and you have not entered the appropriate hostname, IP address and Netmask,
matching the network.

8 External SCSI Connection (MOD drive)


The SCSI Dicom MOD drive is no longer supported by VolumeShare 4.

No more SCSI options are supported with the VolumeShare 4 product.

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST001B - Software installation

Job Card IST001B - Software installation Chapter 1

1 Purpose
The purpose of this job card is to lead you through the installation steps of the software for your
VolumeShare 4/AW4.5 workstation.


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEW PROCESS INTRODUCED WITH VS4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2 Pre-requisite
The workstation is physically installed with the keyboard, mouse and monitor(s) connected.
Refer to IST001A

3 Supplies
• The following information must be available to install the workstation:
• Hostname of the workstation
• IP address of the workstation
• Netmask
• If Direct Connect through additional network shall be used for your site
• IP address for Direct Connect
• Netmask for Direct Connect


The following set of software delivered with your workstation shall only be used for
software reinstallation. Your new AW4.5 workstation is already factory loaded with the
Linux OS, the AW software and the main Advanced Applications.

• AW Fast Load software DVD for XW8600 or AW Fast Load DVD for XW8400
The AW Fast Load DVD contains both the GEHC Operating System and the AW software.

• Set of OS DVD + AW software CD

Alternatively, the set of OS DVD + AW CD can be used instead if the Fast Load DVD is not operational. Page no. 63 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST001B - Software installation

4 Installation procedure

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

• Turn the monitor(s) and the workstation ON. The green power LED is illuminated.
If the power LED is red, solid or blinking, it indicates a
system error; in this case, refer to the chapter 5
System diagnostics and troubleshooting of the
XW8600 or XW8400 Service manual:
- See Diagnostic light codes.
A HP Diagnostics CD-ROM P/N: 2396486-4 or higher
is delivered with the workstation: Follow instructions
given in the AW Service manual at chapter 4, prior to
use it.
The system starts to boot up and displays the BIOS
version at the bottom left of the screen in the HP invent

• For the XW8400 workstation, check that the BIOS

version is V2.24b)
• For the XW8600 station, check that the BIOS BIOS iso files are also available from the AW-IB web
version is V1.33 or higher site @
• If not, you have to flash update the BIOS
thanks to the BIOS CD delivered.
- Insert the BIOS CD-ROM delivered with the
system into the DVD/CD-ROM drive.
- Refer to chapter 4, TSG012 for details on the
BIOS Flash procedure.

• If yes, continue below.

• Press any key to see the system settings display, The workstation’s information displays, followed by the
followed by the hard disks size, memory size and boot up messages .
other information on the internal hardware

• Press any key to see the system settings display, The AW workstation boots up.
followed by the hard disks size, memory size and You are now prompted to enter to the hostname, IP
other information on the internal hardware address and Netmask given to your AW.

• Type in the Hostname you want to give to your • THE HOSTNAME MUST BEGIN WITH A LETTER
workstation and press on the <Enter> key when • THE HOSTNAME MUST BE LESS THAN 12
or • Letters (a, b, c, d...) lower or upper case
e.g.: aw_01 <Enter> • Numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, ...
• Dash ( - )
• Underscore ( _ )
The Hostname will automatically be used as the
Dicom A.E. Title for the workstation.

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Job Card IST001B - Software installation

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

• Type in the IP address for your workstation and The Internet Protocol (IP) address value is only given
press on the <ENTER> key when done. as an example.
e.g. : <Enter> Use here the value given by the Network Administrator
if applicable.

• Type in the appropriate Netmask then press on the hostname = AW-1

<Enter> key when done. IP =
e.g. : <Enter> netmask =
A confirmation message displays to let you modify Apply these settings? (y/n)
your settings if needed: This Netmask value is only given as an example.
Use here the value given by the Network Administrator
if applicable.

• y <Enter> to accept, Setting hostname = ............

• or n <Enter> if you wish to modify the settings. ...............................
In this case, you will be prompted to enter again Setting IP = ...............
the Hostname, IP address and Netmask. Setting netmask = ............
The next messages display ... activating the hostname/ip config
• Press <Enter> key to accept.
Press <Enter> when ready.


The next steps are for the configuration of the second Note that you do NOT need to configure eth1, if your
ethernet port eth1, in order to allow the Direct site is going to use Direct Connect through the 1Gbps
Connect feature to work through an additional 1Gbps Hospital network (mandatory case for DC with the
network. AW Server product).

• If you want to configure your workstation for Direct Do you want to configure the second ethernet card (y/
Connect through additional network, answer y n) ?
<Enter>, and answer the next set of questions.
• If you do not want to configure your workstation for Please enter the IP address for eth1:
Direct Connect through an additional network
(mandatory case for DC with the AW Server
product), answer n <Enter>, and skip the next set
of questions relative to Direct Connect.

• Type in the Direct Connect IP address and press DO NOT choose an IP address for Direct Connect
on the <Enter> key when done. in the same sub-network than the main IP address
e.g. : <Enter> of your workstation.
Use here the value given by the Network Administrator Example: Your AW IP address is Do not
if applicable. choose a Direct Connect IP address such as (within the same sub-network).
Choose anything else, like in our example
(not in the same sub-network).
Please enter the netmask for eth1 : Page no. 65 Chapter 1

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST001B - Software installation

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

• Type in the Direct Connect Netmask and press on Use here the value given by the Network Administrator
the <Enter> key when done. if applicable.
e.g. : <Enter>
You must choose a valid Netmask for Direct Connect.
e.g.: you can use the default Class C netmask =, unless it is specified by the Network
administrator. Any non-valid entry of a Netmask will
not be saved and will return to the default class C

A confirmation message displays to let you modify IP =

your settings if needed: netmask =
Apply these settings? (y/n)

• y <Enter> to accept, Setting hostname = ............

• or n <Enter> if you wish to modify the settings. ...............................
In this case, you will be prompted to enter again Setting IP = ...............
the Direct Connect IP address and Netmask. Setting netmask = ............
activating the hostname/ip config
The next messages display ...
Now a graphical user interface will let you change the
timezone, date and time.
Please make your modifications, and click OK to
Press <Enter> when ready.

• Press the <Enter> key A graphical interface displays, to allow you entering
the Time Zone settings.

The Date & Time / Time Zone window displays:

Date & Time / Time zone settings

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Job Card IST001B - Software installation

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

• Set the date and time first, then click on the Time The Date & Time / Time Zone window pops-out.
Zone tab to select the appropriate time zone for
your system.
• When this is done, click the OK button. CAUTION

If your site uses a NTP server for time

consistency, do not select it yet as you may
have to add information about a DNS
(Domain Name) server as well. This can be
done later in IST009.

The workstation reboots to the AW login screen

Preliminary steps: NEC monitor(s) input setting

This step shall be done only for workstations intending to connect in VGA analog mode. This can be the
case for Vascular systems using a VGA video splitter.

Skip this step for standard AW or SA installation which shall keep the DVI ”digital” factory default setting, as
the XW8400 and XW8600 workstations are systematically delivered with a DVI–D to DVI–D adapter cable, for
"digital" video.

Prior to start the software loading sequence, you must The following must be done for each monitor. The
check and update (if necessary), the NEC monitors monitors must be connected and have an active video
parameters. signal at their input (the LED is green).
Turn OFF the monitor
Press the Select 1/2 button and turn ON the monitor. The monitor turns on and displays the Maintenance
Keep the Select 1/2 button depressed for at least 2 menu
seconds, then release the button.
Press several times the > button to reach Tab 7
When Tab 7 is highlighted, confirm by pressing the
Select 1/2 button
DVI selection:
Set up the DVI input to ”Analog” (if using the DVI-VGA
Press several times the > button to reach DVI Proceed with the same steps for the second monitor.
selection. Confirm by pressing on Select 1/2 button
Press on the + or – button to change from Digital to
Analog. Confirm by pressing on Select 1/2 button
VGA selection:
Set up the VGA input to ”None” or ”Last detect” :
XW8400 / XW8200
Press several times the > button to reach VIDEO
DETECT selection. Confirm by pressing on Select 1/2
Press on the + or – button to change to the appropriate
selection: Use "None" or "Last detect"
Confirm by pressing on Select 1/2 button


GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST001B - Software installation

5 Site Configuration
Perform now the steps described in Job Card IST002 - Site configuration to configure the Site’s


If your site has a 105 keys local language keyboard, it shall NOT be connected yet.
You will be asked to connect it prior to configure your system for the local language
during the configuration steps described in Job Card IST002.

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST002 - Site configuration

Job Card IST002 - Site configuration Chapter 1

1 Supplies
• None

2 Tools
• None

3 Safety Precautions
• None

4 Prerequisites
• Job Card IST001A - Workstation physical installation and Job Card IST001B - Software installation

5 Procedure
5-1 Configuration through the CSD
• To configure the workstation, start the Common Service Desktop as explained below:

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

• Login as sdc: sdc <Enter> AW will attempt to startup but will fail as the software
Password: adw4.5 <Enter> protection key has not been installed yet, so don’t be
(the sdc password is factory loaded as adw4.5) alarmed to see windows popping up in the upper left
corner of the screen, displaying the message:
Invalid Software key for AW Station
Note: Do not insert the USB key with licenses at this
Do not insert the USB key with licenses at this time.
time. It is useless at this time, because the AW license
key shall be entered manually.
It will be used later for installing the Applications.
(see IST005)

• Click OK button to close the warning window. The Root Menu pops up:
• Press the middle button of the mouse: Page no. 69 Chapter 1

GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

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Job Card IST002 - Site configuration

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

• Select the Root Menu / Service Tools / Service The Common Service Desktop displays within the
Tools menu. Mozilla navigator web page. A Warning message
displays on top of the CSD menu:

• Click (1) OK button to close the Warning window, The Configuration menu is displayed.
then click (2) Configuration button. You can increase the size of the window as follows:
- Move the mouse cursor over the bottom right corner
of the window, press and hold the mouse left button
while moving the mouse to adjust the size.

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Job Card IST002 - Site configuration

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

• Click configure single feature. All the features are displayed under the configure
single feature directory.

Site Parameters menu

• Click Site Parameters. As this is your first entry into the Configuration menu,
you will be prompted to type in the Root password.
The following window pops up:

• Click into the password field to select, and type in The Configure Site Parameters menu pops up
the root password: allowing you to configure the following parameters:
operator <Enter> or click OK. Page no. 71 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST002 - Site configuration

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

• AW software license key The numeric pad of the keyboard can be used if Num
Lock function key is pressed.
- If you need to read the workstation’s license Id
number, in order to check (or request from your OLC)
the corresponding AW software license key, open a
new command window and type in: licenseId <Enter>
If the AW software license key is 7 characters instead
- The AW Software Key is written on the identification
of the usual 8 characters, prepend it with a ”0” (Zero)
label stuck on the CPU Case top side.
i.e : Enter license key 45966223 as 045966223
• User Interface language: choose a language • Note that only User docs translation is supported
corresponding to your site for some languages (marked as docs only).
• Keyboard Layout: Default setting is "Automatic: • Select the keyboard corresponding to your site. If
keyboard layout follows language" . no local language keyboard has been delivered for
Make sure this is the right setting for your site. You your site, you can use the default US keyboard
may need to change, especially if the User Interface is with any other local language. Make sure in this
set with a local language, but your site still uses the case, to select "United States" keyboard.
US default keyboard. (i.e: French UI and US keybd).


DO NOT plug in the local keyboard yet, If applicable for your site, the local language keyboard
until you have finished entering all Site’s will be connected later, in place of the US default
parameters, and clicked on the "Save keyboard.
parameters" button.

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Job Card IST002 - Site configuration

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

• Monitors configuration: Depending on the number of Landscape color

- 1L1 for one monitor ; 2L1 for 2 monitors monitors, connected to your workstation
• Serial number of the workstation The Serial Number of the station can be found on the
rear of the station, or on label located at the top right
corner of the CPU Box right side panel.

• GE System ID of the workstation. This Field is mandatory. It is the unique identifier of

your system remotely. It is used both by InSite and
Software Download (SWD) connectivity tools.
• GE System Order of the workstation. This is the GON (or SO, or FDO) number

• Hospital name Do not use the following characters for hospital name
• Support phone number and Sales phone number: and phone number:
Enter the telephone number of GE's local Sales !$"‘{}[]*@#?^
Support Answer Line.

• Remote Node control This feature can be considered as a DICOM Hosts

- When set to off, all the remote hosts are allowed to filter.
send images to the station.
- When set to on, only the remote hosts having their By default, Volume Share 4 (AW4.5) shall be
AE title declared in the Volume Share 4 (AW4.5) host configured with Remote node control set to off.
manager are allowed to send images to the station.

• Autodelete activity and parameters: To activate this setting, you will have to restart AW.
The suggested values are to start autodelete when the
capacity is < 10% of the image disks capacity and to The rule for autodeleting images is oldest images first
stop when it gets > 25%: (except for locked images).
- In case of a workstation with 2 x73GB disks:
delmin = 12000; delmax = 30000.
- In case of a workstation with 2 x146GB disks:
delmin = 28000; delmax = 70000.
- In case of a workstation with 2 x300GB disks:
delmin =60000; delmax = 150000

• Autolock activity and parameters: If you select Autolock = ON, the User will have to enter
Select if your site wants to use this feature. the password to unlock the screen after the system
has entered into the "Screen Save" state.

• Screen Saver activity and parameters. It is recommended to use this feature in order to save
Select if your site wants to use this feature. the monitors life and avoid "burning" the screen.

• DPMS activity and parameters. It is recommended to use this feature in order to limit
Select if your site wants to use this feature. the monitors power on time.

• Direct Connect Allows you to define whether or not the workstation will
Select Enabled if you want to activate the Direct use the Direct Connect feature.
Connect feature. Otherwise, select Disabled.

• When you have properly entered all the desired The Please Wait message pops up until the
parameters, click the Save parameters button. parameters have been saved: Page no. 73 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST002 - Site configuration

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

Then a successful installation confirmation window

message pops up:

• If your site has been delivered with a local The keyboard is a USB device, so it can be connected
language keyboard, you shall connect it now, in or disconnected without needing to shutdown the
place of the default US keyboard workstation.

• Click OK button to close the confirmation window. DO NOT restart or reboot the AW workstation at this
time. You should only do this when instructed, at the
end of the whole AW configuration.

Hosts management menu

• Click Hosts management to enter the Remote The View Local Host Parameters button allows you to
hosts configuration menu. view the DICOM parameters of your workstation, as
they must be entered in the other systems, in order to
ensure successful DICOM associations with these
remote systems.
Click Back to Host Management button, to return to
the Host Management menu when done.

• Click Add Host button to create a new entry in the The Host Parameters Menu pops up:
Remote Hosts table or select an existing entry in • Host type: Select DICOM
the table then click Modify Host to modify an • Host label: Enter the name you want to give to the
existing remote host information. icon that will represent the remote host.
• Enter the Host parameters • Hostname: Enter the hostname

• Host Application Entity Title: Enter the Application * This information can be obtained from the Remote
Entity Title (A.E.T.) * Host Conformance statement documents.
• IP address of the remote Host: Enter Internet
• Port number: Enter the listened Port number of the The Port number depends on the DICOM system to
Target station * be connected. For instance, AW listens to DICOM
• Provider type: (NO PROVIDER if host is not query/ Hosts on the Port 4006.
retrieve provider)

• Click Save Host button, when done. The Please Wait message pops up until the
parameters are configured.
The Host Management menu is displayed again, in
order for you to add/modify other hosts.

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Job Card IST002 - Site configuration

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

• Click OK button to close the confirmation window. DO NOT restart or reboot the AW workstation at this
time. You should only do this when instructed, at the
end of the whole AW configuration.

Routers management menu

• Click Routers management to enter the Routers

configuration menu.
Click on "Add default gateway" to declare a default
Enter the Gateway address, and the number of hops
(default=0), then click on Save Router.
(For more information, see chapter 9 : route add
default gw ....)
The Default Gateway declared successfully message
Click on the OK button to continue. You get back to
the Routers declaration main Menu.

To declare a route to a network, click on Add Network

Enter the Gateway address (if any), the network to
reach address, the netmask and the number of hops
(default=0), then click on Save Router. (For more
information, see chapter 9 : route add net ....)
The "Network router declared successfully" message
Click on the OK button to continue. You get back to
the Routers declaration main Menu.

To declare a route to host, click on Add Host Router.

Enter the Gateway address, the address of the host to
reach, and the number of hops (default=0),
then click on Save Router.
(For more information, see chapter 9 : route add host)
The Host router declared successfully message
Click on the OK button to continue. You get back to
the Routers declaration main Menu.
When done with the routers declaration, click on Next
Step to continue.

Note: To delete a route or a Default Gateway, there is Refer to chapter 9, Section 3-2 : Adding routes.
no entry in the Service tools. You need to edit the /etc/
rc5.d/S93route file, with the "vi" or any other suitable Rebooting the workstation will be necessary to take
editor, and delete the line with the route. the change into account. Page no. 75 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST002 - Site configuration

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

DICOM Printers configuration Menu

Chapter 1 Page no. 76

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Job Card IST002 - Site configuration

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

• Enter the Dicom Printer parameters, as defined by Note: The Dicom Printer Label (name you want to give
the Vendor’s Printer Dicom conformance to your printer) is at your own choice. Do not use
statement. "spaces". Use only separators like "-" or "_"
See Chapter 1, IST003 for more information.
- 12 bits image supported :
- Colour supported - Not supported by AW or SA application.
- True Size - If applicable with your printer.
- Printer pixel size: - If applicable with your printer.
- Density: - AW application uses this information if supplied for
your camera, and entered in the corresponding
fields. In the other case, leave the fields blank.
- Configuration information: (i.e.: -
PERCEPTION_LUT=LINEAR): - Allows selecting the LUT of the printer instead of
the default AW LUT
• Click on Save Printer , when done.
The Printer data saved successfully message
• Click on the OK button to continue. displays.
The Printer Management menu displays again, in
• When done with Dicom printers declaration, click order for you to add/modify other Dicom printers.
on Next Step to continue.

Postscript Printers configuration Menu

• Click on Add Printer , or select an existing entry in The Postscript Printer Management Menu pops–up
the table
• Then click on Modify Printer, to create a new The Postscript Printer Parameters Menu pops–up
postscript printer entry or modify an existing
postscript printer.

• Enter the Postscript Printer parameters, as defined Note:

by the Vendor’s Printer operator’s and service Printer name : Do not use "spaces". Use only
manuals. See Chapter 1, IST003 for more separators like "-" or "_"
information. Page no. 77 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST002 - Site configuration

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

• Make sure the printer is not in ”sleep” mode, The printer is ping’ed to check if it is alive. If it is not
before clicking on Save Printer , when done. the case, the printer declaration will not be
taken into account.
Then the Printer data saved successfully message

• The Postscript printers supported with the current – Codonics (1660M 1660MD)
AW release are:
– Codonics Horizon
– HP LaserJet
– Kodak (DMI 3600)
– Lexmark (Optra 1650N 1855N SC1275N C710n
C720N T612 T614)
– QMI GL2101HD Film/ThickPaper
– QMI GL2101HD Plain Paper
• When done with postscript printers declaration, – Seiko (1720D)
click on Next Step to continue. – Tally (T8106)
– Phaser Xerox

When a postscript printer is already installed on the AW, if attempting to modify and save the parameters
of the printer with the Service Tools, a message pops up warning that the printer already exists, and that
a different name should be specified for this printer.
As the printer name field is not editable, you cannot modify its parameters. The workaround is to delete the
current printer, and create a new printer with the correct parameters.

Applications and Licensing configuration Menu

The Applications and Licensing Menu pops–up

Licensing configuration:
1. First select if your site will have local licenses
(Standalone mode) or Network licenses (Network
mode = floating licenses between several AWs
managed by a remote server).
- If Standalone mode, go to Applications installation.
- If Network mode, enter:
2. Floating License Client Access Enabler key (also
called "Concurrency Enabler)
3. Primary and Secondary (if applicable) license
server(s) IP address(es).
4. Port is set to ”17767” by default. You may change it
if otherwise specified.
5. Set the inactivity timeout, time before freeing the
licences for another station when not in use.
6. Enter a contact phone number and workstation local
information .
7. Finally click on Save Parameters, and click on Next
Step when done.

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Job Card IST002 - Site configuration

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

Applications installation: Note: Applications installation is only accessible

To access the Easy Install menu, you may need to through the Easy Install menu. It is not directly
restart AW now. accessible from the CSD/Configuration menu.
Select Restart AW from the Root Menu.
Do not be alarmed to see a Warning pop–up message, Note: All Applications operator’s and installation
if you have selected ”Direct connect” instructions are now only accessible on–line.
through the Hospital Network. Some applications are released on 2 Cdroms. The
Start Easy Install from the User Interface / Admin/ second Cdrom contains the Operator’s
Install Package, and install the Advanced and Installation documentation. This Cdrom should be
applications from the Hard disk (preloaded loaded as well on your AW station.
Applications), and/or from their respective Cdroms.
Refer to Chapter 1 Job Card IST005 - Applications
installation. Note: When installing the newer Applications, the
associated Installation Manual displays
When done with the Software options installation, automatically. If you do not wish to read the manual at
press simultaneously on <Alt> <F3> to iconify this time, DO NOT quit, but simply close or iconify the
the AW Patient list and double–click on the Mozilla document window. Quitting it would close the
icon to reopen the Configuration menu. Mozilla viewer, and your CSD window as well.
Click on Next Step to continue.

HTTP support configuration Menu

The http server is intentionally disabled to increase Only configure the DataExport http server, if you site
network security. This step allows to enable the HTTP intends to export files through the http protocol.
server, in order to export files with DataExport through
the http protocol to a remote host running a Web
navigator. To enable the HTTP server: The Please Wait message pops up until the
• Click HTTP support parameters configured. Then the HTTP support
• Click install button enabled successfully message is displayed.
• Click OK button to close the confirmation
window. DO NOT restart or reboot the AW workstation at this
time. You should only do this when instructed, at the
end of the whole AW configuration

InSite configuration Menu

The InSite Installation and Configuration menu Note:

window displays. This section is only intended to enable InSite 1.
There is no specific CSD based tool at this time, to It is not intended to enable future InSite 2.0 for
help you configure Insite. This window is only an Software download.
informational window, to let you know what steps
should be done.
For more information on InSite installation and
configuration, refer to Chapter 1 Job Card IST008 -
InSite configuration.
When done with Insite configuration, close the
Command window to return to the CSD configuration
menu and click on Next Step to continue. Page no. 79 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST002 - Site configuration

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

User Management configuration Menu

The Add User management menu window displays.

• If your site is going to manage Users through
the EA3 Enterprise Authentication server, refer
to Job Card IST009, section 8 (8–2) to set the EA3
server first.
• If your site is not going to use EA3, you can create
Users now as follows :
Click on Add User button. The Change User Passwords window displays.

Create the new User data (mandatory fields are User The Please Wait message pops–up until the
name and password), then click on Add User button parameters are configured.
Click on OK to continue. Then the User data saved successfully message
When done with the User management, click on Next
Step to continue.

System passwords management menu

• Click Password change to continue. The Change password for sdc, sdc_admin and root
menu window displays.

• Select/highlight the User (sdc, sdc_admin or root) The Change user password menu window is
whose password you want to change by clicking displayed.
on the name, and click the Change Password
• Type twice the new password in the password A Please Wait message pops up until the parameters
fields, and click the Change Password button. are configured.

• When done with the passwords management, exit We STRONGLY recommend that you change the
the Common Service Desktop by clicking Quit
Site’s password, (root, sdc, sdc_admin, inSite) in
from File menu.
order to increase network security for your
Communicate the new passwords to your OLC and
Checkout team the time of InSite Checkout.


DO NOT CHANGE the passwords unless notifying the Checkout and OLC representatives.
Failing to do so would no longer allow access to your system from the OLC support teams.
Changing passwords after "Checkout" means that a new Checkout will be necessary, to allow
remote connectivity.

Print the current AW parameters

• This menu allows you to display and/or print on the

default Postscript printer you have previously
installed, the whole AW parameters.

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Job Card IST002 - Site configuration

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

Restart the AW application

• Restart Application:
Select Restart AW from the Root Menu, or under
Application, from the System menu.


Install the SMPTE test patterns

Bypass this step if the SMPTE patterns are already available from the Patients List.
The SMPTE patterns are automatically installed as part of the Fast Load From Cold with DVD. However, they
are not automatically installed when using the AW CDrom to load AW software (Load From Warm).

• Install the SMPTE pattern from the Admin. menu This takes a few seconds to appear in the Patient List
(if not already installed) (Browser) window.
• Check that the SMPTE test patterns are correctly
installed. They should appear in the Patient list. Page no. 81 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST002 - Site configuration

5-2 Additional Site parameters

5-2-1 configure.patient_key


This script should be used very carefully, because it might lead to mix Patients data into
the AW Database. DO NOT CHANGE the Database Management model, unless explicitly
requested by the Site.
The standard Database patient identification is based on 4 information:
- Patient name
- Patient ID (unique number to identify a patient in the hospital)
- Patient birth date
- Patient sex
Some sites may require that the "regular" Database Management model is changed to a less ”restrictive”
model: For example, Emergency sites which might not know the name of the Patient upon arrival to the
Radiology department.
These sites, may consequently require to have the Patient ID + Patient sex model only
• If your site requests a different Database management model, than the standard Name_ID_Birth_sex
model, open a Command Window and run the following script :
./export/home/sdc/scripts/configure.patient_key <Enter]>

======== Database patient key configuration ========

Database patient key configuration
1 NAME_ID_BIRTH_SEX (SAFEST) Patient is identified by his name, birthdate, hospital id and sex
2 NAME_ID_SEX Patient is identified by his name, hospital id and sex
by his hospital id and sex
4 ID_SEX (UNSAFE ON NON CENTRALIZED PATIENT ID SYSTEM) is identified only by his hospital id
and sex
Please choose the desired Database patient key configuration [?,??,q]:
[NAME_ID_BIRTH_SEX] i.e : 2 <Enter]>
Database patient key configuration : NAME_ID_SEX
Please confirm [y,n,?,q] y <Enter>
At this time, the Database is going to be reconstructed, to take the change into account.

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Job Card IST002 - Site configuration

5-3 NEC LCD Monitors Settings

For more accurate information on the monitor settings, and/or if the right format cannot be obtained
automatically, you need to setup the format manually on the monitor. Refer to the monitor’s
documentation delivered with the monitor
5-3-1 Check DVI and VGA inputs configuration
If not done yet, you must make sure that the DVI and VGA inputs of your monitor(s) is(are) properly
configured. See Job Card IST001B Preliminary steps: NEC monitor(s) input setting
5-3-2 Set Auto–adjust parameter to OFF
The NEC 1880SX, 19980SXi and 1990SXi LCD monitors must be configured to have the auto–adjust
disabled, in order not to automatically ”catch up” the screen size, after the Screen Saver is releasing and
unblanks the screen, and possibly display the image bigger than the field of view.
In order to set the auto–adjust parameter to ”disabled”, proceed as follows with each monitor.
Illustration 1 NEC 1K Landscape LCD Monitor

Pre–requisite: The workstation is up and running AW application.

- Left screen : Display the Patient list for catching up the 1280x1024 format
- Right screen : Display the Viewer + Filmer in full screen mode for catching up the 1280x1024 format
You can use the SMPTE test patterns for performing this adjustment.
• Catch up the image resolution (format), by pressing alternatively on the Select 1–2 button , and the
Exit button. Note that at the first time the system is powered up, the image can be shifted to the left
or right, or out of the screen limits.
• When the image has the right format, turn OFF the monitor.
• Turn ON the monitor, while keeping the Select 1–2 button pressed.
The Brightness/Contrast menu pops up. You can now release the Select1–2 button.
• Press on the Exit button. The Monitor adjustment menu pops up.
• Press again on the Exit button.
• Press twice on the > button, and move to Tab 3 (auto–adjust).
Your monitor is most probably set to ”single” or to ”full”.
• Press on the Select 1–2 button.
• With the + and/or – buttons, move auto–adjust to OFF
• Press on the Exit button.
• Press again on the Exit button to quit the Monitor adjustment menu.
Do the same steps in order to set the auto–adjust of the second monitor (if applicable). Page no. 83 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST002 - Site configuration

5-3-3 NEC 1980SXi ”fine” adjustment

In order to avoid potentially ”fuzzy” lines with the SMPTE pattern grid lines, that could also be visible on
certain densities of clinical images, you can fine adjust the monitor by performing the following steps:
• Display the SMPTE pattern and/or a clinical image format 1/1
• Check the SMTE pattern grids for ”fuzzy” lines (or black to white pixel alternance on clinical images)
• Click on the monitor’s Exit button
• Click twice on the monitor’s > button
• Click on Select 1/2 button
• Click on the monitor’s < button
• Click on the monitor’s + or – button to fine adjust the pixel alternance rendering
• Click twice on the monitor’s Exit button, when done.

Advantage Workstation Basic System is operational.


Chapter 1 Page no. 84

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Job Card IST003 - Postscript and DICOM Printer declaration

Job Card IST003 - Postscript and DICOM Printer declaration Chapter 1

1 Tools required
• None.

2 Safety precautions
• None

3 Prerequisites
The workstation must have been correctly installed and configured.
The local Network must have been correctly installed, and the Network Printers to be declared must
have been correctly installed and connected to the Network.
Make sure the following information is available before starting to install printer:
• Internet address and Hostname of Network printer(s). This information can be obtained either from
the Network Administrator of the Hospital, or from the Needs assessment Form completed by the
Network Champions.
• Application Entity Title (A.E.T.) of Network printer(s). This information can be obtained from the
Printer Supplier.
• DICOM Port number of Network printer(s). This information can be obtained from the Printer

This procedure does not describe how to connect the Network Printer(s) to the network, which is
assumed to be already installed.


Supported Networks Postscript printers are:

Codonics NP1660 M or NP 1660 MD ; Codonics Horizon

Seiko 1720D ; Kodak DMI 3600 ; Tally T8106 ; HP LaserJet ; Xerox Phaser
Lexmark 1650N ; Lexmark C710n ; Lexmark C720N ; Lexmark T612 ; Lexmark T614 ; Lexmark
SC1275N ; Lexmark Optra S1855N.
QMI GL2101HD Film/ThickPager ; QMI GL2101HD Plain Paper

If your site has purchased the Dicom option for the Codonics NP1660MD or the Seiko 1720D
printers, you may skip to PART2: DICOM PRINTERS installation for these printers. Page no. 85 Chapter 1

GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST003 - Postscript and DICOM Printer declaration

4 Procedure
4-1 Test the network connection to the printer
Once a network printer is connected to the network and set with an IP address, it should respond to
TCP/IP messages from another Host on the network (e.g., the AWS).
Before declaring a printer on the AWS, check the network connection:
• Go to the Advantage workstation, open a Command Window and switch User to root:
console login: su – root <Enter>
Password: operator <Enter> (factory loaded default root password)
• Type in the following ping command:
/bin/ping <network_printer_IP_address> <Enter>
i.e: /bin/ping <Enter>
The reply should be:<Network printer IP address > is alive
When entering the printer IP address, do not enter leading zeros in any of the four numeric fields
separated by dots, e.g., do not type in, but type instead.
The alive answer from the system means that the Network printer can be reached from the
Acquisition Workstation system through the network.
If the system displays unknown host, your printer may not be correctly declared on the network.
If the system displays Network unreachable, you probably have given the printer an IP address
incompatible with your Review Workstation's IP address. Check that they belong to the same
network, 192.100.9.X, for example.
• Log out.

4-2 Postscript Printer Installation

The Postscript Printers shall be installed through the CSD Configuration menu.
Refer to Job Card IST002, Section Printers installation/configuration instructions.
You may also install the printers through command lines as follows:
• Login as sdc, if not already logged in as sdc:
console login: sdc <Enter>
Password: adw4.5 <Enter> (factory loaded default sdc password)
• When AW has completed its startup, click on the Admin button, then on the Command Window
button to open a Command Window:

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Job Card IST003 - Postscript and DICOM Printer declaration

We suggest that you move this window to the lower right corner of the screen so that it does not
get overwritten by AW pop-up windows.
• Switch user to root:
su – root <Enter>
Password : operator <Enter>
• Change to the sdc install directory:
cd /export/home/sdc/install <Enter>
• Run the printers installation script:
./install.printers <Enter>
Do you want to install new printer(s) [y,n,?,q] y <Enter>
Define the local name of the printer [?,q] <> <Enter>
At this point, you should give the name you have chosen for your printer. It can be the same as the
network Hostname of your printer but it is not mandatory.
Installing Printer
Printer model
1 c Codonics (1660M 1660MD)
2 h Codonics Horizon
3 hp HP LaserJet
4 k Kodak (DMI 3600)
5 l Lexmark (Optra 1650N 1855N SC1275N C710n C720N T612 T614)
6 qf QMI GL2101HD Film/ThickPaper
7 qp QMI GL2101HD Plain Paper
8 s Seiko (1720D)
9 t Tally (T8106)
10 x Phaser Xerox
Enter selection [?,??,q]: 5 <Enter> (i.e: you are selecting a Lexmark printer)
Printer type
1 c Colour printer
2 g Greyscale printer
Enter selection [?,??,q]: 2 <Enter> (i.e: you are selecting a greyscale printer)
Printer format
1 a Letter (or A for Codonics)
2 a4 A4
Enter selection [?,??,q]: 2 [Enter] (e.g.: you are selecting A4 format)
Printer internet (IP) address [?] i.e: <Enter>
Printer hostname [?] e.g.: lexmark.1 <Enter>
Make sure to use a hostname with less than 10 characters, and avoid special characters else than
the - and _ signs. Page no. 87 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST003 - Postscript and DICOM Printer declaration

Checking if lexmark.1 is alive ...

lexmark.1: lpd: scaled: unknown printer
*** WARNING : Greyscale Printer (lexmark.1 is installed but not idle . ***
Do you want to install new printer(s) [y,n,?,q]
Type y <Enter> if you want to declare another printer. The same set of questions will be asked or the
next printer.
Type n <Enter> to exit.
Note: If message...
install.printer error : <printer_host_name> not responding ...
Printer *Greyscale Printer (printer_name)* installation aborted
... the printer is not responding. You must check that it is connected to the network and properly
• Switch user back to sdc:
exit <Enter>

The workstation is now configured for one optional Network printer operation.

Install other postscript printers the same way then click on Restart AW button to validate the installation
of the printer(s).

4-3 Printing in A3 format

Some printers can support A3 format printing. If your site requires that the Postscript printer is configured
for A3 format, (and if applicable to the kind of Printer), the Service Note SNAW2006.10 can help you to
set up your printer accordingly.
Service Note SNAW2006.10 is available on the AW.IB Web site @

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Job Card IST003 - Postscript and DICOM Printer declaration


5 Procedure
The Postscript Printers shall be installed through the CSD Configuration menu.
You may refer to Job Card IST002, Section 4.3.4 for additional installation/configuration information.

5-1 Declare the DICOM printer(s) to the AW Workstation

Action Caution Notes and Volume Share 2/AW4.5 behavior

Start the Common Service Desktop and the Configuration Tool menu

• Login as sdc: AW starts up.

sdc <Enter>
Password: adw4.5 <Enter>
(the sdc password is factory loaded as adw4.5)

• Select the Service Tools from Admin. menu. The Common Service Desktop displays within the
Mozilla navigator web page. (A Warning message may
displays on top of the CSD menu if your connection is
remote). Page no. 89 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST003 - Postscript and DICOM Printer declaration

Action Caution Notes and Volume Share 2/AW4.5 behavior

• Click (1) OK button to close the Warning window, The Configuration menu is displayed.
then click (2) Configuration button. You can increase the size of the window as follows:
Move the mouse cursor over the bottom right corner of
the window, press and hold the mouse left button while
moving the mouse to adjust the size.

• Click Configure Single Feature.

DICOM Printers management.

• Click DICOM Printers management. As this is your first entry into the Configuration menu,
you will be prompted to type in the Root password. The
following window pops-up:

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Job Card IST003 - Postscript and DICOM Printer declaration

Action Caution Notes and Volume Share 2/AW4.5 behavior

• Click into the password field to select, and type in The DICOM Printers Management Menu pops up.
the root password:
operator <Enter>

• Click Add Printer button to create a new DICOM The DICOM Printer Parameters Menu pops up.
printer entry. See illustration 1 The DICOM
Printer parameters window.
(You can also select an existing entry in the
table, then click Modify Printer, to modify an
existing DICOM printer information).

Enter the DICOM Printer parameters: In this section, listed printers are currently the only
• refer to the Dicom Conformance Statement of the printers qualified for use with the Senographe 2000 D,
Printer to install. Senographe DS and Senographe Essential systems.

The DICOM Printer Label (name you want to give to

your printer) is at your own choice.

• Click Save Printer button when done. The Printer data saved successfully message is

• Click OK button to continue. The Printer Management menu displays again, in order
for you to add/modify other DICOM printers.

• When done with the DICOM Printers

management, exit the Common Service Desktop
by clicking Quit from File menu.

• Restart Application: This takes about 20 seconds to complete.

Select Restart AW from the Root Menu, or under
Application, from the System menu.

DICOM Printer is operational.

FORM LOCATED AT THE BEGINNING OF THE Volume Share 2/AW4.4 MANUAL. Page no. 91 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST003 - Postscript and DICOM Printer declaration

Illustration 1 The DICOM Printer parameters window

To be
by GE

Don’t care

Don’t care
values are
loaded by

To be
completed by
GE Healthcare
FE (common to

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Job Card IST003 - Postscript and DICOM Printer declaration

• Enter the Dicom Printer parameters, as defined by the Vendor’s Printer Dicom conformance
The Dicom Printer Label (name you want to give to your printer) is at your own choice.
Do not use "spaces". Use only separators like "-" or "_"
- 12 bits image supported : Not used for AW application.
- Colour supported: If applicable to your Dicom printer
- True Size supported : Not used for AW application (used by Seno Advantage if applicable)
- Pixel depth and Printer pixel size: Not used for AW application.
- Density: AW application uses this information if supplied for your camera, and entered in the
corresponding fields. In the other case, leave the fields blank.
- Configuration information: (i.e.: PERCEPTION_LUT=LINEAR):
Allows to select the LUT of the printer instead of the default AW LUT
• Finally click on Save to update and Quit.
The following information is available from the Codonics and Seiko manufacturers, but is subject to
change without notice, so it is given as information only. Please check with the camera vendor.
Codonics NP 1660 MD:
- Application Entity Title (A.E.T): PRINT_SCP
- Port number: 104
- Medium: Paper or Blue Film
- Destination: Magazine
- Film size: 8 x 10
- Film format: Select all formats
Seiko 1720 D:
- Application Entity Title (A.E.T): 1720D.1 to 1720D.16
- Port number: 104
- Medium: Paper
- Destination: Magazine
- Film size: 8 x 10
- Film format: Select all formats
Once created, the printers logical devices can be found under the following directories:
• For Dicom Printers:
cd /export/home/sdc/Prefs <Enter>
i.e : more <Enter>
set dUid "/export/home/sdc/Prefs/"
set dName "printer1"
set dType dicom
set dColour greyscale
set dQueueType DICM
set dQueueName "dicom"
props canDoSaveOnDisk
props canDoMultiCopies
props canDoCustomResolution Page no. 93 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST003 - Postscript and DICOM Printer declaration

set defaultFormat 1x1_fid
pformat 1x1_fid
set filmingMode FittedSize
pfilmingMode FittedSize
set printerMemorySize 20971520
• For Postscript Printers:
cd /export/home/sdc/app.defaults/devices <Enter>
i.e : more <Enter>
set dName "lexmark"
set dType postscript2
set dColour greyscale
set dQueueType LP
set dQueueName lexmark
# Options
props canDoMultiCopies
props canDoCustomResolution
# List of supported formats
set defaultFormat 2x2_fid
pformat 1x1_fid
pformat 2x1_fid
pformat 6x4_fid
set filmSize "A4"
pfilmSize "A4" 2560 0
set printerMemorySize "25165824"
props canDoMixResolution

You will be invited to save later on (Job Card IST 009), the Dicom Printer parameters on the
Configuration Cdrom.


The AW Application Entity title (A.E.T) to be declared to Dicom printers (when requested)
is PR_hostname and not the Hostname of AW as for Dicom hosts.
i.e.: Your AW workstation hostname is AW01 >>> AW Print AE Title is PR_AW01
Refer to Chapter 7 PRINTING, for detailed information concerning the supported printers.
Also refer to the AW Dicom Conformance Statement delivered with the product.

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Job Card IST004 - Utilities

Job Card IST004 - Utilities Chapter 1

1 Tools required
• None

2 Prerequisites
• Steps from Job Cards IST 001A and IST001B have been completed.
• The workstation is up and running. Bypass steps 3-1 if you are continuing from IST002 configuration.

3 Launch the Configuration Tool

• Login as sdc if not done yet:
console login : sdc <Enter>
Password : adw4.5 <Enter> (the sdc password is factory loaded as adw4.5)

3-1 Start the Common Service Desktop (CSD)

• From the AW User Interface, select Admin / Service Tools.
(You may as well press on the middle button of the mouse, and select the Root Menu / Service
Tools / Service Tools menu).
The Common Service Desktop displays within the Mozilla navigator web page.
A Warning message displays on top of the CSD menu when accessing the CSD remotely.

• Click (1) on the OK to close the Warning window (remote access). Page no. 95 Chapter 1

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3-2 Start the Utilities Tool menu

• Click (2) on the Utilities button.
The Utility menu displays within the Mozilla navigator web page.

4 Check PNF Firewall Settings

PNF stands for Product Network Filters.
This is the common firewall used for the GE Healthcare products. The Firewall is turned on by default
on AW, to offer the maximum protection for the network, and in most of the cases, no additional
configuration is necessary. You should let the Firewall turned on, unless you experience troubles
contacting Host(s) or application(s), needing to open additional services or ports.
Upgrades from AW4.1, AW4.2 or AW4.3, with configuration restoration from CDrom turn the
PNFfirewall off. Therefore you will need to turn PNF on manually.
By default, all Dicom remote hosts that you have declared to your workstation (see section 4.4.2) get
the access rights to ping, ftp, and telnet to your AW.
The following steps are listed for your information only. No configuration of the Firewall is necessary,
unless otherwise specified by the installation instructions of an Application.
All settings that you will do to the PNF will be saved together with the other AW configuration
parameters in the AW Configuration Cdrom.

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• Click on the Firewall configuration button.

As this is your first entry into the Firewall configuration menu, you will be prompted to type in the Root
password. The following window pops.up:

• Type in the root password and press [Enter].

The Product Network Filters utility displays with the Named Services tab selected.
Named Services menu

• Check that the Firewall is turned On.

This is the default setting. Unless you had turned it off previously, stored the settings, and that it is a
reinstallation, it should remain turned On, in order to offer the maximum network security. Page no. 97 Chapter 1

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In case you would meet some troubles contacting hosts, or using applications, you may temporarily
turn the Firewall Off, and check if this solves your issue.
Click on the Off button, then click of the Apply (1) buton located next to the On/Off buttons, so the
change is taken into account. When done, do not forget to turn On again the firewall.

By default, all other hosts are simply authorized to ping your AW. You can see it by the * placed in the
Allowed IP’s field on the side of the Ping service.
Nothing else is set by default, and unless otherwise specified, you should not add any new service.

The following are example steps for adding services:

• If you need to authorize one or several host(s) or network(s), to use one or more services, click on
the arrow (2) next to Services to open the services chooser menu, select a service (i.e: ftp, telnet, etc
...) and type in the IP or range of IP addresses, or simply *, if you want to authorize all hosts.
• When done click on the Apply (3) button located at the bottom of the screen.
See example below:

In our example, we have authorized hosts from to to ftp to our AW, and only
host and to telnet to our AW.

This is the reason why you have 2 lines for the telnet service.

• To remove access rights, just click on the checkbox (1) next to the service name, then click on the
Delete button (2). Do not forget to click on the Apply button (3) to take the change into account.

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Allowed Nodes menu

• Click on Allowed Nodes tab. The Allowed Nodes menu displays.
The Allowed Nodes menu allows you to open all ports for a dedicated host, a range or hosts or

• In case you would need to give all access rights to one or several host(s) or network(s), click into the
IP field (1) next to New, and type in the IP address or range of IP addresses. Click on Add (2).
When done click on the Apply (3) button located at the bottom of the screen.
• To remove access rights, just click on the checkbox (4) next to the service name, then click on the
Delete button (5). Do not forget to click on the Apply button (3) to take the change into account.

DICOM menu
• Click on DICOM tab. The DICOM menu displays.
By default ports 4006 and 4008 are open for the DICOM communication.
- Port 4006 is used for Dicom Query and Retrieve
- Port 4008 is used for Dicom Storage Commitment
These ports cannot be manually removed. They are in sync with the Remote Node Control (see section
4.4.1 : Site parameters). Turning Remote Note control ON disables the ports.
• You can add more ports if needed, by entering the port number and clicking on the Add button.
When done click on the Apply button.
• To remove a Port, just click on the checkbox next to the Port name, then click on the Delete button.
Do not forget to click on the Firewall Settings Apply button to take the change into account.

Expert menu
• Click on Expert tab. The Expert menu displays.
This menu is reserved for giving the access rights to an Application(s) of a host, and not to the whole
host. You can add applications if needed, by entering Application name (or title), port number,
choosing the network protocol and clicking on the Add button. When done click on the Apply button.
CCOW application:
• If your site is going to use the CCOW application, check that the following ports have been enabled
following the CCOW configuration steps completion (see section 6):
- Name : RMI . Port : 1099. Protocol : tcp . Allowed IP’s : *
- Name : CCOW . Port : 12355. Protocol : tcp . Allowed IP’s : * Page no. 99 Chapter 1

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GE Service menu
• Click on GE Service tab. The GE Service menu displays.
This menu is aimed for giving the access rights for InSite through the VOLC server:
- Through the standard GE Service network (default: general case) or
- Through the NHSnet dedicated network for certain UK sites or
- Through the SJUnet dedicated network for certain Northern Europe sites or
- Through entering a "manual IP address" for any other dedicated network.

If your site is not going to use InSite, you may select No connectivity and click on the Update button,
then on the Firewall Settings Apply button to take the change into account.
If your site is not going to use the standard Network address for InSite connectivity, you
may select one of the preset (UK NHSnet or SJUnet) networks if applicable to your country.
Click on the Apply settings button, then click on the Firewall Settings Apply button to take the change
into account.

If none of the presets fits for your site, you may select Manual IP entry, type in the IP address of the
network corresponding to your case, and click on the Update button, then click on the Firewall Settings
Apply button to take the change into account.

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Debug menu
• Click on Debug tab. The debug menu displays the IP table output.
- Firewall is off (all traffic allowed) if you have turned off the firewall or
- IP addresses and protocols used of all authorized hosts

Help menu
• Click on Help tab. The Help menu displays.
Before exiting from the PNF Firewall menu, make sure that the Firewall is ON, and verify on the
modality console (CT, MR, ...) that AW can be reached via telnet and ftp.

Backup and Restore buttons

• Click on Backup button to store your settings.
If you are not sure of your changes, you can choose to restore the Factory defaults , or the settings
previously saved (Restore button).
All settings that you have done will be saved, together with all the other AW parameters, into the AW
Site Configuration CD. See IST009.

5 RIS synchronization - CCOW and Softswitch options

The RIS synchronization has been updated for AW4.5, in order to allow synchronizing to "non-CCOW"
RIS systems such as the GE RIS.
This new feature is named the "RIS-IC" component and is part of the RIS synchronization software

5-1 Tools
The following software shall be loaded on the RIS PC. Refer to the RIS Synchronization Service
Manual for AW4.5 - P/N: 5344188-100 , part of CDrom P/N: 5342427, delivered with the option.
• CD-ROM P/N: 5342427 or higher contains both the CCOW Enabler, the RIS-IC component for non-
CCOW RIS, and the Softswitch options software.
• CD-ROM P/N: 5183922-2 or higher contains the Context Manager for CCOW software. This CD-
ROM is only delivered if your site does not already have a Context Manager server.
These software CD-ROMS shall not be loaded on the AW / SA workstation, which already
have the CCOW and Softswitch software loaded, and simply need to be configured. Page no. 101 Chapter 1

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5-2 CCOW Option Configuration

5-2-1 Configuration steps on the AW / SA workstation
• From the CSD / Utilities menu, click CCOW configuration.
After entering the root password, the following window pops-up

3. Enter the CCOW application license key.

4. Choose the language.
5. Keep default Port 12335. Port 12355 will be enabled by default in the PNF Firewall when saving
(13) CCOW configuration. Additionnaly, Port 1099 for RMI will be also enabled. See section 4,
PNF configuration: Dicom menu tab, to check the parameters.

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RIS to AW synchro settings:

6. Launch applications on Context change.This feature is selected by default.
When an exam is selected on the RIS PC, it will be selected in the AW browser and the
application configured as default application on AW/SA will be launched.
If the feature is not selected, the application will not launch upon Context change request,
however the corresponding exam will be selected in the AW/SA browser.
7. Default modality.
The default setting is MG (Mammography). Your customer may want that another default
modality (CT, MR, etc…) will be selected when a context changed is initiated.This modality code
is used when FCC is used or when a RIS provides Patient Synchronization only.



8. Enable partial Patient identification.

The beginning of the patient ID will be matched. Default setting enables this feature and allows
identification with only 15 characters. It can be modified in order to allow a different number of
characters to be used for partial identification.
9. User messages.
The default setting is to enable popup messages after each successful context change.
Preferably deselect “show popup messages …”, but you can keep “show balloon messages” as it
could be undesirable for your customer to have to acknowledge in a popup message, for each
context change. Page no. 103 Chapter 1

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AW to RIS synchro settings:

10. Enable Context Change from AW
WARNING: Do not select this unless requested by your customer:
When this option is checked, a selection on AW will induce a modification of the RIS selection.
Note: The HIS/RIS shall support DICOMStudy context change
11. Enable exam change.
Prerequisite: Context Change Behavior (from AW) (6) is enabled.
When Exam change is enabled, the AW will send selection change to the RIS, when the exam is
changed within the same patient.
Note: The RIS shall support DICOMStudy context change.
12. Suffix to be used at message creation.
Prerequisite: Context Change Behavior (from AW) (6) is enabled.
The default suffix put for Patient identification is ”CCOW”.
This prefix can be changed to any other suitable value.
13. Force context change.
Prerequisite: Context Change Behavior (from AW) (6) is enabled.
The default setting allows AW to force a context change whether or not the application is able to
do it itself.
• When done with all the changes, click Save settings to save and exit the CCOW configuration tool.
• Logout and login to make the changes effective.
• Check that CCOW and RMI ports are enabled in PNF Firewall. Refer to section 4.
If the license key is not valid, you may get the message:

5-2-2 Configuration steps on the HIS/RIS PC

See section 6-4.

5-2-3 CCOW HIS/RIS synchronization behavior

5-2-3-1 Introduction
It may happen that the HIS/RIS system installed at your site does not correctly handle the incoming
Context Change request from AW4.4:
- Data loss may happen in the HIS/RIS system if context change request is coming from AW4.4/
Seno Advantage 2.1 while the user is creating/dictating the report.
- It may happen that the HIS/RIS system will not save the data modifications to the active patient if
an incoming context change request from the AW4.4/SA2.1 causes the HIS/RIS to switch to
another patient without warning before the report is completed and saved.
This behavior has to be explained to the customer and if the customer does not accept it, then the
context change from AW shall be disabled.

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We recommend that you do not enable by default the Context Change from AW, unless explicitly
requested by your customer.
• If your customer requires that you enable Context Change from the AW / SA, perform the next
section steps. If your customer requires that you disable Context Change from the AW / SA, you
should again test the system behavior as follows:
• Check that selecting a different patient on the AW4.5 does NOT initiate a context change (select a
different patient) on the HIS/RIS. Demonstrate this operation to the customer and ensure that he/she
is satisfied with it.

5-2-3-2 System behavior check procedure

1. Ensure that the context change initiation is enabled for AW (on AW, in CSD / Utilities menu/CCOW
Configuration menu, Enable Context Change is checked) and working properly (selection changes
in the AW Patient List initiates context change so the same patient is selected on the HIS/RIS system
2. Edit some data on the HIS/RIS system for the currently selected patient. Do not save your
3. Change the selected patient in the Patient List of AW.
4. Check the behavior of the HIS/RIS system:
a. The HIS/RIS system changes to the new patient without any notification.
Go back to the previous patient in the HIS/RIS and check that your modifications was saved
correctly. Even if the HIS/RIS has saved the modifications in its database, explain the situation to
the customer, and if requested, then disable the context change from AW (unselect Enable
Context Change from AW).
b. The HIS/RIS system does not change to the new patient.
This means that the HIS/RIS system blocks the change until the changes is saved correctly. In
this case the systems are out of sync. Explain the situation to the customer, and if requested then
disable the context change from AW4.4 (unselect Enable Context Change from AW).
c. The HIS/RIS system asks the user whether he wants to save/change.
This means that the HIS/RIS system requires the user to decide what to do. Explain the situation
to the customer, and if requested then disable the context change from AW (unselect Enable
Context Change from AW).
5. If you modify the CCOW configuration on AW, click the Save Settings button of the CCOW
Configuration page and log out and log in to AW.
After log in reconnect the HIS/RIS computer to AW using the Connect to AW feature of AW CCOW
Proxy configuration tool on the HIS/RIS PC. Page no. 105 Chapter 1

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5-3 SoftSwitch Option Configuration

5-3-1 Configuration steps on the AW / SA workstation
• From the CSD / Utilities menu, click SoftSwitch configuration.
After entering the root password, the following window pops-up:

1. Enable SoftSwitch. Click on the checkbox.

2. Enter the license key.
3. Enter the Hostname of the HIS/RIS computer to control.
Enter the Hostname (Computer Name) of the RIS computer to control (do not enter theIP address)
RIS–PC–#2 in our example before.
4. Determine which edge leads to the other screen. Default setting is left edge. This is correct if
HIS/RIS screen is installed on the left side of SenoAdvantage monitors.
Otherwise, change this setting to right if HIS/RIS screen is installed on the right side of
SenoAdvantage monitors. It is also possible to choose top or bottom as needed.
• When done with all the changes, click Save settings to save and exit the CCOW configuration tool.
• Logout and login to make the changes effective.

If the license key is not valid, you may get the message:

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5-3-2 Configuration steps on the HIS/RIS customer’s PC

See section 6-4

5-4 CCOW / RIS-IC / SoftSwitch Installation on HIS/RIS PC

Starting with VS4, the RIS RIS synchronization option has a new component which is the RIS-IC
connection component. It allows to connect to "non-CCOW" RIS. It is possible to select whether this RIS-
IC connection component must be installed and added to the Windows Start menu or not.


CCOW and/or SoftSwitch options MUST NOT BE installed on the HIS/RIS PC by the GE FE
unless explicitly requested by the customer.
They shall be installed by the customer or IT administrator of the hospital.
The following guidelines are given to you for information only.

5-4-1 CCOW / RIS-IC installation on the HIS/RIS PC

Installation on the HIS/RIS PC goes through the standard Windows installation Wizard, so it is easy to
follow. The CCOW/Softswitch Enabler CD-ROM includes as well the RIS Synchronization Service
Manual installation/configuration guide in PDFformat P/N: 5344188-100.
1. Install the AW CCOW Enabler from the CCOW CD-ROM P/N: 5342427 (or up).
Follow instructions given on the booklet of the CD-ROM for installation of CCOW.
2. If the site does not already have a Context Manager Server, install the Context Manager for CCOW
software from CD-ROM P/N# 5183922-2 (or up).
- If installation is successful, you can see on AW screen the message Connection Test Successful
when clicking on the Test Connection button on the HIS/RIS PC.
- When connection to the HIS/RIS is successful, you should get on your AW, when login the following
Mismatch possible between RIS selection and Patient List selection. Do you accept it ? warning the
user that it is always possible that Patients may not be exactly identified the same way on the HIS/
RIS and on the AW station.
- You may use the AW CCOW Tester utility (on the HIS/RIS PC) to check that the Context manager is
• Select Test Patterns, first instance UID under the Dicom Study list relative to the Test Patterns,
then click the Set Dicom button: The Test Patterns should open and display on AW.

5-4-2 SoftSwitch installation on the HIS/RIS PC

The softswitch option to be used together with the CCOW option is aimed to control the HIS/RIS PC with
the AW keyboard and mouse.
Install the AW SoftSwitch feature from the CCOW CD-ROM P/N: 5342427 (or up).
Follow instructions given on the booklet of the CD-ROM for installation of SoftSwitch option.

If installation is successful, the result is that you are able to use the AW mouse and keyboard to drive the
HIS/RIS PC. Page no. 107 Chapter 1

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6 Software Download (SWD) Client configuration

GE Remote Update (also called Software Download -SWD) is a global GE Service tool that will enable
the remote download and installation of AW Apps software upgrades on the customer workstation.
The Software Download client software is embedded in the AW4.5 software.

Main Service benefit of Software Download tool is to accelerate FMI deployment. The electronic
distribution of Apps software upgrades is synchronized with FMI kits sent to the sites.
Service Support may be asked to Activate/De-activate Remote Update, or to modify the tool
configuration based on customer's need.


SWD has self-upating capability, which means that the following information, given at the
time of the release of this Service Manual, is subject to change depending on the SWD
downloaded contents.

6-1 Pre-requisite
To be operational, Software Download requires that the workstation is connected to through Broadband,
and that InSite checkout is successful.
If InSite shall not be installed on your site, it is interresting to disable the SWD feature, in order to have
the SWD logfile filled up with connection errors.
If InSite is not yet installed on your site, but shall be in a near future, keep the SWD feature enabled.

6-2 SWD Configuration steps

Software Download is activated and configured by default on the AW workstation.
• From the CSD / Utilities menu, click GE Remote Update.
After entering the root password, the following window pops-up:

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• Click on Configuration.
A Login window pops up, asking for the root password, then the following window pops up.

• Click on Configure Remote Update button.

The following window pops-up:

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We recommend that you keep the default settings, unless requested by the customer to modify any
of the polling parameters, or request to disable the tool.
In case you would need to modify the settings:
1. Click on Activate/De-activate to enable/disable the SWD tool.
Make sure that your customer authorizes automatic download of software.
2. Select the polling frequency. This is the frequency for the SWD Server to poll your AW system, and
check if software is up to date, and in the other case, to propose updates.
3. Also select the best time for the SWD poll activity (the workstation must be usually up at this time,
and as much as possible, not heavily used by the customer.
4. Select the Bandwidth. For example, "Unlimited" bandwidth will have the highest impact on the
workstation's performances seen by the customer, but the software update packages transfer time
will be the shortest. We recommend that you select a limited bandwidth, in order to lower the impact
for the customer.
5. Click on "Apply Properties" to save the SWD Client configuration.
"Restart Software" to make the configuration settings effective.

6-3 GE Remote Update (SWD) process

After any of the AW Apps software upgrade has been created, validated, and verified, it will be made
available for SWD enabled systems ,via a production server at GEHC.
On a regular basis, customer's systems that have the Software download feature "Activate" will
automatically send their configuration to the server. A configuration assessment will be performed on the
Server and return the link to available Apps software upgrades.
The customer's system will then download the software upgrades.
The customer will be notified of availability of an auto-installable software upgrade. Customer will be
asked to install immediately, to postpone or reject installation.
The new Configuration file and the installation report will be sent back to the SWD Server, including the
input data needed for GIB registration of the Apps software upgrade
The process is fully automatic and does not require FE intervention.

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6-4 Manual execution of GE Remote Update (SWD)

At any time, the GE Remote Update steps can be executed manually.
• From the CSD / Utilities menu, click GE Remote Update.
• Click on Query Updates
This option is a mechanism to force an immediate check of new software updates. The AW configuration
is automatically sent to the server. A configuration assessment is performed on the Server. The link to
available AW software upgrades is returned and displayed on the AW workstation.
• Click on Download Updates
This option allows the customer' system to force check for new software upgrades available for its
configuration on SWD Server. The new software upgrades are automatically downloaded. Download
may take several hours in order to limit impact on network capacity. The Download status is then
displayed on customer's workstation.
When software updates are downloaded on the customer's workstation, the customer is notified of
availability of new software upgrades and asked to install immediately, to postpone or reject installation.

SWD Client can update itself, by using GE Remote Update.
• Click on Update status
This feature provides current SWD process execution status for applications software upgrades
download & installation on the customer's workstation. They can be in one of the states (Installed /
Downloaded / Failed (download or installation)/ Cancelled). Page no. 111 Chapter 1

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6-5 GE Remote Update Troubleshoot

Remote updates events are logged on the AW Workstation and can be consulted in CSD.
• From the CSD / Utilities menu, click GE Remote Update.
• Click on Configuration.
A Login window pops up, asking for the root password.
Click on View Remote Update Logs button.
Software Download detailed logs are available in Download Logs and Installation Logs.
• Click on Installation History to display a summary of the Apps remote updates installation on the
customer workstation.

6-6 GE Remote Update Preventive Maintenance

Software Download does not require specific Preventive Maintenance, however it is recommended to
perform basic checks during AW Preventive Maintenance:
• Check that the SWD client is activated and configured according to customer's need
• Check that the Apps software upgraded remotely have been delivered in a FMI kit. The Apps
software media are mandatory for further AW reload.
• Check that the Apps software upgrades are properly declared in GIB.
SWD client configuration is saved/restored with the AW workstation preferences files.

7 Applications Compatibility Checker

At the time of a new installation, you may not have an up-to-date "Applications compatibility matrix"
available on your USB key,to be uploaded to your AW workstation.

However, a new AW system is sytematically delivered with the latest up-to-date applications, so the use
of the "Applications Compatibility Checker" tool at installation time is not necessary.

Therefore, the Compatibility Checker is described at Chapter 10, Planned (Preventive) Maintenance, in
Job Card PM004.
Refer to Job Card PM004, for the procedure to retrieve an up-to-date Compatibility matrix from the Web
server site, and upload it on your AW / SA workstation.

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8 Preferences Sharing Manager configuration

The Preferences Sharing feature allows AWs to share the same Users preferences either by:
- Exporting the preferences through a USB key, so they can be installed on other AW stations.
(no need to setup an AW as Preferences Server in this case). OR
- Storing Preferences on one AW4.5 (PSM server), so they can be retrieved by other AW4.5 stations.

8-1 Pre-requisite for PSM server setup

• The Preferences Sharing manager chosen server must be an AW4.5 or higher.
• The Preferences Sharing manager HTTP port must be enabled (see IST002 / HTTP support
• Your site must have two or more AW4.5 workstations accessible on the network.
• The AW4.5’s must "know" each other (Dicom remote hosts declaration), OR the Firewall must be Off.

8-2 PSM Server Configuration steps

Configuring one of the AW4.5 workstation as "PSM server" is not mandatory, if your site will simply
use the USB key media to transfer Preferences from one AW4.5 to another AW4.5.
• From the CSD / Utilities menu, click ASTP then PSM Server configuration.
• A pop up window prompts you to enter the "root" password
After entering the root password (default is operator), the following window pops-up

• Click (1) to select the Configure PSM "On" checkbox, then click on Apply (2) to save the
configuration. It takes several seconds before the setting is saved.
The following tasks are administration tasks only, which are not necessarily required at installation.
They allow to reconcile or clean the PSM database, as well as backup / restore the preferences
stored on the Server to/from USB key. At installation, jump to section 7-4 Page no. 113 Chapter 1

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8-3 PSM Server Administration steps

• Click on the PSM server Administration link (3) to configure the PSM
The displays changes prompting you to enter the "root" password.
Enter the root password : (default is operator).
The PSM administration menu window displays:


• Reconcile Database (1)

Allows to reconcile the Preferences between the Images (PostgreSQL) Database and the
Preferences Database. This is useful if Preferences can no longer be viewed and/or accessed.
• Clean Database (2)
The following configuration window pops up:

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• Click to select the Preferences you want to remove from the server, when no longer in use or
• Backup/Restore (3)
Allows to backup or restore on a USB key the Preference(s) saved by the Preference Sharing
Manager (see section 4).

8-4 Using the Preferences Sharing Manager

8-4-1 Exporting preferences
• To export the preferences of your AW workstation, you shall first select whether you want to export
thanks to a USB key, or send to the AW which has been setup as PSM server.
• When using a USB key, it should be plugged in advance so it can be auto-mounted by the
system. In the other case, you will get the message: "USB Device could not be detected".
When the USB key is mounted, you will be prompted to select it among a possible list of mounted
USB devices.
If there are already preferences on the USB key, you will be notified by a popup message. If there
are none, you will be notified as well.
• When using an other AW4.5 (or up) as PSM server, you will be prompted to enter the IP address
of the AW used as PSM server.
• Click on the Refresh button, to make sure the list of preferences is complete, then select the
preferences you want to export (or select all) and click on the Export button.

Server/USB key selection

Preferences selection



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When exporting the preferences has completed, a PSM Export Status Information message window
pops up.
8-4-2 Importing preferences
To import preferences on your AW workstation, you shall first select whether you want to import thanks
to a USB key, or get from the AW which has been setup as PSM server.
In the example below, import through USB key is selected, and the AW already contains the same
Preferences, so it shows a warning signal in the "Conflict" column.

To import the Preferences from the PSM server, select PSM Server. You will be prompted to enter the IP
address of the AW used as PSM server, in order to access to the PSM menu.

To enable the Utilities features, restart AW.

To enable RIS synchronization, it is necesay to
logout and login again.

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Job Card IST005 - Applications installation Chapter 1


1 Prerequisite

• Advantage Workstation is configured (Job Card IST 001A/ IST001B / IST002).
• Refer to IST006 for workflow and important details on Applications.
• At least one Dicom Printer is installed (Job Card IST 003) prior to installing the Dentascan option.
• Floating License: If your site is going to use the Network Licensing feature:
- Pre-requisite:The ”Floating Licence” server (Customer’s server or AW Server product) software
must be installed and configured. For Customer’s server case: Refer to the Floating License
Service Manual delivered onto the F.L. product software Cdrom.
- The ”Floating License” software is already embedded into the AW4.5 software, so it must
simply be enabled and configured on your AW / SA. Refer to Job card IST002.

2 Foreword
2-1 Application(s) License key(s)
AW Applications options are protected by a software license key. These license keys are linked to
the AW/SA workstation’s ID number ( licenseId) of the Site which has purchased the option(s).
These keys are delivered under 2 forms:
- A Configuration USB key disk containing license keys matching the ID number of your workstation
(type the command : licenseId in a Command Window) .
If several options are purchased for the Site at the time of first installation, only one
Configuration USB key containing the corresponding keys will be delivered. On the joined sheet of
paper, these keys will also be written.
- A sheet of paper on which these license keys are written.
When the information from the Site, necessary to calculate the licenses is not available at the time of
manufacturing, the configuration sheet may be replaced by the "eLicense Request sheet", pointing to
on-line software license key generation.
If this USB key is not available, empty, or corrupted, you may either install your option(s) by:
- typing the appropriate key(s) when prompted by the EasyInstall utility, (see section 5) OR
- installing one by one using the appropriate ”” script (see section 6) OR
- generating the keys through the eLicense web site, storing them on a blank USB key, so you can
install them as recommended, with the EasyInstall utility (see section 3).
When all your options are installed, you can save all the software keys at once, together with all
configuration parameters of your system, on one blank CDROM which will become the brand new Site
Configuration parameters media. This will be done by following steps described in IST009 Job Card. Page no. 117 Chapter 1

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It is not possible to save the AW Site configuration on a USB key.
AW Site configuration parameters can only be saved on a Cdrom.
2-1-1 Licenses for Applications can currently take two different forms:
"Node-locked" and "Floatable" are license running modes.
"Legacy" and "Cola" are license formats.
• "Legacy" type key: Old type key for ”Node Locked ” (non floatable) applications:
This is the older form for licenses. They are under the form of a number (i.e: 137655984).
These applications have not been updated yet to offer the ”floatable” feature, which means they must
be installed locally and can only be used on the machine where they are installed.
However for new released Applications, you can receive ”COLA format” licenses (i.e: G9HTR23
BYPF3XR 1), even though you are going to use them in a ”Node Locked” way, the last digit (1 see
our example) meaning that the license is only for 1 machine.
• New "Cola" type key: Created to support ”Floating” applications:
Also called ”Network type” licenses or ”Cola” licenses, this is the new form for Applications licenses.
They are under the form of mixed numbers and letters (i.e: G9HTR23 BYPF3XR 2), and contain a
”space” followed by a number at the end.
If the number is ”1”, it means the license is local and can only be used for one host, therefore it shall
be considered as ”Node Locked”.
If the number is ”2” or more, it means that the license is networked and will be used together with a
”License Server”. The last number (2 in this example) means that the Application can be used by 2
AWs maximum at the same time.
If your site is going to use ”floatable” licenses, install the floating license software on the server, prior
to installing the Applications. Refer to the Floating License service manual. Also make sure you have
entered the server information in the aw configuration. see ist002.
• Node–locked installation mode
When operating in the Node–locked (fixed) license mode, each Advanced Apps requires a software
license key generated for a specific AW and shall operate on that AW. The calculation is a function of
the AW workstation licenseld.
The applications supporting the Floating license installation mode also keep the Node–locked
installation capability
• Floating license installation mode
The applications installed in floating license mode can operate on several AW clients connected to a
server. For enabling floating license execution of AW Advanced Apps :
1. The Floating License environment is installed on the customer’s Floating license server and on the
AW clients (built-in since AW4.3).
2. A special Concurrency Enabler License (Client_FL_Access_Enabler) is installed on each AW
client in order to allow communication between the Floating License server and the AW client.
3. The Advanced Apps ’floating licenses’ corresponding to the customer purchase order are installed
on the Floating License server.
4. The Advanced Apps software package is installed on the AW clients.
5. The Advanced Apps is installed in "Network mode" on the AW clients.
For steps 1 to 3, you can also refer to the Floating license Installation/Service Manual (Ref 5149787-
100) available on the Floating License documentation CDROM delivered with the server.

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2-2 Application(s) installation / configuration foreword

There are two different ways to install new Applications:
1. Using the Easy Install utility.
Preferably use the Easy Install solution
• From an Application(s) Cdrom:
Application(s) will be loaded onto the workstation’s hard disk from the DVDrom or Cdrom, and
installed at once. See Section 5-2.
• From the Hard disk:
Applications are already pre–loaded onto the workstation’s hard disk
See Section 5-1.
• From an Application(s) Refresher DVDrom:
Also called the DVDs Collector, the Applications Refresher DVDs collector kit, delivered with
upgrades, allows to make sure that the site upgrading to the AW4.4 release receives the latest
updated Applications.
Application(s) will be loaded onto the workstation’s hard disk from the DVDrom(s), and installed at
once. See Section 5-3.
2. By the specific command for each options ”” where xxx is linked with the Application
name. This can be interesting for remotely install an Application which is already loaded onto the
workstation’s hard disk, for example.
In this case, you will install options one by one, (see APPENDIX section 6 of this Job Card and
Chapter 8 for more information).


If you need to enter manually the new ”Cola” type licenses (licenses with mixed numbers
and letters), DO NOT use the last number after the space (i.e: RT657FGFOIUY7DF 1 (or 2
or more)), which corresponds to the maximum number of hosts that are licensed to access
the Application simultaneously. Page no. 119 Chapter 1

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3 Tools required: Elicense Tool

No special tools are necessary.
However, if Manufacturing was not able to determine what licenses apply to your site, and delivered a
blank USB key, or in order to make sure the licenses delivered on your USB key by Manufacturing apply
to your site, you should connect to eLicense and check the licenses


The following is given for your information only, and is subject to change depending on
the changes made to the eLicense tool.
Refer to the eLicense screens for more accuracy.

3-1 Checking or generating licenses with eLicense tool

• Connect to the eLicense tool
eLicense tool web site is accessible from any computer which has an access to Internet (eLicense
tool is not on the GE Intranet), and is also available from FE Tools.
• Login with your SSO ID and password.
• Enter your Customer Global Order number (GON) (formerly called FDO) and the licenseId of your
AW (note that it is called Host ID in eLicense tool), in order to get or check the licenses applicable to
your system. When done, click on Go to proceed.

The license ID can be obtained either by reading from the rating plate sticked on top of the
workstation, or by typing in a Command Window licenseId (capital I), or by clicking in the AW User
Interface on Admin/Display Configuration.

• If there is more than one order that matches the GON entered, the Order Information screen will
display. Select the ”Customer name” which is appropriate for this order.
• Compare the licenses with those delivered on the USB key and on the sheet of paper (if applicable
for your pole). Insert your USB key in one of the USB ports of your PC, allow some time for the USB
key to be declared (LED has stopped blinking) and open the Windows Explorer, to read the licenses
text file.
If licenses are OK, jump to Section 4.

• Eject the USB key

If licenses are not OK or the USB key is blank, go to Section 3-2.

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3-2 Writing licenses on the USB key

This step is only necessary if licenses stored on your USB key do not correspond to what you get with
eLicense, or if Manufacturing was not able to determine the licenses for your site, and has delivered a
blank USB key.
In this case, you can write the licenses generated by eLicense on the USB key.
• Make sure the USB key is properly formatted.
A new blank USB key is normally DOS formatted (FAT), so it is directly usable on your PC and with
your AW workstation.
• The Volume Name shall be set to LICENSES (in capital).
To check this, open a Windows Explorer if not done yet, right click on the letter corresponding to the
USB key, and select Properties.
Change the Volume name to LICENSES if it is not already the case.
• In case the USB key would not be DOS formatted, you will need to format it before.
Right click on the letter corresponding to the USB key, and select Format.
Be careful not to select and format your hard disk !!
If the key is not visible in My Computer, you can go to Start > Control Panel > Performance &
Maintenance > Administrative Tools > Computer Management > Storage > Disk Management
From here, identify the USB key (marked as removable), assign a new Windows letter to it, and
format it (using the right click).
When done, set the volume name to LICENSES as shown above.
• Make sure you are still connected to the eLicense tool with your SSO ID and password

• Enter the licenseId of your AW or SA workstation , in the System Configuration menu (right part of
the screen), choose Modality = AW, and make sure Host ID is selected:
(Host ID = licenseId for eLicense tool).
When done, click on Go to proceed. Page no. 121 Chapter 1

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If your system is not yet declared into eLicense database, the Add New System screen pops up.

• Select Model Type = AW45 or Seno Adv 22 (for Seno Advantage 2.2)
• Enter the Serial number of the AW or SA computer box
DO NOT enter the System ID at this time !!! You should do it later.
It may happen that this ID is not unique or already known. If it is already registered for another system (or
if you are upgrading your site with a new workstation and your System ID is already known), you will get
an error message.
• When done, click on Save to proceed.
The new system will be added to eLicense.
The System Information screen now pops up. If needed, you can update the information you have
entered by clicking on the Edit system Information link.

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If the Application is to be used locally, there will be ”N” written in the Floatable column.
If the Application is to be shared between several hosts (AWs), you will find a number in the
Floatable column, corresponding to the number of hosts that can use it simultaneously.

• If the table is empty, you have to generate the new licenses before being able to save, print or email
them. Click on Generate New Licenses button.

The Generate New Licenses screen pops up.

• Enter the GON (Global Order Number) in the Order number field and click on Go button.
When the table is completed, you can print, email or save on your USB key the new licenses, so they
can be exported to your AW / SA system.
• Click on Print Licenses button. It displays a printable version of the AW Configuration file.
• Click on Email Licenses button. It displays a menu, allowing you to add another email address than
your own address.
Click on Continue. The AW configuration file will be sent to the chosen email address.


If you need to enter manually the new ”Cola” type licenses (licenses with mixed numbers
and letters), DO NOT use the last number after the space (i.e: RT657FGFOIUY7DF 1 (or 2 or
n)), which corresponds to the maximum number of hosts that are licensed to access the
Application simultaneously.

• Click on Save Licenses button. The File download window pops up.
Insert your USB key into one of the USB ports of your FE laptop, and allow some seconds to let your
USB key being declared to the PC OS.
Make sure your USB key is properly labelled with the LICENSES Volume name.
Click on the Save button.
A new window pops up letting you choose on which location you want to save the file. You can save
it directly onto your USB key, by clicking on the My Computer icon, and selecting the drive
corresponding to your USB key.
Click on the Save button.
When download is complete, click on the Close button to close the Download Complete window.
Your USB key is ready for use with your AW (SA2.2) workstation.

It is now possible to store the Configuration file of several AWs (SA2.2) on the same USB key.
Configuration files are under the form:
etc ... (where XXXXXX, YYYYYYY and ZZZZZZZ are the licenseId of each workstation.) Page no. 123 Chapter 1

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4 Safety precautions
DO NOT USE Applications Cdroms from previous AW releases unless you have verified their
compatibility !!! See section 5.

5 Installation/configuration procedure using Easy Install







• Login as sdc if not already logged in as sdc:

console login : sdc <Enter>
Password : adw4.5 <Enter> (default sdc password is factory loaded)

• When AW has completed its startup, click on the Admin button in the bottom left corner of the Patient
List (Browser). This will open a Menu displaying the available applications.

Click on Install
Packages button from
the pop–up menu.

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The Easy Install window pops-up.

Applications compatibility
checking selection

If it is a new installation, there is no "Compatibility Matrix" pre-loaded in your AW software.
Selecting the compatibility check in this case, you would get the following message:

For a new installation, Applications delivered are controlled and up to date, so the risk to install a non-
compatible Application is minimal. Therefore you may choose at this time, to leave the "Compatibility
Check" button unchecked, which will speed up the installation.
The Compatibility check can be done later (see Chapter 10, Job Card PM004).

If you want to do the compatibility check now, you need to proceed as follow, in order to retrieve
and install the latest Compatibility Matrix:
• Retrieve the Compatibility Matrix from the AW-IB web site @
Under Technical Documentations, Applications Compatibility Matrix, get the appcompat.xml file
and store it on your USB key.
• Refer to Chapter 10, Job Card PM004 to upload the Compatibility Matrix.
• Insert now your Licenses USB key in one of the USB ports.
Allow some time for your USB key to declare before clicking on contents (the USB key LED should
no longer be blinking). Page no. 125 Chapter 1

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Applications can be installed either from:

• Their dedicated Cdrom or DVDrom
• The AW workstation’s hard disk (applications have already been pre-loaded)
• The Applications refresher DVD collector (case of upgrades)

5-1 Installing Applications from the Hard disk

The pre-requisite to be able to install Applications directly from the workstation’s Hard Disk, is that these
Applications have been previously pre-loaded.
This is the case when Applications are Factory preloaded (VS4).
This is also the case with Applications such as Volume Viewer Apps, containing multiple applications in
their CDrom or DVDrom. When installing (enabling with the license key) one or more of these
Applications from the CD or DVD, all other Applications contained will be automatically preloaded at the
same time, and therefore be available for future install from the Hard disks.

• Make sure the Hard Disk button is selected, then click on the Contents button.
Installation instructions display on the EasyInstall window.
If your site has a more recent version on DVD/Cdrom of an Application preloaded on the AW hard
disks, always use it instead of the preloaded release.
In this case, select Cdrom.

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The Easy Install window for optional software application(s) present on the hard disks, pops–up.
The example below may differ from what you actually get. It depends on the pre-loaded and on the
already installed applications, and on the evolution of the Applications (names may slightly differ).
If you have uploaded the "Compatibility Matrix" and if the "Compatibility Checker" is selected, you
will also get colors defining the compatibility of the Applications.
Contact your OLC for more information if any Application displays with yellow or white color.

• Click on the corresponding button(s) of the optional software application(s) you want to install. The
display will change from Not installed to Ready to be installed.
• When this is done, click on the Install button to start the installation of the chosen application(s).
You will be prompted to select whether or not this is Networked (Floating) application, and enter the
appropriate software protection key for each chosen application.
When the application has been installed, the display will change to Installation successful.


Make sure the Uninstall button is not pressed inadvertently. This would mean that selected
applications are candidate to erase. In this case, the Install button changes to Uninstall.

• When done with the Application(s) installation, quit the Easy Install utility.
• Eject now the USB key.
• Do not forget to restart AW so the Applications become available. Page no. 127 Chapter 1

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5-2 Installing applications from CDrom (or DVDrom)

The following procedure is a COMMON procedure which describes how to install Advanced Applications
delivered on a Cdrom or DVDrom media.
All Applications operator’s and installation instructions are now only accessible on-line.
Some Applications are released on 2 Cdroms. The second Cdrom contains the Operator’s and
Installation documentation. This Cdrom has to be loaded as well on your AW/SA station.
• Login as sdc if not already logged in as sdc
• Select Install package from the Service menu
The package installation window pops up.

• Click on Hard disk / Floppy / Cdrom button and select CDROM from the pull down menu.
• Make sure the USB key with the Licence key(s) is inserted in any of the USB connectors .
• Insert the appropriate ”Advanced Application” software CDROM into the drive.
• Click on the Contents button.
The Application Package name appears in the window. A new window pops up:

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• Click on the Install button.

The ” Applications_Name Installation” window appears (see below example for ).
The node–locked software license key (1) is read on the hard disk (if the application is already installed)
and on the software license key support media : the software license key support media having the

If the Configuration USB key or Floppy diskette containing the License key(s) has not been inserted into
the USB port or Floppy drive, you can select the Application(s) candidate to install and type in the
Licence key(s) manually.


Make sure NOT TO type the last number after the space of the ”Cola” type licenses.
"2" is not part of the license, but corresponds to the maximum number of hosts allowed to access
the Application simultaneously (2 hosts in our example).
• Click on the check–box to enable the password field and type in the key corresponding to the
package you want to install.
If you engage the <Caps Lock> key for typing in the Cola type License, make sure you disengage
it when done, to avoid later errors mistyping the sdc password when logging, for example. Page no. 129 Chapter 1

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• Click on OK to install the corresponding application(s).

At this point, a number of messages display on the screen which tell the operator what is going on.
If the following window pops up, you probably have selected the wrong media (Floppy / Cdrom),
or the concerned drive is defective.

For some older type Applications, the following window may pop up.

• Select the language by clicking on the button located into the language field, then click on OK to
Applications check that the package is not already present on the hard disk, and if so, warn you in
order not to overwrite a posterior release. See example below.

• Click on OK to start installing the application, and wait until installation has completed.
• Click on Eject CDRom , then click on Quit unless you want to install another package.

• The ”Application Name” software is now installed. Select Restart Software from the System menu
button, to validate the option.
The Application is now available through a new ”Application” button located the Applications window.

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If the software license key was not properly set–up/entered, it can be entered/modified as follow :
Reload the Software license key from the software license key support media :
- If not done before, insert the software license key support media into the drive. Wait for a few
- Click on the ”Reload Software License Keys” button (2). This button allows to automatically
extract the software license keys from the hard disk and from the configuration media.
The software license keys can be typed in directly into the license key entry fields:
- Tick the application to install (3).
- Erase the ”0” and type in the software license key using the keyboard.

5-3 Installing Applications from the DVD collector using EASY-INSTALL

5-3-1 Foreword
A set of 4 DVDs containing the main Applications currently available for AW, is delivered mainly with
Upgrades to VS4, as part of the Upgrade kit package.
Application(s) version:
Do not use applications cdroms from a previous AW release.
Always use the Applications from this DVD collector, unless you are getting a more recent compatible
application Cdrom, from an application software package purchased by the site.
Applications purchased:
Before installing applications from the DVD collector, make sure that the site has actually purchased
the application(s) you want to install, and that you have the corresponding license key(s) available
(paper sheet, USB key, AW config Cdrom).
Applications Preload:
You may choose to preload all or part of the applications from one or more of the DVDs.
You may want to preload them first from the DVD, then install them from the hard disks, or prefer to
directly install applications purchased by the site and preload the other.
Just beware that preloading all or part of the applications will take some time to load.
Currently, some applications cannot be preloaded, and those that cannot be, must be directly
installed from the DVDs or their dedicated Cdrom.
Volume Viewer Applications are not part of the DVD collector.
5-3-2 Applications Refresher DVDs : Contents details
The following information about the contents of the Applications Refresher DVDs is valid at the time this
Service Manual is released. The contents may evolve each time an Application is updated and re-
DVD # 1: 5184668–8 (or up): CT apps and Fusion apps DVDrom (including):
Smartscore 3.5_L_4015 – Smartscore 4.0_24 – CT Perfusion 4.3 – Fusion Apps 1.4 –
Advantage SIM 7.7 – Dentascan 7.0 – Advantage4D 1.4_15/1.0.26
DVD #2: 5184574–8 (or up): MR applications DVDrom (including):
Functool 6.3.1 – MASS 6.1 – CV Flow 4.1 – MR Pasting 1.1.8 - Report Card 4.3.1 – Flow Analysis 4.3.1
StarMap 4.3.1 – AngioCard 1.3 – Cadstream 4.3.1 – Brainwave 1.6.3 Page no. 131 Chapter 1

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DVD #3: 5184810–8 (or up): XRAY applications DVDrom (including):

3D XR 2.0_12 – Advantage Paste 1.7 – Advantage Straight 1.06 – Adv Paste 2.0.6
Cardiac XRay Analysis 1.6 – Innova 3D XR 1.0.6
DVD #4: 5184916–8 (or up): PET appls and networking apps DVDrom (including):
ECTb 2.6.3 – Remote Access 1.3 - Cortex ID 1.04-2 - CardIQ Physio - Dynamic VUE 1.04-2
5-3-3 Applications installation
Installation of the Applications from the DVDs shall be done through the EasyInstall utility.
Select ”CDrom” from the Field chooser.

• Click on Hard disk / Floppy / Cdrom button and select CDROM from the pull down menu.
• Insert the USB key with the Licence key(s) if available.
• Insert the appropriate ”Advanced Application” software DVD into the drive.
• Click on the Contents button.
The Collector Package name appears in the window displaying the contents of the DVD.
This first application
has separate documentation.
Install documentation first, so you
can open it from Admin / Service
Docs, to get more info while install-
ing the application.

This applications set has

integrated documentation
so it will be installed automatically.
These standalone applications have
integrated documentation, which will
be installed automatically.

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Job Card IST005 - Applications installation

Click on the Install button.

The following window pops up on the right side of the EasyInstall main window.

Moving the mouse cursor over the applications buttons, displays additional information about the
contents of the application, in the main EasyInstall window.
When an application has a separated documentation file, always select the documentation
installation first, so you will be able to open it ( Admin/Service Docs) and get additional information,
before installing the application itself
At this point, you may choose to preload on your workstation’s hard disk all or part of the Applications
contained in the DVD, or simply install the Applications one by one, as you would do when installing an
Application from its CDrom. Note that not all Applications are currently pre-loadable.
- If you click on the preload button, the menu will show the Applications that are candidate for preload.
- If you want to install the Apps directly, proceed as follows:
• Click on the button corresponding to the application you want to install
i.e: Click on Appli XXXX Doc button.
A message window pops up to let you know that once the installation of this application package is
complete, you will have to click on the Quit button to return to the Collector Installation menu.
• Click on the OK button.
The EasyInstall main window changes to display what is going to be installed.
• Click on the Install button.
For separated documentation packages, a Command line window pops up to display the installation
steps and prompts you to press the [Enter] key, once documentation installation is complete.
• Click on the Quit button to return to the Collector Installation menu.
Do not mind the usual EasyInstall exit pop up message window ...
DO NOT forget to restart the browser to declare your new installed options
... click on OK to continue. Page no. 133 Chapter 1

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The EasyInstall Collector Installation window displays again

• Select another package to install, by clicking on the button corresponding to the application you want
to install i.e: Click on Appli YYYY version yyyy button.
The EasyInstall main window displays the version/contents of the application candidate to install.
• Click on the Install button.
The application license window pops up.

• Select the application(s) you want to install by clicking on the corresponding checkbox(es).
If the application(s) were previously installed and license(s) were saved on the AW configuration
Cdrom, then restored at the software reload, the license(s) will be displayed in the password fields.
If you select an application for which you do not have the license key available, it will be preloaded
on the workstation’s hard disks, so you can install it at a later time from the hard disks. Remember
that some applications cannot be preloaded.
See on your DVD collector booklets for details.
• Click on the OK button.
The application installation proceeds. Installation details show in the main EasyInstall window.
• When the application(s) installation has completed, the message in the main EasyInstall window
says so.
• Click on the Quit button to return to the Collector installation window.
Do not mind the usual exit EasyInstall pop up message window ...
DO NOT forget to restart the browser to declare your new installed options ... and click on OK to
• Select another package to install, by clicking on the button corresponding to the application you want
to install i.e: Click on Appli XXXX version xxxx button
• Click on the Exit Collector button if you have no more applications to install, or to install applications
from another DVD, then click on the Quit button to exit the EasyInstall utility.
The DVD is ejected from the drive.
• Do not forget to restart AW to validate the applications.
Select System then Restart Software from the AW User Interface.

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5-4 AW Apps installation and error messages

Installation and/or error messages are displayed in the Console window. They are also logged in files
that are periodically ”cleaned” to prevent them from growing.

• To read the contents of the log files :

more /var/log/messages [Enter] (must be switched to root)
more /export/home/sdc/logfiles/easyInstallLog [Enter]

Example of Error Message : Bad licence key entered :

ERROR: Install fail for Appli : Bad application key for ’CTColono_PRO’
or License Server error
ERROR: Software installation canceled
ERROR: Exiting with error code 30. CD Installation failed !

In case of persisting error messages about wrong software protection key, contact your On–Line
Support center, with the order number for the option purchased, and with the licenseId of your
workstation available, so they can recalculate and make sure of the corresponding software
license key.
To get the licenseId of your Linux workstation, open a command window and type in the following
command: licenseId [Enter].

Specific Volume Viewer applications logs are available in the following log file :
/export/home/sdc/logfiles/Voxtool.log Page no. 135 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST005 - Applications installation

6 Appendix: Manual procedure

• Login as sdc if not already logged in as sdc.
• When AW completes its startup, open a Command Window from the Admin submenu.
• Change to the install directory by typing:
cd / export/home/sdc/install [Enter]
The following are examples of installation and corresponding uninstallation scripts for a non–
exhaustive list of Advanced Applications.


For ”Cola” type licenses (licenses with mixed numbers and letters), DO NOT type in the
last number after the space (i.e: RT657FGFOIUY7DF 1), which corresponds to the
maximum number of hosts that can share the license.

6-1 Installation/uninstallation examples

This list is an example, non exhaustive and subject to evolve with new Applications being released.

AutoBone install.autobone uninstall.autobone

AutoBone Xpress install.autobonexpress uninstall.autobonexpress

AVA Xpress install.ava1 uninstall.ava1

VesselIQ Xpress install.ava2 uninstall.ava2

CardIQ Xpress 2.0 Plus install.cardiqplus uninstall.cardiqplus

CardIQ Xpress 2.0 Pro install.cardiqpro uninstall.cardiqpro

CardIQ Xpress 2.0 Elite install.cardiqelite uninstall.cardiqelite

CardIQ Function Xpress install.funcvcar uninstall.funcvcar

CardEP install.cardep uninstall.cardep

CardIQ Fusion PET install.cardiqfusionpet uninstall.cardiqfusionpet

CardIQ Fusion SPECT install.cardiqfusionspect uninstall.cardiqfusionspect

AdvantageCTC Plus install.ctc uninstall.ctc

AdvantageCTC Pro install.ctcpro uninstall.ctcpro

AdvantageCTC Pro 3D install.ctcpro3d uninstall.ctcpro3d

Colon VCAR install.ctcdca uninstall.ctcdca

Lung VCAR install.alapro uninstall.alapro

PET VCAR install.petvcar uninstall.petvcar

Synchro 3D install.synchro3d uninstall.synchro3d

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Auto Launch install.autolaunch uninstall.autolaunch

Integrated Registration install.intreg uninstall.intreg

Motion VUE install.motionvue uninstall.motionvue

GSI Viewer install.gsiviewer uninstall.gsiviewer

6-2 Dentascan installation example:

• Run the installation script:
./install.denta XXXXXXX [Enter] (where XXXXXXX is the denta package key) OR
./install.dentaplus XXXXXXX [Enter] (where XXXXXXX is the dentaPlus package key)
./install.denta LicenseServer XXXXXXXX (where XXXXXXXX is the Denta key)
The procedure will send 1 or 2 films to the camera (2 films if Zoom is supported by the type of Camera)
Please check that your camera is connected and running.
Do you want to continue (y/n) y [Enter]
Sending film to the camera
To answer the following question(s), you must get the film(s) sent to the camera by the install.denta
script. Measure the distance between the two vertical lines on the film(s) printed, and enter the
value(s) in MILLIMETERS (mm).
Enter the distance 1 in (mm) : XXX.X [Enter]
Enter the distance 2 in (mm) : YYY.Y [Enter] (only if Zoom is supported by the type of Camera)
Configuring Dentascan camera with Zoom disabled
To film real size, Field of View should be equal to: XXX mm (if Zoom is not supported) OR
Configuring Dentascan camera with Zoom enabled
To film real size, Field of View should be less than or equal to:XXX mm (if Zoom supported)
Application declared
Older type GE–YMS scanners do not give exactly the same FOV value as the one prescribed
above. For example, a selected FOV of 130 can give something like 135 mm on the film.
This is why you should experimentally find a FOV value on the scanner giving a real FOV as close
as possible to the value ”Dist 1” found during installation and communicate it to the customer. If
the scanning FOV is too far away from the value ”Dist1” (more than 5%), you may get the message:
If a communication error with the Printer occurs during installation, the Dentascan package will be
installed with NO CAMERA. In this case, when later on, your camera is installed and running, run
the installcamera.denta script under /export/home/sdc/install directory. Page no. 137 Chapter 1

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If any change is made later to the camera, it will also be necessary to run this script again so the
camera changes can be taken into account by the Dentascan software.
• Run the installation script (if applicable, see Note above):
./installcamera.denta [Enter]
• To validate the package, logout, and login again as sdc.

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Job Card IST006 - Advanced Applications Workflow

Job Card IST006 - Advanced Applications Workflow Chapter 1

1 Foreword
The following Job Card purpose is to give details on the Application worklow for the following
Applications, currently part of the VS4 program:
• Volume Viewer 9.x applications
• Reporting Tool
• GSI Viewer
• Motion Vue
• Innova 3DXR
For details about Applications licensing, installation and uninstallation, refer to Job Card IST005.
For details about the other Applications, please refer to the Installation manual of each Application.

2 Tools required

3 Prerequisite
AW workstation is configured (See IST001, IST002, IST003)

4 Safety precautions

5 Volume viewer applications

5-1 Pre-requisite
• Additional memory is necessary for running Preprocessing/AutoLaunch.
The Preprocessing/AutoLaunch option runs with a minimum of 12 Gigabytes memory (RAM). If
required, additional 4GB RAM memory package(s) are delivered with the option.
Instructions for installing additional memory are given in the present Service Manual at Chapter 8.


The "PET VCAR" and the "Integrated Registration" applications require the Dual–screen
configuration. Installation of these applications will fail on single screen configuration.

The following Applications NO LONGER require the dual-screen configuration with VS4
– Preprocessing/AutoLaunch.
– AVA Xpress, VesselIQ Xpress.
– CardIQ Xpress 2.0 Elite, CardIQ Xpress 2.0 Pro, CardIQ Xpress 2.0 Plus.
– CardIQ Function Xpress.
– CardEP.
– CardIQ Fusion PET, CardIQ Fusion SPECT. Page no. 139 Chapter 1

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5-2 Volume Viewer Applications Description

The Volume Viewer Applications Version 9.X (9.2 or higher) delivered on this release are :
• Volume Viewer 4 *** Prerequisite for running other applications.
(Volume Viewer 4 is the product generation ; ’9.X’ indicates the associated software package
release). Volume Viewer 4 is a medical diagnosis software that allows the processing, review,
analysis and communication of 3D reconstructed images and manages their relationship with
originally acquired images from CT, MR, X–Ray Angio and PET Scanning devices.
• Preprocessing Enabler / AutoLaunch.
AutoLaunch gives the ability to automatically load in memory cases that are transferred to the AW.
Data are ready to be read in the appropriate Volume Viewer protocol. AutoLaunch is compatible with
specific CT, MR and PET single volume protocols of Volume Viewer (Refer to user guides).
Preprocessing performs in advance the most time consuming segmentations on most CPU
intensive exams (Cardiac, run–off). Exams are pre–processed before being loaded.
AutoLaunch/Preprocessing option is a prerequisite for CardIQ Xpress 2.0 Elite and CardIQ
Function Xpress customer orders. AutoBone Xpress is compatible with AutoLaunch/preprocessing,
but can run independently.
Preprocessing Enabler/AutoLaunch can be installed on Dual screen xw8600 or xw8400 hardware
equipped with a minimum of 12 Gigabytes of memory (RAM):
• Volume Viewer PET.
Volume Viewer PET contains a collection of protocols that allow the review of PET/CT exams in
Single and Compare modes. The specific features of Volume Viewer PET are : Dedicated layouts
and review protocols ; Fused Views ; SUV Quantification ; Multi–Object Volume Rendering.
• AutoBone Xpress, AutoBone (Refresh).
The AutoBone Xpress option is a software package that is intended to facilitate segmentation of bony
structures from abdominal and extremity CT angiography data.
• AVA Xpress, VesselIQ Xpress.
These applications are used in the analysis of 2D and 3D CT Angiography images/data derived from
DICOM 3.0 compliant CT scans for the purpose of cardiovascular and vascular disease assessment.
• CardIQ Xpress 2.0 Elite, CardIQ Xpress 2.0 Pro, CardIQ Xpress 2.0 Plus.
CardIQ Xpress 2.0 option is an integrated post processing image analysis software dedicated for the
application of cardiovascular imaging. CardIQ Xpress 2.0 series has three options with increasing
level of features.
• CardIQ Function Xpress.
CardIQ Function Xpress enables complete qualitative and quantitative assessment of the heart
function in two steps and associated protocols :
- Auto Ejection Fraction protocol for automatic analysis of the variation of volume of the Heart
Cavities (Left ventricle, Right Ventricle, Left Atrium, Right Atrium).
- Myocardium Analysis protocol extracts the endocardial and epicardial borders of the heart
muscle and provide the thickness, the thicknening and motion analysis of the heart muscle.
• CardEP.
CardEP is a software post–processing package for the Volume Share (AW) platforms and CT
scanners. It is an additional tool for the analysis of 3D angiographic data (electrophysiology)

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providing a number of display, measurements and batch filming/archive features to study the left
atrium, pulmonary veins and coronary veins.
• CardIQ Fusion PET, CardIQ Fusion SPECT.
CardIQ Fusion can be used to effectively display, reformat and analyze 2D or 3D cardiac CT and
PET/SPECT images for qualitative or quantitative assessment of heart anatomy and coronary artery
vessels from individual phases.
• Colon VCAR, AdvantageCTC Pro3D, AdvantageCTC Pro, AdvantageCTC Plus.
ColonVCAR/AdvantageCTC series provides a unique perspective of the internal wall of the large
bowel in synchronized prone and supine positions. It permits an extremely fast viewing and analysis
for a thorough diagnosis.
The Software Package has four options with specific set of protocols.
• Lung VCAR, AdvantageALA.
Lung VCAR/AdvantageALA series allows the enhanced visual detection of lesions within the lungs,
the determination of nodule shape, the computation of nodule volume, and the comparison between
different exams for the same patient taken over a given period of time. It provides the physician with
a way to identify the growth of nodules, compute their growth rate, and estimate the doubling time of
their volumes.
The software Package has two options, with increasing level of features.
• Synchro 3D.
The Synchro3D application is intended to be used in the vascular exam room. It offers the possiblity
to synchronize the gantry angulation with the 3D view in two manners: one called Send Angles that
allows to position the gantry with the same angulation as the 3D image, and other called Follow The
Gantry that allows to orient automatically the 3D view with the same angulation as the gantry.
The Synchro3D application is installed on a AW workstation located in the control room. It can be
combined with a device installed at table side called the 3D Mouse, and with an additional color
monitor located in the examination room, thus allowing to visualize and manipulate a 3D image from
the exam room. The in-room monitor is a replication of the AW monitor located in the control room.
During the installation of the Synchro3D application, three parameters shall be provided to enable
proper communication with the vascular room:
1) Vascular system type: AdvantX or Innova
2) Network IP address of the vascular system
3) Whether or not the 3D Mouse is present.
If the 3D Mouse is present, please check before the installation
of the Synchro3D application that the buttons of the 3D Mouse
look like the figure below, in particular the ones surounded by a
. a red square.
In case of difference, this 3D Mouse device is not designed to
operate with this version of Synchro3D, and you must order
the appropriate 3D Mouse device

PET VCAR (Volume Computer Assisted Reading) is a PET/CT application which can be used by the
clinician to assist in diagnosis, staging, treatment planning and monitoring treatment response.
The PET VCAR automatically highlights and bookmarks PET defined regions of interest based on
user–defined threshold settings. Page no. 141 Chapter 1

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• Thoracic VCAR.
Thoracic VCAR (Volume Computer Assisted Reading) is a CT application which can be used by the
clinician to assist in diagnosis, staging, treatment planning and monitoring treatment response for
Thoracic exams.
• Integrated Registration.
Integrated Registration is an application which can be used by the clinician to register multi-modality
• Dynamic Shuttle.
Dynamic Shuttle is an application which can be used by the clinician to review perfusion images

5-3 Volume Viewer Apps Licensing summary

The following table provides for each Volume Viewer Apps :
• The Application_Name used in the AW/Apps user interface, the Display Configuration window
• The License modes supported (Node–locked/Floating)
• The Apps_license_keystring : The Apps_license_keystring is used in the installation procedure to
validate the license information and allow installation. It appears in elicense calculation output,
configuration media & paper, and also the Display Configuration Window.

Application Name License mode Apps_license_keystring Comment

Volume Viewer 3.2 Node–locked Volume_Viewer Same license key as

Volume Viewer 2, Volume Viewer 3

Preprocessing/ Node–locked AutoLaunch -


Volume Viewer PET Node–locked Volume_Viewer_PET

AutoBone Floating AutoBone


AutoBone Xpress Floating, AutoBone_Xpress


AVA Xpress Floating AVA_Xpress Same License as ’AVA’,

Node–locked ’Advanced_Vessel_Analysis’

VesselIQ Xpress Floating, VesselIQ_Xpress


CardIQ Xpress 2.0 Node–locked CardIQ_Xpress_Plus Same license as

Plus ’cardiqplusM3’, ’CardIQ_Plus’,

CardIQ Xpress 2.0 Floating, CardIQ_Xpress_Pro Same license as

Pro Node–locked cardiqproM3, CardIQ_Pro,
Note: Reporting Tool key provided.

CardIQ Xpress 2.0 Floating, CardIQ_Xpress_Elite Note: Reporting Tool key provided.
Elite Node–locked

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Application Name License mode Apps_license_keystring Comment

CardIQ Function Floating, CardIQ_Function_Xpress Note: Reporting Tool key provided.

Xpress Node–locked

CardEP Floating , CardEP


CardIQ Fusion PET Floating , CardIQ_Fusion_PET


CardIQ Fusion Floating , CardIQ_Fusion_SPECT

SPECT Node–locked

Advantage CTC Plus Node–locked CT_Colono Same License as

’CT Colonography’
Note: Reporting Tool key provided.

Advantage CTC Pro Floating , CT_Colono_Pro Note: Reporting Tool key provided.

Advantage CTC Floating , CT_Colono_Pro3D Note: Reporting Tool key provided.

Pro3D Node–locked

ColonVCAR Floating , Colon_VCAR Note: Reporting Tool key provided.


AdvantageALA Node–locked Advanced_Lung_Analysis Same license as ’ala’, ’Advanced_

Note: Reporting Tool key provided.

Lung VCAR Floating , Lung_VCAR Same license as ’alaproM3’,

Node–locked ’Advanced_
Note: Reporting Tool key provided.

PET VCAR Floating , PET_VCAR Note: Reporting Tool key provided.


Thoracic VCAR Floating , Thoracic_VCAR Note: Reporting Tool key provided.


Integrated Floating , Integrated_Registration

Registration Node–locked

Dynamic Shuttle Floating , Dynamic_Shuttle .


Synchro 3D Node–locked Synchro_3D



5-4 Installation/uninstallation procedure

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Job Card IST006 - Advanced Applications Workflow

5-5 Volume Viewer Applications Workflow

The following is an example intended to illustrate the common Volume Viewer Apps workflow.
The display on your screen may be slightly different, depending on the release of Volume Viewer apps
installed on your AW station. However, the principle remains the same.
• Refering to IST012, retreive the exam named ’CT Demo Carotid’ from the Volume Viewer Demo
Exams DVD 1 delivered within the Volume Viewer Apps package and import it in the Patient List.
• Click on the Volume Viewer option in the AW Applications/More Menu.
The Volume Viewer 9.X.XX application is launched. The ’All Anatomy’ protocol window appears.
The Volume Viewer Apps image review and analysis can be performed either by using pre–defined
’protocols’ supplied by the application or by using the ”tools” of the application directly.
The protocols installed depend on the Volume Viewer options installed. The protocols can be filtered by
anatomy (Head, Neck, ..., General) or by category (Basics, Vascular, .CardIQ, ...PET). For some types
of exam or image and, the protocol is selected automatically, i.e. 3DXA images).

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If you install several Volume Viewer applications, the associated categories appear at the top of the
window, and the category corresponding to the application launched is checked.
Protocols can also be Searched by keyword, set as favorite protocols (Show My Protocols only), or as
one touch protocols.
In ’All Anatomy’/ ”All categories”, a slider allows to navigate through the protocols. Select the
protocol ”VR Color – Basic”.
The Volume Viewer Applications display contains a Control panel on the left side of the screen and a
Viewing area on the right side.

The Control panel contains :

• The Patient List, Viewer and Filmer toggle mode buttons.
• A Help button (Question mark icon) that provides access to the Volume Viewer Release Number, the
AW/Applications User Guides.
• The Image Controls button that provide the ability to perform basic image manipulations.
• The Review Steps window that displays a set of workflow steps corresponding to the processing
tasks to perform (layout presets and predefined protocols).
The scenario can be customized by the user.
Additional layout and protocols are available when clicking on ”Protocol List” button.
• The Tools palette containing Volume Viewer tools, Applications dedicated tools (i.e. AVA, CardEP)
and Advanced tools grouped by Tabs.
Tools can be displayed in Custom mode (”My Tools”) containing the more frequently used tools, or in
Advanced mode (”More Tools”). Page no. 145 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST006 - Advanced Applications Workflow

• The selected Tool wizard.

• The Hide panel button which allow to Hide/Show a panel that overlays images
• The Exit button allos to Exit the Volume Viewer Application.
The viewing area contains :
• The images views displayed according to the select layout preset. The layout can be customized.
• The viewing controls that can be accessed :
• From the Review controller. The review controller is a square that appears around the view where
is positioned the (mouse) cursor.
• Directly on the views (i.e. roam, zoom, contrast and brightness adjustment)
• Secondary controls panel that contains the controls for a particular protocol.
For more details, refer to the Volume Viewer User guides.

5-6 Applications shortcuts

When Applications are installed, the following shortcuts are created:
Application Name Application shortcut name in
(Display Configuration window) Software Application Manager
Volume Viewer Volume Viewer, Reformat, Volume Rendering,
Fast VR, 3D MIP, Compare
Volume Viewer PET PET/CT Review, PET/CT Compare
Preprocessing/AutoLaunch AutoLaunch
AutoBone / AutoBone Xpress AutoBone / AutoBone Xpress
AVA Xpress / VesselIQ Xpress AVA Xpress / VesselIQ Xpress
MR VesselIQ Xpress MR VesselIQ Xpress
CardIQ Xpress 2.0 Plus / CardIQ Xpress 2.0 CardIQ Xpress
Pro /CardIQ Xpress 2.0 Elite
CardIQ Function Xpress CardIQ Function Xpress
CardEP CardEP
CardIQ Fusion PET / CardIQ Fusion SPECT CardIQ Fusion
AdvantageCTC Plus Colonography, CTC Virtual Dissection
AdvantageCTC Pro3D Colonography, CTC Virtual Dissection, CTC
Auto Dissection
AdvantageALA AdvantageALA Single, AdvantageALA Multi
Lung VCAR Lung VCAR Single, Lung VCAR Multi
AdvantageALA Single, AdvantageALA Multi
Thoracic VCAR Thoracic VCAR
Dynamic Shuttle Dynamic Shuttle
Motion VUE 4D Motion VUE 4D
Integrated Registration Integrated Registration
Synchro 3D Synchro 3D

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6 Reporting Tool application

6-1 Pre-requisite
If the customer intends to export Reports to the HTTP Server, and consult them from a PC, please check
that the HTTP server is installed before installing the Reporting Tool Application.
• Open a Command Window, and type ;
su – root <Enter>
Password :(default is operator)
Press <Enter> to validate.
• service httpd status <Enter>

If the answer is ”httpd is stopped” and the customer wishes to be able to consult, through the web,
reports sent to the HTTP Server, then type the following command :
• ~sdc/install/install.http <Enter>
• Close the Command Window.

6-2 Application Workflow

Some Volume Viewer Applications : CardIQ Xpress 2.0 Pro/Elite, the Advantage CTC / Colon VCAR
series, the AdvantageALA / LungVCAR series, CardIQ Function Xpress and PET VCAR generate
reports adhering to the DICOM Structured Reporting (SR) standard.
The Reporting Tool software package cannot be ordered separately. It is delivered with the Volume
Viewer Applications requiring this feature.
The Reporting Tool is an Application that is designed to render reports adhering to the DICOM Structured
Reporting (SR) standard, in a readable format (HTML, PDF, XML, Excel).
The formatting of a report’s content is controlled by a template. The Reporting Tool provides
functionalities to create, edit, delete, import and export customized templates. The Reporting Tool also
allows to edit text information within a report and save a new instance of that report.
A structured report can be sent to Reporting Tool, but can also be previewed in the Reporting Tool from
within some Volume Viewer Applications (like CardIQ Xpress 2.0 series, the Advantage CTC/Colon
VCAR series, the AdvantageALA/LungVCAR series, CardIQ Function Xpress, PET VCAR), and from
Cortex ID.
Application Name License mode Apps_license_keystring Shortcut name Manual install/
uninstall command
Reporting Tool Node-locked Reporting_Tool Reporting Tool install.rpt

6-3 Installation/uninstallation procedure

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST006 - Advanced Applications Workflow

7 GSI viewer application

GSI Viewer is an application which can be used by the clinician for visualization and post-processing of
dual-energy image data.

Application Name License mode Apps_license_keystring Shortcut name Manual install/

uninstall command

GSI Viewer Floating , GSI_Viewer GSI Viewer install.gsiviewer

Node–locked uninstall.gsiviewer

8 Motion vue application

The Motion VUE application provides the primary visualization and quality assessment of phase
matched PET/CT image data, including gated PET, gated CT, and fused gated PET and CT. It provides
simultaneous visualization of gated PET and gated CT in a color-overlay representation and the ability to
cine movie loop through all available gates.

Application Name License mode Apps_license_keystring Shortcut name Manual install/

uninstall command

Motion Vue 4D Floating , Motion_Vue Motion Vue install.motionvue

Application Node–locked uninstall.motionvue

9 Innova 3DXR application

The Innova 3D XR application provides 3D X-ray reconstruction software enabling 3D visualization of
Innova X-ray images:

Application Name License mode Apps_license_keystring Shortcut name Manual install/

uninstall command

Innova 3DXR Node–locked Innova3DXR Innova3DXR install.innova3dxr


Chapter 1 Page no. 148

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST007 - Advantage Workstation declaration on Image source

JobCardIST007-AdvantageWorkstationdeclarationonImagesourceChapter 1

1 Supplies

2 Tools required

3 Safety precautions

4 Prerequisites
Advantage Workstation is installed and configured (IST001A / IST001B / IST002).

5 Procedure
Refer to IST 002, Section ”Declare Hosts on the Network” under Site configuration, for Network
Setup of Image Sources on AW.

5-1 AW4.5 declaration on Genesis based sources (SIGNA 5.X, MR Horizon, CT

• See Chapter 9 – Section 1 for network example.
AW4.4 is DICOM Query/Retrieve ”STUDY_ROOT” Provider.
• Refer to the manuals delivered with your system.
The only protocol supported on AW4.5 is the DICOM3.0 protocol, or the IC Dicom3.0 protocol.
Refer to your Image source system service manual.

5-2 AW4.5 declaration on non Genesis based sources (SIGNA 4.X).

• Direct connection to the Signa 4.X is no longer supported.

5-3 AW4.5 declaration on CT9800 IMAGE SOURCES - VIA CT9800–IDLINK2.

• This direct connection is NOT supported.

5-4 AW4.5 declaration on GE DICOM Systems (DLX, CT/i, CT Synergy, MR

Horizon LX, MR Contour...) and Foreign devices using DICOM protocol.
• See Chapter 9 – Section 1 for network example.
AW4.5 is DICOM Query/Retrieve ”STUDY_ROOT” Provider.
• Refer to the manuals delivered with your system.
- The DICOM ”Application Entity Title” of the Advantage Workstation is its ”hostname”.
- The DICOM ”port number” of the Advantage Workstations is ALWAYS ”4006”. Page no. 149 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST007 - Advantage Workstation declaration on Image source

5-5 AW4.5 declaration on YMS based sources (CT Sytec family, CT ProSpeed
family, MR Vectra).
• See Chapter 9 - Section 1 for network example, and Section 2-6.
• Refer to the manuals delivered with your scanning system.
Use the DICOM3.0 protocol.
- The DICOM ”Application Entity Title” of the Advantage Workstations is its ”hostname”.
- The DICOM ”port number” of the Advantage Workstations is ALWAYS ”4006”.

5-6 AW4.5 declaration on AW1.2 and AW2.0.

• See Chapter 9 - Section 1 for network example.
• AW1.2, AW2.0 are not DICOM Query/Retrieve Provider.
AW4.4 is DICOM Query/Retrieve ”STUDY_ROOT” Provider.
• Use the DICOM3.0 protocol to connect to AW4.5
DO NOT use any of the SdCNet protocols !!!
- The DICOM ”Application Entity Title” of the Advantage Workstations is its ”hostname”.
- The DICOM ”port number” of the Advantage Workstations is ALWAYS ”4006”.

5-7 AW4.5 declaration on AW3.1 and AW4.0.

• See Chapter 9 - Section 1 for network example.
• AW1.2, AW2.0, AW3.1 and AW4.0 are not DICOM Query/Retrieve Provider.
AW4.4 is DICOM Query/Retrieve ”STUDY_ROOT” Provider.
• Use the DICOM3.0 protocol to connect to AW4.4.
On the AW4.5, you can use the SdCNet3.1 or 4.0 protocol to Query/Retrieve an AW3.1 or an
AW4.0 (which are not Dicom Query providers)

5-8 AW4.5 declaration on AW4.1 / 4.1P, AW4.2 / 4.2P and AW4.3.

• See Chapter 9 - Section 1 for network example.
• AW4.1s, AW4.2s and AW4.3 are DICOM Query/Retrieve ”STUDY_ROOT” Provider.
On AW4.1s, AW4.2s or AW4.3 side, declare AW4.5 as Patient provider, for better display in the
AW4.1s, AW4.2s or AW4.3 Patient list.
• Use the DICOM3.0 protocol to connect to AW4.5.
DO NOT use any of the SdCNet protocols !!!

5-9 AW4.5 declaration on AW4.4 and AW4.5.

• See Chapter 9 - Section 1 for network example.
• AW4.4 and AW4.5 are DICOM Query/Retrieve Provider.

5-10 AW4.5 declaration on AWServer product.

• See Chapter 9 - Section 1 for network example.
• AWServer uses port 4006 and is DICOM Query/Retrieve Provider.

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST008 - InSite configuration

Job Card IST008 - InSite configuration Chapter 1

1 Insite overview
The InSite/iLinq/RCOC software is no longer considered as proprietary class M software.
Therefore the InSite software is included in the AW software, and does not need to be loaded from a
separate Service Tools Class.M (proprietary) CD.ROM.

The InSite connectivity can be achieved either:

• directly through the InSite router of the site, or through an InSite modem physically attached to the
AW workstation.
• indirectly through the modem of another AW workstation or the Modality console which is already
directly connected to InSite.


The following installation instructions only concerns the regular InSite software and not
the Interactive InSite (iLinq). The iLinq icon will remain disabled.
For iLinq installation, contact your Service Marketing representative, in order to have the
appropriate license keys to enable the iLinq software.


Sweeps, Prodiags and iLinq features are not supported with Modem connection

2 Supplies

Field supplied material

If applicable (case of InSite connection through modem):
• One "Global Multi.Tech" modem if applicable (refer to Chapter 6 for part number information).
• One RS-232 cable (refer to Renewal Part chapter for part number information).

To be supplied (hospital responsibility)

• A nearby AC power outlet for the modem (if applicable: InSite connection through modem).
• A nearby telephone line jack.
• A Router for Broadband network connection.

3 Tools required

4 Safety precautions
• Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm. Page no. 151 Chapter 1

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST008 - InSite configuration

5 Hardware installation
These steps are only necessary for a direct connection through a modem.
Bypass these steps if you do not intend to use the indirect connection through modem.
• Shutdown the workstation, and turn off power.
• Connect the RS232 serial cable to the computer serial port A or B, and connect the other end to the
back of the modem.
• Connect the line cable into the modem "LINE" jack (not the "PHONE" jack) and the other end into a
phone line wall jack.


There are two jacks available at the rear of the modem. One is labeled "PHONE", the other
one "LINE". The modem’s "LINE jack" is not interchangeable with the "PHONE" jack. Be
careful then not plugging your line cable into the modem’s "PHONE" jack.
• Connect the modem power supply cable to the back of the modem.
• Plug in the power supply cable to any open AC plug.
• Turn the modem on (first).
• Turn the workstation on.

6 Software installation
6-1 Prerequisites
• Case 1 : Direct connection through modem
The modem is connected to Serial port A of the workstation, and powered up.
The Multitech Global modem does not require any particular hardware internal switch setting.
• Case 2 : Indirect connection through Modality
The Image Source system (CT, MR, ...) inSite "connection" has already been checked out by your
OLC and is operational.
In this case, the AW will be "inSiteable", through "telnet" remote login.
Declare the IP address of the Image source system as gateway.
• Case 3 : Direct connection through "broadband connection": same subnetwork
The gateway or router is operational (ISDN, ...).
Declare the IP address of the "broadband" router for the connection.
• Case 4 : Direct connection through "broadband connection": different subnetwork
The gateway or router is operational (ISDN, beyond modem, ...), but is not on the same subnetwork
as the AW.
Declare the IP address of the gateway for the connection.
Refer to document 2327643-100 for more information on the broadband routers/gateways

GEMS Americas GEMS Europe GEMS Asia
On Line Center O.L.C..E Asian support
Phone : 1.800.321.7937 (33) 1.3920.0007 Please contact local support Engineers
Fax : (414) 524.5305 (33) 1.3070.9970 in your Region

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST008 - InSite configuration


Case 3 & 4: The Gateway (or Router) MUST be previously declared, prior to run the
insite.config script. Refer to Job Card IST002 and/or Chapter 9, Section to declare
the default router, started at boot and properly backuped on the Configuration Cdrom.


In order to increase the network security, we STRONGLY recommend that you change all
the passwords for your AW system (root, sdc, sdc_admin, inSite).
See Job Card IST002 and/or IST009 section 8-2 for details.
You shall do it prior to proceed with the InSite Checkout steps, so that the new passwords
are taken into account.
Failing to do so and changing the passwords later on, would mean that a new Checkout
will have to be done.

6-2 Install.insite script

This step is removed.
As the Insite software is now included into the AW software, the "install.insite" script, (which was
previously used to extract the Insite files from the Insite Cdrom), has become useless and is now
removed from the script directories.
The "uninstall.insite" script is also removed.

6-3 Set the ip_forwarding parameter to "on"

IP forwarding is intentionally set to OFF, in order to increase network security.
You have to set it to ON in order to allow the indirect connection through Modem.

Bypass this step if you do not intend to use the indirect connection through modem.

• Make sure you are still logged as root.

• Edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file with the Vi editor, or any other suitable editor:
vi /etc/sysctl.conf <Enter>
modify the line
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0 to net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
Save and quit the editor :
<Esc> : wq! <Enter>

• In order to allow indirect connection now, type the following command to apply the change:
sysctl –e –p /etc/sysctl.conf <Enter>
The result must now show
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 Page no. 153 Chapter 1

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST008 - InSite configuration

6-4 insite.config script


At the end of this step, you will have to perform a "Checkout" test with your OLC. Be
prepare to call for an OLC support, with the System ID, phone number of the modem (if
applicable), or IP address of the Image Source system (in case of remote connection).

• Switch User to Root in the Command Window (if not done already).
su – root <Enter>
Enter the root password
• Change to the installation directory and run the configuration script.
cd /export/home/sdc/install <Enter>
./insite.config <Enter>
Sourcing ~insite/.insiterc file ...
Updating /root/.cshrc file ...
Executing configuration ...
Starting InSite Interactive Configuration Tool ...
• The following screen pops up. The user is prompted to click on DECLINE if not a GE employee or
click on ACCEPT 3 times if the user is a GE employee.

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Job Card IST008 - InSite configuration

• After ACCEPT has been clicked on three times, the main tabs are initialized.

• Your workstation must be configured to support ProDiags and Sweeps.

Click on the ProDiags tab. The ProDiags configuration window displays.

• Click on the Default button.

The Netscape Proactive Diagnostics configuration starts loading, then after a few seconds, the
display switches to Device Connection screen. Page no. 155 Chapter 1

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST008 - InSite configuration

Device connection
The next step to perform is either to configure the Modem (case 1) directly connected to your
workstation, or to configure the Network gateway/router parameters (case 2, 3 or 4).
When this is done, you will have to call your OLC for the "checkout" phase.
The Checkout phase is a common step for the 4 cases.
Bypass the Checkout phase when restoring (insite.restore) the parameters and iLinq licenses
(see section 8.2).
6-4-1 Case 1: Direct connection through modem
Click onto "Device Connection" tab. Make sure MODEM is selected. The Device Tab allows the user to
configure and set up the serial port and modem for use with InSite. You must set seven (7) items for
configuration to be applied. The items are: Device Connection Type, Dial.out Prefix, Modem Type, CPU
Serial Port Name, Dialing Mode, Country, Serial Port Speed.

1. Device Connection Type: You must be set to "Modem" if there is a modem that is physically
attached to your AW workstation (direct connection). Select "Network" if your AW system is
"InSiteable" through another system (indirect connection) that has been previously checked-out
by your OLC. If you choose "Network" you will then be asked to enter the IP address of the system
that can connect to the OnLine Center (the one that has the modem physically attached to it, and that
has been previously checked out by your OLC).
2. Dial Out Prefix: You must either select a Dial Out prefix or enter a site specific one if it is not in the
list. Dial Out Prefixes may be required on some sites to get a line outside of the hospital. If you do not

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST008 - InSite configuration

need any Dial Out Prefixes at all to get the line outside, just erase the one that appears per default in
the Dial Out Prefix field.
3. Dialing Mode: You must select a dialing mode Tone or Pulse. Tone is selected by default.
4. Modem Type: You must select "MultiTech MT5634ZBA V.90" (GEMS Multi.Tech global modem).
5. Country: You must set the country in which the site is located. "Default . All Others" is selected by
default. If your Country is not listed in the pull down menu, then the correct selection is "Default . All
6. CPU Serial Port Name: You must select the Serial Port Name (/dev/ttyS0 for port A or /dev/ttyS1 for
port B) that is used for the modem connection.
Use Serial Port A by default.
7. CPU Serial Port Speed: You must select the CPU serial Port Speed. By default, the speed is set to
38400 Bauds.
• After all selection is made, click onto "Apply" button to set up the serial port and set up the register on
the modem, and store the values to the modem’s NVRAM. When the "Apply" button is pressed,
another screen will be displayed meanwhile you should see the following status that appears into the
status area of the IIP Config window:
"Waiting for Port Monitor to become ready... The modem is ready to accept commands...setting
Modem Registers... Modem Configuration:
Completed Successfully".
When this is done, the Checkout window pops up:
Bypass the Checkout phase (click on Exit) when restoring the parameters and iLinq licenses from
the Insite backup diskette, using the script insite.restore (see section 7.2).

• Click on Checkout Now. Go to 6.4.3 : Checkout Common Steps Page no. 157 Chapter 1

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST008 - InSite configuration

6-4-2 Case 2, 3 and 4: Broadband connection or indirect connection through modem

• Cick onto "Device Connection" tab. Make sure NETWORK is selected.
The Device Tab allows the user to configure and set up the Router or Gateway IP address.

• Enter the Gateway address (indirect connection through Modem) or Router address (Broadband
connection) in the Gateway to OLC address field.
- If your AW uses the indirect connection through modem, you have to enter the IP address of the
system that can connect to the OnLine Center (the one that has the modem physically attached to
it, and that has been previously checked out by your OLC).
- If your AW uses the direct connection to the Broadband router , you have to enter the IP address
of the Router system that can connect to the OnLine Center, and which has been previously
checked out by your OLC.
• After all selection is made, click onto Apply button to set up the network parameters.
The following status that appears into the status area of the IIP Config window:
"Network Configuration: Completed Successfully".

When this is done, the following window pops up:

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Job Card IST008 - InSite configuration

• Click on OK to accept.
The following window pops up:
Note: Bypass the Checkout phase (click on Exit) when restoring the parameters and iLinq licenses
from the Insite backup diskette, using the script insite.restore (see section 7.2).

• Click on Checkout Now . Go to 6.4.3 : Checkout Common Steps

6-4-3 Checkout : common steps

• At this time, you have to call your OLC, in order to run the Checkout process of the inSite link.
Note: Your OLC may at the same time download the 1 to 4 iLinq license(s), based on the level of service
contract purchased by the customer, in order to enable the iLinq/TVA features.
The Configure Insite Now dialout test menu pops up.

The Model type to use for "Checkout" of the AW4.5 workstation is AW45.LNX.
Select "Cancel", to bypass the dial-out test. Page no. 159 Chapter 1

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST008 - InSite configuration

• Once the Checkout has been successfully performed by your OLC, click on the Exit button to close
the Insite Interactive Platform configuration window.

Adding insite browser in application list and adding a script to launch it
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
********* End of INSITE modem (or network) installation *********
Please, Restart Browser to take into account the new configuration
• Restart AW to validate the installation.
After restart completion, you should see the iLinq button enabled if the iLinq licenses have been
installed on your site by the OLC.

7 ILINQ & RCOC/TVA start up

Note: The following screenshot are given for reference only, as they may vary depending on the iLinq/
RCOC releases. They are only accessible with the iLinq licenses installed.
• Click on the red iLinq button to start the iLinq application.
The iLinq Browser pops-up.

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST008 - InSite configuration

Based on the iLinq licenses downloaded on your system, depending on the level of services purchased
for your site, you will be able to access some or all the services, as well as the Remote Console
Observation & Control / Tip Virtual Assist (RCOC/TVA) feature.
• Click on the Contact GE button. The Contact GE window pops up.

• Click on the Tip Virtual Assist button. The Tip Virtual Assist window pops up.

• Click on the Accept button. The Remote training window pops up.

• Your iLinq and RCOC/TVA link is ready for operation. You may exit the link at this time by clicking
on the Exit Training button, then quit the iLinq Main menu. Page no. 161 Chapter 1

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST008 - InSite configuration

8 Insite configuration backup and restore



8-1 Save InSite configuration on the AW Configuration Cdrom

Once the installation is completed, you should save the Insite parameters for future reinstallation.
The Insite parameters will be copied in the /export/home/sdc/Prefs directory , so that they can be
saved on the Configuration Cdrom at the same time you save the other parameters of your AW.

• Open a Command window and type in:

cd /export/home/sdc/scripts <Enter>
./insite.backup <Enter>
Please enter the Insite password: 2getin <Enter>

Do not mind "normal error" messages like chmod: operation not permitted displaying during
the save process , which are harmless.
Do not forget to save the AW configuration parameters on the AW Configuration Cdrom.
Perform steps described in Job Card IST009.

The InSite configuration files (among them the sclink.cfg file) are stored under the
/export/home/insite directory.

8-2 InSite Configuration Restore from the AW Configuration Cdrom

After software reload, you may reinstall the Insite parameters and the license keys from the AW Config
Cdrom, if the Checkout process and iLinq licenses have already been done once by your OLC at the
time of first InSite/iLinq installation.
As the Insite software is now embedded into the AW software, you do not need to reload it, but simply
restore the Insite parameters contained into the AW Configuration Cdrom.
• Open a Command window and type in:
su – root <Enter>
passwd : operator <Enter>
• Restore the inSite parameters
cd /export/home/sdc/scripts <Enter>
./insite.restore <Enter>
Restoring IIP files from file:
/tmp/restore/insite.restore.3260/config_insite.Z ...
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
Restart Browser to take into account new configuration.

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Job Card IST008 - InSite configuration

• Restart the Software to validate the new configuration.

• Make sure that the InSite functionality is operational.

9 Insite uninstallation
As Insite software is now included in the AW software, the "uninstall.insite" script is removed.
Insite software shall not be removed from the AW workstation. Page no. 163 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST008 - InSite configuration

This page is blank.

Chapter 1 Page no. 164

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST009 - Final settings, checks and Turnover to the Customer

Job Card IST009 - Final settings, checks and Turnover to the

Customer Chapter 1

1 Supplies
• Two blank CD-ROM or
• Two blank rewritable CD-ROM (see section 4-5: erasing a rewritable CDrom).

2 Tools
• None.

3 Safety Precautions
• None.

4 Prerequisites
• The Volume Share 4 (AW4.5) Workstation is installed and configured.
• All available optional Applications are installed and the Network is configured.

5 Basic checks and settings


The following steps do not intend to be exhaustive or mandatory, but are just kind of
guidelines of the recommended steps to perform, in order for you to have a good level of
confidence on your installation.
• Login as sdc
sdc <Enter>
Password: adw4.5 <Enter>
Wait for the Patient List (Browser) window to pop up.

5-1 Viewer basic checks using the Demo Exams

• Open the Patient List (Browser)
• Retrieve some Demo exams from the DVDs if not patient’s images are available. Refer to IST012.
• Select some of these exams and check that they can be fully displayed within the AW Viewer. Try
some of the viewing functionalities and tools to make sure that your AW workstation is fully
operational. Refer to Volume Share 4 (AW4.5) Operator Manual if necessary.

5-2 Advanced Applications basic checks using the Demo Exams

• Open the Patient List (Browser)
• Retrieve some CT Demo exams from the DVDs if not done yet, and if not patient’s images are
available. Refer to IST012.
• Select one basic CT exam and check that Volume Viewer base application launches and runs
without problems. Note that the other Volume Viewer applications (CardEP, Autobone, etc ..) may
need dedicated exams to launch, so it is simpler to check the basic features of Volume Viewer. Try
some of the functionalities and tools to make sure that your AW workstation is fully operational. Refer
to Volume Share 4 (AW4.5) Operator Manual if necessary. Page no. 165 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST009 - Final settings, checks and Turnover to the Customer

5-3 Communication Test

• Test the Ethernet connection by pulling images (or pushing from an image source). Remember that
the scanning system database must be active, to query remote host and pull images.
The Network Icon becomes active.
• Check that Telnet is possible from another station (CT, MR ...) on which inSite is installed.
If not, check for proper PNF settings. See IST004 , section 4–3.

5-4 Direct Connect communication tests

• If the Direct Connect option is installed, test the communication by querying a ”Direct Connect” host,
and run the Viewer application (or Volume Viewer application, if applicable) on remote images to
check that the link is active and the performances are acceptable.

5-5 Postscript printers tests

• Open the Filmer by clicking on the Filmer button of the Browser.
• Click on Option button to select the right type of printer (Color or Greyscale printer(s) #n).
• Select 1x1 format.
The output device (printer) can be changed when images are loaded in the Film Composer if the
currently selected format is compatible with the new output device being selected.
• Move the pointer of the mouse to the displayed SMPTE image, press on the mouse left button and
slide the cursor to the Film Composer image field before releasing the mouse button.
The SMPTE pattern appears in the Film Composer image field.
• Click on the PRINT button.
The message in the Film Composer ”Current Status” changes to ”Printing”.
The SMPTE pattern is printed in black and white on the Color Printer. To check the color rendering,
you may need to use an Application such as Volume Viewer or CT Perfusion to display images
with colors.
• Stop the SMPTE image VIEWER.

5-6 Dicom printers tests

Proceed as described for the Postscript printer tests.

5-7 LCD color landscape monitor(s) adjustments

• Install the SMPTE patterns if not done previously.
• Select the SMPTE MR pattern from the Browser menu by clicking on the image.
• Display the SMPTE pattern by clicking on the VIEWER button of the Browser.
The correct viewing levels are WW=100 WL=1024.
• Choose the 1 x 1 format by selecting it from the Format icon on the Viewer.
To display the SMPTE pattern, use the Layout Manager and drag & drop the SMPTE icon into the
2nd screen icon.
• Choose the 1 x 1 format by selecting it from the Format icon (number of images per viewport) on the
Layout Manager in order to enlarge it on the screens.

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Job Card IST009 - Final settings, checks and Turnover to the Customer

• Check for correct adjustment of linearity, brightness and contrast of the monitor. Readjust if
For detailed instructions concerning the monitors controls, refer to the monitor’s Users manual
supplied with the monitor.

5-8 LCD color landscape monitor(s) calibration

This step is optional.
It may only be necessary for "dual head" systems, if the color rendering of the two landscape monitors
are much too different from each other.
For color calibration of the LCD monitor(s),, please order tool 216 ”LCD color analyzer” from the
”pool of tools” and refer to Service notes SNAW2002–009, SNAW2002–012 and SNAW2004–10
instructions delivered with the Tool or available from the AW–IB web site @

5-9 Check InSite/iLinq/RCOC configuration

Make sure InSite has been properly installed and that the InSite configuration has been saved.
This step is necessary prior to save the whole site’s parameters on the AW config Cdrom.
Refer to Job Card IST008, see "insite.backup" section.

6 Declare a DNS and/or NTP server

6-1 Declare a DNS server installation
If your hospital is using a DNS server (Domain Name server), it may be useful to declare it, so that it
can be used to inform applications such as EA3, NTP, for the correspondance between hostnames,
aliases and IP addresses of the different servers of the hospital.
This information can be obtained from the Network administrator of the hospital.
• In order to do that, open a Command Window
• Switch User to root
su – root <Enter>
Enter the root password : operator <Enter>
• Edit the /etc/resolv.conf file with the vi editor, or any other suitable editor:
vi /etc/resolv.conf <Enter>
and add the following line(s):
nameserver <IP address of the DNS server #1>
nameserver <IP address of the DNS server #2>
nameserver <IP address of the DNS server #n>
• Save and quit the editor
: wq!
• When you are done, if you do not have to declare a NTP server, reboot the workstation in order to
take this into account:
reboot <Enter> Page no. 167 Chapter 1

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6-2 Declare a NTP server

The goal of Consistent Time is to connect the AW system to a Time Server, for time synchronization.

6-2-1 Pre–requisite
The process described below can only work if a Time server is available on the network. This can be:
• any NTP server connected to the same (local) network as the AW.
• any NTP server available on the Internet (i.e:, if the AW has sufficient access to
Internet. In this case, NTP protocol is needed as HTTP proxy is not enough.

6-2-2 Procedure
• Obtain the IP address of an NTP server available on the network.
• Open a Command Window
• Verify that the given IP address of an NTP server, can be pinged from the AW.
ping <NTP_server_IP_address> <Enter>
• Switch User to root
su – root <Enter>
Enter the root password : operator <Enter>
• Stop the NTP service
service ntpd stop <Enter>
• Edit the /etc/services file with the vi editor, or any other suitable editor, and uncomment (remove the
# sign) the 2 following lines:
vi /etc/services [Enter]
ntp 123/tcp
ntp 123/udp
• Save and quit the editor
: wq!
• Configure the NTP Time Server on AW
dateconfig <Enter>

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The Date & Time / NTP /Time Zone window displays

The DNS server might have to be declared to solve NTP Time Server address in the
/etc/resolv.conf file. See previous section 6–1

• Click on the OK button to take the changes into account.

• Synchronize the AW system with the NTP Time Server
ntpdate –u <NTP server IP address> <Enter>

It may take some time before the synchronization is effective.

• To make sure that the service that synchronizes the time, will always be started when booting up the
workstation, type the following:
chkconfig – –level 345 ntpd on <Enter>

7 Define user(s) login account

Before proceeding with these steps, you will have to check with the Site administrator whether or not
the site wants to use the EA3 (Enterprise Authentication) feature to manage the Users of the site.
• If the site does not have a server to manages the Users, you do not have to set up EA3, and you will
declare the requested Users as usual (see 7–1).
• If the site has a server which manages the Users, you will have to set up EA3 (see 7–2) to allow the
sites Users to login to the AW system, through their User’s name and password, registered in the
Site’s server.




GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST009 - Final settings, checks and Turnover to the Customer

7-1 Define local user accounts

If this has not been done previously, as instructed in Job Card IST002, you may now create accounts for
the different Users of the site.
You can also create User accounts from the AW User Interface, by clicking on the Tools button,
then on the AW Administration button. You will be prompted to enter the "Administrator" password.
In order to do this, select entry "1" User Management, then entry "12" Create a User.
Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior
Start the Common Service Desktop and the Configuration Tool menu
• Login as sdc: AW starts up.
sdc <Enter>
Password: adw4.5 <Enter>
(the sdc password is factory loaded as adw4.5)
• Select Service Tools from Admin. menu. The Common Service Desktop displays within the
Mozilla navigator web page. A Warning message
displays on top of the CSD menu:

• Click (1) OK button to close the Warning window, The Configuration menu is displayed.
then click (2) Configuration button. You can increase the size of the window as follows:
Move the mouse cursor over the bottom right corner of
the window, press and hold the mouse left button while
moving the mouse to adjust the size.

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Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

• Click Configure Single Feature.

• Click Users Management. As this is your first entry into the Configuration menu
The following window pops-up: since you launched the CSD, you will be prompted to
type in the Root password. Page no. 171 Chapter 1

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Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

• Click into the password field to select, and type in The Users Management Menu pops up.
the root password:
operator <Enter> You can add, remove or modify user data.
• Click Add User button. The Change User Passwords window pops up.
• Create the new User data (mandatory fields are The Please Wait message pops up until the parameters
User name and password), are configured.
• then click Add User button. Then the User data saved successfully message is
• Click OK button to continue. The Users Management menu displays again, in order
for you to add/modify other User(s).
• When done with the Users Management, exit the
Common Service Desktop by clicking Quit from
File menu.
• Restart Application: This takes about 20 seconds to complete.
Select Restart AW from the Root Menu, or under
Application, from the System menu.

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7-2 Define User accounts through EA3 Authentication Server

7-2-1 Setup the EA3 server



To set up the EA3 Enterprise Authentication feature, you will have to configure your AW with all
information concerning the Hospital Users Authentication server.
This information must be obtained from the Hospital Network Administrator.
• Start the EA3 configuration tool. To access the Root Menu , press <Alt> <F3> to iconfy the current
• Press on the middle button of the mouse, and select the Root Menu / Service Tools / EA3
Configuration menu.

EA3 menu can be launched as well by typing the following command in a Command Window:
/export/home/sdc/scripts/configure.ea3 <Enter>
The following menu pops up:
EA3 configuration menu
Current EA3 status: off
FUNCTION......................................... KEYWORD
Set authentication mode...........................mode
Start EA3 configuration GUI (needs EA3 enabled).. gui
Quit............................................. quit, q
Enter your choice:
• Turn on EA3: Type the following keyword :
mode <Enter>
The following messages pops up:
Enter authentication mode: (ea3/local):
ea3 <Enter>
You need root account for EA3 configuration!
Please enter root password
Password: operator <Enter> Page no. 173 Chapter 1

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The EA3 authentication will be switched on. This operation will delete
the previously created local AW users if any (except sdc).
Starting EA3 server services: done.
• Start the EA3 Graphical User Interface: Type the following keyword:
gui [Enter]
The following messages pops up:
You need root account for EA3 configuration!
Please enter root password
Password: operator [Enter]
Run administration screen

The EA3 administration screen pops up

• Click on the Configuration tab

The Configuration window displays

• Click to select Enable Enterprise Authentication.

Selecting Display Emergency Prompt and Display Emergency Button is optional.
• Make sure that Cache Enterprise Users and Enable Authorization features are deselected, or click
to deselect them.
• Click on Apply Configuration button. The button changes to Apply Now.

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• Click on Apply Now button. The button changes back to Apply Configuration.
Now you need to set up the Enterprise server. Before you proceed, request assistance from the
hospital administrator.
• Click on the Enterprise tab
The Configuration window displays

• Directory Types :
Allows you to select Microsoft Active Directory or Novell e–Directory
• Server IP address:
Allows entering the IP address of the Enterprise Authentication server
• Server Name:
Allows entering the name, domain_name and extention (i.e: .com) of the Authentication server
• Generate Defaults button:
This button is not used.
• Authentication Type:
Allows you to choose among Kerberos, LDAP or LDAP/SSL type.
• LDAP Format:
Allows you to select domain or LDAP/SSL type.
This is LDAP settings. Make sure you do not type spaces between each characters:
i.e: DC=med,DC=ge,DC=com
• LDAP Login Attrib:
This is LDAP settings: i.e: sAMAccountName: Make sure to enter capital letters when needed.
• LDAP First Name Attrib: Page no. 175 Chapter 1

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This is LDAP settings: i.e: givenName

• LDAP Last Name Attrib:
This is LDAP settings: i.e: sn
• LDAP Group Attrib:
This is LDAP settings: i.e: memberOf
• Realm Name:
This is LDAP settings of the form DOMAIN_NAME.COM: i.e: MED.GE.COM
• Click on Apply Configuration button. The button changes to Apply Now.
• Click on Apply Now button. The button changes back to Apply Configuration.
Now you are done with setting up the Enterprise server.
• Click on the Exit button to quit EA3 configuration
The following menu pops up:
EA3 configuration menu
Current EA3 status: on
EA3 server IP: X.X.X.X (i.e: is the IP address of the server)
FUNCTION......................................... KEYWORD
Set authentication mode...........................mode
Start EA3 configuration GUI (needs EA3 enabled).. gui
Quit............................................. quit, q
Enter your choice:
• Quit EA3: Type the following keyword :
q [Enter]
• Logout.
• Ask an hospital user to login, by using his/her user ID and password.
If you are not able to login with your User name and password, you may consider the following
- It is necessary to declare a router for your site and this has not been done. Open a Command
window and try to ping the Server to make sure you can reach it.
- The server is not responding. It may be down. Check with the Network Administrator.
- The User you have selected is not known or authorized by the server.

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8 Final settings and checks

8-1 Mouse acceleration and threshold settings
When using mouse through the two monitors, if you feel that the mouse moves too slowly, you can set
the mouse acceleration and threshold by entering following commands:
• Click Admin. menu and select Command Window to open a Command window and type:
xset m x y<Enter>
where x is the acceleration and y the threshold (e.g. x = 5 and y = 5)
• Save the new mouse settings:
- Backup first the .cshrc file so to be able to come back to the original one:
cp .cshrc .cshrc.sav<Enter>
- Save now the new entry:
echo "xset m 5 5" >> .cshrc<Enter>
• Check the .cshrc file has been correctly updated. Type:
tail -1 .cshrc<Enter>
You should see:
xset m 5 5

8-2 Change the passwords for your site

• If not done yet, we STRONGLY recommend that you change the Site’s password, (root, sdc,
sdc_admin, inSite) in order to increase network security for your workstation.




• Communicate the new passwords to your OLC and to the Checkout team when performing the
InSite Checkout.
DO NOT CHANGE the passwords later unless notifying the Checkout and OLC representatives.
Failing to do so would no longer allow access to your system from the OLC support teams.
Changing passwords after Checkout means that a new Checkout will be necessary, to allow remote
• Make sure to notify the users (customer, etc..) of the new AW ( sdc) password, and all persons in
charge of the System administration and/or maintenance of the station, of the new Root and/or
Administrator passwords (other FEs in charge, IT department, etc ...).
• Choose passwords of a least 8 characters, an assortment of lower/upper case letters, numbers, and
the grouping of letters should have no known meaning.
The following characters (which the system may assign a special meaning) should not be used:
@ ; # ; <Tab> ; <Esc> etc ... Page no. 177 Chapter 1

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9 Save Site’s Parameters on the Configuration CD-ROM

9-1 Display the current AW Configuration
• Click the Admin button and select Display Configuration (1):

The system displays a window containing all the configuration information of your workstation and its
peripherals, as well as the Applications installed and their license key.

9-2 Save all site’s parameters on the AW Config CDROM


Prior to save the configuration on the AW Config CDROM, make sure that you have saved
the InSite configuration. Refer to IST008 : insite.backup script.
The CDROM must be blank. It can be either a new CDROM or a rewritable CDROM. In case you want to
use a non–blank rewritable CDROM media, you have to erase the media before being able writing it
again. See procedure below. In the other case, bypass the next step.
9-2-1 Procedure to erase a non–blank rewritable CD–RW
• To erase a non–blank rewritable Cdrom, open a Command window and type the following command.
cdrecord dev=ATA:0,0,0 blank=all <Enter> (XW8400)
cdrecord dev=ATA:2,0,0 blank=all <Enter> OR cdrecord blank=all <Enter> (XW8600)
It will take about 15 to 20 minutes to erase the Cdrom.
During this time, nothing seems to be happening. Please be patient.
For information only:
• To erase a rewritable DVD, switch User to root and type in:
dvd+rw–format –force /dev/cdrom <Enter>
9-2-2 Saving the configuration
• Click on the Admin button, then on the Save Configuration (2) button :
The Save Configuration on CD window pops–up.
Please enter the administrator’s password : administrator <Enter>
Users to backup: sdc user1 user2 user3 usern
backup of sdc...
backup of user1...
backup of usern...

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Please insert a blank CD in the cd writer, and press <ENTER> <Enter>
9-2-3 Informational step
The following is for your information only, to later restore the whole configuration from the Backup
• Insert the AW config Cdrom into the drive
• Click on the Admin button, then click on the AW Administration button.
• Enter the Administrator’s password: administrator [Enter]
• From the Main Menu, type 6 [Enter] to restore the whole config (7 and 8 being chosen in case partial
restore of the configuration would be needed - See Chapter 4, TSG003).
Enter your choice or <Enter> to display the current menu [?,q] ? [Enter]
6 <Enter>

10 Configuration Form
• Complete the A.W / SA Configuration Form located at the beginning of this manual with all site
information and parameters.
• Additionally, you may add the printing of the parameters. See IST002 Printing site’s parameters.

11 Fill up the ICD cards

You must fill up the ICD cards and send them back to the GIB organization, in order to have your system
registered in GIB database.
• Carefully write down all necessary installation information, such as Serial Numbers, System IDs etc...
of the CPU box, and send back the ICD sheets.

12 Store Software and Manuals in a safe location

• Cleanup the room from shipping boxes, unwanted pieces of software and documentation, then store
the manuals, software and US default keyboard (if applicable) in a safe location, for future use.
• Make sure that all floppies, USB keys and Site Parameters CD-ROM are stored together with
the software CD-ROMs and the Service manuals. Page no. 179 Chapter 1

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13 Turnover to Customer steps checklist

Viewer basic checks

Advanced Applications basic checks

Comunication tests Ethernet

Direct connect" communication tests

Postscript printers test

Dicom printers test

LCD color landscape monitors adjutsment

Color landscape monitors calibration (optional)

Check InSite/iLinq/RCOC configuration

Declare a DNS server (optional)

Declare a NTP server (optional)

Define User accounts

Passwords changed

Site’s configuration saved on AW Configuration CDROM

ICD cards filled up / GIB updated

Paper work and site cleanup done

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Job Card IST010 - AW application software reload

Job Card IST010 - AW application software reload Chapter 1

Before you start, you must determine if the customer requests that you reinstall the existing images,
present on both internal disks.
If it is the case, be prepared for long reinstallation time.
i.e.: it takes about 1 hour to reinstall 126 000 images (35 images per second).

1 Supplies
• Advantage Workstation 4.5 SW & Docs CDROM.



• Advanced Applications CDROMs or DVDROMs.
• Site Configuration CDROM.
• Demo exams CDROM(s) if necessary.

2 Tools
• None. Using the US default keyboard is not necessary for the AW software reload.

3 Safety Precautions


Before proceeding,
• save InSite configuration on Hard disk: Refer to IST 008 section 8.
• save system configuration (including InSite config) on CDROM. Refer to IST 009.

This procedure should only be used to reload AW application software.

It can only succeed if the O.S is fully operational and if Frame Buffers drivers and Disk Striping software
are still running properly. In this case, images can be preserved.

In case of doubt on the OS integrity, preferably use IST 011 to reload both O.S and AW software.
In this case make sure Customer did not load personal files on disk that he should save before.
The Site Configuration parameters (license keys, customer presets and protocols, etc.) are saved under
the /export/home/backup directory at the beginning of the Load From Warm
procedure, and will be automatically reinstalled at the end.
Therefore the Configuration Cdrom does not need to be used, and should be considered as a backup
solution, in case all configuration parameters would not have been properly restored.
The license keys for applications will be automatically recalled while you will be reloading the
applications from their respective Cdroms. Page no. 181 Chapter 1

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4 load from warm: installation guidelines

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The Dicom MOD SCSI option

is no longer supported wihVS4 Page no. 183 Chapter 1

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Job Card IST010 - AW application software reload

5 Pre-requisite
• LINUX Operating System should be installed and running on the workstation (see IST 011).
• All Site information such as Software protection keys are available on paper and/or on
theConfiguration Cdrom, if necessary.
• Load From Warm procedure will take longer time depending on the number of images to reinstall.

6 load from warm procedure

6-1 PART 1: AW software reload


The external Dicom MOD option is no longer supported with VS4.

Do not attempt to reinstall the MOD drive from and upgraded system.

• Shutdown workstation if it is not already shutdown ( Power down indicates system is shutdown):
• If you are logged in as ”sdc” and AW is running, you can click on the ”shutdown” button available
on the browser in tools menu.
• If you are logged in as ”root”, open an Xterm from the Workspace menu called Root Menu, (press
on the left button of the mouse and select Xterm), then type in :
init 0 <Enter>

• Turn on and reboot workstation.Wait for boot completion.

• Login as root
<hostname> console login: root <Enter>
Password: operator <Enter>


The Windows Manager is starting.
• Open an XTerm from the Root menu
• Type the following command to go to installation directory:
cd /export/home <Enter>
• Insert the AW application CDROM into drive.
• Run Advantage Workstation installation script
./ <Enter>
The following message displays:
WARNING : You are about to reinstall AW software.
If the release is on a CDROM, just press <ENTER>.
Otherwise, please enter the path of the directory containing the rpm
packages or enter q to quit Page no. 185 Chapter 1

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• Press <Enter>
If the message "/export/home/ Command not found" pops up, it will not be possible to
successfully complete this procedure. Perform the Load From Cold procedure steps as shown in
Job Card IST 011 instead.
If the Application CDROM is not already inserted into the drive, the following text appears:
"Please wait .....................*** ERROR : CDROM not found. Try again..."
You may have not put the AW CDROM into the drive. Please insert Application CDROM and type
y when ready [y,?,q]: y <Enter>
If you typed q (for quit) the following text appears: "cdrom: No such file or directory"
".....................INSTALLATION ABORTED : CONSULT YOUR SERVICE MANUAL....................."
Restart installation by typing the command : ./ <Enter>
If a wrong CDROM is inserted instead of Application software, the following text appears:
Please wait .......... *** ERROR : Missing file(s) on CDROM media.
Check that the loaded CDROM is the one of the Application.
Would you like to try again [y,n,?,q]
Replace the wrong Cdrom by the Application Cdrom and type: y <Enter>

The install.packages script then starts to install the AW software:

The screen turns dark and displays a rolling ball




When the AW software reload process has completed, the system shutdowns and reboot.

You can review the installation logfiles later by typing the command:
more /export/home/installaw.log <Enter>
The CDROM is ejected. The installation is now complete.

• Reboot the workstation (type reboot in the Terminal window) and start AW application.

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6-2 PART 2: Start the CSD tool and reinstall parameters.

• Start AW application :
Login : sdc <Enter>
Password: adw4.5 <Enter>
• Launch the Common Service Desktop from the User Interface, Admin / Service Tools or from the
Root Menu / Service Tools.

Refer to Job Card IST002 for more details on the configuration steps.
The Common Service Desktop displays within the Mozilla navigator web page
6-2-1 Start the Configuration menu
• Click on the Configuration button.
The Configuration menu displays
• Click on Perform full configuration, in order to check that all the configuration parameters
necessary to complete your system installation have been properly reinstalled.
As this is your first entry into the Configuration menu, you will be prompted to type in the Root password.
• Click into the password field and type in the root password
operator <Enter>
The Configure Site Parameters menu pops–up allowing you to check/configure the following
- AW software license key
- User Interface language
- Keyboard layout
- Monitors configuration (1 or 2 monitors)
- Serial number of the workstation
- GE System ID of the workstation
- GE System Order number
- Hospital name
- Support phone number
- Sales phone number Page no. 187 Chapter 1

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- Remote Node control

- Autodelete activity and parameters
- Autolock activity and parameters
- Screen Saver activity and parameters
- DPMS activity and parameters
- Direct Connect selection
• When you have checked all the desired parameters, click on Next Step button to enter the next
configuration menu.
DO NOT Restart AW or reboot the workstation at this time. You should only do this when
instructed, at the end of the whole AW configuration.
The Host Parameters Menu pops–up
• Check that the Remote Hosts parameters have been properly restored.
• When you have checked all the desired parameters, click on Next Step button to enter the next
configuration menu.
DO NOT Restart AW or reboot the workstation at this time. You should only do this when
instructed, at the end of the whole AW configuration.
The Routers declaration main Menu pops–up
The central window of the menu, displays the routing tables (result of the ”netstat –r” command).
• Check that the necessary routers for your site have been properly restored.
• When you have checked all the desired parameters, click on Next Step button to enter the next
configuration menu.
DO NOT Restart AW or reboot the workstation at this time. You should only do this when
instructed, at the end of the whole AW configuration.
The Dicom Printer Management Menu pops–up
• Check that the Dicom Printers parameters have been properly restored.
• When you have checked all the desired parameters, click on Next Step button to enter the next
configuration menu.
DO NOT Restart AW or reboot the workstation at this time. You should only do this when
instructed, at the end of the whole AW configuration.
The Postscript Printer Management Menu pops–up
• Check that the Postscript Printers parameters have been properly restored.
• When you have checked all the desired parameters, click on Next Step button to enter the next
configuration menu.
DO NOT Restart AW or reboot the workstation at this time. You should only do this when
instructed, at the end of the whole AW configuration.

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The Applications and Licensing (software options) Menu pops–up

If your site is using "Floating Licenses", you’ll have to make sure the settings have been properly
restored, prior to actually reinstall the Applications from their respective DVD or CDROM, or from the
Applications Refresher DVD Collector kit.
The Applications license keys have been restored, but you must reinstall all Applications that the
customer has purchased from their respective DVD or Cdroms.
• Install the Advanced Applications from their respective Cdroms. Refer to Chapter 1, IST005.
• When done with the Software options installation, return to the CSD configuration menu and click on
Next Step to continue.
DO NOT Restart AW or reboot the workstation at this time. You should only do this when
instructed, at the end of the whole AW configuration.
The HTTP support configuration Menu pops–up
• Check that the HTTP support parameters have been properly restored.
• When you have checked all the desired parameters, click on Next Step button to enter the next
configuration menu.
DO NOT Restart AW or reboot the workstation at this time. You should only do this when
instructed, at the end of the whole AW configuration.
The InSite Installation and Configuration menu window displays.
There is no specific CSD based tool at this time, to help you configure Insite. This window is only an
informational window, to let you know what steps should be done.
For more information on the InSite installation/configuration, refer to Chapter 1, Job Card IST008.
• When done with Insite configuration, close the Command window to return to the CSD configuration
menu and click on Next Step to continue.
DO NOT Restart AW or reboot the workstation at this time. You should only do this when
instructed, at the end of the whole AW configuration. Page no. 189 Chapter 1

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The Add User management menu window displays.

• Check that the Users parameters have been properly restored.
• When you have checked all the desired parameters, click on Next Step button to enter the next
configuration menu.
When done with Insite configuration, close the Command window to return to the CSD
configuration menu and click on Next Step to continue.
The Change passwords for sdc, sdc_admin and root menu window displays.
• Check that the sdc and/or sdc_admin passwords have been properly restored.


The root password is intentionally reset to the default ”operator” value. If necessary, you
have to set it again to the desired value.
• When you have checked all the desired parameters, click on Next Step button to enter the next
The Installation done information window displays.

6-2-2 Start the Utilities menu

• Click on the Utilities button. The Utilities menu displays.
• Check that all utilities configurations have been properly restored. Refer to IST004.

• Quit the CSD and select Restart AW from the Root Menu. or reboot the workstation.

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Job Card IST011 - Software Reload from Cold

Job Card IST011 - Software Reload from Cold Chapter 1

1 Foreword
The procedure described here consists in a complete software reload as follows:
1. The GEHC OS operating system and the AW4.5 application are first loaded. Two procedures are
available as given below (Alternative procedure using the GEHC OS DVD and the AW CD may be
used if unexpected problems happen with the AW4.5 Fast Load DVD-ROM):
- Using the AW4.5 Fast Load DVD-ROM. This is the fastest procedure. See section 5-1.
- or using the GEHC OS DVD-ROM then the AW4.5 application CD-ROM. See section 5-2.


The procedure using the GEHC OS DVD-ROM then the AW4.5 application CD-ROM does
not retain existing images, they will be lost. Please make sure you have safely archived all
exams. Restoring software using the Fast Load from Cold DVD-ROM will preserve your
2. If you have the Site parameters CD-ROM available, you will be able to restore the Site's parameters
(License keys, customer's scenarios and protocols, etc ..) otherwise the first steps of this instruction
will help you to create them before performing the software reload.

2 Supplies
• Check that all DVD-ROMs, CD-ROMs and USB keys listed in section Product Presentation
(Software) are available, so you can reinstall all the options that the site has purchased.

3 Safety Precautions
• None.

4 Prerequisites
Before starting the software reload, make sure that the following data and Back-up media are available.
• In Volume Share 4/AW4.5 service manual Configuration Form at beginning of Chapter 1 Installation:
• Hostname of workstation.
• Internet Protocol Address for workstation.
• Netmask Value for workstation.
• Internet Protocol Address and Netmask for "Direct connect" through additional network (if
• AW Software Licence key.
• Optional Applications license keys.
• Check that the following back-up media is available and recent. If not, try to create one now. Consult
the following Job Cards if you need to create:
• Site parameters CD-ROM (See Job Card IST009) including InSite Parameters (See Job Card
IST008 section 8). Page no. 191 Chapter 1

GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST011 - Software Reload from Cold

5 Procedure
5-1 Software Reload procedure using the AW4.5 Fast Load DVD-ROM
If the AW4.5 Fast Load from Cold DVD-ROM seems defective, apply the section 5-2 steps instead.

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

• Turn the monitor and the workstation ON. The green power LED is illuminated.
If the power LED is red, solid or blinking, it indicates a
• Insert the AW4.5 (or higher) Fast Load from system error; in this case, refer to the chapter 5 System
Cold DVD-ROM corresponding to your diagnostics and troubleshooting of HP xw8400 / xw8600
workstation (xw8600 or xw8400) into the Service manual:
DVD drive and click the Load Software button. - See Diagnostic light codes.
CAUTION A HP Diagnostics CD-ROM P/N: 2396486-4 or higher is
Make sure to use the appropriate Fast delivered with the workstation: Follow instructions given in
Load DVD corresponding to your the Service manual at chapter 4, prior to use it.
workstation: Fast Load DVD for
XW8400 or Fast Load DVD for XW8600. The system starts to boot up and displays the BIOS version
at the bottom left of the screen in the HP invent screen
• Cycle power to reboot from the DVD-ROM. during a few seconds.

• For the XW8400 workstation, check that the

BIOS version is V2.24b or V2.24c BIOS "iso tracks" to create an up to date BIOS CD are
• For the XW8600 station, check that the BIOS available on the AW-IB web site at : http://aw-
version is V1.23
• If not, you must flash the BIOS now:
- Insert the BIOS CD-ROM into the
appropriate drive.
- Refer to chapter 4, TSG012 for details on
the BIOS Flash procedure.

• If yes, continue below.

• Press any key to see the system settings AutoInstallation of Linux and AW4.5 application on xw8400
display, followed by the hard disks size, (or xw8600)
memory size and other information on the ’Fast LOAD From COLD (LFC)’
internal hardware devices. Please choose the installation type:
This utility will NOW install AW From COLD.
This will take about 45mn ...
If you do NOT want to continue, eject the DVD and press
<Ctrl><Alt><Del> to reboot.
Press [Y] key to continue the installation?

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST011 - Software Reload from Cold

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

• Press <Y> key to continue the installation. If the following is not visible on screen, you might get a
monitor resolution issue. Apply section 4-4 of TSG008 for
blank screen issue with NEC LCD monitors.

The DVD check message is displayed then the Ghost

installation process starts.

Nothing seems to happen during one minute or so,

then the progress indicator displays the percentage of
loaded data.
The Load process will take 25 to 30 minutes to complete
and no more User intervention is needed.

Now it is time to gather all necessary information AW4.5 LOAD FROM COLD install successful.
if not yet done: During the reboot, you will be asked for the following data:
• From the Hospital Network administrator: - hostname,
Hostname, IP address, Netmask, Routers,
Remote Hosts, etc..
- IP address,
• From the Hospital Network administrator or - netmask,
Camera Vendor: - date, time and time zone.
Dicom and/or Postscript Printers information
You will log as ’sdc’ and launch the ’Service Tool’ to
configure AW:
When the software load has completed, the
set the AW key, the monitor(s) number, and configure the
following messages display:
Remove the DVD and press Ctrl Alt Del to reboot.

• Eject the Fast Load DVD-ROM from the drive. The workstation reboots from the hard disks and you will
• Simultaneously press the <Ctrl> <Alt> and get the next menu:
<Del> keys to reboot the workstation. Please choose the installation type:
A . LFC of a new station (about 5mn),
B . Reinstall from cold (with images recovery possibility)
(5mn - 2.5 hours)
C . Cancel
Choose type [ABC]? Page no. 193 Chapter 1

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST011 - Software Reload from Cold

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

• Press the <B> key. Do you want to recover the images (this will take between
5mn to 2h30)? (y/n)
• y <Enter> to accept if there are images to
recover. The partition /export/home1, images partition is going to be
Be prepared for a longer installation time, due to recovered ...
images database recreation. The screen saver displays the GE logo during the
Database recovery time.
• Otherwise, answer n <Enter>. database recover successful followed by
.... restoring the documentation
.... restoring service tools
.....restoring password for sdc

If the following questions are not visible on screen, you

might get a monitor resolution issue. Refer to chapter 4,
TSG008 for NEC monitors settings.
• Type in the Hostname you want to give to • THE HOSTNAME MUST BEGIN WITH A LETTER
your workstation and press the <Enter> key • THE HOSTNAME MUST BE LESS THAN 12
or Letters, numbers, dash, underscore.
e.g.: aw_01 <Enter>
The Hostname will automatically be used as the Dicom
A.E. Title for the workstation.

• Type in the IP address for your workstation The Internet Protocol (IP) address value is only given as an
and press on the [Return] key when done. example.
e.g.: <Enter> Use here the value given by the Network Administrator if

• Type in the appropriate Netmask then press hostname = sa-1

on the <Enter> key when done. IP =
e.g.: <Enter> netmask =
Apply these settings? (y/n)
A confirmation message displays to let you This Netmask value is only given as an example.
modify your settings if needed:
Use here the value given by the Network Administrator if

• y <Enter> to accept, Setting hostname = ............

• or n <Enter> if you wish to modify the ...............................
settings. Setting IP = ...............
In this case, you will be prompted to enter Setting netmask = ............
again the Hostname, IP address and activating the hostname/ip config
Press <Enter> when ready.
The next messages display ...

• Press the <Enter> key to accept.

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Job Card IST011 - Software Reload from Cold

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior


The next steps are for the configuration of the Note that you do NOT need to configure eth1, to do Direct
second ethernet port eth1, in order to allow the Connect through 1Gbps Hospital network (mandatory
Direct Connect feature to work through an case for DC with the AW Server product).
additional network.

• If you want to configure your workstation for Do you want to configure the second ethernet card (y/n) ?
Direct Connect through additional network,
answer y <Enter>, and answer the next set of Please enter the IP address for eth1:
• If you do not want to configure your
workstation for Direct Connect through
additional network (mandatory case for DC
with the AW Server product), answer n
<Enter>, and skip the next set of questions
relative to Direct Connect.
• Fill in the Date & Time / Time zone settings
next section.

• Type in the Direct Connect IP address and DO NOT choose an IP address for Direct Connect in the
press on the <Enter> key when done. same sub-network than the main IP address of your
e.g. : <Enter>. workstation.

Example: Your AW IP address is Do not

choose a Direct Connect IP address such as
(within the same sub-network).
Choose anything else like (not in the same sub-

- Use here the value given by the Network Administrator if


Please enter the netmask for eth1 :

• Type in the Direct Connect Netmask and Use here the value given by the Network Administrator if
press on the <Enter> key when done. applicable.
e.g. : <Enter>
You must choose a valid Netmask for Direct Connect.
e.g.: you can use the default Class C netmask =, unless it is specified by the Network
administrator. Any non-valid entry of a Netmask will not be
saved and will return to the default class C value.

A confirmation message displays to let you IP =

modify your settings if needed: netmask =
Apply these settings? (y/n) Page no. 195 Chapter 1

GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST011 - Software Reload from Cold

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

• y <Enter> to accept, Setting hostname = ............

• or n <Enter> if you wish to modify the ...............................
settings. Setting IP = ...............
In this case, you will be prompted to enter Setting netmask = ............
again the Direct Connect IP address and activating the hostname/ip config
Now a graphical user interface will let you change the
The next messages display ... timezone, date and time.
Please make your modifications, and click OK to confirm,
Press <Enter> when ready.

Date & Time / Time zone settings

• Press the <Enter> key A graphical interface displays, to allow you entering the
Time Zone settings.
The Date & Time / Time Zone window displays:
If your site uses a NTP server for time consistency,
do not select it yet as you may have to add
information about a DNS (Domain Name) server as
well.This can be done later in IST009.

• Set the date and time first, then click on the The Date & Time / Time Zone window is displayed.
Time Zone tab to select the appropriate time
zone for your system. The system completes the boot up sequence.
• When this is done, click the OK button. Lots of installation messages are displayed.
Then the following messages is displayed:

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Job Card IST011 - Software Reload from Cold

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

• If the Site Configuration CD-ROM is Do you want to restore the configuration from a CD-ROM
available, type : y <Enter>. ?(y/n)

• Insert the AW Configuration Cdrom Please insert a configuration CD and press <ENTER> (or
'q' to abort)
If the Site Configuration CD-ROM is not
available, continue with section 5-3 What do you want to restore ?
1: restore all configuration data
2: restore all configuration data except licenseID dependent
files, passwords and keyboard layout
3: restore remote hosts and printers only
Now you have to choose whether you want to 4: restore User preferences, exam codes and shared
restore the whole configuration (i.e: software protocols only
reload) or just a part of it (i.e: upgrade or ------------------
hardware swap cases). q : quit this menu

Type 1 or 2or 3 or 4 <Enter>

The Site configuration parameters will be

extracted from the Configuration CD-ROM and Default keyboard layout is set to US
copied into the Prefs and UserPrefs directories, You can change it now or later on from Service Tools
before being automatically reinstalled. If you change it, take in consideration at the login
(password) ...
What keyboard layout do you want to install?
Additionnaly, you will get the local keyboard Automatic: follows language(auto), Danish(dk), Dutch(nl),
selection messages as shown a: Finnish(fi), French(fr), German(de), Italian(it), Norwegian(
no), Portuguese(pt), Spanish(es), Swedish(se), United
States(us) : [us]:
---> To activate this setting, you will have to restart
• Press <Enter> to accept the setting.

Note: If you accept a local keyboard The CD-ROM is ejected and the system reboots.
selection, make sure you will swap the US
kbd with the local kbd after next reboot Temporary failed messages may appear after the AW
and before attempting to login. reconfiguration, i.e., hostname, IP Address or Netmask
• At the end of the Restore procedure, press
<Enter> to finish. Page no. 197 Chapter 1

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST011 - Software Reload from Cold

5-2 Software Reload for using GEHC OS DVD-ROM and AW4.5 CD-ROM


!!! This procedure does not retain existing images, they will be lost. Please make sure you
have safely archived all exams. Restoring software using the Fast Load DVD will preserve
your images.
Re-enter AW Configuration Parameters

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

• Switch on the workstation. The green power LED is illuminated.

If the power LED is red, solid or blinking, it indicates a
system error; in this case, refer to the chapter 5
System diagnostics and troubleshooting of HP
Service manual:
- See Diagnostic light codes page 104.

A HP Diagnostics CD-ROM P/N: 2396486-4 or higher

is delivered with the workstation: Follow instructions
given in the Service manual prior to use it.

• Insert the GEHC OS for AW4.5 or higher DVD-ROM

media into the DVD-ROM drive.

• Reset the workstation by pressing on the Reset The system starts the Power On Self Tests.
button of the workstation.
The system settings are displayed, followed by the
hard disk size, memory size and other information on
the internal hardware devices. The BIOS version is
displayed in the lower left corner of the HP invent
screen during 50s.
• For the XW8400 workstation, check that the BIOS BIOS "iso tracks" to create an up to date BIOS CD are
version is V2.24b or V2.24c available on the AW-IB web site at : http://aw-
• For the XW8600 station, check that the BIOS
version is V1.33
• If not, you have to flash update the BIOS - Insert the BIOS CD-ROM delivered with the system
thanks to the BIOS CD delivered. into the DVD/CD-ROM drive.
- Refer to chapter 4, TSG012 for details on the BIOS
• If yes, continue below Flash procedure

• At the boot prompt, type: Loading initrd.img ....

aw45 <Enter> to install GEHC OS on the
Loading vmlinuz ..........
Lots of messages are displayed. Then the Windows
Manager is starting.
On the LCD monitor(s), you will get the ”Resolu-
tion Notifier” screen popping up regularly. This
message screen is cleared automatically after a
The GEHC OS installation from the DVD-ROM takes
about 10 minutes to complete.

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST011 - Software Reload from Cold

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

The packages installation continues.

When it reaches 100% completion, the Post Install
screen displays, followed by the Boot Loader
Please wait until the GEHC OS DVD-ROM is ejected.
• Remove the GEHC OS DVD-ROM from the drive. The system will start to shutdown. The DVD-ROM
drive opens. Quickly remove the Linux DVD-ROM
from the drive, before the carriage closes again and
attempts to boot from the DVD-ROM, starting a new
installation sequence. In case you have not removed
the DVD immediately, reboot the station pressing on
<Ctrl>+<Alt>+<Del> and press on the Eject button to
remove the DVD.

• Login as root: cold_installation

root <Enter>
Password: operator <Enter>

Please insert the AW CD-ROM and press <ENTER>

• Insert the AW4.5 S/W + ON-LINE DOC CD-ROM The AW installation takes about 7 minutes to com-
into the CD-ROM drive and press <Enter>
• Type: n <Enter> Do you want to manually update any system files ? (y/
n) [Enter]

Please enter the hostname:

If the following questions are not visible on screen,

you might get a monitor resolution issue. Refer to
chapter 4, TSG008 for NEC monitors settings .
• Type in the Hostname you want to give to your • THE HOSTNAME MUST BEGIN WITH A
workstation and press on the <ENTER> key when LETTER
e.g: aw_01 <Enter> Letters, numbers, dash, underscore.
The Hostname will automatically be used as the
Dicom A.E. Title for the workstation.

• Type in the IP address for your workstation and The Internet Protocol (IP) address value is only given
press on the <Enter> key when done. as an example.
e.g : <Enter> Use here the value given by the Network
Administrator if applicable. Page no. 199 Chapter 1

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST011 - Software Reload from Cold

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

• Type in the appropriate Netmask then press on the hostname = sa-1

<Enter> key when done. IP =
e.g : <Enter> netmask =
Apply these settings ? (y/n)
A confirmation message displays to let you modify This Netmask value is only given as an example.
your settings if needed: Use here the value given by the Network
Administrator if applicable.

• y <Enter> to accept, Setting hostname = ............

or n <Enter> if you wish to modify the settings. ...............................
In this case, you will be prompted to enter again the Setting IP = ...............
Hostname, IP address and Netmask. Setting netmask = ............
activating the hostname/ip config
The next messages display ...
Press <Enter> when ready.
• Press the <Enter> key to accept.


The next steps are for the configuration of the second Note that you do NOT need to configure eth1, to do
ethernet port eth1, in order to allow the Direct Direct Connect through 1Gbps Hospital network
Connect feature to work through an additional (mandatory case for DC with the AW Server product).

• If you want to configure your workstation for Direct Do you want to configure the second ethernet card (y/
Connect through additional network, answer y n) ?
<Enter>, and answer the next set of questions.
Please enter the IP address for eth1:
• If you do not want to configure your workstation for
Direct Connect through additional network
(mandatory case for DC with the AW Server
product), answer n <Enter>, and skip the next set
of questions relative to Direct Connect. Fill in the
Date & Time / Time zone settings next section.

• Type in the Direct Connect IP address and press DO NOT choose an IP address for Direct Connect
on the <Enter> key when done. in the same sub-network than the main IP address
e.g. : <Enter>. of your workstation.

- Use here the value given by the Network Example: Your AW IP address is Do
Administrator if applicable. not choose a Direct Connect IP address such as (within the same sub-network).
Choose anything else like (not in the same

Please enter the netmask for eth1 : Use here the value given by the Network
• Type in the Direct Connect Netmask and press on Administrator if applicable.
the <Enter> key when done. You must choose a valid Netmask for Direct Connect.
e.g. : <Enter> e.g.: you can use the default Class C netmask, unless specified by the Network
administrator. Any non-valid Netmask entry will not be
saved and will return to the default class C value.

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST011 - Software Reload from Cold

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

A confirmation message displays to let you modify your IP =

settings if needed: netmask =
Apply these settings? (y/n)

• y <Enter> to accept, Setting hostname = ............

• or n <Enter> if you wish to modify the settings. ...............................
In this case, you will be prompted to enter again the Setting IP = ...............
Direct Connect IP address and Netmask. Setting netmask = ............
activating the hostname/ip config
The next messages display ...
Now a graphical user interface will let you change the
timezone, date and time.
Please make your modifications, and click OK to
Press <Enter> when ready.

Press the <Enter> key A Welcome screen is displayed, asking you to enter
logging and password again.

• Login as root. A graphical interface displays, to allow you entering

root <Enter> the Time Zone settings.
Passwd: operator <Enter> The Date & Time / Time Zone window displays:

If your site uses a NTP server for time consistency, do

not select it yet as youmay have to add information
about a DNS (Domain Name) server as well.This can
be done later in IST009.

Date & Time / Time zone settings

• Set the date and time first, then click on the Time The Date & Time / Time Zone window pops-out.
Zone tab to select the appropriate time zone for
your system. The Application Install window pops-up. Lots of
installation messages are displayed.
• When this is done, click the OK button. Then the following messages is displayed: Page no. 201 Chapter 1

GE Healthcare Volume Share 4 (AW4.5)

Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST011 - Software Reload from Cold

Action Caution Notes and Workstation behavior

• If the Site Configuration CD-ROM is available, Do you want to restore the configuration from a CD-
type : y <Enter>. ROM ?(y/n)
(if not available, continue with section 5-3)
• Insert the AW Configuration Cdrom Please insert a configuration CD and press <ENTER>
(or 'q' to abort)
If the Site Configuration CD-ROM is not available,
continue with section 5-3 What do you want to restore ?
1: restore all configuration data
Now you have to choose whether you want to restore 2: restore all configuration data except licenseID
the whole configuration (i.e: software reload) or just a dependent files, passwords and keyboard layout
part of it (i.e: upgrade or hardware swap cases). 3: restore remote hosts and printers only
4: restore User preferences, exam codes and shared
Type 1 or 2or 3 or 4 <Enter> protocols only
q : quit this menu
Additionnaly, you will get the local keyboard selection
The Site configuration parameters will be extracted
• Press <Enter> to accept the setting. from the Configuration CD-ROM and copied into the
Prefs and UserPrefs directories, before being
Note: If you accept a local keyboard selection,
automatically reinstalled.
make sure you will swap the US kbd with the
local kbd after next reboot and before
attempting to login. The CD-ROM is ejected and the system reboots.

Temporary failed messages may appear after the AW

reconfiguration, i.e., hostname, IP Address or
• At the end of the Restore procedure, press
Netmask changes.
<Enter> to finish.

This step shall be done only in case that the Site Configuration CD-ROM was not available during the
software reload in the previous section and you want to reconfigure your system manually from scratch.

Action Caution Notes and workstation behavior

Do you want to restore the configuration from a CD-

• Type: ROM ?(y/n)
n <Enter> - If you need to read the workstation’s licenseId
number in order to check the corresponding AW
• Enter the following parameters: software license key, open a command window
- AW software license key. and type in:
- User Interface language: choose a language. licenseId <Enter>
- Monitors configuration: select 1 monitor for
SenoAdvantage i.e., 1L1. - The AW Software Key is written on the
identification label stuck on top of CPU Box.

• Press the <Enter>key to accept: You can later review the installation logfiles by typing
The system reboots. the command:
more /export/home/install.log <Enter>
• Apply Job Card IST002 - Site configuration to
complete site configuration.
• Continue with next section.

Chapter 1 Page no. 202

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST011 - Software Reload from Cold

5-3 Recreate Configuration Cd-ROM and restore the configuration

If you have already restored the whole configuration from the AW Configuration CD-ROM, you can skip
this section.
If your system crashed before you had time to create an updated AW config CDrom, you can create one
now from the "backup" partition of the image disks, then restore the configuration on your system.


Restoring Protocols to AW4.5 may only be possible from AW4.3 or AW4.4.

Protocols of AW releases older than AW4.3 may only be partially compatible with AW4.5
release. Do not attempt to restore them!

Action Caution Notes and workstation behavior

• Login as sdc: The Browser window pops up.

sdc <Enter>
Password: adw45 <Enter>

• Insert a blank CD-ROM into the drive.

• Click Admin button and select AW Administration:

Please enter the administrator's Password:

• Enter the administrator’s password: MAIN MENU

administrator <Enter>
USERS MANAGEMENT ..................................1
SHARED PROTOCOLS MANAGEMENT .......................2
EXAM CODES MANAGEMENT .............................3
CONFIGURATION .....................................4

Enter your choice or <Enter> to display the current menu
[?,q] [0]

• From the Main Menu, type 5 <Enter> to enter the BACKUP

Backup submenu.
from current configuration..........................51
from older configuration (daily back up)............52

Enter your choice or <Enter> to display the current menu
[?,q] [5] Page no. 203 Chapter 1

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST011 - Software Reload from Cold

Action Caution Notes and workstation behavior

• From the BACKUP Menu, type 52 <Enter> to

recreate the Configuration from the "daily backup" Select a previous preference backup file
file. 1: backup date: 20090401 time: 121202
2: backup date: 20090402 time: 121201
• Select the preferred "day_n" (press 2) or "day_n -1"
(press 1) backup file Enter your choice [?,q] [2]
• Insert a blank or erased rewritable Cdrom into the
drive then press <Enter>
The AW configuration parameters and Users
preferences are saved on the Cdrom.

• When your Configuration cdrom is ready, you can

restore all (6) or part of (7 ; 8) the configuration.

• From the Main Menu, type 6 <Enter> to enter the

Restore submenu.

• restore <Enter> restoring password for user user1 ...

restoring user user1 ...

Please press <Enter> to finish

• Press <Enter> Enter your choice or <Enter> to display the current
menu [ ?; q ] [ 6 ]
• Type q and Press <Enter>
• Continue with next section.

5-4 Utilities and Optional Applications re-installation

• Apply Job Card IST005 - Applications installation,
• Apply Job Card IST004 - Utilities to check or setup the PNF Firewall, and the CCOW / Softswitch RIS
synchronization option.

5-5 Final configuration steps

• Re-Install the InSite option if applicable or restore the InSite parameters.
Apply Job Card IST008 - InSite configuration steps
• Update the Configuration form at the beginning of this manual (if changes were made)
• Fill UP the ICD cards.

5-6 Turnover to Customer Checks

• Apply Job Card IST009 - Final settings, checks and Turnover to the Customer.

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST012 - Demo Exams Installation

Job Card IST012 - Demo Exams Installation Chapter 1

1 Supplies
• ADVANTAGE WORKSTATION Dicom images on Demo Exams media set (DVD–rom).
• Seno Advantage software and docs DVD-rom (also contains the Mammo demo exams)

2 Tools
• None.

3 Safety Precautions
• None.

4 Pre-requisite
• Advantage Workstation software is loaded and operational.
• Enough free disk space is available to install the demo exams.
To check if enough space is available:
• Logging in as sdc:
<hostname> console login: sdc <Enter>
Password: adw4.5 <Enter>
• Open a command window from the Admin menu and typing in:
df –k /export/home1 <Enter>

It should display a line like this:

Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on
/dev/md/dsk... xxxx xxx xxx xx% /export/home1

The value under the column ”avail” must be larger than 700000 if you want to load all the exams
contained in one Cdrom, and larger than 4300000 for a DVD.

If it is not the case, check with your customer what images can be removed from the Patient list, until you
can get the required free disk space. Page no. 205 Chapter 1

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100

Job Card IST012 - Demo Exams Installation

5 Procedure
Since the Demo exams medias (CD–rom or DVD–rom) are Dicom medias, you can use the AW
Application to extract the images and install them into the database, as any other Dicom images CD/
DVD media.

• Login as sdc to start AW Application if not done yet.

• Insert the desired Demo exams media into the DVD/CD drive.
• Wait for a few seconds then click on the DVD/CD icon, in the Hosts window of the Patient List
The DVD/CD Browser pops up displaying the list of demo exams stored on the Demo Exams media.

• Select (highlight) the exam(s) or image(s) you wish to import to the AW database, then drag & drop
with the left button of the mouse into the brown icon labelled with the workstation’s hostname.
The exam(s) start loading from the Demo Exams media and get declared into the database.

• Once the exam(s) is(are) installed, you can select more exams to import to your AW, or click on the
Close button to exit from the Archive Cdrom Browser.
• To eject the Demo Exams media, click on the bottom arrow of the DVD/CD icon and select Detach.

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Revision 1 Service Manual 5307754-100


Chapter 2 Upgrade

1 Overview
This chapter describes the various procedures to upgrade from AW1.2, AW2.0, AW3.1, AW4.0,
AW4.1(P), AW4.2(P) and AW4.3 and AW4.4 to AW4.5 release.
It is NO LONGER possible to restore User Preferences and setup from AW3.1 or AW4.0 upgrades,
as the parameters are now too different to be usable.
1-1 Add a 2nd LCD color landscape monitor
refer to Chapter 8 section 2.
1-2 Additional memory upgrade
refer to Chapter 8 section 3.

2 Tools required
If your customer requests that you transfer patient data from old to the new workstation, you will need
the following, or equivalent tool:
• 2212538 : RJ45 network cross–over cable (red cable) : Length = 4.5 meters
(also called DGW / AW cable)

3 Safety precautions

4 Prerequisites

Before you start, make sure that the following information is available, to install your new system.
Refer to your old hardware Service Manual if you do not know how to get this information.
• Hostname of the workstation.
• Internet Protocol address of the workstation.
• Netmask to be given to the workstation if applicable. Consult your Network Administrator.
• Time Zone.
• Hospital name.
• Hosts file (other hosts connected on the network).
• Routing tables to access other networks.
Also warn the customer to store on MOD, DVD or any other archive system, the images they do not
want to loose, as well as files they could have loaded on the workstation.

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5 Patient image restore procedure

The following only concerns software + hardware upgrades (workstation swap).


Prior to proceed with the workstation swap, you should make sure with your customer that
they have already saved all patient data, and that you can erase all patient images from the
hard disks of the old workstation, before uninstalling it.
If this has not been done and that your customer requires that you transfer the patient data from the
old to the new workstation, make sure with them that you can delete as much useless patient data
as possible, before proceeding with the image transfer
If you have a small amount of images to save (e.g., 100 images), you can save them on CD or
DVD, if available or push them to another workstation on the network (e.g., a PACS unit). The time
to restore Patient images depends on the number of images you want to push from the old station
to the new AW station, and also the network configuration you will use.
The network transfer speed can be greatly increased if you prefer a "peer to peer" connection to the
standard hospital network connection.
The figures given in example below will help you to determine the images transfer time
based on a "peer to peer" connection as well as the number of images.
If you plan to use the hospital network, it may multiply the images transfer time by four.
Example: Configuration used : AW4.0 Ultra 60 (2x 450Mhz ; 2 x 19Gb)
The Peer To Peer transfer speed that we have measured in the lab for this configuration is about
364 000 Kb/mn.
5-1 Network images transfer time calculation for a Peer To Peer Connection
On your old workstation:
Check the used disk space on images database filesystem (see example for an AW4.0)
df –k [Return]
Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on
/proc 0 0 0 0% /proc
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 819032 530184 231516 70% /
fd 0 0 0 0% /dev/fd
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1 601592 458502 82931 85% /export/home
swap 1423048 52872 1370176 4% /tmp
/dev/md/dsk/d0 29231949 25235228 3412083 89% /export/home1
/dev/md/dsk/d1 1590073 12689 1545583 1% /export/cdr
Time Transfer Calculation for images at 364 000 Kb transfer speed:
Take the ”used” value of /export/home1 and divide by the transfer speed:
25235228 / 364000 = 69 minutes 30 seconds

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To this time which only represents the network transfer time, you must add the Database
declaration time which depends on the type of image (the smaller the images are, the more you
can have on your disks, and the longer database declaration time will take).

5-2 Images transfer procedure

As this is an upgrade case, you have probably been asked to use the IP address and Hostname of
your old workstation for the new one.
Therefore, you must determine a similar address and another hostname for the old workstation, in
order to do the image transfer.
EXAMPLE : Add ”1” to the last digit of the old station’s IP address:
• The IP address of old workstation was (class A network):
- use address for the old workstation.
• The IP address of old workstation was (class B network):
- use address for the old workstation.
• The IP address of old workstation was (class C network):
- use address for the old workstation.

On the old workstation side:

Your old workstation MUST be disconnected from the Hospital network and reconfigured.
3. Run the sys–unconfig script to change Hostname and IP address:
su – root <Enter>
Enter root password: operator <Enter>
/usr/sbin/sys–unconfig <Enter> (Unix SunOs workstations)
/export/home/sdc/scripts/sys–reconfig <Enter> (linux workstation)
The workstation shutdowns

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4. Reboot workstation
5. Change IP address to ”+1 address” and hostname to ”hostname–old”
6. Use the same netmask and the same Timezone as before.
On the new workstation side:
7. If you had connected your new AW to the Hospital network, disconnect it now.
It is not necessary to shutdown the workstation.
8. Connect both workstations together through the cross–over (red) cable.

2212538 : RJ45 network cross–over cable (red cable) : Length = 4.5 meters
2215029–5: RJ45 network cross–over cable (red cable) : Length = 50 meters

On the old workstation side:

9. Start AW application
10. Enter the Network Manager and declare your new AW4.5 as a Dicom3.0 host. Save and quit.
11. Select the list of Patients you want to push to your new AW station, then drag selected Patients list
and drop it to the icon representing the new AW4.5.
12. Make sure the transfer starts correctly, before proceeding with the next configuration steps on your
new AW station.

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6 Upgrade guidelines
6-1 AW1.2 upgrade
consists on a complete swap of the workstation and its additional 1.05 GB hard disk option.
– The Pioneer MOD option is not supported on AW4.5.
– The DASM Filming Interface is not supported AW4.5.
6-2 AW2.0 upgrade
consists on a complete swap of the workstation and its external 2.1 GB hard disk for images and
additional 2.1 GB hard disk option (if applicable).
– The Pioneer MOD option is not supported on AW4.5.
– The DASM Filming Interface is not supported on AW4.5.
6-3 AW3.1 upgrade
consists on a complete swap of the workstation.
– Dicom MOD option (Maxoptix) can be reinstalled if T5 2600 * series, Firmware 4.5.
– The Pioneer MOD option is not supported on AW4.5.
– The DASM Filming Interface is not supported on AW4.5.
– Do not reinstall the CD–R and/or the Multipack storage disks option.
6-4 AW4.0 upgrade
consists on a hardware and software upgrade.
– Dicom MOD option (Maxoptix) can be reinstalled if T5 2600 * series, Firmware 4.5.
– The Pioneer MOD option is not supported on AW4.5.
– The DASM Filming Interface is not supported on AW4.5.
– Do not reinstall the CD–R and/or the Multipack Storage disks option (from AW3.1 Ultra60).
Preferences and setups can NO LONGER be reinstalled from the AW3.1 and AW4.0 to the new
AW4.4, as parameters are now much too different.

6-5 AW4.1 / AW4.1 P/ AW4.2 upgrade

HP X4000 and HP XW8000 are not 64 bits compatible, so are not supported.
Upgrade consists on a complete hardware and software upgrade.
Some of the User Preferences and setups, Site parameters (remote hosts, etc ...) can be reinstalled.
6-6 AW4.2P /AW4.3 upgrade
AW4.2P or AW4.3 run on HP XW8200 platform which is no longer supported:
Upgrade consists on a complete hardware and software upgrade.
User Preferences and setups, Site parameters (remote hosts, etc ...) can be reinstalled.
6-7 AW4.4 upgrade
HP XW8400 workstation from AW4.4 release can be upgraded to AW4.5.
Upgrade consists on a complete software upgrade (Load From Cold).
User Preferences and setups, Site parameters (remote hosts, etc ...) can be reinstalled.

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Summarized guidelines:
• Save Site parameters as instructed by the older AW type Service manual.
For AW4.1s, AW4.2s and AW4.3 save configuration parameters on Cdrom, before
de–installing your old system.
• Save images on MOD or CD–R if applicable or push them to another workstation on the network.
If necessary, refer to procedure described in Section 5 for image transfer to new workstation.
Proceed to Patient’s Image Data files deletion (see Section 7).
• Unpack the new hardware, check that you do not miss anything and read the installation instructions
described in this manual, Chapter 1 Job Card IST 001.
• Shutdown the old workstation and turn it off. Turn off the hardware peripheral(s).
• Disconnect and remove the external SCSI Dicom MOD option. It cannot be reinstalled on VS4
and must be returned to the customer.
• Disconnect Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor, CPU box, 1.05 GB or 2.1 GB external hard disks and
storethem with their cables in the new hardware shipping boxes.
• Install the new hardware and load the software as defined in Chapter 1 of this manual.
• Install the site parameters, Advanced Applications software packages, and Insite connectivity (if
applicable). Refer to Chapter 1 of this manual.
• Install and/or preload all or part of the Applications DVD collector set. Refer to chapter 1, IST005.
• Check installation before turnover to customer (Chapter 1 IST 009).
• Proceed with old hardware removal and shipping (see Section 8).

7 Old system, image files deletion


Before proceeding with file deletion of your old hardware, make sure that you have saved
all necessary files to install the new hardware. Also make sure that the customers have
saved their own files.
The following shall be done for swapped workstations only, in order to ensure patient’s data
confidentiality, as you must return the old station to the Recycling Center of your area.
1. Login as root
<machine_name console login : root <Enter>
password : operator <Enter>
2. Delete AW and Image data files
/bin/rm –r /export/home1/* <Enter>
/bin/rm –r /export/home2/* <Enter>
This will erase both image files /export/home1, /export/home2 (if applicable) image files.
The procedure can take up to 30 minutes depending on the number of images stored on the disks
and the optionnal external image disk(s).
3. When this is done, return to Section 6 to continue the upgrade procedure.

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8 Old hardware return process

Use the shipping boxes of your new hardware to pack the parts you are returning.
Hardware parts to return are:
• Workstation CPU box + power cord.
• Color monitor + video cable + power cord (unless recent LCD color monitor that the site will keep).
• Keyboard + cable and Mouse + pad.
• AW4.0 External CD–R drive + disk, Multipack Storage option (if applicable) OR
• AW3.1 External CD–R drive + disk, Multipack Storage option (if applicable) OR
• AW1.2 External 1.05 GB Hard disk option (if applicable) OR
• AW2.0 external 2.1 GB standard Hard disk (and external 2.1 GB HD option if applicable).



8-1 Return Procedure for Americas

• Use the shipping boxes of new equipment to return old material.
Prior to returning the equipment, contact the GE Healthcare Recycling Center to notify them of your
equipment shipment. Be sure to write the SO number on the outside of the equipment box so that
the Recycling Center can track the returns.
• Return old material and old system Configuration Form located at the beginning of this manual to:
Schroeder Warehouse
15700 W. Lincoln Avenue
New Berlin, WI 53151

8-2 Return Procedure for ASIA

Use the shipping boxes of new equipment to return old material.


Please contact the local Support Engineer of your region, in order to make sure of the right
address to return old material.
The following is given for information only, and is subject to change.
Make sure it is still appropriate by contacting your local support.

8-2-1 Return procedure for Korea

Samsung GE Medical Systems
Mr Jae Young Cho (K0125)
65–1 Sangdaewong–dong, Chungwong–ku
Sungnam–si, Kyunggi–do
KOREA 462–120

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8-2-2 Return procedure for Australia / New Zealand

GE Medical Systems,
Attn: Max Cardew
Unit 6, 13 Lord Street,
Bontany, NSW 2019

8-2-3 Return procedure for GEYMS

Please contact your Regional Service Head Quarters, to get instructions for returning the old

8-2-4 Return procedure for East Asia countries

GE Pacific PTE Ltd
Attn: Bryan Heaney
298 Tiong Bahru Road, 15–01/06
Central Plaza, SINGAPORE 168730

8-2-5 Return procedure for other GEMS–A countries.

Please contact your Regional Service Head Quarters, to get instructions for returning the old

8-3 Return Procedure for Europe

Use the shipping boxes of new equipment to return old material.
Return old material and old system Configuration Form located at the beginning of this manual to:
ZA La Remise
Route de Corbeil, BP 111
91004 Evry–Lisses, FRANCE

• If you are sending from the Region France, ship by the usual Spare Parts return process: (Sernam –
Megastore Evry)
• If you are sending from other Regions, use the shuttles to return the Spare Parts. Regional
Distribution point or Local depots:
Antwerpen – Frankfurt – London – Madrid – Milano
Athina – Kobenhavn – Istanbul – Kriens – Lisboa – Mockba – Napoli – Stockholm – Wien

Transport costs will be charged by the ”Recycling Center”. Send the invoice to:
BUC, Compta fournisseur, Ref: Recyclage

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9 Restore capability for AW3.1/AW4.0

Preferences and setups can NO LONGER be reinstalled from the AW3.1 and AW4.0 to the new
AW4.5, as parameters are now much too different.

10 Restore capability for AW4.1’S/AW4.2’S/AW4.3/AW4.4

All Customer presets, shared protocols, Site parameters can be restored. However Patient List
preferencies (Filters, Split mode, number of fields, etc.) are not properly restored, as too different from
AW4.5, so will be lost.
InSite/iLinq configuration from AW4.1 / AW4.2 / AW4.3 / AW4.4 may not be properly restored (different
Model type, etc.).
Contact the Checkout Center to run the checkout process on your new station.
• Restore the site configuration from the AW4.1 / 4.1P / AW4.2 / AW4.2P / AW4.3 or AW4.4 Site
Configuration Cdrom
Keep in mind that hardware dependent files such as license keys, release dependent files such
as the AW password will have to be changed to match your system.
These files will have to be manually changed when swapping the hardware.
If you had modified the root password from the default operator password, it will not be restored
for safety reasons, and the default root password is reloaded.
Also mind that, if the configuration has been restored from an AW4.1 or 4.2 system, the” adw4.4”
password will be overwritten by the current password given to the workstation. So you will first have
to login with this password, then change it back, either to ”adw4.4” or to any other suitable
password for your site.

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Common procedures

Chapter 3 Common procedures

1 Overview
In this chapter, procedures are described that are commonly used with Advantage Workstation.
In the text, characters to be entered on the keyboard are shown, following the appropriate system
prompt, in bold type: e.g.: logout.
Enter the characters exactly as shown; <Enter> indicates confirmation by pressing the “ENTER” or
“RETURN” key.
Expressions (such as prompts, passwords and names) between “<” and “>” characters are those
associated with each specific configuration.
As used in the following sections,
”local” means ”physically in front of” the AW workstation console, while ”remote” means electronically
connected through the network to the workstation.

2 Common procedures
2-1 Basic Linux Procedures
2-1-1 Boot Advantage Workstation
Note: Make sure all peripheral devices are powered on!
Press on the ON/OFF Reset button, to turn ON the workstation and check for presence of all internal and
external powered–on peripherals, through the boot -up sequence messages.
Additionaly, you may enter the BIOS setup menu by pressing on the <F10> key.
Press on the <Esc> key and confirm by pressing <Enter>, to exit the BIOS setting menu.
The system now resets and start to boot up again.
2-1-2 Login as sdc on Advantage Workstation (windowing system not running)
If "<hostname> console login:" is not displayed, log out (see 2-1-7).
Login as sdc:
<hostname> console login: sdc <Enter>
Password: <sdc password><Enter> (default is adw4.5)
Advantage Workstation will start up. To shutdown, see 2-3-2.
2-1-3 Find out what ‘true’ user you currently are
echo $USER [Return]
The machine will return the user name it is operating under (e.g. root, sdc, insite).
Note: The user ’insite’ has root privilege. Users may not directly login as either root or insite when
remote. A remote user must first login remotely as ’sdc’, then change it, if necessary.
2-1-4 Become sdc user after successful login as another user
Make sure you are logged in on ADVANTAGE WORKSTATION.
Become sdc:
su – sdc [Enter] ”su [space] dash [space] sdc”
Password: <sdc password> [Enter] (default is adw4.5) Page no. 217 Chapter 3

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Common procedures

2-1-5 Become root user after successful login as another user (locally or remote)
Make sure you are logged in on ADVANTAGE WORKSTATION.
Become root:
su – root [Enter] ”su [space] dash [space] root”
Password: <root password>[Enter] (default is operator)
2-1-6 Shutdown System from Login Prompt
Login as root
login: root [Enter]
Password: <root password>[Enter] (default is operator)
From the Root environment windows system, open a Term window
In the Term window, type in:
init 0 [Enter]
Optional: Wait for shutdown completion and turn power OFF to the workstation, monitor(s), and
2-1-7 Logout Procedure
Click on the Logout button, or select Exit AW from the Root menu, Service Tools.
2-1-8 Login as root on Advantage Workstation (windowing system not running)
If the Login window is not accessible, you must log out first (see 2-1-7).
Login as root:
Login: root [Enter]
Password: <root password> [Enter] (default is operator)
2-1-9 Remote Login to Advantage Workstation from a Remote Station (General Case)
You must know the ADVANTAGE WORKSTATION’s Internet address. If you don’t, get it from the
AW itself (see 2-1-12).
Telnet to the ADVANTAGE WORKSTATION from a remote station:
<remote-prompt> telnet <AW Internet address> [Enter]
i.e : telnet [Enter]
If telnet succeeds, the following lines display, and you get the “telnet login prompt”:
Trying <AW Internet address> ...
Connected to <AW Internet address>.
Escape character is ’^]’.
<...other system messages...>
login: <username> [Enter]
Password: <user_password> [Enter]
2-1-10 Remote Login as root on Advantage Workstation (from a Remote Station)
Direct remote login as root is not allowed. You must first remote log as sdc, then switch user to root.
Telnet to ADVANTAGE WORKSTATION from a remote station (see 2-1-9).
At telnet login prompt, you must firstly login as sdc:
login: sdc [Enter]
Password: adw4.5 [Enter] (sdc default password)
Then become super (root) user (see 2-1-5)

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Common procedures

2-1-11 Remote Login as sdc on Advantage Workstation (from a Remote Station)

Telnet to ADVANTAGE WORKSTATION from a remote station (see 2-1-9).
At telnet login prompt, login as sdc:
login: sdc [Enter]
Password: adw4.5 [Enter] (sdc default password)
2-1-12 Find the Internet, Ethernet, and Broadcast Address, Netmask Value and Hostname
Open a Command Window and switch User to root (see 2–1–5)
To get the hostname, at the prompt type in:
hostname [Enter]
To get more information, at the prompt type in:
ifconfig –a [Enter] know about all Ethernet controllers
ifconfig eth0 [Enter] know about the main Ethernet controller (eth0):
(see example hereafter)
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:E0:81:00:54:F8
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:90056 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:36555 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
RX bytes:54610697 (52.0 Mb) TX bytes:7398817 (7.0 Mb)
Interrupt:21 Base address:0xf000
Where inet is the Internet Protocol (IP) address
Mask is the host’s netmask value (in hex)
HWaddr is the Ethernet Address
Bcast is the Broadcast Address
2-1-13 Shutdown and Reboot AW Locally or Remotely from the Command Line
Make sure you are logged in as root on ADVANTAGE WORKSTATION.
Shutdown and Reboot:
init 6 [Enter]
Note: If remote login as root on ADVANTAGE WORKSTATION failed, remote reset is impossible.
Reset is then only possible locally.
2-1-14 Shutdown and Reboot Advantage Workstation Locally (i.e. no input from keyboard)
Reset the workstation
Press on the Reset button, or cycle power off and on to workstation.
Database recovery process must be necessary if used while the Database was active.
(See 2–6 for Recover Database)
2-1-15 Shutdown and Reboot AW Locally: Workstation “Hard Blocked”
Turn monitor and computer off.
Wait about 30 seconds.
Make sure other peripherals are powered on. Turn monitor and computer on.
The system will bootup. Page no. 219 Chapter 3

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Common procedures

2-1-16 Changing the ”USER” Password



Changing Users passwords can be done either:
Through the Common service Desktop (CSD) Configuration menu, accessible through the User
Interface by selecting Admin/service Tools
Or by opening a Command Window and typing:.
Switching user to root
su – root [Enter] ”su [space] dash [space] root”
Password: <root password> [Enter] (default is operator)
Running the install.passwords script
cd /export/home/sdc/install [Enter]
./install.passwords [Enter]
Enter the name of the user whose password must be changed
- root - sdc_admin (administrator) sdc or type q to quit
Select the user root, sdc or sdc_admin:
Changing password for user -user- (where ”user” = root , sdc, or sdc_adminstrator)
New password : xxxxxxxx [Enter]
Retype new password : xxxxxxxx [Enter]
passwd : all authentification tokens updated successfully


Note: If you get a message like ...
BAD PASSWORD : it (is based on) (is too short) (does not contain) ..
.... it is just a WARNING message to let you know that your choice for the new password is
not as secure as it should be. However, your password will be taken into account after typing
it a second time.
Write the new password on the AW CONFIGURATION FORM (front of this manual).
2-1-17 Line Commands for Controlling Printer (Filming) Queues
See Chapter 7, Filming, section 3-2.
2-1-18 Changing the Host Name
Unconfigure the Advantage Workstation (See 2-1-23).
2-1-19 Host Identification (license ID)


The hostid command, formerly used for UNIX workstations must no longer be used to
calculate the keys !!!! The hostid command only shows the numeric identifier of the
hardware platform which is the same for all workstations.

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Common procedures

i.e : HP XW8400 workstation : hostid = 7f0100

The license ID number is a unique number that is hard coded in your workstation.
The A.W software protection key is factory determined from this number (MAC address).
To know the License ID of your workstation, type in:
/export/home/sdc/bin/licenseId [Enter] (capital I for licenseId)
Or click Admin/Display Configuration
2-1-20 Using the ”man” Command
On–line information about Linux commands and their usage may be obtained by using the man
command. For example, to find out more about using vi, type:
Switch user to root
su – root [Enter]
Enter the root password when prompted
/usr/bin/man vi [Enter] (type q to exit when done)
To find out more about using the man pages, type in:
/usr/bin/man man [Enter] (type q to exit when done)
2-1-21 Routing Tables
Viewing the routing tables and usage
netstat –r [Enter]
i. e :
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface * U 40 0 0 eth0 * U 40 0 0 lo
Editing the Routing table (see Chapter 9 for more information).
Login as root or switch user to root
Change to the /etc/rc5.d directory, create a S93route script with the vi editor, (see Networking chapter for
examples) and add the following line:
route add –net X.X.X.X netmask Y.Y.Y.Y gw Z.Z.Z.Z metric N dev eth0
X.X.X.X = Destination (network or host)
Y.Y.Y.Y = Netmask
Z.Z.Z.Z = 1st gateway to pass through
N = Number of gateways also called “metric hop"
dev eth0 = ethernet interface
i.e : route add –net netmask dev eth0 [Enter]
i.e : route add –host gw metric 2 [Enter]
Reboot the workstation (see 2-1-1).
To delete a route
route del –net
Network to delete
i.e : route del –net [Enter]
i.e : route del –host [Enter]
Reboot the workstation (see 2-1-1). Page no. 221 Chapter 3

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Common procedures

2-1-22 Netmasks
Note: No manual edit for changing the Netmask.
Use the ”sys–reconfig” utility (2–1–23) to change hostname, IP address and netmask, or
Refer to the Networking chapter for specific examples.
No longer use the sys–unconfig utility from UNIX systems !!!!!
Reboot the workstation (see 2-1-1).
2-1-23 Reconfiguring the Advantage Workstation (Removing all Current Hostname,Timezone,
Network, and Addressing Information)
Login as root or switch User to root.


DO NOT USE the /usr/sbin/sys–unconfig utility, which may lead to the LINUX
reconfiguration process. !!! USE the sys–reconfig script INSTEAD !!!
Run the sys–reconfig script:
/export/home/sdc/scripts/sys–reconfig [Enter]
- hostname
- IP address
- subnet mask
- timezone
- Enter date and time
Do you want to continue (y/n) ? y [Enter]
Do you want to shutdown the station now? (y/n) y [Enter]
The system automatically performs a shutdown.
When the system displays the message Power down and turns OFF, you can press on the ON/OFF
button to reboot.
Go to Job Card IST 001, System Installation and Configuration.
Note: You may also use the ”dateconfig” command, if you simply need to change date/time parameters:
dateconfig [Enter]
The Date/Time Properties window pops–up allowing to modify and save the date/time.
2-1-24 Changing the Internet Address
Note: Unconfigure the AW as shown above, if not familiar with the vi editor!
Switch User to root, to obtain write access before editing the ”ifcg–eth0” file.
Using the vi editor, change the internet address in: /etc/sysconfig/network–scripts/ifcg–eth0
Do not change the host name !!!!
Shutdown and reboot the workstation (see 2-1-6).
2-1-25 File Systems Checks: Windowing System not Running
fsck command shall not be used with the Linux systems.

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Common procedures

2-1-26 Check for SCSI Devices recognized by the Workstation during Boot
Switch User to root.
Display the SCSI peripherals recognized by the workstation:
/bin/dmesg | grep SCSI [Return]
Note: If the peripherals are present (connected and powered ON), and you do not see these
messages, check connections, power, and restart workstation (see 2-1-1)
2-2 Restart Advantage Workstation Application from the Console
2-2-1 Advantage Workstation OK, no one logged in
Login as sdc (see 2-1-4).
If Application is not up within 1 minute, see Troubleshooting chapter.
2-2-2 Advantage Workstation OK, sdc logged in BUT application is not running
Select Restart AW from the Exit Menu.
If Application is not up within 2 minutes, see Troubleshooting chapter.
2-2-3 Advantage Workstation OK, someone else logged in
Logout (see 2-1-7).
Login as sdc (see 2-1-4).
If Application is not up within 1 minute, see Troubleshooting chapter.
2-3 Shutdown Advantage Workstation
2-3-1 Windowing system not running –– login prompt displayed
See 2-1-6.
2-3-2 Advantage Workstation running –– Normal Shutdown (including computer shutdown)
Place cursor of the mouse over the SYSTEM icon on the Browser.
Select Shutdown button on the Browser, and click left mouse button.
Place cursor over Yes push button in pop–up message, and click left mouse button.
Wait until shutdown has completed.
Optional – turn monitor, computer, and external SCSI devices off.
2-3-3 Advantage Workstation running –– Stop application only
Place cursor over LOGOUT icon on the Browser, and click left mouse button.
Release the mouse button. Advantage Workstation will stop, a login prompt will display.
2-3-4 Advantage Workstation not running and Windowing system running
Exit the program you are using, shutdown from login prompt (see 2-1-6). –OR–
If that fails, or unknown, kill windowing system (see 2-3-6). –OR–
Move the mouse outside of all the windows (into the background).
Press a mouse button to get the Root menu, scroll to Service Tools, then to Logout.
Release the mouse button. The windowing system stops, a login prompt will display.
2-3-5 AW not running and windowing system running ––– Kill Application locally
Open Console window (double click on CONSOLE icon), place the cursor inside the new window.
Run the following script:
/export/home/sdc/scripts/sdcapp.csh –k [Enter]
If this failed (Advantage Workstation still running), kill windowing system (see 2-3-6). Page no. 223 Chapter 3

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Common procedures

2-3-6 Windowing system blocked ––– Kill Windowing System remotely

From a remote station, login as sdc on ADVANTAGE WORKSTATION.
If this is impossible, reboot ADVANTAGE WORKSTATION locally.
If AW application is up, run the sdcapp.csh –k script (see 2-3-5).
If AW application is down, become user root (see 2-1-5).
Shutdown and reboot the workstation :
init 6 [Return]
Wait for boot completion before login again.
If remote reboot is impossible, reset the ADVANTAGE WORKSTATION locally (see 2-1-13).
2-4 Advantage Workstation and Site Configuration
2-4-1 Displaying or saving Advantage Workstation Site Configuration Information
The site configuration information can be displayed and/or saved by selecting the Display
Configuration and/or Save Configuration option from the Admin menu.

A pop up window displays information such as O.S version, processor type, internet address, installed
Applications licence keys, etc... relative to your configuration. When running the Save Configuration
process, always accept to format the diskette so it is properly DOS formatted.

2-4-2 Copy text files in DOS format onto a diskette

Copying text files into a DOS formatted diskette can be useful in order to read these files on a PC.
Open a Command window and switch User to root:
su – root [Enter] ”su [space] dash [space] root”
Password: <root password> [Enter] (default is operator)
Insert a blank floppy in write enable mode into the drive and format it
fdformat /dev/fd0 [Enter]
Double-sided, 80 tracks, 18 sec/track, Total capacity 1440 kB
Formatting ...done Verifying ... done
Build a DOS filesystem on the diskette
mkdosfs /dev/fd0 [Enter]
mkdosfs 2.8 (Date)

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Common procedures

Mount the filesystem

mount /mnt/floppy [Enter]
Copy the text file into the Floppy filesystem
i.e : copy the dcslog logfile
cp /export/home/sdc/logfiles/dcslog /mnt/floppy [Enter]
When this is done, unmount the Floppy filesystem
cd [Enter]
umount /mnt/floppy [Enter]
Manually eject the diskette. You can now read it with your PC
2-4-3 Changing Advantage Workstation Site Configuration Settings
Refer to Job Card IST 002, Site Configuration.
2-4-4 Creating a KICKSTART diskette
This is no longer necessary for AW4.5 platform. Refer to Chapter 4, Job Card TSG008 for details.
2-4-5 Reading Configuration Diskette or USB key Settings
Floppy diskette or USB key are managed the same way for License keys.
If both an USB key with licenses and a Floppy diskette are inserted, USB key will have priority upon
the floppy diskette, so it means that any license on the floppy diskette would not be read in this case.
From an operational Advantage Workstation:
Open a Command window and switch User to root:
su – root [Enter] ”su [space] dash [space] root”
Password: <root password> [Enter] (default is operator)
Insert the Configuration diskette into the drive or the USB key in any of the USB ports.
Allow a few seconds (check LED is no longer blinking) when inserting an USB key, before
attempting to access it.Type in:
mount /mnt/floppy [Enter]
more /mnt/floppy/config.txt [Enter]
<–– read and write down on a sheet of paper, the license key numbers
Umount the diskette or USB key
umount /mnt/floppy [Enter]
Eject the diskette by pressing on the ejection lever or extract the USB key.
From an operational PC:
Insert the Configuration diskette into the drive or USB key into USB port.
Click on MY COMPUTER, then click on 3 1/2 Floppy (A:) or on Removable Disk (X:)
Double–click on the config.txt file
<–– read and write down on a sheet of paper, the license key numbers
Eject the diskette by pressing on the ejection lever, or right click on the USB device, to eject it
safely, before extracting the USB key. Page no. 225 Chapter 3

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Common procedures

2-5 Adobe Acrobat Reader Tool

To start the Acrobat Reader tool, open a Command Window from the ROOT Menu and type in
geacroread [Enter]
2-6 Advantage Workstation Database Recovery
Recover the database if the application crashes when opening a series, or when the browser lists do not
match the actual set of images on the disk.
This operation resets the relational database, reads the images from the hard disks, and recreates the
database from scratch.
2-6-1 Recover Database from the Root Menu
Advantage Workstation must be up and running.
If exams have no series, series have no images, or images cannot be displayed or removed, there
probably is some database corruption which has occurred. This problem can occur if the system was
powered off during images receive and database update.
The database can be recovered by selecting the Recover database option from the Services Tools
menu under the Root menu.
Note: To access the Root menu, you may need to iconify the AW User Interface first, by pressing on the
<Alt> <F3> keys

Enter the root password when prompted.



The following message displays :
Do you want to rebuild the database from the images ?
This operation can take a long time.

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Common procedures

Please type ’rebuild’ to confirm, or just press <Enter> to quit :

rebuild [Enter]
The rolling ball screen saver turns on. There is no possibility to use the system during this time.
If you click on right mouse button, The following message appears:
When this is done, restart Browser from the Root Menu.




2-7 Using the SMPTE Pattern

This section describes how to display the SMPTE pattern to properly calibrate the monitor.
2-7-1 Displaying the SMPTE pattern.
Start AW application if it is not currently running.
Install the SMPTE pattern (and other test patterns) by selecting Install SMPTE from the Admin
The SMPTE pattern is loaded into the browser as an exam with the name of SMPTE Pattern.
Open the Browser (Patient list), then select SMPTE pattern to display.
Illustration 2 – SMPTE Test Pattern Page no. 227 Chapter 3

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Common procedures

2-7-2 Color Landscape Monitor(s) Adjustment Procedure

The console monitor must be properly adjusted for the filmed image to accurately represent the console
monitor displayed image. The following procedure is the recommended setup of the Console Monitors to
achieve a filmed image which accurately represents the monitor displayed images. The SMPTE (Society
of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) test pattern is used to provide a standard image.
There are factors pertaining to console monitor adjustments which will affect the ability of the film to
accurately represent the console monitor displayed images. These factors, the console monitor contrast
and brightness, are adjusted so all the shades of grey are discernible without excessive brightness
under normal viewing ambient lighting. The SMPTE test pattern also enables an easy check of focus and
linearity / geometry of the display.
The final result should make the film image and the console monitor displayed image similar in
appearance. The console monitor window and level may be adjusted for viewing preference, however
the console monitor brightness and contrast should not be changed since the display is optimized for the
video signal input.
Display SMPTE test pattern on monitor. See Illustration 2 for sample test pattern.
Window Width control value = 100.
Window Level control value = 1024.
Note: To achieve the best results, it is important that this setup procedure be done under the normal
ambient lighting conditions for the console area.
Locate the contrast and brightness control knobs on the bottom front of the monitor.
Adjust contrast control of display monitor to extreme minimum contrast (furthermost counter clockwise
position on). No contrast results in a flat density image.
Adjust brightness control until scanning raster is just perceptible.
Adjust contrast control such that the brightest part of the image is at a comfortable viewing level.
All shades or grey should be discernible. The two additional areas of the grey scale, which contain sub–
patches with 5% density differences, should also be visible. See Illustration 3, circled number 6. (i.e.
Adjust until viewing of brightest area is comfortable, then adjust to ensure all shades of grey can be
Other aspects of display to check (See circled numbers in image on Illustration 3):
– High and low contrast resolution patterns, in both horizontal and vertical directions, must be
discernible. (Numbers 3 and 4).
– In the regions of white and black windows, there should be no smearing or streaking of the interior
rectangle into the surrounding, contrasting region. Windows must appear sharply
defined. (Numbers 1, 2, 5–8)
– Focus may be checked by observing the characters embedded in the image and readjusted if
necessary using the control knob (19’ monitor) or remote control (20’ monitor).
– The size of the 512 pixels square image on the display should measure 7.25” x 7.25” (18.45 cm x
18.45 cm). The entire display image, including grey scale and patient data, should e centered in the
window frame. (Number 9).

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Common procedures

Illustration 3 – Schematic Drawing of SMPTE Test Pattern

2-7-3 Create and Display a Coloured SMPTE Pattern

This can be usefull to check the color rendering of a color printer. In order to create a ”colored’”
SMPTE pattern, proceed with the following steps:
Install the SMPTE pattern if not done yet (see 2-7-1).
Start the VIEWER to display the SMPTE pattern.
Click on the Display Tools button. The Display Tools window pops–up.
Click on the WW/WL button. The Drag & drop a tool window pops–up.
Click on the Palette button, then click on the Rainbow button.
Press the middle button on the mouse and modify the color palette.

When this is done, you can save the coloured SMPTE pattern if you wish to use it again later:
Select Edit from the Display Tools menu (see above).
Click on the Save Image button. Page no. 229 Chapter 3

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Common procedures

3 On–Line documentation
3-1 Access to the Operator’s documentation
Also includes access to the installed Advanced Applications Operator’s documentation.

3-2 Access to Service documentation

Also includes access to the installed Advanced Applications Service documentation.
Direct access to service docs is no longer allowed. You will be redirected to the CSD/Utilities.

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Chapter 4 Troubleshooting

1 Foreword
The troubleshooting procedures are described in a series of job cards about the different steps,
problems encountered with their corrective actions and useful procedures, when installing and using


Corrective action should be made by authorized and qualified personnel only.

2 Troubleshooting guide HP XW8600 and XW8400

On–line access to HP Service Manuals and other additional information can be obtained from the
HP documentation Web site at :
type : XW8600 or XW8400 in the ”Search” window


5308736–100 5180567–100


POWER LED IS FLASHING 5-116 / 5-136 5–98 / 5–104




HARD DISKS AND CD–RW PROBLEMS 5-124 / 5-133 5-111 / 5-120







SOLVING MEMORY PROBLEMS 5-132 5–119 Page no. 231 Chapter 4

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3 Troubleshooting job cards

Job Card Nr Purpose

TSG 001 Initialization phase

TSG 002 Application is running

TSG 003 File-Systems checks and repair- Daily Backup

TSG 004 Reformatting and/or repartitionning disks

TSG 005 Using HP "Insight" diagnostics tool Cdrom

TSG 006 Troubleshooting physical Network problems

TSG 007 Using a USB key for Service

TSG 008 NEC color LCD monitors known issues

TSG 009 Information about Logfiles

TSG 010 Information about running processes

TSG 011 Service Tools - Common Service Desktop (CSD)

TSG 012 Create a BIOS Cdrom and Flash the Firmware

Chapter 4 Page no. 232

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Job Card TSG001 - Initialization phase

Job Card TSG001 - Initialization phase Chapter 4

1 Foreword
This job Card provides you with information on the potential root cause of issues that may occur during
the initialization phase (boot sequence) , that is to say before the AW application is started.

2 problems occuring at power up

Symptom Recommended Action Suspect module

The screen - Check electrical and video cables and connectors - Monitor
remains blank - Swap monitor(s) with another one for test - Video card
- Check LED color on the CPU box. Search for blinking red. Refer - CPU box
to HP XW8xxx Service manual.

Blurred video or - Adjust or replace the monitor - Monitor

pour color. - Disconnect temporarily the video splitter (if applicable) for test. - Video splitter
- Replace the video cable and/or Y adapter cable - Video cables
- Replace the video card - Video card

Display: The - Check if monitor’s LED is lit (yellow = power on , green = power - CPU box
screen is black on + video present)
- Check that the monitor power cord is properly inserted. - Cables
- Check that video cables are properly connected. connection
- Replace Y adapter cable, video cable and/or monitor. - Y cable + video
- Check if LED is blinking red on the CPU box cable
- Replace the Graphics card - Graphics card

The workstation - The workstation does not boot up and beeps in sequence. Refer - CPU box
beeps to the HP XW8xxx Service manual for beep error codes meaning.

The workstation - The workstation does not boot up and beeps in sequence. - CPU box
beeps - It is possible that the insertion of the Y video cable into the - Y video cable
Graphics card connector has been forced upside/down.
Check that the Y adapter cable is properly inserted into the
Graphics card output connector

During boot, - Check the Ethernet connection - Connection

message: - Check the RJ45 Ethernet cable - Ethernet cable
"eth0- no carrier" - Make sure the Ethernet cable is connected to the PCI Ethernet - Connection
card and not to the Mother board Ethernet port (reserved for
"Direct connect" option).
- Replace the PCI Ethernet card - NIC Ethernet card

The screen blanks - Check that the NEC monitor is properly configured to receive the - NEC monitor
at the end of the type of video which the Video card is sending: configuration.
boot sequence. - Standard AW uses DVI-D digital Y adapter cable and video
cable, so the monitor DVI input shall be configured as "digital"
- Vascular AW may pass through a VGA video splitter, and use
DVI/VGA Y adapter cable and DVI/VGA video cables so the DVI
input of the NEC monitor shall be configured as "Analog".
Refer to Service manual at chapter. Page no. 233 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG001 - Initialization phase

Symptom Recommended Action Suspect module

Display is reduced Pre-requisite : The workstation shall be turned on. - NEC monitor
to a small part in - Turn off the monitor configuration
the center of the - Turn on the monitor while keeping the "Select 1/2" button
screen. depressed.
- Push the ">" key to go to "Tab 7" and press "Select 1/2" button
- Push the ">" key to go to "Magnifying glass" symbol
- With the "+" and "-" keys, choose "Full", then press "Select 1/2"
- Press "Exit" twice to save and quit.

Different color tints Monitors adjustments shall be done. - NEC monitors

on dual monitors Order Tool 0216 from the Pool of Tools. adjustments

Screen display is - Re-orient the monitor - Monitor

twisted - Place the monitor farther away from the MR scanner or any - Magnetic field
power transformers.

Message: You have left an USB key connected and you are attempting to - USB port
"Attempting to boot reboot the workstation.
from USB device. Remove the USB key and cycle power to the workstation.
Disk error. Press
any key to restart"

3 Problems encountered before login as SDC

3-1 Run the HP Diagnostics Utility for Reliability Diagnosis
Refer to Job Card TSG 005.

3-2 For Disk Problems

See Job Card TSG 004.

3-3 For Problems Encountered Before Booting

Check the BIOS settings. Reinstall default settings if necessary and reboot.
See Chapter 1, IST011 Section 5.1 for entering and setting the BIOS procedure

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Job Card TSG001 - Initialization phase

4 Steps and problems encountered after login as SDC

Symptom Recommended Action Suspect module

Message: "Invalid This message is normal when installing a new workstation, prior to incorrect or missing
Software Key for have entered the AW license key. software license
Advantage Check the software license key, that shall match the "licenseId" key.
Workstation" number for your workstation. Enter / re-enter key as shown in
chapter 1, IST002.

Message: "Invalid You have attempted to extract the AW license key from the USB USB key
Software Key for key delivered by Manufacturing for a new station.
Advantage AW License key can only be entered manually (or restored from incorrect or missing
Workstation" the AW configuration Cdrom). software license
Remove the USB key, and follow instructions in chapter 1,
IST002, to enter the AW license key manually.

Message: "Invalid Upgrades or FRU swap: You have restored the whole incorrect or missing
Software Key for configuration from an older AW configuration Cdrom, which software license
Advantage reflects an older hardware’s configuration. key.
Workstation" Run the command licensId <Enter> to know the actual license
ID of your workstation, prior to contacting OLC to get new keys for
the workstation.

Password is - login as root and enter root password /etc/password or

refused when login - Open a Terminal and type: /etc/shadow files
as "sdc". Message: passwd sdc <Enter> have been changed
"Sorry !" Enter a new password for sdc when prompted, and confirm. or corrupted.
- Logout from root and login as sdc

After software The password from the older AW release (i.e: software upgrade /etc/password or
upgrade, password from an AW4.4 release) has been restored from the AW /etc/shadow files
is refused when Configuration CD. have been changed
login as "sdc". Login with old password first, then refer to chapter 1, IST002 to
Message: "login change password.
incorrect" You may as well use procedure described above.

Password is You have configured your workstation with a local language, but - Initialization
refused when login you have kept the default US keyboard. - Hardware
as "sdc". Message: It is possible that you have kept the "automatic: keyboard layout - Software reload
"login incorrect" follows language" setting, instead of selecting the US keyboard
- Locate a local language keyboard on a secretary PC or RIS PC
in the hospital and note the correspondance between US keybd
and local keybd, in order to be able to login on the AW.
- Telnet as "sdc" from another host on the network
- run the /export/home/sdc/install/ script and change the
keybd layout setting accordingly.

Loss of root Proceed with the full software reload (OS + AW). Refer to chapter OS
password 1, IST011. Page no. 235 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG001 - Initialization phase

Symptom Recommended Action Suspect module

Loss of system files Proceed with the full software reload (OS + AW). Refer to chapter OS
1, IST011.

After replacement When the additional Ethernet card (eth0) is failing, the Ethernet - NIC
of a defective NIC controller (eth1) on the Mother board takes the lead and becomes - OS
Ethernet card, it is eth0. - LicenseId
necessary to After replacement of the defective Ethernet card (NIC), proceed
declare this board with the sys–reconfig steps, in order to restore its priority over
to the system in
the Ethernet controller of the Mother board.
order to activate it.
Refer to chapter 3, section 2–1–23 for details.
When this is done, call your OLC with the ’licenseID” number, in
order to have new license keys calculated for your new NIC card.
No window opens - Shutdown and reboot workstation - Initialization
- Launch HP Diagnostics (see chapter 4, TSG005) - Hardware
- Reload AW software (see chapter 1, IST010) or - Software reload
- Reload complete software (OS + AW). see chapter 1, IST011)

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Job Card TSG002 - Application is running

Job Card TSG002 - Application is running Chapter 4

1 Foreword
This job Card provides you with information on the potential root cause of issues that may occur during
the initialization phase (boot sequence) , that is to say before the AW application is started.

2 Problems description

Symptom Recommended Action Suspect module

Mouse: Cursor is - reboot workstation, then restart AW application - OS / servers

"late" with respect - Check if images are being sent to the workstation, which could - Network
to actual mouse slow down the workstation.
movements. - Run the HP diags to test the hardware - CPU box
Slow response to
clicks on mouse

Mouse: Cursor is - reboot workstation, then restart AW application - OS / servers

stuck. Does not - replace the mouse - mouse
respond to mouse

Display: Display is - The NEC monitors must have the auto-adjust parameter set to - NEC monitors
out of the screen "OFF" . Refer to chapter 1, IST002, section 5.

Display: Monitor - Enter the OSD menu to reset the calibration parameters: - Monitor
adjustment have – Click Exit button adjustment
been modified by – Click 5 times on > button to move to 2nd toolbox tab.
the customer and – Click Select 1/2 button to enter 2nd toolbox.
need to be reset. – Click 8 times on > button to move to Factory Presets.
– Click Select 1/2 button to select
– Click Reset button to accept
– Proceed with monitor fine adjustment
– Click twice on Exit button to close the OSD menu

Display: Dual For color calibration of the LCD monitor(s), please order tool 0216 - Monitor
Monitor ”LCD color analyzer”,from the ”pool of tools” and refer to Service adjustment
configuration. note SNAW2002–009 instructions delivered with the Tool or
Cannot match the available from the AW–IB web site
colors of .the 2 @ http://aw–

Shutdown: - Check if the main fan is operational. If not, replace it. workstation
unexpected Refer to chapter 5 for details.
shutdown and turn
off of the

Shutdown: - Cannot shutdown. workstation

workstation hangs. Keep the power switch depressed for more than 5 seconds. Page no. 237 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG002 - Application is running

Symptom Recommended Action Suspect module

Database: some - Resend corrupted images. - Network

(all) images are - Spread images transfer over time.
corrupted. - Check that the image(s) from Image source are OK - Image source
- Make sure that the image source send Dicom3 compatible - DCserver (dicom)
- Check for the following message in ~sdc/logfiles/db*log: - DBMS
“stored procedure fails –XXX execute failed for procedure verify
If this message appears, it means that the database structure has
been damaged. The database must be rebuilt, and some images
may be lost.

- Run the Recover Database utility from the User Interface or

"Root menu", or open a console window and type:
sdcapp.csh –k <Enter>
wait for all processes to die
cd /export/home/sdc/scripts <Enter>
./ <Enter>
Confirm and enter root password when requested.
This can take up to several hours depending on the number of
images stored on the disks.
Quit the AW. application, then login again as sdc.

- Additionnaly, you can check the hardware (image hard disks).

Launch the HP Diags from the CDrom. see TSG005

Database: some - Resend corrupted images. - Network

(all) images are - Spread images transfer over time.
corrupted or cannot - Check that the image(s) from Image source are OK - Image source
be displayed. - Make sure that the image source send Dicom3 compatible - DCserver (dicom)
- Select Refresh Lists in Application menu.
- Reboot workstation and AW restart application.
- Run ”Recover database” from the Service Tools submenu within
the Root menu when logged in as sdc
- Check hardware (image hard disks). Launch the HP Diags from
the CDrom

Database: Images - Check for available image disk space. If no space left, remove - Image Filesystem
were sent OK, but some images from AW.
never seemed to - Refresh the Patient’s list (Browser) - AW application
arrive. - Restart AW
- Check that the image(s) from Image source are OK - DCserver (dicom)
- Make sure that the image source send Dicom3 compatible
- Resend images from the image source
- Reboot workstation and AW restart application.
- Run ”Recover database” from the Service Tools submenu within
the Root menu when logged in as sdc

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Job Card TSG002 - Application is running

Symptom Recommended Action Suspect module

Networking: Not - Check that the workstation is up, and that Application is running AW application
possible to send correctly and ready to receive images.
images to the AW - Run /bin/ping –c 1 <AW_IP_address> from the image source Network
from the Image console, then ping image source IP address from the Advantage ~sdc/Prefs/
source. Images do Workstation. SdCRHosts
not seem to arrive - Check Ethernet cables on both sides (image source and AW), - - connectivity
and/or are not - Check network modules on Image source.
declared into the - Make sure that the ethernet cable is connected to the additional
Database. Ethernet card (in the PCI slot). This is eth0 by default. The
Ethernet connection on the Mother board will default to eth1,and is
reserved for the "Direct connect" option.

- Check that Advantage workstation has not been given an IP Network

address already used by another host. See /var/log/messages or Hosts declaration
reboot workstation and check bootup messages.

- Check that Advantage workstation is properly declared on image ~sdc/Prefs/

source; check network status (not “suspended”) after you have SdCRHosts
pushed the images.
Check internet addresses on both sources and destination.

- Check that Protocol is set to Dicom3 and that Port numbers are Dicom protocol
set to the right value (e.g.: AW=4006

- Check the logfiles (~sdc/logfiles) for error messages. netslog ; dcslog ;

Note : images are transferred to the Database, and appear briefly Dicom
in the following directory : /export/home1/sdc_image_pool/import/ Conformance
reserved/Process_name/ Statement
If then images do not show up into the patient list, they are
probably not Dicom3 compatible images.
A pop up message will mention that they are rejected.

Networking: Network controller cards used on the HP XW8400 and XW8600 Auto-negotiation
Networking workstations, are designed and set to fully support the Auto–
performances are negotiation mode.
degraded. The Any Network communication (mode, speed) issues, are most
system does not probably due to problems in the configuration or performance of
seem to have auto- the Site’s network.
negociated the Nevertheless, in case of Network communication issue (10MBps
optimum or half Duplex mode selecting through auto–negotiation), it is
performances for possible to force these communication parameters to the desired
the network. values.
See emergency procedure , Chapter 9, section 3–3

Networking: The PNF firewall is probably set to deny access for any remote Firewall
Remote hosts Hosts else than the ”Trusted Hosts (those declared in AW).
cannot connect to Check PNF permissions.
your AW. Refer to chapter 1, IST003
Temporarily disable the firewall to check if these hosts can
access. Page no. 239 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG002 - Application is running

Symptom Recommended Action Suspect module

Query/Retrieve: Edit the .dicomrc file and modify the Dicom_list_size value to Change default
You need to modify match your purpose : value to "500" or
the Dicom_list_size cd /export/home/sdc <Enter> any other value
to match your vi .dicomrc <Enter> recommended.
purpose .................
setenv DICOM_LIST_SIZE 500
Save and quit :
<Esc> :wq! <Enter>

Query/Retrieve: Edit the .dicomrc file and uncomment the line : Edit the file and
Edit the .dicomrc NO_CFIND_CANCEL to match your purpose : uncomment the line
by removing the #
file and uncomment
cd /export/home/sdc <Enter> character.
the line:
vi .dicomrc <Enter>
setenv DICOM_LIST_SIZE 500
For these systems,
you may disable
the option and let
the query sequence Save and quit :
to timeout. <Esc> :wq! <Enter>

Applications: - Check if application(s) is properly declared. Display the AW User Interface

Application(s) do Configuration from the User Interface or the Root Menu and check
not start if application is mentionned.
- Check validity of the license key versus the licenseId of your eLicense / OLC
- If application seems to be properly installed, you may uninstall it EZ Install
then reinstall it. Select "uninstallation" button on top right of the
EasyInstall window, or run the ~sdc/install/uninstall.<appli_name>

Applications: Use the Compatibility Checker tool from the CSD Service Tools / Applications.
Applications may Utilities / ASTP, to make sure the Applications installed on your
not be up to date. AW are up to date. Refer to chapter 10, PM004

Viewer: - Check if ”/” or ”/export/home” filesystems are not full. File system.
Viewer starts Type : df –k <Enter>.
loading of images If any of these 2 filesystems displays 100% or more, proceed to
displaying XX% ”core file” and/or ”log files” cleaning.
then stops.

Data export: install.http script opens port 8080 for DataExport. - PNF firewall
PNF firewall on: However, this setting can be accidentally removed in the PNF - install.http script
AW is not configuration User Interface. This makes DataExport unreachable
reachable from
from other stations.
other hosts with
http. In this case, run again the install.http script to reopen
port 8080.

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Job Card TSG002 - Application is running

Symptom Recommended Action Suspect module

Printing: - Check that the printer is ready. Printer

Impossible to send See LED or display status. refer to the Vendor’s service manual,
films to the Network and check that printing from another Host is possible.
printer. - Check that Dicom or Postscript printer responds to ping Printer / network
- Check the Dicom or Postscript Printer declaration (see Job card AW application
- Reload Application software.
(Load From Warm: see job card IST 010).
- Reload Os and Application. OS + AW appli
(Load From Cold: see job card IST 011).

(see Chapter 7 for more information on Filming


Dicom Printing: You may wish to set the Dicom print priority to medium or to high Dicom print
Too long time to get for your AW.
the films printed in
a busy radiology Edit the file corresponding to your concerned printer and
department. set the priority to MED or HIGH:
cd /export/home/sdc/Prefs <Enter>
AW default Dicom ls –l *.dev <Enter>
Print priority is set Check the exact ”” name of the dicom printer
to low. vi <Enter> (where xx is the name corresponding to your
set printPriority ” ” <<< enter priority here between quotes ”MED”
or ”HIGH”
set printPriority ”MED”
Save and quit :
<Esc> :wq! <Enter> Page no. 241 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG002 - Application is running

3 PNF firewall settings remote checks

Provided that you can reach the AW remotely, the following are the commands you can use to check or
configure the Firewall.

• Switch User to root

su – root <Enter>
Enter the root password when prompted:

• check the firewall status

/export/home/sdc/install/configure.firewall status<Enter>

• check AW trusted network rules

cat /usr/share/pnf/modality.filters <Enter>

• check PNF internal rules (”Apply” needed to see/activate the changes)

cat /usr/share/pnf/dynamic.filters<Enter>

• check active firewall settings

iptables –L <Enter>

If anything goes wrong remotely and you still have access to telnet:
• turn PNF off
export/home/sdc/install/configure.firewall off <Enter>
• turn PNF on remotely
/export/home/sdc/install/configure.firewall on <Enter>

For customers who want to tune the Firewall parameters host by host and port by port, remove (rename)
the default file:
mv /usr/share/pnf/ /usr/share/pnf/ <Enter>

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Job Card TSG003 - Filesystems checks and repair - Daily backup

Job Card TSG003 - Filesystems checks and repair - Daily backup Chapter 4

1 Supplies
• None

2 Tools
• Blank Cdrom or erased Rewritable Cdrom

3 Safety Precautions
• None

4 Filesystems checks
4-1 Running the FSCK utility
The fsck utility is useless on Linux filesystems, and shall not be used on AW4.5.

4-2 Checking for the Filesystem full error

The sizes given hereafter are those of a standard AW4.5 workstation hard disks. The ”used” sizes of
your machine may differ from those shown below as they are subject to grow depending on:
/export/home1: number of images stored on the disks
/export/cdr ; /export/dvdr: number of images candidate for copy to the CD/DVD
/tmp: usage of the swap partition
/export/home: Images waiting in the printer queue and option softwares installed
/export/home/sdc: Optional Application softwares installed.
/ and /boot: Used for system files.
The ”/proc” Filesystem, not accessible to the user, reflects the table of processes managed by the

4-2-1 Procedure
Login as root or switch user to root:
<station_name> console login : root [Enter]
password : operator [Enter]
Open a Command window and click into it and type in:
df –k [Enter]
The example hereafter is for a standard AW4.5 workstation on XW8400
(1 x 73GB system + 2 x 146GB images hard disks).

The values may differ from the one you can read on your system depending on the workstation
(3 x 146GB disks, or 1 x 146GB and 2 x 300GB disks) and/or the number and size of files and images
stored. Page no. 243 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG003 - Filesystems checks and repair - Daily backup

Filesystem 1K–blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/sda3 5315296 3731220 1584076 71% /
/dev/sda1 101086 7447 88420 8% /boot
/dev/shm 2024084 0 2024084 0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda6 15998464 30020 15968444 1% /export/dbsroot
/dev/sda7 782336 144 782192 1% /export/cdr
/dev/sda8 41266820 347452 48599128 2% /export/home
/dev/md0 286740480 5072264 281668216 2% /export/home1

• Search File or Directory size: Indicates size in kiloBytes

du –ks <Enter>
du –ks < file_name> <Enter>
i.e.: du –ks /etc/hosts <Enter>
i.e: du –ks /export/home/sdc/logfiles <Enter>

4-3 Other useful commands

• Search file(s) by name
find /< dir_name> –name < file_name> –print <Enter>
i.e.: find / –name core –print <Enter>
(find core file(s))
Do not attempt to remove the core directory located under /export/home/sdc directory.

• Search file(s) by size

find /< dir_name> –size +< value> –print <Enter]>
i.e.: find /export/home/sdc –size +1500 –print <Enter>
(find files bigger than 1500KB)

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5 Daily Backup
5-1 Backup
There is a new feature brought in VS4, aimed to automatically backup each day at the same time, the
configuration files including Users preferences and protocols.
This allows to backup on a daily basis, all changes that can have occurred in the configuration files and/
or customer preferences, since the AW Configuration cdrom was created at installation time, or during
the last periodic maintenance.
- As the backup files (up to 2 backups) are stored into the image disks (/export/home1/daily_backup
directory), they won’t be lost in case of system disk crash, so they can use to create an up to date
"AW Configuration Cdrom", and therefore allow you to reinstall and configure your AW.
- They are under the form:
backup_<date n>_<time >
backup_<date n+1>_<time>

- To create a new up to date AW configuration Cdrom proceed as follows:

• Replace the system hard disk and proceed with the Load From Cold steps as described in
chapter 1, IST011 (if applicable after system disk crash).
• From the Root Menu, select AW Administration (or from the AW User Interface if the AW
license key is installed, select Admin / AW Administration) to launch the Administration menu.
• Enter the Administrator’s password (default is administrator).
The Administration window pops up.
Enter your choice or <Enter> to display the current menu [?,q] [0] 5
• Type 5 <Enter> to select "Backup the whole config on Cdrom"
from current configuration 51
from older configuration (daily back up) 52
Enter your choice or <Enter> to display the current menu [?,q] [5] 52
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• Type 51 <Enter> to backup from current configuration (if your system disk was not crashed and
your current configuration is correct OR
Type 52 <Enter> to backup from an older configuration (if your system disk crashed and your
current configuration is empty or uncomplete.
If you typed 52, you will get a message as in the following example:
Select a previous preference backup file
1: backup date: 20090401 time: 121202
2: backup date: 20090402 time: 121201
Enter your choice [?,q] [2]
• Select the preferred "day_n" (press 2) or "day_n -1" (press 1) backup file
• Insert a blank or erased rewritable Cdrom into the drive then press <Enter>
The AW configuration parameters and Users preferences are saved on the Cdrom.

5-2 Restore the AW Configuration

Once your new AW Configuration Cdrom is ready, you may restore the configuration, using the
Administration menu (see Section 5-1), choice 6 (or 7 or 8).

5-3 Daily_backup time change

This step is informational only.

The Daily_Backup occurs at 12:12, which is a time of the day where the workstation is supposed to be
up. If this time is not convenient for your site, or if you want to disable this feature, follow the steps:
• switch User to root
su - <Enter>
Enter the root password (default is operator)

• Make a backup copy of the current crontab, for eventual rollback if necessary.
crontab -l > <Enter>
• Update the "crontab"
crontab -e <Enter>
• Change the line starting with 12 12, with the convenient time (in 24 hours format - i.e: 9:30 pm is
21 30), or insert a # at the begining of the line if you want to disable the Daily_Backup feature.
• Save and quit the editor
<Esc> :wq!

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6 Filesystem repair
6-1 Foreword
Images files are stored on 2 image disks, half of the image file on one disk, the second half of the image
on the second disk. In case of crash of one of the two image disks, all images will be lost.
From VS4, all the system files including Applications, are now residing on the system disk.
There are no more system files stored on the image disks.
The following procedure describes the steps necessary to re-create the image filesystem after the
replacement of the defective image disk(s).

6-2 Procedure
This feature has been developed to handle the replacement of one or two of the Image hard disk drive
(which form a "RAID0 array" : /dev/md0 in linux).
/export/home1 is an XFS filesystem, the image data area is /dev/md0 while the "external journal" is on
the system disk (first hdd,) so all of the 3 HDDs are impacted when the 2nd or 3rd HDD is damaged and
1. Turn off the workstation and replace the defective(s) image disk referring to instructions given in the
HP XW8400 and XW8600 Service Manual (see Chapter 4, Section 2 : Troubleshooting Guide).


The 2 image hard disks must be exactly the same model.

2. When done, reconnect the power cord and cables and switch on the machine.
When the OS starts to boot, it brings up the graphical display and nothing happens for about a minute or
so. After some time, the boot switches back to text mode and checks if all the 3 hard drives are found.
• It will do nothing if it does not find or recognize the 3 hard disks.
• If all the 3 hard drives are found and as the /export/home1 does not exist yet, a warning message
WARNING: The RAID array is not mounted, it sould be!
This script can rebuild and mount it, but all the possibly existing IMAGE data will be lost!
Do you want to REBUILD and REFORMAT the RAID array and LOOSE all image data currently
available on the system ? (y/n)
• Press y <Enter>

The script re-creates the RAID0 array and mounts it, the boot process is continued and the AW login
screen comes.
After login, the workstation is fully usable to receive new images. Only the /export/home1 partition and
the image database were cleared. Page no. 247 Chapter 4

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7 Log files
The different logfiles used by the AW software are located under the /export/home/sdc/logfiles directory.
Refer to Job Card TSG 009 for more details. Among the logfiles, some useful files for FEs are:
- browserlog ; browser_nuilog : (AW application)
- importimagelog : (incoming images)
- filmerlog : (Filming)
- prslog : Printer Server
- imslog : Image server
- reinstall_database.log (database recover)
- netslog : Network
- dcslog : DICOM server log)
- reviewStationlog : VIEWER log
- dbrlog , dbwlog : Read and write into image Database
- cdcomposerlog , cdpreparatorlog, cdrecordlog : CD–RW
Software installation logfiles are under the /export/home directory.
i.e : installaw.log (AW software loading)

7-1 To read the Log files

more XXlog <Enter> OR
tail XXlog <Enter> to read the 10 last lines of the ”XXlog” file
tail –NN XXlog | more <Enter> to read the NN last lines of the ”XXlog” file.

7-2 To read compressed Log files

zcat XXlog.X.gz [Enter] where X is the compression date or number.

7-3 To write the logfiles on a diskette

• Open a Command window and switch User to root:
su – root <Enter>
password : operator <Enter>
• Insert a blank diskette into the drive, and format it:
fdformat /dev/fd0 <Enter>
• Create the DOS filesystem and mount the diskette:
mkfs.msdos /dev/fd0 <Enter>
mount /mnt/floppy <Enter>
• Save the desired logfiles onto the diskette
cp XXXlog YYYlog ZZZlog /mnt/floppy <Enter>
i.e : cp dbrlog dbrlog.* dbwlog dbwlog.* imslog /mnt/floppy <Enter>
(save the dbrlog and dbrlog compressed files, dbwlog and compressed , imslog)
• When this is done, umount the diskette
umount /mnt/floppy <Enter>
• Manually eject the diskette from the drive.

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7-4 To write the logfiles on a USB key

• Open a Command window and switch User to root:
su – root <Enter>
password : operator <Enter>
• Change to /export/home/root
cd /export/home/root <Enter>
• Mount the USB key
USBMount <Enter>
• Change to the USB key mounting directory
cd /mnt/usbdisk <Enter>]
• Now you can copy any logfiles on the key.
i.e: cp /export/home/sdc/logfiles/dbrlog /mnt/usbdisk <Enter>
• when done, to unmount the USB key before removing it, type:
cd /export/home/root <Enter>
USBUmount <Enter>
You can now, safely remove your USB key and insert it in one of the USB ports of your Laptop.
To read the logfiles on a PC, rename them with a .txt extention. Page no. 249 Chapter 4

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8 Internal System and images disks organization

The following list is a non-exhaustive list of the main directories, and a brief description of their contents.
• /boot: Linux Operating System files (not a serviceable part)
• /export/dbsroot: This is used by the PostgreSQL database (not a serviceable part)
• /export/ghost: Directory to store the ghost installation logfiles
• /export/root: Directory used to manage Direct Connect and USB key files.
• /usr - /bin - /etc - /opt - /var - etc ... : system files
• /export/home1/sdc_image_pool:
- ./archive: not used.
- ./appli: not used.
- ./cdr: not used.
- ./compress: not used.
- ./failed_to_reinstall: directory where the images that could not be properly declared to the
Database are stored.
- ./images: Logical paths to the images in the form of patient, exam, series, image (i.e.: /p1/e2/s3/
i5.1) and images.
- ./local_cdrom: not used.
- ./models: directory where 3D models are stored.
- ./network: not used.
- ./new: not used.
- ./reserved: directory managed by the system to reserve space for the processes to run.
• /export/home/sdc:
- ./afm: directory which contains the AW fonts.
- ./AIA: directory which contains various files such as the AnonymousMaker utility
- ./appchecker: directory which contains the Applications Checker files
- ./app–defaults: directory which contains the Application default configuration files
- ./bin - /bin32 - /bin64: directories which contains the binaries used by Application.
- ./catalog_message: directory which contains Application messages.
- ./CD–Viewer: Is the CD–RW directory.
- ./core: directory to prevent creating and storing a ”core” crash file in case of system crash.
- ./database_scripts: directory which contains the database management scripts
- ./denta, vxtl, nav, fctl etc.: These directories are created when installing Dentascan. 3D,
Navigator, FuncTool, etc. Advanced Applications.
- ./doc: Is a directory where all AW and Apps documentation files are stored in PDF format.
- ./DataExport: directory which contains the DataExport application files.
- ./film: This directory is used by Filming.
- ./import: directory where any image is placed before , in order to be integrated into the images
- ./install: This directory contains all installation and de–installation scripts.
- ./lib - /lib64: directory which contains the libraries used by Application.
- ./license: directory which contains the software licence keys.
- ./licenseServer: directory which contains the binaries to check the licence keys.

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- ./logfiles: directory which contains the logfiles generated by Application.

- ./messages: directory which contains other Application messages.
- ./scripts: This directory contains all NON–installation scripts. Among them, you can find the
sdc_conf and sdc_crash scripts, the showdasm, showmod etc... test scripts, the start.sdc and
kill.sdc scripts.
- ./.options: Contains the installed Postscript printers.
- ./plugin: Contains . so system files .
- ./Prefs: Contains the basic Users preferences files or directories, and Site parameters.
It also contains files such as SdCRHosts file where is stored information about Hosts accessible
from AW, Applications preferences (FunctoolPrefs, etc.), files named ,, ...
for the Dicom Printers installed, etc.
It also contains the .licenseInst file with all the Applications license keys stored on the
- ./psm: directory which contains the Preferences Sharing Manager files.
- ./Users: Contains other Users directories and settings.
- ./UserPrefs: As Prefs for SDC user, it contains the other Users preferences settings. Page no. 251 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG004 - Reformatting and/or repartitioning disks

Job Card TSG004 - Reformatting and/or repartitioning disks Chapter 4

1 Supplies
• None.

2 Tools
• None.

3 Safety Precautions
• None.

4 Procedure

73GB, 146GB or 300GB SAS hard disks cannot be reformatted or repartioned with the
XW8600 and XW8400 workstations.
If a disk is defective, order a new disk through the spare parts process. Page no. 253 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG004 - Reformatting and/or repartitioning disks

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Job Card TSG005 - Using HP InSight Diagnostics Tool

Job Card TSG005 - Using HP InSight Diagnostics Tool Chapter 4

1 Supplies
• HP Insight Diagnostics for XW8600 or XW8400
• One DOS formatted floppy diskette and/or.
• One USB key.

2 Tools
• None

3 Safety Precautions
• None

4 Procedure
• Shutdown the workstation
• Insert the HP Insight Diagnostic CD into the drive and switch on the workstation.
The HP Diagnostics program is booting from the Cdrom:
ISOLINUX X.XX ...............
Loading HP Insight Diagnostics CD. Please wait
boot: ....
Loading: ...
Loading drivers ...done
Press the ”y” key to use safe mode ........
It takes about one minute before the HP Insight Diagnostics menu pops–up. Page no. 255 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG005 - Using HP InSight Diagnostics Tool

Make sure that you select the proper language and keep the Generic 101–key PC keyboard selected.
• Click on Continue.
The End User License Agreement window displays.
The HP Insight diagnostics shall only be used on your AW workstation.
• Click on Agree to continue.
The Loading HP Insight Diagnostics message window pops up.
It takes about 20 seconds to load the program, while the software is scanning the System Hardware.
During this time, a bar graph shows you the percentage of time remaining.
Then the following window displays:

The Survey window allows you to check all the detected hardware components.
Dragging the scroll bar allows viewing the PCI slots.
If you have already inserted an USB key in one of the USB ports, it will be detected too.
• Click on (1) About. The name of the release displays in a pop–up window.
Click on OK to close the Release window
You may already save the configuration (called survey) on a floppy diskette or on your USB key.
Click on the Save (2) button if you want to save the survey.

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The Save window pops up.

Click on the Save to USB key check box,

click on the Save to the floppy check box.

If the USB key entry does not show in the menu, click on the Cancel button and navigate between
Survey, Test, and back to Survey to refresh the screen, then select Save again.

Keep the default ”survey.html’ name or type in the name you want to give to the test file (i.e:
xw8400survey.txt) in the File Name window.
Make sure that if you want to save on Floppy, your DOS formatted floppy diskette is properly
inserted in the drive.
Click on Save to start saving on the floppy diskette .
The warning message window pops up when done.

Click on OK to continue. Page no. 257 Chapter 4

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Click on the Test (3) tab.

The Diagnostic Test window pops–up.

In the example, we have kept the Quick Test selected and the Unattended mode
You can choose to test all the workstation’s hardware devices, or only some of them, and the number
of times you want to run the test (number of loops).
The Floppy diskette drive test is only available in the ”Interactive” mode.
In this mode, you will also be prompted to press on any of the keys of the keyboard, and
there will be several passes of move and clicks test of the mouse.
• Select ”All devices” or choose the single device(s) you want to test.
• Select a number of loops (1 by default), or the number of times you want to run the test.
You may instead choose to run the test during a certain laps of time.
You may choose to end the test on first error.
• Click on the Begin Testing .
The warning message window pops up.

Make sure that a formatted floppy diskette is inserted into the drive, in order to avoid the Floppy
Disk Drive test to fail, and click on OK to start the test.

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The Test Status window pops–up.

In the example below, we chose to run the Quick Test selected in the Unattended mode

• Click on the Cancel Testing , if you want to modify some of the testing parameters.
When the test is over, the Cancel Testing button changes to Retest.
You may wish to restart the same test by clicking on the Retest button.
If you want to change the test parameters, get back to the Test window (click on Test tab) and modify
the parameters, then click on the Begin Testing button to restart. Page no. 259 Chapter 4

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Once the test are done, you can check what has been logged, by clicking on the Log tab.
All reported errors will be displayed in the Error Log .

• Navigate between Text Log window and Error Log window. Test Log shows the status of the test that
have been run, while Error Log gives additional details on test that have failed.
• Insert your USB key in any of the USB ports.
If you want to save the tests results on a Floppy diskette, insert a blank DOS formatted diskette into
the Floppy drive.
• Click on the Save button.
The Save window pops up.

• Click on the Save to USB key check box, or

• Click on the Save to the floppy check box.
Keep the default ”Testlog.html’ name or type in the name you want to give to the test file (i.e:
xw8400test.txt) in the File Name window.
Make sure that if you want to save on Floppy, your DOS formatted floppy diskette is properly
inserted in the drive.

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• Click on Save to start saving on the floppy diskette .

The warning message window pops up when done.

• Click on OK to continue.
• Click on Exit to quit the Diagnostics program.
The warning message window pops up.

• Click on OK to exit the Insight Diagnostics Utility.

The workstation starts to shutdown and reboot.
• Extract the USB key
• Eject the Floppy diskette from the drive
• Eject the HP Insight Diagnostics CD from the DVD/CD drive, to avoid the workstation starting to
• Reboot from the Diagnostics Cdrom. Page no. 261 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG006 - Troubleshooting Network problems

Job Card TSG006 - Troubleshooting Network problems Chapter 4

1 Safety Precautions
• None

2 Monitoring commands
• Login as root or switch user to root ( su - root)
Internet numbers in the text are used for example ONLY. Use numbers for your specific network.
• Ping: connection test
ping X.X.X.X <Enter> (internet address)
i.e : ping <Enter> (internet address)
PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=761 usec
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=417 usec
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=1.286 msec
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=412 usec
• Interrupt by pressing <Ctrl> <C> when desired
--- ping statistics ---
X packets transmitted, X packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/mdev = 0.394/0.823/5.416/0.980 ms
• Telnet: open a session on remote machine
(e.g.: get the date from OC console through the network – Job id = 13)
telnet 13 <Enter>
Connected to mr01-oc0
Escape character is ’^]’.
Date -----------
Connection closed by foreign host
A large percentage of dropped packages is not significant of network problems. It can be due to a
heavy activity of the network or the workstation that you ”spray”.
Hosts are not updated in the /etc/inet/hosts file but can be found in the /export/home/sdc/Prefs/
SdCRHosts file. For this reason, it is not possible to use “ping”, “telnet”, and similar commands
using the hostname. The internet address must be used instead. For example, to ping the MR
operator’s console from the Advantage workstation, do not use ping MR01_OC0. Instead, use /
usr/bin/ping <Enter>.
In case of images transfert problem during query / retrieve from AW to a remote host when
selecting ”patient transfer”, (the transfert failed with error message related to the host declaration) Page no. 263 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG006 - Troubleshooting Network problems

and successful transfer when selecting ”series transfer”, check the provider type screen, in
Network Manager. (refer to IST 002).

• Rup command: connected machines “up time“ and load average:

rup <Enter> up 1 day, 21:00 load average 0.00 0.00 0.02 up 1 day, 2:50 load average 0.21 0.00 0.03
<CTRL–C> to exit
• Rusers command: name of users logged in on remote machines:
rusers <Enter>
Sending broadcast for rusersd protocol version X... root root sdc sdc sdc
<CTRL–C> to exit.
• Arp command: current internet–to–ethernet address translation of connected machines:
arp –a <Enter>
Address . HWtype HWaddress Flags Mask Iface ether 08:00:20:C6:FC:7E C eth0 ether 00:00:5E:00:01:03 C eth0
• Ifconfig: get internet (inet) address, netmask value, broadcast:
ifconfig eth0 <Enter>
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:E0:81:00:4A:2B
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:51095 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:191 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
RX bytes:7766887 (7.4 Mb) TX bytes:15189 (14.8 Kb)
Interrupt:21 Base address:0xa000
ifconfig –a <Enter>
provides information on other ethernet controllers if applicable:

For XW8600 and XW8400, the additional ethernet board (NIC) defaults to eth0 (main ethernet), and the
Ethernet controller on the Mother board is set to eth1 (reserved for ”Direct Connect” option through
additional network).

3 Using HP diagnostics tool Cdrom

Using the HP InSight diagnostics from the Cdrom can allow identifying hardware problems with the NIC
Ethernet card. Refer to Job Card TSG005 for details.

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Job Card TSG007 - Using a USB key for Service

Job Card TSG007 - Using a USB key for Service Chapter 4

1 Supplies
• FE laptop
• A USB key

2 Tools
• None

3 Safety Precautions
• None

4 Procedure
• Connect your USB key on one of the free USB port of the workstation.
You do not need to turn off the workstation.

• Open a Command Window and switch user to root:

su – root <Enter>
Enter the root password when prompted
• Change to /export/home/root
cd /export/home/root <Enter>
• Mount the USB key
USBMount <Enter>
• Change to the USB key mounting directory
cd /mnt/usbdisk <Enter>
Now you can work on your USB key like with any mounted filesytem, and use Linux commands like cp,
ls, rm, mkdir , cd etc., to copy image files, logfiles, anything you may want to export onto your Laptop.
i.e: cp /export/home/sdc/logfiles/* /mnt/usbdisk <Enter> Page no. 265 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG007 - Using a USB key for Service

• When done, to unmount the USB key before removing it, type:
cd /export/home/root <Enter>
USBUmount <Enter>

You can now, safely remove your USB key and insert it in one of the USB ports of your Laptop.

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Job Card TSG008 - NEC LCD 1980SXi/1990SXI software known issues

Job Card TSG008 - NEC LCD 1980SXi/1990SXI software known issuesChapter 4

1 Supplies
• None

2 Tools
• None

3 Safety Precautions
• None

4 Procedure
4-1 Introduction
When NEC 1980SXi/1990SXi LCD monitor is switched to ON position, it automatically detects video
input, format and resolution. As the Seno Advantage switches between characters and graphic mode
during installation procedure, you might get some video issues. In order to prevent such issues, perform
the procedures given below.

These procedures use the LCD Monitor Set-Up buttons as shown below:
Illustration 1 NEC Landscape LCD Monitor Set-Up Buttons

NEC 1980SXI/ 1990SXI

LCD monitor Page no. 267 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG008 - NEC LCD 1980SXi/1990SXI software known issues

4-2 First Installation Issue

Sometime, during a first installation, when site data’s are required (e.g. hostname, IP address, net
mask), user might get error message such as bad hostname.
This issue is caused by a low monitor resolution setting. All character lines are not displayed on the mon-
itor panel.
Perform a monitor FACTORY PRESET when the problem occurs to configure the right monitor resolu-
• Press Exit button to display OSD.

• Press > button 5 times to move to 2nd tool box tag.

• Press Select 1-2 button to enter 2nd tool box menu.

• Press > button 8 times to move to the factory settings icon.

• Press Select 1-2 button to enter to the factory settings window.
• Press Reset button to recover monitor factory settings.
• Press Exit button twice to exit and remove OSD.

4-3 Automatic Auto–Adjust Parameter Issue

By default, the NEC LCD 1980SXi monitor is configured with the auto–adjust function enable. This
allows monitor to automatically detect the image size after the Screen Saver is releasing and initiates the
screen display. This can causes some image size issues on application.
The auto–adjust parameter must be set to disabled.

Pre–Requisite: The workstation is running Volume Share 4 application.

• The screen: displays the Patient list to detect the 1280x1024 format.
You can use the SMPTE test patterns for performing this adjustment.
• Detect the image resolution (format) by pressing alternatively on the Select 1–2 button, and the Exit
button. Note that at the first time the system is powered up, the image can be shifted to the left or
right, or out of the screen limits.
• When the image has the right format, turn OFF the monitor.
• Turn ON the monitor, while keeping the Select 1–2 button pressed:
The Maintenance menu pops up. You can now release the Select1–2 button.
• Press twice the > button, and move to Tab 3 (auto–adjust).Your monitor is most probably set to
single or to full.
Press the Select 1–2 button.
• With the + and/or – buttons, move auto-adjust to OFF.
• Press the Exit button.
• Press again the Exit button to quit the Monitor adjustment menu.
• Switch OFF and ON the monitor.

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Job Card TSG008 - NEC LCD 1980SXi/1990SXI software known issues

4-4 Blank Screen Issue

4-4-1 HP xw8400/8600 workstations connected with a DVI to VGA adapter cable
This configuration is not the standard configuration and should not be seen on the regular AW
sites. However, Vascular sites using a VGA video splitter can be impacted.

By default, the DVI input of your NEC monitor might be configured to Auto or Digital causing a blank
screen issue at first installation.The video input must be set to Analog.
The following must be done. The monitor must be connected and have an active video signal at its input
(the LED is green).
• Turn OFF the monitor
• Press the Select 1/2 button and turn ON the monitor.
• Keep the Select 1/2 button depressed for at least 2 seconds, then release the button.
The monitor turns on and displays the Maintenance menu.
• Press 6 times the > button to reach Tab 7.
When Tab 7 is highlighted, confirm by pressing on Select 1/2 button.
• Press 3 times the > button to reach DVI selection.
• Press the + or – button to change from Auto or Digital to Analog.
• Press the < button to go to Video Detect.
• Press the + or – button to change to none (do not want first or last detect selected).
• Press twice on the Exit button to save and quit the Maintenance menu.
• Switch OFF and ON the monitor.

4-4-2 HP xw8600/8400 workstations delivered with a DVI to DVI video cable

For these workstations, keep the DVI Digital factory default setting. Page no. 269 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG008 - NEC LCD 1980SXi/1990SXI software known issues

This page is blank.

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Job Card TSG009 - Logfiles information

Job Card TSG009 - Logfiles information Chapter 4

1 Safety Precautions
• None

2 logfiles information
2-1 Installation logfiles
Installation Logfiles can be found under /export/home directory.
• Change to the logfiles directory and list contents:
cd /export/home <Enter>
ls –la <Enter>
- preinstall.log:
This logfile gives information prior to the launch of, from the GEHC_Linux OS
post–installation script.
- install.log:
This logfile gives information after the launch of
• Change to the /export/home/ghost directory to read installation logfiles, using the Fast Load DVD:
. cd /export/home/ghost<Enter>
. ls –la <Enter>
- prepare_ghost_new_system.log :
- prepare_ghost_system.log
These logfiles gives the logfiles about actions prior to a new LFC.
- ghost_install.log:
This logfile gives the installation logfiles, using the Fast Load DVD.
2-2 Logfiles List
Starting from the AW4.2_04 release, the logfiles mechanism is slightly modified.
• Prior to AW4.2_04 : where date = FriSep615:15:04 for example
• From AW4.2_04 : dbrlog.n.gz where 1<n<10
AW4.5 uses the second mechanism which will be detailed later in this chapter.
Logfiles can be found under /export/home/sdc/logfiles directory, and/or accessed directly through the
Maintenance menu.
• Change to the logfiles directory and list contents:
cd /export/home/sdc/logfiles <Enter>
ls –la <Enter>
The following list is not exhaustive and lists the main processes log files
- AimGatewaylog: Dedicated to log space reservations made by the Print Manager to AIM. (For AW
Engineering use only). Page no. 271 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG009 - Logfiles information

- anonymousmakerlog: Dedicated to log actions when anonymizing exams under an alias patient
name (this is mostly used for demos, or when sending Patient’s file to OLCs or Engineering, where
the patient’s name must not appear for confidentiality reasons).
- appmanagementlog: Dedicated to log declarations of applications.
- awalog: Dedicated to log actions on the Control panel of the Viewer.
- awccowlog: Logfiles of the CCOW context enabler (AW side)
- awauditslog: Dedicated to the ’audit’ log files.
- browser_nuilog: Dedicated to log actions on the Control panel of the Browser.
- browserlog: Dedicated to log actions on the Viewer.
- cdcomposerlog: Dedicated to log actions on the CD composer.
- cdpreparatorlog: Dedicated to log actions on the CD burning process preparator
- cdrecordlog: Dedicated to log actions on the CD burning process.
- dbrlog: Database Read logfiles.
- dbwlog: Database Write logfiles.
- dclimg: Mini Viewer log
- dcslog: Dedicated to log data transfers in Dicom protocol.
- dcspush.log: Dicom push logfiles.
- dentacamera.logs: Dentascan print logfiles.
- dicomPrintlog: Dicom print logfiles.
- directConnectLog: Direct Connect option logfile
- dmslog: Logfiles for the Dicom CD–R.
- filmComposerProxylog: Dedicated to log the requests made by older Advanced Applications which
previously used the Film Composer, or the Scrapbook.
- hostmanagementlog: Dedicated to log the process of new Hosts declaration.
- importimagelog: Dedicated to log the process to import the images into the Database.
- imslog: Dedicated to log the process to declare the images into the Database.
- inst_startlog: Installation logfiles.
- installog: Installation logfiles.
- lcbuildlog: Logfiles for Printing through Advanced Applications (Batch Filming for V.A.).
- logoutlog: Dedicated to log the logouts actions.
- lpNetlog: Unix Logfiles for Postscript printing.
- lpschedlog: Logfiles of the Unix Line printer demon for Postscript printing.
- miniviewerlog: Logfiles of the Mini Viewer.
- mosaicDisplaylog: Logfiles of the Mosaic display.
- netlog: Network server log. All internal processes transit through the Netserver.
- printManagerlog: Dedicated to log printers configurations and film generation.
- prslog: Actual Print server logfiles.
- queueManagementlog: Dedicated to log the Netwok and Media queues.
- reinstall_database.log: Database reinstallation logfiles.
- reviewStationlog: Logfiles of the Viewer.
- sbooklog: Scrapbook logfiles.
- sdcapplog: Dedicated to log start and stop of application.
- softswitchlog: Logfiles of the Softswitch feature (AW and RIS synchronization)

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Job Card TSG009 - Logfiles information

- swdlog: Logfiles of the Software Download (SWD) feature

- userlog: Users login in logfile
EA3 logfiles are under /var/log directory:
- ea3_audit.log: EA3 authentication server logfile
- ea3_syslog.log: EA3 authentication server logfile
PNF logfiles are under /var/log directory into messages.x files:
To read current PNF logs:
cat messages | grep PNF <Enter> or
cat messages | grep PNF:NET <Enter> (to simply view dropped connections)
PNF logs are very verbose. To read other currentlogs (other than PNF) in messages :
cat messages | grep –v PNF <Enter>
To read compressed PNF logs:
zcat messages.x.gz | grep PNF <Enter> or
cat messages.x.gz | grep PNF:NET <Enter> (where x = compression date)
2-3 Reading Logfiles
Use either the more command if you want to read page by page the whole contents of the file, or
the tail command, (or tail –n , n being the number of lines you want to read), to see the most recent
messages logged. See example below:
more netslog <Enter> or
tail dbrlog <Enter> (last 10 lines) or
tail –n browserlog <Enter> (last n lines)
Logfiles are periodically ”cleaned”. It means that as soon as they grow up over a certain size, they
are automatically compressed.
So you will also see compressed files of the form:
- dbrlog.n.gz where 1<n<10
These compressed files are erased after 10 occurences
To read a file, uncompress it first then read using more or tail commands as shown before:
gunzip XXlog.n.gz <Enter>
e.g.: gunzip dbrlog.6.gz <Enter>
more XXlog.n <Enter>
e.g.: more dbrlog.6 <Enter>

3 Using the SDC_CRASH utility

There is an utility under /export/home/sdc/scripts named sdc_crash. This script is an automated
process to collect all System logfiles, and dump them into a compressed file that can be
transferred through INSITE to the Support Center, or copied to a floppy diskette, an USB key, or
uncompressed to be locally analysed.
• Switch User to root
su – root <Enter>
Enter root password when prompted
• Build the crashlog file Page no. 273 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG009 - Logfiles information

/export/home/sdc/scripts/sdc_crash <Enter>
Saving logfiles and Prefs...
Saving system information...
The file /tmp/AW_4_5_<Version>_<hostname>_<Date>.crash.tar.gz is ready
If you just wish to send, through a USB key, this file to your Support Center, refer to TSG007.
If you just wish to send, through a diskette, this file to your Support Center, do the following:
• Insert a blank diskette into the drive, and format it :
fdformat /dev/fd0 <Enter>
• Create the DOS filesystem and mount the diskette :
mkfs.msdos /dev/fd0 <Enter>
mount /mnt/floppy <Enter>
• Change dir to /tmp and copy the compressed file on a floppy diskette
cd /tmp <Enter>
cp AW_4_5_<Version>_<hostname>_<Date>.crash.tar.gz /mnt/floppy <Enter>
• When this is done, umount the diskette
umount /mnt/floppy <Enter>
• Manually eject the diskette from the drive.
If you wish to analyze yourself this crash file, you can do the following:
• Uncompress and untar the xxx.crash.tar.gz file and proceed to default analyze...
gunzip AW_4_5_<Version>_<hostname>_<Date>.crash.tar.gz <Enter>
tar xvf AW_4_5_<Version>_<hostname>_<Date>.crash.tar <Enter>
i.e :
x ./browserlog.SunMay715:15:02.Z, 1547 bytes, 4 tape blocks
x ./dcslog.FriMay520:15:03.Z, 1120 bytes, 3 tape blocks
• List the contents of the available logfiles:
ls <Enter>
• Read the logfile(s):
more dbrlog <Enter> or
zcat <Enter> (if file si compressed)

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Job Card TSG010 - Information about Running Processes

Job Card TSG010 - Information about Running Processes Chapter 4

1 Processes and brief explanation

The first processes are started when booting–up, and belong to Root. There is not much you can do with
them. They must be up and running before the AW application can be started successfully.
If this is not the case, shutdown the workstation and boot it again.
• To list the active processes, run the following command:
ps –ef | more <Enter>
The following is an example, and may differ from what you get on the screen.
root 1 0 0 05:27 ? 00:00:01 init [5]
root 2 1 0 05:27 ? 00:00:00 [migration/0]
root 3 1 0 05:27 ? 00:00:00 [ksoftirqd/0]
root 4 1 0 05:27 ? 00:00:00 [migration/1]
root 5 1 0 05:27 ? 00:00:00 [ksoftirqd/1]
root 6 1 0 05:27 ? 00:00:00 [events/0]
root 7 1 0 05:27 ? 00:00:00 [events/1]
root 8 6 0 05:27 ? 00:00:00 [khelper]
root 9 6 0 05:27 ? 00:00:00 [kacpid]
root 42 6 0 05:27 ? 00:00:00 [kblockd/0]
root 43 6 0 05:27 ? 00:00:00 [kblockd/1]
rpc 2220 1 0 05:28 ? 00:00:00 portmap
rpcuser 2240 1 0 05:28 ? 00:00:00 rpc.statd
root 2332 1 0 05:28 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/acpid
root 2406 1 0 05:28 ? 00:00:00 cupsd
root 2636 1 0 05:28 ? 00:00:00 [rpciod]
root 2640 1 0 05:28 ? 00:00:00 rpc.mountd
root 2660 1 0 05:28 ? 00:00:00 rpc.idmapd
root 2676 1 0 05:28 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/vsftpd /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
Then Insite and EA3 servers are started
root 2726 1 0 05:28 ? 00:00:00 /export/home1/insite/server/bin/iip–httpd –f
nobody 2759 2726 0 05:28 ? 00:00:00 /export/home1/insite/server/bin/iip–httpd –f
tomcat 2792 1 0 05:28 ? 00:00:05 /usr/sbin/tomcat
–Dcom.redhat.tomcat.sysconf=/etc/sysconfig/tomcat –home /usr/share/tom
cat –logfile /usr/share/tomcat/logs/tomcat.out –pidfile /var/run/tomcat/ –user tomcat
root 2821 1 0 05:28 ? 00:00:00 ./ea3_srv –server Page no. 275 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG010 - Information about Running Processes

postgres 2999 2993 0 05:28 ? 00:00:00 postgres: stats buffer process
postgres 3000 2999 0 05:28 ? 00:00:00 postgres: stats collector process
root 3294 1 0 05:28 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/mlocker 1826
root 3626 1 0 05:28 tty1 00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty tty1
When Application is started, you can see that most of the next processes belong to sdc.
sdc 3827 3792 0 05:29 ? 00:00:00 –/bin/csh –c /usr/bin/ssh–agent
sdc 3879 3827 0 05:29 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh /export/home/sdc/.xsession
sdc 3880 3879 0 05:29 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/ssh–agent /export/home/sdc/.xsession
sdc 3889 3879 0 05:29 ? 00:00:00 colorReaper
sdc 3920 1 0 05:29 ? 00:00:00 xterm –fb helvetica –fn 7x13bold –title CONSOLE –C –j
–sb –sl 900 –n CONSOLE –name cxte
rm –fg #ffc000 –bg Grey20 –bd #ffc000 –cr #ffc000 –b 4 –iconic
sdc 3987 3879 0 05:29 ? 00:00:00 mwm
sdc 3996 3920 0 05:29 pts/0 00:00:00 –sh
sdc 6143 1 0 09:56 ? 00:00:00 /bin/csh /export/home/sdc/scripts/xtermSdC –cr #ffc000 –T
Terminal –geometry 80x30
sdc 6169 6143 0 09:56 ? 00:00:00 xterm –ie –sb –fb helvetica –fn 7x13bold –title Terminal
–cr #ffc000 –geometry 80x30
sdc 6171 6169 0 09:56 pts/1 00:00:00 –sh
Then the AW servers are started
sdc 6798 1 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 netserver (network server)
sdc 6800 1 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 dbrserver (database read server)
sdc 6802 1 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 dbwserver (database write server)
sdc 6804 1 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 imserver (image management server)
sdc 6806 1 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 dcserver (Dicom server)
sdc 6808 1 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 prserver (Print server)
root 6810 1 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 dmserver (Dicom Media server)
sdc 6859 1 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 printManager
sdc 6861 1 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 browser_nui
sdc 6863 1 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 CdComposer
sdc 6865 1 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 CdPreparator
sdc 6867 1 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 xautolock –time 5 –locker xlockSdC.csh
postgres 6998 2993 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres ctmr_sdc_db [local] idle
sdc 7001 6859 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 /export/home/sdc/bin/printManagerSlave
sdc 7004 6808 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 prserver
postgres 7009 2993 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres ctmr_sdc_db [local] idle
sdc 7012 6800 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 dbrserver
postgres 7013 2993 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres ctmr_sdc_db [local] idle
sdc 7014 6804 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 imserver

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sdc 7015 6802 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 dbwserver

postgres 7016 2993 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 postgres: postgres ctmr_sdc_db [local] idle
sdc 7018 6818 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 /export/home/sdc/bin/filmer_nui
sdc 7023 6818 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 mosaicDisplay –iconic –parent 16777937
sdc 7126 7018 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 /export/home/sdc/bin/filmComposerProxy
Processes consequent to a remote login on the workstation can be running also, as shown below.
root 25609 712 0 16:27 ? 00:00:00 in.telnetd:
root 25610 25609 0 16:27 ? 00:00:00 login –– sdc
sdc 25611 25610 0 16:27 pts/2 00:00:00 –csh
Result of the ps –ef | more command starts the following processes :
sdc 25643 25611 0 16:28 pts/2 00:00:00 ps –ef
sdc 25644 25611 0 16:28 pts/2 00:00:00 more

2 Restartable processes
2-1 Restarting the BROWSER
You can either restart BROWSER from the ROOT MENU or by opening a Command Window and
• cd /export/home/sdc/scripts <Enter>
• sdcapp.csh –k <Enter>
• restart_sdc.csh <Enter>

2-2 Application Hung

Remote log in from another workstation or a Unix / Linux image source:
• telnet <IP address of the hung workstation> <Enter>
i.e: telnet <Enter>
User : sdc <Enter>
Password : adw4.5 <Enter>

• cd /scripts <Enter>
• sdcapp.csh –k <Enter>
• restart_sdc.csh <Enter>

If the processes cannot be restarted, shutdown and reboot the workstation :

• init 6 <Enter>
Then restart application by login in as sdc on the workstation. Page no. 277 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG010 - Information about Running Processes

3 Root menu scripts

The following utilities can be run from a Command Window.
This may be usefull when needing to run these utilities remotely.
To access the Root menu, press simultaneously the <Alt> and <F3> keys.
This will iconify the current windows.

Select Command Window and type in:

• To ”Restart AW”
/export/home/sdc/scripts/restart_sdc.csh <Enter>
• To ”Exit AW”
/export/home/sdc/scripts/sdcapp.csh –k <Enter>
• To ”Recover database” locally
/export/home/sdc/scripts/ <Enter>
You will be prompted to enter the "root" password (default is operator)
To monitor the progress of database recovery, you will have to unlock the screen by typing the
"root" password.
• To ”Recover database” remotely through a "telnet" session, switch User to "root" then type:
/export/home/sdc/database_scripts/ rebuild <Enter>
If the database recovery process was launched locally, and you want to monitor it remotely from a
telnet session, switch User to "root", then type:
display_recover_progression -f reinstall_database.log <Enter>
• To ”Install SMPTE” patterns
/export/home/sdc/scripts/start_SMPTE <Enter>
• To read ”AW Configuration Screen”
/export/home/sdc/scripts/conf <Enter>
• To save the ”AW Configuration Screen” into a text file
/export/home/sdc/scripts/conf > /tmp/conf <Enter>
• To access the ”Service menu”
Script is obsolete. Access to the Service Tools shall be done locally or remotely through the CSD.
• To access the ”Administration menu”
/export/home/sdc/scripts/admin_menu <Enter>

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Job Card TSG011 - Service Tools - Common Service Desktop

Job Card TSG011 - Service Tools - Common Service Desktop Chapter 4

1 Accessing the common service desktop

The Service Tools, part of the Common Service Desktop, which allow you to perform the basic
maintance tasks locally or remotely, are accessible through various means:

1-1 Locally on the workstation

1-1-1 Access through the User Interface
Select the Service Tools from the Tools menu

1-1-2 Access through the Root menu

You can also get to the Service Tools menu through the Root menu, by:
- pressing simultaneously the <Alt> and <F3> keys to iconify the windows in use
- pressing on the left mouse buttons and select the Service Tools from the Root menu / Service Tools Page no. 279 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG011 - Service Tools - Common Service Desktop

The Common Service Desktop displays inside the Mozilla navigator web page


1-2 Remote access from another AW (or another host) on the network
• Start the Mozilla Web Navigator application.
In our example below, start the Navigator from an AW4.2 local host on the network

The Mozilla Web Navigator starts.

• Enter the remote AW address into the Web address field :
http://<remote_AW_IP_address>/modality–csd/serviceDesktop/index.htm <Enter>

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Job Card TSG011 - Service Tools - Common Service Desktop

The Common Service Desktop utility starts

1-3 Remote access from InSite

• Connect to the AW remotely, and launch the Telnet Tool (Connect tool)
• Click on the CSD REDIR access button ot the Telnet Tool .
The Common Service Desktop utility starts Page no. 281 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG011 - Service Tools - Common Service Desktop

2 Using the Service Tools

• Select the Service Tool you want to use. The available selections at this time are the following:

2-1 Error log Viewer menu

• Click on the Error Logs button.
The ”Welcome to the Advantage Workstation Logviewer Application” screen displays.
1. Select now the Terra Log Viewer. The Error Logs Viewer window displays.

• Select the appropriate date and time for the review (start and end)
• Select the logfile to review
• Click on the Show Log button.

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Job Card TSG011 - Service Tools - Common Service Desktop

The logfile displays in the Log Data window

• To filter the listed log entries, use the Filter log tool. Select one or more columns, enter the filter
cryteria (the text that the colums shall contain) for these colums, and click on the Show Results
• Click on another Logfile to review, or quit the Service Tools menu when done. Page no. 283 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG011 - Service Tools - Common Service Desktop

2-2 Diagnostics menu

• Click on the Diagnostics icon. The Service Tools window displays.

1. Click to select/open the folder of the desired Service Tools

2. Click to select the desired Service Tools
You will be prompted to enter the root password once, prior to get access to the tools.

3. Type in the root password in the password field, and click on Ok when done.

The available Service Tools entries are as follows:

2-2-1 Database Management Menu
- List patients in alphabetical order
- List exams given the patient name
- List exams given the patient internal number (pXX)
- List images given the series internal number (sXX)
- Dump header of image
- Create a compressed tarfile with images of series
- Recover Database
- View database recovery progress

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2-2-2 Network Menu

- List Hosts
- Send DICOM echo
2-2-3 Postscript Printer Menu
- View printer status
- View Print queue
2-2-4 Dicom Print Menu
- View printer status
- View Print queue
2-2-5 Dicom MOD Menu
Insert an initialized Maxoptix MOD media into the drive for successful completion of the test.
- View DICOM MOD media status
2-2-6 CDR Media Menu
Insert an initialized Dicom CD media into the drive for successful completion of this test.
- View CDR media status
2-2-7 Process Management Menu
- Restart AW
- List of running processes
- Kill a process
- Restart a process
- View process size in KB
2-2-8 System Menu
- Check partitioning
- Create compressed crash logfile
- View AW configuration
2-2-9 Licensing Menu (This is for the Floating License option)
- View Client and Server information
- Application license test
- Send version information to server
- View all client information on serverT

2-3 Configuration menu

This menu is detailed at Chapter 1, Job Card IST002 Page no. 285 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG011 - Service Tools - Common Service Desktop

2-4 Utilities menu

This menu is used for the following items configurations:

• Product Network Filters (PNF) management.

It allows you to enable or disable the network services locked by the AW internal Firewall.
• CCOW configuration (for RIS synchronization)
• SoftSwitch configuration (for RIS synchronization: use AW/SA mouse and keyboard for the RIS PC)
• Service Documentation access.
• GE Service Sites access. These sites are only accessible if the InSite connection is operational.
• ASTP: PSM server configuration. Configuration of the Preferences server.
• ASTP: Compatibility Checker. Configuration of the Applications compatibility checker
• GE Remote Update. Configuration of the Software Download (SWD) feature.

The Utilities menu is detailed at Chapter 1, Job Card IST004

2-5 Image Quality/Calibration/Replacement/PM menus

Access to the Image Quality, Calibration, Replacement and PM Description features, is not
implemented for the present release.

2-6 Anonymous maker tool

Prior to sending image files to OLCs or Engineering for problem analysis purposes, it is mandatory
(unless otherwise specified by OLC or Engineering) to anonymize the patient’s images.

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Job Card TSG012 - Create a BIOS Cdrom and flash the Firmware

Job Card TSG012 - Create a BIOS Cdrom and flash the Firmware Chapter 4

The AW / SA applications have been fully validated for:

• HP XW8600 with the BIOS version 1.33
• HP XW8400 with the BIOS version v2.24b
- XW8400 stations from March 2008, new processors require BIOS 2.24b.
- However XW8400 stations shipped prior to March 2008 can keep BIOS 1.17 (if already installed),
we recommend to upgrade to BIOS 2.24b.
BIOS 2.24c is currently under validation for the XW8400. It addresses some very minor bugs.
Upgrade from BIOS 2.24b to BIOS 2.24c is optional.
Any other further versions may work fine, but have not been verified. Therefore, after the replacement of
the Mother board (workstation swap), you should check if you need to flash the BIOS and Firmware, to
remain in a validated configuration.

1 Check the BIOS and firmware

• Power on the computer. The BIOS version displays in the lower left corner.
• Check that the XW8600 BIOS version is v1.33
• Check that the XW8400 BIOS version is 2.24b (or v1.17 allowed for older processors: Prior to
March 2008)
Even though the current BIOS and Firmware versions of your workstation would be higher than the
above mentioned versions, we recommend that you downgrade to the validated BIOS and
Firmware versions.

2 Create a XW8400 flash CDROM

The XW8400 BIOS is on Cdrom.
This step should be done only if you do not have a Flash Cdrom available. In order to do this, you
need to download from the AW–IB intranet web site onto your PC, or your AW workstation, the
appropriate ”iso file” (xw8400–bios224b.iso) and create the Flash Cdrom.
Connect to the AW–IB Web site @ http://aw–
(AW known problems & solutions / BIOS)

2-1 From an XW8400 workstation

• Download the xw8400–bios224b.iso file into the /tmp directory, (you may download it first from the
Web site to your laptop then ”ftp” it to the AW station).
• Insert a blank Cdrom into the drive
• Open a Command window and switch User to root
su – root [Return]
Enter root password when prompted
• Change to the /tmp directory
cd /tmp [Return]
• Create the BIOS Flash Cdrom.
cdrecord dev=ATA:1,0,0 xw8400–bios224b.iso [Return] Page no. 287 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG012 - Create a BIOS Cdrom and flash the Firmware

2-2 From a PC Personal Computer

• Download the xw8400–bios224b.iso file from the AW-IB web site
• Insert a blank Cdrom into the drive
• Launch the CD recorder utility to create the BIOS CD
The instructions to create the CD depend on the CD/DVD recorder utility you have on your PC.
You shall record the CD as an ISO CD.

3 Flash the XW8400 BIOS and Firmware

The BIOS Flash Cdrom is not a bootable Cdrom.
You will have to execute the following procedure to flash your BIOS:
• Turn on the workstation.
• At startup, press <F10> to enter setup
• Press on the <F10> key to enter the BIOS setup.
• Select the language for BIOS instructions (i.e: English)
• Insert the XW8400 BIOS flash Cdrom into the DVD drive
• In menu File, select Flash System ROM, then Optical drive
• Press <F10> for entering the upgrade process.

• Press <F10> for accepting the upgrade process, after having selected the appropriate file (7D5
0117.BIN in our example for BIOS 1.17 and 7D50224.BIN for BIOS 2.24).

• Press <F10> for accepting the upgrade process.


DO NOT TURN OFF WORKSTATION while the BIOS is being flashed.

Once the flash process has completed, the following message displays

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• Press any key to exit from the Flash System ROM menu.
• In menu File, select Save Changes and Exit

• Press <F10> to save changes and exit from BIOS menu.

The workstation reboots.
• You can eject the ROM Flash Cdrom from the drive.
• Check that the BIOS v2.24b displays now in the bottom left of the screen.

4 Create a XW8600 flash CDROM

The XW8600 BIOS is on Cdrom.
This step should be done only if you do not have a Flash Cdrom available. In order to do this, you
need to download from the AW–IB intranet web site onto your PC, or your AW workstation, the
appropriate ”iso file” (xw8600–bios133.iso) and create the Flash Cdrom.
Connect to the AW–IB Web site @ http://aw–
(AW known problems & solutions / BIOS)

• Download the xw8600–bios133.iso file into the /tmp directory, (you may download it first from the
Web site to your laptop then ”ftp” it to the AW station).
• Insert a blank Cdrom into the drive
• Open a Command window and switch User to root
su – root [Return]
Enter root password when prompted
• Change to the /tmp directory
cd /tmp [Return]
• Create the BIOS Flash Cdrom.
cdrecord dev=ATA:2,0,0 xw8600–bios133.iso [Return] Page no. 289 Chapter 4

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Job Card TSG012 - Create a BIOS Cdrom and flash the Firmware

5 Flash the XW8600 BIOS and Firmware

The BIOS Flash Cdrom is not a bootable Cdrom.

The process to flash the XW8600 BIOS is the same as the one described previously in section 3 , to
flash the XW8400 BIOS, except for the following preliminary setup:
The DVD Drive is now SATA, so it is not visible for BIOS update until it is emulated as IDE.

Therefore you must proceed as follows:

1. Emulate the DVD drive as IDE
• Boot the XW8600 and press <F10> at HP logo
• Got to "Storage" -> "Storage Option" -> "SATA Emulation" and switch it to "Combined IDE
controller", then press <F10> to accept the change.
• Go to "File" -> "Save changes and exit"
• Reboot the workstation
2. Proceed with the BIOS flash update to v1.33
• Boot the XW8600 and press <F10> at HP logo
• Go to "File" -> "Flash BIOS" -> select "Optical drive", then press <F10> to begin the Flash
upgrade. Refer to Section 3. The process is the same as for XW8400.
DO NOT power off workstation during the upgrade !!!
3. Reset the DVD drive as SATA
You must now reset the DVD drive to the previous "SATA" configuration. Failing to do so, the workstation
would not boot.
• Got to "Storage" -> "Storage Option" -> "SATA Emulation" and switch it back to "RAID+AHCI",
then press <F10> to accept the change.
• Go to "File" -> "Save changes and exit"
• Reboot the workstation
The workstation reboots.
• You can eject the ROM Flash Cdrom from the drive.
• Check that the BIOS v1.33 displays now in the bottom left of the screen.

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Disassembly / reassembly procedures

Chapter 5 Disassembly / reassembly procedures

1 Overview
This document contains directions to be followed when replacing the computer box, or one of the
following sub–assemblies located inside the computer box.


All defective parts must be returned with no delay.

Parts which are not returned will be charged to the Region.

2 Tools required
• 5 mm Phillips screwdriver.
• 5 mm flat–head screwdriver.
• Grounding wristband.

3 Prerequisites
If the workstation is switched on, exit the application. Select ”Logout” from the sdc root menu.
See Chapter 3 for various other methods of shutting the system down.
• Wait for the ”Power down” message ( 30 sec) or automatic computer switch off.
• Switch off the monitor using the switch on the front.
• Switch off the computer. Switch off the SCSI device(s).
• Disconnect the cables:
- Keyboard – CPU box ; Mouse – CPU box
- Mains power supply – CPU box
- Ethernet network – CPU box
- Monitor(s) – CPU box
- SCSI – CPU box

4 Safety precautions
The boards and hard disk drives contain electronic components that are extremely sensitive to static
electricity. Do not touch the components themselves or any metal part.
Wear a grounding wrist strap when handling the drive assemblies, boards or cards. Page no. 291 Chapter 5

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5 Procedures
On–line access to HP Service Manuals and other additional information can be obtained from the
AW–IB intranet site @ http://aw–

5-1 HP workstation disassembly/reassembly procedures

5308736–100 5180567–100

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Disassembly / reassembly procedures

5-2 Parts replacement instructions


KEYBOARD The defective keyboard does not need to be returned.

REPLACEMENT CAUTION: The FRU keyboard is delivered with a set of safety labels in
different languages. DO NOT remove the existing English safety sticker.
Use the sticker in the appropriate language, and just stick upon the
English sticker.
This step is mandatory for the Chinese market to be CCC compliant.
DVD / CD–R DRIVE Refer to HP Service manual, chapter 4, page 87 for disassembly/
REPLACEMENT reassembly instructions and precautions.
Ship the defective unit to the return address mentioned within the
package, with no delay, using the ”Supplier Warranty Program process”.
Refer to Section 5–4 for details
MOUSE REPLACEMENT The defective mouse does not need to be returned.

FLOPPY DISK DRIVE The defective Floppy disk drive does not need to be returned.
HARD DISK DRIVE Make sure that the jumpers are properly set on the new disk or CD–R
REPLACEMENT drive, as set on the defective drive.
Refer to HP Service manual for more details.
Note: New hard disks are factory formatted.
They do not need to be reformatted.
Ship the defective unit to the return address mentioned within the
package, with no delay, using the ”Supplier Warranty Program process”.
Refer to Section 5–4 for details
Note: When replacing a defective CPU box, you may want to keep the
hard disk drive(s) if operational, in order to avoid having to reload the
software and loose the exams stored on the disks.
Refer to the HP Service Manual, chapter 4, page 91 for disassembly/
reassembly instructions and precautions.

5-3 Computer box replacement procedures


COMPUTER BOX When replacing a defective CPU box, you may want to keep the hard disk
REPLACEMENT drive(s) if operational, in order to avoid having to reload the software and
loose the exams stored on the disks.
Refer to the HP Service Manual, for disassembly/reassembly instructions
HARD DISK DRIVES and precautions.
WARNING : Disks cage guides may have sharp edges.
Take care removing and/or inserting disks, to avoid injuring hands,
and/or wear protection gloves !!! Page no. 293 Chapter 5

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Disassembly / reassembly procedures


COMPUTER BOX When replacing a defective CPU box, you may want to keep the additional
REPLACEMENT Ethernet card if operational, in order to avoid having to request your OLC
for a recalculation of all the license keys.
ETHERNET CARD Refer to the HP Service Manual, for disassembly/reassembly instructions
and precautions.
REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE 1: Unpack the CPU box carefully, in order not to damage the packaging,
which will have to be used to return the defective unit.
2: Your AW CPU box should at any time be labelled with a rating plate
to mention the CE marking and other Model and Serial numbers.
The FRU computer box is delivered with 3 blank rating plates, instructions
and 1 blank ICD card to be filled up. Store these parts cautiously in a safe
They are necessary for the new Computer Box.


Note: Your Computer Box FRU unit may also be delivered with an extra
Keyboard and a box of accessories.
1 : DO NOT LEAVE on–site the Cdroms and other unnecessary items
that may be contained in the workstation’s FRU package. Some of these
Cdroms, if improperly used by the customer, might lead to software
corruption (see 5–1).
2 : Make sure to write on the spare Rating Plate of the swapped CPU box
the proper information for your site (see 5–5) .
Stick the rating plate on the new CPU box.
3 : Fill up the ICD card with the necessary information and send it asap to
the GIB administration, so that the serial number and other appropriate
info of the new CPU box is properly entered in the
Global Installed Base database.
4: If you return the hard disks with the defective unit, you should
whenever possible erase all patient data stored on the disks.
5: Make sure you return the locker key together with the defective
Stick it with tape on the CPU back, key holder.
6: Make sure to remove the extra memory option modules before
returning the defective workstation.
7: Carefully pack up the defective CPU box, making sure that NO parts is
missing. In the other case, your region will be charged for the missing
Note : If an extra keyboard is delivered within the workstation FRU, it can
be kept on–site, and does not need to be returned.
8 : Ship the defective unit to the return address mentioned within the
package, with no delay, using the ”Supplier Warranty Program process”.

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REPLACEMENT The AW FRU CPU box you have received, may not have the correct BIOS
PROCEDURE CHECKS and proper BIOS settings.
The following items should be checked on the new CPU box:
1: Check Firmware and BIOS. Refer to Chapter 4, TSG012 : Section 2
and flash Firmware and BIOS if necessary
2: Memory Add–on option : Check that you have reinstalled the
additional memory modules from the old CPU box, if applicable.
3: Your new CPU box is delivered with a basic Linux Red Hat loaded
from the HP factory.
If you choose not to reinstall the hard disk drives from the defective unit
into the new unit, you will need to proceed with a complete software reload
L.F.C. (OS and AW software).
Refer to chapter 1, Job Card IST011.

5-4 CPU box swap. Do not leave on site the following items
Case 1 : The FRU CPU box is a new workstation:
It may be delivered with an extra keyboard and a box of accessories.
It is also delivered with new CE rating plates, an ICD card, and a service instructions document.
• Keep the extra keyboard (if applicable) for spare.
• Dispose of all other unnecessary items . DO NOT LEAVE these items ON SITE !!!!
Case 2 : The FRU CPU box is already a repaired workstation.
It is not delivered with a keyboard and a box of accessories.
It is just delivered with new CE rating plates, and an ICD card, and service instructions. Page no. 295 Chapter 5

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Disassembly / reassembly procedures

5-5 CPU box swap. Fill up the new CE rating plate

**************************************** WARNING *******************************************
Medical equipment must be accurately labelled in order to comply with
international and local regulations. Make sure to carefully follow the instructions
below, in order to properly label your replacement FRU workstation.
The CE rating plate must be stuck on the workstation’s casing. It has to be carefully filled up in order
to be consistent with the Model number, Serial number, and licenseId number and AW software key.
Use a permanent ink pen, and write the corresponding numbers on the rating plate, before sticking it up
on the CPU box casing.

1 : Model number : This number is 5314326-2 for the production XW8600 and 5183547-32 for XW8400.
Do not use model number 5314326-20 which is dedicated to the XW8600 FRU station
and 5183547-25 dedicated to the XW8400 FRU (FRUS do not have AW software loaded).

2 : Serial number : This number can be found at the rear and on top of the CPU box.
3 : LicenseId number:Open a Command window and type in : licenseId <Enter>
Click Admin / Service Tools / Display Config
The AW License key number, as well as the license keys for the optional applications corresponding to
the LicenseId number of your new workstation, can be delivered to you by your OLC.
Call your OLC with SO (FDO) and site’s SystemID number to get the new license keys.

• However, in order to save time, you may decide to reinstall in the new CPU box, the additional
Ethernet board of your old CPU box, in order to keep the same license keys.
Switch User to "root" and run the /export/home/sdc/scripts/sys-reconfig script, in order for your
system to reinstall the NIC (additional Network interface card).
• You may also decide to reinstall in the new CPU box, the Hard disk drive(s) of your old CPU box, in
order to save existing images and/or avoid reinstalling the software.
Refer to Computer Box Replacement procedures section 5–3
You can get information on your workstation’s license keys by connecting to the E–LICENSE site at:

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5-6 Fill up the new ICD card

You have just swapped your computer box. You must fill up the ICD card and send it back to the GIB
organization, in order to have your new CPU box registered in GIB database, as well as the
defective one uninstalled.
Carefully write down all necessary installation and uninstallation information, such as Serial Numbers,
System IDs etc .. of the new and old CPU boxes, and send back the ICD sheets.
The information about the uninstalled CPU box, can be written at the rear of the installation card, if no
uninstallation sheet is available on the ICD card.
5-7 Send back the defective unit
Send back the defective CPU box, Hard Disk drive or DVD/CD–R drive as follows:

Make sure that NO PART is missing inside the defective CPU box, before sending it back
to the address mentioned on the delivery package. Any missing part will be charged to the
The defective unit (or disk drive) must be sent back through the ”SWAP (Supplier Warranty Program)
Fill the red label identifying the defective unit with the following information:
• GEMS part number
• Job number
• Failure description :
i.e : Result of Insight diagnostics tool summary if appropriate (see Chap 4, TSG005).
• Workstation Serial number ( even for disk drives returned separately)
• FE contact name and ID nmber
• SWAP/FOI/FOA : Cross Swap Box. Page no. 297 Chapter 5

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This page is blank.

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Renewal parts

Chapter 6 Renewal parts

This chapter provides the information necessary to identify Renewal Parts (FRU) of the Volume Share 4
(AW4.5) product.
• Abbreviations

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Renewal parts




5314326-9 Y 1050 WATT POWER SUPPLY (AW workstation only) 1
5314326-6 Y 5.25” SATA DVDRW MULTI DRIVE 1



5183547-18 Y 800 WATT POWER SUPPLY 1
5183547-22 Y 5.25” DVD+/–R/RW/ROM CD–R/RW/ROM DRIVE 1
5183547-23 Y NVIDIA NVS285 PCI–E 128MB (2 X 64MB) GRAPHICS CARD 1
Note: 5183547-23 and 5183547-34 are equivalent.



5183547-15 Y 73GB SAS 15K RPM DISK DRIVE (Seagate) 2

5183547-51 Y 73GB SAS 15K RPM DISK DRIVE (Fujitsu) 2


5183547-21 Y 3.5” 1.44MB FLOPPY DISKETTE DRIVE 1

5183547-26 Y 146GB SAS 15K RPM DISK DRIVE (Seagate) 2

5183547-52 Y 146GB SAS 15K RPM DISK DRIVE (Fujitsu) 2
5183547-58 Y 300GB SAS 15K RPM (SEAGATE) DISK DRIVE 2



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Renewal parts





5340583 Y FAST LOAD DVD AW4.5_02 FOR XW8400 1
5340584 Y FAST LOAD DVD AW4.5_02 FOR XW8600 1
5340585 Y GEHC OS FOR AW4.5_02 DVD–ROM 1
5183736-2 Y HP XW8400 FLASH UTILITY CDROM (BIOS 2.24b) 1
5340589 Y HP XW8400 FLASH UTILITY CDROM (BIOS 2.24c) 1
5340588 Y HP XW8600 FLASH UTILITY CDROM (BIOS 1.33) 1
5342038 Y HP HARDWARE DIAGNOSTICS 8.0.2 CDROM for XW8400 1
5342037 Y HP HARDWARE DIAGNOSTICS 8.0.2 CDROM for XW8600 1

5342120 Y MOTION VUE 1.03 SW & DOCS CD 1
5342115 Y GSI VIEWER 1.10 SW & DOCS CD 1
5342643 Y INNOVA 3DXR 1.1.7 SW & DOCS CD 1

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Renewal parts




5121195 Y CABLE RJ45 CAT5 (4 METERS) 1


2228811 Y CROSS–OVER CABLE RJ45 CAT5 (1 METER) (3.3 FT) 1
2212538 Y CROSS–OVER CABLE RJ45 CAT5 (4.5 METER) (14.8 FT) 1
2215029–5 Y CROSS–OVER CABLE RJ45 CAT5 (50 METER) (164 FT) 1 1


2371128 N RS232 CABLE DB9F/DB25M 1 1

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DICOM Filming

Chapter 7 DICOM Filming

1 Interconnection
None. Supported devices are network printers only.


The Print Application Entity title (A.E.T) of AW to be declared to the Dicom printers is
PR_<hostname> and not the Hostname of AW as for Dicom hosts.
i.e.: For an AW whose hostname is adw6 :
• Dicom AET = adw6
• Dicom Print AET = PR_adw6
If necessary, the Print A.E. T of AW can be changed by editing the following file:
See Section 3–4 for details.

2 Trouble shooting
2-1 Laser Imager Error Code
(See LASER CAMERA vendor’s documentation).
2-2 Error and Status Messages
• Errors occurring when clicking on the PRINT button:
• Empty film not printed.
• Disk is full.
Please wait that some queued jobs have been printed and retry later.
• Internal input/output error has occurred.
Please retry or clear page.
• Cannot spool job for printing.
Please retry or restart Filmer.
• The following status messages will appear in a window while attempting to print. Correct the
indicated condition and the system will retry automatically.
• The following messages may appear while attempting to print:
• Laser camera has been reserved by another user, or busy. Please wait. Page no. 303 Chapter 7

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DICOM Filming

• The following status messages will appear in a window while attempting to print. Correct the
indicated condition and the system will retry automatically.
• Printing paused.
• Laser camera has been reserved by another user.
• Please wait.

3 Checks and utilities

3-1 Communication Checks
Communication from the Advantage Workstation to the Printer can be checked by opening a Command
Window and typing in :
ping <IP address of the printer> <Enter>
i.e : ping <Enter>

3-2 Utility Commands

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DICOM Filming

3-2-1 Before printing is done

The image and associated icon are stored in a ”reserved space” under:
The ”reserved spaces” are of the form IMSxxxxxx.
In order to know which one of them contains the image(s) candidate to print, type in:
strings .IMS* | more <Enter>
You should find a line like IMSsexzxxxx and filmer.xxxxx. To know what they contain, type in:
cd IMSsexxxxx <Enter>
ls –al<Enter>
You should find ”n” files called dicomImage1 to dicomImageN corresponding to the format selected
(format 4x1 gives 4 lines) and ”n” files called voilut1x to voilut Nx, corresponding to the associated
Lookup tables.
If image save has been selected too, you should find ”n” files called saveImage0 to saveImageN.
Note that these last files are Dicom files and can be directly handled accordingly (moved, copied,
declared into the Database etc.). Page no. 305 Chapter 7

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DICOM Filming

The ”reserved spaces” are reset at each ” Restart Software” or each Reboot. You can view the
exact image(s) that will be on the film by using the command:
imadump dicomImageX <Enter> where X is the number of the image
To quit, press simultaneously on <CTRL> and <C> keys.
For more information on the imadump utility, (non–square image formats etc...), type:
imadump –h <Enter>
3-2-2 When printing is started
The image is spooled in a ”reserved space” under :
The ”reserved spaces” are of the form IMSxxxxxx.
In order to know which of them contains the image(s) to print, type in:
strings .IMS* | more <Enter>
If ”n” print jobs have been started and are queued (not printed yet), you will find ”n” reserved spaces
belonging to the PrintManager.
You should find line(s) with PrintManager.xxxxx. To know what they contain, type in:
ls <Enter>
You should find ”n” files called imgXXXXXX. They will remain until they have been printed, even though
the ”Restart software” button is pressed or the workstation rebooted.
You should also find in each PrintManager reserved space a file called <printer_name>.dev in which
you can review the settings and characteristics of the printer(s) declared to your workstation.
To have a chance to see this short–lived information, you must pause printing by clicking on the Filming
Queue button.
To review this file, type in:
more <printer_name>.dev <Enter>
You can view the exact image(s) that will be on the film by using the following commands:
filmdump imgXXXXXX – display <Enter>
where X is the number of the image
To quit, press simultaneously on <CTRL> and <C> keys.
If you don’t want the print to occur, you can delete the dicomImageX files from the /export/home/sdc/
films directory when done with reviewing.
cd /export/home/sdc/film <Enter>
rm dicomImageX <Enter>
Where X is the number of the image
For more information on the filmdump utility, (non–square image formats etc...), type:
filmdump –h <Enter>

You can also find files called if they have been created for a postscript printer. In
this case, to review them, use the gv (ghostview) command and you DO NOT need to run the
filmdump command before:
i.e.: gv <Enter>

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DICOM Filming

3-2-3 When printing is done

The ”reserved spaces” that belong to the PrintManager are reset.
3-3 Accessing and using the log file
The logfiles are periodically and automatically cleaned up by the system ”cron” to prevent them
from growing up, consuming disk space.
• Change to the logfiles directory
cd /export/home/sdc/logfiles <Enter>
To read the contents of the prslog, printserverlog, printManagerlog, dicomPrintlog,
FilmComposerProxylog, or lcbuildlog type:
more <logfile_name> <Enter>
i.e : more prslog <Enter>
You can as well use the command display_logfile –f <logfile_name> which packages the file for
easier reading of the older compressed logfiles (i.e.: browserlog.WedSep1715:15:04.Z).
FilmComposerProxylog and lcbuildlog are used to ensure compatibility with the batch Filming of
the Advanced applications such as Volume Viewer, Navigator, etc.

3-4 Changing the Print AET of your AW

If necessary, the default Print A.E. T of AW can be changed by using the "vi" editor or any other suitable
editor, to edit the following file:
vi /export/home/sdc/app–defaults/dicom_print/dprint.cfg [Return]
Uncomment the following line and replace the syntax ”My application entity title” by the name you
want to give instead:
#applicationEntityTitle=”My application entity title”
applicationEntityTitle=”AWPrintAET” for example
(do not forget the " " and add at the end AET with capital A, E, and T)
Save and quit
<Esc> :wq! <Enter>

3-5 Older DICOM Printers

For former software releases of Sterling Dicom printers (if the result of the print is black & white
reversed) it may be necessary to add the MONOCHROME2 interpretation in order to correct this
In order to do this, follow the steps:
Login as sdc if not already logged in, and switch user to root:
su – root <Enter>
Password :operator <Enter>
Change to the Prefs directory by typing:
cd /export/home/sdc/Prefs <Enter> Page no. 307 Chapter 7

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DICOM Filming

Edit the SdCDicomPrintConfig file with the vi editor or any suitable editor and add the following line at
the end of the file:
(make sure to type a capital S, C, D, P and C for this file name)
vi SdCDicomPrintConfig <Enter>
# # Dicom Print SOP Class Attributes Configuration File
## If you want to modify the Film Session, Film Box or Image Box SOP
# default attributes, you just have to remove the ’#’ character in front of:
## For Film Session : set fs_
# For Film Box : set fb_
# For Image Box : set im_
# Border denisty (2010,0100)
#set fb_border_density ”BLACK”
# Empty image density (2010,0110)
# Photometric interpretation (0028,0004)
#set im_photo_interpretation ”MONOCHROME1”
set im_photo_interpretation ”MONOCHROME2” <––– Add this line at the end of the file.
Make sure to type it right (NO # at the begining of the line, NO space between MONOCHROME and 2).
Save and quit.

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Chapter 8 Options

1 Foreword
This chapter gives you additional information about all options supported on AW4.5.
There you can find information such as jumper settings and diagnostics for the hardware
options and uninstallation procedure for both hardware and software options.
All installation procedures are detailed in Chapter 1, Job cards.

1-1 SCSI Hardware options

SECTION 2: DICOM MOD drive option


The Dicom MOD SCSI drive option is no longer supported with VolumeShare 4.

1-2 Non SCSI Hardware options

SECTION 3: Second monitor option
SECTION 4: memory add–on option

1-3 Applications (Software options)

SECTION 5-1: Volume Viewer Applications package
SECTION 5-2: Reporting Tool Application package
SECTION 5-3: CT and Fusion Applications package
SECTION 5-4: MR Applications package
SECTION 5-5: X–Ray Applications package
SECTION 5-6: PET and Networking Applications package
SECTION 5-7: Software options package standard installation

1-4 Other options

SECTION 6-1: InSite option Page no. 309 Chapter 8

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2 DICOM optical disk drive


The Dicom MOD SCSI drive option is no longer supported with VolumeShare 4.

3 Add second monitor option

Supported monitor configurations are:
1FP1 / 2FP1 : 1 or 2 monitor Landscape 1K (NEC 19” LCD color monitor)
3-1 Add 2nd Flat Panel LCD Color Landscape (1L1 >>> 2L1)
• Shutdown the AW workstation.
• Connect the second monitor to the additional connector of the Graphic Frame Buffer board, as
shown hereafter, and place it to the right of the first monitor.
• Reboot the AW workstation
• Login as sdc, open a Command window and switch user to Root :
su – root <Enter>
password : Enter the root password
• Run the monitor installation routine :
/export/home/sdc/install/ <Enter>
Choose keyword mon >>>> Choice 2 for 2 monitors configuration
• Reboot workstation and login as sdc to start application.

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2-2 Removing the 2nd Monitor from an Installed System

This can be necessary, either to remove permanently the second monitor from a site or temporarily in
case of one monitor failure, if no spare part is available rapidly.
• You can uninstall the 2nd monitor through the Configuration Menu of the Common Service Desktop
Service Interface (see Chapter 1, IST002),
• Open a Command window, switch User to Root and run the monitor installation routine:
/export/home/sdc/install/ <Enter>
Choose keyword mon >>>> Choice 1 for 1 monitor configuration
• Shutdown workstation and turn it off.
• Disconnect the monitor.
• Reboot the workstation, before login in again as sdc to start the application.

4 Memory add–on option



• Shutdown the workstation and turn it off. Disconnect all cables and open the side cover.
• Use an antistatic wrist wrap and antistatic mat to handle the printed circuit boards.

4-1 XW8400 Workstation

Refer to the HP XW8400 Service Manual, chapter 4, page 66–68, for more detailed information.



Maximum memory configuration supported is 12 GBytes (4GB standard + 2 x 6GB add–on)
• Basic memory is made of 4 x 1GB modules (prior to January 2008).
From January 2008, new XW8400 stations for AW were delivered with 2 x 2GB modules (slots 1
and 3) instead of the 4 x 1GB modules basic memory (slots 1, 3, 5 and 7). However, new XW8400
stations for SA were still delivered with 2 x 1GB modules basic memory.
• Optional memory ”Add–on” use sets of 2GB modules .
You must install the memory modules in valid configurations:
• If using only one DIMM (for test purposes), install it in slot 1.
Otherwise, DIMM memory modules must be installed in pairs.
Each pair must be composed of equivalent capacity modules (i.e : 2x 1GB).
If using two DIMMs, install them in slots 1 and 3 (standard 2 x 1GB Seno Adv. configuration or new
standard 2 x 2GB AW configuration from January 2008)
• If using four DIMMs, install them in slots 1, 3, 5 and 7 (standard 4 x 1GB AW configuration)
• If using six DIMMs, install them in slots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7
• If using eight DIMMs, install them in all slots. Page no. 311 Chapter 8

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Install the memory module pairs in order of size, from smallest to largest.

Standard memory configuration is from January 2008, made of 2 x 2GB memory modules, inserted
into slots 1 and 3, instead of 4 x 1GB modules.
The BIOS generates warnings/errors on invalid memory configurations.
Refer to HP XW8400 Service Manual for diagnostic codes and error beeps meanings.

4-2 XW8600 Workstation

Refer to the HP XW8600 Service Manual, chapter 4, page 79–82, for more detailed information.



Maximum memory configuration supported is 16GBytes (4GB standard + 3 x 4GB add–on)
• Basic memory is made of 2 x 2GB modules.
• Optional memory ”Add–on” use sets of 2GB modules .

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Required system board DIMM installation order

Use the figure above as a guide for installing memory:
• If installing only one DIMM (for test purpose), install it in socket 1.
• If installing two DIMMs (basic configuration), install them in socket pair: 1/5.
• If installing four DIMMs, install them in socket pairs: 1/3 and 5/7.
• If installing six DIMMs, install them in socket pairs: 1/3, 5/7, and 2/4.
• If installing eight DIMMS, install them in socket pairs: 1/3, 5/7, 2/4, and 6/8.
Each pair must be matched in rank, DRAM technology, speed, and capacity.


If adding DIMMs to a system that originally contained only two DIMMs, move the DIMM
from socket five to socket three to maintain proper pairing.


For best performance, load the largest DIMM pairs in the black slots. Page no. 313 Chapter 8

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5 Applications (software options)

To check which Applications releases are supported with the current AW release, refer to this
manual at chapter 6, FRU list, and use the Applications Compatibility Checker utility.
See chapter 10, job card PM004.

5-1 Volume viewer applications package

To install the Application(s), refer to Chapter 1, IST005 and to the on-line manual (if applicable) delivered
with the Application(s).
To uninstall the Application(s), refer to Chapter 1, IST005 and to the on-line manual (if applicable)
delivered with the Application(s).
Applications supported within the Volume Viewer package are protected by a License key.
5-2 Reporting tool package
To install the option, refer to Chapter 1, IST005 and to the on-line manual delivered with the option.
To install the Application(s), refer to Chapter 1, IST005 and/or to the on-line manual (if applicable)
delivered with the Application(s).
To uninstall the Application(s), refer to Chapter 1, IST005 and to the on-line manual (if applicable)
delivered with the Application(s).
Reporting Tool Application is protected by a License key.
5-3 CT and Fusion applications collector package
These applications are grouped on one DVD, and are delivered with "Upgrade to VS4" kits.
To install the Application(s), refer to Chapter 1, IST005 and/or to the on-line manual (if applicable)
delivered with the Application(s).
To uninstall the Application(s), refer to Chapter 1, IST005 and to the on-line manual (if applicable)
delivered with the Application(s).
Applications supported within the CT and Fusion package are are protected by a License key.
5-4 MR applications collector package
These applications are grouped on one DVD, and are delivered with "Upgrade to VS4" kits.
To install the Application(s), refer to Chapter 1, IST005 and to the on-line manual (if applicable) delivered
with the Application(s).
To uninstall the Application(s), refer to Chapter 1, IST005 and to the on-line manual (if applicable)
delivered with the Application(s).
Applications supported within the MR package are protected by a License key.

5-5 X–ray applications collector package

These applications are grouped on one DVD, and are delivered with "Upgrade to VS4" kits.
To install the Application(s), refer to Chapter 1, IST005 and to the on-line manual (if applicable) delivered
with the Application(s).
To uninstall the Application(s), refer to Chapter 1, IST005 and to the on-line manual (if applicable)
delivered with the Application(s).

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5-6 PET and Networking applications collector package

These applications are grouped on one DVD, and are delivered with "Upgrade to VS4" kits.
To install the Application(s), refer to Chapter 1, IST005 and to the on-line manual (if applicable) delivered
with the Application(s).
To uninstall the Application(s), refer to Chapter 1, IST005 and to the on-line manual (if applicable)
delivered with the Application(s).
Applications supported within the PET and Networking package are protected by a License key.

5-7 Other software Application(s) package

These applications are grouped on one DVD, and are delivered with "Upgrade to VS4" kits.
To install the Application(s), refer to Chapter 1, IST005 and to the on-line manual (if applicable) delivered
with the Application(s).
To uninstall the Application(s), refer to Chapter 1, IST005 and to the on-line manual (if applicable)
delivered with the Application(s).
Applications supported within the PET and Networking package are protected by a License key.
follow the steps described below:
• Login as sdc if not already logged in as sdc:
• Change to the install directory by typing:
cd /export/home/sdc/install <Enter>
• Run the option software uninstallation script:
./uninstall.”option–name” <Enter>

6 Other options
6-1 Insite option



INSTRUCTIONS. Page no. 315 Chapter 8

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Chapter 9 Networking

1 Network configuration samples

In order to get information on the Ethernet Interface(s):

• Open a Command Window and type :
ifconfig –a <Enter>

1-1 Basic Hospital (Dicom) Network Page no. 317 Chapter 9

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1-2 Basic Hospital (Dicom) Network with "AW Server"

1-3 Older Network configurations

1-3-1 Basic Network (no hospital network available)

1-3-2 Basic Intra–Suite Network: MR SIGNA ADVANTAGE, MR HORIZON

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1-3-3 Basic Intra–Suite Network: CT–HLA, CT–HSA


1-3-5 Basic Network: DRS, DLX (without Digital Gateway) Page no. 319 Chapter 9

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1-3-6 Basic Workstations Network with no Router

DLX with a Fast Ethernet Gateway

*: The Fast Ethernet Interface can operate at either 10 or 100 Mbits/s (auto configured).
**: The Digital Gateway MII connector can be used with a MII to AUI Interface and one AUI
transceiver. In this case, the RJ45 cable must be removed.
***: The Digital Gateway RJ45 connector can be used to connect to a HUB. In this case, the twisted
pair cable is not crossed.

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1-3-7 Workstations Subnetworks with one Router

DLX with a Digital Gateway and a Fast Ethernet Interface Page no. 321 Chapter 9

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1-3-8 Advantage Workstation within the MR SUITE

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1-3-9 Advantage Workstation within the CT SUITE

1-3-10 Advantage Workstation on the LOCAL BACKBONE

(Gateway in CT Operator Console) Page no. 323 Chapter 9

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1-3-11 Advantage Workstation within the MR, CT and LOCAL SUITE

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1-3-12 MIXED Sources Configuration Sample

2 AW host declaration on the image sources

2-1 AW4.5 Declaration on Unix / Linux Based Source
• PET Discovery ST / STE / 600 / 900
• CT Lightspeed ; CT Brightspeed ; CT 750 HD ; CT/e ; CT/e Dual ; CT/i ; CT Synergy
• Signa HD ; Signa HDX ; MR Signa LX ; MR Excite ; MR 750 ; MR HFO ; MR Profile ; MR Contour
• AW4.X workstations ; AW Server
• Innova DL
Use the Dicom 3.0 protocol.
The DICOM ”Port Number” of the Advantage workstation is ALWAYS ”4006”.
Refer to the appropriate Service Manual that were shipped with the respective products.
2-2 AW4.5 Declaration on GENESIS Based Source
• Signa Advantage 5.x ; Signa Horizon
• CT HSA ; CT HLA ; Genesis IC (Independant console)
Use the Dicom 3.0 protocol.
The DICOM ”Port Number” of the Advantage workstation is ALWAYS ”4006”.
Refer to the appropriate Service Manual that were shipped with the respective products. Page no. 325 Chapter 9

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2-3 AW4.5 Declaration on non Genesis Based Source


Dicom connection is not directly supported with Signa 4.X.

2-4 AW4.5 Host Declaration on CT9800 Image Sources


No IDLink2 version 2.3 DICOM compatible version currently exists.

An IDLink2 compatible system is required to interconnect a CT9800 to Advantage Workstation. Use
of a compatible ”MERGE box” is under identification.
The ”Logical Address” is the hostname of the Advantage workstation (e.g. AW01–PC0).
The ”logical address” is the same thing than ”Application Entity Title” in DICOM format. The ”Host
Address” is the Internet address of the AW (e.g.
The ID/Net2 or DICOM ”Port Number” of the Advantage workstation is ALWAYS ”4006”.
2-5 AW4.5 Host Declaration on "Third Party" Dicom Devices
Use the Dicom 3.0 protocol.
• Use the DICOM protocol to declare GE XRay DLX or DRS systems and Foreign DICOM hosts.
The DICOM ”Application Entity Title” for the Advantage workstation is the workstation’s hostname
(e.g. AW01–PC0).
The DICOM or ID/Net2 ”Port Number” of the Advantage workstation is ALWAYS ”4006”.
2-6 AW4.4 Declaration on DRS / DLX Sources
Use the Dicom 3.0 protocol.
• Check that the 64MB memory is recognized by the DLX system, once the Dicom Ethernet interface
has been installed.
• IP addresses should be supplied by the hospital Network Administrator (if applicable). If not, contact
your On–Line support center which can supply a set of unique IP addresses for your network.
Example of IP addresses and Hostnames:
AW1 (class C network) - DLX–DICOM1 (class C network)
In this basic network case, with no router, and using Class C IP addresses, the Netmask value is In case of non Class C addresses, refer to section 3 for netmask setting.
• DLX setting: Refer to DLX Service Manual, Job Card IST 160 ”Installing the Dicom Ethernet option”,
to set the IP address and Netmask of the DLX and to set the AW Dicom Server in the DLX.
When replacing an existing AW station by another one, you must reboot the DLX, even if you keep
the same hostname and IP address for the new workstation.

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2-7 AW4.4 Declaration on YMS Sources

Use the Dicom 3.0 protocol.
- CT Sytec family (SRi, S, Plus, 1800i, 3000, ...)
- CT Prospeed family (Plus, Vx, Advantage, S, Sx, ....)
- MR Vectra
After making sure that all hardware and software pieces have been correctly installed, (rev. level of
software compatible with the Ethernet link option, switch settings of the ETC board, removal of the
back plane jumpers at the corresponding slot, etc...), you have to:
• Set the boot FD in the drive and start maintenance utility (if applicable).
• Select installation parameters (change parameters) from the menu.
• Declare the link as shown after (Communication data setting procedure) and reset the scanning
Refer to the CT or MR specific manual for more accurate information as new releases of software on
the Scanning system, may introduce some changes in the procedure.
DICOM format is now implemented on new YMS systems (Prospeed family) depending on the
software version.
The query / retrieve function is available from Advantage Workstation, as YMS systems are query
/ retrieve provider (depending on the software version).


For YMS CT, DICOM feature is working ONLY IF

– No images on studies 0
– No SMPTE test pattern installed


When using the DICOM protocol, the Name field to enter, (Application Entity Title) is the
hostname of the Advantage Workstation. So, make sure to enter it EXACTLY the way it’s
written on the AW side (lower or upper case letters) and DO NOT USE any space
characters which could be interpreted as 2 different names.
2-7-1 Communication data setting procedure
The following is only applicable for software revision levels FROM:
- SYTEC 3000/p V 6.00
- SYTEC 3000s V 4.00
- SYTEC i V 3.00
- VECTRA V 3.00 Page no. 327 Chapter 9

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The following example details the steps to declare the link between an MR Vectra and 2 Advantage
• Activate management by pressing <MGT> key.
• Select “COMMUNICATION DATA HANDLING” from the menu. The system prompts you as
This procedure, describing the steps to set a MR VECTRA for ethernet communication with
Advantage Workstation, is applicable to the YMS scanning systems mentioned above. The host
name must be set in the form ”SuiteIDHostID”, SuiteID being MR01 and HostID being OC0 in our
The Network Address can be left at the default value if there is only one YMS system on the
network. Otherwise, increment it for the second YMS scanner.
The IP address can be set to a Class C default value, as shown in our example,
(190.100.9.X) unless otherwise specified by the Network Administrator of the Site.
Enter Satellite No =
<0: Myself, N: New Data, <END>: Update, <CANC>: Quit>
• First select 0: (Myself) and set parameters to:

Enter Satellite No =
<0: Myself, N: New Data, <END>: Update, <CANC>: QUIT>
• Select N: (New Data) to declare a 1st target destination and set parameters to:

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GW Address (GATEWAY) must be left to unless otherwise specified by the Network
Administrator of the Site.
Enter Satellite No =
<0: Myself, N: New Data, <END>: Update, <CANC>: QUIT>
• select N: (New Data) to declare a 2nd target destination and set parameters to:

Enter Satellite No =
<0: Myself, N: New Data, <END>: Update, <CANC>: QUIT>
• Press <END> to update, then <END> to quit the Communication Data Handling menu and RESET
SYSTEM to validate new Hosts declaration. Page no. 329 Chapter 9

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3 Networking overview
3-1 General Overview
3-1-1 Class A network

Class A network address between 1 and 127.

Maximum of 127 class A networks and 16777215 hosts per network.
typical netmask (no mask) is
i.e : 3 . 45 . 16. 101
where 3 represents the network and 45.16.101 represents the host id
Network address
3-1-2 Class B network

Class B network address between 128 and 191.

(16 bits for the Network, 16 bits for the host).
typical netmask (no mask) is
i.e : 129 . 32 . 100 . 54
where 129.32 represents the network and 100.54 represents the host id
Network address
3-1-3 Class C network

Class C network address between 192 and 254

(24 bits for the Network, 8 bits for the host)
typical netmask (no mask) is
i.e : 200 . 44 . 100 . 25
where 200.44.100 represents the network and 25 represents the host id
Most commonly used for CT/MR Advantage Networks and small “Local Area Networks”. (A lot of
possible networks but only a few hosts per network).

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3-2 Routing Table Examples

If you get the message ’Network unreachable’ when pinging a host, you may need to create a route
to the host network.
3-2-1 Adding a default router


To add a Default Router, or to add a route to a Network or to a Host, PREFERABLY use the
Configuration tool in the Common Service Desktop.
Refer to Chapter1, IST002, Section 4–2–3
3-2-1-1 Other methods: First manual (preferred) method
• Open a Command window and switch User to root
su – root <Enter>
Enter the root password when prompted
• Change to /etc/rc5.d directory
cd /etc/rc5.d <Enter>
• Create a S93route script
vi S93route <Enter>
# !/bin/sh (comment line)
# Script for adding a default router (comment line)
route add default gw <router_IP_address>
(if NO router is defined, your workstation will act as default router.
In this case, enter your workstation’s IP address)
i.e : route add default gw
• Make S93route script executable
chmod +x S93route <Enter>
• Restart the nework service
service network restart <Enter>
• Reboot the workstation.
init 6 <Enter>
3-2-1-2 Other methods: Second manual method
However more simple than the first method, it does not offer the capability to save the parameters
entered on the Configuration Cdrom, and therefore should be done again in case of LFW or LFC
software reinstall.
• Open a Command window and switch User to root
su – root <Enter>]
Enter the root password when prompted
• Change to the network–scripts directory and edit the ifcfg–eth0 file:
cd /etc/sysconfig/network–scripts <Enter>
vi ifcfg–eth0 <Enter> Page no. 331 Chapter 9

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• Add gateway information to this file as appropriate (see example below)

i.e : GATEWAY= (enter the gateway address as shown)
• Save the file and quit
<Esc> :wq! <Enter>
• Bring down the network interface and restart it
ifdown eth0 <Enter>
ifup eth0 <Enter>
Example of a ifcfg–eth0 file
GATEWAY= <<< the gateway address entered
3-2-2 Checking the routing table
• Make sure the route has been properly declared
netstat –r <Enter>
You should read a line like in our example:
default UG0 0 0 eth0
3-2-3 Adding routes example
The following is an example for adding routes. It refers to the configuration sample figure described in
Section 1-3-11.
In order to define the number of hops to reach a network or a host , you can add the following
”metric” information a shown in the example below for 3 ”hops”:
i.e : route add –host gw metric 3 <Enter>
Adding routes for AW1
• Login as root and change to /etc/rc5.d directory
cd /etc/rc5.d <Enter>
• Create a S93route script
vi S93route <Enter>
# !/bin/sh (comment line)
# Script for adding a default router (comment line)
route add –net netmask gw
route add –net netmask gw
<Esc> :wq!
• Make S93route script executable
chmod +x S93route <Enter>

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• Restart the network service

service network restart <Enter>
• Reboot the workstation.
init 6 <Enter>
Adding routes for AW2 and AW3
Proceed as shown for AW1

3-3 Emergency procedure: Forcing the network speed and mode

Network controller cards used on the HP XW8600/8400 workstations, are designed and set to fully
support the Auto–negociation mode.
Any potential Network communication (mode, speed) issues, are most probably due to problems in the
configuration or performance of the Site’s network.
Nevertheless, in case of Network communication issue (10 MBps or half Duplex mode selected
through auto–negociation instead of 100Mbps or 1Gbps), it is possible to force these communication
parameters to the desired values.
The procedure below describes how to create a script (or use the existing S93route script) , launched
at boot, and that can be back–up’ed on the Configuration cdrom together with the other Site’s
XW8600 and XW8400 workstations support the ethtool utility.
3-3-1 Case 1: No route information curently exists: Create S93route script.
• Open a Command Window and switch User to root:
su – root <Enter>
Enter the root password when prompted
• Change to the /etc/rc5.d directory:
cd /etc/rc5.d <Enter>
• Create the S93route script with the vi editor (or any other suitable editor).
vi S93route <Enter>
# !/bin/sh <<< Enter this line to specify the script language
# Script for forcing network mode and speed <<< line for comments
ethtool –s eth0 speed 1000 duplex full autoneg off
(in our example, we force the eth0 controller speed to 1GBps and mode to full duplex)
<Esc> :wq! <<< To save and quit the editor
• Make S93route script executable
chmod +x S93route <Enter>
• Restart the nework service
service network restart [Return]
• Reboot the workstation.
init 6 [Return] Page no. 333 Chapter 9

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3-3-2 Case 2: Route information currently exists: Update S93route script.

Note : If the script already exists (i.e: you have previously declared routing information), when
you open it with the vi editor (or any other suitable editor), it will look like the example
below with the already existing routing information
Refer to procedure on previous pages :
• Update the S93route script with the vi editor (or any other suitable editor).
vi S93route [Return]
# !/bin/sh <<< Add this line to specify the script language
# Script for adding routes <<<< (example of the existing route information)
route add –net netmask gw
route add –net netmask gw
# Script for forcing network mode and speed <<< line for comments
ethtool –s eth0 speed 1000 duplex full autoneg off
(in our example, we force the eth0 controller speed to 1GBps and mode to full duplex)
<Esc> :wq! <<< To save and quit the editor
• Make S93route script executable
chmod +x S93route [Return]
• Restart the nework service or reboot the workstation.



3-4 More information on subnetworks

Subnetworks allow a single network address to span several physical networks.
Some of the bits in the host portion of an IP address are used to specify the subnet number on the
network backbone, and the remaining are used to specify the host number within the subnet. How
these bits are divided between subnet and host depends on the type of netmask used.
• The 0–bit netmask ( is the default netmask for Class C networks, since it has no
effect on the IP address.
• The 7–bit and 8–bit netmasks are useless because they don’t contain any useable host addresses.
Of the remaining netmasks types, the 3–bit, 4–bit, and 5–bit types are the most practical to use
because they offer realistic subnet/host combinations.

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Possible Netmasks for Class C Network

To determine which netmask type to use, you must first know which subnet/host combination is needed
for the network.
When looking at the table, you can notice that the number of useable host addresses is always equal
to the number of host addresses minus 2.
e.g.: 8 >>6 useable; 16 >>14 useable ; 64 >>62 useable host addresses.
If, for instance, we consider a netmask, we can see that we are able to split the
network into 4 subnetworks.
Each subnet will have 62 possible addresses.
–subnet 1: from 1 to 62
–subnet 2: from 65 to 126
–subnet 3: from 129 to 190
–subnet 4: from 193 to 254
The missing addresses are reserved for SRI–NIC administration and subnet broadcasting.
See the following illustration example.

For Class A or Class B subnetworks, consult the Network Administrator of the Site. Page no. 335 Chapter 9

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3-5 Netmask Declaration

Use the ”sys–reconfig” utility that allows you to change hostname, IP address and netmask.
Refer to Chapter 3 for details.

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Planned Maintenance

Chapter 10 Planned Maintenance

This chapter contains recommended planned maintenance tasks for the VolumeShare 4 / AW4.5
workstation. The corresponding Job Cards and manuals which are necessary are indicated. Page no. 337 Chapter 10

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Planned Maintenance

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Scenario PM000 - Planned Maintenance

Scenario PM000 - Planned Maintenance Chapter 10

All recommended planned maintenance tasks for the VolumeShare 4 / AW4.5 product are listed below.
The corresponding Job Cards and manuals which are necessary are indicated.

1 Job Cards list

Task Title Job Card Interval


• Clean Monitors, Keyboard and mouse. Job Card PM001 - Cleaning/checking 12

• Check the external cables Monitors, Keyboard, mouse and cables.

• Backup the Site Parameters Job Card PM002 - Site Parameters Back-Up 12
• Check that your workstation is properly and GIB ckecks
declared into GIB.

• Check the DICOM Printer(s). Job Card PM003 - DICOM Printer Check. 12

• Remove Core and Log Files from Job Card PM004 - Filesystems checks - 12
Workstation Disk. Applications compatibility checks - Software (or remotely
• Check the compatibility of the Applications Download checks as often as
installed. possible)
• Check for Software Downloaded files ,
candidate for installation.

• Proceed with System battery replacement Job Card PM005 - System battery 36 to 48

• Check the correct adjustment of the Job Card PM006 - Monitors adjustment and 12
monitor(s) calibration Page no. 339 Chapter 10

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Scenario PM000 - Planned Maintenance

2 Preventive actions checklist

When done with performing the steps described in the PM Job Cards, print out and fill up the following
checklist, and place it the Site’s maintenance logbook.
You may directly fill up one of the checklists attached and leave it in the Service Manual.

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Scenario PM000 - Planned Maintenance

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Job Card PM001 - Cleaning/checking Monitors, Keyboard, mouse and cables

Job Card PM001 - Cleaning/checking Monitors, Keyboard, mouse and

cables Chapter 10

1 Applicability
It is important that monitors used for viewing images are kept clean and free of fingerprints, dust, etc.
These instructions are applicable to LCD monitors only.

2 Supplies
• See procedure below.

3 Tools
• None.

4 Safety Precautions

Shutdown the workstation and its peripherals before cleaning.

5 Prerequisites
• None

6 Procedure
6-1 Monitors Cleaning
Use a microfiber cloth to clean the monitor screen and housing. If necessary, moisten the cloth with
either clean water or ethyl alcohol (up to 96%). Do not allow any drops of cleaning liquid to remain on the
surface; extended contact may cause discoloration of the surface.


Do not use isopropyl ("rubbing") alcohol.

Do not use cleaning agents which attack the surface, such as petroleum (mineral) spirits.
The front panel is extremely sensitive to mechanical damage. Avoid scratches, knocks,
Do not apply the cleaning liquid directly to the monitor housing or screen.
Do not allow the cleaning liquid to enter the monitor housing; be sure to dampen the cloth
Do NOT use:
- Alcohol/solvents at higher concentration > 5%
- Strong alkalis lye, strong solvents
- Acid
- Detergents with fluoride
- Detergents with ammonia
- Detergents with abrasives Page no. 343 Chapter 10

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Job Card PM001 - Cleaning/checking Monitors, Keyboard, mouse and cables

- Steel wool
- Sponge with abrasives
- Steel blades
- Cloth with steel thread

6-2 Keyboard and mouse cleaning

Clean the mouse and the keyboard, using appropriate cleaning solution, or isopropyl ("rubbing") alcohol.

6-3 Workstation cleaning procedure

Clean the inside of the computer box. Use an appropriate DATA VACUUM CLEANER such as
Open the CPU box by referring to chapter 4 Disassembly/Reassembly Procedures, Job Card
DR001. Pay special note to the Electrostatic Discharge precautions when working inside the CPU
Carefully vacuum out the system, carefully attending to heavy accumulation spots such as the
Processor area.

The use of compressed air is not recommended. Blowing dust out with a stream of air is not
recommended because of the ESD (Electro–Static Discharge) hazards to components, and the
dust hazard to the personnel in the area near the cleaning activity.

6-4 Cables visual checks

Verify the integrity of the power cable and any external cable connections to the peripheral devices,
including the network connections.

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Job Card PM002 - Site Parameters Back-Up and GIB ckecks

Job Card PM002 - Site Parameters Back-Up and GIB ckecks Chapter 10

1 Supplies
• One blank CD-ROM or one erased rewritable CD-ROM for Site Parameters Back-up.

2 Tools
• None.

3 Safety Precautions
• None.

4 Prerequisites
• None.

5 procedure
5-1 Site Parameters Back-up on a CD-ROM
1. Login as sdc:
<hostname> console login: sdc <ENTER>
Password: adw4.5 <ENTER>
2. Wait for the BROWSER window to pop up.
3. Click Admin. button: Items Display Configuration and Save Configuration are used as follows:

Display Configuration allows you to display on screen all the installed Options protection keys and
the Hosts files.
Save Configuration allows you to save on a blank CD-ROM all the installed Options protection keys
and the Hosts files to simplify a future reinstallation.
Select Save Configuration at this time.
The Save Configuration on CD-ROM window pops up. Page no. 345 Chapter 10

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Job Card PM002 - Site Parameters Back-Up and GIB ckecks

Please enter the administrator’s password: administ <ENTER>

Users to backup: sdc user1 user2 user3 usern<ENTER>
backup of sdc...
backup of user1...
backup of usern...
Saving of internal database flags...
*** info: internal flags have been saved
Please insert a blank CD in the cd writer, and press ENTER <ENTER>
Creating CD-ROM iso image...
Writing the cd...
Checking the CD-ROM content...
backup finished. Press ENTER <ENTER>
4. Label the CD-ROM: Site parameters + hostname + date.

5-2 Site Parameters Restore from a CD-ROM

To restore the parameters from the Configuration CDrom, proceed as follows:
1. Click the Admin. button, then select AW Administration.
2. Enter the Administrator’s password.
3. From the Main Menu, type 1 <ENTER> to enter the User Management submenu:
display the list of users.............................. 11
add a user................................................. 12
remove a user........................................... 13
rename a user........................................... 14
set a user password.................................. 15
restore users from a config CD-ROM........ 16
Enter your choice or <Enter> to display the current menu [?,q] 16 <ENTER>
Please insert the backup CD-ROM and press ENTER <ENTER>
-- List of users on CD-ROM
Please enter the name of the user to restore (or ’no user’ to finish): user1 <ENTER>
restoring password for user user1 ...
restoring user user1 ...

5-3 GIB declaration checks

• Check that your system is properly declared into GIB, especially if you have already previously
replaced the CPU box by a FRU workstation.

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Job Card PM003 - DICOM Printer Check

Job Card PM003 - DICOM Printer Check Chapter 10

1 Supplies
• None

2 Tools
• None

3 Safety Precautions
• None

4 Prerequisites
• None

5 procedure
• Login as sdc
<hostname> console login: sdc <ENTER>
Password: adw4.5 <ENTER>
Wait for the BROWSER window to pop up.

5-1 DICOM Printer adjustments and checks

• Install the SMPTE pattern (together with the Test_pattern pattern):
- From the Admin. menu select Install SMPTE. This takes a few seconds to appear in the Browser
Illustration 1 Admin menu

• Select the Test_pattern pattern from the Browser menu.

- Open the VIEWER by clicking the Viewer button of the Browser.
- Put the Printing Pattern image in the Viewer using Drag and Drop.
- Click the PRINT button and select Print Manager.
- In the Print Manger window, select the right DICOM printer and click Edit Properties.
- In the Properties window, select blue film, processor and portrait. Then Save and Quit. Page no. 347 Chapter 10

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Job Card PM003 - DICOM Printer Check

- Select the printing test pattern by clicking in the image and then click the PRINT button and select
Print image.
- The image is sent to the printer. You can now check the Image Quality.


Make sure that the Test Pattern is displayed with WW =1500 and WL = 2000 for image
quality tests.
• Image Quality on film tests
- Verify the white diagonal lines continuity. Check that they are not showing any steps. [1]
Illustration 2 Test pattern

1 12

2 13

3 14
[7] 5
16 [7]
[1] 6
8 19

[2] 9
10 21




- In the 2 white squares, make sure that the vertical and horizontal lines are well separate for good
resolution. [2]
- In the big white square, check that the arc is not duplicated (must be unique). [3]
- The small black square (within the bigger light grey) must not be surrounded by a white line. [4]
- The small white square (within the bigger light grey) must not be surrounded by a black line. [6]

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Job Card PM004 - Filesystems checks - Applications compatibility checks - Software Download checks.

Job Card PM004 - Filesystems checks - Applications compatibility checks -

Software Download checks. Chapter 10

These instructions are applicable both for the XW8600 and XW8400 workstations.

1 Filesystems checks
1-1 Objective
• To ensure optimal working conditions of the computer.

1-2 Tools required

• none

1-3 Procedure
• Open a Command Window and switch User to root:
root <Enter>
password : operator <Enter>

1-3-1 Check for disk usage and available disk space for the FileSystem partitions.
For more information, refer to Chapter 4, TSG003 for details
• Check for Disk usage
df –k <Enter>
Verify that / and /export/home filesystems ARE NOT, in any case, close to 100% maximum disk
usage, in order to allow System to write data in these partitions.

1-3-2 Check for any unwanted ”core” file, which could take unnecessary disk space.
• find unnecessary CORE files
find / –name core –type f –print <Enter>
• If any core files found, remove them
rm <directory_name>/core <Enter>



1-3-3 Check for big ”logfiles” file, which could take unnecessary disk space.
• Check and delete older LOGFILES which can take disk space
cd /export/home/sdc/logfiles <Enter>
ls <Enter>
If you see files like the following:
browserlog.FriAug915:15:08.Z Page no. 349 Chapter 10

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Job Card PM004 - Filesystems checks - Applications compatibility checks - Software Download checks.

You can DELETE ALL *.Z FILES by the following command:

\rm *.Z <Enter>
Using "\" before the command ”rm” allows you not to have to reply to confirmation questions, but
should be used with caution, making sure to be in the appropriate directory.
The system periodically cleanups the older compressed logfiles automatically.

1-3-4 HP Insight Diagnostics utility

• Run the HP Insight Diagnostics utility, from the dedicated HP Insight Diags Cdrom (XW8600 +
XW8400), in order to monitor system performances. For more information, refer to Chapter 4, Job
Card TSG005 of this manual
Run the diagnostics program during lunchtime, for example, to save time. The tests must pass
without errors.

1-3-5 Shutdown the workstation

Shutdown of the Advantage Workstation cleans up the ” /tmp ” directory automatically.
Warn the Customer to do this regularly, to keep good performances, and in any case before a
scheduled Main power shutdown.

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Job Card PM004 - Filesystems checks - Applications compatibility checks - Software Download checks.

2 Applications compatibility checks

2-1 Objective
• To ensure optimal working conditions of the Applications.

2-2 Tools required

• One USB key (or USB hard disk)

2-3 Procedure
Check the compatibility of the Applications installed on your workstation as often as possible.
Use the Applications Compatibility tool, which is designed to compare the release of the Applications
installed with a compatibility matrix that you can download and install on your workstation.
• Start the Common Service Desktop: Click Admin/service Tools
• Click to select the Utilities

• Click on ASTP to select the Advanced Service Tools.

• Click on AppsChecker to select the Applications Compatibility checker.
You will be prompted to enter the "root" password. Default "root" password is operator. Page no. 351 Chapter 10

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Job Card PM004 - Filesystems checks - Applications compatibility checks - Software Download checks.

Then the following Menu chooser window pops up, so that you can select either to:
• Upload (1) a new Compatibility matrix (for instance the Compatibility matrix shall be less than 3
months old to be considered as valid.
• Or view/check (2) the compatibility of the Applications installed versus the current loaded
Compatibility matrix.


• Click on Upload compatibility matrix (1). The following menu window opens:

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Job Card PM004 - Filesystems checks - Applications compatibility checks - Software Download checks.

• Select from which media (USB key or Hard disk) you will upload the new Compatibility matrix and
follow the instructions from the screen.
i.e: You have stored the Compatibility matrix is on the LICENSES USB key. Proceed as follows:
• Insert your USB key containing the Applications Compatibility matrix "appcompat.xml" file, allow
a few seconds so the USB key is automounted and Select USB.
You will be prompted to select the USB device (if other USB devices are connected), the file you
want to load (click Select File), then click on Browse to select the file.
• The appcompat.xml file is under Filesystem/Media/LICENSES (volume name of the USB key).
Select it and click on Open. Finally, click on OK to load the file. The "Compatibility matrix
successfully loaded" message will pop-up
The Applications Compatibility matrix is regularly updated and posted to the AW-IB Web site
You can download regularly the matrix to your PC, then to your USB key, and transfer it to the AW
workstation, in order to ensure that the Applications running on your site are up to date.
Additionnaly, this can be done remotely by ftp’ing through ISD the matrix to the AW workstation
and select "load from hard disk" .
• When your new Applications Compatibility matrix is loaded, you can check the compatibility of the
Applications installed on your AW.
Return to the main menu, then click on the View compat results (2) button.
• The following menu window pops up: Page no. 353 Chapter 10

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Job Card PM004 - Filesystems checks - Applications compatibility checks - Software Download checks.


If the compatibility matrix currently loaded on your AW workstation is older than 3 months,
the Compatibility checker tool will not display any results.
1. Green color display
• Appropriate version: Your application version is up to date.
• New version exists: Your application is valid, but a more recent version exists. It can be available
either through an on-request FMI or as a spare part.
2. White color display
• Unknown version: The Application is most probably an evaluation version so it is unregistered.
unless your site is currently under Clinical evaluation, please contact your OLC to find out what
registered version shall be installed instead.
In case of a doubt, please contact your OLC.
• Unknown AW platform version: The AW platform release may be new.
3. Orange color display
• Unsupported version: This version is no longer supported and shall be replaced as soon as
possible. It can be available either through an a mandatory FMI or as a spare part.
In case of a doubt, please contact your OLC.
4. Red color display
• Up-gradation mandatory: This version must be replaced without delay. It may probably be
impacted by a serious issue. It can be available either through a mandatory and/or safety FMI or
as a spare part.
In case of a doubt, please contact your OLC.

The USB key is automatically mounted when reading, then unmounted when read is complete.
So you can extract the USB key with no risk when the matrix is uploaded.

3 Software Download checks

Also called the "GE Remote Update", the SWD (Software Download) feature is setup automatically on
your workstation, and will be operational as soon as your workstation has been checkout’ed for InSite,
unless you have been asked by your customer to deselect it.

Regularly check if there are some downloaded files, candidate for installation.
To do this, please refer to Chapter 1, Job card IST004, section 6

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Job Card PM005 - System battery replacement

Job Card PM005 - System battery replacement Chapter 10

1 Applicability
These instructions are applicable both for the XW8600 and XW8400 workstations.
This replacement shall be done preventively every 3 to 4 years.

2 Procedure
2-1 Objective
• To ensure optimal working conditions of the computer.

2-2 Tools required

• none

2-3 Procedure
The System board integrated battery has a limited life of about 3 to 4 years.
When the battery fails, the workstation repeatedly looses all its configuration settings.
Replace the battery with a CR2032 coin type manganese/lithium battery available from most
workstation stores or photo shops.

2-3-1 XW8600
To replace the battery, refer to XW8600 Service Manual , 5308736–100 at chapter 4. page 97.
When this is done, you must enter the BIOS and run the Setup program to check BIOS configuration
of the workstation.

2-3-2 XW8400
To replace the battery, refer to XW8400 Service Manual , 5180567–100 at chapter 4. page 76.
When this is done, you must enter the BIOS and run the Setup program to check BIOS configuration
of the workstation. Page no. 355 Chapter 10

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Job Card PM005 - System battery replacement

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Job Card PM006 - Color Landscape Monitor(s) Adjustment Check

Job Card PM006 - Color Landscape Monitor(s) Adjustment CheckChapter 10

1 Applicability
These instructions are applicable to check the correct adjustment of the AW LCD monitors.
There is no calibration required for the NEC LCD color monitors.

2 Viewing Conditions Check and Setting

2-1 Objective
• To ensure optimal viewing conditions.

2-2 Tools required

• none

2-3 Procedure
• Display the SMPTE pattern from the User Interface Browser.
If the SPMTE pattern is not directly available from the Patient’s list, you may install from the Admin/
Install SMPTE buttons.

• Check the monitor(s) alignment. See ”Console Monitor Adjustment Procedure” (Service tools
installing SMPTE pattern) using the SMPTE pattern. See Chapter 3, 2-7-2 Color Landscape
Monitor(s) Adjustment Procedure for details on monitor alignment. Page no. 357 Chapter 10

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Job Card PM006 - Color Landscape Monitor(s) Adjustment Check

• Adjust Brightness and Contrast levels so that the Grey scale is integrally displayed.

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Appendix 1 Glossary & Linux commands

1 Glossary
This glossary contains a non-exhaustive list of LINUX terms commonly used.

The list of directories starting with the root directory, specified as /, down through the file system tree
structure to the file or directory in question, with each directory along the way separated from the others
with an additional / character. The other types of pathnames are: simple and relative pathnames.
The means by which a user accesses the system and the system administrator assigns space for the
user’s files and directories. Usernames and passwords are specific to the accounts.
An alias is a user–specified abbreviation, or alternate string, for a standard command string.
Attach to the end.
Attach redirected output to the end of a file.
Any word (string of characters separated by spaces or tabs) occurring after the command in a command
Symbols used to indicate and execute addition (+), subtraction (– ), multiplication (*), and division.
The place where a command, or commands, are run while commands are still being typed in the
foreground, with background and foreground commands executing apparently simultaneously.
Any problem or error in the design or coding of a program.
Treating lower–case and upper–case characters as two kinds of characters with separate functions.
The directory directly below the current working directory in the file system tree structure.
In vi, the mode where files are written or quit the program. Type ”:” when in command mode to access
colon mode. Besides command mode and colon mode, vi has insert mode.
A string of characters typed to the system, expecting it to respond by performing a certain function
unique to that command line. The command is sometimes called the “verb” of the command line
Modifying a previous command line for reuse as a new command. Page no. 359

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A string of characters beginning with a command followed by arguments, which aren’t necessarily
required, including options, filenames, and other expressions.
In vi, the mode where moving and deleting commands are typed, as well as changing text commands
that access insert mode. vi starts out in command mode; the other modes are insert mode and colon
The string of characters that the system types indicating it is ready to accept and interpret the next
command line. Often, the command prompt includes the name of the system.
Repeating a previous command line, or portion of one, for reuse as a new command line.
Substituting a portion of a previous command line for reuse as a new command line.
Literally, to link together in series. For LINUX, to type a file on the screen.
When you log in at the actual machine, rather than accessing the machine from another machine, you
log in on the console.
Keys that require that you press and hold down the <CTRL> key while typing the associated character to
perform a certain function. For example, <CTRL> <U> deletes the current command line before
execution. Control keys extend the functionality of the keyboard.
See Greenwich Mean Time.
See working directory.
The rectangular portion of the screen that moves as you type on the keyboard, indicating your current
position on the screen.
To attempt to fix problems with programs.
A “container” for files and other directories that resides within the LINUX file system in a tree structure.
Directories and their associated files can be created (make), moved, copied and removed. Really,
directories are a special type of file.
Time when the computer is not working because of maintenance or an unknown problem.
The way that the system types back onto the screen the keys that you press.
See text editor.

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A directory that doesn’t contain any files or directories.
<CTRL> <D> the character used to indicate when you have finished typing in a file.
A character string that the system types to let you know that there is a problem with a command, or
perhaps with something else. Usually, the error message will give you some idea of how to correct the
Keys that require that you press and release the <ESC> key before typing the associated character.
Escape keys are a way of extending the functionality of the keyboard.
An expression is a string of characters that signifies a certain meaning to the system.
A “container” for text or binary data. Files can be created, moved, copied, listed, and removed, or
Text files are a good way to save memos, phone lists, programs, and other portions of text. Use a text
editor to create and modify text files.
The name assigned to a file. Do not use special characters in the filename, because the system may
misinterpret the filename as something else.
A portion of a filename appended to the end, often demarcated with a period character.
The way that the system maintains some security over the contents of your files.
In the case of LINUX, a tree–structured network of files and directories, through which you can move to
access the files and directories contained in it.
The structure of the file system, consisting of a tree of files and directories, with a root directory at the
“top” and directories acting as parent directories and child directories throughout.
The process of placing a series of words on a line until the end of that line, and so on. The formatter fills
text unless you type a command, such as the line break command .br, indicating that it do otherwise.
The place where commands are typed at the command prompt for the system to execute. Type an
ampersand character at the end of a command line to have the system execute that command line in the
background, while continuing to type commands at the command prompt for execution in the foreground.
See text formatter. Page no. 361

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The time at the Greenwich meridian, from which all the time zones on the earth are established.
Sometimes known as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
A copy of a text file that is on a piece of paper, not stored somewhere on the computer.
Files that don’t show up in a simple listing, because they have a period character as the first character in
their filename.
See file system hierarchy.
The way that the system keeps track of commands that have been typed previously so that they can be
reused with command repetition and command editing.
The directory you are in when you first log in to the system, which is also your personal root directory to
all the files and directories you create in your own area.
The name of a machine, or host.
To put spaces or tabs before a section of text, particularly at the beginning of a paragraph.
For vi, insert mode is the mode in which text is inserted or changed; you exit by typing <ESC>. The other
vi modes are: command mode and colon mode.
A program that requires commands to be typed after it has been started, rather than executing its
function in full after a single command line is entered.
To stop the execution of a command or program.
The way that the system keeps track of all the commands run in the foreground and background, as well
as all the commands that other users may run on the system.
A part of the workstation, similar to a typewriter, that permits characters to be input and displayed on the
To put characters up against the left margin, or side of the page.
A way to stop the flow of filling, so that a line of text ends at a specific point, with any further words
appearing on the next line.
A way to indicate a blank vertical spacing equivalent to one line, usually mentioned when formatting.

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Gaining access to the system, usually by typing a username and password, so that a work session on
the computer can be begun.
The string of characters that the system types to let you know that it is ready to interpret your username
when you decide to type it.
Ending access to the system, usually when the work session is ended, prevents an unauthorized user
from having access to your account, perhaps causing damage to one of your files, or accessing sensitive
In this case, the – character is marker for options, so that when you type a command with an option, the
system can figure out that you have typed an option, not another kind of command argument.
A portion of text that the system may type at log in. The system administrator sometimes creates this
message to let users know about downtime or other important system events.
See command mode, colon mode, or insert mode.
A small, rectangular part of the workstation, with three buttons and a wire running out of it, that permits
better control of the window system, when it is running.
The languages that people, as opposed to machines, speak, read, or write in societies and cultures of all
A collection of programs that monitors the use of the machine and supervises the other programs
executed by it. Currently, Redhat 7.3 is used for AW on Linux.
See arithmetic operator.
A portion of the command line sometimes compared with an adverb because it modifies the effect of the
command you type.
See redirecting output.
The standard time on the West coast of the United States, established primarily by the distance from
Greenwich, England.
The directory above “this” directory in the file system tree structure.
A character string that you type, usually just after your filename, to get access to the system. Keep your
password secret, and change it when you think someone discovers what it is. Page no. 363

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An identifier for the position of a file or directory within the tree structure of the file system. The three
types of pathnames are: simple, absolute, and relative.
A physical device that takes electrical signals, interprets them, and types them out onto paper.
A piece of paper, produced by a printer, that has the image of the characters from a file on it.
A series of instructions that the system executes when you type the program name and commands
associated with the program. A programmer writes the set of instructions and figures out how to get the
system to use them properly.
See type ahead.
Causing what the system types as the result of a command to go into a file, rather than onto the screen.
Basic output redirection requires use of the > or >> symbols.
A series of directory names separated by /’s that locates a file or directory with respect to the current, or
working directory. The other types of pathnames are: simple and absolute pathnames.
The “top” directory in the tree structure of the LINUX file system.
To erase, or delete, from the screen.
See write a file.
See terminal screen.
To look through the contents of a file, perhaps with grep, to find a certain character string.
A file or directory name, without mention of any associated directories, that one uses to access the file or
One of a set of characters that have a meaning to the system, other than their meaning as a simple
character. For instance, the exclamation mark ! has a special meaning for the history mechanism, and
you shouldn’t use it in a filename.
For vi, the line the system types at the bottom of the interactive screen to provide information about the
number of characters or lines in a file, or whether an instruction to write the file was successful.
A series of characters.

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The child directory of a parent directory, or any directory below that child directory.
To halt, perhaps temporarily, the execution of a program.
A person who manages the system, providing accounts, and hopefully solving any problems you have
with the computer.
See mouse tablet
A flat, rectangular part of the workstation that you look at to see what you type to the system and what it
types back.
Combinations of characters in strings, sometimes forming a comprehensible language of command
A program with which you can create files and modify them. For LINUX, the primary text editor is vi.
The way that many people describe the LINUX file system hierarchy, drawing an analogy between the
structure of a tree and the structure of the file system. As with a tree, the file system originates with a
root, a root directory, which “grows” child directories on its branches.
The way that the system lets you type new commands while it is still interpreting and executing the
current command.
See Greenwich Mean Time.
The operating system that runs on LINUX workstations. See operating system for more information.
The character string with which you identify yourself to the system, usually assigned by your system
Characters that have a special meaning to the system, because they specify all filename character
strings that have a certain attribute. For example, the wild card character asterisk, *, indicates a filename
string of arbitrary length.
A portion of the screen in which you can type commands or execute programs while running the window
A set of programs that allows you to divide up the screen into portions where you can type various
commands and run many programs at the same time. Page no. 365

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A character string, separated from other character strings by spaces or tab characters.
The current directory in which, among other activities, you can type commands and list files. When you
first log in, your working directory is your home directory.
The time that you access the computer to work or play, between when you log in and when you log out.
A system made up of a keyboard, a terminal screen, a mouse, and a mouse pad, which you can use for
profitable work or healthy recreation.
For “vi”, to save the changes you have made to a file, so that when you next access the file , the changes
will still be there.

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2 Linux commands
The following is a list of the commands available with this version of LINUX. The most basic
commands and those you will need to know to perform service work have been explained in
greater detail within this manual.


Many of these commands can seriously alter the contents of files. Do not attempt to use
these commands unless you are sure of the results.
Command Description
accton system accounting
adb general–purpose debugger
arp address resolution protocol
at execute a command or script at a specified time
atq display the queue of jobs to be run at specified times
atrm remove jobs spooled by at or batch
awk pattern scanning and processing language
basename display portions of pathnames and filenames
bc arbitrary–precision arithmetic language
biod starts servers asynchronous block I/O daemons
boot system startup procedures
bootsd boot SCSI disk
cat concatenate and display
chgrp change the group ownership of a file
chmod change the permissions mode of a file
chown change ownership of a file
chroot change root directory
cmp perform a byte–by–byte comparison of two files
colrm remove characters from specified columns within each line
comm display lines in common between two sorted lists
cp copy files
crontab install, edit, remove or list a user’s crontab file
csh a shell with a C–like syntax
cut remove selected fields from each line of a file
date display or set the date
dc desk calculator
dd convert and copy files with various data formats Page no. 367

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Command Description
df reports free disk space on file systems
diff display line–by–line differences between pairs of text files
dkinfo disk geometry information
dmesg collect system diagnostic messages to form error log
domainname set/display domain name
du display the number of disk blocks used per directory or file
dump copy directories onto a tape for offline storage
echo echo arguments to the standard output
ed basic line editor
egrep search a file for a string or regular expression
etherfind find packets on the ethernet
ex line editor
expr evaluate arguments as an expression
false provide true values
fastboot reboot system
file determine the type of a file by examining its contents
find find files by name, or by other characteristics
ftp file transfer protocol
fsck check and repair filesystem
fsirand install random inode generation numbers
getopt parse command options in shell scripts
getty set terminal mode
gettytab terminal configuration database
grep pattern searches
groups displays a user’s group membership
hostid print the numeric identifier of the current host
hostname set or print the name of current host system
id print the user name and ID, and group name and ID
ifconfig configure network interface parameters
ifdown bring network card down, without rebooting the system
ifup bring network card up, without rebooting the system
inetd internet server daemon
init process control initialization
install install files

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Command Description
installboot install bootblocks in a disk partition
ipcrm remove message queue, semaphore, shared memory ID
ipcs report interprocess communication facilities status
kill send signal to process, or terminate a process
lastlog login records
ln make hard or symbolic links to files
login log in to the system
logout terminate a login shell
lpr send job to printer
ls list the contents of a directory
magic file command’s magic numbers table
mach display the processor type of the current host
make maintain, update, and regenerate related programs & files
makedbm make a yellow pages dbm file
mkdir make a directory
mkfs make file system
mknod creates a new file name by the path name pointed to by path
more browse or page through a text file
mount mount file systems
mt magnetic tape control
mv move or rename files
ncheck convert i numbers to filename
nd network disk control
netstat display network status
networks network name database overview
nfsd starts the daemons that handle client filesystem requestchange
nice priority
passwd change password file information
ping checks to see if another machine is up and running
portmap DARPA port to rpc program number mapper
print env display environment variables currently set
protocols protocol name database
ps display the status of current processes
pstat print system facts Page no. 369

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Command Description
pwd display the pathname of the current working directory
quota display a user’s disk quota and usage
rc start up commands
rcp remote file copy
rdate set system date from a remote host
reboot restart system
restore file system restore
rlogin remote login
rm remove (unlink) files or directories
rmt remote magnetic tape protocol server
route manipulate routing table
rpc library routines for remote procedure calls
rcpinfo report rpc information
rsh remote shell
rwall write to all users over a network
sa reports on, cleans up, and maintains accounting files
savecore save OS core dump
sed stream editor
sh standard system shell
showmount show all remote mounts
shutdown close down the system
size display the size of an object file
sleep suspend execution for a specified interval
sort sort and collate lines
spray sends a one–way stream of packets to host
string a series of characters
strip remove symbols and relocation bits from an object file
stty set or alter the options for a terminal
su super–user, temporarily switch to a new user ID
sync update the super block; force changed blocks to the disk
tail display the last part of a file
tar create tape archives, and add or extract files
tee replicate the standard output
telnet interface to remote system using TELNET protocol

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Command Description
termcap terminal capability database
test return true or false according to a conditional expression
tftp trivial file transfer program
time time a command
touch update the access and modification times of a file
tr translate characters
true provide truth values
tset establish or restore terminal characteristics
tty display the name of the terminal
umount dismounts file systems
uniq remove or report adjacent duplicate lines
update periodically update the super block
uptime show how long the system has been up
vi visual display editor based on ex
w who is logged in, and what they are doing
wc display a count of lines, words and characters
which locate a command; display its pathname or alias
who who is logged in on the system
whoami display the current effective username
wtmp login records
xedit Graphically based editor, that can be used in place of VI, in most cases
ypbind binds client processes to a yp server
ypcat print values in a YP database
ypinit build and install yellow pages database
ypmatch print the value of one or more keys from a YP map Page no. 371

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Revision History

Revision History

Revision Date Reason for change

5307754-100 rev. A July 28, 2008 Initial draft release for ME

5307754-100 rev. B April 29, 2009 Update for pre-M3 document review.

5307754-100 rev. 1 July 23, 2009 Initial production release. Page no. 373

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Last Page no. 375

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