Strategy and Im-WPS Office

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Strategy and Implementation Summary

IrriGREATion (IGT) Corporation emphasizes focus on the alternative, yet efficient and cost effective
Ecodesign Irrigation System. Though we are relatively new corporation, we ensure to strengthened the
Agricultural Sector through Mechanization and meet the needs of our target market. Initially, IGT
Corporation will focus on the small farms and in the remote and previously inaccessible areas where
there is a large market for our products. There are other practices which focuses by our IGT Corporation.
These are:

1. Renewable Energy Sources

Since the IGT Corporation product is powered by Biomass Energy rather than an Electrical
Energy or other types of energy sources, it generate energy that produces lower greenhouse
gas emissions from fossil fuels.
2. Emphasize value
Value has many different meanings based on the consumers. We need to clearly established
the Product Value in order to convinced the consumer for alternative Irrigation System and
feels that she/he got benefits, different values and advantages over what the consumer
3. Business-to-consumer relationship
Bonds between consumer and producer are important, in order to understand and
appreciate each other. This may prevent the single transaction deals and might be able to
let other consumers know about the product.
4. Market Unique Product
The product was made to be a dual purpose Irrigation System. Not a usual irrigation system
that only waters your plants but an automated irrigation system with Rain sensor. And can
contribute in recycling and disposals of organic materials.
5. Design and Materials
Biomass Sprinkler Irrigation System (BIOSIS) will cause delivery problems if is fixed as a
whole Irrigation system. To address this problem, the corporation eases it manufacturing
and assembly to lessen the delivery cost and minimize the product cost.
6. Advertising on Social Media
Since, face-to-face interaction are limited because of the pandemic, the corporation will
reach the target market via advertising in social media using Electronic Flyers and Posters,
Model and Videos by publicly posting it on the company website and pages. The used of
email and cellphone/telephone numbers are included.
7. Customer Support (Service)
IGT Corporation provide assistance and insurance to the consumer and offer free installation
8. Cost leadership (Lowest-Cost Producer)
One of the objective of the company is to become the lowest-cost producer, yet efficient
and cost effective. If the corporation and other companies are able to utilize economies of
scale and produce products at a cost lower than its competitors, the company is then able to
establish a selling price that is unable to be replicated by other companies

We firmly believe this strategy will help us to attract the target market. These form of strategic goals
will ensure that the IGT Corporation remains focused on its goals and objectives, and make necessary
adjustments where need be.


6.2. Strategy Pyramid

Insert Pyramid

The strategy of IGT Corp. to sell products and consulting services includes communication strategy,
learning strategy and cost leadership strategy.

Our main strategy has been to sell BIOSIS through Social Media Platforms and Shopping stores on
shopping sites and applications, which may help to increased our sales at the same time get comments
and suggestions about the improvements of BIOSIS. And at our websites and Shopping stores, direct
contact to the consumer are available. And further follow-ups about the others may reach through
online or direct calls.

Another strategy is emphazising product value and relationship to the consumer. Via strategic
representation of our product value and other features, target market may convinced to try alternatives
specially if it is unique and has dual function. Also, through bonds that builds between consumer and
producer it may open new opportunities that the information and awareness about BIOSIS will spread
specially to the areas that has no electricity and access to the internet.

Therefore the tactics of marketing the BIOSIS is through social media approach, with direct contact or
calls for the follow-ups of order and fast communication for the queries of the consumer and lastly
giving discounts to the loyal consumer.

6.3. Value Proposition

Our value proposition is offering our target market an alternative, unique but has a dual purpose, yet
efficient and cost effective Ecodesign Irrigation System at reasonable prices which ensures peace of both
mind and body. Aside from these, IGT eases the manufacturing and assembly to lessen delivery cost.
Hence we intend to:

1. Market the benefit, not the product.

2. Ensure target market satisfaction.
3. Develop long relationships.
4. Ensure strong bond between allies.
5. Market the company.
This value proposition shall be communicated through advertisements, online selling, and referrals that
emphasize how the company is able to provide fulfillment to the customers.

6.4. Competitive Edge

Our Corporation provides assistance and insurance to the consumer and offer free installation of BIOSIS.
IGT Corporation edge promotes product which are efficient, cost effective. and uses up to 80% less
water than hose. We offer free installation of our product and provide coverage to fix and repair
damaged irrigation systems so that consumer can resume operations quickly with little downtime.

BIOSIS is a dual purpose product (an automated Sprinkler Irrigation and has rain sensor) which uses
biomass energy to water plants automatically and can sense the rain. Our Corporation other edges are

1. Ecodesign Product.
2. Offers product that no one else can offer.
3. Access to biomass materials/organic materials that are restricted from competitors.
4. Ability to manufacture products at the lowest cost.

6.5. Marketing Strategy

IGT Corporation marketing strategy is just simple, which is the satisfaction of our consumers. That is the
Corporation's best marketing tool.  When a consumer is satisfied with the Corporation's quality product
and services, the name and service will stand on its own. The core elements of our marketing strategy
will be:

1. Emphasize Value, Costumer Support (Services).

2. Business-to-consumer relationship.
3. Marketing Unique Product.
4. Ensure strong bond between allies.
5. Eases Manufacturing and Assembly
6. Advertising on Social Media and Online Selling
7. Cost Leadership Strategy

The strategy focuses on online selling and web-based marketing to reach the target market. Also,
building strong bonds and relationship to consumers and allies may lead to strong foundation of the
company, trust, loyalty and referral of BIOSIS to other consumers.

6.5.1. Pricing Strategy

The IGT Corporation will maintain it Costs Leadership Pricing Strategy, where lowest-cost product
among other competitors will be achieved. We intend to give reasonable price yet, ensures peace of
both mind and body. We ensure that the salaries we pay to assure good workmanship is balanced by the
price we charge. And make sure that we charge for the product, workmanship and delivery with our aim
being to achieve a gross profit margin of at least 30% in our initial years of operation. All in all we intend
our prices to be extremely competitive on the market.

6.5.2. Promotion Strategy

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