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Research Method

The research method used in the study is qualitative research. Qualitative research is a

form of social scientific studies that gathers and operates with non-numeric information and

attempts to interpret significance from this information to assist us comprehend social life by

studying specific populations or locations (Crossman, A. 2019). Qualitative research is intended

to disclose the significance typically measured by quantitative research that informs the action or

results. Qualitative researchers are therefore investigating meanings, interpretations, symbols,

and social life processes and relationships. What this sort of study generates is descriptive

information which must then be interpreted by the researchers using strict and systematic

techniques of transcribing, coding and analyzing trends and topics. Its focus is on daily life and

the experiences of individuals, qualitative research is well suited to generating fresh theories

using the inductive method, which can then be tested with further study. (Crossman, A. 2019).

Understanding is the result of research and is due to an iterative process in which data, concepts

and evidence are connected with one another (Becker 2017).

The researchers current research is about the experiences and life style of Senior High

School Students of San Beda University with Obesity. To be able to gather data the researchers

need to have a conversation with the respondents. As stated in the first paragraph, qualitative

research is designed to reveal the meaning that informs the action or outcomes. The researchers

therefore need to know what happened that leads for the respondent to the said phenomenon.

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