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Academia de Mizica, Teatru si Arte Plastice

Catedra Limbi Moderne

Numele,prenumele:Mamaliga Mihaela Specialitatea:Actorie

1. Read about this very strange hotel, translate the text in written form, and then
answer the True/False questions.
What would your life be like if you were Albert Einstein. What clothes would be
in your wardrobe if you were Marilyn Monroe? Or Madonna?
Well now you can discover the answer to all these questions and many more at
the Fame Hotel in California. Ten miles outside Los Angeles, the Fame Hotel promises to
answer the question "What if?". When you check into the hotel, you choose a room.
Each room has a name. There's Clint Eastwood on the second floor and Elvis Presley on
the third floor. In total, the Fame Hotel has 32 rooms, most of which are named after
stars of Hollywood or music. But there are also famous writers (Mark Twain and Agatha
Christie) and even some scientists and sports stars, such as Mike Tyson.
When you enter the room, you enter the life of that person. There are pictures
everywhere. The owner of the hotel has tried to fill the room with objects, clothes, even
food that he thinks the stars would have liked. Marilyn Monroe's wardrobe is full of
beautiful white dresses, Albert Einstein doesn't have any socks in his wardrobe because
the real Einstein never wore them! If you choose Mike Tyson's room, you'll be able to
practice boxing in one corner of the room. And there's even a skipping rope too!
I spoke to one guest staying in the Elvis Presley room. "I love this hotel," he said
to me. "I wanted to know 'What would Elvis Presley eat for breakfast?' and now I know".
That guest eats pancakes and strawberry ice cream every morning, just as Elvis liked to
do. On the next table, the Einstein room's guest is eating cabbage soup!
The company plans to open another Fame Hotel in New York next year and there
are plans to expand into Europe too. I look forward to staying in the Winston Churchill
suite in London!

1. You can meet famous people in the hotel. T/F

2. Some famous people have stayed at the hotel. T/F

3. The Fame Hotel is near Hollywood. T/F

4. Guests are able to choose which room they stay in. T/F

5. Each room has a celebrity's signature on the door. T/F

6. The hotel's owner has tried to make the wardrobe authentic. T/F

7. Each guest eats something different in the hotel restaurant. T/F

8. There is also a Fame Hotel in London. T/F

Cum ar fi fost viața ta,dacă erai Albert Einstein.Ce haine ar fi fost în garderoba ta dacă erai
Marilyn Monroe.Sau Madonna?
Acum poți afla răspunsul la toate aceste întrebări și multe altele la hotelul Fame din
California.Zece mile distanță de Los Angeles,hotelul Fame promite să răspundă la întrebarea “Ce
ar fi dacă? “.Când te înregistrezi la hotel,alegi o camera.Fiecare camera are un nume.Acolo este
Clint Eastwood la al doilea etaj și Elvis Presley la al treilea etaj.În total,hotelul Fame are 32 de
camera,majoritatea cărora sunt numite după vedetele Hollywood-ului sau muzicii.Dar acolo sunt
de asemenea și scriitori celebri(Mark Twain și Agatha Christie) și chiar câțiva oameni de știință
și vedete ale sportului,cum ar fi Mike Tyson.
Când intri în cameră,tu intri in viața acelei persoane.Acolo sunt poze peste tot.Proprietarul
hotelului a încercat să umple camera cu obiecte,haine,chiar și mâncare,ce după părerea lui,le-ar fi
plăcut vedetelor.Garderoba Marilynei Monroe e plină cu rochii albe frumoase,Albert Einstein nu
are deloc șosete în garderoba sa,pentru că,adevăratul Einstein nu le purta niciodată!Dacă tu alegi
camera lui Mike Tyson,vei avea posibilitatea să boxezi într-un colț al camerei.Și acolo este chiar
și o coardă!
Am vorbit cu unul dintre invitații care stătea în camera lui Elvis Presley.”Îmi place foarte mult
acest hotel”,mi-a zis el.”Am vrut să știu ‘Ce ar fi mâncat Elvis Presley la micul dejun?’și acum
știu”.Acel oaspete mănâncă în fiecare dimineață clătite și înghețată de căpșune,la fel cum îi
plăcea lui Elvis să facă.La următoarea masă,oaspetele din camera lui Einstein manâncă supă de
Compania planifică să deschidă un alt hotel Fame în New York,anul viitor,are de asemenea în
plan să se extindă și în Europa.De abia aștept să stau în suita lui Winston Churchill din Londra!

2. Open the brackets and use one of the following tenses: Present Simple, Present
Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.
1. Where is he now? — He is in the garden. He is playing basketball with his friends. They have
been playing since breakfast time.
2. I live in St Petersburg. I have lived in St Petersburg since 1990.
3. This is the factory where my father works. He has been working here for fifteen years.
4. Have you found your notebook? — No! I’m still looking for it. I have been looking for it for
two hours already, but I have not found it yet.
5. You have been playing with a ball for three hours already. Go home and do your homework.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using Passive Voice.
1. I am sure I will be asked at the lesson tomorrow.
2. They told me that the new student was highly spoken of.
3. The hostess said that one more guest was being expected.
4. The newspaper said that an interesting exhibition will be opened at the Hermitage the next
5. This new dictionary is being sold everywhere now.
6. All the texts were looked through yesterday and not a single mistake was found.
7. Two reports on Hemingway’s stories were made in our group last month. Both of them were
very informative.
8. He said that Grandmother’s letter had been received the day before.
9. Two new engineers have been just introduced to the head of the department.
10. Don’t worry, everything will be all right: the children will be taken to the theatre by the
teacher and they will be brought back to school in the evening.

4. Open the brackets using the necessary tenses (Sequence of Tenses)

1. I suppose they will send a dog after the burglar immediately.
2. He said he would leave tomorrow morning.
3. He said he would leave tomorrow morning.
4. She says she has already found the book.
5. He stopped and listened: the clock was striking five.
6. She said she could not tell me the right time, her watch was wrong.
7. I asked my neighbour if he had ever traveled by air before.
8. The policeman asked George where he was running so early.

5. Open the brackets making necessary changes (Reported speech)

1. Masha said, “I usually spend my holidays in the south.”
2. She said, “I spent my holidays in the Crimea last year.”
3. Boris said, “I go to the south every year.”
4. Не said, “I am going to a ski resort tomorrow.”
5. Ann said to us, “They haven’t come yet.”
6. She said to us, “They arrived in St Petersburg yesterday.”
7. I said, “I have been in London for a fortnight’s holiday. My friends in London sometimes
invite me to spend my leisure time with them.”
8. Nick said, “I have never been to London. I think I shall go there next year.”
9. He said, “I shall not stay with my friends too long.”
10. He said to me, “They are staying at the Grand Hotel Europe.”

1. Masha said that she usually spent her holidays in the south.
2. She said that she had spent her holidays in the Crimea the year before.
3. Boris said that he went to the south every year.
4. He said he was going to a rest-home the following day.
5. Ann told us that they hadn't come yet.
6. She told us that they had arrived in St. Petersburg the day before.
7. I said I had been in London the year before. I said that my friends in London sometimes
invited me to spend my holidays with them.
8. Nick said he had never been to London. Nick said that he thought he would go there the
following year.
9. He said he wouldn't stay with his friends too long.
10. He told me they were staying at the 'Europe' hotel.

6. Open the brackets using Present Simple or Future Simple. (If and time clauses)
1. If the weather is nice, we probably will go to the beach.
2. If he still has a cold and does not feel better, he will not to go to a disco.
3. If you decide to forget about your diet, you will eat wedding cake tomorrow.
4. If I drink too much champagne at my friend's wedding, I will get a bad headache.
5. If they go to California next year, they will visit his friend in San Francisco.
6. If she does not work properly, her boss will fire her and hire my sister.
7.Can I see you before you will start?
8. What will he do when he comes home?
9. Where will they go if the weather is fine?
10. He will ring me up when he returns home.

7. Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits into the space next to it!

In today’s hectic world people are always searching for more ways of keeping fit and
healthy________ (HEALTH). Running is an excellent exercise for achieving this goal. Before you
start, however, you should warm up and oncentrate on slow movements____________
(MOVE) that make all your muscles work. But be careful! If you stretch when your muscles are
cold , you might actually risk an injury_____________ (INJURE). Always wear
comfortable__________ (COMFORT) clothing and make sure your trainers______________
(TRAIN) are in good. shape. Wear good shoes that will put less pressure_______________
(PRESS) on your knees. Staying healthy also requires enough sleep. It’s occasionally__________
(OCCASION) OK to go to bed late, but if you cut own on your sleep _regularly__________
(REGULAR) it will have a bad effect on your overall health. It will also affect your
_appearance_____________ (APPEAR). Lack of sleep can cause acne or dry skin. Stay active
during the day. If you don’t get enough exercise during the day, you may end
_sleepless____________ (SLEEP) all night. Standing, sitting and walking badly can make you
look _heavier___________ (HEAVY) than you really are. Stand in front of the mirror with your
feet apart. _Straighten__________ (STRAIGHT) out your legs and pull in your stomach. Check
that your ears, shoulders, hips and knees are in line with each other. You should be feeling and
looking better already! Most of us live in cities with a high ____pollution________ (POLLUTE)
level. If we got more fresh air we would look healthier and more ___attractive________
(ATTRACT) . A quick walk is one of the best things you can do for your
__circulation___________ (CIRCULATE) and looks. Walking slowly is ____useful__________
(USE) but a quick pace gets more oxygen into your lungs. So don’t just go for a pleasant walk,
try and find a green area and get ____moving___________ (MOVE).Many young people feel
____guilty_______ (GUILT) about eating too much chocolates and sweets, and some even
admit an _______addiction__________ (ADDICT) to it. However, there is no
______proof_________ (PROVE) to support this. But chocolate does contain a lot of fat, and
addicts would do better to at less. If your diet is balanced you need not feel guilty: eating
chocolate________moderately_______ (MODERATE) is fine but don’t eat it instead of a proper

8. Conversation. Speak on:

1) My specialty.
2) Cultural life in Moldova (concerts, competitions, exhibitions, festivals, performances)
3) Young people and their problems.
4) Mass media and its role in society.
5) A remarkable personality in Moldova.

Art is a diverse range of human activities involving the creation of visual, auditory or performing
artworks, which express the creator's imagination, conceptual ideas, or technical skill, intended
to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. Currently, I’m studying at the
“Academia de Muzica, Teatru si Arte Plastice” from Chisinau and I hope that in four years I will
be an actress who developed and will develop to reach her goals. In my opinion, acting is not
about being emotional,but being able to fully express emotions that may change some lives.
Firstly,I would like to write about the culture of the Republic of Moldova which represents a
large gamut of cultural activities such as literature, theatre, music, fine arts, architecture,
cinematography and so on.The Republic of Moldova has a total of 22 theatrical performance
institutions.Also,there are a lot of great festivals,one of them is “Martisor Music Festival” .This
music festival starts in Moldova along with spring season.This festival has been a part of this
country for over half a century now.Be it classical music, folklore, modern dance or the
traditional ones, almost all sorts of dance and music forms can be experienced here during this
Secondly,I’d like to mention about what young people are struggling with nowadays.To my
mind,one of the most common problem for us is the lack of understanding from our parents in
the first place and from the society in the second.For example,when I have told my family
about what I wanted to do after I finish school they were not as happy as I was,that is why for
me it was very hard to decide whether I should or not follow my dreams.

Thirdly,we already know that mass media plays a very important role in organizing public
opinion. Millions of people watch TV and read newspapers in their free time or just search for
something on the internet.Mass media can be used for various purposes: advocacy, both for
business and social concerns. This can include advertising, marketing, propaganda, public
relations, and political communication. Entertainment, traditionally through performances of
acting, music, and sports, along with light reading. The Internet has recently become another
important source of information. Its main advantage is that news appears on the screen as soon
as things happen in real life and you don't have to wait for news time on TV. We spend a lot of
time on mass media,that is why it has a major impact on us,we think and do what we see there.

Finally, I want to highlight a remarkable personality from Moldova.Svetlana Toma is a Moldovan

actress.She debuted at the Moldova-Film studio in 1966. She worked in Moldova and
Russia.She is a good example for the young people who want to persevere in acting.

In conclusion, I can say that even if we live in a country such as Moldova,wich is considered to
not give you opportunities or choices,you need to do what you think is right and appreciate art.

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