ITER CAD Manual Section 4.5 - Plant Design Processes: ITER - D - 33PE8P v. 1.1

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ITER_D_33PE8P v. 1.


Section 4.5 - Plant Design Processes


This document describes the Plant Design Processes in the IO DO.

External Number: Date: 08/01/2010

Name Affiliation
Author J. Mann & W. Werner C.I.E. Design Office
Reviewers G. Dalle Carbonare C.I.E. Design Office
H. Heidl C.I.E. Design Office
Approver E. Martin C.I.E. Design Office
IDM No : ITER_D_33PE8P v. 1.1

Major Changes

Version Date Location What

1.1 8-1-2010 SITE_MASTER_ISKE was

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Table of Contents

4.5 Plant Design Methodologies .................................................................................... 6

4.5.1 Global ENOVIA structure.................................................................................. 6 Coordinate systems and positioning............................................................... 7 Site layout PRC .............................................................................................. 7 Building or Area PRC outside TOKAMAK_COMPLEX ............................. 9 System PRC.................................................................................................. 11 Detailed ENOVIA structure ......................................................................... 11 Naming convention for SE assemblies & WP ............................................. 13 Structure Exposed assemblies ................................................................ 13 Work Packages ....................................................................................... 13 Interface management inside a PRC ............................................................ 14 Interface management between PRC ........................................................... 15
4.5.2 Plant design overview ...................................................................................... 17 Classification of plant design ....................................................................... 17 Plant design process ..................................................................................... 19 Component Identification Scheme ............................................................... 21 2D-3D checker ............................................................................................. 23 Common basic rules for plant systems......................................................... 24
4.5.3 Plant design detailed definition ........................................................................ 27 Plant systems inside cryostat........................................................................ 27 Interface between plant systems inside and outside cryostat ....................... 27 Concrete buildings........................................................................................ 27 Skeleton approach .................................................................................. 27 Granularity ............................................................................................. 27 Steel structure buildings ............................................................................... 27 Secondary steel structure.............................................................................. 27 Space reservation/allocation......................................................................... 27 Plant equipment............................................................................................ 27 Use of catalogues in DO......................................................................... 27 Standard Catalogue part ......................................................................... 27 Parametric Catalogue part ...................................................................... 27 Maintenance of catalogues by DO ......................................................... 27 Routing for plant systems............................................................................. 27 Philosophy of routing ............................................................................. 27 Piping runs.............................................................................................. 27 HVAC runs............................................................................................. 27 Electrical (wave guides, cable trays, bus bars)....................................... 27 Trenches ....................................................................................................... 27 Bridges ..................................................................................................... 27 Openings, penetration, supports, plates.................................................... 27 Maintenance volume ................................................................................ 27 Maintenance volume for catalogue part ............................................... 27 Maintenance volume for equipment removal....................................... 27

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List of Figures
Figure 4.5-1 SOP, South and West plane in the SITE_LAYOUT_PRC ______________ 8
Figure 4.5-2 AXIS_SOP in the SITE_LAYOUT_PRC ___________________________ 8
Figure 4.5-3 Reference part ________________________________________________ 9
Figure 4.5-4 Instance of the SITE_MASTER_ISKE ____________________________ 10
Figure 4.5-5 Plant system reference part _____________________________________ 11
Figure 4.5-6 Example of structure __________________________________________ 12
Figure 4.5-7 Example of Segmentation at Level B2 ____________________________ 13
Figure 4.5-8 Floor interface – Elevation _____________________________________ 14
Figure 4.5-9 Floor interface – Plan__________________________________________ 15
Figure 4.5-10 Building interface ____________________________________________ 15
Figure 4.5-11 Interface skeleton work package _________________________________ 16
Figure 4.5-12 Typed interface part ___________________________________________ 16
Figure 4.5-13 Example of plant design showing the systems inside a building
level _______________________________________________________ 17
Figure 4.5-14 Disciplines and CATIA modules_________________________________ 19
Figure 4.5-15 Overall plant design process ____________________________________ 20
Figure 4.5-16 Mapping of design phases and level of detail in the design ____________ 21
Figure 4.5-17 Functional reference to identify components _______________________ 22
Figure 4.5-18 Functional reference of an object in a diagram ______________________ 22
Figure 4.5-19 Functional reference in ITER properties panel ______________________ 23
Figure 4.5-20 2D-3D checker principle _______________________________________ 24
Figure 4.5-21 2D-3D checker process ________________________________________ 24
Figure 4.5-22 Explicit path to launch workbenches used in ITER___________________ 25
Figure 4.5-23 SITE_MASTER_SKELETON __________________________________ 26
Figure 4.5-24 Example for Building 61 PRC___________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-25 TGCS origin and surrounding building ____________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-26 Building PRC________________________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-27 Example of trenches between buildings ___________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-28 ITER properties panel _________________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-29 Functional reference in SSD ____________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-30 Functional reference in CATIA V5 _______________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-31 Do not use CNEXT PRM ______________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-32 Use ITER PRM ______________________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-33 Systematic PBS 1 number (76) for standard catalogue part ____________ 27
Figure 4.5-34 Example of the PBS 1 number for a parametric part. _________________ 27
Figure 4.5-35 No star connection allowed. ____________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-36 Analyzing Cross document connection on some trenches _____________ 27
Figure 4.5-37 CATDUA tool _______________________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-38 Use the resize function to change the nominal diameter. ______________ 27
Figure 4.5-39 Product tree position of mechanical interface skeleton ________________ 27
Figure 4.5-40 Mechanical interface geometry __________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-41 Interface part plant design ______________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-42 Skeleton grid ________________________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-43 Planes to be defined in skeleton grid ______________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-44 Level skeleton _______________________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-45 Building product structure ______________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-46 Building interface assembly ____________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-47 Interface walls _______________________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-48 Structure design elements ______________________________________ 27

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Figure 4.5-49 Steel building ________________________________________________ 27

Figure 4.5-50 Steel building tree structure _____________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-51 Examples of secondary steel structures ____________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-52 Secondary steel structure product structure _________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-53 System space reservation workbench access. _______________________ 27
Figure 4.5-54 Reservation network button _____________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-55 Path reservation type list _______________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-56 Example of Space reservation for HVAC system ____________________ 27
Figure 4.5-57 The four main disciplines for catalogues___________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-58 Parametric part example _______________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-59 Global design process _________________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-60 Different systems in liquid and gas distribution in the building 61_______ 27
Figure 4.5-61 Interface between PRC ________________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-62 Piping interface part___________________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-63 Interface piping part in use _____________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-64 Transfer elements function _____________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-65 HVAC design workbench.______________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-66 Dedicated TRENCH Line ID____________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-67 Inserting trenches interface part__________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-68 Trenches Interface in use _______________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-69 Interface part for bridges in use. _________________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-70 Manage Graphics Representation button___________________________ 27
Figure 4.5-71 Manage Graphics Representation dialog box _______________________ 27

List of Tables
Table 4.5-1 The PRC and their origins _______________________________________ 7
Table 4.5-2 Summary origin of plant data ____________________________________ 9
Table 4.5-3 Plant design classification ______________________________________ 18

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4.5 Plant Design Methodologies

Abbreviations used in this document
BREP = Boundary REPresentation (CATIA)
CAD = Computer Aided Design
CCB2 = Configuration Control Board 2 meeting
CCP = Copy/Cut/Paste
CGR = CATIAZ Graphical Representation
CMPC = CAD Manual and Processes Coordinator
CV5 = Catia V5
DA = Domestic Agency
DIDO = Design Integration – Design Office meeting
DMU = Digital Mock-Up
DO = Design Office
DOSL = Design Office Section Leader
EV5 = Enovia V5
E&S = Equipment and systems
FEM = Finite Element Analysis
IDM = ITER Document Management system
IO = ITER Organization
LCA = Life-Cycle Application (ENOVIA)
PBS = Plant Breakdown Structure
PRC = Product Root Class
RCS = Rule Catia Sketcher
RE = Responsible Engineer
REW = Rule Enovia Writing
RH = Remote Handling
RO = Responsible Officer
SDD = Structure Detailed Design
SE = Structure Exposed
SOP = Setting-Out Point
TCM = Technical Coordination Meeting (replaces DIDO)
WP = Work Package

4.5.1 Global ENOVIA structure

The levels of the structure are based on three LCA object types (from top down):
i. PRC
ii. Structure exposed assembly
iii. Work package (publication exposed)
In plant design we manage two kinds of data:
i. Building data which is designed using part design workbench
ii. Piping electrical etc. data which is designed using Equipment & Systems
The PRC structure and the origins of these PRC are defined to enable them to:
i. Handle large amount of data in a concurrent approach
ii. Modify the position of building or area on the site without generating a lot of
work to adjust the plant system data
iii. Change a building from concrete to steel and vice versa without generating a
huge workload for updating the equipment inside.

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iv. Allow use of Equipment and system functionality of CATIA like reporting.
We use several PRC to design the plant:

PRC Purpose Origin

TOKAMAK_COMPLEX Design mechanical parts, Tokamak Global Coordinate
building and equipment for System
Tokamak building, Assembly
hall and Tritium building
SITE_LAYOUT Layout of the site, simplified Tokamak Global Coordinate
buildings, design tunnel etc. System
Equipment between buildings
Buildings 13,15,17 Design the building and Tokamak Global Coordinate
internal equipment in context System
PRC for other building or Design the building and all Local origin of the
area example: equipment inside in context building/area PRC
PRC per system Collect all data of a specific Tokamak Global Coordinate
system from all other PRC, System
where parts of the system are
designed, no design PRC
Table 4.5-1 The PRC and their origins
Structure exposed assemblies are used like containers for the work packages.
The position in relation to the PRC origin is dependent on the PRC and will be described in
the following chapters.
The work packages contain the equipment data, runs etc.
The granularity (amount of content) depends on the PRC and will be described in the
following chapters.
The work packages have no relative position inside the structure exposed assemblies.
All work packages are protected with a fix assembly constraint to avoid movement by
The work packages are the leaf instances in the tree and will carry the room attribute
information if necessary. Coordinate systems and positioning

The coordinate systems are defined in the document ITER Coordinate System = 2A9PXZ. Site layout PRC

This PRC contains the Layout of the Site, Simplified Buildings, Detailed Design of Tunnels
etc and Plant Systems between Buildings.
Design in context and integration work is performed in this PRC for the described data.
All data is in relation to the PRC in absolute position (TGCS) except the interface skeletons
for plant system data because they have the local origin of the building or area in which they
are designed.
In the SITE_LAYOUT PRC the reference part is the SITE_MASTER_ISKE.
All data is protected with assembly constraints to avoid movement by mistake.

The SITE_MASTER_ISKE contains the TGCS, the Setting-Out Point SOPXX and the axis
systems of the building or area AXIS_SOPXX, a sketch for the outlines of a building or area
and the south and west plane of the building or area, which are published. The south west

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corner of the footprint of the building or area is identical with the local origin of the building
or area and their specific PRC and is coincident with the SOP.
The South West corner of the building is designated as the main building, without taking into
account any annex of the same building.

Figure 4.5-1 SOP, South and West plane in the SITE_LAYOUT_PRC

Figure 4.5-2 AXIS_SOP in the SITE_LAYOUT_PRC

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IDM No : ITER_D_33PE8P v. 1.1 Building or Area PRC outside TOKAMAK_COMPLEX

A PRC of this kind contains the detailed design of the building (if it exists) and all equipment
inside up to the interfaces.
Design in context and integration work is performed in this PRC for the described data.
All plant data is in relation to the PRC origin in absolute position (PRC origin) including the
interface skeletons for plant system data. Refer to (Interface management between
The SITE_MASTER_ISKE is in relative position to show the relative position of the building
or area on the site.
Each PRC contains a reference part with the related axis system SOPXX and published
reference planes. The reference part is fixed in position.
The reference part is used to define the local axis system and to position parts and assemblies
in relation to the origin of the PRC. It is also used to position the SITE_MASTER_ISKE
inside the PRC.
Concrete building data have to be designed in absolute position (PRC origin).
For steel buildings all plant system data like HVAC have to be designed in absolute position
(PRC origin). The steel structure parts have their local origin at the intersection of the first
(from south/west corner) structural column axis with the upper face of the floor slab of the
The part or sub-assembly containing the steel structure have to be positioned in relation to the
BLDG_REF part with offset assembly constraints.

Data Origin
Concrete Building Absolute position=PRC origin=SOP
Steel structure Relative position=column axis
Plant systems Absolute position=PRC origin=SOP
Table 4.5-2 Summary origin of plant data

Figure 4.5-3 Reference part

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The instance of the SITE_MASTER_ISKE is positioned with offset constraints with offset 0
in relation to the reference part.

Figure 4.5-4 Instance of the SITE_MASTER_ISKE

Offset constraint between the SITE_MASTER_XY_PLANE and the REF_BLDG_XX_ _XY

plane with offset value 0.
Offset constraint between the BLDG_XX_S of the SITE_MASTER_ISKE and the
REF_BLDG_XX_S plane with offset value 0.
Offset constraint between the BLDG_XX_W of the SITE_MASTER_ISKE and the
REF_BLDG_XX_W plane with offset value 0.

The SITE_MASTER_ISKE is in relative position to the building.

The interface skeletons for plant are in absolute position in relation to the PRC origin.
If the building has to be moved on the site the following steps are performed:
The sketch and the S and W plane of the building will be modified in the
The instance of the SITE_MASTER_ISKE in the building or area PRC will be synchronized
and updated. It will change the position to reflect the new position of the building or area on
the site.
The interface skeletons for plant systems will follow the SITE_MASTER_ISKE only in the
SITE_LAYOUT PRC to reflect the change.
All plant data inside the building or area PRC will keep the position.
Afterwards the changes can be performed in detail to adjust the plant system data to the new

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IDM No : ITER_D_33PE8P v. 1.1 System PRC

A PRC of this kind contains all data of a specific system from all other PRC, where parts of
the system are designed.
The system PRC is not a design PRC. The purpose is to show the whole system together for
example to generate drawing views.
Instances of simplified buildings etc can also be used in this PRC.
The origin is the SGCS.
In the SITE_LAYOUT PRC the reference part is the SITE_MASTER_ISKE.
Plant system data coming from the SITE_LAYOUT PRC are in absolute position in relation
to the PRC origin.
Plant system data coming from building or area PRC are in relative position in relation to the
PRC origin. Each building or area PRC contains a structure exposed assembly per system
containing Work packages according to the structuring rules described in the following
chapters. The structure exposed assembly contains a reference part which is used to position
the assembly and all it’s content in relation to the SITE_MASTER_ISKE with offset
constraints methodology like described in the previous chapter.
All data is protected with assembly constraints to avoid movement by mistake.

Figure 4.5-5 Plant system reference part Detailed ENOVIA structure

Levels of structure:
1st Level (top) is PRC.
2nd to Nth Levels – Structure Exposed assembly according to PBS
Nth +1 Level – Work Package according to granularity rules
Nth +2 Level – equipment and/or runs (Work Package content)

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Figure 4.5-6 Example of structure

Work package granularity rules.
A. Inside Tokamak building (11):
General rule 1 system (PBS) in one zone according to the segmentation drawings
003220/003229 is located in one Work Package, these drawings show in different
greyscales the different zones
Example: VV_PHTS_ LOOP_NO_2_XX_L3_V1_

B. Diagnostic (74) and Tritium (14) building:

One system (PBS) in a level (zone) is located in one Work Package
Example: NB_PHTS_XX_L3
If a loop is smaller, the granularity is defined by the loop
Example: VV_PHTS_ LOOP_NO_3_XX

C. Outside Tokamak Complex inside a building:

One Work Package per system (PBS) or loop

D. Outside Tokamak complex between buildings:

One system in one Area (zone) is located in one Work Package

Link to segmentation doc

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Figure 4.5-7 Example of Segmentation at Level B2 Naming convention for SE assemblies & WP Structure Exposed assemblies

Inside one Building/Area number:
PBS component name and Building/Area number

Between different Buildings/Area numbers:

PBS component name and Buildings/Area numbers
Example: COOLING_WATER_SYSTEM_SITE plus sub-assembly
Example: COOLING_WATER_SYSTEM_BLDG_11_61 Work Packages

PBS loop name and Building/Area number
Example: VV_PHTS_ LOOP_NO_3_XX
PBS loop name and Level identifier
Example: NB_PHTS_XX_L3
PBS loop name and Room identifier
Example: VV_PHTS_ LOOP_NO_2_XX_L3_V1

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IDM No : ITER_D_33PE8P v. 1.1 Interface management inside a PRC

The interface skeletons for plant systems will only be used to define the interface between
different PRC.

Split inside a building in the same PRC:

For the floors the first concept is to split a routing 200 mm above the floor – green split
Later the split will be redefined by real penetration.

Figure 4.5-8 Floor interface – Elevation

For the zones/rooms we split with a general rule taking into account the frame (grid).
500 mm after the wall on the side the frame with the highest incremental number or letter.

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Figure 4.5-9 Floor interface – Plan Interface management between PRC

Split between PRC:
The routing is split 500 mm outside the wall.

Figure 4.5-10 Building interface

The interface skeletons for plant systems will only be used to define the interface between
different PRC.
At least one interface skeleton work package by system and building or area PRC must be
The interface skeleton work package is in relation to the PRC origin in absolute position.

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Figure 4.5-11 Interface skeleton work package

It contains a reference part to be used to define the position in relation to the
SITE_MASTER_ISKE in the SITE_LAYOUT PRC with assembly constraints according to
the methodology described in the previous chapters.
It also contains typed interface parts coming from an interface parts catalogue to be used to
define the geometrical interface.

Figure 4.5-12 Typed interface part

If the building has to be moved on the site the following steps are performed:
The sketch and the S and W plane of the building will be modified in the

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The interface skeleton work packages for plant systems will follow the modification in the
SITE_MASTER_ISKE only in the SITE_LAYOUT PRC to reflect the change.

In TOKAMAK_COMPLEX inside the bio shield the modelling of plant systems is often done
using CATIA V5 Part design instead of the Equipment & System workbench.
The interface location is the bio shield.
The interface geometry is composed of a mechanical CATPart containing a coordinate point
with a mechanical connector to be able to link to the Part design side and the typed interface
part, which position is driven by the coordinate point.

4.5.2 Plant design overview Classification of plant design

Plant design in the ITER context is composed of concrete, steel buildings, trenches, bridges
and the piping, electrical, HVAC and other systems inside and between these buildings.

Figure 4.5-13 Example of plant design showing the systems inside a building level

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Type Methodology
Plant systems (inside cryostat) Mechanical part design methodology
Plant systems (outside cryostat) Plant design Methodology
Concrete building Mechanical design
Primary Steel structure CATIA SDD (Steel detailed design)
Secondary Steel structure Stairs and ladders catalogue
Trenches HVAC + interface part
Bridges Space reservation + interface part
Standard equipment (E&S typed parts) CATIA E&S (Equipment & Systems)
catalogue components
Pipes E&S piping
Cables Not modelled in 3D
Cable trays tbd
Bus bar tbd
Opening (hole) E&S parametric part
Penetration (inside opening) tbd
Support tbd
Embedded/anchor plates E&S parametric part
Maintenance volume component specific CAT Shape on E&S catalogue part
Maintenance volume (corridor etc.) Volume created with part design
methodology or space reservation
Table 4.5-3 Plant design classification
E&S functionality of CATIA is used to:
a) Support the plant design process in the different levels of maturity and detail
b) Respect engineering specification definition
c) Allow easy and quick routing of geometry and changes of the rooting
d) Cover different representation like maintenance volume

Basic requirements are to:

a) Enable DMU
b) Define and manage interfaces
c) Allow clear identification
d) Allow usage of downstream applications like CEASAR II (pipe stress analysis),
ISOGEN (Isometric view generation)
e) All necessary reporting (2D-3D check etc.)

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disciplines at

Figure 4.5-14 Disciplines and CATIA modules Plant design process

The global CAD process is the following one:
a) 2D schematics drawings
b) 3D layout/mock-up and 2D drawings
c) 2D-3D checker
d) Validation of CAD data
e) Management of documents and objects

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Figure 4.5-15 Overall plant design process

See System Design application (editor IGE_XAO) is used project wide to allow efficient
multi-disciplinary schematic definition of the plant systems.

The design phases require different level of detail. In CATIA the level of detail is associated
to 3 kind of geometrical description:
a) Space reservation
b) Equipment and runs
c) Physical parts for details like elbows, gasket ….

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Figure 4.5-16 Mapping of design phases and level of detail in the design Component Identification Scheme

All equipment, plant component, cable etc. who take part in ITER Project should apply the
unified and consistent numbering system to interconnect, exchange, collect, and analyze the
information and data of every project phase.

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Identification Functional Reference

category Sequential
Identifier PBS identifier number


For Diagram use

For Mock up use

• PPPPPP – Plant Breakdown Structure (PBS) number

• TTT – Function Category Designator (2 or 3 digits)
• NNNN – Sequential number (4 digits)

Figure 4.5-17 Functional reference to identify components

The functional references of an object (pump, valve etc.) which will be represented in the 3D
layout have to be transferred manually to the instance description attribute in CATIA. Only if
the correct identification is available in all datasets a complete and congruent definition of the
plant systems can be achieved. The functional reference can be taken directly from the
diagram or from lists.


Titleblock of

Figure 4.5-18 Functional reference of an object in a diagram

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Figure 4.5-19 Functional reference in ITER properties panel

Some objects like doors, supports and plates do not occur in diagrams. For these objects the
functional reference shall be defined in CATIA. In short term the uniqueness has to be
checked manually.

• It is very important to name components in the diagram and in the mock up to be able
to identify and manage the components and enable downstream processes. 2D-3D checker

The 2D-3D checker is an application that allows users to assure the consistency between 2D
(diagrams from see system design software) and 3D (work package(s) from CATIA V5
software) objects.
A 2D list of symbols with associated attributes (listed in a xml report) is compared to a list of
3D equipments.
Comparison is based on mapping rules which define criteria of proper association.
This process step can only be applied if:
a) A diagram exists
b) 3D layout is based on (catalogue) components approach , one component is one
c) Functional reference exists on both sides

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Rules file

2D 3D Work

2D – 3D checker


Figure 4.5-20 2D-3D checker principle

Figure 4.5-21 2D-3D checker process Common basic rules for plant systems

a) The functional reference is the unique identifier defined by See System Design (for
objects defined by schematics diagrams)
b) Use See System Design software for 2D schematics drawings
c) Use CATIA V5 software to design 3D data in IO and DAs

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Environment settings
a) Set up your CATIA system environment compliant to ITER standard before you start
any productive work
b) Install ITER CAD supplier package
c) Use the ITER launcher to Launch CATIAV5 with VPM navigator
d) Use an E&S profile when you are designing for plant
e) Use ITER specific PRM
f) Use the appropriate workbench

disciplines at

Figure 4.5-22 Explicit path to launch workbenches used in ITER

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PRC and Positioning

Reference document for building positioning:
600000-CCS-SHB-01 ITER Coordinate Systems (2A9PXZ)

• The SITE_MASTER_ISKE drives the position of all PRC


• Each PRC has its own reference part, positioning the PRC on the site through the

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Figure 4.5-24 Example for Building 61 PRC

• TOKAMAK COMPLEX, BLDG 13, 15 and 17 are exceptions and has all the same
origin: TGCS. Building 13, 15 and 17 PRC shall have the origin and SOP coincident
with the TGCS (TOKAMAK origin). Because there is a strong relation between
building 13 and TOKAMAK, the Building 13 origin will not move because it has to
be aligned with TOKAMAK, there are also strong relation between building 15, 13
and 17. All plant systems for these buildings shall have the origin and SOP coincident
in the TGCS (TOKAMAK origin).

Figure 4.5-25 TGCS origin and surrounding building

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• For equipment and systems inside a Building, design it in the corresponding building
PRC and position all E&S relatively to the building PRC origin (south west corner of
the upper slab floor). ALL Plant equipment and systems even those relatives to the
building structure (like HVAC) will use the south/west corner as local origin.

Figure 4.5-26 Building PRC

• For equipment and systems between buildings, design it in the Site Layout PRC.

Figure 4.5-27 Example of trenches between buildings

• Exclusively use the ITER properties panel to fill attributes.

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Figure 4.5-28 ITER properties panel

• Respect the numbering system (functional reference) see plant design process chapter
for more information.

Figure 4.5-29 Functional reference in SSD

Figure 4.5-30 Functional reference in CATIA V5

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• Nominal size of runs are pre defined size and compliant with IO standards, use IO
Line ID not Dassault system default catalogues CNEXT

Figure 4.5-31 Do not use CNEXT PRM

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Figure 4.5-32 Use ITER PRM

• All subsystem should be design in only one WP, if not possible split it using the room
definition and the cross doc connection methodology.

Equipment and catalogue:

• Non catalogue based mechanical parts only for very specific equipment.
• Do not create your own Catalogue, create a catalogue ticket request

IDM link to the catalogue ticket request (Web page)

3D Component Addition Request Form (EXCEL file)

• No file base catalogues if you work in connection to ENOVIA.

• The (part version) PBS of catalogue components is always 76 for non parametric

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Figure 4.5-33 Systematic PBS 1 number (76) for standard catalogue part

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• The (part version) PBS for parametric parts is the system PBS (unique reference).

Figure 4.5-34 Example of the PBS 1 number for a parametric part.

Link management:
• No contextual links, always use CCP link instead
• No file base storage/link for the design if you work in connection to ENOVIA. For
suppliers, contractors or subcontractors only the use of ITER CAD EnS supplier
package is allowed.
• All equipment, catalogues part, runs should be connected using connectors through
MASTER/SLAVE connection. No star connection, because in case that all EnS
component origin should moved for any reasons, it would lead to some errors

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Figure 4.5-35 No star connection allowed.

• Establish always cross document E&S links between work packages.
• Use the interface piping part methodology to deal with pipes running through the site
layout between different buildings.
CEx13 Plant Interface Methodology between BLDG (2ENP3R)

• Use the Trenches methodology to route and ensure the position of trenches openings
on buildings.

Figure 4.5-36 Analyzing Cross document connection on some trenches
HOW TO route a trench network (2N56BJ)

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• Clean the part using the CATDUA before saving.

Figure 4.5-37 CATDUA tool

• Always update your parts before saving

2D CATIA drawings
• Use plant standard in CATIA to generate 2D drawings
• Rules to avoid ghost links
o Never lock a view - it WILL retain links to older, possibly obsolete models
• Use the Resize function instead of the section in the definition dialog box for a run to
modify the nominal diameter. The section button can be exceptionally used to
simulate the insulation on a run.

Figure 4.5-38 Use the resize function to change the nominal diameter.

4.5.3 Plant design detailed definition Plant systems inside cryostat

Inside cryostat plant systems like cooling water system have to be connected to mechanical
components. Therefore this part of the routing is normally done with mechanical design

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methodology like ribs. The first part of the routing belongs to the specific system. To handle
the interface a specific methodology is defined. Interface between plant systems inside and outside cryostat

To manage the interface between the mechanical component and the plant system the
followings tasks have to be performed:
• The designer of the mechanical system defines an interface skeleton with specific
reference geometry
• The plant system designer place an interface part with E&S connectors using the
previously defined reference geometry

Figure 4.5-39 Product tree position of mechanical interface skeleton

Figure 4.5-40 Mechanical interface geometry

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Figure 4.5-41 Interface part plant design

C14_Interface_Mechanical_Plant (2F6MSU) Concrete buildings

In order to meet the ITER requirements, a specific Building and Structure Design
methodology has to be followed.

The main ITER requirements are:

a) Minimizing links inside the database
b) Filtering per Level area
c) Having Beams and columns visible for users
d) Generating civil drawings with respect to the civil engineering drawings standards
(without “extra lines” if possible)
e) Managing Color Skeleton approach

A main Skeleton Grid will be created for each Building. It will drive the main design and
contain the external dimensions of the building.
To link the geometry only CCP links based on published geometry shall be used.
Because of the history of starting the design with context/import links some context/import
links still exist. These links shall be replaced by CCP links if changes occur.
Intermediate skeletons will also be added at each building level. They will drive the building
design in the Floor Level itself without modifying other levels. They will be linked to the
main skeleton and contain the foot print of each column building.

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Figure 4.5-42 Skeleton grid

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Figure 4.5-43 Planes to be defined in skeleton grid

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Figure 4.5-44 Level skeleton Granularity
The granularity is defined by the FLOOR LEVEL. For each level a corresponding Structure
Exposed Assembly will be defined.
This CATProduct defines the whole design for a particular Building Level (example
• Only 1 CATProduct per Building Level
• It shall contain only 1 CONCRETE WP
• Level definition is:
o Bi for Basement Levels (below Floor Level 0, B1 is the first Basement Level)
o Li for Floor Levels (L1 for Floor Level 0)
o Ri for Roof Level (only one Roof Level per building, so R1)

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Figure 4.5-45 Building product structure

Some Building Complexes are made of several adjacent Buildings sharing common walls;
these walls are called Interface Walls.
• It shall be saved in Structure Exposed mode in ENOVIA LCA.
• Interface Walls are included into the Master Building (In the Tokamak building for
example), and will be only instantiated into secondary buildings (Diagnostic and
Tritium for example).
• It shall contain only 1 CONCRETE INTERFACE WP.

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Figure 4.5-46 Building interface assembly

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Tritium Building Tokamak Building Diagnostic Building

Interface Wall (part of the

Tokamak Building)

Figure 4.5-47 Interface walls

Columns Interface
Ceiling Plane (Level N) Floor (Level N+1) (Level N+1)

Beam Secondary Plane (Level N)

Beam Primary Plane (Level N)
Column (Level N)

Column (Level N)

Beam primary
(Level N+1)
Wall (Level N)

(Level N+1)
Floor Plane (Level N) Floor (Level N)

Beam (Level N)

Beam primary (Level N+1)

Beam secondary
(Level N+1)

Figure 4.5-48 Structure design elements

a Column CATPart:
i First elements to be created.

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ii Designed on a sketch and extruded from (Li) Level Floor Plane up to the (Li)
Ceiling Plane.
iii Width and Length of column sections are valued with sketch constraints

b Floor CATPart
i Designed on a sketch and extruded from the (Li-1) Ceiling Plane and (Li) Floor
ii Positioned by:
• surrounding elements, mainly beams
• column profiles of the LEVEL_SKELETON_GRID sketches

c Beams Primary CATPart

i Join Columns
ii Designed on a sketch and extruded from the (Li) Beam Primary Plane up to the
(Li+1) Floor plane.
iii Length is obtained by constraining Beam extremities to Column profiles of the

d Beams Secondary CATPart

i Join Primary Beams
ii Designed on a sketch and extruded from the (Li) Beam Secondary Plane up to
the (Li) Ceiling plane.
iii Length is obtained by constraining Beam extremities to Column profiles of the

e Walls CATPart
i Designed on a sketch and extruded between (Li) Floor Plane and:
• (Li) Beam Primary Plane for a wall matching up with a Primary beam
• (Li) Beam Secondary Plane for a wall matching up with a Secondary beam
ii Linked to the LEVEL_SKELETON_GRID for the x, y positioning.
iii Thickness is valued with sketch constraints.
iv Length is obtained by constraining Wall extremities to Column profiles of the
LEVEL_SKELETON_GRID Steel structure buildings

CATIA SDD Structure Detailed Design is used to design steel buildings and primary
steel structures.
The profiles the ITER catalogue shall be used.
User Guide for Plant Design 3D catalogs (2NBUCZ)

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Figure 4.5-49 Steel building

The Design unit has to be saved under a Work Package.

Figure 4.5-50 Steel building tree structure

By default, a project data with Plane Systems is automatically created. This Plane System will
be use to define the main axis and planes of the steel frame building (floors, pillars,
roof…).You can modify the existing one or create a new one. In any case, it is recommended
to keep the name and the structure of the Plane Systems.

For a detailed description see:

How To Use SDD on ITER environment (27YJTB) Secondary steel structure

Secondary steel structures are objects like ladders, stairs, walkways…
In CATIA the following workbenches have to be used:
• Secondary Structure catalogue content (SR1 workbench)
• Creation of walkway with HVAC workbench

User Guide for Plant Design 3D Catalogs (2NBUCZ)

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Ladder Railing Stair Walkway

Figure 4.5-51 Examples of secondary steel structures








Figure 4.5-52 Secondary steel structure product structure

From the catalogue generated elements contain context/import links because of CATIA
behaviour. Contextual links are not allowed.
To correct this:
• Isolate the link or
• Replace the context/import link by a CCP link

For more details see:

How To Use Secondary Structure (2MXPZ4) Space reservation/allocation

During the preliminary design phase the system space reservation workbench is the one where
designer shall reserved/allocate space to their design.

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Figure 4.5-53 System space reservation workbench access.

In this workbench the designer will have to organise his routing in a set called reservation
network, see image below:

Figure 4.5-54 Reservation network button

Then in order to work efficiently, the designer shall only use the path reservation type in the
list in order to be able later to route any kind of EnS routing faster

Figure 4.5-55 Path reservation type list

The path reservation is used in a very early stage, when the design is not so mature. But for
piping runs designers have to use the piping design workbench directly. Piping reservation
could be used and then use the “route through pathway” function, but there is no point in
using the system space reservation to route piping runs; it would be a loss of time.

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Figure 4.5-56 Example of Space reservation for HVAC system

No detail design using part design or any other mechanical workbench is allowed to design
EnS part or create space reservation/allocation. Plant equipment

Plant Design 3D Catalogs allows designers to insert parts and equipments in their
CATProduct. Items appearing are standardized and have their own dimensional
characteristics and attributes that have been defined upstream. For now, most of items you
will find in Catalogs are used for the preliminary design. Catalogs will be updated according
to design maturity.
Parts and Equipments are divided by 4 disciplines.
I. Civil Engineering discipline which regroup Catalogs from the primary and the
secondary structure and also the openings
II. Piping discipline in which we have piping equipment and on line part
III. HVAC discipline in which we have HVAC equipment and on line part
IV. Electrical discipline in which we have electrical equipment and on line part

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Figure 4.5-57 The four main disciplines for catalogues

Through this link is all available information needed about catalogues part:
User Guide for Plant Design 3D Catalogs (2NBUCZ) Use of catalogues in DO

The 3D catalogues shall be used in DO by the designers directed by the Design Coordinators
(DECO) working together with the Responsible Officers (RO) of their systems for definition
of type, number and location of supports in close collaboration with the Civil Construction &
Site Support Office (CCS) and the Design Integration and Configuration Control responsible
person (DI-CC).
The DO designers using the catalogues must be trained and always kept up to-date by DO
concerning any changes on the catalogues as well as project documentation necessary for the
use of the catalogues such as WBS, PBS, room identification for each building and DI-CC
responsible persons concerning integration aspects such as space availability or multi-PBS
involvement (see Design Integration and Configuration Control Responsibilities for buildings
/ areas on ITER Site (2F6ZKF). Standard Catalogue part

Designers do not have to change any attributes (except functional reference on the instance)
nor any geometry on a standard catalogue part. The system automatically managed this type
of part. Consequently the designer is not the owner of the standard catalogue part he has
inserted in the plant scene.

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IDM No : ITER_D_33PE8P v. 1.1 Parametric Catalogue part

A parametric part is a customizable catalogue part; it means if the designer wishes to specify
the geometry, activate or deactivate some features of the part, he can do it. The designer
becomes the owner of the part he just inserted and must fill the ITER properties panel with
values from the specific system (PBS…).

Figure 4.5-58 Parametric part example Maintenance of catalogues by DO

The catalogues are developed and maintained based on the requirements from the RO’s and
from CCS.
They need to be maintained on a permanent basis with associated documentation listing the
history of the catalogue parts.
Catalogs will be updated according to design maturity.
Regarding the performance and the real need for 2D drawings, all equipment for plant will
use a simplified design in plant scene, to increase performances.

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IDM No : ITER_D_33PE8P v. 1.1 Routing for plant systems Philosophy of routing

Figure 4.5-59 Global design process

In plant design there is one workbench for each specific kind of work.
Piping design for pipes, HVAC design for heat Ventilation and Air Conditioning. Despite
this, the philosophy remains the same for these different workbenches

Designers must pay careful attention to the workbench they are using.
Only ITER PRM are allowed
Only ITER Line ID coming from ENOVIA are allowed
The placement of equipment comes first, then the designer routes the run, after he can place
the elbows, tees, reducers, then comes on line components. Gaskets, flanges, welds are
considered as piping part and will be automatically placed when the real physical part will be

Designers have to understand the difference between a run and the real physical part.
During the preliminary design phase only runs and catalogues part must be in the plant scene;
Real physical parts, gaskets, flanges and welds will come during the detail design. Piping runs

Routing piping run follow the common rules of routing a run in any CATIA workbench:

I. Select the correct ITER PRM.

II. Select an ITER Line ID.
III. Place equipment.

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IV. Route the run.

V. Place the in-line components on the run (elbows, tees, reducers). Gaskets, flanges,
welds are considered as a piping part and will be automatically placed when the real
physical part will be placed during the detailed design phase.

Figure 4.5-60 Different systems in liquid and gas distribution in the building 61

Regarding the piping run alignment between buildings, a methodology has been put in place
to manage the position of run created in the buildings and the runs created on the site layout.

Building 1 Building Building 2


Interface Building 2
Building 1

Figure 4.5-61 Interface between PRC

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The interface piping part methodology relies on catalogue part, inserted through the place
piping part dialog box.
a First this interface piping part is place to the extremity of a run getting outside a

Figure 4.5-62 Piping interface part

Figure 4.5-63 Interface piping part in use

b Then a new work package shall be created to receive the “BLDGXX_REF_PART”

and the interface piping part just created. This is done using the “transfer element

Figure 4.5-64 Transfer elements function

c Finally the new created work package shall be instantiated in the site layout, and of
course the designer has to take care of the position of this work package in the site
Layout using the “BLDGXX_REF_PART” as it has been created in the Building
CEx13 Plant Interface Methodology between BLDG (2ENP3R) HVAC runs

It follows the same process as for piping run.

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IDM No : ITER_D_33PE8P v. 1.1 Electrical (wave guides, cable trays, bus bars)

To Be Defined Trenches
The trenches have to be designed with HVAC run, this allows to have a rectangular and use
the same principle as for the interface piping part; the methodology is exactly the same.
Except that the trenches are made in the HVAC design workbench and that a dedicated Line
ID has been created for trenches.

Figure 4.5-65 HVAC design workbench.

Figure 4.5-66 Dedicated TRENCH Line ID

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Then trench interface part are inserted using the “place HVAC part” function

Figure 4.5-67 Inserting trenches interface part

Figure 4.5-68 Trenches Interface in use Bridges
For the bridges no specific standards part or methodology has been defined giving the fact the
bridges can be modified often enough. But to ensure the interface positioning a bridge
interface part can be inserted at each end of the space reservation of any kind of bridge. The
interface can be edited and modified.

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Figure 4.5-69 Interface part for bridges in use. Openings, penetration, supports, plates

The supports/embedment and penetrations in the buildings shall be presented in 3D in CATIA
V5 to allocate space and in order to define the interfaces with the buildings. The
representation in the catalogues shall be “light” in describing the required envelope.

The items are placed within the cad data of the plant systems in DO which are the basis and
input information for the development of the Configuration Management Models (CMM)
largely used for the space allocation of the systems and the interfaces with other systems and
the buildings as well as for the Procurement Arrangements with the Domestic Agencies (see
Configuration Management Model (CMM) (2EGQKE). Any modifications on the items e.g.
location and size, must be traceable in ENOVIA. Maintenance volume Maintenance volume for catalogue part

It is possible to visualize in CATIA all different representations for a catalogue part.
Designers shall pay attention and specially take into account the maintenance volume during
the preliminary stage.

The manage graphics representation allow the designer to show one or all types of
representation needed (main representation, usage, maintenance)

Figure 4.5-70 Manage Graphics Representation button

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Figure 4.5-71 Manage Graphics Representation dialog box Maintenance volume for equipment removal

To be developed

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