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Module 6 covers two chapters: the chapter 10 which concerns the product concepts, and chapter 11

which is regarding the developing and managing products. Module 7 covers only one chapter, the
chapter 12 entitled services and non –profit organization marketing. Module 8 covers two chapters, the
chapter 13 and 14 which talks about supply chain management and marketing channels. Therefore,
module 6 is concern with products, module 7 is concern with services and module 8 is concern with how
product is being process from producer, user or consumer.

In module 6 chapter 10, I have learned that product can be favorable and unfavorable that persons
receive in exchange which may be tangible goods, services and ideas. Product has two classifications:
business (industrial) or consumer products. Business or industrial products are those which is use as raw
materials, use in making consumer product and can be sell to another entity for resell while, consumer
products are those made in order to satisfy an individual’s personal wants. There are four types of
consumer products namely convenience (inexpensive item), shopping (requires comparison because it is
expensive), specialty (particular item), unsought (product unknown to potential buyers). Product item
(specific version of a product), product line (closely-related product items) and product mix (all products
sell). There are five benefits of product lines. Product modification, repositioning and line extension or
contraction are three ways to adjust product item, line and mixes. Three types of modification are the
quality, function and style. Changing demographics, declining sales, or changes in the social environment
are the reason why firms need to reposition established brands. Having brands and trademarks are said
to have advantages such as better advertisements and other privileges. After branding next is packaging
which must be creative or catchy in the eyes of customers same as to labelling; using Universal Product
Code (UPC), warrantees, and global issues are also tackled. Chapter 11, all about making and introducing
new products. I was able to grasp the six categories of new product, the new-to-the-world, new product
lines, product line additions, improvements or revisions, repositioned products and lower-priced
products. There are four new product success factors: long-term commitment, company-specific
approach, capitalize on experience and establish an environment. There are a lot of things and test to be
consider in order to make a new product. First, you need to get ideas from your customers, employees,
research and development, distributors, competitors, consultants and other experts. Then, should
brainstorm, focus on objectives. After that, those ideas will undergo to different test like screening and
concept test. Product was then being develop and test marketing is done by considering the cost and
alternatives. I have learned that product fails when it is poor match to market needs and wants. Product
succeed when we consider history of listening carefully to customers, obsession with producing the best
product possible, vision of what the market will be like in the future, strong leadership, commitment to
new-product development, project-based team approach to new-product development, getting every
aspect of the product development process right. There are four product life cycle the introductory,
growth, mature, decline.

In module 7 chapter 12, I have learned the difference between services and goods. Services are
intangible, inseparable, heterogeneous and perishable. Service is quite difficult to define its quality and
because of this difficulty marketing mix should be adjusted. Service quality components are reliability,
responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangible. It tells us the importance of marketing to services and
also improving marketing mixes that helps company to know what products to be introduced to the
public by formulating strategies and decisions on price, place, product and promotion. This module also
tells about non-profit organizations, its unique marketing strategies, its objectives, target markets and
its marketing mix decisions.
In module 8 chapter 13, supply chain management has a huge impact on business. It is management
system that coordinates and integrates all of the activities performed by supply chain members into a
seamless process, from the source to the point of consumption, resulting in enhanced customer and
economic value. The eight key processes of excellent supply chain gives benefits and value to the
customers. Supply management has a goal to reduce the costs of raw materials and supplies. It is
important to improved customer service which is key factor in making revenue in business and maintain
a sustainable supply chain management. Taking into consideration all of these will lead your business to
success. In chapter 14, I have learned that marketing channels facilitate the physical movement of
goods from location to location, thus representing “place” or “distribution” in the marketing mix
(product, price, promotion, and place) and encompassing the processes involved in getting the right
product to the right place at the right time. This channel have intermediaries that negotiate with one
another, facilitate the change of ownership between buyers and sellers, and physically move products
from the manufacturer to the final consumer. As products move through channels, channel members
facilitate the distribution process by providing specialization and division of labor, overcoming
discrepancies, and providing contact efficiency. I also learned the factors affecting channel choice,
market, product and producer factors.

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