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Individual Activity

Task 8: Final Task

Jorge Vinueza Barcos

Code: 16.509.130


Milly Andrea Muñoz


551016A- 363

Academic Writing



Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Licenciatura en Inglés como Lengua Extranjera

Escuela Ciencias de la Educación ECEDU

December , 201

Context Table


1. Writing Skills, before and after................................................................................................4

2. Outline unit 3............................................................................................................................5

3. Argumentative Essay Outline unit 3........................................................................................7

Conclusions and Suggestions..........................................................................................................9



The main objective of this final task is to show the particular characteristics of academic

writing that was learned in the course. Through this document information about my personal

opinion about the course, a practical exercise to apply the acquired knowledge and final

conclusion can be seen. First it present a reflection and effectiveness analyze about the strategies

to improve writing skills, then the outline made in unit 3 and an essay about it is posted. Finally

can be finding the conclusion and suggestions for this course.

1. Writing Skills, before and after

At the beginning of the course I had very general expectations about what I expected to

achieve in the end. Basically, I want to improve the knowledge I have about academic writing

based on my experience with the native language and my personal goal that is to contribute

something to society.

To do this, I considered 3 strategies with which you considered that you could achieve it:

 Organize the activities to be done during the semester in a notebook.

 Mental reading practices for 45 minutes.

 Oral reading practices to improve pronunciation.

As the course progressed and I explored the academic material I understood that writing skills

could not be improved only with the application of these strategies. It was necessary to carry out

in an analytical and practical way each of the stages of the course and to carry out an active and

constant practice of writing.

The way in which it should be written, taking into account the audience, the different types of

academic writing that exist according to the objective sought to be obtained with the text, the

parts that identify each type of writing, the areas where academic writings can be applied , they

are part of the necessary knowledge before starting to write, later we must write in a constant,

permanent and reflective way. In this way the skills in the academic writings would be really

improved. Effective feedback on the form of these academic scripts is also an important part of

this improvement.

2. Outline unit 3

Argument # 1 Supported in research studies, it was found that a great variety of teachers use technological tools applied in different ways and
shows their favorable impact on the learning of a second language. [ CITATION DeL14 \l 2058 ]
Example # 1 Teachers use a variety of technological tools according to the objective sought, the desired level and the ease of use of these
tools. This facilitates interaction and allows teaching even from home.
Example # 2 The use of technology has benefits such as: facilitating student expression, promoting motivation and generating self-confidence.
Example # 3 The perception in the use of technology in learning has a positive perception among parents, students and teachers. This allows a
mutual support between them.
Persuasive Phrase Technology as a tool used appropriately can generate many benefits in student learning and teacher work.
Argument # 2 There are English language skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing) that can be improve when technology is used. 60%
of the students use technology in daily life, 96% think that using computers in classroom the interaction is better and 98%
believe that using computers their English vocabulary can be improve. [ CITATION Bas13 \l 2058 ]
Example # 1 To understand in a better way the speech of the speakers the use of computers can mix visual and voices, this helps to develop
listening skills; the broadcasting, CD players and tap recorders are useful tools help with understanding ability improve.
Example # 2 The computer has Reading-based programs used by learners by the use of easy readings to understand. This helps to improve
abilities to read. There are electronic dictionaries, reading CD-ROM based Newspaper in internet reading that can do the reading
learning process easiest.
Example # 3 To improve speaking abilities is necessary voice communication between the speaker and the listener, internet chats and speech
synthesis programs are tools that help the students to develop this skill. In the same way writing emails, text chatting, writing
statements and paragraphs in computer can help to improve writing skills.
Persuasive Phrase There are a lot of technology methods that can help the students to improve language skills. The introduction of technology to
teaching language is became a necessity.
Argument # 3 The use of technology and the use of English as a second language have increase in popularity so is important to combine both
to get the best result. [ CITATION Shy12 \l 2058 ]

Example # 1 When multimedia is used the students show more interest in learning and promote students communication capacities due to the
students are constantly in contact with this type of technology.
Example # 2 The interaction between teachers and students can be improved, besides their communicate competences can be develop in an
easier way.
Example # 3 The computer can replace the blackboard and can be more interactive. In the computer the teachers can include a variety of
exercises, questions, answers, without taking down nothing on the blackboard.
Persuasive Phrase The multimedia technology can be used in the classroom in an effective way, is necessary that teachers know these resources
and be trained to the best work and get the best results.
Section III – Conclusion
Restate Thesis Technology can offer a lot of tools that can be used by teachers in foreign language with their students. The results can be very
(different words) positives and give to education an approach to globalization. According to the specific necessity of each group of students, the
technology can be chosen to get the best result.
Restate Arguments There are a lot of benefits when teachers use technology to teach a second language. This argument is supporting by a lot of
(different words) study cases in a real life. The increase of the use of technology in a daily life is something that teacher can use to get a benefit in
students learning.
Clincher Persuasive Technology offers a lot of types of tools that select adequately help to improve foreign language learning process. Multimedia in
Phrase (tie it all classroom is a clear example and evidence of that. Teacher with right training can take a big advantage of this.

3. Argumentative Essay Outline unit 3

Use of Technology in Language Teaching

A great variety of studies have been carried out that support the advantages of using

technology in the teaching of a foreign language. It is important to achieve a high level of

acceptance and assimilation of the teachings of a second language to ensure that the objective is

achieved per the desired level and the use of different technological alternatives have a favorable

impact on learning.

According to De Lourdes (2014), teachers can apply to a wide variety of technological tools

according to the objectives to be achieved, this helps the interaction between teachers and

students. For De Lourdes, the use of technology has advantages such as the expressive ease of

the student, promotes motivation and general self-confidence. The general acceptance that

technology has helped to improve the relationship and support among teachers, students and

parents. As De Lourdes says, the correct application of technological tools in the teaching of a

second language generates benefits for the teacher and the student.

Basheer (2013) demonstrates with a field study that the 4 language skills (writing, reading,

speaking and listening) can be improved through the implementation of technology. For Basher,

the use of tools such as broadcasting improves listening skills; the reading-based computer

programs also help this process; Internet chats and speech synthesis programs are tools that help

improve speech skills and improve communication between the speaker and the listener. Basheer

shows that with the improvements obtained using technology, these have become a necessary


Shyamlee & Phil (2012) argue that the increase in the popularity of technology and the use of

a second language means that the combination of both results in a good result. They show as an

example the use of multimedia tools, they promote learning due to the permanent contact of

students with them. For Shyamlee & Phil, technological tools facilitate interaction between

students and teachers, and computers are more interactive than black boards. Shyamlee & Phil

conclude that with the right training in technological tools, teachers can obtain better results in

the learning of their students.

Technology can offer a lot of tools that can be used by teachers in foreign language with their

students. The results can be very positives and give to education an approach to globalization.

According to the specific necessity of each group of students, the technology can be chosen to

get the best result. There are a lot of benefits when teachers use technology to teach a second

language. This argument is supporting by a lot of study cases in a real life. The increase of the

use of technology in a daily life is something that teacher can use to get a benefit in students

learning. Technology offers a lot of types of tools that select adequately help to improve foreign

language learning process. Multimedia in classroom is a clear example and evidence of that.

Teacher with right training can take a big advantage of this.

Conclusions and Suggestions

 Improving academic writing skills is a process that requires constant practice in reading and
writing, feeding vocabulary and knowing in depth the concepts necessary to prepare this type of

 In accordance with the objective sought with the writing and the people to whom it is
addressed, there is a range of different types of academic writing which allows to improve and
be clearer in communication.

 The course "Academic Writing" is fundamental for educational teaching, the way in which a
teacher expresses himself in written form, reflects his level of knowledge, the quality with which
he transmits knowledge and the foundation in his affirmations.

 Constructively I think it would help to improve the objectives of the course to be able to have
the writings presented once they are corrected to have greater clarity and depth in the mistakes
and have a more effectively improve.


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