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Topic 10 Activity in Recruitment

(Case Problem)


Adarayan, Elma I.

Arevalo, Jay-Anne J.

Elma, Rea P.

Fajardo, Eunice Ericka Ann M.

Navarro, Leslie S.

Reyes, Sean Carlo T.

Yala, Maria Lolita I.

Submitted to:

Professor Tolentino

KANLURAN UNIVERSITY has set its objective to be the school that produces
board examination top notchers from among its graduates. It has intensified its search
for qualified faculty members in addition to its excellent physical facilities. It has even
gone to the extent of pirating heads of departments, top faculty members of a
competing university and the school is becoming the new employer of the most qualified
teachers of various disciplines in the Philippines.



Human Resource Manager


The start-up point of anlyzing this case was on November 27, 2020.


What is the impact of providing alternative method of recruitment to eliminate the

unjustifiable practice regards with pirating employees of Kanluran University?


Aim to determine the impacts of pirating employees of Kanluran University to

other schools affected from their unjustifiable practices and to provide suggesting
alternative recruitment method by précising possible actions which could help the
Kanluran University to remain achieve their desire to be the school that produces board
examination topnotchers from among its graduates.

Figure 1: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Analysis

I. Kanluran University Objectives - I. Labor Piracy - Some of the
Since their objectives is to produce practices is in an unethical manner
board examination topnotchers, such as employee piracy.
faculty members provides great II. Excellent Employee Standard - It
teaching and learning experience bothers work pressure because of
for the students to be a competitive the high expectation of the
graduates. university leaders in their ability.
II. High Incentive Offer – By - Searching for best applicant with
expectedly, they offering strong excellent performance experiencing
compensation package that attract from previous schools takes long
most qualified and competitive term process
employee to build their top faculty
members than other schools.
I. Recognition To School/ Popularity - I. Labor law Contract - A lawsuit for
The school would be recognized by breach of contract from the previous
press or media coverage because employer of the employees involved
Kanluran University produce in labor piracy situations.
topnotchers in board examination II. Possible competitor - The other
among their graduates. It could universities within the area would
possibly increase the school possibly implement new strategies
opportunity to be known and to above or better than Kanluran
attract students and applicants, University current practices.
because of their academic
competence and excellence.

II. Employee and Student will gain

Interest - Because of their good
facilities, and high incentive offer,
and their objectives to produce
students board topnotchers, they
had opportunity to get excellent
employee and students that will
help them on achieving their goals.


The factors that group assumed that might affect in Kanluran University are
competing pressure and government funds.

1. Competing pressure- Since Kanluran University tend to use pirating practices to

ensure that they will get the best employee that able to give their expected
service standard, it all means that the pressure in competing with other schools
are very high. So they have to make sure that they are always still on top, that is
why they used that practice to avoid the possibility that other schools might get a
higher rank than their schools.
2. Government Funds- a factor that might affect positively in Kanluran University.
As they have been popular school in Philippines, because they produce student
board topnotchers, they have gain reputation, and higher ranks with other best
schools. In that reason, government can give them an allowance or funds in
exchange for their efforts, and for their great services among their students and
employees. That government funds will help their University in its development
with their facilities, and adding more school equipment’s and materials.

These are the possible solution to the problem. Each must achieve the

ACA Number 1: Job Fairs or Virtual Job Fairs

Kanluran University can make an event in which they recruit and give
information to potential employees.

ACA Number 2: Employment Agencies

Kanluran University can send details of vacancies to the employment

agency who will match up any potential employees from their records of people
who have registered on their books.

ACA Number 3: Online Recruitment

A useful opportunity for Kanluran university to advertise their business. It

reaches niche demographic groups.


ACA no 1. Analysis


 Regarding with Kanluran University opportunity to get best applicants, Job fair is
give best advantage to get a large number of potential applicants, which also
means of strong connection with the best applicants interested for the job
 Considering their high incentive offer, it is important that they have formal
interactions between their applicants that typically done in Job fair, which is a big
help for them as an employer to know how the applicants present themselves, if
their behavior is fit to the organization, and if that applicant deserves to get their


 Kanluran University need to spend a great cost for setting up a job fair. Though
Kanluran University have anough budget, the effort might turn worthless if the
project will not meet the return of investment by getting viable candidates.
 In terms of time consuming, its hassle because setting up a job fair requires a lot
of preparation and Kanluran University might not interested to afford that time.
 Job fair does not typically fit for Universities that are looking for faculty members,
because University recruitment usually done by walk in application.

ACA No. 2 Analysis


 Using a recruitment agency will shorten the time needed to fill the university open
job positions. Kanluran University won’t have to spend time attracting candidates
and going through tons of profiles and applications to find a few qualified ones. A
recruitment agency will do all that and deliver only a few top candidates for the
university consideration.
 Since they Kanluran University eager to achieve best faculty members
or'employee', recruitment agencies are experts in candidate selection. Agency
recruiters are professionally trained to assess candidates. They use best-practice
methods to differentiate real experts from good interviewees. They also have a
vast experience that the university can benefit from.
 Using a recruitment agency will allow the university to tap into a specialist
knowledge that the university in-house recruiters might not possess. An in-house
recruiter usually has to cover a wide range of different roles a company needs. It
means that employment agency have better knowledge and a deeper
understanding of their targeted job market segments. As a result, recruitment
agencies can provide the university with valuable insight and useful advice that
can help them find and hire better candidates.
 There’s a lower risk in the time and money the company will spend on agency.
Better-qualified workers are worth investing knowledge and development money.
It’s likely that the future employees are gonna be committed to a company for a
longer time since they’ve already jumped through several hoops for the


 Using a recruitment agency can be quite expensive endeavor. The cost of using
a recruitment agency can get even higher if the university is looking to make a
hire for a hard to fill role.

 Recruitment agencies can’t ensure the cultural fit of their suggested candidates.
Recruitment agencies can deliver the candidates that are the best fit for a certain
position and role. However, they are much weaker at assessing a cultural fit. In
other words, recruitment agencies can help the university choose the best
candidate for their open position, but not for their company culture and their
 If the university put their recruiting efforts in the hands of a recruitment agency,
they won’t have full control of their employer brand. Someone else will be
presenting and selling the university employer brand and to their potential
candidates. Their potential candidates will create their first impression of the
company based on secondhand information - not direct contact with the

ACA No.3 Analysis


 Using online recruitment it can easily scan the large collection of candidates and
find unique candidates for a specific position in the University.
 Online Recruitment takes short time process to find the list of candidate, as well
as it is used by advance software that can easily sort, examine and analyze the
employee record as it directly pass in HR database.
 Online recruitment opens up the door for a whole new means of communication.
Means of much easier process that any other recruitment method, because here,
employer can keep in contact with people via email, through job posting
websites, or through video calls.


 Because online recruitment is a large collection of candidates it can expose a

lower quality recruits or it might result in the loss of valuable depth of potential
 Though it makes recruitment process easier, online recruitment needed lot things
to do to setting it up. Especially if they don’t have recruiting software that
leverage one of the best applicant tracking system available and also, they have
to make promotions online, by posting and sending emails for more information.
 For instance that if Kaunlaran University employer received a large volume of
application, technical issues with the platform cannot be avoided, and the
process may start to become difficult to manage.

In this part of study our group provides a decision matrix of alternative courses of
action to find the best solution that will be discuss in this conclusion.

In figure 2, it consists of criteria that we identified as Competency, Cost, Viability,

Desirability, and Alignment. Those are describes the strength, effectiveness, importance
and future outcome of the ACA. Each criterion is weighted based on their impact on
ACA's possible results that will be multiplied on our rating scale.

Figure 2: Decision Matrix of Alternative Course of Actions

Competency Cost Viability Desirability Alignment
Courses of Total
5 2 4 4 3
ACA No. 1 Medium-Direct Medium- Low- It High- Low- Can get a
Job Fair/ search and Their only last Provide a higher risk in
Virtual Job interactions to Set-Up by a large return of
Fair applicants cost limited number of investment
Staff day or potential 33
Cost time as candidates
made in

2x5=10 2x2=4 1x4=4 3x4=12 1x3=3

ACA No. 2 High- Medium- Medium- High- High- Experts in
Employment Knowledgeable The Represent Provide candidate
Agencies enough and agency the short time selection for
have a lot of Service/ University on filling up faculty member
connection of Contract under vacant
applicants Cost their positions in 48
made University

3x5=15 2x2=4 2x4=8 3x4=12 3x3=9

ACA No. 3 Medium- High- Medium- High- Medium-Direct

Online System Online Manage Provide all review/screening
Recruitment manage, Easy Set-Up by the means of applicants
and quick Cost University searching
process and staff and candidates 42
Staff their own via online
Cost service

2x5=10 3x2=6 2x4=8 3x4=12 2x3=6

"Competency" has been weighted with 5 points because it represent the greatest
important impact among others, while "Viability" and "Desirability" is 4 points because
the group find its future based to each ACA, then 3 points with "Alignment" as it
consider the internal effect and 1 with "Cost" as it is matters of resources needed for

The team choose the rating scale of high is equal to 3, medium is equal to 2 and
low is equal to 1 and used it based on the analysis of each courses of action, which are
the define of their advantages and disadvantages and make our reasons that are stated
along the table.

Each rating is multiplied with the weighted criterion, then the total are from added
scores across the rows. Consequently, ACA number 2: "Employment Agency" got the
highest score of 48, which consider as the solution that needed to be address as
alternative method for Kanluran University.


Objectives: The function and purpose of using recruitment agency is to develop, coordinate and
implement outreach and recruitment plans designed to recruit potential employees that will help the
Kanluran University to achieve their goals to be the school that produces board examination Topnotchers
and maintain a consistent presence at Kanluran University in the local community.
Start Due Resourc
Action Step Responsible Milestone Desired Outcome
Date Date es

1. Briefing Papers,
Discussing about the To provide a and pens
The university will
candidate type of job for listing
provide a concrete
requirements for the that describes Candidate
job requirement and
particular role in Recruitment December someone December s.
qualification that will
terms of: Manager 8 who are 20
be instruct with their
capable in the Computer
 Skills chosen employment
position in the and
 Attributes Agency.
University. Printing
 Experience machines.

2. Searching To identify the The university will

best know how
Before diving into Human agency that employment agency
January January for
using an Resource will helps works and they will
01 15 searching
employment agency Consultant the be aware that
for the job search, organization employment agency
first, achieve match their needs.
they must know how its objectives.
employment agency

To be able to research The university will
find the purposes, choose among best
3. Allocate excellent financial agency in the
employment budget Philippines, and
Assigned a person January agency for the February for finding coordinate with them
who will find best 20 university that 20 different with full shared
Employment agency will help agencies, information and
for the university. them provide paper and details on their
best pens desire
employees. for listing process outcome.

To associate
4. Selection with
al Paper, The university have
Pens a
Make an agreement agency
Legal for chosen employment
or contract with providing
Representative signing, agency and they
the chosen legal
/ March 01 April 01 seal or both
employment agency requirements,
Human any agreed to file
about the for
Resource ratify form contract that clearly
Service, fees, terms strong
or spells out their rights
and condition, and agreement
assurance and obligations.
so on. and

5. Following
To be
connected Employment agency
with will take the whole
employment Depends responsibility
Let the employment files,
Human agency to on assigned
agency manage the records,
Resource May 01 ensure that hiring in their contract in
recruitment process document
Coordinator their context providing the
and s, and
process is of Agency university best
staying in touch with reports
aligned to employee for their
them after the
their contract faculty member.
and needs.
6. Final

 Hiring the
best To make a
candidates final process,
Legal The University finally
from the to determine if
requireme found their perfect
Employment the
Human nt papers, hire. The university
agency. employee is
Resource records and employment
 Tracking the qualified
Manager and fees agency will discuss
entire and skilled
(cash/che the payment of the
recruitment given from
ck) recruitment process.
process employment
 Salary agency.

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