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Design Studio

Christopher McCann

Wednesday 16 July 14
What is Design Thinking ?

Wednesday 16 July 14
Wednesday 16 July 14
4 Elements to Design Thinking
Empathy through research – ‘who’

Framing the problem- ‘what’

Generative Ideation – ‘how’

Prototyping & validation – ‘test’

Wednesday 16 July 14
The alternative …
We have this problem, lets jump in and
brainstorm a solution.

We have a new technology, what can we

possibly use it for?

Our competitors just launched X; how

quickly can we also do X?
Wednesday 16 July 14
Collaboration Design
Most successful designs are created collaboratively

Most designs are a mixture of from multiple ideas.

Solutions are generated, analyzed and iterated upon or


Not just facilitators. Designers/Developers must be

present and participate.
Wednesday 16 July 14
What is Design Studio ?

A way to generate many ideas and solutions to

a problem quickly through sketching,
iteration, and critique.

Wednesday 16 July 14

Wednesday 16 July 14

Create Make
Choices Choices

Wednesday 16 July 14
The Balanced Team

UX Dev


Best results are achieved when all roles are represented

‘The Balanced Team’
Wednesday 16 July 14
Sketch. Pitch. Critique.

Wednesday 16 July 14
Origins - The Charrette - ‘Crit’
Industrial Design, Architecture, Art Education

Students are given an assignment (problem/goals)

Students generate multiple ideas in a very short time.

Work is critiqued by instructor and their classmates.

Wednesday 16 July 14
Creates a shared understanding & ownership

Speed - Many ideas generated in a short time

Builds upon other good ideas

Brings entire team together - allows participants to

understand other roles perspectives
Wednesday 16 July 14
Done before the session
Summarize Research

Persona Development

User Story (may need to be reduced in


User Scenarios

Design Guidelines
Wednesday 16 July 14
Wednesday 16 July 14
Sketch. Pitch. Critique.

Wednesday 16 July 14
Iteration One
1. Create your 6- up

2. Sketch multiple solutions.

3. Concentrate on generating ideas in rough form.

4. After sketching, ideas are presented for Critique

Wednesday 16 July 14
Square, triangle, circle, line

just enough to communicate idea

Does this solve the problem outlined ?

More from presentation / critique then sketches

Wednesday 16 July 14
minutes to sketch
Wednesday 16 July 14
minutes to Pitch
Wednesday 16 July 14
minutes to critique
Wednesday 16 July 14
2-3 ways design solves problems
Critique Rules
Focus how a design does / does not solve design problem
or scenario.

Don’t get hung up on details. Avoid language ‘I like’ or ‘I

don’t like’.

Be Nice.

Wednesday 16 July 14
‘Whenever we propose a solution to a
problem, we ought to try as hard as we
can to overthrow our solution, rather
than defend it .

Few of us, unfortunately, practice this

precept; ...’

- Karl Popper

Wednesday 16 July 14
Iteration Two
1. Form groups 2-3 based on design themes

2. Team encouraged to ‘borrow’ ideas from

other designs – stealing is allowed - improve

3. Team spends time refining these ideas.


4. After sketching, team presents ideas for

Wednesday 16 July 14
The Final Review

Discuss and summarize all themes, designs

and components that have emerged.

Discuss any open questions remaining.

Collect all sketches and note open questions.

Wednesday 16 July 14
Convert sketches to low-fi digital format.

Review if these meet design goals with team.

Create Prototype (s) if that is needed to verify


‘Wash, rinse and repeat if needed’

Wednesday 16 July 14
Design Studio will NOT
generate the final

Wednesday 16 July 14
Further reading on my blog:

Wednesday 16 July 14
Many thanks to discussions regarding Design Studio with Will Evans - @sematicwill.


Todd Zaki Warfel


Design Studio for Context-Aware Products, Thomas Wendt

Design Studio: A Method for Concepting, Critique & Iteration - Adam Connor, MadPow

Speed Design Studio - Jabe Bloom, TLC Labs

Articles by Will Evans:

Introduction to Design Studio Methodology

Design of Design Studio

Design Studio and Agile UX Process and Pitfalls

Wednesday 16 July 14

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