Ethics (Module 1 Forum 1) PDF

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What is "good" or "bad" about MORALITY"

• To understand what is good and bad. We first need

to understand why there is such a thing called good
and bad.
Humans evolved and survived in Groups. We hunted in
groups and fought battles in groups. It was in our
benefit that we develop as social beings because we
could only survive and win against harsh conditions
with collective intellect and strength. So, successful
groups prioritized collective well-being over
individual gain.
Ethics is the study of morality within philosophical
study. Morality is not good and bad but more so the
idea of everyone’s personal view of good and bad. So
your personal view also called subjective view is what
defines your morality. There is also objective or
outside of the self-morality but it is nearly
impossible to apply the lack of self to something as we
are purely subjective creatures. Science is about the
most objective thing I can think of as it isn't
entirely based on perception or opinions.

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